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Tips to Help You Maintain Your Bike Better

There are many people who decide against buying a car, especially since it can be quite expensive to purchase as well as maintain, and instead opt for a motorbike. Bikes are much easier to fit in smaller spaces and offer the possibility of going a bit faster, something which excites many. However, just like any other vehicle, you need to make sure to take good care of it, which includes buying bike insurance online in india . Here are some tips to help you maintain your bike better: -

  • Keep the Tyres Inflated at All Times: Bikes do not offer the same kind of protection as cars, and thus it is much more important for you to take all the necessary safety measures, one of which is keeping your bike tyres inflated. In case they aren’t or start to lose air while you are driving it, it could lead to a serious accident and thus, you must check your tyres regularly and have them filled up if needed.
  • Do Not Forget to Lubricate: Regularly, try and change the oil since that helps to prevent the engine as well as gears from getting extremely worn out, which could lead to them not working properly. Besides causing trouble in starting up, not oiling the said parts could lead to further damage and could make it nearly impossible to drive the bike. Therefore, buy the lubricant which is specific to your bike and oil any metal parts.
  • Check to See if the Wheels are Fine: Quite often, an older bike can start having problems with its wheels, wherein they become slightly loose, and thus it becomes difficult to maintain proper direction and you also run the risk of the bike sliding. In case you see that your wheels are a bit loose, or not as sturdy and solid, immediately take the bike to the workshop to get fixed so you avoid accidents.
  • Regular Servicing: Just like every other vehicle, your bike too needs to be taken regularly to the workshop to get serviced. Whether you are experiencing problems with it or not, taking it to get checked up is always a good option since it can help detect any possible issues as well, such as with the engine, tyres or the brakes. It is always better to have the problem taken care of at an earlier stage than to go and get it fixed once it becomes serious.
  • Adjust the Clutch: You need to make sure that you adjust the clutch just right; tighten or loosen it such that it suits you the best. In case you tighten it too much, it might slip out of your hands and will also lead to an increase in fuel consumption.
  • Owning a bike is comparatively easier than a car, especially in terms of finances, but that does not mean it does not need to be taken care of. It is still an investment and so, you need to follow a certain set of practices to ensure that your bike remains in the best condition possible. A great way to avoid having to spend a huge amount on repairing any damages is to insure the bike. Buying marine cargo insurance policy bike insurance online in India has become quite a simple process.

A Comprehensive Health Insurance Checklist

The health of you and your family is something that cannot be traded. You must make sure in all walks of life that it is well taken care of, and that if something falls stray, you have good health insurance to back things up.

If you are looking to buy health insurance in India for your parents, then you should put special effort into choosing a policy which caters to the need of growing age — a policy which has an extended cover period at reasonable rates.

Here is a checklist that you can follow to make sure that you make the best out of your health insurance.

Claim settlement rate

One of the deciding factors that you should look at while buying a health insurance policy is the claim settlement rate. The higher the claim settlement rate of a company, the quicker is the process of payout. A higher settlement rate also means that the insurance provider is doing a good job with administering the policy so that no hindrances come at bay when the insured individuals decide to make a claim.

Hospitalization expenses

Medical fees, especially the pre and post hospitalization expenses, can leave you sweating. It would be best if you opted for health insurance which covers your entire hospitalization cost for free. A good insurance policy should pay for your visit to the doctor, prescribed medicines, surgeries, hospitalization costs, and follow up investigations.

Network of hospitals

Accidents and ailments can happen anytime, anywhere. Thus, you should opt for a policy that has a wide network of partner hospitals, so that you or your family can be treated anytime, anywhere, without having to move to a different place. More importantly. All of this should be free of cost. Having accessibility to good hospitals can not only save you time but also save you much money which you might have to shell out with travelling.

Support for daycare

To claim your health insurance, you should be hospitalized for at least 24 hours. However, there are several cases that do not require hospitalization. All they need is daycare — someone to take care of you while you are bedridden, perhaps at home, or even going around with a disease such as cataracts and neurological problems where you are still quite functional, if not completely. To have this covered, opt for a policy that provides maximum daycare support.

If you are looking for good Health Insurance In India For Parents, or yourself, then Magma HDI could be your one-stop option. It has a wide range of insurance premiums to choose from and comes with features such as 24x7 claim assistance and cashless hospitalization across a network of more than 4,100 hospitals.


Deductibles you should be aware of in your health insurance plan

Health insurance plans are much needed as they provide you with a sense of protection against the various odds in life. If you are trying to get the Best Health Insurance In India For Parents, or other members in your family, then you should look at a plan which offers extended cover at low premium rates.

There are several ways through which you can save on your health insurance premiums as well, and one of such approaches is opting for the right deductibles.

Insurance deductibles are the money that you receive during the course of your insurance before the claim period. Having a better understanding of the deductibles can help you save quite a bit on your insurance policy.

Type of deductibles and what they mean

Health insurance policies in India come with two types of deductibles: voluntary and compulsory. However, in international markets, other deductibles come into force. Below are the various types of deductibles that are applied to health insurances.

Compulsory deductibles: : These types of deductibles are made mandatory by the Indian government for the benefit of the customer. These are fixed sums that an insurance company pays to the insured while they make a claim.

Voluntary deductible: Suggestive of the name, voluntary deductibles are opted by the insured at the time of purchasing insurance. This helps them bring down the cost of the insurance premium.

Comprehensive deductibles: Comprehensive deductibles come into play and are applied across covers. They keep on adding up until the time you have paid the total amount under the agreements of your policy.

Non-comprehensive deductibles: These deductibles are applicable to certain kinds of cover. It requires you only to pay a certain sum of money while you claim your policy.

Cumulative deductible: Cumulative deductibles are applicable in a family health insurance plan. They come into force when all the members included the insurance plan have made the payments to fulfil the net payable amount.

Choosing a deductible

While it may be tempting to choose a higher insurance deductible, it might not always be the safest bet. It would be best if you thought of long-term before choosing a deductible. If you feel that the cost of your premiums are too much to meet the insurance deductibles, then it is a wiser option to choose a plan which has a lower premium

It is also advisable that you read your policy documents carefully to understand how deductibles work in a context. However, if you still have trouble understand specific terms and how deductibles work, then you can always contact your insurance provider. They will give you a broader context of the deductibles that can be applied to your health insurance policy.

While opting for health insurance, you should always choose one which fits the needs of you and your family the best. Magma HDI is one of the best health insurance in India as it offers protection against critical illness and a 24x7 claim policy. It also comes with cashless hospitalization across more than 4,100 hospitals, which makes it an ideal choice for first-time insurance buyers.


Things to Know before bike alterations

If you are someone who loves riding bikes, then you would not mind spending hours end on trying to make the best out of it, modifying it so that it stands out and reflects your personality.

However, before you decide to start modifying your bike, it’s advisable to get it past your warranty period, so that you won’t be missing out on the factory servicing — something which can otherwise cost you quite a bit.

When you are ready to modify your bike, you need to make sure you have received all the legal permission from the respective local bodies, just to make sure that your modded engine fits well with the law.

Performance modification

A performance mod enhances your bike’s performance. However, insurers are quite wary of you doing it, as it may call for higher risk of accidents. For example, if the mod increases the top speed of your bike, it will go faster, thus increasing the chance of road accidents. To deal with these, insurance companies might increase your premium rates.

Visual modifications

Often, people like to decorate their beloved motorbikes in a way which reflects their personality. A large part of it includes paint jobs and additional frames that give the body a different and unique look. However, a good looking bike — one which particularly stands out — is more prone to theft. Knowing this, insurance companies tend to increase premium rates.

However, if you make some cosmetic changes to your bike — colour, mirrors, and such — then your insurance premiums might not increase. The increase in the premiums is directly proportional to the value of the bike — a basic rule of thumb.

Installing anti-theft devices

If you are particularly wary of your bike being stolen, then you can add an anti-theft device to it. Such gadgets are available easily in the market and work on a GPS system which helps you track your bike, in case it is stolen. It is a great security feature and can also be used to reduce the premium of your bike, as a good security measure in place ensures that there are reduced chances of your bike being stolen. This way, insurance companies have one less thing to worry about.

To make sure that your mod job is right, you must get in touch with a good mechanic and designer who can suggest you the best parts for your bike. It is also essential that you get two-wheeler insurance in India to make sure that your bike is protected from thefts and accidents. Magma HDI two-wheeler insurance comes with attractive premium rates and support for anti-theft devices, which makes sure that the future of your bike is safe.


Common Two-wheeler issues that can lead to brake failure and its solutions

Bikes have different components, and each of them has separate sets of functions that serve different needs. However, there is one particular component, the role of which cannot and should not be underplayed — brakes.

Brakes help you slow down your two-wheeler and help you prevent accidents. To ensure your safety, you should always check if your brakes are in good shape before you start riding.

Several factors affect the functionality of the brakes on your bike, such as quality, temperature usage pattern, et cetera. When your brake wears and tears, and starts performing poorly, you must make it a point to check what’s wrong with them so that you can fix them at once.

Here, we will look at a few common issues that two-wheeler brakes face and also learn how to fix them.

1. Wearing out

It is one of the most common issues that bikes face with brakes — they wear out with time. You will notice it as your brake pedal sinks further under your foot and hand (in case of the front brakes). When you feel that this is happening, get the brake pads changed and you will be good to go.

2. Bleeding of brakes

After you install a new brake, it needs to bleed some oil. Do not worry — this process ensures that there are no air gaps in between that could initiate a brake failure. If this process does not take place properly, then your brake will also stop functioning. An effective way to deal with this solution is to get the bleeding done thoroughly, ensuring that there are no air gaps left inside.

3. Leakage of brake fluid

Brake fluid leakage is something that you will see now and then as your bike gets older on the road. However, if you encounter this frequently, it is highly likely that something is wrong — the oil is leaking from a component that is not fitted correctly. To fix this issue, you need to tighten up the parts of the brake, making sure that there is no room for any leakage.

4. Less brake oil

If your bike has less brake oil, then it may lead to a complete brake failure — something that you might not want at all. Keep on topping up your brake oil (they come for a cheap price) to avoid this situation.

5. Misalignment of the master cylinder

The master cylinder happens to be one of the essential parts of the brake system. If this cylinder gets misaligned due to inappropriate pressure on your brakes, it may lead to some severe brake problems, and might even lead to oil leakage. To fix this, you have to fit the cylinder properly and to check on it from time to time, in case you are noticing a deterioration in the brake’s performance.

If your brake is right, then your ride will be safe. To ensure further ride safety, you must Buy Two-Wheeler Insurance Online, which can protect your bike from accidents. The Magma HDI two wheeler insurance also comes with personal accident cover, which means that your riding experience will be as safe as ever.


6 Truths about general insurance you must know

Simply put, general insurance includes all personal insurance plans except life insurance. All of these plans aim to provide coverage against different unforeseeable events in your life and thus, protect your finances. Read on to find out more about general insurance plans and what they can do for you.

1. Coverage
General insurance plans are created to cover every aspect of your life - from health and travel to motor and house. You can even insure your business and shop. With Magma HDI you can even get a public liability insurance with essentially covers you against legal liability arising from property damage of or bodily injury to a third party at your premises (school, office, restaurant etc.)
2. Customisability

We all have different needs, and general insurance plans take the initiative to help secure us against risks that are most pertinent to us. You could design your own insurance safety net depending on your personal needs and finances.

3. Covering multiple risks

Many General Insurance Plans offer comprehensive services that make it easier to get extensive coverage without having to scout for different insurers or having to deal with the hassle of paying multiple, hefty premiums. For example, a home insurance policy will protect you from various hazards such as fire, floods, theft, riots, etc. under a single plan.

4. Flexible benefits

Many general insurance plans offer all-encompassing benefits that are not restricted merely to a single individual. For example, a family floater health insurance plan provides coverage for your entire family in a single policy. Similarly, commercial insurance will cover multiple risks arising from theft, damage to goods/ stock, machinery breakdown and even risks arising from a vendor’s end. This is a great option to increase your savings and minimizing your work as you would only have to deal with a single company for all your policy benefits.

5. Tenure

While life insurance plans have longer validity, most general insurance plans offer protection based on a yearly renewal. Certain types of insurance, such as motor insurance may offer a longer tenure, say up to three years with a lucrative discount on the premium. However, this feature allows you to play a more significant role in deciding the period of your policy. You also have the option to switch insurance providers at the time of renewal if you feel dissatisfied with your current one.

6. Additional benefits

As an incentive to their customers, general insurance plans come with a host of benefits available to policyholders at a nominal fee. While some are in the form of value-added services such as the provision of rent for alternative accommodation in case your house is damaged, others may be personal accident covers for complete coverage in the event of a motor accident. You can pick and choose while buying/ renewing your policy.

