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Binge eating disorder: Six innovative ways to control it

With changing circumstances and lifestyles, more people are prone to eating junk and unhealthy foods that can affect their behaviour adversely. Binge Eating Disorder, or BED, one of the most common eating disorders in the world, can tremendously affect your body.

The usual symptoms of binge eating disorder refer to excessive food consumption even when you're not hungry. The risk of Binge Eating Disorder in children and young adults is increasing with every passing day. This makes it a critical case of worry for everyone across the globe. The only optimum solution to this problem is regulating your eating habits. It is always beneficial to keep track of the best health insurance in India. This way, you will be covered health-wise wherever you go.

Let's look at the six practical ways to tackle BED.

1. Do not skip meals:
It is essential to adhere to a strict eating schedule throughout the day. The four-square meals a day are essential. None of them should be skipped at any point. If you skip a meal, you are more likely to have hunger pangs throughout the day.
This can stimulate cravings and give rise to binge eating. If you consume only one large meal throughout the day and binge eat in between, your blood sugar levels will also malfunction.

2. Drink water:
Hydration is one of the important characteristics of a healthy body. Water is essential in decreasing cravings. It helps in reducing overeating and maintaining a healthy weight. With an increase in water intake, hunger pangs will decrease as well. You should always pay attention to your body's call to thirst.
Although the level of water you should consume may depend on many factors, drinking water at regular intervals is a healthy habit to practise. Also, drinking water before meals can burn calories.

3. Practice meditation:
Mindfulness is a technique that involves being aware and fully present in the moment. Through mindfulness, you'll be able to listen to your body better. It is a great way to train your mind to avoid overeating.
It helps you understand what you are feeling and experiencing by making you understand your body better. It will also help you in processing your emotions well. When mindfulness is paired with cognitive behavioural therapy, the results are astonishing for BED.

4. Practice yoga:
Yoga is one of the most effective tools in reducing stress and anxiety in the body. With yoga, your body is trained to be emotionally stable. It involves meditation and breathing exercises that add to the overall development of the body.
It is noticed that people who have undertaken yoga in their lives enjoy reduced levels of stress. This can directly correlate to emotional stability and, thus, a reduction in emotional eating. It can significantly reduce the factors responsible for binge eating.

5. Clean the clutter:
The more organised your kitchen looks, the better. Take a day out of your schedule to eliminate all the extra clutter in your kitchen. Throw all the junk food away and replace it with healthy alternatives like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It will clear your mind and make you more attentive toward healthier food items. Your surroundings will no longer trigger you, and you'll refrain from overeating junk food.

6. Work out for a while:
Physical exercise is highly crucial to your body. It can prevent binge eating to a great extent. Therapy alone cannot help BED patients. When paired with physical exercise, things get significantly different and better. Any physical exercise like swimming, running, biking, jogging, or playing sports can reduce binge eating. It is a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Keep all the above pointers in mind when tackling Binge Eating Disorder. If you can follow these correctly, you can recover from BED. The battle is long and arduous but not impossible. Regardless, you should also consult with the best health insurance in India beforehand to keep you safe and secure and manage your finances well in any emergency.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Everything you need to know about hit-and-run accidents

Hit-and-run accidents are frustrating events where a driver causes an accident and flees from the spot to avoid getting into complications. In many such accidents, the driver and the vehicle causing the accident become untraceable even after reasonable efforts have been made to search for them by investigating authorities.

As per the 2020-21 report of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, around 14.3% of cases of the total accidents that occurred in India accounted for hit-and-run. Section 161 of the Indian Motor Vehicles Act outlines the guidelines and proceedings in case of a hit-and-run accident.

The victim of such an unfortunate event can get relief by applying for an insurance claim to compensate the damage done to the vehicle. Let us see what we should do to claim car insurance in case of a hit-and-run accident.

1. Note down all important details:
In a hit-and-run case, the aggrieved party should avoid running after the offending car to catch it. If you face a situation like this, your first immediate response should be noting down the car number and other possible details about the car and the driver that can help the police to track him down.
The same applies to a hit-and-run accident in the case of a parked car. You should try to find the registration number of the vehicle involved in the accident by going through all available CCTV footage of the vicinity.

2. Find witnesses:
In some situations, it is possible that you won't be able to spot the accused vehicle and the driver due to mental shock or other damages post-accident. In this case, try speaking to people present at the site and gathering as much information as possible about the vehicle and the driver that caused the accident and fled. This will help you recreate the scene and gather enough information to file a case.
If your car was hit while parked somewhere, try to find any possible witness of the accident. In either case, take the witnesses' names and phone numbers so they can testify for you and help you to get your car insurance claim.

3. FIR:
You must register a First Information Report or an FIR about the accident at the nearest police station to the accident site. The police will then investigate the case and prepare a report. The car insurance company will require a copy of the FIR to process your claim.

4. Procedure:
The first step after you get engaged in a hit-and-run accident is to inform your car insurance company about the accident. Then you need to file an application to the Claims Enquiry Officer of that Taluka. You can appoint an agent as your legal representative to handle the case. In case of death, your family or a legal representative chosen by them will look after the compensation process.
On being satisfied, the Claims Enquiry Officer will submit his report to the Claim Settlement Commissioner. He will further process the report and prepare a sanction report. The Claims Enquiry Officer will communicate the sanction order to the car insurance company.

5. Compensation:
Once the car insurance company is fully satisfied with the evidence and the report, it will cover the repair and replacement charges of the car as per the terms and conditions of the insurance contract. Other than the above compensation, the Central Government has also set up a hit-and-run insurance fund to compensate the victims of hit-and-run accidents.

The numbers of hit-and-run cases have been constantly on the increase in India. In such cases, the claim settlement process under car insurance is a bit lengthy. However, the police should give a report stating that the offender could not be traced before the insurance company settles the claim. Also, the complainant should prove that the offender was at fault and that the accident occurred due to his negligent driving.

Hit-and-run accidents can be terrifying and challenging to recover from. Hence, an active car insurance policy is essential for comprehensive protection. This will secure you and your family from any monetary losses from the accident and ensure that you safeguard your finances.

Click HERE to buy car insurance

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Most answered FAQs for motor insurance policies

Insurance policies are supposed to be understood thoroughly before you purchase them. Their purpose is how they would protect you and your assets against financial damage and decide on premiums and claims. Insurance companies conduct detailed background checks of their policyholders to ensure that they have authentic identities, are not involved in any criminal activities, money laundering, or financial scams, are not victims of identity theft, have a good credit score, are reliable drivers and law-abiding citizens of the country and much more.

Are you someone looking to understand the basics yet the most critical questions that would help you purchase motor insurance? We are here with all you need. In this space, we will discuss the most answered FAQs for motor insurance policies. This information will provide essential pointers you will need to understand if you are new to the insurance world.

1. What does third-party risk policy mean:

Third-party risk policies are necessary insurance policies that would protect the owner against the risks mentioned in the act. The third-party insurance policies compensate for the damages caused to the assets of the third parties or during deaths or accidents of the third parties.

2. Validity of your motor insurance:

You must know about the validity of your motor insurance so you can avail of the benefits on time. Always be up to date with your premiums and renew them to avoid putting your vehicle at risk. This way, you avoid financial burdens in case of unfortunate circumstances. The period of motor insurance from the day it begins is up to a year. This will be displayed in your insurance policy's schedule. Do not forget to read the documents and the listed terms and conditions carefully.

