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Let's decode the BH series number plates in India

We have seen cars with various types of number plates. Usually, the number plates of vehicles include the vehicle's registration and the state in which it was registered. There are VIP number plates too, which have digits in a unique combination and cost much more than the regular number plates.

In this blog, let's decode the BH series number plates that have been quite talked about recently in India.

1. What are BH series number plates?
In layman's terms, a car with a BH series number plate will not have to get a new registration card upon moving to a new state. These BH or Bharat series number plates were brought into execution in 2021 by the central government of India. It allows the vehicle owners of non-cargo automobiles to shift from one state to another without worrying about getting a new registration for their cars, two-wheelers, etc.

2. How are these BH series number plates useful?
The BH or Bharat series number plates have proven helpful for people in the government sector who frequently have transferable jobs, for people in the defence sector, or the private sector who regularly have to change their location to cater to the demand of their work and the companies they are employed in. These number plates allow them to avoid the hassle of exhausting themselves by running to the RTOs (Regional Transport Office) and getting a new registration for their non-cargo four-wheelers and two-wheelers.

3. Some information about number plates is essential.
The regular registration of a non-cargo vehicle involves limiting it to one state. The initial two letters of the number plates denote the state the car was registered in. For example, GJ for Gujarat, BR for Bihar, TN for Tamil Nadu, DL for Delhi, MH for Maharashtra, etc. The two digits next to the letters depict the district of the state of registration.
However, for regular registration, when a vehicle is shifted from one state in India to another, it is permitted to use its old registration and number plate for up to twelve months. After this period of one year, the vehicle needs to get a new registration at the RTO of that particular location. This new registration includes a NOC certificate, additional charges, and taxes, which will be informed upon your visit and consultation. The vehicle owner will be fined according to the costs of the new state if they fail to complete this process in time.
However, the registration process for BH series number plates began on the 15th of September 2021, and is entirely digital. Therefore, all your application work has to be done online. This avoids the struggle of commuting to the assigned government office and getting in line for your work to be completed.
A BH or Bharat series number plate will look something like this:
XY BH $$$$ XX
XY is the registration year, BH is the Bharat series code, $$$$ is the registration number of the vehicle (ranges from 0000 to 9999), and XX are alphabets from AA to ZZ indicating the category of the car.

The introduction of BH or Bharat series number plates provides a huge relief against this tiring and lengthy process for the people who have to move their families and house setup from one state to another quite often.

We hope this blog gives you insights into something new that benefits you or clarifies the BH series number plates. And while we are on the subject of cars, you must already be aware of the necessity of getting car insurance to safeguard your car during unfortunate circumstances which might lead to hefty damages. To choose which car insurance to buy, one of the most critical factors is to look at the standard car insurance price in India and compare different plans and their coverages accordingly.

Click HERE to learn more about the average car insurance price in India and which insurance would be beneficial for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


If you’re not confident in completing the 8 track on a two-wheeler, this guide is for you

Cleaning a driving test to obtain a two wheeler licence seems complicated, and the application procedure for a rider’s permit often dissuades many people from learning how to drive a two-wheeler. Balancing, control, awareness, and judgement are parameters evaluated during the practical assessment.

One of the most commonly feared parts of the test is manoeuvring the 8-track. It is the perfect test of all the criteria mentioned and requires excellent balance and coordination. Additionally, steering ability and break application are also checked in the test.

If making an 8-curve on your two-wheeler intimidates you, here are some simplified steps to ensure perfect results each time!

1. Pre-ride check:
Before starting, ensure your two-wheeler is fuelled and has appropriately functioning brakes and indicators. It is also necessary to practise with your helmet on to prepare yourself for the actual test, where it is compulsory to ride with your helmet on. Before starting, we recommend warming up by doing short laps in an open area to ensure you are correctly seated and find the right balance.

2. Initial right curve:
Usually, making an 8 begins by taking a right turn to form a quarter of the 8. You do not need to use the indicators in this section, so just focus on steering. Ride slowly up the arc and proceed towards the mid-point by following the lane markings to aid proper steering.

3. Prevent understeering:
The second quarter or the arc of the 8 can be easily manoeuvred by ensuring you do not understeer. Understeering occurs when the handlebar is turned at an angle less than the desired angle. Again, follow the markings to get a better judgement of the angle of steering. Maintain your momentum and balance while making the turn.

4. Reverse S-shaped curve:
After crossing one-half of the track, instead of sticking to the inner edge, slowly shift to the outer boundary of the curve to complete the reverse S arc. You might steer at a wider angle than required at this stage, resulting in your bike crossing the track boundary. This causes a failure in the test. So, be careful and ensure you have a strong grip on the handlebar.

5. Final curve before exiting:
The final curve is the easiest since it requires central positioning and basic balance before exiting the track by turning on your left indicator.

All you need to do is ensure coordination between the clutch, gear shifting, and accelerator while completing the 8-track. Remove the fear from your head, and understand that it is all about balance! Take a deep breath and get through.

Additional tips to make manoeuvring effortless.

For a rider with experience, the steps mentioned above may seem excessively detailed, but a beginner may require additional inputs to follow the same. Keeping these in mind can help prevent mistakes and make it easier to steer through continuous curves.
● Shift your weight slightly as you steer your bike to maintain your balance
● Do not go extremely slow, as it makes balancing difficult
● Ensure that you do not shift your handlebar to either end
● Keep your body relaxed and elbows at right angles to distribute weight evenly.

Beginners often question the need to learn how to make an 8-curve on their two-wheelers perfectly. Although such opportunities are rarely faced on the roads, they prepare one for sharp turns, immediate application of indicators, balance, and coordinated judgements. These skills are fundamental requirements of a good rider and prepare one for all terrains and roads. Before you begin practising your figure 8 manoeuvre skills, consider purchasing two wheeler insurance India which covers any accidents and allied costs you may face.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know whether oversleeping can be bad for your health

We all follow different sleeping patterns and habits. Some people like to sleep more, while some tend to avoid sleeping at all. Many fall asleep the moment their head hits the pillow, whereas others struggle to get any sleep throughout the night.

Inconsistent sleeping patterns can be hazardous to health. It disintegrates the whole sleep cycle and leads to various health problems. Sleeping too little or too much can be problematic in their ways. But how is oversleeping a bad habit? How can it affect your health negatively?

There are several reasons why oversleeping is bad for your health and can lead to severe problems. These problems can affect your health adversely. You must always have a health insurance policy handy to deal with unexpected medical expenses. Also, ensure that you take care of your health insurance policy renewal to enjoy the seamless benefits without interruptions.

Let's look at various things related to oversleeping.

How much sleep is adequate?

The amount of sleep you should get throughout the day varies for different people. If you're unwell or tired, you will require more sleep. If you are young, you're likely to fall asleep faster due to increased physical activity.

It is recommended to get over 7-9 hours of sleep at night. Any sleep above this can result in oversleeping. The various ill effects of oversleeping are mentioned below.

