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Tattoos and piercings? Understanding the possible side effects and risks involved.

Tattoos and piercings are one of the most common forms of art of self-expression. While some people do it for religious purposes, others do it as a gesture or just as part of a trend. Especially with the new designs and technologies, more youngsters are getting fascinated towards them.

While you may be shortlisting new tattoo designs for your body, it is essential to understand that tattoos and piercings come with various health effects. You may flaunt your new tattoo, but the side effects that it develops can be challenging to overcome sometimes.

In this space, we will discuss the potential health risks of tattoos and piercings so that you can make your decision wisely. With that, let us dive into the details!

Risks of tattoos:

A tattoo artist will usually use a machine with a needle attached to make the tattoo. The needle injects the ink into the second layer of your skin, the dermis (below the epidermis). While tattoos are popular for expressing your feelings and yourself through art, there can be various complications. Some include:

1. Skin allergic reaction: Tattoo dyes like yellow, blue, green, and red can cause various skin reactions, including itching, rashes, more near the inked region. Even after years of getting the tattoo, a person may experience skin reactions that get troublesome with time.

2. Burn or swelling: Everybody reacts differently to tattoos. It is observed that many people experience a burning sensation and swelling around the tattoo area that can even last for longer durations if you don’t receive proper treatment.

3. Bloodborne diseases: If the needle is contaminated through infected blood, a person may get different bloodborne diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus, even AIDS. So, be careful regarding the sanitization of the needle and other equipment.

4. Inflamed tissues: A person can also experience nodules of inflamed tissue and may experience an overgrowth of scar around the tattooed area.

5. MRI test complications: Sometimes, a permanent tattoo on your body may interfere with the MRI test, disrupting the image's quality. In addition, burning or swelling can occur during MRI. However, this is rare but a possibility.

The long-term side effects of permanent tattoos are yet to be known. Although hundreds of ink are approved for cosmetic purposes, their side effects for injecting the skin are still not apparent. If you experience skin problems or allergic reactions after getting a tattoo, contact a doctor immediately.

Risks of piercings:

In certain parts of the world, piercings are a part of the culture. However, what most people do not understand is that piercings can cause various bacterial infections, development of an abscess. When it is left untreated, this puss-filled mass can develop a risk of blood poisoning and sepsis.

Since the nose and mouth area contain higher bacteria, the chances of infections are higher in these areas after a piercing. Additional risks include:

1. Keloid formation around the piercing area.

2. Swelling near the piercing site.

3. Bleeding due to damaged blood vessels.

4. Tongue piercing may cause damage to the teeth and gums in a few cases leading to difficulty in speech.

5. Swelling in the tongue after the piercing can cause blockage of the airway leading to difficulty in breathing.

Going with the tattoo and piercings trends can be a new experience that one does not want to miss out. However, it is essential to do extensive research on all the possible side effects and risks involved to ensure that these experiments do not affect your health negatively. Compromising health safety against excitement is not a wise thing to do. Therefore, guard yourself with health insurance before getting your favourite design inked on your body. Also, if needed, consult your family doctor, preferably a dermatologist, to get proper advice.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance plans for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete look into Affordable Car Insurance Plans

Do you know the most significant factor that drives insurance purchases in India? It is not the services or the goodwill of the service provider but it is the affordability. Affordability matters to the customers in every type of insurances, be it life, personal accident, or as a matter of fact; car insurance. Whether you buy car insurance online or offline, you will always look at affordability

Important factors that affects affordability of the insurance policy:

1. Segment of the car: The segment of your car that you are insuring plays a crucial role in deciding whether the premium will be cheap or expensive. An expensive car is ought to attract costly premiums.

2.Facilities: The number of services you are trying to acquire in the insurance also directly affects the premium. You need to identify what services are highly crucial for you and then take an insurance plan accordingly.

3.Insured Declared Value: The IDV needs to be paid attention to before going for an issuance. The manufacturer’s price minus the depreciation is your IDV. It directly affects your insurance affordability as well.