3 . Making claims:

Evaluate and estimate the cost of your damages. In many cases, raising small claims might not be a good idea if the damage costs you a small amount that you can easily bear. Keeping your claims for the future can help you avail them whenever there is a dire need in case of a substantial financial burden. Check the no claim bonus, which comes under your vehicle insurance. Follow through with the estimates and what you might have to forfeit under the bonus. Evaluate carefully and make the decision.

4. What happens during an accident:

If it were being driven by someone else, your car or motor insurance would still be valid to use, given that the person driving your vehicle was granted permission by you for the same. You can use your insurance policy to ensure you do not incur enormous costs for repairing the damages.
Also, vehicles are liabilities too. So, the individual's (the person driving your car) liability insurance can be a huge help in paying for the damages if your motor insurance exhausts its limits during the complete servicing and repairing process. Be mindful of your insurance limits.

5. Selling your vehicle:

If you decide to sell your vehicle, you can hand over the authority of the motor insurance to the new buyer. You must make sure that you apply for an insurance transfer with the designated insurance organisation within fourteen days of your car's transfer date under the buyer's name and ownership. You need to pay the endorsement premium before transferring the insurance policy.

Well, these were the most answered FAQs for motor insurance policies. We hope that this information proves helpful to you in understanding a little deeper about motor insurance and the fundamentals you must be aware of to ask the right questions to your insurance provider companies and officials. Also, explore all your options and get the best motor insurance India. List down your requirements and accordingly plan the estimated premium. Make practical decisions and see the results doing wonders for you!

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of buying the best motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's what you need to know about adding a nominee to car insurance

As thrilling as owning a car, there are undoubtedly various risks associated with the same. With the number of accidents increasing daily, it is essential to look out for your family and loved ones. One way of ensuring that is by investing in a good car insurance policy. Another way to ensure that your family stays safe even after your death is by adding them as nominees to your car insurance.

Wondering who a nominee is and the benefits of adding a nominee to your car insurance? Then, this article will tell you everything you need to know about nominees and how to add them to your car insurance.

What is a nominee?

In case of the policyholder's death, a nominee is a person that the policyholder nominated at the time of signing the insurance and will be getting the insurance policy's proceeds. The insurance must also cover personal accidents along with the base plan to provide extended coverage. The personal accident cover will ensure that the nominee gets the insurance benefits even in the absence of the policyholder.

Indian law states that a nominee is responsible for the custody of money or property after the policyholder's death. In some cases, a nominee is responsible for distributing the money and other profits to the legal heirs or the spouse as stated by the policyholder.

Who can be a nominee?

There are no set rules as to who can be your nominee, but the practice is to keep the spouse, parents, or children as the nominee.

How to add a nominee?

Much like every other process, technology has recently made adding a nominee easy. The majority of the work can be done online. Websites and mobile apps have made changing or adding a nominee more straightforward and hassle-free. All you need to do is access your policy account and add the nominee to your selected policy. You will need to give details of the nominee, such as name, date of birth, relation to the nominee, etc. Keeping these documents handy would make the process simpler.

If you want to change your nominee, you can follow the same steps mentioned above and edit the choice of the nominee in your policy portal.

Why should you choose a nominee beforehand?

If an accident or any mishap happens, the legal heir is the lawful beneficiary of the insurance claim benefits. However, verifying and validating the identity can be long and tiring if not explicitly mentioned as a nominee. Choosing and naming a nominee when buying new car insurance or at the time of car insurance renewal is crucial.

What are the benefits of choosing a nominee?

1. In case of the policyholder's death, the personal accident cover provides financial coverage to the family. The claim is not limited to the death of the policyholder. You can make this claim even in the case of temporary or permanent disability caused by an accident.

2. If a person dies after a claim is made, the compensation and benefits will be diverted toward their nominee.

How to withdraw money as a nominee?

Since a nominee is not the owner of the assets, it is essential to prove to the authorities that the policyholder is deceased. You will also need to establish your relationship with the policyholder to the insurance company. The policy holder's death certificate, policy papers, nominee's birth certificate, and a certificate stating the relationship between the policyholder and the nominee are some documents you might need to provide to the insurance company to avail the benefits.

Some policies provide the option to choose multiple nominees, and the benefits and compensation can be shared amongst the nominees as per the policyholder's decision. You can change your nominee mid-tenure. You can either talk to your insurance provider or manually adjust it through mobile applications or websites.

To ensure your family's safety and protection, do not forget to add on personal accident cover in your next car insurance renewal.

Click HERE to find out more about car insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's how you can personalise two-wheeler insurance

If you enjoy riding your motorbike and spend time getting it customised with modifications and accessories, this blog is for you. Personalisation is now becoming the backbone of many industries. People want things they consume or use to be altered to cater to their tastes. And a little personal touch makes the consumers feel cared for and appreciated to be loyal to a company or a brand. Did you know that you can now personalise your two-wheeler insurance?

You can alter and add several benefits according to your requirements to your two-wheeler insurance. Curious about how you can get additional benefits that would satisfy your necessities? This blog will discuss all the information about insurance policies and how you can adjust them a little to fit your interests.

While we would be talking about how personalisation is a part of insurance, you must remember that this can only occur if you have valid insurance to drive around your bike. Do make sure that you have legitimate and valid two-wheeler insurance.

So, here's how you can personalise two-wheeler insurance.

1. There are various types of insurance covers:

Various insurance covers here include comprehensive insurance cover, third-party cover, additional riders, etc. Under comprehensive insurance cover, you get benefits that would protect you against all damages caused to your vehicle, third-party property, or person. It provides you with full coverage. Due to the extravagant benefits, comprehensive insurance is costlier than a third-party cover.
The third-party cover is a compulsory policy that protects the policyholder against any damage or risk to third party-persons or property. This cover is limited to damage caused only to the third party by your vehicle. And it is mandatory for everyone who has bike insurance. The limitations of the third-party cover are solved by comprehensive coverage insurance. You can opt for an additional rider cover as a part of your insurance benefits. In doing so, you will be required to pay an extra amount or a premium. The details of the additional riders can be included during the registration and the beginning of the insurance policy coverage of the primary policyholder. You can also have the extra rider cover during the whole renewal procedure of your two-wheeler insurance. These riders will be eligible to get similar benefits as the primary policyholder. They will receive emergency or round-the-clock roadside assistance from the insurance company.
This assistance and the additional riders cover any loss or damage caused or if your bike got towed or in case of any repairs. The various issues this extra rider's insurance cover would easily handle are duplicating keys and the related problems like changing the tyre, and empty fuel tank, among many other benefits.

2. Protecting your engine:

The engine protection insurance covers you in case of engine damage, gearbox issues or damage, leakage of the lubricant, heating up of the engine, engine failure, and much more.

3. EMI protection option:

Some other benefits include EMI protection, where in case of any damages, the designated insurance company will pay for the EMIs of the two-wheeler as directed in the EMI bike insurance and protection cover. This will apply only if the service centres or the garages are certified and approved.

Other benefits or additional riders include coverage for vehicle-related expenditures like motor vehicle oil, coolants, refrigerants, nuts, screws, etc. Then there is a pillion rider's cover to protect the rider with you against any accidents and body injuries. This insurance add-on benefit also covers any medical costs incurred during accidents for the pillion rider.

So, here's how you can personalise two-wheeler insurance. There are several options to buy the best two wheeler insurance India and customise it your way. Reap the benefits of hassle-free insurance claims and valuable financial support during an emergency.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of purchasing two wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Actively use your credit or debit card? You may be eligible for free personal accident insurance plans!

Numerous banks and financial institutions provide personal accident insurance as a perk for cardholders who use them frequently. In this article, we'll examine how banks and financial institutions offer personal accident insurance plans for their cardholders, how they operate, and their significance.

