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Complete guide to intellectual property insurance

How often have you heard the phrase intellectual property? Any creation that stems from one's mind or intellect is called intellectual property. It can take any form, starting from a painting, a design, an invention, or a tune. There is no set category for intellectual property.

An intellectual property, more commonly known as IP, is the foundation of a new creation. It is imperative to protect your IP to avoid fraudulent use or reproduction. There are many ways in which one can ensure that their ideas are not plagiarised or used without proper consent. Patents, copyrights, and trademarks are a few ways to protect IP.

Did you know that there exists an insurance for intellectual property? This article will shed light on intellectual property insurance and everything you need to know about it.

Let's understand what intellectual property insurance is:

Intellectual property insurance helps companies or individuals to cover the cost of litigation and court trials in case of being accused of IP violation. It also covers those who want to sue a company with an IP violation lawsuit. With the growing number of startups, IP has become a valuable asset. It is the foundation of a company's ethics, and a solid IP can help it reach new heights.

The increasing competition and the need to leave a mark in the venture capital market have led to various fraudulent cases of IP infringement. Since IP is one of the most valuable assets in recent times, the cost of IP litigation is expensive. Intellectual property insurance is a must to cover the cost of the exorbitant court proceedings.

Types of IP insurance:

Let's take a look at the kinds of IP insurance available –

1. Infringement defence:
This policy is for those who need to be safeguarded against a party who claims IP infringement against them. This defensive insurance policy acts as a safety net for companies that are held accountable for infringing patents, trademarks, or copyrights. Since the litigation costs for these cases can be very high, the policyholder need not worry about the costs. The policy provider is bound to make payments for all litigation expenses, settlement amounts, and other damages.

2. Abatement enforcement coverage:
This policy is for those IP holders who need assistance and resources to enforce their IP rights and claim infringement against others. This enforcement coverage enables the company to proceed with the legal proceedings without worrying about the legal fees. This policy also ensures that any damage is paid in full to the policyholder if the opposing party decides to counter-sue.

Big and small companies have claimed that the biggest challenge they face at the beginning of a new product launch is intellectual property risk. Various trade secrets, product building, and marketing strategies fall under intellectual property. IP insurance cover will protect your product in the market and help evade baseless lawsuits.

Intellectual property insurance offers a wide range of covers, including but not limited to infringement liability, contractual liability, enforcement, intellectual property rights protection, and other disputes. Add covers, and customise your insurance needs depending on the company or product you intend to launch in the market.

Over the years, we have seen various technological advancements bloom, with start-ups shaping the country's future. Putting in years of hard work only to realise that your work or idea has been copied by someone else can be one of the most frustrating and painful experiences. To avoid such situations for yourself and your company, do not forget to buy general insurance online. As discussed above, these insurances will significantly help anyone looking to claim or deny an infringement. All one needs to do is in-depth research on the insurance category to invest and look out for the best available options. Hard work has no substitute, and so does security.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Have you heard about insurtech and the seamless opportunities it brings

Technology has taken the world by storm, and new inventions and innovations every day are seamlessly becoming part of our daily lives. In this article, we will talk about the emerging technology trend of insurtech in the world of insurance and understand how it will change insurance in the coming times.

What is insurtech?
Insurtech is a combination of the terms insurance and technology. This term was coined to define the culmination of digitalisation, technology, and insurance. Insurtech is the modern-day solution to all insurance-related qualms and queries. Applying novel technology trends such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and extensive data analysis has helped insurance make advancements in leaps.

What are the benefits of insurtech?
The benefits of technology have been countless over the years. Combine that with insurance, and you have diverse opportunities in the insurance sector. Not only has the involvement of technology made it a more straightforward and less cumbersome process for the policy provider, but it also has made buying insurance a quick and easy task for the consumer.
Technology intervention has aided the insurance provider in calculating the overall credibility of the customer. The mammoth task of manually analysing and decision-making by policy providers has taken a back seat as technology like machine learning has made the process faster and more accurate.

Insurance companies can now target a wider audience and cater to their specific needs while sitting miles away with the help of technology. Factors such as customer acquisition and onboarding, global expansion of business, and enhancing the user experiences help companies draw more happy customers. It also has allowed insurance companies to handle and process claims efficiently.

When it comes to the customers, what better than sitting in the comfort of your home and buying online general insurance? Thanks to AI, insurance prices are tailor-made per the customer's needs. This gives a chance for companies to ditch their standard pricing methodology and stick to a more dynamic cost analysis.

What are the components of insurtech?

Insurtech has a variety of components, but it can be broadly divided into two components –

1. Technology-based:
● Artificial Intelligence: The process of automation to yield better and more accurate results.
● Machine Learning: The collection, collation, and analysis of vast chunks of data to determine a pattern.
● Internet of Things: Objects with sensors or processing abilities that can aid in risk assessment.
● Apps: For a better customer relationship experience.
● Blockchain: To improve security and protect sensitive information.

2. Solutions based:
● Appetite Solutions: Helps to find the best policy for a client across existing policies in the market.
● Data Solutions: Easy access to personal actionable data for respective users.
● Payment Solutions: Digitised payment solutions help for a better customer experience.
● Quoting solutions: Automated quote generation, thus reducing the waiting time for customers and policy providers.

What are the applications of insurtech?

1. Customer verification:
The KYC or "know your customer" is a process that all insurance companies must follow. A huge amount of data needs to be processed to ensure the legitimacy of the customer. Insurtech has made the process hassle-free by storing data directly from the issuing authority.

2. Claim management:
With automated analysis of claim documents, standardised records evaluation is maintained and later verified by agents or policymakers.

3. Detecting fraud:
Insurtech can verify policyholders' claims and crosscheck any duplicate transaction or third-party interference to ensure that no fraudulent claims are made.

These were a list of some key elements of insurtech. As mentioned above, technology is a boon to customers and policymakers alike and can benefit both parties. Customers can also use general insurance plans to safeguard their assets with the best coverage. Checking out online general insurance plans can be a smart way to explore various options and select the ones with more advantages, good premiums, and the ones that will give the best returns on your investment.

Click HERE to know more about online general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s how you can avoid getting fined due to over-speeding

The penalties for traffic defaulters have increased steeply with the passage of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill in the year 2019 in India. For instance, the fine for driving without a licence has been increased from INR 500 to INR 5000. Similarly, the penalty for over-speeding has increased from INR 400 to INR 2000.

Also, the police have been extra vigilant, and as a result, the issuance of traffic challans has significantly increased in the last couple of years. Do you wish to stay protected and avoid draining your hard-earned money by paying for hefty traffic challans due to over-speeding your vehicle? Let us see how you can achieve this and prevent over-speeding.

1. Be mindful of the speed limit:
Although fast driving seems thrilling to some people, driving over the speed limit has grave consequences. The speed limit has been put in place by city traffic police with many factors in mind, including the friction of the surface of the road and whether it has schools or hospitals nearby. Be careful and pay attention to board signages alongside the roads. Ensure to drive your vehicle within the speed limit as per the signage on the respective road.
Over-speeding might not only affect your life but also put the lives of others at risk. According to a report by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in 2020, 71% of accidents were related to over-speeding on Indian roads, resulting in 66% of fatalities. Pay close attention to signboards when driving, or you might incur a fine of up to INR 4000.

