

Following are the five common home insurance claims that homeowners usually make 21st March 2022

Every homeowner must invest in home insurance to rely upon in case of unforeseen events. It secures not only your house and its belongings but also the residents. Whether it is due to weather-related damages, unforeseen break-ins and theft, or unfortunate fires, a reliable home insurance plan can efficiently help you through these challenges.

The percentage of homes insured in India remains significantly low at a mere 1% compared to the U.K, U.S, Australia, and France, which stand at 97%. Indians still need to realise the importance of home insurance and its benefits in securing lives and properties.

While it is vital to invest in the best home insurance plan, knowing if it covers all your requirements is equally essential.

Let's look at the most common home insurance claims that homeowners usually make.

1. Fire inside the house:
Some of India's most common home insurance claims are registered for unforeseen fires. A fire can take place anywhere, anytime. Overheating of appliances in the summer heat and sparking of electric wires due to poor insulation are often the sources of fires inside the house. The interiors of a home are filled with various materials, like wood, that can quickly catch fire. These fires can be controllable only if detected in time. But, if not, they can cause irreversible damage.

2. Fire on the home property:
While fires inside the home can cause significant damage, fires on the entire residential property can be disastrous. Fires caused by gas leakages, water leakages into electric circuits, short circuits, etc., can threaten the whole structure of the house. Homeowners' losses due to these fires are overwhelming and are commonly filed as home insurance claims.

3. Break-ins and theft:
Break-ins and theft have become a common occurrence that several people nationwide complain about. Even with the most advanced, complex, and dependable security systems, thieves break in and steal valuables in the wee hours of the night. Troubled homeowners frequently seek insurance claims concerning the damages caused by these break-ins in their property.

4. Landslides and Flooding:
Many states in India face natural disasters such as landslides and flooding. These natural tragedies are another common reason for filing a home insurance claim. While the coastal areas face annual flooding, the hilly regions of the country witness frequent landslides during monsoons or deforestation. These natural disasters cause heavy damage to the properties. In such cases, home insurance plans can help manage the recovery of financial losses.

5. Man-made disasters:
While natural catastrophes cause enough property damage, human negligence can cause just as much damage. Failure of homeowners or the people living around them can threaten the home or property. Water leakage, using low-quality products, improper care of the property can destroy not only your own home but also of your neighbours.

The above are the most common home insurance claims filed by homeowners. Sudden natural or man-made events can cause significant damage to your home and life. While we can be as cautious as possible, there are unforeseen events that we cannot escape.

Investing in home insurance India secures your future from unpredictable events that can cause severe damage and losses. Stay free from the monetary stress and add value to your priceless possessions with the safety net of the proper insurance to receive good returns on your investment!

Click HERE to buy reliable home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