1. Personal accident insurance: What is it?
Personal accident insurance offers protection for an accident-related injury or death. In the case of a covered accident, these plans often provide a lump-sum payment to the insured or their beneficiaries. The coverage is usually offered for a predetermined amount of time, such as one year, and can be renewed yearly. The coverage can be used for medical bills, lost wages, or other accident-related charges.

2. How do personal accident insurance plans operate for cardholders?
Plans for personal accident insurance are frequently provided as an extra perk to people who actively use credit or debit cards. The coverage amount varies depending on the card issuer and your card type.

When you sign up for a personal accident insurance plan, you are protected for a predetermined time frame, such as a year. You or your beneficiaries may submit a claim for an accident-related injury or death to collect the coverage amount. The payment is usually made immediately to the insured or their beneficiaries after the claim has been processed.

3. What explains the need for personal accident insurance?
Accidents can happen to anyone, and the associated medical costs and economic loss can be substantial. In the event of an accident, having personal accident insurance coverage can provide you peace of mind and assist in reducing some of the financial strain.

Personal accident insurance policies are mostly less expensive than standard health insurance. They do not have the same level of coverage as health insurance because they are devised to provide coverage exclusively for unexpected mishaps. Yet, for people who wish to safeguard themselves and their families in the case of an accident, they are more affordable solutions.

4. How to invest in a personal accident insurance plan with your card?
You might be qualified for a free personal accident insurance programme if you often use your credit or debit card. To see if your credit or debit card issuer offers this advantage, contact them first if you're interested in signing up for a personal accident insurance plan. These policies are frequently provided free of charge to cardholders by banks and other financial institutions, while the details of the coverage and eligibility criteria may change.

You can enrol in the plan online or by contacting the card issuer's customer service to avail of personal accident insurance coverage. Your bank might ask for basic personal information, such as your name and contact details to verify your account with them. Also, it's crucial to carefully study the terms and conditions before enrolling. Ensure you know potential limits or exclusions and what is and is not covered.

You can also buy a stand-alone policy from an insurance company. These plans often have higher premiums but may provide more comprehensive coverage than card issuers.

It's always better to ask your credit or debit card provider whether they provide the option to enrol in personal accident insurance. But never get too excited! Read the terms and conditions thoroughly to understand the inclusions and any limits or exclusions that could be applicable. When you have the appropriate personal accident insurance plans, you can rest assured that you and your family are covered in the case of unforeseeable circumstances.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's all you need to know about the driver and passenger cover in car insurance

Road trips with family members, friends, or companions are a pleasant experience to enjoy. You are jamming to your favourite songs, catching updates about one another's personal life, enjoying the views of the route, and are just taking a much-needed break from your hectic work life. All this sounds amazing, comfortable, and convenient. But what would happen if something suddenly goes downhill and you land in a chaotic situation you did not expect?

You must know and be aware of the practical solutions before you end up in a chaotic situation. This blog will discuss the driver and the co-passenger aspects of car insurance. So, here's all you need to know about car insurance's driver and passenger cover. Let's get started!

1. In accidents, passengers get severely injured along with the drivers. As a mitigation measure to avoid financial stress during unfortunate circumstances, getting a passenger's insurance would help to protect their life.

2. The policy covers up to two lacs of hospital and medical bills and permanent or short-term disability liability. In case of the passenger's death, the financial support will go to the nominees or the person to whom the policyholder assigned the money and the responsibility.

3. Personal accident insurance is mandatory for the owner and the driver of the designated vehicle. Passenger insurance is separately entitled insurance unrelated to personal accident insurance. Although, do not mistakenly assume that the lack of enforcement to get a passenger's insurance is something you can be careless about. Secure everyone's lives-whoever is travelling in your car.

4. There are various types of car insurance coverages for both the drivers and the passengers. These include (owner-driver) personal accident insurance, paid drivers' accident coverage, and unnamed passenger personal accident insurance, to name a few. The paid drivers' personal accident coverage ensures that whoever you hire to drive your car is enlisted in that insurance as a paid driver. You can get this add-on benefit in exchange for a small amount. This tends to be a massive plus in the long run, especially during sudden accidents or risks. The individual registered under the title of the paid driver is only eligible for the amount the insurance is supposed to cover.

Unnamed passenger personal accident insurance can be bought as an add-on to protect the life of the passengers travelling in your insured car. You can select the add-ons according to the number of passengers your vehicle can have. And it is mandatory that during sudden situations where you might land in an accident, or something unfortunate happens, this benefit will be only applicable if there are not more than the legally permitted number of passengers (according to your car model and government and companies' instructions).
As the owner of the car and someone who owns a driving licence, you must have owner-driver personal accident insurance under your auto insurance. The insurance amount would be passed on to your legal and enlisted heirs in case of physical disabilities or death due to a vehicle under your name.

5. The owner-driver and the passenger cover under auto insurance act as a secondary safety net for you and your fellow passengers. Usually, standard insurance policies do not offer you such benefits. In the case of the owner-driver personal accident insurance, the insurance company will ensure that the amount reaches the nominee of your insurance in case of any death or tragic circumstances.

As we are already discussing insurance, you must also consider your car's security. Your car is your asset, and you must protect it under comprehensive car insurance. You can also save a considerable cost by avoiding intermediaries' involvement. Buy online car insurance and eliminate the unnecessary stress of the cumbersome process, long waiting time, and commissions to agents.

Click HERE to know more about online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do not overlook mental health consultation for complete wellness

Mental health has been a stigmatised topic in India for many decades. While in the cases of most physical illnesses, people are willing to consult a health professional as soon as they detect a disease, they find it challenging to do so in the case of mental health issues.

This is because of the widespread false notion that if you have a mental illness, it makes you a weak person or there's something wrong with you. It is not usually as easy to detect, so it often goes untreated. However, the recent interest in individuals' overall health and well-being has increased interest in purchasing the best health insurance policy in India, which also offers coverage for mental illnesses.

Ignoring your mental well-being can have several adverse impacts. Read the full article to understand the importance of mental health consultation for complete wellness.

1. Mental health affects your physical well-being
Mental health is often seen as something completely separate from physical health. However, we need to realise that the brain is the most essential part of the body. When it gets affected, it ends up affecting the whole body. If this seems too far-fetched, consider that poor sleep and insomnia are caused most widely by stress and anxiety. So are heart palpitations. In a way, the reverse is also true. Since problems in physical health can also cause mental health issues, people with chronic or life-threatening physical illnesses should be constantly monitored for mental health issues.

Trauma, such as head injuries, is the most common example of this. In these cases, it's best to consult a mental health professional immediately and buy the best health insurance policy in India that also covers mental illnesses.

2. Early detection makes a huge difference
As with any disease, early detection makes a world of difference. Symptoms worsen with time, and like physical illnesses, treating a mental health issue is easier when the symptoms are mild. Also, chronic mental issues significantly impact patients' daily lives and make regular routine seem more daunting. It may also cause strained relationships with family, friends, and co-workers, which is undesirable. Early treatment can avoid these complications.

Signs you might need to consult a mental health professional

● Sluggish feelings and declining physical health
Physical health is one of the most significant mental health indicators. Depression and anxiety cause many problems in the body, including headaches, fatigue, cardiovascular problems, and muscle aches. They also affect the endocrine and immune systems, affecting physical health adversely.

● Losing interest in hobbies
Depression and other mental issues can make you feel increasingly alienated from the hobbies and activities you previously enjoyed, whether gardening, a sport, or simply socialising.

