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05 Lesser talked about medical tourism destinations in India

Medical tourism is evolving rapidly in India. Previously a hub only for cultural and religious purposes, many Indian destinations have advanced their medical services with excellent infrastructure, world-renowned doctors, and a guaranteed standard of services at about 1/10th of the cost in other developed countries. India has also been the heart of many alternative medicines, and with growing interest in the field, people are flocking to the country.

The government has also made accessing the country for medical purposes much more effortless. A distinct category of visa, made especially for this situation (a medical visa), has also been introduced. Although medical tourism is primarily concentrated in some parts of the country, there are a lot of unexplored places to be added to the list.

This blog intends to introduce you to some medical tourism destinations in India that you may have yet to hear about.

1. Alleppey, Kerala
Alleppey is the centre of Ayurvedic treatments in the country. This is the best place to visit for rejuvenation through various ayurvedic treatments from skilled Ayurvedic doctors. Along with this, Alleppey in itself is a marvel to behold.

Often called the 'Venice of the East,' this place has the famous backwaters of Kerala, where several houseboats with comfy rooms are at your service. These houseboats have been modernised to provide the comforts of a basic hotel with air conditioners, western toilets, and balconies for viewing the lush greenery dotted with coconut trees. The beaches are also must-visits when you're here for various medical treatments.

2. Ahmedabad
Another city that is quickly emerging as one of the best destinations for medical tourism is Ahmedabad. With state-of-the-art facilities, it is surprising that this city is chosen less often for medical treatments.

There are some swoon-worthy places to visit in this beautiful city as well. You can register for various sightseeing tours to get a closer look at this mesmerising city. Whether it is strolling through the Modhera Sun Temple or getting to know the full history of Mahatma Gandhi in Sabarmati Ashram, there is something for everyone here. You can even visit Gir National Park if you're a wildlife enthusiast.

3. Goa
Although Goa is the gregarious party capital of India, the hospitals are constantly upgrading their infrastructure and equipment, which helps in making it another one of the most underrated places in India for medical tourism. Doctors are well-versed in English as well as Hindi, and this makes it much more accessible than a lot of places around the country.

4. Vellore, Tamil Nadu
With the Tamil Nadu government actively promoting medical tourism in Vellore, this city has promising alternative medical options. The variety of alternative medicine in this place makes it attractive for a select group of people interested in fields like acupuncture, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Unani.

5. Mumbai
The "City of Dreams" is becoming a popular choice of visitors approaching for various treatments - thanks to the city's advanced medical and research centres. People visiting Mumbai for medical reasons enjoy a fun time exploring the vibrant hotspots and getting adapted to the fast-paced life. Places like Marine drive, Victoria terminus, Haji Ali Mosque, Elephanta caves, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, and others are among the top picks to dive into the city's culture, heritage, and abundant nature.

Medical tourism in India is cost-effective and can be an excellent instrument for promoting the local economy. The above destinations make perfect packages of premium medical services and pleasant places to enjoy and boost positivity. Once you feel positive, you heal faster! With the rapid globalisation of services, getting an online health insurance plan suited to your specific requirements is equally important.

Click HERE to know more about online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


AI can do much more than claim settlement for the insurance sector

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed several sectors, and the insurance sector is no exception. AI has proven its value in the insurance sector, from speeding up claims processing to providing personalised policy recommendations. However, its potential extends far beyond claim settlements. This blog will provide insights into how AI can do much more than claim settlement for the insurance sector, especially in buying insurance policies online.

1. Chatbots for personalised recommendations
Buying an insurance policy online has become a preferred option for many people. It is fast, convenient, and often cheaper than buying a policy through a traditional agent. However, it can be overwhelming for customers who are unfamiliar with the insurance industry. This is where AI can play a crucial role in simplifying the process and making it easier for customers to find the right policy for their needs.

