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These international airports are more exciting and fun than you think

You don't always have to hate travelling if you have to go through airports. With art galleries, rooftop pools, movie theatres, and live music all airside, some airports can even get you in the festive spirit before you get there.

Sometimes long waiting hours due to a delayed flight or extensive layovers can make you physically and mentally exhausted, especially if you travel with kids. These mini frustrations can be a spoilsport and ruin the excitement of your international trip or business tour.

But you need not have to worry much. Several airports worldwide have numerous exciting amenities and entertainment options that can entice you as a curious traveller and pass your time enjoying their mystic charm. Let's look at the coolest airports you want to visit once.

1. Airport Changi, Singapore:
The world's tallest indoor waterfall and a forest can be found in Jewel, a new complex open for tourists and air passengers inside the Changi airport. It features sky nets for climbing through treetops, canopy mazes, and misty clouds that enchant individuals of all ages. Because the airport is a destination in and of itself, the kids are sure to enjoy a cheerful time.

2. Gisborne Airport, New Zealand:
In India, level crossings are typical at rail-road crossroads, but this one in New Zealand's North Island goes a little too far. The main runway directly crosses the Palmerston North–Gisborne Line rail-road route. And keep in mind that it is an official public airport. Visiting this airport is a wondrous opportunity to witness this unbelievable marvel.

3. Kansai International Airport, Osaka, Japan:
The thrill of this airport is that it is constructed on an artificial island and is visible from space! Despite the significant risk of earthquakes and hurricanes, Renzo Piano, an Italian designer, built this man-made island to house the airport. It is a distinguishable feature on the oceanfront as you approach from above and is connected to the mainland by just one Sky Road. Sounds interesting, isn't it?

4. Vancouver International Airport, Canada:
In addition to two enormous marine displays run by the city's aquarium, Vancouver's massive airport has plenty to keep waiting passengers occupied. Various marine life native to British Columbia, including wolf eels, sea urchins, and orange cup corals, call the largest tank, measuring 114,000 litres, their home.

5. Agatti Aerodrome, Lakshadweep, India:
It appears to be a narrow sliver of land sticking out of the azure oceans, but it is the Agatti Airport in Lakshadweep. The sole one serving the Lakshadweep islands was made for the Dornier 228 class aircraft. To accommodate an Airbus 320 or Boeing aircraft, the Airports Authority of India plan to extend the runway to the nearby island of Kalpati.

6. Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Maldives:
The airport's runway serving Male, the capital of the Maldives, is encircled by water on all sides, making it one of the few airports in the world to occupy a full island. The entire airport scene is more like a breathtaking experience, with turquoise and emerald water bodies encompassing the airport.

7. Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia:
This airport is among the few who claim they are home to a jungle. A wooden boardwalk leads into a lush rainforest in the centre of the terminal, and there is even a waterfall along the way. The Malaysian flora is sure to spellbound travellers with its distinct charm.

As you read, these international airports are much more than just airports! These are fantastic ways for travellers to deepen their knowledge, boost excitement, and open wide exploration opportunities that assure a profound travel experience. Just as fun is an important element of a travel plan, similarly safety is an aspect that cannot be overlooked. Especially when travelling with family, it becomes more crucial to have comprehensive coverage of general insurance India to protect against any damage or loss incurred during travelling.

Click HERE to buy general insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s how gear transmission impacts the car insurance premium

One of the most significant decisions an individual makes while buying a car is the kind of gear transmission. This confusion between opting for an automatic or manual transmission is valid, as both have their list of advantages. But did you know this decision also predominantly affects the premium you pay for your motor insurance? Car insurance is an important factor when deciding on a vehicle. Here is some crucial information about car insurance before considering the type of transmission to buy.

Automatic transmission v/s Manual transmission
First and foremost, knowing the difference between automatic and manual cars is essential. Manual cars require more driver input than automatic cars. Manual cars have five to six gears and one reverse gear, which the driver must manually operate with a gear stick and clutch. This is to enable the car to move forward or backward.

Under normal driving conditions, a car with automatic transmission requires little to no driver input to change its gears equipped with the ever-evolving ECU (Electronic Control Unit). It is a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Some people prefer manual cars as they are more fuel-effective and cheaper, giving the driver a budget-friendly output. But these days, with the growing traffic and difficulty in driving, many individuals have started preferring automatic transmission cars.

Another factor to consider when weighing the pros and cons of the matter is that the insurance premium of an automatic car is slightly higher than a manual car premium. However, car premiums are affected by several other factors as well.