● Withdrawal from previously fulfilling relationships
Isolation is one of the prevalent methods people use to deal with declining mental health. This can take a toll on your existing relationships and cause them to deteriorate, alienating the ailing person even further. A psychologist can be very helpful in these situations, as they can reinforce social skills and help you practise making healthy relationships again.

● Adverse impact on work performance
A decrease in work performance indicates declining mental health. When you start finding work extremely hard to do and feel lethargic all the time, it is essential to consult a mental health professional immediately.

There is no shame in seeking help when you need it. Taking care of your health's physical and mental aspects is of utmost importance. While consultations can help as a preventive measure, buying the best health insurance policy in India is an excellent way to protect yourself from rising medical costs.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn more about engine protection add-ons in two wheeler insurance

Bike engine damage can be severe and adversely impact you financially. Even though it doesn't break down often, fixing the engine can be expensive. An engine protection in your two wheeler insurance helps you in case of damage caused by water getting into the engine or oil leaking and making the engine non-functional.

You always have to select it as add-on insurance, as the comprehensive coverage does not cover the engine. For a little higher premium, you may rest easy knowing that you are protected financially if the insured bike's engine suffers damage.

The bike engine protection add-on covers the cost of repairing or replacing engine and gearbox components damaged by water intrusion, lubricating oil or coolant leaks, or a hydrostatic lock of the covered bike. The engine protection add-on is essential that you should consider when buying bike insurance.

The two-wheeler engine protection cover's advantages are as follows:

• It covers the cost of the bike's most expensive component - the engine

• Protection against physical harm caused by hydraulic lock to the engine and gearbox

• Financial protection against engine oil or lubricant leaks caused by water intrusion

• Provides monetary security

• Ideal for residents of flood-prone areas

The engine protection add-on does not cover the following items:

• Any maintenance or replacement due to normal wear and tear

• Repair or replacement of an internal part of the engine or gearbox because the driver was drunk, illegally racing, or the bike was driven while the driver's licence was invalid

• Damage or losses caused by engine corrosion

• The price of lubricants or engine oil

• Any claim made following the deadline for notifying the insurer of the incident

• Any claim in which engine parts were repaired or replaced without first notifying the insurance provider

• Any claims that are beyond the manufacturer's warranty

Do you need an engine protection add-on?
When you buy insurance from 2 wheeler insurance India, the "Engine Protection" is generally not covered. It is an advantage that is provided as an add-on. You should opt for this feature if you live in a region prone to flooding. For a small additional premium, you can relax knowing that the most expensive component of your motorcycle is covered and stop worrying about unexpected repair costs resulting from engine damage.

Who should purchase the engine protection option?
With a small cost on your annual premium, the engine protection add-on cover provides additional protection. For the following reasons, it would be best if you gave some thinking to get the bike engine protection add-on:

• If you have just purchased a new bike

• If you live in a flood-prone location

• If you want financial protection against significant damage to the engine parts

Understand that any damage to the engine's internal components can be expensive. To prevent unintended damage to the engine or gearbox components, check the engine oil level frequently. The bike should be serviced regularly as per the schedule, and you should change parts like the air filter and oil periodically to keep the engine running smoothly.

Avoid over-accelerating the engine because this could cause it to overheat and harm its internal components. Also, avoid buying duplicate parts during any post-damage repair. Lastly, buy a reliable 2 wheeler insurance India with an efficient engine protection add-on to enjoy an exceptional benefit.

Click HERE to buy the best 2 wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Bike-to-bike communication is a necessity to stay safe on long adventures

Are you planning an adventure group trip on your motorcycle? Do you have all the necessary safety gear and insurance coverage in place? While helmets, protective clothing, and two wheeler insurance online in India are essential for any rider, have you considered bike-to-bike communication? On-road communication with fellow riders ensures a safe and enjoyable ride, especially for long adventures.

In this article, we will discuss why bike-to-bike communication is essential for safe adventure rides and how it can enhance your overall riding experience.

The importance of bike-to-bike communication
Riding a motorcycle on long adventures can be an exhilarating experience. Although, it can also be challenging, especially when you are riding in a group. When riding with a group, it is essential to maintain proper communication to ensure everyone's safety.

Bike-to-bike communication allows riders to stay in touch, share information, and coordinate actions. It is advantageous when riding on unfamiliar roads or encountering unexpected obstacles.

There are numerous benefits of bike-to-bike communication. For example, it allows riders to warn each other of potential hazards, such as potholes, gravel, or other obstacles on the road. It can also help riders to navigate tricky terrains and communicate directions.

Types of bike-to-bike communication
There are several ways to establish bike-to-bike communication. The most common method is through hand signals. Hand signals are simple and effective, and they do not require any special equipment. However, they can be challenging when riding at high speeds or in noisy environments.

Another way to establish bike-to-bike communication is through Bluetooth headsets. Bluetooth headsets are wireless communication devices that can be attached to the helmet. They allow riders to talk to each other through a built-in microphone and speakers. Bluetooth headsets are convenient, and they provide clear and uninterrupted communication. However, they can be expensive and may require a specific installation.

CB (Citizen Band) radios are another way to establish bike-to-bike communication. CB radios are two-way radios that allow riders to communicate with each other within a limited range. They are effective for long-range communication and are helpful when riding in areas with poor cell phone coverage. However, CB radios are bulky and require a power source, making them less portable.

The advantages of bike-to-bike communication
Bike-to-bike communication has several advantages that make it essential for safe adventure rides:
1. It can prevent accidents by enabling riders to warn each other of potential hazards on the road.
2. It can enhance the riding experience by facilitating social interactions and camaraderie among riders. Riding with a group is often more enjoyable than riding alone, and bike-to-bike communication can make the experience memorable.
3. Bike-to-bike communication can provide security and confidence when riding in unfamiliar territories.
Bike-to-bike communication is no longer a luxury but necessary for safe and enjoyable motorcycle adventures. By using a communication system, riders can remain connected and aware of their surroundings, enabling them to make quick and informed decisions.

Communicating with fellow riders can be especially important when encountering unexpected challenges on the road or when travelling in a group. By staying in constant contact, riders can reduce the risk of accidents, get help when needed, and stay on track toward their destination.

Whether planning a long-distance ride or just a quick trip with friends, having a reliable communication system will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the journey and enjoy the ride to its fullest potential. So, be sure to equip yourself with the right tools and enjoy the ride with peace of mind knowing you are fully connected and ready for unprecedented situations.

While bike-to-bike communication is crucial for safe adventure rides, it is not the only aspect requiring attention. Insurance coverage is also an essential component of any rider's safety toolkit. Two wheeler insurance online India provides financial protection against accidents, theft, and damage to the vehicle. In addition, it also offers third-party liability coverage, which protects the rider against legal liabilities arising from injury or damage to third-party property. Ensure your trip's safety by investing in reliable two wheeler insurance online India.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand consumables in car insurance

The MV Act, or the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, regulates the legal environment surrounding motor vehicles. It states that every car owner must buy new car insurance after acquiring a new car or renew it immediately after its expiry. It is one of the three must-carry-along documents for drivers, including a PUC certificate and driver's licence. With increased regulations and growing awareness regarding the financial burden of shouldering expenses in case of an accident, the policyholder base of motor insurance has risen steadily.

Despite the importance of car insurance, it cannot be said to be a comprehensive policy. Some aspects are left out in the document's fine print and are available as add-on facilities. Therefore, while most people know the need to buy new car insurance, only some are aware of general exclusions.

A typical example is the consumables in car insurance, which is discussed in detail in this blog.

General inclusions under car insurance:

While each insurance company may offer a slightly varied version of car insurance, generally, third-party car insurance covers accidents that cause damages to other parties or their properties. Without such a policy, you will have to bear the losses and compensate the affected party.

