

Did you know there exist different types of drivers? What is your type 31st October 2022

India has a massive population of automobile owners plying their vehicles on the roads daily. Spotting people with varying personalities and driving habits is common. They exhibit different skills and traits, which can broadly divide drivers into the following six categories.

1. The learner:
Learners are drivers who are new to this experience. They have recently started to drive vehicles and are trying to be perfect at it by practicing and driving regularly. Since they are not pros at driving, they are usually submissive and try to be helpful and cooperative with other drivers on the road.
They drive slowly and carefully and may sometimes show nervousness while driving. Sometimes it can be annoying to drive behind a learner because they can brake suddenly and stop abruptly on the road. Also, they swerve their cars when changing lanes while trying to be in the right lane.

2. The distracted driver:
This is the most common type of driver in the recent era of social media and telecommunication. They try to answer every call and reply to messages they receive while driving. They tend to behave as if the world will stop if they do not answer their phones or make that call.
They display signs of anxiety and tend to check their social media feed. Many even try to record videos and click pictures while driving, putting everyone around them in danger of an accident.

3. The speeding driver:
Such drivers tend to drive their vehicles at high speeds, often above the recommended speed limit, inviting risk and increasing the possibility of accidents. They behave as if the world's end is near and they must reach their destination before it finishes.
Such drivers usually drive rashly and pose a risk to other vehicles around them. High speed means lesser control of their vehicles. Hence, one should avoid getting into a street race and let them pass quietly. Otherwise, you may risk your and your co-passengers' lives unnecessarily.

4. The violent driver:
Road rage cases have been on a high in India in recent years. They are due to drivers belonging to this category. Such drivers lose their cool on the roads due to heavy traffic and start fighting with other drivers around them.
They start driving rashly, dangerously overtaking other vehicles, and swerving their cars wildly. They can even stop abruptly, enter into brawls, and attack another driver if the situation worsens. People tend to vent their frustration on the roads, creating unnecessary chaos.

5. The honkers:
This category of drivers believes they can remove the traffic in front of their vehicle by constantly honking. Doing so adds immensely to the already high noise pollution around us.
As the traffic signal turns green, they will start honking as if the vehicle in front of them is driving slowly or stopping the traffic. Such drivers cause unnecessary nuisance and may display signs of a violent driver if you do not let them pass.

6. The Pros:
This is the best category of drivers, and you would want them to be around you while travelling. They show how good they are at driving and controlling the vehicle. They pay attention to the safety and comfort of the passengers in the car.
They are cautious and vigilant and avoid rash driving by following all traffic rules. Instead, they effectively find their way out of traffic without using useless honking or rash driving. Also, they avoid entering into altercations with other drivers and have good control over their emotions.

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