2. Yellow lights mean slow down:
Everyone is in a hurry to reach their destination. Although jumping a light might seem like a minor offense at any given moment, it causes severe accidents in India. To deter the public from jumping a red light, fines have been levied that range up to INR 5000, and the driver can even be sent away up to a one-year prison sentence for this offense with the suspension of their driving licence.
To avoid such consequences, be prepared to stop right when the yellow light comes on, and stop a few metres before the stop line. Try not to block the zebra crossing and create inconvenience to the pedestrians.

3. Speed camera alert applications:
You will be surprised to know that there exist applications that can alert us of upcoming speed cameras from a few hundred metres in advance. Moreover, most of these applications are free and convenient to operate.
However, use these devices as a reminder that you are over-speeding your vehicle, not as an escape from speed cameras. Make a habit of following the speed limit set by the traffic police.

4. Never drink and drive:
Often drinking provokes you to do things you don't usually do when sober. And, one very common concern among drivers is rash & fast driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a punishable offense in India, and you will get a hefty traffic challan for drunken driving and over-speeding when intoxicated. Moreover, it can lead to serious accidents and cause property loss and lives.
Hence, do not drive when you have consumed alcohol or are heading out for a party. Book a cab to get back home if you are drunk, even if you came in your car. Otherwise, ensure that a non-drinking friend takes the wheel for you.

Another important thing is never to run away or escape the spot if a police officer finds you guilty of violating a rule and stops you. Always accept that you’ve made a mistake and support the officials doing their work.

You should always follow the above steps to avoid getting traffic challans and paying fines. Receiving challans is not a good feeling, and repeated mistakes can make you face severe consequences. So, be a responsible driver and ensure the above traffic practices that help you avoid getting fined due to over-speeding. In addition, car insurance online India can protect your car with adequate coverage against any possible damage due to an accident.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online India and stay protected while driving.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the psychology behind honking and the ways to tone it down

Honking while driving on the road is a serious topic and a primary source of noise pollution. Persistent noise from honking can lead to stress, annoyance, depression, and hearing impairment. It also causes road accidents due to sudden distractions. If you are wondering why people honk so much, you should understand the psychology behind it.

Reasons why people honk their horns so much.

Generally, it would be best to use a horn to avoid collisions, when necessary. However, drivers also honk for other reasons, such as

1. Honking by habit:
Most Indian drivers honk just because they feel like it, even if it is unnecessary. You may find honkers honking at turns, at blind corners, and at pedestrians walking or crossing the roads. Drivers also honk recklessly during a traffic jam to move the traffic. In this behaviour, the driver needs to show more awareness and patience.

2. Honking as a way to communicate:
In India, drivers use horn honking to communicate without words with other drivers on the road. Drivers use several horn-honking patterns, each with a different meaning. For instance, drivers use single honking when waiting outside their friend's house or when someone is in front of their vehicle, which means "I'm here".
The double horn means, "please don't be dumb", and the triple horn means, "I am upset that traffic has not moved". Some aggressive drivers use the repeater triple horn to tell other drivers that they are more important and ask them to get out of their way.
Another form of aggressive horn honking used by large vehicles is the big blast, meaning "I can do whatever I want because I am mighty".

3. Continuously honking at high speeds:
You may have seen a reckless driver going forward and constantly honking, leaving everyone behind. Such drivers are always in a hurry to arrive on time for work, meetings, or other events. However, irresponsible driving habits are dangerous and can cause more havoc on traffic.
You should avoid driving in a hurry or using a horn unnecessarily. While talking about safety, buying online motor insurance is essential to protect your vehicle from damages.

How to reduce unnecessary honking while driving:

● Most people need to learn the severity of unnecessary honking and its disadvantages. You should spread awareness about honking and noise pollution to your friends, family, and neighbours.

● Take driving lessons from renowned driving schools to learn the basics of honking etiquette, like avoiding honking at no-honking zones, near hospitals, schools, forest areas, etc.

● Unnecessary honking can also lead you to pay a ticket (challan). You should learn about when and where you should not honk.

● The government should impose strict laws against unnecessary honking and a maximum dB limit for large vehicles.

There are many reasons why drivers and riders like to honk so much. If you are like most drivers in India, you should learn the reasons behind drivers honking their horns and ways to reduce them. Once you understand the basics of honking etiquette, you should tell others to spread awareness.

In addition to honking etiquette, it is also essential for drivers to have motor insurance to protect them from fines and damage costs in the future. You can get online motor insurance quickly with minimum documentation and without the hassle of physically visiting the insurance company's office or paying a commission to an agent.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to lower your health insurance premium

India is home to some of the best healthcare facilities in the world. Be it some government hospitals or super-specialty hospitals, they are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and highly skilled doctors. However, with the rising costs of treatments and healthcare, buying health insurance is necessary for everyone. Even with all the facilities, timely treatment is often not easily accessible, so people keep turning to premium healthcare.

Super-specialty hospitals promise premium services at the cost of steep expenses, and most people from middle-class backgrounds cannot afford these treatments. This is also the reason why most people invest in health insurance. But, with increased services, the cost of premiums will also significantly rise.

If you want to reduce your health insurance premium without compromising on the services, this article is just for you.

1. Start early:
Since most health insurance plans consider your age and medical history to calculate premiums, starting early can save you a lot of money on premiums. A younger body has a better immune system, and thus the risk of diseases or illness is significantly low. If you are someone who has already been diagnosed with age-related issues such as diabetes, blood pressure, or other heart conditions, then your premium amount will also increase. To ensure that you are getting a policy at the best rates, start early and invest in the best health insurance in India.

2. Online health insurance:
Online health insurance has a lot of benefits, but the most significant of them is how cost-effective it is. With online insurance, you can avoid broker fees and other administrative charges. You also can buy health insurance from anywhere, with the freedom to choose the desired policy by comparing multiple plans.

3. Compare plans online:
There are many health insurance policies in the market and deciding on the one that suits your choices can be overwhelming. But in the long run, having an informed idea of various aspects of your insurance policy will be helpful. You can compare insurance covers, premiums, and add-on costs online. With the internet at your disposal, comparing various insurance companies is a smart way to ensure that your company is not overcharging.

Another great alternative is to use the online insurance calculator. Different companies have a calculator that helps you calculate the overall cost of your insurance. Once you enter all the covers you need, this calculator will give you a rough estimate of your health insurance plan. Compare different prices online to choose the best option for you.

4. Extended validity:
Most insurance plans have a validity of one year. However, some companies provide significant discounts on policy periods of two to three years. Not only you reap the benefits of fantastic deals but getting a policy that extends to three years also helps you evade the annual renewal costs on your policy.

5. Family plans:
Health insurance is mandatory not just for ourselves but also for our families. However, the cost of buying health insurance for every family member can add up to a lot. This is why insurance companies have initiated family health insurance plans. Family plans provide comprehensive coverage to your family members. A family insurance plan is a smart way to cut costs on individual premiums while also maintaining the scope of various covers.

These are a few ways in which you can ensure cost-effective insurance planning. Thorough research on different insurance companies and their policy plans can help you make an informed decision that suits your budget and provide maximum coverage. Remember that health insurance is essential, but what is more important is to take good care of your health. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits are a simple start to leading a healthy and happy life. Invest in the best health insurance in India for your loved ones to safeguard yourself against any expenses you might incur in hospital and medical bills.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understand these five car parking rules to avoid traffic violation

Car parking has always been a major challenge in most metro cities. The number of cars on the roads is constantly increasing while the parking space and the available supporting infrastructure have yet to develop at a matching pace.