● Diabetes:
If you sleep more than the designated time at night, you are likely to be on the verge of developing diabetes. Oversleeping puts one at risk of a spike in sugar content in the body. Even not sleeping enough can lead to the same problems.

● Back pains:
Research has shown that oversleeping can be one of the causes of back pain due to disoriented sleep positions for long hours. It is recommended to perform certain exercises to help you deal with such back pain and, most importantly, avoid oversleeping.

● Obesity:
Oversleeping can cause weight gain drastically. If you sleep more than 9-10 hours, you'll likely develop obesity over five to six years. The reason is that your body goes into relaxation mode while sleeping. Lack of physical activity reduces the BMR, impacts digestion, and results in fat accumulation.

● Depression:
Not just physical ailments, but oversleeping can also lead to mental health issues. People who sleep more than usual are likely depressed. While oversleeping, one decreases their chance of recovering from depression.

● Headaches:
If you're prone to headaches and migraines, oversleeping can worsen it. Whenever one sleeps more during the weekends, it can disrupt their sleep cycle. Irregular sleep patterns can lead to persistent headaches. This is because it fidgets with the neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain.

● Heart disease:
A lot of research has been conducted to validate that oversleeping can lead to increased heart disease. It puts you at risk of developing cardiovascular disease due to a sedentary lifestyle and lethargy. Oversleeping causes obesity which in turn puts pressure on the heart.

● Impaired fertility:
Women who oversleep can find it difficult to conceive. It is also the same for women who sleep less than the given time. It can affect their cycle badly and disrupt the hormone levels in the body.

● Death risk:
It is alarming to note that oversleeping can lead to an increased risk of death. It can also be directly linked to the risk of developing a stroke.

Everyone should sleep only 7-8 hours throughout the day. It is best to avoid napping during the day to sleep better at night. One should also maintain a good diet and exercise to keep themselves fit and energised. Prioritise your health, practise mindfulness, develop a sound sleep routine, and invest in health insurance to keep away your worries. You should also complete your health policy renewal on time to avoid problems later.

Click HERE to get your health insurance policy renewal done.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five home remedies to deal with insomnia

People with insomnia do not get enough sleep, and most of the days do not wake up feeling refreshed. The cause of sleep deprivation varies among individuals. Sleep deprivation is associated with various issues like weariness, difficulties focusing, mood fluctuations, and poor job performance. However, most cases of insomnia are caused by stress, an unpleasant experience, or abnormalities in the sleep cycle. Severe insomnia can only be cured via treatment. However, short-term insomnia is manageable.

If you have trouble falling asleep after retiring for the day, no matter how weary you are, here are some home cures you may try.

1. Yoga:
Yoga is considered a proven method to improve sleep quality and boost mental well-being. It also helps reduce stress, enhance physical performance, and increase concentration.
Remember to choose a style that emphasises moving meditation or breath work over strenuous physical motions. Slow, controlled motions help you to maintain your attention and concentration. Practicing the poses before going to bed might help you relax and unwind.

2. Meditation with awareness:
Mindfulness has been shown to improve well-being by lowering stress, building tolerance, enhancing good mood, and even strengthening immunity. It also has a positive influence on one’s sleep quality and schedule.
There are many free and commercial mindfulness videos, applications, and podcasts accessible online. People who want to experience mindfulness may decide to take a class, join a local weekly workshop, or visit a retreat.

3. Magnesium:
The magnesium generally produced in our bodies also aids in promoting a balanced sleep-wake cycle. Taking a daily magnesium supplement may help patients sleep better and for more extended periods. Consuming magnesium-rich meals, particularly in the evening, may aid in inducing better sleeping patterns.

4. Lavender oil:
For years and years, people have used this essential oil as a natural medicine to enhance sleep and produce feelings of relaxation. Lavender oil may be used as a pillow spray, patch, massage oil, or aromatic diffuser to help sleep. Lavender promotes sleep onset, healthy sleeping habits, and sleep patterns.

5. Practice sleep hygiene:

In its most basic form, sleep hygiene outlines a person’s nighttime habits and activities.

Individuals may improve their sleep hygiene by doing the following:

● Avoid computers, laptops, mobile phones, and televisions at least an hour before night

● Making the bedroom dark with muted lights, thick drapes, and blinds, or wearing earplugs and eye masks

● Avoid liquor, tobacco, and caffeinated drinks in the evening

● Maintaining a regular bedtime pattern that involves sleeping at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning

● Abstaining from eating large meals for dinner

● Take a hot shower or bath before going to bed

As per the studies carried out, insomnia is a frequent disorder with up to one-third of individuals suffering from it at some age. There are numerous cures and practices that a person who has insomnia might attempt to enhance their sleep. However, these home remedies will only work for people with minor insomnia.

We recommend consulting with a doctor for anyone going through chronic insomnia. Also, almost every health insurance covers the medical treatment for this disorder. Remember to get your health insurance policy renewal on time to avoid the last-minute hassle and avoid the lapsing of your current plan.

Click HERE to get a health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How careful inspection can help you avoid falling for these age-old insurance traps

Insurance policies, including non-general and general insurance plans, have gained popularity among Indians. While the increased penetration rate is a welcome change, protecting policyholders against potential fraud becomes essential. Insurance companies are taking adequate measures to spread awareness and educate potential policy buyers about possible crimes that involve fake policies, fraudulent insurance agents, mis-sold policies, etc.

This blog informs you about insurance traps you might be prone to and helps you elude them.

1. False alerts: reviving expired policies –
One of the many ways scammers trap innocent people is by calling them about policies that lapsed a while back due to payment failure. These dormant policies are then illegally accessed by telemarketers, who call up policyholders, informing them of good news. According to them, policyholders can now get a bonus on their policy, but you can only access it with a fee. They may also try to sell new policies. You can easily avoid this trap by being vigilant and reading the fine print of your policy.
To prevent scams and fraud, IRDAI is also regulating the insurance sector by digitalising it. An e-Insurance Account is a digital portfolio of all your non-general and general insurance plans, which helps keep track of policy tenures, switch, or buy policies at a single click without any hassle.

2. A guaranteed return providing investment sans market volatility –
The lack of financial literacy is mainly to blame for this misconception. As the uninformed public continues to hear of the short-term successes of a small section of well-informed investors who do due diligence before making their financial decisions, they crave similar results without putting in as much effort.
Taking advantage of the situation, insurance agents often pitch general insurance plans as alternatives to conservative investments like a fixed deposit and promise high returns. While the money put towards any insurance policy is a better investment than letting it sit idle, such claims are not backed by proof and must be avoided.

3. Getting pitched insurance policies as a tax-saving investment –
Tax planning is usually seen as a dreadful task that most individuals undertake only when essential. Therefore, some folks jump at it when the most effective sales pitch comes in, saying that an additional insurance policy would give you tax cuts (because of 80C) and would be a suitable investment. The tax-saving months before March are when these fraudulent pitches are made, and people need to determine whether the investment is necessary in the first place.

As the insurance sector evolves, insurers must make policyholders aware of the role of general insurance plans as a protective cover rather than a mode of investment to minimise your tax burden.