Chatbots are computer programs that use AI to automate customer conversations and address their queries via text or text-to-speech. They can answer questions, provide recommendations, and help customers purchase policies. For example, if a customer is looking for car insurance, the chatbot can ask them questions about their vehicle, driving habits, and other relevant information. Using this data, the chatbot can recommend policies tailored to the customer's needs. Chatbots can be integrated into insurance company websites and mobile apps, making them easily accessible to customers.

2. AI for risk assessment
AI can also help with risk assessment, a crucial part of the insurance industry. Traditional risk assessment methods rely on historical data and statistical models. While these methods are effective, they are limited in predicting future risks. AI can help overcome this limitation by analysing various data sources, including social media, weather reports, and satellite images.

For example, AI can analyse social media data to determine if a customer is at risk of a health issue. Suppose a customer frequently posts about unhealthy eating habits or lack of exercise. In that case, AI algorithms can flag them as high-risk customers and recommend health insurance policies that provide coverage for preventative care. This benefits the customer by providing them with the right policy from the best insurance companies by reducing the risk of costly claims.

3. Fraud detection with AI
Traditional fraud detection methods rely on manual processes and statistical models, which can be slow and ineffective. AI can analyse customer data and identify behaviour patterns consistent with fraudulent claims. This could include a customer who frequently submits claims for the same type of damage or a customer with a history of submitting claims at the end of the policy term. By flagging these patterns, AI can help insurance companies identify potential fraud and take action to prevent it.

4. Improving customer service with AI
AI can also help insurance companies provide better customer service. By analysing customer data, AI algorithms can identify customer behaviour and preference patterns. This information can be used to personalise customer service interactions and provide a more positive experience for customers.

5. AI as a tool to enhance human expertise
Suppose a customer frequently contacts customer service with questions about their policy. In that case, AI algorithms can identify this pattern and recommend that the customer be transferred to be contacted by a human agent for a more in-depth conversation. Doing this makes the customer feel heard and understood, while the human agent can provide more personalised assistance.

Overall, the potential of AI in the insurance industry is vast, and the benefits are clear. By embracing AI and incorporating it into their operations, insurance companies can stay ahead of the curve and provide better customer service. The process of how you can buy insurance policy online may have seemed daunting in the past, but with the help of AI, it can become a fast, convenient, and personalised experience for everyone involved.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Effective tips for dealing with nausea due to long winding roads

Hill stations are among the most loved destinations for peace-loving and nature-friendly travellers. The sight of hills, lush greenery, and clouds surrounding us amid the freshness and chill of the mountains is always breathtaking. The roads leading to the hills are also ornamented with scenic beauty and visual delights to die for.

However, the roads to the hills are often long and winding and can cause nausea and motion sickness. Our stomach starts to crunch, and our head starts spinning. We start feeling unwell, gloomy, and dull, and the fun soon fades away.

But wait, we've got a fix for this issue! Let us go through some effective tips to deal with nausea due to long winding roads.

1. Eat light
Make sure you eat light food before you start for a long ride up the hills. Avoid dishes with excessive ghee, butter, and oil. You don't have to stuff up until you are full. Take a basic, light meal so that it gets digested easily.

It is also not advisable to skip a meal before such a journey. An empty stomach can disturb you during your journey and trigger motion sickness. However, avoid drinking too much fluid, such as milk or fruit juice, before you start.

2. Take the front seat
Take the front seat while you travel on long winding roads if you are prone to nausea and motion sickness. You will look straight at the road in front of you while sitting in the front seat and not just focus on the steepness of the hills and the zipping scenery on your sides.

Also, you will have the door handle to hold, which can be comforting. You will be in control of yourself, and your body will not flip with every turn your car takes, helping you to avoid motion sickness and nausea.

3. Talk and distract yourself
Nausea and motion sickness often come when we continuously think about it due to fear and concern. One of the best cures for it is to indulge in constant talking and chit-chatting with your fellow passengers. It will keep you busy and distracted and take your attention away from the treacherous and winding roads.

