

These are a few signs that you must change your eyeglasses 19th April 2019

Eyeglasses are an essential tool for people with vision problems. They enable us to see clearly and carry out daily activities with ease. However, as time passes, your vision can change. Also, your eyeglasses may no longer suit your needs. Wearing outdated glasses can cause eye strain and headaches, affecting our overall health. Therefore, it is crucial to recognise the signs that it's time to change your eyeglasses.

If you're experiencing vision problems or are wearing eyeglasses over two years old, it may be time to visit an eye doctor for a comprehensive checkup. In this blog post, we will discuss signs that indicate it's time to change your eyeglasses. By being aware of these signs, you can take steps to ensure that your vision is always clear and healthy. Additionally, remember the importance of affordable health insurance plans in helping you cover the costs of eye tests and eyeglasses.

1. Difficulty seeing clearly
If you face difficulty seeing once-clear objects, it's a sign to update your eyeglasses. This can happen if your prescription needs to be updated or your eyeglasses are scratched or damaged.

2. Squinting or eye strain
Squinting or eye strain can indicate that your eyeglasses are no longer effective. Squinting and straining your eyes to see can cause discomfort and frequent headaches, leading to further vision problems over time.

3. Double vision
The double vision indicates that you need an eyeglass update. This can be caused by an outdated prescription or eyeglasses that are scratched or damaged.
4. Pain in eyes and headaches
One of the most common signs you need to change your eyeglasses is regular eye pain and headaches. If you experience these issues, especially after long periods of reading or working on the computer, it may be time for a new prescription.

5. Blurry vision
Blurry vision is another sign that it's time to update your eyeglasses. This can occur if you have an outdated prescription or wear damaged or scratched lenses. You might find it difficult to focus on objects, which can be a long-term problem if not corrected.

6. Safety concerns
If you work in a profession that requires you to wear safety glasses, it's essential to ensure that your prescription is up-to-date. Wearing outdated or incorrect safety glasses can put you at risk of injury, as they may not provide adequate protection.

7. Faded or discoloured lenses
Over time, the lenses in your eyeglasses may become faded or discoloured. This can affect your vision and make it more difficult to see clearly. Ensure your glasses are checked for quality after 5 to 6 months of constant use.

8. Broken or bent frames
If your eyeglasses frames are broken or bent, it's time to replace them. Wearing broken or bent frames can be uncomfortable and cause further damage to your vision.

9. Ageing eyeglasses
As eyeglasses age, they may become less effective at correcting vision problems. It's essential to update your eyeglasses regularly to ensure they are still effective.

10. Lifestyle changes
If your lifestyle changes, your eyeglasses may no longer suit your needs. For example, if you have started a new job that requires you to spend more time in front of a computer, you may need eyeglasses with a different prescription. You must opt for glasses offering UV protection and coverage from harmful blue rays from your computer screen.

Updating your eyeglasses and ensuring regular servicing is essential for maintaining good eye health and clear vision. If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, you must schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to determine the need for a new prescription or eyeglasses.

Additionally, affordable health insurance plans can provide financial support for vision care and eyewear, making it easier to access the care you need to keep your eyes healthy.

Click HERE to learn more about how to list the most affordable health insurance plans that will optimally cater to your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