1. Complexity in structure
While manual transmission requires changing the gears by operating the gear stick, the automatic transmission uses an ECU. The ECU changes the gears intelligently using fluid pressure. This greatly simplifies the process of driving but complicates the gearbox. Since the repair and replacement cost of the transmission components is relatively high, the car premium is also higher. Therefore, the complexity of the gearbox is one of many factors affecting car premiums.

2. Location
People in metropolitan cities generally prefer automatic cars over manual cars, but manual transmission cars are a top choice in smaller towns.

Also, there were more cases of theft and accidents in larger cities. This affects car insurance premiums, as an automatic car would require more premium in a bigger city than in a smaller city, owing to the high risk of accidents and theft.

3. Cost of the car
The price of the vehicle and its components directly affects the insurance premium. As automatic cars are more costly in the market than manual car transmission options, it is reflected in the premium for your car insurance.

4. Factoring the model, age, and brand

The car's manufacturer, model, and features also count when deciding on the premium. Luxury cars' premiums will undoubtedly cost more than regular cars. Also, you may spot a difference in the car premium based on the multiple automatic variants of the cars. You need to acquaint yourself with the right knowledge while purchasing car insurance.

Once the decision of the type of gearbox is finalised, you can quickly proceed to plan your car insurance. One way to look at all options is to look at comprehensive car insurance online. Browse through various sites, compare policies, and find multiple offers. Purchase car insurance that fits your requirements and budget. Don't make any decisions in a hurry. Do proper research and then invest in the best.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understand the difference between multi-year and single-year bike insurance

Indian insurance companies offer two types of bike insurance validity- single-year and multi-year bike insurance. As the name suggests, you have to renew single-year bike insurance annually. Multi-year bike insurance is valid for more than a year, usually for two, three or five years.

Both types of bike insurance have their advantages and disadvantages. Let us understand the difference between multi-year and single-year bike insurance.

1. Renewal and convenience:
A single-year bike insurance policy has to be renewed every year. You have to keep track of the policy's expiry date and get it renewed either online, through an agent, or paying at the insurance company's office directly.
A multi-year bike insurance policy has to be renewed after a much longer period, usually two or three years, and even up to five years. Hence, it provides a lot of ease and convenience as far as the hassles with renewal are concerned. You do not have to worry about the policy renewal date for long once you have renewed it for multiple years in one go. Such policies provide enhanced lapse protection cover because they do not lapse every year but after a couple of years or more.

2. Pricing:
Technically, the pricing between a single-year and multi-year bike insurance is proportionately similar. However, differences in pricing may arise because of the impact of inflation and the government's taxation policy.
Suppose the impact of inflation is high, and the economy is seeing an upward trend in the prices of commodities over a long period. In that case, the single-year bike insurance premium, too, is bound to go up at the time of renewal. Moreover, if the government increases the tax rate on the renewal premium, you will also have to pay more on account of taxes.
This is not the case with your multi-year bike insurance premium. You pay it in one go for several years at the current price rates. Hence, you are saved from experiencing any upward movement in insurance premiums because of inflation. Also, any increase in tax rates on insurance premiums will not affect you in the case of multi-year bike insurance.

3. No-claim bonus:
Your multi-year bike insurance policy provides you with a higher NCB discount rate than a Single-year insurance policy. This brings down your insurance premium significantly. However, please remember that every insurance company has its distinctive NCB calculation, and the NCB amount can vary from one insurer to another.

4. Insured Declared Value:
In the case of a single-year bike insurance policy, you can check and regulate the IDV of your vehicle every year at the time of renewal of the policy. Hence, you can pay a little more premium and enjoy a higher valuation of your bike.
But the IDV is fixed for the entire policy duration in the case of multi-year bike insurance. You cannot change it in the middle of the policy and may not be able to achieve the highest possible valuation of your bike in this case.

5. Financial burden:
The financial burden on any person is more in the case of multi-year bike insurance than single-year bike insurance. You have to pay the premium for several years in one go in the case of multi-year bike insurance. This may prove a bit harsh on your pocket, especially if you are already facing financial distress.

Single-year and multi-year bike insurance have their unique advantages and disadvantages. An easy going person who wants to stay free of the stress of renewal of the policy every year should opt for multi-year bike insurance. A person who wants to keep a check on add-ons and offers provided by their insurance company every year should opt for single-year bike insurance.

No matter which type of insurance you choose, opt for buying your bike insurance online and enjoy service, variety, and great discounts at your doorstep with simple clicks.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How are wearables making your health insurance cheaper?

Wearable devices have become increasingly popular over the years and are changing how people interact with their health. These devices, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other health monitoring gadgets, are worn on the body. They have sensors that collect and transmit data to a smartphone or a computer. The data collected can be used to track and monitor various aspects of health, including physical activity, heart rate, blood pressure, and even sleep patterns.