Your overall financial and tax planning for the following period should be done at the beginning of the current financial year. It is crucial to consider all factors, including your current investments, non-general and general insurance plans you might have taken, your kid’s school fees, and other expenses. Start early, and you won’t be in a hurry to reach the deadline, so you can read the fine print on all the documents and do apt research before signing on anything.

Click HERE to learn more about general insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is comprehensive car insurance truly exhaustive? Here's the complete guide

A car has the capacity for durable and comfortable rides, ensures safety, and is a significant investment. All this has given cars an upper hand over all the other vehicles.

Although buying a car can be easy if you have enough money, it is not always the only thing. With a car, there are a ton of other responsibilities. One is getting your vehicle covered and ensuring the car insurance renewal is done on time.

There are multiple options available for car insurance online and offline. This can leave you to require more clarifications. One such option lies in the comprehensive car insurance that covers almost every damage that might trouble your car. From man-made problems to natural disasters, you'll get compensation for all the damages. However, this insurance might cost you more money than usual. Is it worth to have comprehensive car insurance, or is it just exhaustive? Let's find out!

What is comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance is not mandatory insurance by law, but most people prefer to buy it. It is because it comes with many benefits that set it apart from the other options.

Comprehensive car insurance will cover own damage (OD) as well as third-party damages. It covers all damages due to natural calamities, accidents, theft, man-made issues, and even fire. Natural calamities like floods, cyclones, and earthquakes are covered. Acts like vandalism and riots are listed under man-made issues.

What are the benefits of comprehensive car insurance in India?

1. Complete coverage:
This insurance type is the only one that offers complete coverage to a car, including its total or partial loss due to own damage and third-party damages. It also compensates for the death or disability of the owner-driver, third party, or property damage.

2. Best returns on investment:
Comprehensive insurance eliminates the need to buy separate policies to cover own damage and third-party damages. All the benefits can be obtained from a single policy, including the personal accident cover. This helps in saving money and offers the best ROI.

3. Liberty to add optional covers:
You can purchase additional covers like zero-depreciation, no-claim bonus, tyre protection, engine protection, breakdown assistance cover, etc. This makes your base policy stronger.

4. Cashless benefits:
Yes! You may enjoy cashless benefits while claiming your comprehensive car insurance when you get your car repaired or serviced in a network garage. You don't have to pay even a single penny for the damages!

You may have understood what comprehensive car insurance is all about. But, did you imagine to whom this insurance type would benefit the most?

1. The city drivers:
Cities signify constant traffic jams, chaos on roads, and persistent risks of accidents due to overcrowded roads and indiscipline traffic situations. Metropolitan residents must buy this policy to provide all-round protection to their cars.

2. The adventurers:
If you love to plan road trips and explore places frequently, this insurance can do wonders for you during emergencies with its road assistance cover.

3. New owners:
If you have bought a new car, the first step should be buying comprehensive coverage to improve the longevity of your new asset.

4. Premium and luxury car owners:
If you own premium and expensive car, having this insurance in your investment portfolio can be fruitful.

5. Obsessed with your car:
Even a small dent or scratch on the car panics you. Then you must opt for comprehensive coverage to calm your nerves and stay stress-free regarding compensation for any damage to your car.

You should keep various pointers in mind while buying comprehensive car insurance in India. Owning an asset is a crucial responsibility and ensuring its safety is paramount. Comprehensive car insurance has seamless benefits that make it a reliable investment option and less exhaustive compared to its counterparts. Regardless of the policy you buy, get the car insurance renewal done on time to avoid your policy from lapsing.

Click HERE to get your car insurance renewal done on time.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Practise these habits to improve your cognitive skills

We have all heard the famous proverb, "a sound mind lives in a sound body". Both are integral parts that should be taken care of to lead a healthy life. In this blog, we will discuss some methods to sharpen your brain and polish your cognitive skills.

You can call your brain the control centre of your system since it processes all you see, hear, touch and think. Your brain perceives different sensations, sounds, images, etc., and conveys the signal to your whole body, signalling it to respond accordingly. Incredibly, this process happens within a matter of seconds.

It is crucial to take extra care of your brain's health and mental wellbeing. Dietary and lifestyle changes help combat cognitive-related issues such as mental health problems, anxiety and depression and help in enhancing creativity.

Here's how you can sharpen your cognitive abilities.

1. Relieve stress:
Develop a habit of taking walks daily and breathing in the fresh air. Other relaxing activities can include getting a massage, reading, meditation, etc. These activities help release the tension and stress from your body and lower your cortisol levels which tend to affect the memory sections of your brain.

2. Sleep well:
Sleeping at least eight hours a day is crucial to maintaining a sound mind. Quality sleep helps your mind commit things to memory and improve your brain's retention capacity.

3. Play:
Include games like crossword, sudoku, and puzzles in your daily schedule. These games intensify the usage of brain functions, thus helping in improving your reasoning and retention abilities.

4. Doodling:
Recent research has proven that doodling and colouring activate your brain's reasoning and problem-solving region. These activities enhance the blood supply to the prefrontal cortex and strengthen your mind's analytical and attention capabilities.

5. Dark chocolate:
Dark chocolate has been proven good for your physical and mental health. Studies have found that it contains flavanol, a substance that boosts your brain's memory retention, functioning, and processing abilities.

6. Reduce sugar consumption:
Consumption of carbohydrates and a sugar-rich diet can slow down your brain as your body takes time and energy to break down these substances. Consuming too much sugar also leads to depression and heart diseases, thus risking your physical and mental health.

7. Exercise:
Research has shown that lifting weights help in improving cognitive abilities. People who lift weights tend to increase their spatial memory. It helps in memorising the environments one is in at any given moment. Spatial memory enables you to remember layouts of a room or how you arrange things in your space. People who achieve their physical goals by walking strengthen their verbal memory.

These are some techniques that can help improve your cognitive skills. Apart from the above tips, you may even practise mindfulness by indulging yourself in daily yoga and meditation sessions. Yoga and meditation These healthy practices can keep your brain active and impact your productivity.

A wise option would be to protect your and your loved ones' health against unprecedented circumstances. To stay monetarily stress-free in health emergencies, explore multiple options and purchase the best health insurance policy in India.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s how smart helmets are set to change the riding experience

Helmets are protective headgear that can save your life in case you fall from a running two-wheeler or collide with another vehicle. Also, wearing a helmet while riding a two-wheeler is compulsory under Section 129 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

Imagine if a helmet can detect drunk driving, location tracking, navigation, a hands-free device, and several other functions other than just protecting your head during a ride. Yes, this is all possible with the advent of intelligent helmets.

This article tells how smart helmets are set to change your riding experience.

1. Detecting a helmet:
Many two-wheeler riders do not wear a helmet intentionally. Also, some may forget to wear it while leaving home or the office. This can be dangerous to their lives in case they meet with an accident on their way. Smart helmets are equipped with Force Sensing Sensor (FSR) that detects whether the rider is wearing a helmet. It senses actual human touch. If it does not detect it, you will not be able to turn on the ignition of your two-wheeler.