The escalating costs in today's world have made general insurance plans a necessity for every individual and a vital part of any successful attempt at financial planning.



Tips for first-time health insurance policy buyers

Our lifestyle has been changing steadily with time. These lifestyle changes have made room for several diseases that may come unnoticed. To fend away health insecurities at this time and to progress on your journey of good health, it is essential that you have health insurance.

Health insurance is also important because healthcare costs have gone up significantly, and not having a financial backup can land you into some serious trouble — as far as your health is concerned. To deal with the rising cost of healthcare, and to make sure that you have a solid backup if anything goes wrong with your health, it is important to have good health insurance.

When it comes to buying health insurance, you have to make a note of certain things to make sure that your purchase is orderly. These tips also apply if you want health insurance online. For first-time buyers, these tips can be of great help, as at first glance, health insurance might seem to be a complicated affair.

Get the basics right

For people who are new to the insurance industry, specific insurance-related keywords can be quite confusing. To make sure that you know how health insurance works, you should start by familiarizing yourself with these terms and keywords. Some of the terms that you should know about are co-payment, deductible, premium, et cetera.

Figure out your budget

Health insurance policies have premiums that you have to pay to keep the policy alive, and this is an added expense to your budget. To make sure that you do not overspend, figure out a budget, and pick a policy that fits it well. however, make sure that you do not compromise on the benefits as you choose a cheap policy. Magma HDI health insurance provides great cover at affordable premiums.

Understanding riders

Health insurance riders add additional benefits to your existing insurance policy. You can even add them when you Renew Health Insurance Online — just choose the rider option in the online interface. The cost of riders is added to the existing plan, which means that you will have to pay for it separately. Choose a rider only if you need it — be selective, so that you do not end up paying what you think you do not need.

With the onset and the accessibility of the internet, it is advisable to opt for health insurance which can be accessed online. Magma HDI health insurance can be purchased and renewed online with a few easy and hassle-free steps. It comes with features such as optional cover to reduce premium and 24x7 claim assistance, among others, to make sure that your health is the top priority.

It also comes with other key benefits such as optional cover for critical illness and accidents, and cashless hospitalization across more than 4,100 hospitals. With Magma HDI it is also easy to renew health insurance without any hassle and stress.


Everything you need to know about general insurance

The term insurance is often used very loosely. Most people think that General Insurance Plans only include car, health etc. There are even misconceptions regarding the policy coverage of these plans. Read on to see what exactly general insurance stands for and the different kinds of plans which come under it.

What are the types of general insurance and their benefits?
General insurance is a contract between the insured and the insurance company for financial protection against loss, damage, theft or other liabilities that may arise. Broadly speaking, it includes all kinds of insurance except life insurance. This financial protection may be in the form of cashless services or reimbursement. Given below are some of the most popular general insurance plans available to you today.
1. Health insurance:

A health insurance policy essentially covers the costs of treatment of a medical condition or accidents. Generally, it includes medical tests, treatment for critical diseases, pre and post hospitalisation expenses etc. as mentioned in your policy wordings. You can also opt for add-on features such as maternity covers and personal accident covers to customise your plan for you and your family.

The benefits of a health insurance plan also include tax benefits under section 80D of the income tax act.

2. Motor insurance:

Whether you have a two-wheeler, a car or a truck, a motor insurance plan will offer you financial protection against loss resulting from damage, accident, theft etc. Broadly, a motor insurance policy includes-

a. Third-party insurance: This is the compensation provided by the insurer for damages caused by the insured to another person or another vehicle. Any individual getting motor insurance must have a third-party liability cover as it is mandatory by law. It can easily be purchased with the purchase of your vehicle itself.

b. Comprehensive insurance: This policy will cover damages occurring to your vehicle due to accidents, theft, natural calamities, fire etc. This will be in addition to third-party liability and will also reimburse you for theft, repairs etc.

3. Travel insurance:

Travel insurance pays for financial losses that arise during one’s travel within India or abroad. The policy might be a single trip plan which covers one trip taken within180 days of purchasing the insurance or a multi-trip plan covering multiple trips during a year. Generally, the scope of a travel plan includes reimbursement for baggage loss/delay, missed flight, medical expenditure, loss of passport etc. You can further pick a plan for individuals/families or even pick between domestic and international travel insurance based on your needs.

4. Home insurance:

Since getting your own home is a big-ticket investment, it is important to insure it. Home insurance plans financially compensate you for any damage to your home and valuables within the property due to natural and man-made disasters, fire, burglaries etc. You also have the option to get additional coverage with add-ons.

Irrespective of the kind of general insurance, the following factors need to be kept in mind before buying a policy:


Assess your needs: It is essential to evaluate your specific requirements instead of going only by someone else's recommendation or even a popular plan. For example, a health plan could either be an individual or a family floater policy. 


Benefits of getting car insurance

An increasing number of vehicles on the road, along with the insufficient infrastructure to support them, is leading to a rise in the number of accidents and fatalities. There were over 4.61 lakh road accidents just in 2018 and these are only the ones that were reported. Car insurance becomes very important at times like these.  It saves you from paying massive amounts to repair the damages to your car.

Still not convinced? Here are some of the benefits of buying a car insurance policy.

Protects your finances in case of an accident

If an accident happens, your Car Insurance can protect your finances by covering the repair expenses. If there's a third party involved and you are liable to pay them for any property damage or medical help, you can rest assured as your insurance can take care of that as well. In fact, it doesn't even have to be a road accident, as it also covers claims resulting from man-made and natural calamities like storms, floods, theft, vandalism, or riots.

Offers coverage for theft

You spend so much time, effort and money on buying a new car. The last thing you'd want is for someone to steal it. As sad as that is, it's not impossible. Which is why a good motor insurance policy also covers you against it. If your car is stolen, your policy will reimburse you the cost of your car. It can also cover the cost of repairs resulting from the break-in attempt.

Avail cashless services

When you buy motor insurance, you are entitled to getting cashless services at your insurance provider's network garages. This essentially means that you can get covered services without having to pay a single rupee. Say you damage your vehicle, all you need to do is go to your nearest network garage, show proof of your insurance and get the repairs done.

Covers personal accident liabilities

Motor insurance policies also cover disability or death leading from a car accident. So your motor insurance covers both you and your vehicle. For a person other than the owner/driver, you can separately buy a personal accident cover. The cost of your cover will depend on the extent of coverage you choose

Provides customization with riders

Riders or add-ons offer additional coverage on your basic motor insurance plan after payment of a nominal fee. The standard rider options are:

  • Zero depreciation add-on where your insurer bears the cost of repairs without considering the depreciated value of your car. This feature helps you maintain the value of your car despite wear and tear.
  • Road-side assistance add-on helps you out on the spot whenever you encounter any issues such as a flat tire, dead battery etc. You may even get additional road-side assistance with Magma HDI.
  • Engine protection add-on covers damages to the engine due to malfunction, water damage or leakage of lubricants.
  • Loss of personal belongings add-on is protection against accidents or burglaries where you end up losing valuables such as your phone or laptop. Your insurance provider helps you out with this cover by reimbursing you for your loss.

So, having the right car insurance is like always having someone watching your back when you’re driving your vehicle. It ensures the safety of your car, passengers, and pedestrians.


The Evolution of Health Insurance

Health insurance is a necessity in today's age, but the easy accessibility and wide range we enjoy today weren't always there in the past. It's safe to say that health insurance policies in India have forged their path over the years. But do you know how? Here's where we can help you with facts about the insurance you can't do without these days.

How did it begin?

Since the independence of India in 1947, our healthcare system revolved around government schemes and plans. The life insurance system that dates back to 1818 was the first of its kind for Indians. The popularity of life insurance in India was attributed to the low life expectancy and closely-knit family systems.

However, with liberalization in the early 1990s, healthcare delivery improved with an increase in disposable income. As a result, life expectancy increased to 65 years by the year 2011. The nineties also saw an influx of other things such as lifestyle diseases and consistently rising medical costs which made health insurance the invaluable commodity that it is today.

Crucial developments and current scenario

The IRDAI or Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India's legislation of the year 2001 is a vital milestone for Health Insurance In India. It opened new avenues for investment by private players in the industry. Over the years, the advancement of treatments and cashless claims enhanced the popularity of health insurance policies among buyers.

Despite all these developments, the sector is largely dominated by government-owned enterprises and its subsidiaries that account for nearly 60% of the total market share. Private health insurers are increasing their base and outreach mainly in the tier-1 and tier-2 cities with features like cashless payments and in-patient reimbursements. A major goal of health insurance is reaching all parts of the country.


Challenges for health insurance

Over the past two decades, the health insurance providers in India are consistently struggling to provide accessible and affordable care to the masses. It has many challenges that need critical analysis and solutions. The main challenges in this sector are:

  • Lack of awareness about the importance of health insurance. For instance, people don't realise how much difference a comprehensive health insurance can make at the time of an emergency.
  • Gap between affordability and accessibility because the rural population relies on government-based facilities as the private sector does not cater to their basic needs. 
  • Differences in service quality due to multiple levels of care delivery system. This increases the overall costs and causes quality concerns.
  • Ignorance on the part of consumers which makes them avoid getting insurance until the last minute.
  • No strong regulatory framework to standardize the healthcare delivery system.   

These are only some of the glaring issues we face in our country. Both consumers and insurance providers need to do their part so as to bridge the gap which will allow everyone to get healthcare in an easy and fair manner.

Future trends in health insurance

With the internet and other media platforms, more and more customers are beginning to understand the importance of health insurance. As a result, the number of policies sold has doubled in the last ten years.

The millennials have become a key focus for the major players due to their increasing awareness and their numbers in the workforce. Incentives such as tax benefits also encourage the working class to invest in health insurance plans.

In a nutshell, a focused approach of evolving cost, quality, and access show a promising future for healthcare insurance in India. 

Standardization of adequate health care provisions is still an aspiration which must be realized over the years.

To get the best of Health Insurance Policies In India, Check out Magma HDI.


The truth about theft insurance

With gated communities and technologically superior security systems, theft has significantly reduced in our country; however, as with any other type of risk – it can only be minimised, not eliminated. Its consequences also are not limited to your financial losses but also includes trips to the police station, affidavits, reams of paperwork, fear and trauma, leaving you depleted in all senses of the word.

This is where theft insurance comes in. Getting financial protection for your loss sure does take a load off your mind if an unfortunate incident does take place. Read on to find out more about theft insurance and how it works.

Theft insurance is essentially a plan that will cover you for any losses arising from burglary, robbery, etc. Not only does the policy cover you for the loss of valuables but also for any damage to premises, furniture, fixtures and physical assault during the attempt. Insurance providers such as Magma HDI also cover temporary security expenses so that you and your loved ones can feel safe again. Thus, you can rest assured that your insurance plan will take care of all your needs.
Important points to remember
  • It is imperative to carefully go through your policy documents to understand the coverage, terms and conditions, exclusions etc. provided to you. For example, when looking to travel extensively, some insurance companies will ask you to intimate them if the premises will remain unattended for an extended period of time.
  • The claims process for any insurance policy holds immense significance for all of us. Under a theft insurance policy though, theft and burglary are two separate events while filing your claim. While theft is a non-violent and unforceful entry into your premises, a burglary involves a forceful or violent attempt by breaking in/ tampering in order to rob you. Usually, you would need a separate cover for either peril, but nowadays insurance companies in India provide coverage for both through a single policy. 
Ideal coverage 

A common dilemma while opting for a Theft Insurance Policy is determining how much coverage you need. An important point to remember while making this decision is that your coverage will be limited to the sum assured by you. So, if you have assets worth 20 lakh in your home and have a coverage of 5 lakh, the insurance will only cover the loss till the extent of the sum assured. To avoid getting inadequate coverage, it is important to assess the worth of all your insurable assets and look for an insurance plan that gives you coverage based on your needs.


There will inevitably be a few exclusions to your cover. For example, some theft insurance policies do not cover cash or cash equivalents, stocks and share certificates, agreements and title deeds. Similarly, you may need to purchase a rider to cover for precious metals such as gold, silver, etc., precious stones such as diamonds, and other art and antiquities. Thefts committed by family members, house help or employees, loss arising due to riots, terrorism and war are excluded as well.

A final tip for you is staying on top of your policy. Reassessing your coverage needs periodically, especially when adding new inventory, expensive machinery or valuables will ensure that your financial risk is minimised in case of any unforeseen incidents.