Health insurance providers have recently begun incorporating wearable technology into their policies. This integration has led to innovative insurance plans that reward policyholders for maintaining healthy lifestyles. Wearable technology is making health insurance more personalised and data-driven. The data collected from these devices can be used to determine premiums, offer discounts, and develop wellness programs tailored to the individual policyholder.

Wondering how the wearables can make your health insurance cheaper? This blog will provide more insights into the topics.

1. Incentivising healthy behaviour
Wearable technology can track an individual's physical activity, heart rate, and other biometric data. Insurance providers can use this data to incentivise policyholders to engage in healthy behaviours. For example, policyholders who reach specific health goals, such as achieving a target step count, can receive discounts on their premiums. This incentivises policyholders to maintain a healthy lifestyle, leading to lower healthcare costs and reduced insurance premiums.

2. Accurate risk assessment
Wearable technology can provide insurance providers with accurate and real-time data on a policyholder's health. This data can be used to assess the risk of chronic diseases and other health adversities. Policyholders can avoid expensive medical procedures by addressing health issues before they become chronic, reducing healthcare costs, and lowering insurance premiums.

Wearables provide insurers with a wealth of data that can be used to create more personalised coverage for policyholders. Insurers can use this data to identify potential health risks and offer targeted coverage for these conditions. For example, a policyholder who has high blood pressure may be provided coverage that includes more frequent check-ups or medication management.

3. Improved disease management
Wearable technology can also help policyholders manage chronic conditions. For example, a wearable device can track blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. Insurance providers can use this data to develop personalised treatment plans and monitor a policyholder's progress. Policyholders can avoid costly hospitalisations and emergency room visits by managing chronic conditions more effectively.

4. Reduced fraud and welcoming exciting offers
Wearable devices track a policyholder's physical activity, heart rate, and other biometric data. Insurance providers can use this data to verify a policyholder's claims and ensure no scope for fraud. A significant benefit of wearing wearables for health insurance is lower premiums. Insurers can offer discounts or rewards for meeting specific health goals or participating in wellness programs. This not only benefits policyholders but also encourages them to lead healthier lifestyles.

Wearables have revolutionised the healthcare industry, allowing for more personalised and data-driven healthcare services. The integration of wearables in health insurance programs has made it possible for insurers to understand their policyholders' health better, leading to better risk assessment and lower premiums.

With technological advancement, we expect to see more innovations in the healthcare industry, and wearables will undoubtedly play a significant role in improving health insurance programs for all. Explore all available options and choose the health insurance that caters to your needs optimally.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What does the power steering alert on the car dashboard indicate

If you've driven a car with manual steering, you must know how difficult it can be. Power steering is an advanced mechanical device fitted in your vehicle that helps you turn the steering wheels effortlessly.

But very few car drivers know the significance of warning lights appearing on the dashboard. When the warning light for the power steering system in your automobile comes on, you should be concerned since that usually means the power steering system is broken, making it extremely difficult to drive the vehicle.

What turns on the power steering light?

Low fluid level is the most frequent cause of the power steering warning light for vehicles with hydraulic power steering. A leak in one of the tubes can be a primary reason. When your power steering light turns on while driving, it'll be wise to slow down and park your car safely. Just be extremely careful because your steering will be considerably heavier at this point.

Open the bonnet to find the reservoir for the steering wheel fluid. There might be a picture of a steering wheel on the reservoir cap. If not, refer to your owner's manual to locate it.

Examine the liquid level. Before continuing your journey, you should top off the reservoir if it appears to be getting low. If you likely don't have any, visit your neighbourhood car service centre to buy some.

Start your engine after topping off the power steering fluid. You may continue travelling if the warning light doesn't turn on again. If the power steering light is still on, there may be a more significant issue. You should get your vehicle checked at a nearby garage or service centre to inspect the actual problem.

What if an EPS light appears?

Cars without hydraulic power steering will activate the EPS system, which stands for electronic power steering. If your car's EPS warning light glows, diagnosing the problem could be more difficult because there won't be any fluid levels to examine. You should carefully check all the connections to the battery for signs of wear or damage because a problem with the battery or alternator could sometimes cause it.

You may also have a problem with the EPS light if you recently had to jumpstart your car or take the battery out. Sometimes you might resolve the issue by turning your car on and off again. Even if this works, you should still have your car checked at a service centre because there might be a deeper problem.

Driving while the power steering light is on, is it safe?