2. Alcohol sensor:
Smart helmets can also be fitted with a gas sensor that can identify the alcohol content from your breath. It can be placed right in front of your mouth, detect if you are drunk, and prevent your vehicle from starting. This can be very helpful in avoiding an accident due to drunken driving.

3. Accident detection:
Smart helmets can detect accidents and alert a phone number by sending a message. It makes use of accelerometers and vibration sensors for this purpose. A free-fall sensing unit can detect when the two-wheeler falls freely and is not in control. Similarly, a vibration sensor senses signals and pressure and sends a message to the registered mobile number. This can be life-saving in times of an accident as the receiver of the message can instantly rush to the accident spot or alert friends, police, and an ambulance to reach the spot.

4. Over-speeding and rash driving alert:
Smart helmets can also alert you if you are riding above the speed limit fed into it or are driving rashly. Such alerts warn you to reduce your speed and drive carefully.

5. Bluetooth connectivity:
Smart helmets can be connected to your bike and mobile phone via Bluetooth. This can allow you to make calls or answer them safely while riding your two-wheeler.

6. Navigation, location tracking, and recording:
Smart helmets come equipped with a GPS device that can accurately tell the rider’s location. This can be useful in times of emergency or theft of your two-wheeler. Also, they can help in navigation while you are riding your two-wheeler.

You can also install hi-tech cameras on your smart helmets. They can record and store all the details of your rides, such as speed, distance covered, time taken, etc. This can be very helpful for bikers and racers.

Smart helmets are a world in itself, with numerous options for adding or removing applications and additional devices per rider needs. They can completely change how you have been riding your two-wheelers. They help to make your rides much safer and technologically advanced than a regular conventional helmet.

Why just rely upon a smart helmet to alert and protect you in case of an accident? Choose from a wide variety of 2 wheeler insurance online after comparing them thoroughly. Protect yourself from any sort of financial losses that you may suffer due to an accident or theft of your two-wheeler.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


If driving in reverse scares you, here’s what you need to know

Reverse driving and parallel parking are two things that most people are scared of. Parallel parking takes some practice and extreme caution. The same goes for driving in reverse. Expertise in these driving techniques helps in becoming a skilled driver.

If driving in reverse scares you, here's what you need to know. This blog answers all your questions and more information on driving in reverse gear to understand how you can gain confidence over your anxious mindset about these driving techniques. So, without any further delay, let's get started.

1. It is not a big deal:
Many expert drivers get confused and anxious while driving in reverse. Due to nervous feelings, they might even mess things up and land in collisions. Therefore, it is vital to make yourself comfortable and relaxed in your position to get an accurate view of the traffic and the path you need to reverse.
You can place your foot on the brake and for your confidence, turn around to ensure you get a clear view of the pathway. Ensure that you keep your seatbelt intact and ask the passengers to fasten their seatbelts properly.

2. It is time for the reverse gear:
After positioning your seat, fastening your seatbelt, and adjusting your mirrors to get a clear rear and front view, you need to shift your gear to the state in which it indicates R, i.e., reverse gear.
After performing this entire process, you can slowly put your foot on the accelerator pedal and put slight pressure, just enough for your car to move, avoiding the risk of any collisions. Slowly release the clutch after putting your foot on the pedal. Drive the vehicle in reverse at a carefully vigilant speed, and park your car right where you want it to be.

3. Mirrors at the right angle:
You must always ensure that you keep looking in the passenger side mirror to be aware of any other vehicles or objects in the surrounding area, especially when driving in reverse gear. This will avoid any risk of collisions or accidents with things that might come your way. Mirrors even help you get a better view and understanding of available space to park your car correctly.

Some other tips to take care of while you are driving in reverse include placing your right hand on the steering's upper portion to gain optimum grip, going reverse in a straight line, stopping the car at the desired position slowly to avoid any jerking, doing a complete 360-degree check before you begin to reverse in a particular location, etc. Make optimum use of a rear parking camera that will assist you in observing the obstacles and parking your car precisely.

We hope this blog will help you drive in reverse more comfortably than before and help you alleviate your stress. Always wear your seatbelt while driving to ensure safety. And while we are talking about safety, understand the importance of purchasing car insurance to safeguard your car from financial distress due to damages. Therefore, to stay on top of your insurance coverage and continue to enjoy the privileges, you need to make sure that you take care of your car insurance renewal.

Click HERE to learn more about car insurance renewal and the tips you need to know when you pay your premiums.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some tips for maintaining your bike’s drive chain to ensure its longevity

A bike drive chain consists of interconnected oval loops made of metal, forming a roller chain. The teeth of a sprocket gear mesh with the holes in the links of the chain. The mechanical force from the engine puts the bike chain in motion, which causes the bike's wheels to rotate. Hence, a bike's drive chain is an important part and must be handled properly.

A drive chain is usually the dirtiest part of our bike. It is oiled and greased, catching loads of dust and mud from the roads. Here are some tips for maintaining your bike's drive chain to ensure longevity.

1. Periodic cleaning:
Regular cleaning keeps it free from dirt build-up, rust, and breakage. You should regularly check your drive chain by lifting the rear wheel of your bike off the ground and manually rotating the drive chain. You should check every chain link and use a firm brush to clean them.
If you hear squeaking sounds from the chain while riding your bike, it is time for relubrication. Also, you should check for tight links that are not bending easily. Clean them properly and lubricate them to ensure their free movement. It will also prevent rust build-up.

2. Lubricant quality:
Always use a good quality lubricant to ensure its longevity. It should be specifically made for a bike's drive chain and should not be just any lubricant.
Dirt and mud damage the drive chain. The lubricant should be such that it should minimise the accumulation of dust and grime on the drive chain. Also, it should be long-lasting as the drive chain will wear down and get damaged if the lubricant is less or missing.

3. Do not over-lubricate:
Over-lubrication is harmful to the drive chain. It will attract more dust, mud, and concrete from the roads and damage the drive chain. To ensure smooth operation, you should always wipe off excess lubricants with a rag.

4. Thorough cleaning of the drive chain:
In case you ride your bike through muddy roads frequently or use it on rough terrains such as a mountain, you should remove the chain completely when it becomes excessively dirty. You can remove it yourself or seek the help of a mechanic.
Use a good quality chain solvent available in the market and soak your chain in it for the prescribed time. Then scrub hard to remove the dirty grime from the chain links. The solvent will do its job, and your chain will become clean and grime-free. Relubricate your drive chain once completely dry, and put it back in the bike.

5. Stretched chains:
Sometimes your bike's drive chain seems to stretch and become loose. This is because of normal wear and tear of the chain with usage. A loose drive chain cannot provide a good grip for the movement of the wheels and may even slip from its cog.
Check for a loose drive chain regularly, and get it fixed as soon as you find one. Ignoring it may cause further damage to the drive chain, and you will have to replace it.

The drive chain of your bike is a very important part of its smooth running. You must take good care of the chain to keep it in its best shape. Clean it regularly and keep it sufficiently lubricated to ensure its longevity.