A comprehensive policy has two aspects, a third-party car insurance policy and own damages cover. Thus, it provides enhanced protection against personal injuries and manmade and natural disasters. Since consumables are nowhere mentioned as included, it is implied that they are an exclusion from the policy.

Understanding consumables:

Consumables in accounting refer to assets used within the process and are sometimes held on standby for future use. The former part of the explanation applies to consumables in cars. These items are used in the general running of a vehicle and are subjected to continuous wear and tear.

Consumables in a car can be identified as brake oils, engine oil, lubricants, refrigerant for AC, ball bearings, nuts, screws, bolts, washers, etc. In simpler words, they aid in the efficient running of the vehicle without forming a large chunk of the cost and are put to use regularly, which is why they deteriorate faster than other car parts.

Consumables insurance:

While consumables may not appear to be a prominent aspect of the relevant cost incurred in purchasing a car, they play a crucial role in the proper functioning of the vehicle and must be noticed. It is prudent to insure your car's consumables to prevent any financial losses you may have to bear due to improper condition of consumables.

Although not included in comprehensive insurance, insurance companies provide the facility to select add-on consumables insurance by paying an additional premium for the service.
Add-on consumables insurance covers expenses incurred for replacing items like engine oil, brake oil, steering oil, coolant, AC gas, refrigerant, dust filters, air filters, engine filters, bolts, nuts, washers, screws, grease, etc. It is important to note that consumable insurance is usually provided for cars not used for more than five years.

Exclusions of consumables insurance:

It is a specific add-on insurance type that only covers relevant costs relating to consumables. The general conditions to claims are similar to any other car insurance or allied add-on facility. In the following conditions, the claim is not admissible:

● Driving without having a valid driver's licence

● Driving under the confluence of substances or liquor

● Misuse of personal vehicle for commercial use

● Prolonged delay in informing the insurer regarding the replacement of consumables

● Misuse or overuse of policy to claim the maximum benefit, as against a rational person's actions

Consumables play an essential role in a car and must be considered when you buy new car insurance. The policy is purchased by fulfilling common conditions similar to car insurance. It helps file a claim for replacement costs of consumables by informing the insurer.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Most common summertime allergies, their symptoms and treatment

Summer is a time for fun and outdoor activities, but allergies can become a spoilsport for many people. Various allergens can thrive in higher temperatures and humidity levels, causing people to experience allergic reactions. Pollen, mould, insect stings, food, and sun allergies are among the most prevalent summer allergies. Sneezing, runny nose, and more severe reactions like anaphylaxis are just a few of the symptoms that these allergies can produce.

Here's something you must know for your relief. Buying a health insurance policy for family covers various medical costs, including those incurred because of allergies. Depending on the policy, doctor visits, prescription drugs, diagnostic tests, and hospitalisation may all be covered.

Here, we'll go into detail on the symptoms of the most prevalent summertime allergies. Understand these symptoms so that you can work out the remedies to prevent the situation from getting worse.

1. Mould allergies
Mould is a fungus that grows well in warm, moist places like restrooms, basements, and air conditioners. The summer months bring higher humidity levels, perfect for mould growth.

Inhaled mould spores have the potential to cause following allergic responses.

● Runny nose
● Itchy eyes
● Skin rashes
● Coughing
● Wheezing

Mould allergies occasionally result in respiratory issues or sinus infections that can disrupt your routine.

2. Sun allergies
Sun allergies are common during summer. The most common cause of sun allergies is an immunological response to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation that results in an allergic reaction.

Sun allergy signs and symptoms include:

● Itching
● Swelling
● Burning sensation
● Redness, rash, hives, and blistering on the skin
● Headache

Sun allergies may occasionally result in fever and chills. Covered skin, a hat, an umbrella and sunscreen can be effective when heading out in the sun.

3. Pollen allergies
Hay fever and allergic rhinitis are additional names for allergies to pollen. During the reproductive process, plants release pollen. It can trigger an allergic reaction in certain people when inhaled. Symptoms can vary in severity depending on the individual and the type of pollen that causes the reaction.

Pollen allergies can cause these symptoms:

● Congestion
● Itchy and watery eyes
● Sneezing
● Fatigue
● Runny nose
● Throat irritation
● Headache

Pollen allergy episodes and breathing difficulties might occur in extreme situations. If
you are susceptible to pollen allergy, wear a mask when heading out.

4. Food allergies
Food allergies can occur during the summer, a season for picnics, barbecues, and outdoor dining.

Food allergies can cause these symptoms:

● Abdominal pain
● Diarrhoea
● Nausea and vomiting
● Anaphylaxis (a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction)
● Itching, swelling, and hives
● Difficulty breathing

Those with food allergies must remain cautious to prevent unintended exposure to allergens.

5. Insect sting allergies
Bug stings are common in summer months as Insects like bees, wasps, and hornets are more active.

Among the signs of an allergy to bug stings are:
● Dizziness
● Difficulty breathing
● Nausea and vomiting
● Diarrhoea
● Swelling, itching, redness, and pain around the sting area
● Hives

Preventing summertime allergies
You should take precautions to lower the risk of allergy reactions. Consider the following tactics:
● Verify the pollen count: Daily pollen counts for your location are available on many weather websites and apps. Before scheduling any outdoor activities, check the pollen count. Try to stay inside during periods of high pollen.
● Utilise air conditioning: The air conditioning in your house might help filter out allergies. Use a HEPA-filtered air conditioner to keep allergens out and close the windows and doors.
● Know what triggers you: Determining which allergens cause your symptoms is the first step in preventing summer allergies. This can apply to meals, pollen, mould, bug stings, etc. When you are aware of your triggers, you can take precautions to prevent them.
● Maintain a spotless home: The number of allergens in your home can be decreased with routine cleaning. Keep the carpets and upholstery clean, and wash your bedding and curtains frequently.
● Putting on protective clothes: Wear long sleeve shirts and slacks when you're outside to shield your skin from bug bites and sunburn. Pollen exposure can also be decreased by donning a hat and sunglasses.
For many people, having allergies in the summertime can be unpleasant. Sneezing and a runny nose are subtle symptoms. Anaphylaxis is a more severe symptom. It's essential to know your triggers, take precautions, and consider immunotherapy to prevent summertime allergies. Also, speaking with a healthcare professional about allergy prevention and treatment is essential. It is also crucial to have an appropriate health insurance policy for family. A comprehensive health insurance plan can help you and your loved ones stay protected from the financial adversities that may arise due to health emergencies.

Click HERE to buy a health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Detox with a wellness retreat at these healing destinations

Wellness is one of the most important priorities in life. It revolves around the complete well-being of mental, physical, and emotional states. Through wellness, the needs of the body and mind are met completely. It helps you achieve a state of rejuvenation. It is essential to experience a sense of solitude once in a while to fully detoxify your mind and body.

When you work excessively, your body gets tired after a point. It can lead to burnout or emotional breakdown. You need to take a detour and calm yourself down to avoid this. This can be achieved by escaping city life's hustle and restoring energy and enthusiasm at some peaceful locations. Wellness retreats with the abundance of nature, serenity, and greenery have a calming effect on you.

In this article, we recommend some of the popular wellness retreats in India that you should visit at least once a year to enjoy a digital detox and revitalise yourself. Before you go on your vacation, get the best personal accident insurance India to protect yourself from financial loss due to accidents during the trip.

Now, let's look at the destinations to enjoy a wellness retreat.

1. Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
Known as the spiritual capital of India, Rishikesh is full of nature and positive vibes. There is a sense of tranquillity that surrounds this place. The riverbeds, ashrams, and valleys provide breath-taking sights and perfect locations to practise yoga and meditation. You can also attend the morning and evening aarti by the riverbank. This life-enriching experience immerses you in a deep sense of positivity.

2. Orchha, Madhya Pradesh
Once the capital of the Bundel state, Orchha is an underrated wellness destination in India. It has a collection of royal and eloquent monuments. The Orchha Fort is the main attraction, allowing you to relax and unwind. Spend the evening strolling by the side of Betwa river and behold the amazing sunset. If you are an adventure seeker, don't miss the river rafting or board the jungle safari for an exciting wilderness expedition.

3. Kovalam, Kerala
Famous for its Ayurvedic treatment, Kovalam is worth visiting in Kerala. There is a rich spice and team plantation that makes Kovalam a paradise. Surrounded by green vegetation, backwaters, and sea, it is a perfect setting for a never-like-before healing experience. Rejuvenation seems a sublime luxury here. You can do yoga or meditate and try stress and weight reduction treatments at some world-renowned Ayurvedic centres.

4. Darjeeling, West Bengal
Known as the "Queen of the Hills," Darjeeling should be on your wellness retreat's wishlist. The greenery of this place will give you the much-needed comfort. With hills all around and rustic villages, Darjeeling is a perfect place to discover happiness. The tea plantations and the scenic view of the Himalayas are to die for!

At least once a year, you need a definite break from your monotonous life to immerse in moments of joy. You can visit these picturesque destinations to experience the much-needed comfort and warmth you crave. While planning a relaxing break from the tiring city life, buy the best personal accident insurance India to protect you financially against mishaps.

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Does your health insurance cover AYUSH treatments?

Alternative forms of medicine have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their holistic approach toward healthcare. India's traditional and complementary medical systems are Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH). These systems have been practised for centuries and aim to provide natural remedies for ailments, emphasising the use of herbs, natural products, and traditional practices.

AYUSH treatments are not only affordable but also have fewer to no side effects as compared to conventional medicines. These treatments focus on an individual's overall well-being and help prevent illness recurrence in the long run. Does your health insurance cover AYUSH treatments? Let's discuss this in detail in this blog.

The following are some aspects of AYUSH treatments:

1. Ayurveda
Ayurveda combines herbal medicines, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to treat various ailments. It helps maintain a balance between the mind, body, and spirit. It emphasises that the root cause of most diseases is an imbalance in the body, which can be corrected through natural remedies.

2. Yoga
Yoga is an ancient practice. It is a very active way to channelise your energy and combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote overall health and wellness. It helps in relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. It also helps in improving flexibility, strength, and balance. You'll strengthen your core with the right yoga practises.

3. Naturopathy
Naturopathy is a medicine system that believes in the body's natural ability to heal itself. It uses natural remedies such as herbs, diet, and lifestyle modifications to promote wellness. Naturopathy aims to identify the root cause of an illness and treat it rather than just fixing the symptoms.

4. Unani
Unani medicine is a medicine system that finds its roots in ancient Greece and later developed in Persia and India. It focuses on the balance of bodily fluids. To treat illnesses, Unani medicine uses natural remedies such as herbs, diet, and lifestyle modifications.

5. Siddha
Siddha medicine is a system that originated in South India. It functions on principle: the human body comprises five core elements - earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Siddha medicine uses natural remedies to combat health problems and boost the body's immunity.

6. Homoeopathy
Homoeopathy is a branch of medicine that believes in "like cures like." It uses natural remedies, primarily diluted in water, to stimulate the body's natural healing process. Homoeopathy intends to provide treatment for the fundamental reason of an illness rather than just the symptoms.

It's essential to have the best health insurance in India that covers AYUSH treatments for several reasons:

1. AYUSH treatments are often more affordable than conventional treatments, making them a viable option.
2. AYUSH treatments are based on natural remedies and have little to no side effects.
3. AYUSH treatments focus on the overall well-being of an individual, which means that they can prevent the recurrence of illnesses in the long run.

When searching for the best health insurance in India, consider the ones that provide coverage for AYUSH treatments to reap its benefits. It's important to note that AYUSH treatments should not replace traditional medicine and its conventional ways but as complementary treatment options. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before undergoing any AYUSH treatment.

Also, coverage for AYUSH treatments may vary depending on the policy and the insurance provider. Some policies may only offer coverage for specific treatments, while others may have a limit on the amount of coverage available. It is, therefore, important to carefully review the policy terms and conditions to understand what is covered and what is not. Choose the best health insurance in India which serves your needs and avoids venting your pockets during an emergency.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best destinations in India to enjoy the new year vacation with family

Spending time with your family is an underrated form of therapy. It is the need of the hour with busy schedules, building work pressure, and the growing need to perform better and be indispensable at your workspace. However, with such heightened expectations, burnout is inevitable. In such times, a getaway with your loved ones works like a charm to rejuvenate yourself and develop stronger bonds.

The New Year is the perfect time to plan a vacation with your family. With schools, offices, and other institutes allowing winter break, it is the ideal time to explore a new destination or revisit old memories at a place you've been to. However, deciding the place is always the most challenging part.

Are you looking for adventure, tranquillity, or immersive activities? No matter your requirement, we've got it all covered in our list of the best places to enjoy your new year vacation in India. Always purchase general insurance to cover any accidental losses during your travel.

1. Ooty, Karnataka:
If you want to celebrate quality time with family amidst nature and live in the present rather than party, Ooty is the best destination for your vacation. Its lush greenery, plantations, multiple lakes to experience boating, quaint architecture, and pleasant weather make it a great place to picnic and relax.

2. Auli, Uttarakhand:
A must-visit for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, Auli has gained popularity over the years. The hill station hosts various skiing competitions during the winter months, making it the best time to try your luck at the sport.

3. Sikkim:
While the Northeast ravishes over the snow in the mountains, the region is also home to vast greenery and some exhilarating activities for the entire family. Boasting lush valleys, deep-rooted heritage, and the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, Sikkim also has Tibetan influence, making for an extraordinary cross-cultural experience.

4. Goa:
It is not a stretch to call Goa as the country's party capital. Gifted with long beaches, Portuguese-influenced cuisine, and party spots like no other, Goa has something to offer for people of all age groups with varied interests. Plan the most thrilling New Year bash with family and friends on the vibrant coastline of Goa and immerse yourself in an unmissable travel experience.

5. Udaipur, Rajasthan:
While Rajasthan is a popular place to visit in the winter, the footfall during the New Year celebrations is exceptionally high. Home to beautiful handicrafts, expanses of desert, well-preserved ancient forts, and rich culture, Udaipur gives off a royal feel and provides the best Rajasthani cuisine that caters to the diverse tastes of travellers from all parts of the nation.

6. Pondicherry:
Also known as Puducherry, a stay in the city provides the best of all things you may wish to experience. You can find adventure sports, quaint streets, beautiful French-influenced architecture, and the Auroville, all in the same place.

7. Malvan, Maharashtra:
Malvan is the best place to visit if you love beaches but wish to avoid crowds and enjoy a more private celebration with your family. The town boasts of providing similar experiences as Goa during the New year celebrations, but at a smaller scale. You can enjoy a happening time savouring lip-smacking Malvani cuisine and enthralling water-sports activities.

A new year vacation is the best way to bid farewell to the year that went past and reminisce memories while preparing for the upcoming year. Our recommendations include various options for people of different interests that allow you to spend cheerful time with your family, engage in authentic experiences, and enter the new year with a blast. Before choosing the location, always ensure that your general insurance provides robust travel coverage against the contingent expenses you may incur in case of any mishaps.