A traffic challan for violation of parking rules is very pinching and bothering. What do we do if there is not much free legal space available for parking our car? The legitimate answer is understanding the car parking rules to avoid traffic violations.

Let us go through the five car parking rules that one must know.

1. Way of parking:
According to section 122 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, a car owner should always park his car in a manner that does not cause any inconvenience to other road users. Also, the way of parking the car should not be dangerous, nor should it cause any obstruction to other vehicles and users of the road.
If there is a signboard depicting the correct manner of parking your car on the roadside, you should abide by it and park your car accordingly.

2. An abandoned or unattended car:
According to section 127 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, you cannot abandon your car or leave it unattended at a public place where you cannot legally park it.
A police officer with jurisdiction in that area can tow your car away or make it immobile by using methods such as clamping the wheels. Also, you or the person in charge of your car will be responsible for paying the towing charges.

3. Prohibited parking:
You cannot park your car in a no-parking zone or any spot where parking is prohibited, on a footpath, on the wrong side of the road, on private property without the owner's permission, alongside a parked vehicle so that you do not obstruct the traffic flow, in front of any gate that blocks the entrance to any place, in front of a school or hospital entrance, near a bus stop, a traffic signal, or a road crossing.
Also, your vehicle should not obstruct the view of a signboard. You are not permitted to park at a bend, at the top of a hill, or even near or on a bridge so that you do not obstruct incoming traffic.

4. Parking restrictions at home / society:
Even your housing societies or homes have car parking rules you must follow. You should park your car so that it does not obstruct or block your neighbour's gate.
It is illegal to park your car at the boundary of your own house if your parking style obstructs the neighbour's gate in any way. He may be unable to open the gate of his house fully. In such a case, he can file a case, serve you a legal notice and obtain an injunction restricting you from blocking his gate.

5. Blocking a parking lot exit:
You cannot park your car in front of another vehicle in a parking lot in such a way that his way is obstructed, and the owner of that vehicle is unable to take his car out. In such a case, he can call a cop, and you will have to pay a fine for blocking his way.

Parking fines differ from one city to another in India. Understanding the parking rules in your respective cities is crucial to avoid traffic violations. So, abide by these parking rules to avoid catching yourself in chaotic situations and save on fines and penalties.

Similarly, having a good car insurance policy will help you save on other penalties, as car insurance is mandatory to drive legally in India. Also, it will provide coverage in case of an accident, a mishap involving your car, or even if it gets stolen. Hence, go for the best car insurance in India and forget the stress of expenses involved in unexpected situations.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to detect fraud in your health insurance plan

The time of a health crisis is a vulnerable time for you and your loved ones. And this moment of panic is where most frauds occur, where mischievous minds exploit your vulnerability with their fraudulent strategies. Everyone can't look into the small details of fraud unless they understand how it takes place beforehand.

Medical emergencies are a time of great financial insecurity. A lifetime of savings can be drained due to your loved one getting into a sudden accident or the unexpected detection of chronic disease. In this time of need, health insurance is a great boon. It can provide you and your dear ones with much-needed protection from financial disaster. However, it is imperative to have the correct information to avoid falling into the trap of health insurance fraud. You won't ever want your hard-earned money to go to waste by falling prey to frauds or scams.

This blog gives you some pointers you can keep in mind to safeguard yourself from health insurance frauds.

Most common types of fraud:

Before getting into how to protect yourself from this deceit, here are some of the most common ways people can swindle money from your health insurance policy –

1. Medical identity theft: This type of fraud involves scammers using your personal information to charge fraudulent bills or make health insurance claims in your name.

2. Marketing scams: If you do not do adequate research about the company's reputation and decide to buy insurance, it may result in the company taking a high premium from you but not responding to any claims. These companies give out forged insurance documents to individuals and then become untraceable.

3. Ambulance fraud: Holding the spot of being the most overlooked type of fraud, ambulance fraud comes in the form of unnecessary charges and facilities you might not have taken, paying huge dividends to scammers.

Tips to safeguard yourself from scammers –

1. Take your time: The biggest red flag in an insurance company is when they ask you to make hasty decisions. Avoid schemes that promise you a lesser premium or better claim if you sign immediately. It is advisable to take your time with the decision-making process and be sure what kind of policy is necessary for you.

2. Be wary of unsolicited calls: Reputed insurance companies rarely call individuals to market their health insurance policies; if they do, they never pressure a customer. Be cautious of aggressive salespeople. However, even if the salesperson seems to be from a reputed company, you must never share your personal information or documents without proper research about the company.

3. A hard copy of policy and seller's signature: Request a copy of the policy they offer, complete with the company's seal and seller's signature.

4. Extensive research on plans: Become familiar with the kind of plans that insurance companies usually offer. This will help you be aware of unsolicited advertisements to sell insurance policies. Understand that if something is too good to be true.

5. IRDA licence: If an agent does not have an IRDA licence, there is a higher probability that they are a scammer.

6. Avoid online transactions: It is safer to avoid sending any money online to the agent upfront unless it is an IRDA licenced insurance firm.

Researching a quality health insurance policy is already a demanding process. The process is complicated, from finding a good plan to cover all your needs to looking for a reputed doctor in an emergency that your insurance covers and then claiming the insured amount. This is when people are most susceptible to getting scammed by fraudsters.

Be careful while opting for a health insurance policy, and always remember to read the fine print. Always buy from genuine insurance firms and avoid the manipulative sales tactics of agencies. Rely more on your personal research for buying the best health insurance and guarantee yourself trustworthy and reliable protection.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Keep your car looking classy with a clean sunroof!

The trend of automobiles that exude luxury isn't on the decline anytime soon. With several unique yet functional features rolled out by top manufacturers to entice drivers, the automobile sector continues to evolve.

Sunroofs are one such feature that has been in the market for long enough but continues to catch the fancy of many automobile owners. While they let in the fresh air and natural light on the go, many owners avoid purchasing cars with sunroofs because they fear excessive maintenance.

If you feel the same, here are some tips to keep your car's sunroof in good condition:

1. Clean it frequently
Dust and debris can easily get lodged inside the sunroof due to its positioning. The component's performance will be compromised if it gathers trash and dust particles beside and within. It is essential to clean the sunroof from top to bottom, including the areas surrounding it. Your car's sunroof will remain spotless and operate smoothly with regular cleaning.

2. Annual deep clean
You should thoroughly clean your car's sunroof once a year with the following:

● Clean the sunroof properly
● Now pump low-pressure air through the drain tubes to clean the trough
● The last step is to insert a thin, flexible, non-puncturing wire into a drain tube, twist it anticlockwise, clockwise again, and gently push it farther into the line.

3. Use appropriate cleaning products
Never use any cleaning agent or solution to clean the sunroof. You can harm the quality of the rubber seal in the sunroof by using a harsh or improper cleaning agent. The best advice from professionals for cleaning a sunroof is to use warm tap water or isopropyl alcohol (IPA). 4. Set it free to move
Inspect the working parts of your car's sunroof if it sticks or seems to be moving slowly to look for cracked or stripped gears or a build-up of dirt and debris. To find the location of the issue, start your car and cycle the roof between the open, closed, and vent positions. After a few cycles, clean everything if it works more smoothly, and lightly lubricate all visible moving components with a mild, heat-resistant grease. If you hear a squeaking noise or see the sunroof not opening and closing correctly, visit an expert mechanic to rectify the problem.