Buying a good bike insurance policy for your bike is another important thing that you need to do to ensure a glitch-free ride. Buy bike insurance online after comparing it with the policies of several companies. You can do this from the comfort of your home or office without physically visiting any insurance company. Go for the best bike insurance policy as per your specific needs and enjoy complete protection, security, and peace of mind.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips for finding a short circuit in your car's system

An automobile comprises interconnected mechanical elements and complicated electrical wiring technologies. While we may enjoy contemporary comforts such as stereos, interior lighting, and even hologram speedometer readings as long as the electrical systems function correctly, all systems and components come to a standstill on account of short circuits.

A short circuit is a wiring fault because of a loose or defective wire that shunts electricity between courses before it hits its target. Although the signs of a short circuit are similar to those of an open circuit, the diagnosis is somewhat different. A short circuit may happen in various ways, and it's not always straightforward to locate and fix.

However, to understand how to discover a short circuit, we must first grasp how a perfectly working circuit operates. So here are a few tips for locating a short circuit in your car.

1. Make a map of your vehicle's circuit:
Remove the wire harness from your vehicle and turn to your Early Warning Device (EWD) to start diagnosing the circuit. Identify the various cables and circuits you're inspecting so you know where to go next. Wire colours should match the colours specified in the EWD. However, this may differ based on where you obtained your EWD.

2. Examine any exposed wiring:
One may also save time and effort by inspecting any exposed wires first. You may find a damaged or chafed wire that you can immediately begin mending. However, since most automobiles' wiring is tightly wrapped, you'll almost certainly need to try a few boards to figure out where the issue is.

3. Inspect all wires for faults:
If you feel a specific wire causes the problem, you may detach its connection at either the sensing or loading ends. Check your test indicator to see if it fades out or your multimeter to check if it stops buzzing. Next, you may remove your car's panelling and inspect the wires to see if you can pinpoint the problem.

4. Testing the 5V circuit:
In case the short is a 5-volt circuit, the Engine Control Module utilises it to regulate the gearbox and engine. You may unplug the battery first, then the ECM. It'll also enable you to identify electrical oscillations and approximately pinpoint the location of the short circuit.

5. One-by-one assess all the fuses:
Check the fuses and look for any easy, quick short circuits. Take a fuse at random and attach your testing indicator to its socket terminals. If a current is detected, the test LED will light up. If the test light does not ignite, it may suggest that electricity is not flowing to that fuse. This indicates that the damaged wire is along that route.

Knowing how to detect a short circuit may save you a lot of time and money while ensuring that your car is safe and perfectly operational. While it might be time-consuming, utilising the approach mentioned above should provide you with the knowledge you need to detect and fix any short circuit in your vehicle.

However, if you still face difficulty identifying the origin of the short circuit, visit the nearest garage. It is ideal to have your vehicle backed by insurance for even minor expenses like these. Search for the best car insurance in India and get yours right away to cover your vehicle against damages caused due to unexpected short circuits.

Find the best car insurance India for your vehicle HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top car care tips during the summer season

Be it the summer season, winters, or heavy monsoon, you need to take care of a few things to ensure your car's proper functioning and longevity. While external servicing and maintenance of your car are crucial, some particular factors ensure that your vehicle is up and running.

The summer season brings in good weather. But the drastic temperature rise can harm your car. In this space, we will discuss tips for caring for your vehicle during the summer season to keep it in good condition.

1. Cooling your engine:
Engines getting heated due to high temperatures are one of the significant causes of car breakdowns in summers. You can cool off the engine by using cooling systems in your car as recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Coolant refill:
To keep your cooling system in excellent working condition, make sure to refill the coolant according to the overflow status. According to most manufacturers, the cooling liquid mixture usually contains a fifty-fifty water to coolant ratio.

3. Inspect your car:
Some parts of your car are susceptible to heat damage and may deteriorate in high temperatures. Examine your vehicle, and replace any wear and tear or other damages as soon as possible. Also, keep an eye on the coolant leakages due to fuel expansion in summers.

4. Tyres:
Take a close look at your tyres. If they appear to be more inflated than required, get them checked. It's necessary to regularly monitor the air pressure levels in your tyres during the summers.
Failing to do so might risk a tyre blowout which can be a considerable safety risk, especially if you're on the road, examine your car tyres for signs of wear and tear and replace them if you find any damages.

5. Corrosion:
Once your vehicle reaches a specific limit, it is recommended to check your ignition system. The electrodes might corrode or wear out, so replacing the spark plugs is the solution to combat any ignition issues.

6. Air conditioning:
Examine the air conditioning of your car, especially in the summer season. Any defects leading to the disruption of the air conditioner can cause massive discomfort during your travels in such rising temperatures. Also, ensure that you inspect the compressor clutch while checking the air conditioning system.

7. Wipers:
The wipers of your car play an integral role while you're driving. They clear the windshield, making it easier to see while you drive. Replacing the wipers for the summer season with new ones would prepare you for the storms or rainy downpours midseason.

These were a few expert car care tips you will need to take care of your vehicle during the summer season. Apart from these tips, consider protecting your car against unprecedented circumstances. Emergencies like road accidents or damages to different parts of your vehicle can lead to heavy monetary expenses. To avoid paying a massive sum of money in such unforeseeable situations, you can explore various options and purchase car insurance online in India.

Click HERE to know more about how you can get car insurance online in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the best tips for administering first aid for burns

First-aid tips and techniques have been a part of our educational curriculum since junior school. We all have learned the first-hand treatments one must do when there is a manageable injury or burn on our or someone else’s body. However, with time and as the level of injuries and diseases evolved, our knowledge about first aid falls short in terms of adequacy in the healing process.

Moreover, burns can happen anytime, primarily if operating around heavy machinery, fire, or in the kitchen. And it requires a lot of time to heal with proper care, ointments and medications, and extra precautions.

But what are some of the best ways to take care of these burns? What items should you include in your first aid kit to help you or someone else? Are there different degrees of burns, and which type of burns can first aid easily?

In this space, we’ll clarify all your doubts regarding first aid for burns. Let’s get started.

1. Minor or major:
A burn usually indicates tissue damage when the skin comes in contact with high flames, boiling water, sunburn/radiation, chemicals with corrosive properties, etc. Before starting the burn treatment, it is advised that you determine the degree of the burn to alter your treatment accordingly and determine whether immediate medical attention is needed.
A major burn occurs when the diameter of the burnt area is more than three inches, resulting in brown, black, and white patches with a dry and leather-like texture of the skin. In case of a minor burn, blisters appear on the burnt area, usually less than three inches in diameter. You will experience pain and inflammation, which might cause redness and soreness on the burnt site.

2. What you should NOT do:
Before we tell you the first aid tips you should follow, you need to be aware of the contamination of the sensitive and burnt part of the skin. Avoid using home remedies like butter, ice, water, etc., and immediately do not take any medications or remedies without consultation.

