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Here are a few tips that you should know before you go for a two-wheeler test drive 26th October 2021

Researching what type of bike to purchase and comparing its features is not enough; getting a test ride of your chosen model is equally important. It is a thumb rule not to buy a vehicle until you take a test ride. Test driving helps you to determine if the vehicle model is the right choice for you.

Getting reviews about a product is undoubtedly advantageous, but remember not to make up your final opinion solely based on that. Do not decide upon a model until you have tried the two-wheeler yourself.

Here are ten quick tips you should keep in mind while testing a two-wheeler that you are looking to buy:

1. A new bike will be in better condition than a test bike. Not all dealers make an effort to keep the test ride motorcycle in its excellent shape.

2. Make a mental note of where and what the controls are. Naturally, every bike has a different build and console. Therefore, before you hop on a vehicle, it is vital to know its layout. It is necessary to understand how the new bike will complement your daily commuting needs.

3. Pay attention to how the basic components impress you. That includes the comfort of its seat, clutch force, gear change efficiency, effortless braking, smooth acceleration, and overall performance.

4. Examine the effectiveness of brakes. But do not make a sudden emergency stop to do so. A modest stop or two will also give you a more precise idea of its capacity.

5. Instead of being influenced by the riders in advertisements, consider performance in the context of your daily travel. It is always a good idea to believe in your instincts and judgments rather than what others say.

6. The engine is the heart of any vehicle. It is crucial to verify engine performance thoroughly before making the final decision. Observe the bike's reaction to the throttle at a low speed in high gear and vice versa.

7. Don't forget to check its off-roading capability. Road conditions you cover regularly might not be as good as the ones near the showroom. Hence, ride through some unsophisticated paths to check for the sturdiness of the two-wheeler.

8. Look for ease of use as per your requirements. You cannot gain the confidence to handle a bike right away. Therefore, check to see if the bike's features respond to your expectations without any trouble.

9. Note down what doesn't please you. Then examine whether those things are changeable or replaceable.

10. Apart from examining the bike, ask these questions to your dealer; What does the warranty cover? What is the maintenance schedule for the motorcycle? What is the cost of essential services at the dealership? Is insurance covered, and what is the price of annual 2 wheeler insurance online?

Remember to be entirely sure about the bike before making a purchase. And If you're still indecisive, ask to take the two-wheeler for a second test ride or until you are confident. Once you've chosen to go from test riding to buying, be sure you have the right insurance coverage for riding your newly bought two-wheeler on the roads. Get Magma HDI's 2 wheeler insurance online with the additional benefits to give your two-wheeler lifelong protection.

Check out the best 2 wheeler insurance online HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