5. Look for rust around the hinges
You should check the mounting hardware for any signs of rust or wear and tear if the sunroof in your automobile is manually operated. Moisture can also cause it to corrode. The hardware won't rust or sustain any damage if it is properly maintained. You should pay close attention to the mounting hardware and clean it properly when cleaning the sunroof.

6. Lubricate the moving parts
Lubrication is necessary for a sunroof's moving parts to operate effectively. But, using the proper grease is crucial to ensure efficient and trouble-free operation. Conventional mineral grease is inappropriate for lubricating components in a sunroof. For this, you must use heat-resistant grease. This grease is designed for high temperatures.

7. Pay close attention to any unusual sounds
Remember to listen for any odd noises from your sunroof while opening and closing it. When opened and closed, you must adequately clean the sunroof if it makes a scraping noise. The sunroof auto glass is likely to shatter if there is a popping sound. Consequently, before the issue worsens, it is critical to seek professional assistance.

The correct operation of a sunroof depends on regular maintenance. Your sunroof can get damaged due to improper care. Take your car to a service centre that fixes auto glass if the sunroof makes odd noises even after proper maintenance. While we are discussing your car's upkeep, it is also crucial to buy car insurance. Reliable car insurance can protect your asset from mishaps and monetary stress.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Everything you need to know while insuring your old bike

The craze for new things never dies out. You might ride your new bike or car more, and eventually, your old bike starts getting dust all over it. But you can't just let it sit there and slowly rust and get damaged to the point where it would be a huge pain to repair the damages, maintain and get it serviced regularly. There can be various risks and damages your old bike might go through over time.

But why is it essential to ensure that your old bike is up and running? Well, there could be multiple scenarios where old bikes may come in handy. You could land up in an emergency and might not have your new vehicle at that point. Or you could get stuck with the new car if it does not start up and you must urgently be somewhere. These situations will make you realise why it was an excellent decision to keep it up to date, maintained, damage-free, and keep up with its insurance.

This blog will discuss everything you need to know while insuring your old bike. All this information will provide context when you meet up with your insurance company officials or apply for insuring your old motorcycle online.

1. You need to be aware of the depreciation:

When your vehicle gets old, its original value depreciates over time. If it's more than a year, but under two years, the actual value depreciates by ten percent. The bike's value further declines by almost fifteen percent and more, depending on the manufacturing year.
This also varies as you compare one insurance company's list of depreciated values to the others. The primary point here is to make sure that you know what the vehicle is worth by consulting an expert or researching a bit about the current market value on your own.

2. Be mindful about renewals:

It would help if you were careful about renewal dates while purchasing third-party two-wheeler insurance for your old bike. This insurance does not grant you any grace period for your insurance renewals. Even if you realise your renewal payment is due a day later, the third-party two-wheeler insurance for your old bike will be considered null and void. But you can escape this trouble by buying comprehensive two wheeler insurance online India for your old bike. This type of insurance grants you a grace period of thirty days. The renewal of your insurance policy can only be completed after a thorough inspection of your old bike that is to be insured. To ensure you avail of all the benefits of the policy, please renew it timely.

3. What happens to the premium:

Since your old bike's market value has depreciated, you do not have to worry about sky-high premiums. Your premium rates would be determined according to the value of your bike. But this does have a side effect. You will be subject to lower IDV-Insured Declared Value which derives the assured amount you will get from the insurance based on the asset (in this case-the bike) in case of loss or theft. The compensation would be pretty low since your premiums and the value of your bike is already depreciated.

Other factors you need to include are the add-on benefits, the engine capacity, and the best premiums without diminishing the features of your policy cover.

Be it an old bike or new; you need to get two wheeler insurance to protect your motorcycle against mishaps. You can explore all your options and purchase the best two wheeler insurance online in India to serve your needs. Insurance firms are adapting to technological advancements and moving towards the online revolution. You may also reduce the physical and mental stress of buying insurance the traditional way by purchasing two wheeler insurance online India.

Click HERE to know more about purchasing the best two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Early risers vs. night owls – Which sleep style is healthier and more productive

REM cycle (Rapid eye movement cycle), melatonin, biological clock, etc.- these are the terms we have all heard when decoding the type of our sleeping schedules and whether or not it is the right choice for our mind, body, and overall health in the long run. Most of us tend to work or study late during the night and thus develop the tendencies of what one may call “being a night owl.” And we are sure that most parents, especially in India, do not favour such schedules, which might cause havoc on your health. But have you wondered how such lifestyles affect different aspects of our day and what effects they might have in the future?

Being in the prime of your life, you have the potential to bear the worst of the consequences. But have you ever researched more about how the sleeping schedules that you have currently or had in the past affected your current habits? Does being a night owl wreak havoc on your health? Are early risers the golden people of our age?

This blog tends to bring different influencing factors which will help you settle the debate to understand which sleep style is healthier and more productive. Let’s get started!

1. Let’s understand the WHY:
It is essential to understand why you are an early riser or a night owl to decide which sleep schedule fits your needs. Your circadian rhythm, usually known as an individual’s biological clock, tends to vary from person to person. If your circadian rhythm is on the longer end, you are a night owl, and if it’s on the shorter end, you are an early riser.
Now, you must know that your circadian rhythm can change throughout your life- which is how you can change your lifestyle by enforcing certain habits to make the switch.
Hormonal changes during the adolescent years when puberty hits are one of the leading causes of the variation in patterns of sleep in teenagers – their shift from early risers to night owls can be explained.
While research has proved that night owls are more depressed and run on caffeine which eventually does more harm than good, other studies have demonstrated night owls to be more focused as the day progresses compared to the observations made about the early risers.

2. Sleep patterns:
It is seen that the early risers sleep better since they have defined sleep patterns, have regular periods of sleep, and tend to be flexible, happier, and healthier individuals as compared to the night owls, who seem a little groggy due to undefined sleep schedules. The circadian rhythms of night owls are very different from the usual body clock, which becomes more active during the later part of the day (usually at night).

3. Productivity:
Studies have proved that early risers display higher productivity and lower levels of depression compared to night owls. The people who wake up early are more successful in their personal and professional lives than those who are identified as night owls.
Night owls have shown a more increased risk of being susceptible to physical and mental health issues due to disrupted sleep schedules. They might suffer from weight and blood pressure problems, poor diet choices, and get addicted to caffeine and alcohol.

You can shift to the choice which seems likely to be helpful for you in the long run, especially considering your health since we all know that “health is wealth.” Given the factors discussed above, early risers seem to have a considerable advantage in all aspects of their lives. And it’s never too late to make the switch!

We hope you choose the best healthy alternative, become more energized, and improve your overall well-being. But at times, you might end up in unforeseeable situations that endanger your health despite all the healthy choices you might have made. In such cases, you must get health insurance to help you cover the costs and focus on your or your family member’s recovery. You can browse through the available options and choose the health insurance which caters to your needs in the best way.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can purchase health insurance and the benefits it entails.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's why you should drink water after waking up

You already know how important it is to drink water, but here's an interesting question: Does it make a difference when you drink water after waking up? You might have heard that drinking enough water each day is the best way to keep hydrated.