3. Must know first aid tips:
Remove jewellery items like rings, bangles, etc., from the burnt area. Cooling off the burn is essential. You can gently use cold water on the burnt portion and wet compresses to help with the inflammation and lower the pain. If you see any blisters, do not remove or poke them, as they protect the area from infection. If you see a blister pop, gently clean it with a disinfectant solution and cover it with an antibiotic cream. To ensure that the affected area does not dry out, use skin-friendly and chemical-free moisturisers. Aloe vera is a good option in such cases. Use sterile gauze and tapes to bandage the burn, but ensure that you do not tighten the grip of the bandage. Keeping it loose will prevent excessive pressure and alleviate pain.
You can take any doctor-recommended painkillers if the pain gets unbearable and causes too much discomfort. Avoid heavy tasks involving the burnt area, and avoid using fluffy cotton as tiny threads of cotton might stick to the burn risking the chance of an infection.

We hope you found the blog helpful. You must take care of your body and be extra cautious about your health to lead an extraordinary life. But sometimes, your efforts might fall short in unfortunate circumstances. To alleviate the monetary stress of such times, you must purchase the best personal accident insurance India which will provide you and your family with a reliable layer of financial protection.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of buying the best personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Group personal accident insurance is all you need to protect yourself against the financial distress of disabilities

Human resources are the greatest asset for any company. A good workforce can make or break a company. Companies often offer group personal accident insurance to protect their workforce from the loss of income from any kind of accident and related disability or death. The employees feel protected against financial uncertainties of work-related hazards with such insurance. It benefits employees working in heavy industries with dangerous machinery and surroundings.

Group personal accident insurance India is an effective way for employers to attract and retain talent. As an employee, it offers protection against the financial distress of disabilities and supplements your existing insurance covers. Let us know more about it.

1. Coverage:
Group personal accident insurance provides comprehensive coverage to an entire group against accidental disability and even death. Policies are customisable according to the number of people in the group and their specific needs. Hence, you can be reassured if your group is too large or small. Such policies provide discounts on a higher number of members in the group.
● Permanent total disability – Insurance companies will pay you the total sum insured in case of permanent total disability such as loss of leg, limb, eyesight, etc.
● Permanent partial disability –You are eligible to get up to 50% of the total sum insured in case of permanent partial disability, such as loss of one foot, loss of hearing, damage to eyesight, etc.
● Temporary total disability – You will get a certain percentage of the total sum insured in case of temporary total disability from an accident, depending upon your policy terms and conditions.
● Medical care – The policy will also cover your medical expenses, even if you are admitted for one day in a daycare treatment. Moreover, it will also cover your cost of OPD treatment, physiotherapy sessions, and ambulance transportation.
● Education – Some policies also come with an education add-on cover. The insurance company will take care of the education expenses of up to two dependent children in case of the insured person's death.

2. Need and importance:
Several industries require their employees to work on heavy machinery and risky surroundings, including the iron and steel industry, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, etc. A work-related accident can cause temporary or permanent disability, causing a financial crisis and a lot of trouble for the employees and their families.
So, if you are an industry employee, group personal accident insurance India covers you against such unfortunate accidents. It takes care of the hefty hospital bills for your treatment up to the limit of the policy amount. It also provides financial assistance to the nominee in case of the policy holder's demise.
Therefore, such a policy will give you peace of mind and protect you against the monetary distress of disability or death, allowing you to work stress-free with greater efficiency. It also helps build trust with your employer and strengthens professional ties for a long time.

3. Exclusions:
Group personal accident insurance India does not cover pre-existing diseases when purchasing the policy, self-inflicted injuries such as a suicide attempt, mental disorders, non-accidental medical treatments, hospitalisation due to substance abuse, criminal activities, or war. Ensure to read the terms and conditions of the policy to know more about the details. You may contact your employer or the insurance company if you've any queries regarding your coverage.

Group personal accident insurance India offers coverage that regular health insurance policy does not provide and also compensates the nominee with a lump sum payment in the unfortunate event of disability or death due to an accident. This can be a great financial support to your dependent family members.

Choose the best personal accident insurance India to provide complete coverage, support, and protection during the time of need.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips for skincare in older adults

Even if you've taken exceptional care of your skin throughout the years, it still ages. The youthful flush eventually disappears and the indications of ageing, such as brown spots, wrinkles, more frequent bruises, and dryness, start to be evident.

Your skin can convey your mood and show how healthy or unhealthy you are. As you age, taking care of your crucial outer self is important. For elders, here are some skincare suggestions.

Why does your skin alter as you age?
Skin changes brought on by ageing are typical and include a combination of the following:
● Allergies
● Weather
● Genetics
● Nutrition
● UV exposure
● Smoking is, among other things

The most harmful of these to the skin is continuous and direct exposure to the sun. According to research, among the people having skin illnesses, nearly 80% had one or more skin conditions requiring treatment or medical attention.

If you're an older adult, here are a few best skin care tips for you to enjoy a youthful and glowing skin.

1. Frequently moisturise your skin:
Emollients and fatty acids are combined in the best moisturisers to resemble the skin's natural lipids. Choosing an occlusive moisturiser can help you to build a barrier that will trap moisture in your skin and reduce water loss.
TIP: Always rub face moisturiser in upward strokes, never down. Apply a high-quality moisturiser to the skin after a bath to lock in moisture.

2. Wash gently:
With limited natural oil production, mature skin is extremely dry. Cleanse gently to prevent further drying out. It's okay to wash once per day. Use gentle cleaners as opposed to harsh soaps and alcohol-based products.
TIP: When washing, use warm water rather than hot and limit the number of baths or showers you take. If you enjoy unwinding in the tub, stay away from bath oils because they make the tub slippery and increase the chance of falling.

3. Eat right for gorgeous skin:
The saying "you are what you eat" has never been more accurate if you want skin that glows. Our skin's health is significantly influenced by our diet, which should be balanced and high in nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and necessary minerals. Include berries, melons, avocados, walnuts, oily seafood like salmon, and green vegetables. These items are a part of a healthy diet that can support maintaining healthy skin as you age.

4. Do maintain a simple, consistent routine:
Dermatologists advise simplifying skincare regimens. Irritation can result from excessive scrubbing, exfoliating, and product use.
TIP: As a general rule, use sunscreen, a cleanser, and a moisturiser, as these are the only three items that will make a consistent visible difference.

5. Avoid the sun:
This is the most crucial thing you can do for your skin! Dermatologists advise you to shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays.
● To protect your face and any other exposed skin, use a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
● When spending time outdoors, look for cover because the sun's rays are most intense between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

6. Drink water to rehydrate:
Never undervalue the importance of water or the benefits that staying hydrated may have on your skin and general well-being. Drinking water can give you radiant and clear skin.

Inner beauty begins with the skin. No matter how much money you spend on anti-aging therapies, poor health can manifest in your skin's appearance. Keep up a healthy lifestyle, and pursue your passions. After all, ageing is a natural process that includes wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Be proud to wear them!