4.Customization of plans: When you buy car insurance online or offline, there is an option for you to customize your plan. You can customize the services as per your requirements and needs. This mainly affects the plan’s pricing scheme; if you add more services to your plan, then it is obvious that your premium will increase. This directly changes the factor of affordability.

5.No claim bonus also affects affordability: You can receive the no-claim bonus in the next year only if you don’t claim in the current year. Sometimes what happens is that we tend to claim small amounts for our car repairs that lead to lapse of no claim bonus. The main losing factor here is that you lose the significant advantage of NCB in the long term for the petty short term expenses. NCB also affects the resale value of your car because it ultimately depicts the condition of your car.

6.Claim frequency: When providing you with the renewal premium of your car policy, the insurers look at the number of claims made. If the number of claims made is high, the premium amount is going to be high as well. They think that you tend to make claims even for very small repairs. This indirectly affects your affordability.

Wrapping up:

There can never be a fixed list of factors that will affect your plan’s affordability when it comes to insurance. But, you don’t have to worry as good companies will make your task simpler. However, all you need to clearly know is your requirement.

Here’s some highlights to add value to the piece:

● Try insuring your car with the same company that manages your other insurances. This way, you will be entitled to receive a discount.

● If you have more than one car, go for insuring them together as it will unlock bulk

car insurance

at discounted rates.

● Ultimately, drive safely and responsibly!


Five health tips for people with obesity

People suffer from obesity disorder worldwide because of their hectic lifestyle and inactive fitness routine. Obesity is nothing but the accumulation of excess fats in the body that negatively impacts a person's health. Factors like genetics, overeating, no physical movement, psychological factors, and side effects lead to the cause of obesity.

Being obese puts you at a greater risk of developing potentially severe health problems, including – diabetes, heart disease, stroke, breathing disorders, fatty liver disease, and lot more.

You might be aware that obese people are more likely to pay a higher insurance premium than other healthy policyholders. This is because obese people are prone to illness and are likely to make more claims than normal policyholders.

But obesity can be brought under control with the help of dieting, daily exercise, weight loss, and many other disciplines in our everyday routine.

In this article, we give you some handy tips that are useful to control obesity.

How to know if you are obese? If your Body Mass Index (BMI), which is commonly used to determine obesity, turns out to be higher than or equal to 30, it classifies you as an obese person.

There is a thin line between being overweight and obese; if your BMI measures between 25 to 29, you are overweight and not obese. Therefore, the formula to calculate Body Mass Index is the weight (kg) divided by Sq. of height (m).

Practical health tips to control obesity.

Here are five tips weight-loss experts recommend to assist in keeping obesity under control.

1. Personalized diet plans:

You must have read a lot that a few minutes of daily exercise are the key to controlling your weight. But, cutting calories and reducing junk food intake is better than increasing your exercise time to achieve weight loss. Overeating and consumption of more calories than needed is one of the primary reasons that cause obesity. Customize your diet plan to ensure calorie intake and the proper nutrients that your body demands.

2. Exercise can help you to stay fit:

Daily exercise and fitness schedule is vital for controlling your weight, and physically inactive people are more likely to gain extra kilos. If you are already maintaining a healthy diet, plan a perfect workout routine or join a gym. Regular exercising helps you burn calories and lose fats.

3. Set up a strong will for an active routine:

You have to work harder than many other people – possibly for a long time if you are overweight. For instance, taking the stairs instead of the elevator will make a significant difference. By changing your detrimental habits, you will cultivate an active and fit lifestyle. Remember, losing weight requires patience and discipline, which does not occur overnight.

4. Eat more healthy snacks between main meals:

You read it right, eat more – just not at your mealtimes. Diet experts recommend keeping many healthy snacks like sunflower seeds, almonds, whole wheat crackers, sliced apples, and other fruits and eating small portions every couple of hours. If you wait until you're starving, you generally tend to eat more.

