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Everything you should know about bike insurance in India

If you own a vehicle, most likely it’s a bike. A two-wheeler is most people’s first choice due to the low price and easier upkeep. The latter, however, is something that is not always true. Even a small accident, due to your or someone else’s error, can lead to a hefty bill. So, does that mean two-wheelers aren’t as economical as we thought?

It can be if you have the right two-wheeler 2 Wheeler Insurance In India.

Not only is a two-wheeler insurance mandatory by the government, it is also the best way to ensure owning and riding a motorcycle doesn’t become a burden. While breakdowns and accidents aren’t always avoidable, you can plan ahead for when you find yourself in a sticky situation.

Kinds of plans available 

To break it down, there are mainly two kinds of insurance plans available for two-wheelers. One is the third-party liability only insurance which is mandatory for all motor vehicles and the other one is thecomprehensive insurance which protects you and your vehicle as well.One should always go for the latter because not only does it cover your liabilities to the other party in case of an accident, but also your medical bills and biker repair costs.

How important is it?

You might be a terrific rider but can you be sure about everybody else on the road? A comprehensive insurance, in that case, is your best bet for protecting your finances.Your policywill not onlyhelp yourecover the costs of repair but also your medical bills. But the benefits of atwo-wheeler insurance don’t end here.It can also protect you against theft and send you help if your motorcycle breaks down in the middle of nowhere.

What does our truth lens say?

As mentioned earlier, you should always opt for a comprehensive insurance because it covers more than just the third-party liabilities. Apart from this, you should also check how extensive is the insurance provider’s network of service centres and garages.A large network means you are more likely to find one around you for cashless repair.

Another factor to keep in mind is to check the claims ratio of the company. It essentially means how many claims the provider has settled out of the total number of claims made. And of course, you should look for which plan offers most benefits. For instance, Magma HDI’s two-wheeler insurance covers your motorcycle against damage due to fire and explosion, damage in transit, natural disasters and even theft. 

Where to get it?
This is an easy one as most vehicles usually offer you insurance at the time of purchase itself. But make sure you go through the offerings properly. You can also check out Magma HDI to find the right plan for yourself to renew bike insurance or Buy Bike Insurance Online in India. 

Home Security during festive seasons

Though the home is a synonym of safety, home burglaries are common and have gone up rapidly in recent times. Festival theft is another concern, and a study shows that the highest home burglary rate in India is during festive seasons. Read on to know about five preventive steps to ensure your home is a safer haven during the festival season and after.

Hiring a security guard or a watchman

Most of the housing societies execute due diligence on the security features, including hiring trained security guards. If you are not living in one of the high-rise buildings rather a private land-based home, then a security guard is a must for you. A trustworthy watchman is a resource who works as a deterrent to burglars and ensures the complete safety of your home. Opt for a guard from professionally licensed security companies and always take a security guard that has previous security experience and is adequately verified.

Under surveillance — installing CCTVs

Technology is more of a boon than a bane for all. According to a Delhi Police report, crime reports have decreased to half after installing CCTVs in Old Delhi's Chandni Chowk Market. The same statement holds true for most of the residential colonies. Installing CCTVs at your home allows you to keep an eye on suspicious elements and prevents any potential theft. During the festive season, it is more imperative to have a security scanner that alerts you about any suspicious activity around your premises.

Lock it all when you leave

During the festival season, there is a spurt in burglary, even in locked houses. When you need to leave your home, make sure that all your windows and doors are closed and properly secured. One of the biggest mistakes people make is hiding the keys in the most obvious places, under the rug or behind the nameplate. Also, don't let burglars assume that no one is in the house. Ask neighbours or depute someone to pick the newspaper from the doorways and switch on the door lights in the night.

Bank lockers are better than home safes

There is no argument that a bank locker is always a safer place for your valuables. Banks have a robust security system to safeguard your valuables. The presence of a security guard and a high level of surveillance to monitor entry and exit in the bank's locker room add another layer of security protection to your valuables. However, if you are still keeping jewelry and valuables for the festive season at home, use electronic safes ranging from mechanical safe to the wall-mounted high-end safes.

And, consider taking a home insurance cover.

Security tools and technology will help make your home secure to a certain extent, but considering the increase in home burglaries nowadays, nothing can be said with surety. A good head start would be opting for the best home insurance policy in india that safeguards your home from any loss and damage.


Entering a tenancy contract? Here’s an insurance policy you must purchase

Have you ever entered into a tenancy contract? If so, have you ever considered the importance of home insurance? Many tenants overlook the need for home insurance India, assuming it is the landlord's responsibility to provide insurance coverage. However, this is only sometimes the case.

In this blog, we will explore why tenants need home insurance India and why it is an insurance policy you must purchase.