Everything you need to know about marine insurance

In spite of the advancement in road, air and rail transportation, the sea route remains the most preferred mode of freight for international trade purposes. The sheer magnitude of cargo at stake is enough to make anyone think twice about what measures you can take to secure your shipments.

This is where marine insurance comes in. It gives you the peace of mind you need with its extensive coverage.

What is marine insurance?
Marine insurance protects you in case of damage/ loss of cargo, ships and vessels; when a property is acquired, transferred or held in possession between the starting point up until the destination.
Why buying marine insurance is a good idea?

Consider an example. Suppose you are a seller and you put your goods on a ship. Due to bad weather or a storm at sea, there is damage to valuable goods to an extent whereby the customer at the destination refuses to accept the final goods. For no fault of yours and due to unavoidable circumstances, you would suffer a monetary loss that could even go in crores!

Thus, it is essential to buy marine insurance to get coverage for the following:

  • 1. Export or import shipments.
  • 2. Goods being transported using sea, rail, road, post or air.
  • 3. Goods being carried via coastal vessels plying between ports located within the country.
  • 4. Goods that are transported via the vessels plying along rivers.
Other Advantages

Here are some other advantages that you are entitled to with your marine insurance-

  • 1. The insured obtains additional advantage of global claim survey and settlement.
  • 2. The cover accommodates diverse situations including property damaged either/or onshore or offshore, casualty at sea, marine liability, hull damages and other needs of the insured.
  • 3. There is an option to extend the plan to include protection against extraordinary circumstances like perils at sea, strikes, pirate hijack etc.with the help of add-on covers.
  • 4. Marine insurers would be willing to provide tailor-made policies as per specific requirements and budget of the insured such as Magma HDI's Marine Insurance Policy.

Marine insurance covers many situations, but the following are the exclusions:

  • 1. Normal wear and tear or leakage.
  • 2. Goods getting damaged during transportation owing to improper packaging.
  • 3. Any damages due to delays.
  • 4. Any damages caused intentionally to incur a loss and make a subsequent claim.
  • 5. Any damages due to a civil disturbance, war, strikes, riot etc.
  • 6. Any damages due to a financial difficulty such as bankruptcy or financial default of the owner of the transport vessel.

It is always a great idea to assess your unique needs before going out to purchase any insurance. However, getting a plan that is comprehensive in nature can never lead you wrong.


Affordable Health Insurance is a reality

There is a famous saying "health is wealth," and it is indeed true in today's context. With people getting busy with their hectic life, there is a growing trend of unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. In the pursuit of money, health has been left far behind. Now, one cannot give up on his/her career, but they certainly can opt for a health insurance policy that offers protection against unexpected medical emergencies. Health insurance is ignored by people for many reasons, and this has led to India's problem of "under-insurance." Herein, people opt for an inadequate amount or rather do not opt for any health insurance thinking that no ailment can affect them. Another reason given by people is that the premium for health insurance is very high, and they cannot afford it. 

Affordable Health Insurance – is it a reality?

The excuse that health insurance is expensive is not true. Affordable health insurance is a reality and has benefitted many families for the past few years. With the rapid integration of technology in the insurance sector, many insurance companies are now offering their services online. You can easily purchase or renew health insurance online  in a few clicks. As most companies have taken their operations online, the cost of availing and renewing health insurance has gone down substantially.

If you are still unsure about the affordability of health insurance plans, here are some tips to help you select an affordable health insurance policy for yourself as well as your family:

Understand your requirements:  First of all, you need to understand yours and your family's health insurance requirements. Consider factors like the number of members, their age, existing conditions, family health history etc. This will help you understand the extent of coverage that you require. 

  • Start early: Health insurance premium against a new policy for a young person of 25 years will be much lower than for a mature person of around 50 years of age. This is due to the risk involved for the insurer. So, you must subscribe to a. personal accident insurance online as soon as you start work, to enjoy the lowest premiums. Then gradually, keep on enhancing the coverage of your policy as your income rises. 
  • Do some research: Several online insurance marketplaces have come-up, which allows you to compare policies from different insurers easily. As these marketplaces eliminate the agent from the transaction, the cost of the policy goes down substantially. By comparing the coverage of different policies, you can reduce your premium payments significantly. 
  • Opt for a floater policy:  You can opt for a floater policy wherein one policy covers your entire family, including dependants. Instead of paying separate premiums, you only need to pay a single premium and will get insurance coverage for the whole family.
  • Tax Benefits: You can claim an income tax deduction of up to Rs. 25,000 for the health insurance premiums paid in a financial year for yourself and your family. If you pay a health insurance premium of your parents, you can claim an additional tax deduction. Thereby, you can save substantially on your income tax liabilities. 
  • Online renewal: When you renew health insurance online, through the insurance company's website or any online marketplace, you can enjoy lower premiums. As the companies do not need to pay any commissions, you can save a significant amount of money by opting to renew health insurance online.

The benefits offered by a health insurance plan are too good to be ignored just because you think health insurance is unaffordable. Do some research, and you will see that health insurance is indeed affordable and is rather a necessity for your family.


5 Reasons why you should have an Individual Personal Accident Policy

There is a false sense of security in most individuals, where one feels like they can never meet with an accident, but like as the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. No one wants to experience an unfortunate incident, but whether due to your mistake or someone else’s mistake, you can meet with an accident anywhere and anytime. Although no one can control such situations, you can certainly prepare for it.

With the number of vehicles steadily rising, across the country, the possibility of a car-related tragedy also increases. In situations as such, you could be staring at high costing expenses on hospital bills, as well as a loss of income due to being bed-ridden. Having an individual accident policy will take care of all these emergency expenses.

What is a personal accident policy?

Personal accident policy offers insurance cover to policyholders in case of an accident or injury caused due to any given reason. The insurance company will reimburse the policyholder in cases of serious injuries, permanent disability, or death, accidentally caused, according to the terms and conditions of the policy. 

You can buy your personal accident insurance online as well as offline, as per your preference. 

Why should you have a personal accident policy?

There are various benefits offered by a personal accident policy, which make it necessary for you to have one, such as: 

  • Reimbursement in case of disability: If you face an accident and suffer a temporary or permanent disability, you can claim compensation from the insurance company. The company will assess the nature of the injury or disability and give you compensation as per the guidelines of the policy. This will support you and your family financially during such tough times.
  • Hospitalisation and other expenses are taken care of: All hospital bills and cost of treatment are covered under the policy. In case of death, the insurance company will pay for the repatriation, funeral, and ambulance charges. 
  • Reimbursement for modifications: If the accident has left you wheelchair-bound, then you need to modify your home or vehicle to suit your needs. Any expenses incurred for such adjustments necessitated by the mishap can be reimbursed from the insurance company. 
  • Payment of death benefit: If the mishap results in unfortunate death, then the insurance company will pay the death benefit amount, as per the policy terms and conditions, to your family members, offering them financial support.
  • Transportation of family: If you are admitted to a hospital after an accident and the hospital is more than 150 km away from your home, the insurance company will pay for the transportation costs incurred by your family.

To avail such benefits in the time of emergency having personal accident insurance online or offline is imperative for the financial well-being of your family.


Benefits of daily cycling

In modern times, various lifestyle-related ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, depression, obesity, etc. have started affecting people from a young age. Due to 24*7 use of smartphones, unhealthy eating habits, and a lack of physical exercise, more and more people are getting affected by these lifestyle diseases. While you may have thebest health insurance policy in india , you need to engage in regular physical exercise to stay fit and healthy. There are various forms of exercises that you can indulge in, but the benefits of daily cycling are too good to be ignored. 

Cycling is regarded as one of the best ways to stay away from lifestyle conditions and reduce the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, it is one of the cheapest, enjoyable, and useful physical workouts. If you are still unsure about the benefits of daily cycling, here are the health benefits of regular cycling:

  • Fewer chances of injury: Cycling hardly causes any strain and can be enjoyed by people of all age groups. There are minimum chances of injuries while cycling, as compared to other forms of exercise.
  • Time-efficient: Cycling is one of the most time-efficient exercises you can engage in. Not only does it offer you several health benefits, but it can also be used as a means of transport. It will help you get rid of your inactive lifestyle and save your travelling expenses as well.
  • Easy to learn: Even if you do not know how to cycle, it will only take you a few hours to get the hang of it. There is no need for strong physical skills, and it does not need a lot of practice to learn it; it is one of the easiest exercises to learn. You can start from low-intensity mode and increase as you get used to it.
  • Boosts your stamina: Cycling engages several muscles in your body and thereby helps boost your stamina over time. It also improves your lower body strength as well as aerobic fitness. 
  • Reduces stress levels: Going for cycling in the morning helps you come closer to nature. The fresh morning air acts as stress-buster and enables you to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. 
  • Freedom from obesity: Cycling is one of the most useful workouts to help you get rid of excess fat from your body. It boosts the metabolism rate and helps build muscles. Within a few weeks of cycling, you would start witnessing a reduction in your weight; and would feel active and fit.
  • Reduces the risk of specific cancers: Research has proven that regular cycling reduces the risk of various types of cancers such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and bowel cancer.

With various health benefits on offer, cycling is undoubtedly one of the most useful forms of physical exercises available. To enjoy good health and freedom from health-related stress, it is essential that you eat a healthy diet, engage in regular physical activity, and subscribe to the best health insurance policy in India.


Five things you should know about personal accident insurance

Financial security is a priority for any family and having health insurance is one of the first steps towards keeping your family secure during health emergencies. But, what about other emergencies which are beyond the coverage of any health insurance policy?

Zeenat, a single parent of a 6-year-old daughter, takes as many precautions for her daughter's well being as she can. She has saved enough for daughter’s future in forms of fixed deposits and mutual funds. She has also taken health insurance for both to secure against any health emergencies. The planning seems perfect for a family of two people except for a loophole, not having an accident cover that could put all in vain if something goes wrong.

According to a report by the TOI, In India alone, about 1.49 lakh people lost their lives by road accidents in 2018. Personal accident insurance is an answer to such life-threatening situations, as a family gets shattered just by the news of an accident, let alone the future consequences that might bring substantial financial burden. However, before you go for a personal accident insurance plan, here are some things that you must know:

1. What is personal accident insurance?

personal accident insurance policy gives you a cover against accidents. It could be a road accident, a sudden fall, or any situation that leads to a disability or even death. Having personal accident insurance will save your expenses during such an emergency, and the insured amount would also take care of the loss of income that occurred during this period.

2. What does a personal accident insurance plan offer you?

Personal accident insurance generally envelops accidental death, permanent total disablement, permanent partial disablement and temporary total disablement.

But one thing that worries a person is what if the medical expense goes beyond what his policy can cover? With Magma HDI's Individual Accident Policy cover, a person can opt for Medical Expense Extension and Hospital Confinement Allowance.

3. What does the personal accident policy not cover?

It does not cover natural death due to drug addiction or alcoholism, adventurous sport, a breach of law with criminal intent, suicide-attempt, pregnancy, war, civil war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, revolution, insurrection or mutiny, pregnancy, participation in any naval, military or air force operations, curative treatments or interventions.

4. What is the need for personal accident insurance?

The need arises from the gap that health insurance and a life insurance policy will not cover. While, health insurance mainly covers the severe ailments and any other health emergencies, a life insurance policy pays compensation only in case of death. A personal accident insurance policy, on the other, is equally important for your insurance portfolio, which covers the policyholder in case of hospitalization or even in case of death due to an accident.

5. What is the ideal personal accident insurance?

The ideal personal accident insurance depends on individual exposure to situations and risks. For example, if your profession requires extensive travel, opt a plan that covers your international travel.

Go for the best personal accident insurance plan that ensures the maximum coverage and financial stability in the event of any accident.


Easy ways to choose affordable health insurance

Medical facilities in India have now achieved the status of being “world-class,” allowing the people of country with access to best treatment within the country. This improvement in facilities has come along with a substantial increase in medical expenses. As a result, purchasing health insurance in India has become a necessity because covering medical expenses from your own pocket has become virtually impossible. In fact, if your parents are in their older years, you must opt for health insurance in india for parents  to allow them access to best-in-class treatment for their ailments, without jeopardising their financial future. Due to the efforts of the Government and leading insurance companies, awareness regarding health insurance has improved significantly in India.

