

Five tips for parents before they send their kids off to university 15th February 2021

As kids turn 18, they begin to own up to their duties of seeking higher education and building a career. They get ready to set off to universities to pursue their dreams and take up multiple responsibilities as adults. This phase is often hard for parents as they won't be able to guide their children through it.

As they deal with the empty nest syndrome, they are also constantly worrying if their children are capable enough to make it on their own. As per research conducted by New York University (NYU), this rapidly changing phase in life is the best opportunity for parents to explain to their children the realities of college life. They could shed some light on the pressures of adulthood, academic expectations, varying social situations, and personal responsibilities that will soon become significant elements of their lives.

It is never too late for parents to indulge in teaching their kids some skills that will help them in the long run. Here are some tips for parents to prepare to send their kids off to university.

1. Cooking and cleaning:
After years of protective parenting, living by themselves can be challenging to adjust to. Learning how to cook a nutritious meal for themselves is key to remaining fit during these college years. Parents can teach their kids to prepare a few basic, healthy meals that should suffice them as beginners.
Cleanliness is another integral part of adulthood that reflects in daily habits. Regularly doing laundry, cleaning their living space, and washing dishes should be essential habits.

2. Healthcare and first aid:
Teaching youngsters about primary healthcare is essential. Familiarising them with the appropriate medication and basic first aid can help them in times of need. It is necessary to educate them about the importance of prioritising fitness, a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

3. Budgeting:
Parents must teach their young adults about budgeting their monthly basic needs. It's crucial to know how to allocate funds for essentials such as groceries, medicines, cleaning supplies, rent, electricity, and other personal requirements.
If they seem comfortable with the idea of employment, you can inspire them to take up part-time jobs to gain a bit of extra monetary benefit. You can also push them to take up worthy internships during their vacations to build their resumes and develop considerable skills.

4. Networking:
While in university, students have a chance to build a strong network of meaningful connections among the wide variety of people they encounter. Parents must highlight the importance of developing solid relationships with not only fellow students but also the professors and faculty members of the university. This may help them receive multiple rewards and gain opportunities to build their future.

5. Security measures:
It is vital to inform children about the basic security measures, such as avoiding any stops in lonely areas at night, covering their drinks, so they don't get spiked and keeping their belongings safe while travelling.
These minute but crucial details are essential when kids head into adulthood. Security is paramount, and prioritising it should be the kid's responsibility, not just at the university but even elsewhere.

To sum it up, while this phase of your kid moving out for university can be emotional, foresee it as a learning period that can shape the future of your children. Teaching them about how to go about their responsibilities, security, and healthcare is vital before they leave.

Apart from these essential lifestyle things, it would help to guide your children through the process of insurance planning. Securing health and assets under the umbrella of insurance adds great value and safety to our lives. For kids going to university, personal accident insurance plans are protective measures to help in accidents or emergencies!

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