But should you start your healthy morning routine with a glass of water? The answer isn't as simple as a yes. Therefore, we have listed some resourceful information in this article to learn more about morning hydration, its most significant health benefits, and why it is important.

If you want to start drinking water in the morning, here are some health benefits you can expect.

1. It makes you feel better after a night without water:
Since you can't replenish your fluids while you sleep, you'll feel parched when you finally open your eyes. You'll likely be thirsty when your alarm goes off, and starting your day with a glass of water is a good idea to refuel your body with energy. Drinking water replaces the fluids you lose during the night.

2. It makes you feel more energetic:
A glass of water first thing in the morning is a great way to kickstart your day with renewed enthusiasm. The normal process of sleeping causes dehydration because even while you sleep, your body is active and performing vital functions. Resume the rehydration process by drinking at least one glass of water and ensure your tissues and organs get the fluids they need.

3. It makes your mind work better:
In the same way, it can help you stay sharp and productive throughout the day. The effects of dehydration on short-term memory and concentration can be seen even in mild cases. Stay on top of your game by chugging that glass of water.

4. It gets your metabolism going:
Drinking water can get your metabolism going at any time of the day. In particular, cold water turns on a process in your body called cold-activated thermogenesis. This means that your body heats up by increasing your metabolism up to 30% for about an hour. Drinking water after waking up helps your vital organs, muscles, and tissues get their morning nourishment to regulate all bodily functions smoothly

5. It makes digestion easier:
You can keep digestion problems at bay just by drinking water. For instance, keeping yourself hydrated can help with constipation, which is a common side effect of being dehydrated. Warm water, in particular, might break down the food you've eaten faster, making your gut healthy. If you tend to get constipated, drinking water when you wake up can help you rehydrate and get things moving to make you feel better.

6. It stops the urge to eat:
Sipping water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can help if you don't like big breakfasts, don't have time to eat, or are still hungry for junk food after breakfast. A study found that drinking water throughout the morning can make you feel less hungry. It could stop your stomach from growling until you can eat (but if you're hungry, eat!).

We've learned the health benefits of drinking water after waking up. But there are more ways to ensure good health, and one such way is buying reliable health insurance for you and your loved ones.

Buy health insurance online to protect yourself during a medical emergency so you can get the best care without any worries about finances and the hassle of any intermediaries. It also gives you benefits like preventive checkups, diagnosis, and treatment for illnesses when they are still mild. Most importantly, investing in affordable health insurance plans gives you peace of mind and puts less financial burden in an emergency.

You may find it difficult to build a routine at once. It is best to cultivate this habit by taking small steps and gradually developing a habit of drinking water after waking up.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The effects of sleeping after eating that you should be aware of

From running errands to attending college to organising business meetings, life has become an endless circle of activities. A monotonous life makes people lazy in their approach to a healthier lifestyle. They do not put in any effort towards building and maintaining physical and mental well-being anymore. This is primarily due to a lack of quality time and stability in their lives.

Inconsistent eating patterns, irregular sleep cycles, and lack of exercise have given rise to many chronic diseases and health conditions at a very early stage of life. Lifestyle diseases like diabetes, PCOS, thyroid, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases are increasing more than ever, especially in the youth. Knowing the adversities, it is high time you start taking proper care of your health to avoid complications later.

One familiar malpractice people are associated with is sleeping immediately after eating. This practice has short-term and long-term effects and can be injurious to your health. If you are unaware of it, this article might help you. Regardless, you should always have an insurance policy to cover your health. If you already have one, make sure you get the health insurance policy renewal regularly to avoid your policy from lapsing and losing benefits.

How long do you have to wait after a meal?

This is a common question among people unaware of the ill effects of sleeping right after consuming a meal. Medically speaking, waiting at least 2-3 hours after eating is recommended before you hit the bed.

If you sleep immediately after eating, your digestive system may be dysfunctional and put you in a confused state. You might feel uneasy and bloated, making it difficult to fall asleep peacefully.

What are the effects on the body when you sleep after eating?

You should take into account many things when you have the last meal of the day. Your last meal is essential as it determines your body's overall balance. It is also a determinant in helping you fall asleep faster.

The effects that you should know about consuming a meal right before sleeping are as follows:

● If you hit the bed right after consuming a heavy meal, you will experience many digestive problems.

● Lying down on the bed leads to slow digestion and reduced metabolism.

● When you sleep, your digestive juices are not released as your body goes into rest mode. It is no longer active.

● You will experience symptoms of heartburn, nausea, and indigestion, among others.

● It may cause discomfort in your body, and you will likely wake up at night. It will disrupt your sleep cycle and cause fatigue in the morning.

It is essential to start focusing on your health as early as possible. This will give you an upper hand in staying away from various diseases. You will start living a life that is healthier and better. The journey of a healthy lifestyle begins with a balanced diet, ample sleep, and regular physical exercises.

It would help to have health insurance handy for all your health needs. Keep a check on your existing policy and schedule your health insurance policy renewal in advance to avoid complications later.

Click HERE for health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Shedding more light on CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission)

The most heard of types of two-wheeler transmission have been manual and automatic transmission. While manual transmission requires the driver to operate the gear stick and clutch to change gears, the automatic transmission does not need any driver input to change forward gears under usual driving conditions.

While automatic transmission has made driving significantly easier, there's a new type of transmission that might take over. This is CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission). A CVT is an automatic transmission where the rider doesn't need to apply the clutch pedal manually.

However, there are fundamental differences between the two. Traditional automatic transmission has a fixed number of preset gears for the driver. However, CVTs have an unlimited number of gear ratios that can accommodate the driving conditions at any given moment. It allows seamless shifts without hard shifting points, making the ride remarkably smooth.

This blog gives you an insight into this fascinating technology and why it is steadily gaining popularity.

Benefits and drawbacks of CVTs.

1. Improved fuel efficiency – Unlike typical automatics, the CVT can change the gear ratio forever to maintain the engine running at peak fuel efficiency. Overall, the more gears offered by an automatic transmission, the better the optimisation of engine power.

2. Smoother driving experience – The absence of harder shift points means the CVT delivers much more consistent performance on the roads. There are no sudden lags in acceleration as experienced with automatic and manual transmissions.

3. Driving uphill – Driving uphill or on steep roads is easier using a CVT. This is because, in regular transmissions, the driver would have to find the perfect gear ratio by themselves. In contrast, a CVT finds the exact ratio needed immediately, providing a smoother driving experience.


1. Heavy on the wallet – CVT systems are generally more costly than traditional counterparts. The repair and replacement costs are also more expensive. Additionally, CVT systems don't last as long as conventional systems and start failing more quickly.

2. Lack of high-performance capability and durability – A CVT is an excellent choice for an average driver, but it can't handle the higher horsepower. Hence it isn't used for performance and sports cars.

3. Noisiness – CVTs are louder and whinier than automatic transmission. Under fast acceleration, they tend to drone. This makes driving less enjoyable for the driver.

Working mechanism of CVT.

CVT systems use a pulley system to function effectively. Unlike the traditional automatic transmission, CVT uses several parts for shifting between gears.

This system depends on cones to change through the infinite gear ratios seamlessly in a CVT. These cones are attached to each pulley and the chain and can be moved around to adjust the dimensions of the belt. This allows for faultless shifting, which results in improved power output and better mileage.