With multiple insurance companies operating in India and offering various health insurance plans, it is certainly possible that you are confused regarding the best option. If you are unsure regarding the best policy for you, then read on to know about the easy ways to choose affordable health insurance:

  • Understand your requirement: Firstly, understand the extent of coverage you require. This will depend on numerous factors like your age, family size, premium affordability, and future health requirements. Moreover, if your parents do not have a health cover, then you must get health insurance in India for parents. Also, there are various additional covers available, which can come handy in case of certain conditions.
  • Coverage for ailments: Nowadays, there are several health insurance policies that offer coverage for specific critical illnesses. You need to ascertain the type of diseases you wish to cover under your health insurance policy before opting for an option.
  • Coverage for pre-existing ailments: Different health insurance policies offer different waiting period for pre-existing illnesses. You need to identify a plan that has a minimum waiting period. This will save you from unexpected hospitalisation expenses in case you need treatment for the ailment before the completion of the waiting period.
  • Claim-settlement ratio: This ratio signifies the percentage of claims that the insurer settles out of every 100 claims received. You need to opt for an insurer with the highest claim settlement ratio so that your claim would not be rejected for any frivolous reason.
  • Cashless hospitalisation: Different insurance companies have agreements with different TPAs (Third Party Administrators). These different TPAs have different hospitals on their panel. You should opt for an insurer who offers maximum hospitals for cashless treatment. Moreover, the hospitals near your home should be covered under the panel of the TPA, as it would convenient for you in the need of emergency.
  • Compare the premiums: Last but not the least, make it a point to compare the premiums of different insurance companies. For the same extent of coverage, different insurance companies charge different premiums. Nevertheless, there are various plans that offer cheaper premium but also have reduced coverage. There are various online platforms where you can easily compare various health insurance plans, their coverage, and other essential parameters.

The importance of choosing the right health insurance plan cannot be neglected as it is directly associated with your health. So, never rush but always make an informed decision after carefully comparing various crucial factors affecting your health plan.


How have basic Ayurveda tips transformed our lives for the better

Ayurveda is not just about natural herbs and spices and consuming them raw. It is more about how you can boost your immune system and increase the efficiency of your organs to energise your bodily functions. Unlike the traditional methods of human living, Ayurveda emphasises ramping up your everyday lifestyle by prioritising your mental and physical health remain in check. It helps you in achieving the true meaning of “health is wealth” without distinguishing between the value of the mind and the body.

Are you looking for more information on how Ayurveda would help you change your lifestyle for the better? This blog will help you gain a positive outlook on this old Hindu system incorporated into the Atharva Vedas, the last of the four main Vedas in history. So, let’s get started.

1. Early to rise:
We all have read “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. The same has been repeatedly told to us by our parents and every adult you might have encountered. Well, Ayurveda reaffirms the truth in this statement. It states that the morning is the freshest and the purest time slot of the entire day, which can be super productive if appropriately utilised.
Waking up around 4:30 AM-5:00 AM daily will help you achieve positivity and a more robust and healthier outlook on life. It will also regulate your bodily functions and give you a headstart to the day compared to others who groggily wake up late.

2. Pay attention to your eating habits:
Ayurveda instructs that you practice a healthy habit of eating and calls it “ayurvedic eating,” which involves the importance of consuming natural and green vegetables and fruits.
It mentions the negative impacts of junk food and how essential it is to avoid such oily items loaded with unwanted carbohydrates and fats, which are difficult to break down and get deposited in your body. This leads to several major diseases which can potentially endanger your health in the long run.

3. A morning refreshing drink goes a long way:
We all have heard that consuming water with a few drops of honey in the morning helps rejuvenate your body as you begin your day. Add a teaspoon of quality honey in half to one glass of water and consume it as you wake up. This helps eliminate all the toxins in your body, and this mixture also helps kill several types of harmful bacteria.

4. Pay attention to your sleep:
After an entire day of work and other activities, your body and brain get exhausted. And to re-energise and detoxify all the tiredness, you need to sleep a good eight hours. Sleeping properly boosts your health and strengthens your immune system. It also helps in proper blood circulation, thus providing you with sufficient energy to function throughout the next day and take on the challenges the day presents you with.

Other Ayurvedic practices include walking. It is considered one of the best exercises one can do at their own pace without exhausting themselves for hours at the gym and taking additional supplements. Creating a routine and sticking to it has been given a lot of importance in Ayurveda. Your body functions better as it slowly gets habituated, thus providing a structure to your day instead of just letting you wonder how to go about processing and working on multiple things.

We are all aware of how unpredictable life can be as we face the pandemic and extreme situations. To battle the uncertainties of life, we must have some assurance that does not land us in financial stress. It would be best to get general insurance to combat health issues and not lose money on your assets. Explore the options provided by the best General Insurance companies in India, and buy a reliable health insurance plan. This will give you the confidence to lead a healthy life where health expenses don’t feel a burden!

Click HERE to learn more about the insurance benefits of various insurance benefits of various general insurance companies in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is a list of medications you must carry on a trip

With today's working culture and daily hustle, travel is one way to unwind and relieve stress. Considering the various travel destinations and experiences, it is no surprise that people want to leave the comfort of their homes at least once a year to explore exotic places. However, you must have faced instances where you have fallen prey to common ailments on a trip, ruining your whole stay while your loved ones had the time of their lives.

It is very taxing to hunt for medicines in a place where you don't know the language and are a stranger. So, it is wise to make a medical kit where you keep medications for the most common ailments. This blog gives you a list of medicines you must consider carrying on a trip.

1. Antacid:
With a new, exotic cuisine to try, no one plans to walk around the trip with a stomach burn from acidity. So, an antacid is extremely important to carry on a trip to remain tension-free about all the new food you will savour.

2. Diarrhoea medicine:
Travellers often visit new and exciting places in remote areas to absorb fresh perspectives and quaint experiences. However, they face health issues while adapting to the food and water in these unfamiliar regions, creating an uncomfortable situation with diarrhoea. Carry anti-diarrhoea medicine in all of your travels to get rid of this problem.

3. Fever medication:
No tourist wants to lie in bed with a headache and fever instead of exploring a place's attractions, cultures, and heritage. Take a paracetamol pill and get going with your day as a quick fix to a jet lag-induced headache or joint pain.

4. Cough syrup:
Cough syrups are essential while going on a trip. No one likes a scratchy and congested throat while moving around the city, asking for directions, or ordering food. It's best to take one that does not make you sleepy to enjoy your trip to the maximum.

5. Laxative:
With all the new types of food you will be trying out, it's best to keep a laxative handy for the trip to avoid any complications with your digestive system.

6. Diabetic supplies, including insulin:
If you have diabetes, ensure to take all the medicines prescribed by your doctor along with you. It's best to make a separate package for all your medication for diabetes. If you take insulin subcutaneously, it is best to store it in a cold place.

7. Motion sickness medication:
Motion sickness is a problem that ails the majority of travellers. Take some over-the-counter medication with you just in case it decides to make an appearance.

8. Antihistamines:
Allergies can spring up on you at the worst of times, leaving you with itchy eyes and a scratchy throat. It's better to be safe than sorry and pack mild histamine for these issues.

9. Sleeping pills/mild sedative:
If you have trouble falling asleep in new places, consider taking some mild sedatives with you just in case. Ending up sleep deprived on a trip certainly reduces the magic of it, so it's best to have your beauty sleep and be active during the day.

Sickness during a trip is highly uncomfortable and can significantly spoil the trip's fun. And there might be complications that can leave everyone frustrated. Carry the medicines above with you and avoid health ailments affecting your vacation.

These were a few ways to keep your health sound, but what about the safety of your belongings during travelling? It's best to research travel insurance and get general insurance online quote to be stress-free during the trip and protect your travel with the best protection.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the useful ways to deal with leakages at home

It is highly inconvenient to face water leakage in the home, be it a major one like a burst pipe or a steady drip from the tap. If not controlled in time, water leakage is expensive damage to deal with at home. It can waste gallons of water, but the maximum damage occurs if water seeps into the ceiling and destroys the walls and the paint job.

Our homes even face significant damage due to water leakage during monsoon. Heavy rainfall leads to leakages that get frustrating over time. This blog provides practical ways to deal with such leakages at home before calling an expert.

How to prevent a water leak:

Prevention is always better than cure. A few annual regular check-ups can prevent the hole in your pocket. Keeping this in mind, here are a few ways to check-up on your water pipes and supply to avoid massive repair work.

1. Keep your spidey senses on and feel around your home for areas with moisture or mould that might leak the plumbing. Inspect the most vulnerable parts of your home, including the roof and the walls, to check for any dampness.

2. The pipes exposed to the elements should be adequately insulated to prevent their material from eroding. Insulating material comes cheap, so this method is highly cost-effective.

3. A stopcock can stem the flow of the water supply around the house. Make sure to know the exact location of your stopcock to prevent flooding in the house due to a sudden burst pipe.

4. Install a water leak detection device at home.

Know how you can detect a leak:

To fix a water leak, you need to accept and inspect that it’s happening. The easiest way to check up on your plumbing is to check your water usage. If it has significantly increased, there might be a probability of a water leak. If this method seems too unsure for you, you can turn on the water supply without using water for an extended amount of time, say 02 to 03 hours and check if any water has been consumed. This is a sure sign that there is a leakage somewhere.

Ways to fix the water leak:

1. Turning off the water supply: The first step to prevent further damage to your home is to stop the water supply to the house and perform a thorough inspection.

2. Turning on the faucets to drain: If there is a significant leak in the house, the next best step is to drain all the water in the pipes and faucets. Start with the garden hose if you have one, and let the water run out.

3. Locate the problematic area: Go around the house checking for leakage, whether major or minor, and get it fixed.

4. Applying epoxy putty: Before this step, it is essential to wear latex gloves to protect your hands because hot epoxy putty can end up burning them. Epoxy putty is readily available in all hardware stores and can be a temporary fix to a leakage. Mound the epoxy putty well and apply a generous layer over the leaking pipe or tap.

Although epoxy putty is a helpful fix to many problems, it is ultimately beneficial if you can get a professional to fix this issue. If it’s a major plumbing problem, it might damage the ceiling or walls and can be extremely expensive to repair. Reliable house insurance India is always the best way to prevent these expenses from emptying your wallet. You cannot risk your belongings at the cost of water damage. Invest in the best house insurance and get advantages that will help you reap good returns on your investment.

Click HERE to know more about house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on using the residential apartment for commercial use

Using your private property for commercial purposes may seem like a fantastic way to grow your business if you have an office at home. It has been common practice to convert a residential property for commercial use to increase income. However, housing societies usually don't appreciate it when a whole residential unit is used for business.

Owners are permitted to use a portion of the property for commercial purposes. However, there are several restrictions and legislations that you must be aware of to use your apartment as an office space. In addition, getting the best home insurance policy in India can help you save money when you rent or buy a business space.

Is there a regulation in India that governs how residential property is used and rented out?
Across Indian cities, the zoning law is enacted by the local municipal government or authorities. It governs the use and allocation of land to different services and purposes. According to the legislation, commercial activity should be kept out of residential areas for the benefit of residents and to encourage the growth of the proper commercial regions.

What exactly does the law state?
It is essential to note that different states have different levels of leniency when it comes to commercial use. In some states, professional service providers such as doctors, lawyers, and chartered accountants are permitted to use up to 30% of their homes for business purposes. But in other states, they are not.

Before converting a residential property into commercial space, ensure that it's permitted. You must get clearance from the local housing authority. Once a property has been officially considered for retail space, it will be regarded as such for all purposes, including paying a higher property tax rate than a residential property.

Things to keep in mind when turning a residential property into a place of work.
Commercial activity is any activity related to the buying and selling of merchandise. Most housing societies allow the operation of businesses such as professions, services, and the teaching of specific art forms.
Activities such as yoga classes, tuition classes, or the services of chartered accountants, doctors, and lawyers are not considered as commercial activities. Commercial activity within residential properties may not be authorised due to security concerns as they create a significant traffic hazard for the neighbourhood.

For those who are willing to use their home for commercial purposes, here are a few considerations to bear in mind:

1. Before making an application, make sure you know exactly how much space you'll need and what kind of business you want to start.

2. Obtain a permit to operate a business from the local municipality.

3. Ensure that your clients are not using communal spaces such as the parking lot or other amenities.

4. If your home is turned into a business, you may have to pay more property taxes.

Many people find that running a business from home is an excellent way to save money since the cost of rent and transportation are significantly reduced.

Before starting a business in a residential space, get approval from the housing society, local councils, and zoning authorities. Also, get the best home insurance policy in India so that you can keep your apartment safe as you turn it into a business.

Click HERE to get the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Things you should know before renting a house for the first time

Searching for your perfect home can be quite overwhelming, and renting can make it even more stressful if not done correctly. Renting a house is generally referred to as a property occupied by somebody other than the house owner. There are several things one must consider before finalising a house, and you need to ensure that you clarify all your doubts before arriving at a conclusive decision and paying.