Play good music in the car to keep your mind engaged and jovial. Do anything that makes you forget about the journey uphill on the winding roads, and you will triumph.

4. Fresh air
Make sure your car is well-ventilated on long, winding roads. Roll down your windows every now and then and allow fresh air to come in. It will take care of your nausea. Do not rely much on your car AC. It will not allow the stench to pass if someone has already puked, making you feel worse.

5. Medication

There are several medicines available in the market that help to reduce nausea. Take it before you start your journey, and it will block your urge to vomit. These medicines also contain sedatives that will help you to doze off during your journey and help you to tackle motion sickness and nausea.

The only way to reach the highest of hill stations is to take that terrifying journey across the long, winding roads, as no train or flight will take you there. Hence, follow the above tips if you are prone to nausea and motion sickness during such journeys, and you should do well.

It is equally important to buy good car insurance that will protect you from financial trouble if your car meets with an accident, suffers any damage, or worse, is stolen during such a trip. Do your research well, and choose the best car insurance that meets your requirements and comes at the best price tag. Safeguarding your car is paramount. Thoroughly research before making a final purchase.

Click HERE to find a reliable car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Inflation may eat away at your home insurance policy in the event of a disaster

Inflation is a consistent and significant rise in the prices of goods and services over a long period in an economy. As the prices of goods in our consumption basket rise with time, so do our homes' construction and repair costs.

Inflation may also affect your home insurance policy in the event of a disaster. Besides the regular increase in raw materials prices, the labour cost also increases with time. Hence, we may find our house underinsured when making a claim. Our house insurance India policy should be adjusted according to the current construction costs at regular intervals.

1. Effect of inflation
While issuing a home insurance policy, insurance companies assess the probable cost required to rebuild a house. This is based on several assumptions. But they cannot consider the effect of inflation on the rebuilding cost in the coming years. It is a thing of the future and is uncertain.

Suppose your home insurance policy issuer has estimated the cost of rebuilding your house at 15 lakhs rupees in 2015 and provides coverage accordingly. By the time we enter 2023, the cost of rebuilding the same house has shot up to 30 lakhs rupees. This is because of the rise in building prices, construction materials, and labour wages over the years.

If your home insurance policy is not adjusted for inflation and your complete house is destroyed, you will get a reimbursement of only 15 lakh rupees from the insurance company. You must pay the remaining 15 lakh rupees for reconstruction from your pocket. This will prove very costly and cause mental and financial stress at the time of claim settlement.

2. Inflation rider
You should always add an inflation rider or inflation guard clause to your home insurance policy. With this rider, the insurance company will automatically adjust your policy's coverage limit, which is a fair reflection of the current cost of construction at the time of renewal. Thus, your home insurance coverage limit will grow with time and take into account the effect of inflation.

You will not be underinsured anymore and will be reimbursed in full according to the current cost of reconstruction if any mishap occurs.

3. Cost of inflation rider
Insurance companies increase the annual premium of your house insurance India policy when you add the insurance rider to it. However, this rise is usually lesser than the rate of inflation.

Hence, you should always opt for an inflation rider, even if you have to pay an extra premium. This will give you peace of mind and prevent you from suffering any significant financial losses later.

4. Exclusions
The inflation rider will not consider any value addition to your house because of renovations and other improvements. You have to first inform the insurance company about any such value additions to enhance your policy coverage. For such cases, the insurance company may increase the annual premium of your house insurance India policy.

Inflation is a persistent problem in any economy across the globe, and you need to take care of it. It can result in a sharp increase in the cost of restoration and renovation of your house in the event of a disaster.

Hence, you should be cautious about it from the start and regularly review your house insurance India policy. You can estimate the replacement costs, inform the insurance company, and purchase an insurance rider. This will come at a slightly increased premium, but it is absolutely worth it and will give you complete peace of mind.

Click HERE to buy house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.