A pulley connects the bike's engine and CVT and manages the direction of power. Based on the required energy, the diameter of the pulleys is adjusted.

The CVT's value lies in its simplicity. It has very few components but can work more efficiently for an average driver with increased fuel economy and steady, smooth operation. This technology can enhance the experience of a driver, but not all that glitters is gold.

The main drawback is that the repair costs might be overwhelming. Rather than fearing the expenses, take a step towards sensible investment, i.e. insurance. Consider looking for the best quotes online. Buy 2 wheeler insurance online and get amazing advantages that ensure a noteworthy return on investment during your hour of need.

Click HERE to know more about 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Meditation: Why is it important for today's modern lifestyle

All of us are aware of the daily challenges of modern lifestyles and our quest to maintain a work-life balance. One of the significant reasons why it is important is for our own joy and happiness.

There is a constant flow of information from all directions, which has caused confusion and dissonance to erupt everywhere. It's safe to say that you are not alone who permitted such a culture to arise in the first place. Our bodily and mental health suffers from the constant stress of the world in which we live. That explains the unregulated rise in lifestyle disorders like stress, anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc. It is precisely where meditation fits in and explains why it has almost become well-known in recent years.

What makes meditation important?

The post-covid era and the work-from-home routine have contributed to massive changes in people's habits and lifestyle routines, compromising their physical and mental well-being. But fortunately, there are exercises like meditation that not only help you maintain your sanity but also help you become a stronger version of yourself.

It's not by chance that people have "rediscovered" this old practice of mindfulness. You need something, after all, to offset all the negative impacts of the stressful lives we lead!

There is a genuine need for meditation, and we shall examine why this is so.

1. Stress reduction:
There is no better way to reduce stress than meditation. It has a favourable impact on your entire nervous system and aids in your physical and mental rest.

2. Retards aging:
Yes, you did read that correctly. According to studies, daily meditation can delay the onset of old age due to its anti-aging benefits. Generally, those who regularly meditate live longer and happier than the rest.

3. Positivity and emotional steadiness:
Meditation is a potent and all-natural remedy for those who struggle with sadness and anxiety. Strengthening your immune system, lowering blood pressure, and regulating cholesterol levels are the ways that meditation can enhance your health.

4. Better rest:
If you have difficulty falling asleep at night, meditation is the answer you've been hunting for. One of the most effective natural therapies for insomnia is meditation which significantly boosts the quality of your sleep and helps you develop a routine.

5. Happiness quotient:
The people who meditate are often healthier, less anxious, sleep better, and have happier outlooks on life. It makes you energetic and keeps your mood cheerful throughout the day!

What should you know before beginning?

1. Concentration and focus:
Focusing on your practice is one of the most crucial aspects of meditation. It will assist you in disconnecting your mind from everything that might prevent you from meditating. Consider concentrating on a particular thing, such as a candle flame, an image, a mantra, or your breathing.

2. Peaceful setting:
If you're new to meditation, check that your environment is calm and pleasant. Avoid being distracted by devices like your phone, the TV, or the radio.

3. Become relaxed:
Sitting, lying down, walking, and other positions and activities are all acceptable forms of meditation. Try to relax so that you can benefit the most from your meditation. In addition, you should dress comfortably.

While discussing health, consider whether your health insurance in India is appropriate for you. The financial peace of mind that comes with a private health plan is second to none. With health insurance in India, you can get treatment in private hospitals, use emergency ambulance services without limits, and sometimes, avoid paying the levy surcharge on your tax bill.

You might be puzzled by the positive effects of something so basic as meditation. Indeed, it is. However, practising is what counts most. The only natural way to reap the rewards of meditation is to practise it.

Click HERE to buy health insurance in India and ensure your well-being.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The immediate steps to take if you accidentally hurt your nails

Due to their tenderness, it is very common to get your nails hurt at home, the workplace, or even while you're sleeping. Nails are highly fragile, and while you sleep, they can hit the headboard of your bed or even get stuck in a piece of furniture nearby. The event of harming your nail or the cuticles is termed nail injury.

When the injury is severe, it can result in bleeding. If not, the area of injury can turn red or show signs of inflammation. These injuries can occur when the nail is torn, cut, or bruised in any way. In a worst-case scenario, the nail is torn away completely from the skin.

During such emergencies, running to the hospital is not always possible. Hence, working on the nails at home is recommended as your immediate response to the injury. The treatment becomes easier when first aid is provided as it restricts the extent of the injury and stops further damage.

Such accidents can occur no matter where you live or how you work. It is crucial to have health insurance handy at all times. If you already have one, renew health insurance online to keep yourself safe and secure your finances from unexpected medical expenses.

Now, let us look at the immediate steps you can take at home when a nail injury occurs. First, let us find the signs and symptoms you should look for while diagnosing a nail injury.

What are the symptoms of a nail injury?

Often, we fail to notice a nail injury even when it occurs. This can worsen the situation and give rise to further complications. Thus, it is advised to look out for these signs and symptoms while diagnosing a nail injury;

● Red patch of blood or dried blood in and around the nail

● Severe pain around the nail area

● Presence of blood underneath the nail

● Presence of cuts or tears on the nail

● Clipping of nails from its roots

● Tears to the nail cuticle

If you notice these symptoms, it is high time to care for your injured nails at home and seek medical help if necessary.

What are the steps to take for treating injured nails?

The case of nail injuries is very common. It is not always possible to seek immediate medical assistance for your injury. In such a case, it is advisable to take some steps at home that can help you control your pain and treat the injured nail by yourself. These include:

1. Look for the area of injury.

2. If there is any bleeding, try to stop it by holding a clean cloth or cotton to the area of injury with ample pressure.

3. Start cleaning the wound with water and soap. You can also clean the wound with an antiseptic.

4. Dry with a towel. Apply an ointment or bandage to the wound.

5. If there is swelling, apply an ice pack or ice chips over the area to reduce the inflammation.

6. Continue icing the wound as and when necessary.

7. Take painkillers if necessary.

Additionally, go to a doctor if the pain does not subside, and the bleeding does not stop, as the injury can be severe.

As nail injuries are frequent and mostly happen due to inattentiveness, it is preferred to wear quality slippers at home, especially in the kitchen. Regularly cut your nails, keep them clean, and inspect for issues immediately if you feel any pain.

Your safety is your responsibility, and health can never be taken for granted. For added health security, remember to renew health insurance online. It will take care of all the expenses when you are rushed to the hospital for your injury or treatment of any other health condition.

Click HERE to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Outstation emergency coverage in car insurance: Everything you need to know

Being stranded in an unknown location with a broken-down car is probably one of the scariest things ever. Even if you are the most experienced driver, a situation like this can cause panic and anxiety. Over the years, roadside assistance has improved significantly, and highway services are prompt with their response time. One such service provided by your insurance company is the outstation emergency coverage. It never hurts to know that in case of an accident or a breakdown, your insurance provider has an option to help you.

Outstation emergency covers can vary depending on your add-ons and the overall premium. Still, in brief, this add-on offers you services such as emergency assistance in case of a breakdown or accident. Under this cover, your insurance provider is bound to help you wherever you are. If, due to severe damage, the car cannot be fixed on-site, the responsibility of taking the car to the nearest service station falls on them. In some cases, they are also liable to drop you at a safe location of your choice.