In this article, we will discuss what you should know before renting a house for the first time. These points will not only help you stay calm while renting but also ensure that you make a well-informed decision before going ahead with the agreement. After all, it's going to be your home once you move in.

1. Location:
Think about the location before moving in. Notice the surroundings and the essential services and facilities available in the vicinity. Is it a school or a pub? Will you be comfortable with loud music and traffic noise? Check the area for essential services for you before signing the agreement.

2. Amenities:
Check the amenities like the washing machine, geyser, air conditioner, etc., if they come along with the house. It is your responsibility to examine these inventories and their working and get the landlord to confirm their satisfactory working in writing. It would be best to ask the landlord to clarify the repair or replacement of these appliances.

3. Release clause:
A release clause entails that the tenant must pay a fee and find a replacement if they wish to release themselves from the contract and move out of the house. Discuss the clause with your landlord beforehand.

4. Repaint:
Enquire if your landlord will be repainting the house before you move in. And if they have any plans to paint or deep clean the house, it would be good to get the work done before you sign the tenancy agreement and make the payment.

5. Pets:
It is a good idea to discuss if pets are allowed during the negotiations with your landlord. Breaching the tenancy agreement by keeping a pet can lead to possession and eviction in the future.

6. Water:
During the house inspection, open the taps and shower and check the water pressure. In case of a problem, negotiate with your landlord before signing the agreement.

7. Advance:
Usually, landlords ask for two months' payment in advance, but there is no fixed amount. They can maintain discretion about the deposit amount. Make sure you bring this up during your negotiation or agreement.

8. Terms and conditions:
Read the agreement very carefully. You can challenge terms and conditions you are uncomfortable with or find confusing. But you must do this before you sign the deal. Never sign an agreement without having complete knowledge about it. Any carelessness done during this period can have adverse consequences later.

Now that we have discussed the things you should know before renting a house for the first time, it would be wise to verify with your landlord if he has purchased home insurance for the home. Being covered under the umbrella of the best home insurance in India can keep you relaxed and free from worries of any damage or theft at your rented apartment. Ensuring security should be on the top of your priority list before shifting to a rented home.

Click HERE to know more about the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why is travel insurance becoming more important now

Life is full of unexpected events, but the downside is that even the slightest miscommunication can put your goals at risk. A good general insurance lets you choose your protection against the costs of accidents and natural disasters — from theft to car collisions, fire damage to travel mishaps. And with this flexibility, you can mix and match the coverage you need from a general insurance online quote and get an affordable and customised plan.

Let’s understand the necessity of travel insurance:
Travel insurance seems unnecessary, and travellers underestimate the significance of travel insurance, as its purpose only comes to the fore when things go wrong. For example, if a flight gets cancelled unexpectedly, or if you get sick while travelling.

Travel insurance is a particular type of insurance that covers you for travel-related perils. It is not the same as your regular home, car, or health insurance. And, if you want to know why it is so important, read on.

1. Loss of luggage:
Landing at your destination and finding out your luggage is missing? And you're stuck with only the stuff you brought along - which isn't much. Fortunately, most insurance companies will provide a certain amount as compensation for such incidents as part of their policy.

2. Cancelled / Delayed trip:
If you plan to postpone, cancel or rearrange your trip, you can rest easy knowing that your travel insurance policy may provide you with financial protection. Trip delays, cancellations, and curtailments are all covered in case of an emergency.

3. Hospitalisation and Emergency expenses:
Travelling doesn't mean that you are entirely safe from the risks of getting hospitalised. Travellers often fall ill in the middle of their trip and have to even stay in a hospital if the situation worsens.
The holiday can turn into a nightmare if you don't have a valid policy covering hospitalisation expenses. Your travel insurance covers all your transportation, food, and medical expenses on getting hospitalised during your trip.

4. Fraud Protection:
It can happen to anyone. You're enjoying a vacation, and all of a sudden, your financial security gets compromised. Maybe you lost your debit credit card, or worse — you notice a fraud transition on your credit card. Maybe this is the first time such an incident has occurred to you, but it could happen again.

5. Liability protection:
While you're on your trip, keep an eye out for any personal injury or property damage. You could be held legally liable for it. But just because something is likely doesn't mean it will happen. With proper liability protection in place, you won't have to worry about paying for others' mistakes.

If you're concerned about safe and worry-free travel, there's no better time than now to buy travel insurance. Increased awareness means that more and more consumers are looking for a way to protect themselves when they travel.

Are you someone who wants protection and doesn't want to risk losing your vacation money or belongings? In such an accident or illness, there's no better time than now to get travel insurance. General insurance online quote is essential for financial security. These policies protect you against all possible financial risks, including travel you might face in your life. It is also a great way to protect your other assets and valuable possessions.

Click HERE to get general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Buying a house? Here are some tips for finding the right real estate broker

The majority of house buyers and sellers use the services of real estate brokers to make the process hassle-free. A real estate broker is a middleman who connects a buyer and a seller. An experienced broker can help you secure a good deal while keeping both parties' interests in mind. Unfortunately, the real estate sector in India is rife with misinformation and uncertified real estate agents.

As a result, finding the perfect broker is crucial in making informed decisions and avoiding costly mistakes. Finding the right real estate broker is as important as finding the best home insurance policy. Here is how to pick one.

1. Authenticity:
Reputation is a key component in the real estate sector. A reputable broker maintains relationships with developers, owners, and other real estate professionals. Question at least two clients about the agent's authenticity, knowledge, service quality, and, if possible, the pricing of homes they acquired through your agent. Preferably opt for a licensed broker who is a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR).
Brokers must be RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) registered in addition to being a part of a reputed organization. The state's RERA website posts all of the agent's info. You can look up these facts on the website using the registration ID of the real estate broker.

2. Understanding of the neighbourhood:
When looking for a real estate broker, the first thing you should look for is someone who knows the neighbourhood. Your broker should be well-versed in the local market conditions.
A good real estate broker is well suited to reveal the nitty-gritty of an area, the real estate inventory, and the prospects. It's also necessary to know current property trends. You'll be in good hands if you find a broker familiar with the local rules and regulations regarding property purchases.

3. Potential prospects:
Do not finalise a broker on the spur of the moment with a single offer. Investigate the market and speak with at least two or three agents. You can ask questions, learn about their experience and working style, and determine their areas of specialisation and professionalism by meeting and interviewing a few possible brokers.

4. Brokerage:
It's critical to negotiate your agent's fee upfront without ambiguity. In most Indian cities, the fee is usually 2% for transactions worth more than Rs 50 lakh and 1% for transactions below. Real estate brokers frequently skip the fee section and charge a high percentage after the contract is closed, leading to disagreements.

Buying a home is both a financial and emotional investment. Many homeowners will also agree that purchasing a home is a complicated job. The right real estate agent can make the process less stressful while ensuring that you get a decent deal.

After finding a great deal on the house, the sense of claiming it as your own is unquestionably a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It is suggested to purchase home insurance coverage to protect your new home from undesired circumstances and shield your personal space with a layer of financial protection.

To know more about home insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six financial goals you should target in the year 2022

The year 2022 is specifically crucial as the pandemic has caused individuals from all around the globe to pause and reconsider how they have handled their funds over the last couple of years. While the idea of plotting financial goals in the aftermath of the pandemic recession may seem daunting, it is an excellent time to participate in a different type of financial goal-setting.

As we are just getting started with 2022, remember, the sooner you begin, the better you will achieve your financial objectives. So, to help you start your journey to financial freedom, we have written this blog which points out 6 goals that you should meet. Let us take you through each of them briefly.

1. Build an emergency fund:
A liquidity backup set up for emergencies and unexpected bills is known as an emergency fund. You can use these savings for unanticipated costs or payments that are not part of your regular expenses. It can act as a financial cushion when you are looking for a job change, are unemployed, and support you during the uncertain times of Covid-19. It's just like an umbrella, not much of use most of the time but tremendously valuable when needed.

2. Savings for a home:
Owning a home is one of the most popular financial objectives people seek to fulfill. It is evident that people must work hard to achieve this goal. Planning for it may be difficult but not impossible if you start early. To appropriately fund this aim, you must first analyze your financial flow and requirements. Check your spending habits and invest in schemes that will earn you a good return in the future.

3. Adequately insure yourself, your family, and your assets:
You and your dependents can face numerous financial hazards if not adequately insured. Health insurance is crucial in today's times. We cannot deny the importance of general insurance in India for your other assets like a house, motor vehicle, etc. There are many good companies offering health and general insurance in India.

4. Invest for your retirement:
Saving for your retirement is a crucial financial long-term goal. Keeping a retirement fund to live comfortably and pay for medical expenses in your later years is essential. However, achieving this goal will be wholly dependent on your financial portfolio and spending habits over the years unless you have other forms of passive income.

5. Savings for your next generation:
With an average of two kids per household in our country, the university and upbringing cost is very high. You would indeed desire the best college and educational facilities for your offspring. However, paying for all the tuition fees and other costs of having kids is not that easy. After attaining your financial freedom, planning for your next generation is the most important goal you should look forward to.

6. Being debt-free:
Staying out of debt is a must for your financial wellness. This will ensure that you achieve your other financial objectives without any hurdles. Whether it's repayment of loans or clearing credit cards debts, make a strategy to get out of it as soon as possible.

Setting financial objectives will be one of the most important things you will have to do every successive year. If you're a married individual, you'll notice that many of these targets aren't purely personal and heavily involve your partner. Having communication with your partner and financial adviser can help you work together to get the most out of your resources and meet your financial targets. Happy New Year and happy financial planning!

You can check the most economical plans HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Buying a house? What you need to know about home insurance policy

Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration. –Charles Dickens

You’ve made the big decision to purchase a dream house: reality is finally sweeter than your dreams! Congratulations.

A house is a matter of pride and a big commitment for many many years. A house is probably one of the biggest investments you will ever make: a dream you would like to protect.

While there is little we can do against natural disasters, we can reduce some of the hardships by having home insurance, which protects against any damage to the house and valuables in it.

Home insurance is poorly sold in India; People are either not aware of home insurance or are reluctant to buy it. They don’t see the risk to their property—be it fire or an act of terrorism; and of course, it always happens to other people!

A lost life cannot be regained, but a lost house can be rebuilt and it doesn’t cost much.

Here is what our Truth lens tells us:

A good policy covers for financial loss arising out of various incidents such as fire, earthquake or burglary. It covers, not only for structural damage but also for all other assets and possessions you may have, right from a rug to a refrigerator.

Here are a few things to consider:

One, the Cover

At the basic level, a standard fire and special perils policy covers your structure and possessions from fire and other dangers such as earthquakes and storms. The second level of coverage protects against burglary or breakdown of mechanical and electrical appliances. The last one protects against minimal risks such as loss of rent, loss of important documents such as title deeds and passport, and provision for alternate accommodation.

Two, the Sum Insured

While the value of your house is based on three factors - land, cost of construction for the building and prevailing real estate prices – the insurance only covers for the building’s cost of construction. Most insurers will offer a standard rate per square foot multiplied by the carpet area of your house. The rate offered also considers depreciation. Therefore, it is important to go for a reinstatement cover. This covers for rebuilding your home from scratch, assuming the worst.

Three, Compliance

If you are living in an urban high-rise, your flat alone cannot be rebuilt in case a big calamity hits the locality. It is the housing society’s responsibility to insure the entire premise. Talk to the society management and figure the kind of insurance availed of and what supplementation you need. The insurer will not cover for poor or unauthorized construction and you don’t want to be left high and dry in the event something goes wrong. Taking 2 insurance policies for the same asset will not result in double benefits! [This is based on the principle of indemnity, and the more technical oriented amongst us can click here to read more about it]

Time period: Home insurance can be bought for a minimum of one year to a maximum of five years. Do remember to renew.

Fine print: Home insurance policies are worded differently. For example, structure insurance may only be for building and not land, or only jewelry kept in the locker may be covered.

Tenants: If you are living in a rented house, you can insure only the contents and not the structure as you don’t own it.


Complete guide to installing central AC at your home

A central air conditioner cools the air in one area, then uses the furnace's air handling skills to circulate the cool air throughout the house. This sets it apart from mini-split systems, window or wall air conditioners, or any other cooling system that needs many units to chill the entire house adequately. The compressor is outside, and the evaporator coil is inside the residence, dividing the device into two main parts.

The central AC installation process.

Now that the fundamentals have been addressed let's go over the detailed procedure for installing central air.

STEP 1: Get a quote.
Find nearby Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) contractors by conducting an online search. The committed residential HVAC technicians may also come to your house to offer you a quote. This procedure includes inspecting any existing air conditioners and the areas of your house where the air ducts will be placed.