It won't be simple because turning will be more challenging, and steering will be heavier. Accidents will also be far more likely because it will be nearly impossible to react to situations at higher speeds. If the light turns on while you're driving, it'll be better to inspect your car in a secure location before heading further.

Either way, the steering wheel warning light could mean something is wrong with your power steering system. It would help if you had a trained mechanic checking your car to address the issue.

Car insurance can financially aid you if the damage is severe and requires high repair costs. Every car insurance policy has an annual renewal period. Policyholders must do their renewal promptly to continue using the vehicle insurance services. If they fail, their policy coverage may lapse, and they may lose all the benefits and policy coverage. Always look out for updates in the car insurance price in India and plan your policy renewal accordingly.

Click HERE to buy a comprehensive car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Keep these tips in mind when buying motorcycle tyres

As a motorcycle rider, ensuring your bike's safety is paramount. One critical aspect of ensuring safety has the proper tyre set on your bike. The tyres play a significant role in the overall performance and handling of the motorcycle.

In this blog post, we will share some tips on what to remember when buying motorcycle tyres, including the importance of having 2 wheeler insurance online for additional safety. Keep these tips in mind when buying motorcycle tyres. So, without any further delay, let's get started!

1. Choose the right size
When it comes to buying motorcycle tyres, size matters. Ensure you get the right size of tyres for your bike to ensure maximum safety and performance. The size of the tyre is indicated on the sidewall of the tyre and will include information such as the width, aspect ratio, and rim size.

Choosing the right size will provide better handling and stability, especially at high speeds. It is important to note that changing the size of the tyres from the manufacturer's recommended size can adversely affect the bike's performance.

2. Consider the type of tyre
Different types of tyres are designed to perform in different ways. The two main types of tyres are bias-ply and radial tyres. Bias-ply tyres are made with a layered construction of nylon and rubber, providing better durability. In contrast, radial tyres have a steel belt construction, providing better handling and performance at higher speeds.

The type of tyre you choose will depend on your riding style and conditions. For example, if you ride in wet conditions, you may consider getting tyres with better grip and water dispersal capabilities.

3. Check the tyre tread
The tread on the tyre is vital in providing traction and grip on the road. It is essential to check the tread depth regularly and replace the tyres when the tread is worn out. A worn-out tread reduces the tyre's grip on the road, making it more prone to slipping and sliding.

When checking the tread depth, ensure it meets the minimum legal requirements. In India, the legal limit for tyre tread depth is 1.6mm. However, tyres with a tread depth of 3mm are recommended to ensure maximum safety.

4. Consider the brand and quality
When buying motorcycle tyres, it's essential to consider the brand reputation and quality. Opt for trusted brands that are known for producing high-quality tyres. Quality tyres ensure better performance and a longer lifespan, saving you more money in the long run.

5. Check the load and speed ratings
Before purchasing motorcycle tyres, checking the load and speed ratings is crucial. These ratings indicate the maximum load capacity and speed the tyre can handle. Ensure you choose tyres matching your motorcycle's load and speed requirements for optimal performance and safety.

6. Don't compromise on safety for price
While staying within your budget is essential, it's equally important not to compromise on safety for price. Cheap tyres may seem cost-effective, but they often lack the grip and durability for safe riding. Invest in quality tyres designed to provide maximum safety on the road.

Buying the right motorcycle tyres ensures a safe and comfortable ride. Remember the tips mentioned above when purchasing. In addition to purchasing high-quality motorcycle tyres, you must protect yourself and your bike with 2 wheeler insurance online which can cover damages caused by accidents, theft, and natural disasters. It's a wise investment that can give you peace of mind while riding your motorcycle.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Keep your car smelling fresh with these practical hacks

Buying a car is a significant investment for most Indians. It is a dream that cultivates in the minds of the young and is seen as no less than a requirement alongside essentials like a home. After such heavy capital expenditure, it becomes a necessity for every car owner to maintain their vehicle diligently. This may be through careful use, regular servicing, and availing of online car insurance renewal facilities.

Regular exterior maintenance of the car is required to keep it shiny and in good working condition. But what about the interiors? Daily car users face the common issue of stinking interiors for various reasons. Consistent negligence can make your car smell terrible, resulting in an unpleasant driving experience.

How can you overcome this problem? Use these simple methods to ensure that your car smells good.

1. Use baking soda and vacuum frequently
Routine vacuuming your automobile can help keep your car clean, look appealing, and lessen odours. If smells are very potent or persistent, sprinkle the baking soda on the stinking area. Let the surface dry for some time, then vacuum the baking powder.