Enjoy your retirement life with wholesome meals, daily and different exercise groups, and regular health and wellness events. Also, invest in the best health insurance in India for parents to secure your finances from uncapped medical expenses due to ageing.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Get your tyres checked if you hear screeches regularly

The engine is often considered a two-wheeler's most crucial component. However, an experienced motorcyclist would tell you that well-maintained tyres are equally essential for a safe and enjoyable bike ride.

The various squeaks, screeches, and rumbles can tell you about a tyre's health. Since your contact with the road is made via tyres, they have a crucial role in defining your riding experience. Taking optimum care of your bike's tyres ensures longevity and a smooth ride. Buy 2 wheeler insurance online and get your bike serviced regularly to maintain your bike's safety.

Do tyres always make noise?

You cannot completely eliminate noise from your tyres. The rubber will make noise as it rolls against any surface. Natural rubber friction against the road will be the source of most of the noise your tyres make. Also, air flow through the moving tyre treads further increases the noise.

On the road, the sounds made by various tyre brands and products vary slightly. The sounds your tyres generate have a language, but translating them takes practice.

Let's now understand different screeches and how to care for them.

1. Squealing tyres:
The possibility of tyre squealing exists, especially while making sharp turns. You can hear this frequently in parking lots. Your front tyres may be underinflated if they appear to be making this squealing noise. You should check their pressure even if the tyres don't appear underinflated.

2. Squeaking tyres:
You need to pay immediate attention if your tyre makes a squeaking noise. Compared to a screech, it's riskier. The front tyres typically exhibit uneven tread wear, which a screech can indicate. You may feel some pulling to the left or right. Go to the tyre shop right away to have your wheels balanced, aligned, and tyres checked.

3. Grinding tyres:
The time to be afraid has come if you hear your wheels grinding. The most likely reason is your brakes' failure due to worn drums or pads. Get your two-wheeler inspected right away, wherever you are.

4. Rumbling and vibrating tyres:
Your tyres may rattle and tremble on some road surfaces, particularly ribbed ones. A worn wheel bearing may be indicated by rumbling and vibration from your tyres, especially if the noise gets louder as you go faster. It is a significant cause for worry since the wheel bearing holds the wheel in place.
Whether you are turning swiftly or braking hard to halt quickly, screeching tyres are to be expected. Low tread depth may be the issue, which you can resolve by taking your 2-wheeler to a tyre shop.

Dealing with unidentifiable sounds:
Sometimes you instinctively know something isn't right after riding on a pair of tyres for a while. When you hear a noise, you might not be able to place it in a certain category or even identify it, but you get the impression that it doesn't sound right. This might even happen if you stumble over a pothole. Other reasons might be the low tyre pressure, the tread may have worn down, or your bike's wheel may have fallen out of alignment.

Remember to pay attention to tyre sounds. Take a conservative approach if you are unsure of what it signifies. Check the two-wheeler and the tyres. Safety is the utmost priority for any rider on the road. The easiest way to prevent mishaps is to pay attention to your bike, regularly get it serviced, and purchase 2 wheeler insurance online as a prudent safety cover.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few home remedies to treat psoriasis

Your body is a temple, and you must take care of it to ensure your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. However, certain conditions can take longer to cure, and their development or progression varies from person to person. One such condition is psoriasis.

If you are new to this term, let us explain psoriasis. It is a disease of the skin, which manifests itself by creating a rash with itchy and scaly spots and patches, usually on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk of your body. This inflammation in the skin caused by psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, and there is no single method to treat it. As every instance of psoriasis differs from the next, the treatment prescribed by dermatologists also differs.

This blog will shed more light on these treatments and the few home remedies to treat psoriasis.

1. Aloe vera to the rescue:
Aloe vera is believed to be very beneficial for managing your psoriasis and calming the inflammation of your skin. And the best part? It is readily available and hassle-free if you want to grow aloe vera in your home premises organically. If you are using aloe-vera infused creams, it is medically recommended that you use the ones with 0.5% aloe vera and apply it three times a day to treat the discolouration, rash, itching, and scales on your skin.

2. Warm water to cleanse:
Who doesn't like warm water baths? The soothing water at the right temperature falls on your skin, relaxing your body. But there is a disclaimer! You must strictly avoid "hot" water. It might not be helpful with the inflammation of the skin due to your psoriasis condition. Warm water is advised. You can add mineral oil, Epsom salt, or olive oil to help with the rashes and itchiness.
But you must be careful about specific things to avoid triggering or worsening your symptoms. Some instructions include: showering once a day, a maximum of fifteen-minute bath, using a soft, moisturising soap bar, patting dry, and applying a skin-friendly moisturiser post-shower.

3. The household's favourite – turmeric:
Every Indian household's favourite ingredient for cooking or home remedies is turmeric. There have been many studies on the usage of turmeric and its benefits which have suggested fruitful results in using this age-old home remedy in Indian culture. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory abilities, which help rid psoriasis.

4. Omega-3 is essential:
Omega-3 is an essential component that helps to strengthen your body's immunity, prevents heart diseases, reduces the chances of stroke, acts as protection against cancer, and much more. The omega-3 fatty acids are believed to lower the inflammation levels of the skin in your body.

Other ways to help you manage your psoriasis include keeping your stress levels in check by meditating, journaling, aromatherapy, anxiety management (therapy), etc. It is also advised to monitor your body weight and control it if necessary. Living with psoriasis compromises your immune system, which makes you prone to other health issues. Therefore, maintaining a moderate body weight is essential.

It's high time that we all understand the significance of our health, especially after the pandemic. While you try your best to stay in optimal health, you must be ready for any health crisis that might come without warning. Therefore, you must get online health insurance to avoid such unforeseeable situations. Explore your options and purchase the best online health insurance that caters to your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to become a professional driver

Driving a car can be one of the most joyous and liberating feelings in the world. Cruising through the roads, being in control and manoeuvring your vehicle is sure to give you a sense of euphoria. While many of us master the art of driving effortlessly within a short period, others might take a considerable amount. The important thing to remember is that developing driving skills is a matter of experience.

In this article, we will discuss a few ways to develop your driving abilities and become a skilled driver.

1. Understanding how your car works:
An expert driver should be able to manoeuvre every car. But as a start, before you can take your vehicle out, understand its mechanisms and how it responds to adverse weather conditions. This will help you manage your car better if presented with any circumstance that you have had no prior experience with.

2. Configure the mirrors:
Mirrors should perform their intended functions. Knowing what mirror angle works best for you is crucial. Set your mirrors so that the sides of the chassis are not visible anymore. Upon setting up the mirrors the right way, you can reduce the blind spots significantly.

3. Turn signals:
Many people often neglect to use the indicators. However, it is vital to understand that the turn signals are not for you. They alert other people behind or around you about your next move. Warning others will help reduce accidents or crashes on the road.

4. Keep a margin:
This might seem futile when you are traversing through slow-moving and congested traffic. However, leaving a margin between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead is necessary when you are driving fast on an empty road. This helps avoid potential crashes in case of a sudden brake by the person ahead of you. A thumb rule to follow is the 10-second rule. Keep a checkpoint for reference and note the time the vehicle ahead of you passes this point. Ensure that your vehicle follows with a gap of 10 seconds.