Let us look at the services that fall under the outstation emergency cover.

1. Towing facility in case the vehicle is immobile

2. Battery charging in case the battery dies out

3. Tyre change in case of flat tyres

4. Fuel refilling in case of an empty fuel tank

5. If you are locked outside the car, the company might arrange a spare emergency key

What to look out for while purchasing an outstation emergency cover?

1. If you intend on purchasing this service, your premium will cost extra.

2. The emergency should occur outside a hundred-kilometre radius of the registration location.

3. You are eligible for NCB even when you make an outstation emergency claim.

4. The cover can be purchased for up to 03 years.

5. Check the limitation on the number of outstations claims you can make.

How to avail your outstation emergency coverage?

1. Alert the insurance company:

You should notify the insurance company about the damage or accident as soon as it happens. Once they are informed, they are liable to send the support staff immediately. The company will send a surveyor to analyse the damage and prepare a report.

2. Do not withhold any details:

Your insurance provider is supposed to help you. Do not hide details of the damage or breakdown. The more information they have, the better the report. An excellent report ensures a hassle-free insurance claim. Upon investigation, your claim might not be processed if they find any ambiguity.

3. Repair and maintenance:

If your vehicle needs repair, it is best to go to the service station associated with your insurance provider. If you cannot find a network service provider, you will be asked to pay for the repair, which the insurance company will later reimburse.

As mentioned above, even the most experienced drivers can panic during such situations. Remember to turn on the parking lights and keep the car breakdown warning signs behind and ahead of the car. If you have network coverage, notify your family or friends about your location.

The above points will give you a detailed idea about the outstation emergency coverage. With this coverage in hand, you can go on long road trips and weekend getaways with your loved ones without constantly worrying about flat tyres, empty fuel tanks, or a complete breakdown. Coverage schemes like these are a boon for travel enthusiasts who enjoy road trips.

Put in your best research and browse multiple options on various sites before you buy car insurance policy online. Reading about the various insurance providers and their coverage will give you a better insight into what services are better suited for you. Also, making an online deal will offer you several advantages with just a few clicks and from the comfort of your home.

Click HERE to buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Insurance fraud awareness: Prevention tips for a legitimate insurance policy

With technological advancement moving at an incredible pace, it becomes challenging to see the downside of such progress. All this growth and expansion in every industry has made it difficult for consumers to keep track of legitimate companies with genuine offers, deals, memberships, discounts, and much more.

And with the spread of misinformation across multiple social media channels and a lack of helpful and authentic information, it has become easier for scammers to cheat innocent consumers by misusing their identities and personal information.

Have these scammers spared the insurance sector? Unfortunately, not. These scams are framed so perfectly that it becomes tough for the customer to identify whether the call, message, or email is warrantable and authorised. While the insurance industry is tightening its security measures to avoid all kinds of data breaches and ensure that the consumer's privacy is not invaded, there are a few ways in which you, as a customer, can protect your personal information.

This blog will discuss the safe practices that customers must follow to prevent falling prey to frauds. So, without ado, let's get started.

1. Proper policy authentication is a must:

There are three steps involved in determining the legitimacy of a policy.

● Step 1: The first step consists in scanning the QR code printed on the policy copy provided to you.

● Step 2: This step entails contacting the call centre using the designated toll-free number.

● Step 3: The final step is to visit the nearest branch office with a copy of the policy you possess.

These steps ensure that the policy you decide to purchase is legal and in compliance with the rules and regulations, and there are zero risks of any scam or dubious activities.

2. Be careful while making payments:

When it comes to paying the premiums of your vehicle insurance, or any insurance for that matter, say no to cash payments. Please ensure that you use digital modes or platforms of payment.
Now, what constitutes digital payments? You can use your debit or credit cards, contactless payments (e.g., NFC), QR codes (UPI), digital devices, net banking, mobile money/e-wallets, etc. These digital payment methods make it easier for the sender and the receiver to track the payment and fetch the payment details in case of a mishap.
The records for cash payments can easily be created or destroyed and might not be considered legal and legitimate proof when required to be tracked during financial blunders. Plus, large amounts of cash are dangerous to carry/maintain. Also, digital payments come with additional layers of security like SSL, OTP verification, 2-step authentication, and more, making it challenging for fraudsters to hack into your personal information.

3. Stay away from policy mis-selling:

There have been several cases where potential customers have been convincingly promised benefits that are too good to be true. As a consumer, you need to refrain from mis-selling the policies. How can you detect if the policy being sold to you is a scam? You need to be very careful about the kind of offer the seller is trying to convince you of. If the policy offers and features seem exaggerated, avoid entertaining them from that point onwards. It would be best if you also were cautious of any combo offers the seller is trying to sell-bundling up insurance with mutual funds, fixed deposits, lockers, or other financial instruments. And read the policy document carefully before signing up for it or making any purchase.

4. Protect your identity proofs:

Several documents are considered legitimate identity proofs by the government of India. These documents are prioritised differently during different procedures. Despite that, you must ensure that you safeguard these identity proofs as such documents can easily be stolen and used for criminal for other illegal activities, creating a huge legal issue.
If your health insurance membership card is misplaced, lost, or stolen, you must report it immediately to the designated insurance provider. If you encounter any fraud or fraudulent person, you should instantly register a complaint with your insurance company. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) or your insurance provider will never call or approach you for any offers against the insurance policies.

5. Necessary checks on claim process:

Addressing all safety checkpoints is a half-done job. It is crucial to authenticate and ensure a fair claim procedure to be applicable for enjoying all the benefits enlisted in your insurance. The essential tips for validating necessary checks on the claim process include the following:

● Reading the estimate copy carefully and clarifying any doubts with your insurance agent/provider.

● Going through all the messages and emails received from your insurance company.

● Self-attesting all the claim documents before submitting them for further processing.

● Don’t sign any blank claim form, and always keep a copy of the documents you provide to your insurance provider.

This is all about the prevention tips for a legitimate insurance policy that you must know. In light of such scams and frauds being a nuisance for the companies and the consumers, both parties must be aware of their rights and any potential indications of fraud that need to be kept an eye on.

For further information on various types of insurance you might need, the benefits, how to purchase, and much more, do visit our website

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the current deductibles in car insurance you must know about

Whether a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler, owning a vehicle is a matter of pride and sheer joy. When choosing your vehicle, the engine capacity, mileage, pickup, and colour are some of the few factors you consider. One lesser talked about or thought about aspect is your motor insurance. Choosing the best motor insurance company in India should be your next priority after finalising the car because your dearest asset needs a reliable safety shield.

There are various hidden conditions and additional costs associated with insurance. It may be in the form of add-ons or premiums, but more often than not, we are confused about the final payments and all the benefits of getting motor insurance.

In today's article, we will talk about deductibles in car insurance and all you need to know about it.

What are deductibles?

An amount you are liable to pay from the total claim amount is known as deductibles in car insurance. Typically, if the repair costs you twenty thousand and the deductible is two thousand, you will have to pay two thousand, and the insurer pays the remaining eighteen thousand.

The higher the deductible amount, the lower your overall premium amount will be. Although promising a higher deductible would mean you will have to spend money from your pocket. Hence, analysing your monetary situation and the ability to pay the deductible is crucial to understanding the amount you might have to pay in case of accidents or damages.

Types of deductibles.