STEP 2: Choosing the appropriate central AC unit.
Your HVAC contractor will suggest an AC unit. This depends on elements like your home's size and the climate where you live. The following are the key elements that will help you choose the best AC unit for your house:

Unit size: Because homes come in various sizes and climates, HVAC manufacturers offer systems in multiple sizes. Most of the time, your contractor will assist in determining the ideal size for your property.

Ranking SEER: The performance of an AC system is based on its seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER). For instance, high-SEER equipment will benefit from lower operating expenses, decreased energy usage, increased safety, and quieter operation. High-SEER units frequently cost more upfront. However, they lead to more savings over time and can provide a better return on your investment.

Productivity of the unit: The two main types of AC units that manufacturers provide are package systems and split systems. Since all components are contained in a single housing, the general package systems perform well for an "all-in-one" experience.

STEP 3: The unit is placed on your property.
Proper location is important while installing central AC as they have two drawbacks: they take up room and are noisy. So, where should your unit be placed for the best results? You should put the unit out of sight and away from beds. The side yard, a location near the kitchen, or the laundry room are frequently chosen by consumers. By doing this, you can lessen the noise in the vicinity of the rooms in your house where you sleep, rest, and work.

Step 4A: Check the existing ductwork in step.
Ask your contractor to look over the ductwork if it already exists in your home. Before setting up the new system, they can find any structural damage and replace or fix it.

STEP 5: Installation.
As previously indicated, if a split system is installed, a portion of it will be stored indoors, most frequently in the attic. If new ductwork is necessary for your home, it will be installed by your contractor.

The value of your property can be increased while keeping you and your family comfortable by installing a central air conditioner. To ensure the most seamless installation of your central air conditioner, don't be afraid to ask your installer questions about the process.

Also note that the best home insurance in India will safeguard your home against unforeseeable catastrophes, such as calamities caused by both nature and humans. Some insurance covers the house's structure, while others cover the building and the home's contents. Buy the best home insurance in India and reward your home with seamless protection.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the advantages of marble flooring done at home

Due to its inherent beauty and opulent appeal, marble has long been the preferred material for flooring in custom houses and structures. Although there are now more flooring options than ever, marble continues to rule as the king of expensive flooring.

The majority of people are familiar with marble as a material. Still, many are unaware of its characteristics or how it may be used for customised floors. The beauty and allure of marble have solidified its position as the preferred flooring for upscale residences, hotels, and even some companies.

Home insurance India is a comprehensive policy that covers losses against private residences. Buy a comprehensive home insurance India policy and protect your home and its structures from losses due to accidents or mishaps like theft.

Here are some benefits of marble flooring:

Since ancient times, marble has been used as flooring. Although marble flooring has many advantages, its timeless appeal speaks volumes about its excellence.

1. Natural grace:
Marble is frequently utilised to give rooms a classy, opulent natural appearance. The patterns present in tiles give each piece a unique appearance. A floor that will elevate your space has a bespoke appearance combined with an original installation and design.

2. Greater durability:
With marble flooring, you can stop worrying about dirt. These floorings are robust and unmarred by scratches. The marble flooring is tough for all types of damage because it can resist practically anything you throw at it.

3. Home value growth:
You probably consider how marble flooring will enhance the appearance and functionality of your home whenever you undertake one. However, you might also consider how it might raise your house's worth. Your home is a significant investment, so whenever improvements you make, you want to be sure that you will eventually recoup your costs. Marble floors can assure you of this.

4. Simple to clean:
Marble floors are resistant to liquids and other chemicals as long as their seal is properly maintained. You can easily clean the marble surface if it gets dirty or wet. Irrespective of the shade, you can remove dirt and dust reflecting from the shiny surface of the marble.

5. Using elegant finishes:
Whether in a vast doorway or a small restroom, the flooring provides a polished glow that brightens the light and makes the place grand. Most homeowners adore the elegance that marble can add to a home.

6. Reducing allergies:
Marble flooring is ideal if you or anyone in your home has allergies. It's warm enough for barefoot use yet doesn't attract dust, pet dander, or pollen. When the dust first appears, you can easily spot and clean it.

7. A wide variety of colours:
The word "natural" doesn't limit your selections regarding the advantages of marble flooring. There is a huge variety of hues and patterns for marble floors. You can decide on a particular type of flooring and then plan the rest of the space around it.

8. Outstanding heat conduction:
Although marble floors are meant to be cold, this is not always the case. Due to its excellent thermal conductivity, marble is a fantastic material for radiant-heated homes. Even on the chilliest mornings, radiant in-floor heating combined with marble floors will keep you feeling cosy.

So, we are clear that marble flooring provides your property with a traditional, timeless appearance. It can make your home shine with the premium texture and feel of overall luxury. Do not forget to give your home reliable protection with the best home insurance India. Therefore, you must weigh the pros and downsides before making a purchase.

Click HERE to buy home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ways to choose the best home security system to protect it from potential threats

Buying a house is a significant milestone in most people’s lives. It is not just an investment but also a status symbol that displays your wealth. In India, purchasing a home is seen as an achievement that most young adults wish to fulfil to get stable in their lives. However, there are several risks to consider before making this purchase. Since it is a high-value investment, you must be prepared to protect it against mishaps. There is a constant threat to your home due to natural calamities, break-ins, or third-party damages, to name a few.

A home security system installation not only secures your home from multiple threats, it also gives those with a pre-installed security system an advantage. Since the chances of damage are relatively lower for secure homes, your home insurance claims are proportionately lower. Therefore, you must consider purchasing a well-suited home security system irrespective of the cost.

This blog discusses some factors to consider the best home security system to protect it from potential threats.

1. Assess entry and exit points:
While you cannot prevent uncontrollable events like natural disasters, it is possible to monitor your home for suspicious activities around your home. Thoroughly assess the layout of your house and identify entry points. Ensure that a sensor is attached to every door or window, or install cameras nearby that can capture the entire view.

2. Technologically integrated devices:
Once you secure your entry locations, all that is left is to secure the inside of the house. Several single-purpose tools like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fuel gas sensors, and accessories like remote monitors and controllers allow you to control your home remotely. Through these, you can detect issues at the earliest and handle the situation before it gets out of hand and call the required authorities if needed.

3. External monitoring devices:
Keeping a monitoring device like a camera facing outside with a live feed is a method to keep intruders away. While this may be expensive, it guarantees that everything is safe at your home. The same can be applied to cameras inside the house, but since it can violate your privacy, we recommend limiting it to personal supervision. Ensure that your cameras are placed at a well-lit location and cover all entry points and any external attached area like garden space or shared spaces with neighbours.

4. Emergency buttons:
You need a handy emergency or panic button in case there is an escalation that requires the intervention of emergency services. These devices are designed to immediately call for emergency service providers by clicking the button. Ensure that they are placed at a height that kids cannot reach but are accessible easily in an emergency.

Home security systems are crucial features in keeping your home safe. With the increasing risk and crime rates, its requirement is only increasing. While it is an excellent addition, it should be coupled with a comprehensive home insurance policy to keep your home safe and cover any incidental costs incurred. If you wish to buy home insurance online India, the process is simplified to take minimal time and maximum benefit.

Click HERE to buy home insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top Indian heritage train rides you shouldn't miss

The train rides offer you to experience India's great culture and heritage as you cross stations and states. The Indian Railways has always been working at the forefront to bring the best of incredible India to citizens and visitors by connecting the nation's glory and heritage landmarks. And all this is achieved with the strong network of railways, which is indeed the lifeline of India. The Railways operates special heritage trains and tours to bring people and experiences together.

Among the excitement and thrill of heritage train riding that you may undertake soon, let's not forget the importance of insurance. As an individual, you never know when uncertainties can kick in, so better always to stay prepared! And general insurance is the best and safest way to make your experience less stressful and more enjoyable, knowing that your travel is safeguarded by reliable insurance coverage.

Here are a few top heritage trains in India that one shouldn't miss.

1. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR):
One of India's best-known and most popular trains is the toy train, which runs between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling. The journey takes you through hills and dense forests, with views of Mt. Kanchenjunga on clear days. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railways (DHR) toy train trip is akin to a soothing lullaby in the middle of a fantastical environment.
A cheerful train ride over the foggy lines from Darjeeling to New Jalpaiguri would undoubtedly restore the romance in a person. If you didn't already know, UNESCO designated and recognised this Toy Train as a World Heritage Site on December 5, 1999.

2. Deccan Odyssey:
Modelled after the royal carriages of ancient India, the iconic and luxurious Deccan Odyssey offers top-of-the-line amenities and services. It features a library, Ayurvedic massage centre, beauty salon, gym, business centre, and a conference room.
A Deccan Odyssey train journey is a wonderful way to learn more about the ancient folklore of civilisations and the reigns of dynasties that made their remarkable imprint in India's history. It offers comfortable and spacious cabins, dining and sightseeing facilities. You'll stop at cities such as Mumbai, Badami, Hospet, Bijapur and Hyderabad. Upon arrival in each of these destinations, you'll have a chance to explore the places.

3. Golden Chariot:
The Golden Chariot is a luxury train that offers its passengers the best immersive experience of South India. It features a lounge bar, LCD television, DVD player, Wi-Fi, and central air conditioning. It also features a variety of therapeutic massages onboard. From the cultural extravaganza of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to the adventure hotspots of Goa, Golden Chariot travels down the enchanting routes of Southern India. The cabins reflect the rich heritage of the erstwhile Dravidian era and are furnished in a modern manner. Don't miss the opportunity to witness cultural and heritage magnificence with the taste of luxury with the Golden Chariot.

4. Ramayana Express:
Under the excellent initiative of "Dekho Apna Desh" of the Indian government, the Ramayana Express is not just a train but a treasure trove of knowledge and heartful experiences that will take you back to the mythological era.
This divine train originates from Delhi Safdarjung and covers all the major destinations related to Ramayan and Lord Rama, like Varanasi, Nasik, Chitrakoot, Rameswaram, and more. The entire tour duration is 17 days, and it is a fantastic opportunity to discover more about the colourful culture and the influence of the many miracles of Ramayana.

Heritage trains in India are not just tourist attractions but also an immersive way to experience the history and culture of the region. Though many of these trains have undergone changes over the years for the safety of travellers and technical advancements, they still maintain the charm and nostalgic feel of bygone eras. Still, for your safety and assurance, you may always opt for general insurance as a backup to cover your finances in case any damages are incurred during your trip.

Click HERE to buy general insurance to make your travel safer than the rest.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s the guide to help you design your “work-from-home” office or personal workspace at home

The “work-from-home” culture has gained prominence in India since the beginning of Covid-19 in 2020. Now, this culture is picking up pace, and many companies are urging their employees to work from home, knowing its advantages for both employers and employees. However, there are endless distractions at home in the form of answering doorbells, chaos due to daily household chores, and the absence of a proper working environment. Kids can also take up much of your time at home and distract you from your important office work.

So, how can you set up your personal workspace at your home amidst all these problems? Here is a guide to help you design your “work-from-home” office with minimal distractions and more productivity.

1. Create a separate corner:
Create a separate corner for yourself at home for your personal workspace. It can be a separate room, if available, a corner of a room, or any other space that can be distraction-free. Do not hesitate to tell everyone in the household that this is your personal area for office work, and no one should encroach upon it, especially when you are busy.
Try to put a partition in your working area, such as a glass door, as it will help you keep it noise-free. Other house members will think twice before entering it while you are working, and you can concentrate on your work.

2. Whiteboard / Pin-up area:
Get a whiteboard or a pinboard that you can hang on a wall in your working area. Develop the habit of regularly making a to-do list and jotting down small notes. You can note down what you intend to do the entire day. Setting up small goals inspires you to work harder and achieve them. Also, by doing this, you will never miss any task or forget important things.

3. Make your work-area aesthetic:
Make your workspace at home aesthetic. Get the area painted with vibrant and bright colours that appeal to your senses and help you stay jovial. Decorate the area with small and beautiful showpieces. Make sure your space is well-lit and properly ventilated to give you a fresh feeling throughout the day. All this will help you stay active, sharp, and in a joyous mood, and you can concentrate more on your work.

4. Get a good ergonomic chair:
Working from home can mean sitting in one place for long hours at a stretch. Also, the chair present at your house will most probably not be suitable for work. Go and buy an ergonomic chair that can support your natural posture and help you to reduce the strain on your lower back. Get a good desk along with a chair. A good sitting setup can greatly help increase your productivity and motivation levels.