5. Be responsible towards others:
When talking about good driving skills, one of the most neglected factors is the responsibility towards others. Being empathetic towards others on the road is the trademark of a good driver. Unnecessary honking, not adhering to speed limits, not warning the other drivers, etc., can lead to agitation and even accidents. Being calm during such situations can go a long way.

6. Practice night driving:
Traversing through night traffic can be challenging the first few times. Instead of taking your car at night during heavy traffic hours, start practising on relatively empty roads to get comfortable with the headlights from the opposite vehicles. Understand the rules of alerting fellow drivers during the night and stick to them.

These are a few ways in which you can improve your driving skills. Being confident and practising adds to your experience and makes you a better driver. As a beginner, handling a 3000-pound motor can seem daunting. Keep in mind that being intimidated is entirely normal. Start with open grounds and slowly make your way into heavy traffic roads.

Another thing to consider is that sometimes, accidents might happen due to the negligence of fellow drivers or some unexpected situations. To help you rest easy, consider buying motor and personal accident insurance. Personal accident insurance covers all the expenses you will face in case of an accident and compensates for your losses.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to overcome your driving test nerves

While buying a car is hectic and time-consuming, learning how to drive a vehicle is a different ball game. We all know that Indian roads are chaotic, and sadly, the strict implementation of traffic rules is lacking. People are ignorant of the traffic rules. The high number of vehicles on the road makes it difficult for the traffic police to control the cars and catch the ones breaking the regulations, thus encouraging the environment of neglect. New learners find it challenging to navigate the roads under such conditions and risk a massive chance of landing in or creating an accident or collision with other vehicles, poles, and bumpers if they are not extremely vigilant.

Considering the above reasons, it is imperative for any potential learner or driver must pass a driving test with good scores or grades to show their understanding and make them eligible for driving on the road.

This driving test examines a candidate based on a written and practical test. Both these tests are focused on your knowledge of the traffic rules and road conditions, situational risks and solutions to avoid any accidents, and a practical display of your driving skills catering to the tasks given by your examiner. This driving test is extensive and essential, which is why many test takers get nervous before the test.

Are you someone who gets the pre-exam jitters that makes you anxious about the upcoming test and interview? Well, do not worry. This blog has the best tips to overcome your driving test nerves. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Confidence is key:
It would be best if you assured yourself that you are ready. You have studied well for the test and practised your driving skills enough times to be confident that you will pass your test with flying colours. You need to be satisfied that you will not be able to take this test until and unless your driving instructor thinks you are ready. So, if you are applying for this examination, you must avoid hyping up the test and magnifying its importance to make yourself anxious. This test will examine your skills in something you have done many times already.

2. Do not tell everyone:
Avoid telling everyone that you are about to take your driving test. Keeping it a secret will help you avoid the millions of tips and techniques people will say to you, and various negative reviews you might come across will make you more nervous and break your confidence. Losing confidence is not something you can risk. So, avoid revealing your test dates and take the pressure off.

3. Never skip your meals:
Skipping your food and having anxiety about your performance on the test is not a favourable combination. It might make you weak or cause a panic attack, which will eventually force your examiner to declare you unfit for the test, and you might have to reapply and go through the hassle again. Therefore, have a light meal, like some fruits, salad, or something which is fulfilling and energetic and does not make you drowsy.

Some other tips to overcome your driving test nerves include:

● Using the washroom before you go in for the test

● Washing your face lightly to wean off the pressure

● Chatting with your driving instructor to create a normal atmosphere

● Not consuming caffeine for a couple of days before the test

● Consider the actual test to be a mock examination

● Carry a jacket in case the exam hall gets cold

● Avoid too much revising on the day of the test

● Arrive at the test centre well in advance to give yourself some time to calm down and understand the procedure of the test

These are some of the best tips to overcome your driving test nerves. Follow them righteously, and you will pass the test with ease. And while we talk about driving tests, we should discuss the necessity of purchasing car insurance too. After getting your driving licence, car insurance is the next essential document you need to drive a car legally. Compare new car insurance rates and consider other factors before buying a policy.

Click HERE to learn more about comparing new car insurance rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these steps if you're concerned about the authenticity of your bike insurance

Hundreds of options are available for your bike insurance, both online and offline. You must have encountered tempting advertisements promising you the lowest premium with complete coverage for your bike. Also, we frequently receive calls from insurance companies or their agents with lucrative offers for buying our bike insurance from them.

But wait a moment. Are all these offers authentic? Will they provide you with complete protection, safety, and quick claim disbursal in the unfortunate event of your bike accident? You need to follow these steps if you have the slightest doubts and are concerned about the authenticity of your bike insurance.

1. Check with IRDAI:
The first step for checking the authenticity of your bike insurance is to check the website of IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) and search for your insurance company. The insurance company will probably be a fraud if its name is not on the IRDAI website.

2. Go for a brand:
Always choose a bike insurance policy of a reputed company or brand. An insurance company that is well-known and reputed in the market is less likely to cheat and issue a policy with false claims and promises. Also, the chances of a fake policy from such companies are almost zero.
We often buy a bike insurance policy on the advice of an insurance agent or by getting influenced by some advertisement. You should first call the customer care of such companies and verify the policy details being sold to you. Also, you may visit the nearest branch of the company and verify the details there. Check whether the policy contains the same IDV (Insured Declared Value) and all the add-ons promised earlier to you. Buy the bike insurance policy only after you are certain about its genuineness.

3. Premium receipt and other details:
A genuine bike insurance policy will always issue a receipt for the premium paid by you. Also, the policy document will contain all the details, such as your name, policy tenure, terms and conditions of insurance coverage, etc.
To ensure the authenticity of your bike insurance, always insist on a hard copy of your premium receipt. Review your policy document thoroughly and ensure it contains all the required details.

4. Mode of premium payment:
A bike insurance company will give you several options to pay your bike insurance premium. You can pay it online through its website or issue a cheque in the insurance company's name and hand it over to the insurance company’s office or your insurance agent.
If your insurance company or agent is insisting only on cash payment or payment by cheque/bank transfer in the name of a person, it should be a red flag for you. The insurance company or the agent in between might not be genuine and authentic.

5. Verification link:
Insurance companies nowadays validate a bike insurance policy on their official portal at the time of issue. You can check the authenticity of your bike insurance policy by checking whether this link redirects you to the official website of the insurance company or not. This is especially important if you buy your policy from a 3rd party vendor.

The digitalisation of insurance services has contributed greatly to the progress and development of the insurance industry. However, fraudsters find new ways to dupe you while selling you a bike insurance policy. You need to be vigilant to protect your hard-earned money. Always verify the authenticity of your new bike insurance policy and its details before paying for it.

Bike insurance is compulsory under the law, and you must buy it from one source or another. Visit the nearest branch office of bike insurance companies, or go through their offerings in detail on their website. Call their customer care and confirm the details. Buy a good bike insurance policy that is genuine and does what it promises to do.

Click HERE to buy reliable bike insurance for your valuable two-wheeled asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.