There are two types of deductibles from which you can opt from:
1. Voluntary deductible set by yourself
2. Compulsory deductible levied by the insurer

What is a voluntary deductible?

The amount you decide to pay from your pockets, depending upon the total insurance amount, is a voluntary deductible. As the risk that the insurer will take is lower, voluntary deductibles are a great way to get your premium lowered. Opting for a higher deductible will bring down the value of your insurance premium amount.

Before finalising your policy paper, deciding on a deductible amount you will pay yourself in case of any damages is imperative. This deductible is applied to every claim made after activation of the insurance.

What are compulsory deductibles?

The policyholder is not the one making decisions on these deductibles. The insurance board of India has set a value based on the engine's power or CC in these vehicles. It can vary from anywhere between one thousand to two thousand rupees. The premium amount stays unaffected irrespective of the compulsory deductibles.

When buying car insurance, two costs primarily add up. The first is the premium amount you have to pay at the beginning of the policy renewal, and the second is the compulsory deductibles you pay for every claim as a deductible.

Why is it essential to levy deductibles?

Many people partake in fraudulent activities to skip maintenance costs and reap maximum benefits from insurance companies. Manipulating evidence or staging accidents are part of moral hazards. Such situations can be avoided if a deductible is charged per claim.

Another reason insurance companies practice using deductibles is to provide a buffer between actual accidents and minor damages. Insurance providers offer financial support to people when they claim an accident or theft. However, the compulsory deductibles provide a cushion against unnecessary claims and financial stress for an insurer. Deductibles are used to protect them from such overwhelming situations.

These points are sure to help you understand deductibles and insurance policies better. Do thorough research before you buy your insurance policy. Choose the best motor insurance company in India and add value to your prized possession. Time invested in buying reliable insurance will bring you the best returns during tough times.

Click HERE to know more about the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Cold or a hot shower? Which one is best for you

Taking a shower is quite refreshing, especially after retiring from a hectic day or a high-voltage workout regime. The shower makes you feel better whether you prefer long, steamy stints or quick, frosty ones. While both hot and cold showers have their benefits, the optimal option is somewhere in the middle.

Let's discuss them one by one. First, let's talk about the merits and demerits of cold showers.


1. Recover after a workout:
Ice baths and cold showers have gained popularity in the fitness regime for post-workout recovery. Cold water possesses regenerative properties that help your muscles to repair after an intense workout.

2. Reduce itching:
Due to the cooling and anti-inflammatory properties of cold water, a cold shower can help lessen itching if you have sensitive skin.

3. Enhance your body's resistance:
The immune system experiences a mild stress response when exposed to cold water, which helps increase resilience. Therefore, your body may react better when attacked by an infection.

4. Protects your skin and hair:
Your skin and hair do not lose their natural oils when you take a cold-water shower. Pores are sealed shut by cold water, which tightens the skin. Additionally, it inhibits hair fall and is kinder to your hair.

5. It makes you more alert and energetic:
You are startled awake in the morning by the shower's cold-water spray hitting your body. This shock will make you more alert and energised by raising your heart rate and oxygen intake.


Taking a cold shower can make you feel worse when you're sick. You will feel colder and take longer to warm up if you already have a cold, cough, or fever. People with joint pain can face problems like cramps after having a cold shower.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a hot shower.


1. Relax muscles:
After a workout, a hot shower might assist in relaxing the muscles and speed up healing.

2. Relieve respiratory symptoms:
A hot shower might be a helpful approach to relieve stuffy nose symptoms. This is due to the steam produced by hot showers loosening the mucus in your throat, nose, and chest.

3. Improve sleep:
According to research, a hot bath or shower before bed can help you sleep better quickly.


1. Taking hot baths might make your skin dry. When your skin comes into touch with extremely hot water, the keratin cells that make up its top layer are destroyed. Your skin becomes dry because moisture cannot be trapped.

2. Additionally, taking hot showers can make skin disorders like eczema worse. This is because hot water causes the skin to dry out excessively. Even if you don't have a skin issue, it might still make your skin itchy.

3. You should avoid hot showers if you have cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure. These issues might worsen if the water is excessively hot.

Which is best for your health – a hot or cold shower?

Showers, whether hot or cold, offer advantages of their own. If possible, take a warm shower before applying a moisturiser to your body while it's still damp. Cold showers can soothe irritated skin, while hot showers help relax the muscles and clear the nasal channel.

Sometimes, hot showers can cause skin problems as well. You can choose between the two depending on the weather and any health issues you may have. In the winter and when you are sick with a cold or fever, you should avoid taking a cold shower. If you don't enjoy chilly showers, ensure the water is lukewarm.

Keeping everything in mind, a person should prioritise his health, whether by having the right shower, doing daily exercise, eating a healthy diet, or purchasing the best health insurance plans in India for additional safety and medical emergencies. Health insurance will make you feel more prepared financially to deal with such circumstances and manage medical expenditures since treatment costs are rising daily.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance plans in India and safeguard your finances.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How many car insurance claims can be made every year

Accidents never come with a warning. And in such cases, having car insurance is a considerable relief. Otherwise, you will have to bear all the financial costs and suffer through the stress, which will never help the problem.

It is always advisable that before buying an insurance policy, you should know all the details and information. And to get the complete information, you need to ask all the right questions to your designated insurance provider. This helps you to know about the benefits you can avail and the steps to take in case you get into trouble.

Listing down all these things has us sweating. All these unforeseeable circumstances sound so taxing, don’t they? This blog has all the information you need regarding these crucial questions.

1. The number of insurance claims you can make:

It’s a mix and match. The higher the number of insurance claims you make in a year, your insurance premiums will increase. Most of the time, the number of insurance claims is not limited and mentioned in your car insurance policy. Your “no claim bonus” provided by your designated insurance provider reduces if you file a claim during a year. It is optional, so you are allowed to forfeit it. It would be best if you were mindful of your zero depreciation cover and other add-on benefits, as some insurance provider companies have a limitation on the number of claims in such covers.

2. Is there any particular number:

There is no particular answer to the question, “how many car insurance claims can be made every year.” It ultimately depends on the type of damage, the grade of damage, the type of policy cover you have under the insurance, and your insurance provider’s norms and regulations.
Although, it is advisable to save your insurance claims for damages that would cause you some financial stress. Do not file insurance claims in case of minor damages that bear low costs, and you can easily afford to get it sorted.

3. What happens if you file several claims:

Suppose you end up filing multiple claims. Are you worried about the consequences and what sort of situations might arise regarding your car insurance? We have discussed the no-claim bonus. Your rates will lower if you do not file any claims in a particular insurance period or year. You will have to bid farewell to your no-claim bonus if you file too many claims.
So, it is advised to only file claims if they are way beyond your affordability or more than your no-claim bonus. Filing too many claims will not only make you devoid of no claim bonus but also affect your premium rates which will skyrocket in case of multiple claims. This happens as these claims make you appear on a riskier end for your designated insurers.

Other consequences include the depreciation rate not being taken into account by the insurance company in case of zero percent depreciation coverage. Don’t file a claim if your repair charges are lesser than the deductibles.

That was all about how insurance claims you can make in a year. We hope this blog has provided the best insights. We suggest an essential tip for buying online motor insurance for first-time buyers. As there are plenty of options to explore, you can conveniently purchase a plan that best suits your requirements and budget.

Click HERE to know more about online motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.