5. Buy the necessary equipment:
If you intend to create a “work-from-home” office and use it for a long time, you will have to invest in good technological equipment. This may require a high-speed wi-fi network, a good professional laptop, a printer, etc. Also, place shelves and drawers that you will need for keeping your necessary files, folders, and papers. This will make you more organised, oriented, and focused.

Creating a “work-from-home” office at home may appear to be challenging, but it is more fun to do if managed correctly. You need to dedicate your complete focus and concentration to your work. Hence, each family member should cooperate fully and not disturb you while working.

You must secure a separate space at home for your work if you want to continue it for a long time. A home is where you spend most of your time and make memories. While making your home a dedicated workspace, it is also crucial to plan and invest in its safety. Purchase reliable home insurance to protect it against any possible mishap or damage caused by fire, theft, and even natural calamities.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance to safeguard your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Which one to choose: Single-trip or multi-trip travel insurance policy

veryone enjoys travelling and exploring new places, both domestic and overseas. You may be an occasional or frequent traveller; however, irrespective of your travel frequency, it is crucial to get travel insurance to enjoy your trip and put your mind at ease.

Choosing which travel insurance to purchase is never easy for anyone planning a trip overseas. While some travellers prefer purchasing single-trip coverage, others favour purchasing a multi-trip annual protection policy. Generally, those who travel abroad for extended periods (more than 90 days) and those who aren't likely to do so more than once a year should opt for a single-trip policy.

On the other hand, the yearly policy is intended for those who visit foreign countries more than once each year or plan frequent trips within the country. Inconveniences to your travel plans, such as flight delays, trip cancellations, and medical crises, are, nevertheless, covered by these travel protection policies.

Selecting appropriate travel insurance can be tricky for you. Here's how to pick a suitable policy to get the best benefits for your travel needs.

What is the difference between a single trip and a multi-trip travel insurance policy?
The single-trip travel insurance policy offers financial protection against exigencies for only one trip, whether it is domestic or international. This plan provides coverage for only up to 180 days. You can buy this travel insurance for multiple destinations by considering it a single trip. The validity of this plan begins once you board a flight to leave your home country and ends when you return to your home country or when the policy period ends. You can buy general insurance online with different duration of coverage according to your travel needs.

Ask the insurer about the single-trip policy's coverage duration and the benefits you might get. Generally, single-trip travel insurance provides financial support for passport loss, robbery or baggage loss, home burglary protection, hospitalisation expenses, flight delays, and loss of travel documents and personal items.

On the other hand, multi-trip travel insurance plans offer coverage for a specified period, usually for a year. This travel insurance policy provides money to support multiple trips you make under the same plan. It offers coverage for the loss of a passport, emergency medical expenses, and trip cancellation. However, some policies have different coverage periods varying from 30 to 70 days.

What to consider when buying a travel insurance policy?
Both travel insurance policies have similar coverage but differ in duration. It would be best if you chose a general insurance policy depending on the number of trips you want to take in a year. Moreover, consider some factors, like where you go on your trip. Some insurance companies offer separate coverage for some countries and exclude others.

Also, consider what you are going to do abroad. If you do activities like snorkelling or playing football, you will need a particular type of cover. Your travel insurance should also consider your pre-existing medical condition to get coverage for all medical emergencies.

You should also consider the cancellation coverage in your travel insurance plan. It helps you pay for the pre-paid cost of your trip. Consider if the plan offers coverage for lost bags, personal items, and other possessions by your airline. It is crucial to note all the factors before finalising which travel insurance to purchase.

Buy general insurance online as it will help you efficiently deal with the duration of the vacation, medical expenses, insurance plan exclusions, period and limits, and trip cancellations to get all-around coverage for your next trip.

When you invest in a travel insurance policy, you have 14 days to ensure that the policy purchased is the right one. Do your best research, compare different options online, and then make the final purchase.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These most liked bird watching tours must be on the bucket list of bird lovers

Be it the snow-capped mountains in the North or the golden sands of the Sahara in the West, India promises something for everybody and provides a wide variety of landscapes, flora and fauna. The country also hosts a wide array of activities like paragliding, surfing, trekking etc., to adventure seekers. However, in this article, we will discuss one of the lesser talked about activities, which is bird watching.

Bird watching is not just limited to spotting birds. It also gives you a better opportunity to explore nature, trees and other aspects of nature. Over the past years, owing to the growing number of endangered bird species, India has dedicated various sanctuaries for birds. These sanctuaries host a mixture of domestic and migratory birds.

Bird watching demands patience and perseverance, but the result is rewarding and exhilarating. Bird watching tours can be an excellent way to enjoy your vacations while indulging in new knowledge activities.

Let’s look at a few places in India that promise an impeccable bird watching experience.

1. Rann of Kutch, Gujarat:
Rann of Kutch sees about 300 different species of birds around the year. It is one of the largest breeding grounds for the Lesser Flamingo. Thousands of flamingos are seen flying together, making the skies a beautiful shade of pink. Short-eared owl, Syke’s lark, Greater Flamingo, Great White Pelican are just a few of the many birds that you will spot here.

2. Keoladeo national park, Rajasthan:
The Keoladeo national park is India’s most famous bird-watching site. It is located in the Bharatpur bird sanctuary and is declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The small area of about 29 sq km is the feeding ground for over 400 different bird species. The wetlands have naturally formed earthen mounts to provide perching spots for birds to feed on fish and other aquatic species. The best time to visit is between December and February when migratory birds visit the sanctuary.

3. Kaziranga national park, Assam:
Famously known for its one-horned rhinoceros, Kaziranga also hosts various species of birds. Kaziranga is famous for its unmatched ecological importance. The Brahmaputra flows alongside the area making the river basin a basis for all life in the region. It has also been identified as IBA or Important Bird Area as it hosts a multitude of birds such as Jerdon’s Babbler, Black-breasted Parrotbill, Cinnamon Bittern etc.

4. Nainital, Uttarakhand:
In the Kumaon region of West Central Himalayas, one can see a wide range of different flora and fauna. Nainital is home to over 250 Himalayan bird species. The best time to visit is anywhere between November to May. Few species one can spot in Nainital are Chestnut-headed Laughingthrush, Cheer Pheasant, Greater Yellownape, etc. You can experience several walking trails for bird watching here.

5. Chilika Lake, Odisha:
Chilika bird sanctuary in Odisha is one of the most extensive winter grounds for migratory birds. It hosts some of the unique species, such as Purple Moorhen. It also hosts one of the largest breeding grounds for flamingos. The best time to visit is between October to March.

These are a few of the many opportunities you can consider to enjoy bird watching for your next vacation. As mentioned above, bird watching can seem like a tedious exercise, but the results are mesmerising. Keep in mind that you must always carry food, water, and first aid while going birding, as most of these spots are inside jungles or above hills.

Traversing through these terrains might present itself with certain challenges as well. Another essential thing to consider is to invest in general insurance plans before planning to travel. General insurance is sure to add value to your experience while also acting as a safety net for any unforeseen expenses you might face during your trip.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few best places to visit if you are a woman traveller

Travelling is the best way to explore new places and experience things you've never tried before. But often, when it comes to female travellers, it is restricted due to safety reasons. It is understandable how security is a concern for women but don't let it get in the way of your explorations.

The finest places to visit aren't always the most travelled or popular ones. Hence, we have listed some of the loveliest destinations to visit alone or with your girl gang!

1. Bali:
Bali is one of the most amazing locations for female travellers. Besides cultural tours, it is also a great destination to enjoy a beach vacation. The town's laid-back and tranquil ambience makes it safe for single female travellers. The region has a terrific atmosphere that allows you to reconnect with your inner self.

2. Hong Kong:
Regarded as one of the cities with the least crime rates globally, Hong Kong is a must-see destination for all tourists. It has reasonably priced lodging, which is a perk. The city also has one of the quickest modes of transportation, making it a travel-friendly location for solo female travellers in every manner.

3. Meghalaya:
Meghalaya gains fame from its natural splendour, but what distinguishes this state is how smoothly the matrilineal system runs here. Meghalaya treats its ladies with great respect. Not only do you feel protected in this Northeastern state, but you also get to view society from a new perspective.

4. Melbourne:
Melbourne is a secure city for women and one of the trendiest destinations to visit globally. The great cafe culture of the city makes it an attractive choice for cheerful summer holidays. This could be a perfect place for your all-girls vacation since it gives you access to luxury, peace and fun altogether.

5. Switzerland:
It's safe, gorgeous, and full of options for female travellers. Switzerland's attractions include its beautiful mountains and picturesque magnificence. The core of Switzerland is seeing the big cities and observing the cultural fusion.

6. New Zealand:
New Zealand is a beautiful island country scattered in the Pacific Ocean and one of the most fabulous destinations for women to visit alone. Its pride and glory is its stunning terrain, adorned with spectacular beaches and volcanic gems. New Zealand is a piece of heaven on Earth and one of the most fantastic places for single female vacations.

One should never face curtailment in experiencing the different cultures and people worldwide. We hope this article helps you choose the destination for your next trip with your girl gang.

But remember, wherever you travel in the world, your safety and security are in your hands. Always take the necessary precautions and carry travel insurance to cover damages to luggage, theft and other concerns that you might face while travelling. You can check the general insurance online quote from different insurance companies for competitive premiums and additional features. It is crucial for women travelling solo to protect their trip with full travel insurance to stay safe.

Click HERE to get general insurance online quote

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips for maintaining commercial vehicles

Maintaining commercial vehicles like trucks, carriers, tempos, cars, etc., can be challenging at times, but it is common knowledge that regular maintenance ensures a longer lifetime of vehicles. And missing out on these services will result in expensive repair works that can put a load on your pocket.

Hence a wise option is to follow a regular maintenance regime for your vehicle and invest in motor insurance that provides several benefits while also helping you stay on a budget.

Today, we'll look at ways to ensure your commercial vehicles stay in their best shape.

1. Keep a vehicle checklist:
Since various drivers use and drive commercial vehicles, maintaining a checklist is a good idea. This will ensure that each driver is reminded to check fuel levels, tyre pressure, brake systems, and batteries before making a trip. After the initial check is done, they will know all the shortcomings and fix them before departure.

2. Change engine oil:
Since the oil in heavy commercial vehicles can be spoiled by dust and small dirt particles, it is advisable to change it regularly. Polluted oil can affect the optimal functionality of vehicles and cause various issues during the trip that will be expensive to fix. The oil filters should also be changed frequently to avoid an accumulation of dust and other residues.

3. Engine maintenance:
Excessive smoke, decreased power, and loss of oil pressure are a few indicators of engine failure. Ensure that the engine goes through professional checks to identify any additional defects. These procedures involve exhaust temperature, monitoring engine cooling, and boost pressure.

4. Inspect tyre pressure:
For the maximum value of tyres, keeping a check on the tyre pressure is non-negotiable. Commercial vehicles do not stick to one kind of road. They traverse various terrains to cover long distances and undertake multiple business operations. Inspecting the tyre pressure is the best way to increase the life of tyres. Another way of ensuring better health is by rotating the tyres before they wear out.

5. Keep the vehicles in the shade:
Keeping commercial vehicles away from the harsh climatic conditions when they're not under operation helps maintain their shape for extended periods. If garages and sheds are not an option, you can opt for vehicle covers. They also help in keeping the chassis of the vehicle clean.

6. Train the drivers:
Training the drivers in performing minor repair works can help you reduce maintenance costs in the long run. Conducting drills on maintaining the vehicle and dealing with emergencies as a team can help them understand basic procedures and share ideas and tricks.

Compensating your drivers for putting in extra work, providing health insurance, and good living quarters is an excellent way to ensure that the drivers are well-rested and taken care of. This way, they are less likely to cause accidents.

These were a few ways to ensure the better health of your commercial vehicles. Owning a business that includes commercial vehicles comes with its own set of challenges, but regular upkeep and servicing can ensure reduced cost and investment in the long run.

Do not forget to invest in motor insurance, as it will add value to your service by providing a safety net against all expenses in an unprecedented situation such as accidents or machine failure.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Beware of things that can nullify your home insurance

Nobody likes to anticipate any worst-case scenario, but we still prepare for them. However, people investing in home insurance in India are as low as 1%. This shows the lack of awareness about the importance of home insurance which makes Indians highly susceptible to financial and property losses that take years to recover. Every individual who wants to secure the future of their family and property must invest or buy home insurance.

Once you buy home insurance, you can recover from household losses more efficiently. However, purchasing a reliable insurance policy is not enough. It is crucial to abide by the strict regulations involved in your home insurance. Every individual must follow the entire list of dos and don'ts of the insurance policy.

To avail the benefits of your home insurance successfully, you must know some of the critical points that can nullify your home insurance.

