

Your car manufacturer’s service centres can help you cut costs in the long run 8th February 2023

Although buying a vehicle is a significant investment, it also brings with it several additional expenses to ensure the driver’s safety and maintenance of the car. To ensure its longevity and appropriate functioning, get your vehicle serviced regularly and buy car insurance online to minimise the risk of accidents and the burden of allied costs.

Remember, both these factors are non-negotiable. While opting to buy car insurance online can get you the best insurers, your authorised service centre also helps you cut costs in the long run.

This article explains how you may derive greater benefits in the long run by availing of the services of the manufacturer’s service centre.

1. Specialised technicians:
The manufacturer’s affiliated garages employ specialised technicians that have undergone rigorous training in exclusive components or have the technical know-how of specific car models, making them the right persons to inspect and evaluate your car. You can also raise any concerns and ask for expert maintenance tips regarding essential maintenance.

2. Never worry about counterfeit parts:
While cars themselves are expensive, replacing components is also a costly affair. Some parts may require replacement due to obsoletion, while others depreciate and add up to a significant amount, which only some can afford. This situation leads to the rise of counterfeit parts. They are of similar specifications but are made of inferior quality, risking your vehicle’s safety. Authorised dealers only store authentic parts and provide a guarantee, eliminating counterfeit concerns and recurring costs arising from their use.

3. Keep your car up to date:
The global automotive software market is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 13.1% until 2027, indicating the vast scope of upgrading cars to increase efficiency and facilitate seamless driving. Manufacturers frequently release software updates, and there is no better place to get it than at an affiliated garage! Along with a regular check, you can also install the latest updates at no additional cost without delay!

4. Maintain resale value:
Regular servicing is proof of a well-maintained car, and service records are documented evidence of the same. While your local garage may not offer reliable documentation, your manufacturer’s garages ensure that you have proof of the car’s servicing history after each check. If you choose to resell your vehicle, this record is essential to justify the car’s value and convince the potential buyer of its safety.

5. Early identification of festering problems:
There is no greater pinch to the wallet than an expense that could have been avoided by taking preventive checks and spending a minimal sum. The experts at your manufacturer’s garages are well-equipped to identify issues and recommend monitoring or an effective solution to curb the extent of damage to your vehicle.

6. Risk of invalidated warranty:
The manufacturer may refuse to provide warranty coverage without proof of the procedure, the equipment used, and the technician’s expertise. Hence, contacting a dealer for any significant concerns or repairs is ideal as it provides a more significant resolution to the issues related to your vehicle.

There is no greater relief than that of reliability, which authorised service centres provide. We recommend carefully assessing alternatives before choosing your preferred servicing garage and buy car insurance online to derive the most significant benefits possible.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
