

Here are a few things you need to know before considering a hair transplant 21st March 2022

People implemented many natural techniques to strengthen and maintain luscious and smooth hair in olden times. With the advancement of technology, many new factors came into the picture regarding hair care. Pollution, improper nutrition, and a hectic lifestyle are some of the main constituents determining your hair's health. But these elements might not be the only reason you might experience hair issues.

A lot of people complain about severe hair fall, receding hairlines, thinning of hair, split ends, etc. These are painful issues faced by people of all age groups and genders. And while medicines and specific treatments might work for some, that is not a feasible solution for everyone.

A lot of people think about going for a hair transplant. But before taking that step, you need to be aware of what to expect from the procedure.

Here are a few things you need to know if you consider a hair transplant.

1. Categorize yourself:
It's crucial to check all the boxes regarding eligibility to get started with the procedure. Though this procedure is not extensively invasive, the doctor needs to inspect the type and pattern of your hair, baldness, your health parameters, donor availability and quality. Make sure that you have realistic expectations regarding the results of this process.

2. Precautions to be taken:
There are several things you'll need to consider before beginning the process. These include the cost, results, and the products you'll need to use afterwards. Your doctor will give you a complete rundown of the procedure and the precautions you'll have to take beforehand.

3. Recovery:
Your scalp might feel tender or swollen after the procedure, in which case, the doctor might prescribe specific dietary instructions and medicines. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories medicines may help reduce your scalp issues and avoid infections. Zinc, iron and B-complex vitamins promote hair growth, so you must ensure to make them a part of your diet.

4. Research about the clinic:
It is essential to ensure that the clinic you'll be going to and the doctors performing the surgery are experienced and well-equipped. Many patients have terrible experiences after getting lured in with huge discounts and low prices and having their treatment done by less qualified doctors.

5. Types of transplants:
There are several hair transplant procedures you must know about. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a process in which the surgeon clears the donor area of your head and then extracts hair follicles individually with a microneedle.

The next type is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), in which the hair dissects a long strip of scalp from the donor area into 500-2000 follicles. These follicles are then placed into tiny cuts made in the recipient area.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a smoother process in which an implanter is used to implant hair into the recipient area from the donor portion of your scalp.

These are a few things you should know before taking up a hair transplant. And while we are discussing health conditions that might lead to severe hair loss, you also need to think about your wellbeing and ensure your protection against other health ailments.

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