1. Renting your home:
While you may think you have the complete liberty to rent out your home, this could jeopardise your insurance policy. Several home insurance companies reject the idea of insuring a shared house. Renting out your home or registering it as a homestay on hotel booking sites can become a risk as insurance companies look at it as sharing your property with someone you don't know well. They might consider this threatening enough to cancel your insurance plan altogether.

2. Exaggerating the value of your home:
If you exaggerate or overestimate the value of your home, it can lead to the cancellation of your home insurance plan. Insurers always cross-check the details given by the homeowner and verify them. To help this, you can show an inventory of all the things you own and their actual monetary and market value. It is good to save receipts of appliances, furnishings, etc., to provide evidence.

3. Practising illegal activities:
Illegal activities like the consumption or sale of narcotics can be grounds to cancel your home insurance policy. No company wants to deal with individuals going against the law. Insurance companies provide policies based on the homeowner's character. Practising illegal activities can be a solid red flag. They may nullify your home insurance policy on the grounds of suspicion. Filing fraudulent claims to gain funds from the insurance company is another illegal activity to steer clear of.

4. Long periods of absence:
If you plan to be absent from home for an extended period, you must check the insurance policy's requirements before you leave. Home insurance policies usually have terms for how frequently they need an adult individual to check on the house's conditions. You must request a trusted individual to check on the condition of your home as per the required intervals. This helps verify that the house is protected against any unknown damage, break-ins, or theft. Contact your insurance company before leaving for an extended period to avoid confusion.

Although most Indians are aware of the dangers of earthquakes, natural calamities and other security threats for their homes, they still do not buy home insurance. You may choose an insurance company to buy home insurance online India that provides you financial security with the additional benefit of covering your insured belongings.

So, check the above set conditions and other guidelines of your insurance contract to avoid your policy getting cancelled.

Click HERE to buy home insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy


Complete guide on buying commercial vehicle insurance

Transportation and trading of commodities have never been more accessible than now. Taxis, tractors, cranes, transport trucks, and other motor vehicles have become standard trade methods in various industries. Often, these vehicles operate outside of the commercial space and are subject to many dangers on the road.

Business owners require commercial vehicle insurance coverage to handle these risks successfully. Owners can purchase insurance covering third-party and own-damage claims and get it renewed as and when needed.

Let's get a better understanding of commercial vehicle insurance in general.

What exactly is commercial vehicle insurance?
Commercial vehicle insurance policies protect owners whose vehicles are used for business purposes. There are a variety of vehicles covered under this policy, including delivery trucks, staff cars, food trucks, and more.
The motor insurance policy provides liability and accident coverage and helps you with the payment of damages and medical costs in case of accidents. It will also cover the towing costs if your vehicle breaks down in the middle of the road.
If you're looking for online motor insurance renewal for your commercial vehicle, you need to first ensure the types of vehicles covered by the policy. Additionally, you can cross-check various insurance companies for the best features and premiums. Online motor insurance renewal is beneficial, especially when you are in the midst of day-to-day business activities.

Types of vehicles covered by commercial insurance.

1. Vehicles that carry passengers:
It includes a variety of vehicles that typically carry passengers, such as cabs, rickshaws, school buses, and private buses. Passenger transport vehicles such as taxis and school buses bear a great deal of duty due to the high volume of passengers they transport regularly. Commercial vehicle insurance protects these vehicles from financial ruin in an accident and also protects the passengers they carry.

2. Vehicles for moving goods:
Goods-carrying vehicles are primarily used for transporting goods from one location to another. Because these vehicles are so enormous and loaded with goods, they pose a greater risk. Damages to a third-party car or one's own vehicle, as well as damage to commodities, are covered under commercial vehicle insurance. It all depends on the policy coverage; therefore, thoroughly read the terms of all the plans before making a final choice.

3. Miscellaneous & Special Vehicles:
Aside from trucks, taxis, buses, and cabs, numerous other vehicles are utilised for business or commercial purposes. Special vehicles for mining, farming, and construction, for example, could be among these vehicles. Insurance for commercial vehicles protects the vehicle from any damage or loss resulting from or caused to the vehicle.

Commercial vehicle insurance has many advantages:

• Commercial vehicle insurance can be deducted as a business cost from your income tax.

• Travel agencies, automobile rental services, and other businesses can buy this insurance plan in bulk. This simplifies the procedure while allowing for a cheaper premium rate.

• It covers any losses caused by unexpected events like theft, fire, vandalism, terrorist attacks, and natural calamities.

• It provides additional rewards in the event of a death resulting from an accident.

• No claim bonus is given during policy renewals if there has been no claim throughout the policy period.

• It provides coverage for the litigation and legal bills that have been filed against you.

Your company's financial stability depends on how efficiently your commercial vehicles work and facilitate the business. Businesses must opt for purchasing motor insurance to safeguard their vehicles from all potential risk factors. Online motor insurance renewal is the best option for companies already owning an insurance policy. Alternatively, you may choose to include several optional coverages with your basic plan for some extra fee.

Click HERE to get an online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's examine the most common trucking violations in India


India's economy is heavily dependent on the transport of various goods. As the world's second-most populous country and one of the fastest-growing economies, different food and industrial needs can be met only with effective and constant transport operations. Supplying goods for a population as vast as over 130 crore people isn't easy, and various modes of transport are used to meet the demand and supply requirements of the nation. Be it the well-connected train routes or the extensive trucking system, transportation is pivotal for the country.

And while the train pilots are heavily compensated and well paid, the trucking community is often neglected. With minimal pay, over the top work hours and extended working conditions, truck pilots face a lot of trouble.

Today, we highlight the most prevalent trucking violations in India.

1. Sleepless nights:
Truck drivers are constantly working for 12 hours at a stretch. Sometimes this goes on for days non-stop. Covering long distances within a given time can be challenging for the drivers. And sleepless nights and bare minimum food can add to the fatigue.
Research showed that almost 53 per cent of the current driving force face various psychological and physical issues, including but not limited to insomnia, obesity, joint pain, poor vision etc.

2. Extended work hours:
Since most truckers come from low-income groups, they are always looking for ways to work extra hours. This leads to added fatigue and exhaustion.
There have been instances when drivers have unknowingly knocked vehicles from the road and crushed the pedestrians. While there is no mandate stating the number of permissible work hours in India, it is illegal to drive for more than 10 hours at a stretch in most countries.

3. Overloading:
About 10 percent of total accidents are caused by overloading. These accidents can be caused due to various reasons such as tyre burst, loss of balance, manoeuvring the speed on an incline, worn out brakes etc. The weight of the truck changes if it's overloaded, which impacts the centre of gravity, making it challenging to handle the vehicle.

4. Poor health care:
Trucking services neglect the need to provide basic insurance to truckers and co-pilots. The truckers often turn to home remedies and generic medicines in case of injury. In most cases, they cannot afford the treatment as they prioritise reaching the destination on time. As a result, severe back pain and loss of vision have become some of the most common health issues amongst truckers.

Truckers are one of the most villainous communities on the road. However, we need to understand that they are put through extremely hostile work conditions. Providing sufficient health care and funds to truckers should be made mandatory. Limiting the working hours, maintaining a logbook and providing good resting conditions for the drivers can bring a considerable change to the trucking business in the country.

Sometimes, the truckers are responsible for bearing the cost of repairs on the truck while on the road. Burdening the drivers with such extra expense can be avoided by investing in comprehensive online motor insurance and selecting the plans that provide the best benefits. Various NGOs and individual transport companies can look for multiple covers, including health insurance, public accident insurance and motor insurance for the drivers.

Click HERE to know more about buying online motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best car accessories and extensions that can safeguard your vehicle from damages

Several car owners consider their vehicle to be an expression of themselves. Car enthusiasts may pick aesthetic modifications for their beloved vehicle in the same way a person chooses particular outfits to showcase the style quotient.

Remember, having automobile protection accessories may help prevent any slight or significant wear and tear that occurs over time. Such accessories will undoubtedly keep your vehicle spotless, increase its longevity, and add value to your car.

However, you must strike the correct balance between aesthetic and practical modifications so that your vehicle stands out in terms of both elegance and convenience. Here are several useful and practical extensions to enhance your vehicle's overall quality.

1. Additional fog lamps:
When the primary headlights fail, the extra fog lights turn on. These are primarily helpful if the battery is dead and no other power source is available. They also use the braking system to minimise acceleration in certain circumstances, leading to a lower speed when the vehicle meets an obstacle and preventing it from veering off the road.

2. Side moulding on the body:
This is an excellent option for vehicle owners who wish to armour their cars and protect them from knocks and dents on the road. The resilient material is elastic enough to absorb the impact of slamming car doors against your side. When buying a body side moulding, you can pick from various designs and colour choices to enhance the appearance of your car's exterior.

3. Tyre-pressure monitor:
Some individuals are picky about certain aspects, while others are not. A tyre pressure monitor set could interest you if you fall into the first group. Your car's tyres should always be in perfect condition, and this device guarantees that they have the correct pressure for travel. If there is a deviation, the monitor will notify you to remedy the problem.

4. Grill protectors:
A strong grill shield protects the front of the car from severe damage caused by pebbles, tall grass, and anything that it may kick up. It can also secure the driver and passengers in minor accidents or collisions with other vehicles or wildlife.

5. Jump starters:
A jump starter may serve as a backup power source when your four-wheeler's battery fails. If you like taking long road trips, it is advisable to have a jump starter tool kit in your car. This equipment becomes even more important when driving on frigid terrains or secluded locations.

6. Hydraulic jack:
Always keep a hydraulic jack handy in your vehicle. This mechanical tool can be of great help when you need to change the tyre in case of a puncture. A hydraulic jack can reduce the mechanical effort involved in tilting or lifting the vehicle.

You can select from a plethora of accessory packages and accessible alternatives to further safeguard your four-wheeler. However, before purchasing protective gear, examine how you will operate them for the best benefit of your car's safety and needs.

Aside from protective extras such as tyre pressure monitoring, keyless locking, and additional bumpers, protecting your car with motor insurance is an investment that will surely pay off in the long term. It will provide you with a hassle-free car experience without jeopardising your safety. Therefore, look for the best motor insurance company in India to protect your car, yourself and other drivers on the road.

Click HERE to connect with the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six best tips for the newcomers in fishing

Fishing is an easy sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Many people like to camp near fishing sites and spend time with family and friends. The excitement of holding the rods and attempting to catch a fish and cook it into a delectable dish is a joyful experience.

While fishing is a simple sport, newcomers interested in trying their hand at it might find it difficult to get started. Catching the first fish is a memory to cherish throughout your life, and this blog will help you accomplish that.

Let's discuss the six best tips for newcomers to get started with fishing easily.

1. Research:
It would be best to do some research before heading straight to the pond with your fishing rod. Get a general idea about fishing. Read some books on the basics of fishing to understand the process. You may even watch a few tutorials online to clear the fundamentals of preparing the rod, using the bait, and understanding the techniques involved.

2. Basics:
After you are done with your research and are familiar with the terms and equipment used in fishing, you can get started by understanding the basics and pre-fishing tasks. For example- you can learn how to put baits on the hook, tie knots, etc.

3. Bait:
You need to know about the various types of baits that attract different fish. For example, raw chicken liver attracts catfish. Adding the wrong bait can make it difficult to catch a fish. So acquaint yourself with the proper knowledge about different types of fish and the tricks used to catch them.

4. Location and weather:
Be mindful while choosing a location for your fishing trip. Look up the site on the internet and learn more about the water bodies and the types of fish that might be available (if any). A cloudy sky is considered to be the best weather for fishing. You can also catch fish in other weather conditions, but an overcast sky speaks magic comparatively. If you are not aware of the proper conditions for fishing, it could be a disappointing experience not to find anything to catch.

5. Apparel:
You need to dress for the occasion. In the case of fishing, wear boots since there is a slight chance that you might have to (or by accident) paddle into the water while catching a fish. Dressing according to the weather would make the fishing experience better for you. Wear layers if it is cloudy and chilly. Tie your long hair into a ponytail to avoid getting distracted.

6. Bug spray:
Make sure that you carry bug spray. The places around these water bodies tend to have a lot of bugs and insects (mainly mosquitoes), which might cause trouble while fishing and can get you sick if you are not careful. Using an itch-free bug spray is advisable for a comfortable fishing experience.

That's a wrap on the six best tips for newcomers in fishing. You have to be quiet around the edge of the water bodies to catch fish efficiently. Even a slight mistake can be risky and may land you into unwanted trouble. So, get the best personal accident insurance India to protect yourself against any unfortunate incidents and make your fishing experience a memorable one.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy the best personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.