2. Fabric fresheners and dryer sheets
To refresh the air, hang some dryer sheets on the air conditioner's vents. The sheets will serve as a deodoriser for the vehicle. They will last longer than typical vehicle fresheners when placed on A/C vents. Alternatively, you can create air fresheners by placing deodoriser pods in mesh bags or mason jars with holes in the lid.

3. Freshen up your floor mats
Another spot that may be challenging to maintain is the floor mats, particularly if you have children or dogs. The easiest way to keep the mats fresh is to frequently vacuum them and use baking soda or a carpet refresher to absorb odours.

An alternate choice is a car air freshener, which typically has a pleasant perfume to cover up any odours in your car. However, it may not be the best option if you're attempting to avoid drawing more dust particles in your vehicle. You should also consider installing a charcoal air filter to defend against the stench.

4. Coffee beans
Coffee beans are one of the most potent fragrances for a vehicle freshener. Place some beans in a tiny paper bag, sock, or small mesh bag under the seats. You may also use ground coffee, but do it in stable containers, such as a salt shaker, so you won't need additional cleaning in case they spill. Position it in a regular location, such as the cup holder.

5. Essential oils
A drop or two of essential oils can make your vehicle smell magical. Put this on the console for immediate car aromatherapy if you already have a diffuser. You can utilise variations such as peppermint to prevent nausea or motion sickness when you have sensitive passengers.

6. Diluted shampoo spritz
Avoid washing your dashboard or doors with chemicals that contain alcohol or ammonia, as these might damage the materials. Instead, use a spray bottle to apply a 4-to-1 diluted solution of warm water and mild shampoo on a soft microfiber cloth.

Proper upkeep and accessories are essential for maintaining the appeal of your vehicle, whether it is new or used. Unpleasant odours can be challenging and embarrassing if left to persist for long periods. Like the exteriors, your leather seats and sophisticated cabin interiors deserve appropriate care. Similar to online car insurance renewal services that prevent the burden of potential mishaps, we recommend regular cleaning and using air fresheners to prevent stale air and stenches inside the car cabin.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What is hypothecation in car insurance, and how to terminate it

Cars are becoming trendier and feature-rich day by day, and the young generation is not satisfied by owning just one car. The craze for cars is ever-increasing, with multiple cars in every household becoming a common sight. The demand for car loans has seen a robust increase in the last few years, thanks to easy EMIs or monthly installments.

Generally, a car loan is available for a flexible tenure, and technically, the bank or financer remains the vehicle owner until the entire loan is paid back.

What is Hypothecation of a car?
Hypothecation is pledging any asset, such as a car, as collateral with a bank or a financial institution in exchange for a loan. When you take a loan from a financial institution to buy a car, you hypothecate your vehicle as collateral or security with that financial institution in exchange for the loan it provides. There is no transfer of title to the bank, and you continue to be the actual owner of the car.
However, the bank will have the right to take your car from you if you miss the EMI payment schedule and fail to pay the loan amount back to the bank. When we hypothecate our car with the bank, it gets mentioned in our vehicle RC (Registration Certificate) and car insurance policy.

How to eliminate hypothecation?

1. Pay off the car loan:
The first step in removing the hypothecation is to pay off the entire loan amount and not just a part of it.

2. Approach your bank:
Once you have paid the car loan amount in full, approach your lending bank and inform it about the same. It will check and issue you a NOC (No-Objection certificate) certifying that you have paid off the loan amount.

3. Go to the RTO:
You must submit the NOC to your concerned RTO (Regional Transport Office). You will also have to submit your car's original RC (Registration Certificate) along with a few other documents, such as your current insurance policy papers and No-pollution certificate.

4. Removal of hypothecation from the RC:
The RTO will then remove the hypothecation clause of your car from the original RC and issue you a new RC. This process usually takes around 5-7 working days.

5. Removal of hypothecation from the insurance policy:
You have to submit the NOC from your bank to the insurance company and terminate the hypothecation clause from your motor insurance India policy.

Why do we need to terminate the hypothecation of our car?
It is very important to terminate the hypothecation of your car once you have repaid your car loan in full. Till the time it is mentioned in your car RC that it is hypothecated to a so-and-so bank, you are not the true owner of the car in the real sense. Your car is still acting as collateral with that bank.

This implies that you cannot sell your car until and unless you remove the hypothecation clause from your RC and insurance policy. Taking a car loan to buy your dream car is a good option as it removes the burden of paying the full amount of the car in one go. You can easily pay some down payment and the rest of the amount in EMIs.

But just buying a car is not enough. You must also have a valid motor insurance India policy as long as you own the car. The motor insurance law in India makes it compulsory. Also, you have to renew it every year. This will ensure your car is protected and secure under your insurance service provider, and you can relax and stay tension-free.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.