Click HERE to buy a reliable general insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Health benefits of herbs: the overlooked secret for wellness!

Awareness and enthusiasm about health and wellness have constantly been growing in the country, and people of all ages are paying heed to it. While the increased interest in comprehensive and affordable health insurance plans is a welcome preventive measure, we must not forget simple changes that can help maintain one's health.

Today we'll address one of the overlooked secrets of the health benefits of herbs! Herbs are the leafy part of the plant, used in cooking and as medicines. Herbs can add natural flavours and colours to any drink or dish. Besides cooking, herbs are an excellent way to prevent many health problems.

Health benefits of herbs
Consuming herbs may prevent the risks of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It also helps to reduce blood clots and has anti-tumour properties. Various herbs offer health benefits, some of which are mentioned below:

● Garlic and lemongrass may help prevent cholesterol
● Fenugreek may help to control blood sugar
● Some herbs, such as garlic, onion, mint, and basil prevent cancer
● They are also rich in antioxidants, which help reduce low-density lipoproteins
● Fresh herbs contain more antioxidants as compared to dried herbs

Top herbal medicines to prevent health problems
According to the World Health Organization, 11 percent of medicines prescribed worldwide are exclusively of plant origin. Herbal medicines are the traditional way to treat many health diseases.

In today's time, plants can help treat several health issues, including cough, cold, allergies, wounds, fatigue, skin infections, and even cancer. These herbs are less expensive and the safest treatment method. And that is why people choose a traditional path for their treatment because it has no side effects. Herbal medicines offer a natural way of using plant substances to treat illnesses.

The top herbal medicines to prevent health problems worldwide are given below:

● Garlic: It contains numerous nutrients and mainly helps treat diabetes and boosts the immune system. It also helps to regulate blood pressure, fight fungal allergies and infections and improve hair loss.
● Ginger: It relieves indigestion and nausea, reduces pain and stomach ulcers, and boosts the immune and respiratory systems.
● Turmeric: Turmeric has a very long history of medical use. It is known to be the most beneficial traditional way to treat illnesses. It has many health benefits, such as preventing blood clots, fighting depression, managing diabetes, and even fighting cancer.
● Aloe Vera: It is mainly used for constipation, skin diseases, and infections and is a natural remedy for colic. It can soothe rashes and skin irritation and treat burns, which is also beneficial for hair loss and scalp.
● Feverfew: It treats fevers, headaches, stomach aches, insect bites, infertility, and problems with menstruation and labour pains. It has a pain-easing effect.

Why should you choose herbal medicines?
● It is more affordable as compared to other conventional medicines
● We don't require a doctor's prescription for these herbal medicines
● They help deal with many health issues like depression, weak immune
medicines, prostate problems, and cardiovascular diseases.
● They have no side effects and are the safest way to treat illnesses

Herbal medicines are emerging as prominent medicines, growing their roots in every culture worldwide. These medicines are the oldest form to treat health problems naturally. There are some well-known herbal medicines like traditional Ayurveda medicine. These herbs contain many natural ingredients to treat mild diseases and help reduce symptoms.

Despite their ubiquitous use of herbal medicines and safety in treating health issues, many other health concerns require proper medical attention and diagnosis. For this, research and purchase affordable health insurance plans. Health insurance is the financial safety that protects you and your family from medical emergencies. Do thorough research, compare different policies, and buy the one that fits your budget and fills your criteria.

Click HERE to browse affordable health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These international airports are more exciting and fun than you think

You don't always have to hate travelling if you have to go through airports. With art galleries, rooftop pools, movie theatres, and live music all airside, some airports can even get you in the festive spirit before you get there.

Sometimes long waiting hours due to a delayed flight or extensive layovers can make you physically and mentally exhausted, especially if you travel with kids. These mini frustrations can be a spoilsport and ruin the excitement of your international trip or business tour.

But you need not have to worry much. Several airports worldwide have numerous exciting amenities and entertainment options that can entice you as a curious traveller and pass your time enjoying their mystic charm. Let's look at the coolest airports you want to visit once.

1. Airport Changi, Singapore:
The world's tallest indoor waterfall and a forest can be found in Jewel, a new complex open for tourists and air passengers inside the Changi airport. It features sky nets for climbing through treetops, canopy mazes, and misty clouds that enchant individuals of all ages. Because the airport is a destination in and of itself, the kids are sure to enjoy a cheerful time.

2. Gisborne Airport, New Zealand:
In India, level crossings are typical at rail-road crossroads, but this one in New Zealand's North Island goes a little too far. The main runway directly crosses the Palmerston North–Gisborne Line rail-road route. And keep in mind that it is an official public airport. Visiting this airport is a wondrous opportunity to witness this unbelievable marvel.

3. Kansai International Airport, Osaka, Japan:
The thrill of this airport is that it is constructed on an artificial island and is visible from space! Despite the significant risk of earthquakes and hurricanes, Renzo Piano, an Italian designer, built this man-made island to house the airport. It is a distinguishable feature on the oceanfront as you approach from above and is connected to the mainland by just one Sky Road. Sounds interesting, isn't it?

4. Vancouver International Airport, Canada:
In addition to two enormous marine displays run by the city's aquarium, Vancouver's massive airport has plenty to keep waiting passengers occupied. Various marine life native to British Columbia, including wolf eels, sea urchins, and orange cup corals, call the largest tank, measuring 114,000 litres, their home.

5. Agatti Aerodrome, Lakshadweep, India:
It appears to be a narrow sliver of land sticking out of the azure oceans, but it is the Agatti Airport in Lakshadweep. The sole one serving the Lakshadweep islands was made for the Dornier 228 class aircraft. To accommodate an Airbus 320 or Boeing aircraft, the Airports Authority of India plan to extend the runway to the nearby island of Kalpati.

6. Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Maldives:
The airport's runway serving Male, the capital of the Maldives, is encircled by water on all sides, making it one of the few airports in the world to occupy a full island. The entire airport scene is more like a breathtaking experience, with turquoise and emerald water bodies encompassing the airport.

7. Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia:
This airport is among the few who claim they are home to a jungle. A wooden boardwalk leads into a lush rainforest in the centre of the terminal, and there is even a waterfall along the way. The Malaysian flora is sure to spellbound travellers with its distinct charm.

As you read, these international airports are much more than just airports! These are fantastic ways for travellers to deepen their knowledge, boost excitement, and open wide exploration opportunities that assure a profound travel experience. Just as fun is an important element of a travel plan, similarly safety is an aspect that cannot be overlooked. Especially when travelling with family, it becomes more crucial to have comprehensive coverage of general insurance India to protect against any damage or loss incurred during travelling.

Click HERE to buy general insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s how gear transmission impacts the car insurance premium

One of the most significant decisions an individual makes while buying a car is the kind of gear transmission. This confusion between opting for an automatic or manual transmission is valid, as both have their list of advantages. But did you know this decision also predominantly affects the premium you pay for your motor insurance? Car insurance is an important factor when deciding on a vehicle. Here is some crucial information about car insurance before considering the type of transmission to buy.

Automatic transmission v/s Manual transmission
First and foremost, knowing the difference between automatic and manual cars is essential. Manual cars require more driver input than automatic cars. Manual cars have five to six gears and one reverse gear, which the driver must manually operate with a gear stick and clutch. This is to enable the car to move forward or backward.

Under normal driving conditions, a car with automatic transmission requires little to no driver input to change its gears equipped with the ever-evolving ECU (Electronic Control Unit). It is a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Some people prefer manual cars as they are more fuel-effective and cheaper, giving the driver a budget-friendly output. But these days, with the growing traffic and difficulty in driving, many individuals have started preferring automatic transmission cars.