Why must tenants purchase home insurance India?
Firstly, let's understand what home insurance is. Home insurance protects your home and belongings against damage or loss due to unforeseen events such as fire, theft, natural disasters, or accidents. A typical home insurance policy covers the building structure, contents of the home, and personal liability. It is important to note that a landlord's insurance policy usually only protects the building structure, not the tenant's belongings or personal liability.

Benefits of having home insurance.
Now, let's consider the benefits of having home insurance as a tenant. Imagine you are renting an apartment, and a fire breaks out, destroying all your personal belongings. Without home insurance, you would be responsible for replacing all your lost items, which can be a significant financial burden. However, you can file a claim and receive compensation for your losses with home insurance. Home insurance can provide peace of mind, knowing you are protected from unforeseen events.

Moreover, home insurance India can also provide coverage for personal liability. For example, if a visitor is injured in your home due to your negligence, you may be held legally responsible for their medical expenses and other damages. In such a scenario, home insurance can protect you from financial liability by covering the costs of any legal claims against you.

Choosing the right home insurance policy.
You may be wondering about the cost of home insurance India. The cost can vary depending on the coverage you choose, the value of your belongings, and the location of your home. However, compared to the potential financial losses you may face in the case of unforeseen events, home insurance is relatively affordable.

Now that we have established the importance of home insurance for tenants, let's discuss the home insurance policies available in India.

Two home insurance policies are available: building insurance and contents insurance. Building insurance covers the structure of the building, including the walls, roof, and fixtures. Contents insurance, on the other hand, covers the tenant's personal belongings, such as furniture, appliances, and clothing.

It is important to note that while building insurance is usually the landlord's responsibility, contents insurance is the tenant's responsibility. Therefore, as a tenant, it is essential to purchase contents insurance to protect your personal belongings against damage or loss due to unforeseen events. You should research thoroughly before buying insurance. Know what can suit your requirements the best and invest in a plan that ensures the total security of your assets.

Investing in home insurance.
Home insurance India is an essential investment that can save you from financial losses due to unforeseen events. Protecting your home and personal belongings is crucial with the rise in natural calamities, theft, and other unexpected events. While some tenants may assume that their landlord's insurance policy will provide adequate coverage, this is only sometimes true.

In conclusion, home insurance is a necessity for every tenant. Home insurance India can protect against unforeseen events like fire, theft, natural disasters, or accidents. It can also provide coverage for personal liability, saving tenants from financial liability in case of any legal claims against them. As a tenant, purchasing insurance to protect your personal belongings against damage or loss due to unforeseen events is essential.

Click HERE to buy home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Surprising ways in which bike riding can benefit your health

For regular people, bikes are only a form of commute. But for passionate bikers, riding is a rejuvenating, refreshing, and therapeutic experience.

Chances are, you may have never heard of the benefits of bike riding and only the dangers, especially from your parents. However, various studies show how bike rides can reduce stress and enhance cerebral functions. Riding has numerous other health benefits that you may have overlooked till now.

Let us now look at the physical and mental health benefits of riding.

1. Interacting with the environment:
When you go for a drive in your car, you are confined inside it. Although there is a window, people usually do not pull it down because of the AC or dust coming from outside. But, on a bike, you are out in the open with the wind blowing in your face. You can directly connect with your surroundings. You are closer to the trees and the essence of fresh air. An experience like this is undoubtedly bound to reduce stress and anxiety.

2. Core strength and stability:
When you are riding a bike, even just to the grocery store, you have to keep yourself upright. Maintaining correct posture while riding can enhance core strength, improve muscle tone and help keep the body in shape.

3. Calorie burn:
Did you know you could burn calories while bike riding? A one-hour motorcycle ride is estimated to burn about 200-300 calories if travelling on rugged terrain. So, to put things into perspective, if you ride a bike for one hour 5 days a week, you could lose 65,000 calories in a year.

4. Reflex enhancing:
Bikes are considered more dangerous than cars, and it’s because you need to be extra aware of your surroundings while riding a motorcycle than in a car. You need to be alert at all times, resulting in the riders developing good reflexes and improved brain alertness.

5. Neck strength:
If you are a neck and back pain victim, you will be thrilled with this benefit. Riding can improve your neck strength and is almost like therapy for your neck and back. However, for this, you need to make sure that your bike is fit for your body.

Bike riding is undoubtedly fun. Even if you are not a regular biker, riding in the open air once in a while can truly revitalize you from within. It can be a refreshing experience after a hectic day at work. Bike trips are an excellent way of connecting yourselves to new people and surroundings. The more you ride, the more you get to explore new dimensions of yourselves.

But, it is essential to be a responsible biker and ensure that you ride with the proper gear and required documents. Safety is paramount, and the same applies to your bike. As life insurance covers you for damages, your motorcycle needs ideal bike insurance coverage for its comprehensive security. So, before hopping on your bike, make sure that you have protected your asset with the shield of insurance.

Click HERE to get details about different bike insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.