5. Maintaining a sleep hygiene:

The importance of good sleep in overall well-being cannot be ignored. It works wonders for your goal of preventing obesity, too. There are studies confirming that people who get too little sleep have a greater risk of weight gain and obesity than people who practice seven to eight hours of sleep per day. Sleep hygiene includes a proper sleep schedule and a bedtime routine like reading or listening to some good music.

Obesity, if it gets serious, can take a toll on your pocket. Although there are no policies especially for obesity yet, insurance companies protect obesity in exchange for higher premiums. Therefore, it is always advisable to secure your health insurance at an early stage of life to save you from that extra premium.

To know about the health insurance that gives the best benefits, click here…


The best destinations to celebrate Indian history and 75 years of independence

India has a long and rich history of its fight for independence. Most stories leave us with admiration and respect for that time's freedom fighters and activists and their sacrifice for India to breathe free. There's a sense of pride in knowing that we belong to the same country where many of these acts of bravery took place. The culture and heritage that we celebrate today is a blessing that we have received from the iconic stories of numerous Bravehearts. India has preserved this history for future generations to absorb the feelings of patriotism and cherish the diversity of our nation.

As we recently celebrated 75 years of our independence, the Indian Government launched an endeavour called "Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" with a motive to celebrate the golden 75 years of freedom. So, pack your bags and head out to see these destinations that will surely fill you with patriotic fervour.

1. Cellular jail:
Situated in Port Blair of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Cellular jail is reminiscent of the horrors cast upon the freedom fighters. This jail can be visited by the public and has a famous light and sound show in the evening to remember the freedom fighters, especially the brave story of Veer Savarkar and his courageous escape from the jail.

2. Jhansi fort:
Jhansi fort in Uttar Pradesh is a symbol of strength and bravery of the highest degree. This place engraves the history of Rani Lakshmi Bai bravely fighting the British and eventually defending the fort with her last breath. Go to Jhansi fort to remember the brave acts of Rani Lakshmi Bai and the scenic views of the fort situated high on the hilltops.

3. India gate:
Located in the heart of the capital city, a few km from the Rashtrapati Bhawan, India gate was built to pay homage to the 82,000 soldiers who tragically lost their lives in the First World War. The martyrs' names are inscribed on the walls of this beautiful monument. Locals and tourists crowd this area to pay their respects to these soldiers and enjoy the beautiful lights and delicious street food near this historical monument.

4. Sabarmati Ashram:
Located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on the peaceful banks of the Sabarmati river, this heritage site is famous for being one of the epicentres of the freedom struggle. Made by a friend of the Mahatma, this was where Gandhi Ji resided for nearly 12 years, training activists to join his 'Ahimsa' movement. This Ashram also had schools and health centres and was a whole community of patriotic people. Visit this Ashram to feel the peace, and captivate your heart with the values of Bapu.

5. Wagah-Attari border:
Visit the Wagah-Attari border near Amritsar to get a rush of patriotic fervour. A famous flag lowering ceremony has been happening every day since 1959, where the BSF and the Pakistani Army lower their flags just before sunset. This is sure to leave you in awe. The soldiers' energy creates an electrifying atmosphere with the crowd anticipating with continuous chants of "Vande Mataram" and the tricolour waving with pride. This ceremony is worth an experience of a lifetime.

6. Kargil War Memorial:
India has been rigorously battling to preserve its liberty long after independence. Our fierce border security forces are relentlessly serving their duties to protect the nation from external threats. The Dras War Memorial in Kargil is one such place that reminds us of the iconic 'Operation Vijay' of Indian soldiers to keep the country safe during the Kargil war of 1999. Be here to pay your respect to those who gave our lives for us and salute the soldiers' dedication to protecting the nation at all times and in every situation.

Independence Day is the perfect way to learn more about our country's freedom struggle. Plan a heritage trip to these places and dive deep into the archives of Indian history. While celebrating the glorious 75 years of independence, ensure that you secure your trip with the best online general insurance to make your travel hassle-free.

Click HERE to know more about online general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.