Another factor to consider when weighing the pros and cons of the matter is that the insurance premium of an automatic car is slightly higher than a manual car premium. However, car premiums are affected by several other factors as well.

1. Complexity in structure
While manual transmission requires changing the gears by operating the gear stick, the automatic transmission uses an ECU. The ECU changes the gears intelligently using fluid pressure. This greatly simplifies the process of driving but complicates the gearbox. Since the repair and replacement cost of the transmission components is relatively high, the car premium is also higher. Therefore, the complexity of the gearbox is one of many factors affecting car premiums.

2. Location
People in metropolitan cities generally prefer automatic cars over manual cars, but manual transmission cars are a top choice in smaller towns.

Also, there were more cases of theft and accidents in larger cities. This affects car insurance premiums, as an automatic car would require more premium in a bigger city than in a smaller city, owing to the high risk of accidents and theft.

3. Cost of the car
The price of the vehicle and its components directly affects the insurance premium. As automatic cars are more costly in the market than manual car transmission options, it is reflected in the premium for your car insurance.

4. Factoring the model, age, and brand

The car's manufacturer, model, and features also count when deciding on the premium. Luxury cars' premiums will undoubtedly cost more than regular cars. Also, you may spot a difference in the car premium based on the multiple automatic variants of the cars. You need to acquaint yourself with the right knowledge while purchasing car insurance.

Once the decision of the type of gearbox is finalised, you can quickly proceed to plan your car insurance. One way to look at all options is to look at comprehensive car insurance online. Browse through various sites, compare policies, and find multiple offers. Purchase car insurance that fits your requirements and budget. Don't make any decisions in a hurry. Do proper research and then invest in the best.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understand the difference between multi-year and single-year bike insurance

Indian insurance companies offer two types of bike insurance validity- single-year and multi-year bike insurance. As the name suggests, you have to renew single-year bike insurance annually. Multi-year bike insurance is valid for more than a year, usually for two, three or five years.

Both types of bike insurance have their advantages and disadvantages. Let us understand the difference between multi-year and single-year bike insurance.

1. Renewal and convenience:
A single-year bike insurance policy has to be renewed every year. You have to keep track of the policy's expiry date and get it renewed either online, through an agent, or paying at the insurance company's office directly.
A multi-year bike insurance policy has to be renewed after a much longer period, usually two or three years, and even up to five years. Hence, it provides a lot of ease and convenience as far as the hassles with renewal are concerned. You do not have to worry about the policy renewal date for long once you have renewed it for multiple years in one go. Such policies provide enhanced lapse protection cover because they do not lapse every year but after a couple of years or more.

2. Pricing:
Technically, the pricing between a single-year and multi-year bike insurance is proportionately similar. However, differences in pricing may arise because of the impact of inflation and the government's taxation policy.
Suppose the impact of inflation is high, and the economy is seeing an upward trend in the prices of commodities over a long period. In that case, the single-year bike insurance premium, too, is bound to go up at the time of renewal. Moreover, if the government increases the tax rate on the renewal premium, you will also have to pay more on account of taxes.
This is not the case with your multi-year bike insurance premium. You pay it in one go for several years at the current price rates. Hence, you are saved from experiencing any upward movement in insurance premiums because of inflation. Also, any increase in tax rates on insurance premiums will not affect you in the case of multi-year bike insurance.

3. No-claim bonus:
Your multi-year bike insurance policy provides you with a higher NCB discount rate than a Single-year insurance policy. This brings down your insurance premium significantly. However, please remember that every insurance company has its distinctive NCB calculation, and the NCB amount can vary from one insurer to another.

4. Insured Declared Value:
In the case of a single-year bike insurance policy, you can check and regulate the IDV of your vehicle every year at the time of renewal of the policy. Hence, you can pay a little more premium and enjoy a higher valuation of your bike.
But the IDV is fixed for the entire policy duration in the case of multi-year bike insurance. You cannot change it in the middle of the policy and may not be able to achieve the highest possible valuation of your bike in this case.

5. Financial burden:
The financial burden on any person is more in the case of multi-year bike insurance than single-year bike insurance. You have to pay the premium for several years in one go in the case of multi-year bike insurance. This may prove a bit harsh on your pocket, especially if you are already facing financial distress.

Single-year and multi-year bike insurance have their unique advantages and disadvantages. An easy going person who wants to stay free of the stress of renewal of the policy every year should opt for multi-year bike insurance. A person who wants to keep a check on add-ons and offers provided by their insurance company every year should opt for single-year bike insurance.

No matter which type of insurance you choose, opt for buying your bike insurance online and enjoy service, variety, and great discounts at your doorstep with simple clicks.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How are wearables making your health insurance cheaper?

Wearable devices have become increasingly popular over the years and are changing how people interact with their health. These devices, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other health monitoring gadgets, are worn on the body. They have sensors that collect and transmit data to a smartphone or a computer. The data collected can be used to track and monitor various aspects of health, including physical activity, heart rate, blood pressure, and even sleep patterns.

Health insurance providers have recently begun incorporating wearable technology into their policies. This integration has led to innovative insurance plans that reward policyholders for maintaining healthy lifestyles. Wearable technology is making health insurance more personalised and data-driven. The data collected from these devices can be used to determine premiums, offer discounts, and develop wellness programs tailored to the individual policyholder.

Wondering how the wearables can make your health insurance cheaper? This blog will provide more insights into the topics.

1. Incentivising healthy behaviour
Wearable technology can track an individual's physical activity, heart rate, and other biometric data. Insurance providers can use this data to incentivise policyholders to engage in healthy behaviours. For example, policyholders who reach specific health goals, such as achieving a target step count, can receive discounts on their premiums. This incentivises policyholders to maintain a healthy lifestyle, leading to lower healthcare costs and reduced insurance premiums.

2. Accurate risk assessment
Wearable technology can provide insurance providers with accurate and real-time data on a policyholder's health. This data can be used to assess the risk of chronic diseases and other health adversities. Policyholders can avoid expensive medical procedures by addressing health issues before they become chronic, reducing healthcare costs, and lowering insurance premiums.

Wearables provide insurers with a wealth of data that can be used to create more personalised coverage for policyholders. Insurers can use this data to identify potential health risks and offer targeted coverage for these conditions. For example, a policyholder who has high blood pressure may be provided coverage that includes more frequent check-ups or medication management.

3. Improved disease management
Wearable technology can also help policyholders manage chronic conditions. For example, a wearable device can track blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. Insurance providers can use this data to develop personalised treatment plans and monitor a policyholder's progress. Policyholders can avoid costly hospitalisations and emergency room visits by managing chronic conditions more effectively.

4. Reduced fraud and welcoming exciting offers
Wearable devices track a policyholder's physical activity, heart rate, and other biometric data. Insurance providers can use this data to verify a policyholder's claims and ensure no scope for fraud. A significant benefit of wearing wearables for health insurance is lower premiums. Insurers can offer discounts or rewards for meeting specific health goals or participating in wellness programs. This not only benefits policyholders but also encourages them to lead healthier lifestyles.

Wearables have revolutionised the healthcare industry, allowing for more personalised and data-driven healthcare services. The integration of wearables in health insurance programs has made it possible for insurers to understand their policyholders' health better, leading to better risk assessment and lower premiums.

With technological advancement, we expect to see more innovations in the healthcare industry, and wearables will undoubtedly play a significant role in improving health insurance programs for all. Explore all available options and choose the health insurance that caters to your needs optimally.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.