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Nine ways to avoid injuries while working out in the gym

In this fast-moving world, the importance of fitness is rising every day. Everyone has their reasons to join the gym. While some do it for fitness, others While some do it for fitness, others for unwinding and relaxing. However, lifting those heavy weights and doing a cumbersome workout can invite gym injuries and pull you down tremendously.

In this blog, we have listed down the best ways to protect your physical well-being and ensure that you do not land up hurting yourself while working out in the gym.

1. Starting with warm-ups:
Diving right into your workout without any warm-up can indeed be an invitation to injuries. Remember, cold muscles are more prone to injuries. Before you start working out, you must spend 10-15 minutes doing some dynamic stretching.

2. Understand your abilities:
Just because someone is lifting heavy weights doesn’t mean that you can do the same. Following others can give you severe injuries that might affect you in the long run. Be realistic with what you are doing, and do not try to lift something out of your abilities. Therefore, estimate your threshold and consider the progressive overload.

3. Perform with proper technique:
Before performing any exercise, make sure you know how it is done and which muscle group it is targeting. If possible, ask your trainer to guide you and focus on your progress before lifting weights.

4. Have an instructor:
You can find a load of information on the internet, but sometimes it may or may not be accurate. In this case, you must have a personal instructor that guides you through your fitness journey and trains you about the exercises to be done correctly.

5. Consume plenty of water:
While you work out, you sweat a lot and lose plenty of water and electrolytes from your body. Keeping yourself hydrated throughout the gym workout will help you avoid muscle cramps.

6. Have a balanced diet:
An average person requires 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per body weight daily to have smooth body functioning. A person who works out needs 1 gram to 2.2 grams of protein per bodyweight to repair the torn muscle fibres in the next 72 hours. Ensure that you are consuming the right amount of protein for your recovery.

7. Do not ignore what your body says:
Do not overdo any exercise even when your body is not in that state to do it. Listen to what your body says and stop when you cannot go further. Overtraining can result in you getting injured rather than getting fit.

8. Take your rest days seriously:
While pursuing your fitness goals, you put your body through a tremendous amount of pressure. Your body demands rest for a day or so to repair the muscles that have been exhausted.

9. Consider health insurance:
A gym is where you build your physique. The journey of becoming fit will never be easy. Several accidents or injuries might come your way. Accidents are inevitable, so consider glazing over some personal accident insurance plans for your safety. These plans are great relievers during difficult times due to the benefits that they come with.

No one likes lying in pain for days and missing out on essential tasks due to an injury. Following these tips can help you eliminate these injuries and have a safe gym experience! Even if you get tired, you should never skip your workout routine. Take every hurdle as a motivation to rise again and chase your goal. Always stay inclined to what you want to achieve and let your determination define your success.

Click HERE to browse through the personal accident insurance plans for improved safety.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five health tips for people with obesity

People suffer from obesity disorder worldwide because of their hectic lifestyle and inactive fitness routine. Obesity is nothing but the accumulation of excess fats in the body that negatively impacts a person's health. Factors like genetics, overeating, no physical movement, psychological factors, and side effects lead to the cause of obesity.

Being obese puts you at a greater risk of developing potentially severe health problems, including – diabetes, heart disease, stroke, breathing disorders, fatty liver disease, and lot more.

You might be aware that obese people are more likely to pay a higher insurance premium than other healthy policyholders. This is because obese people are prone to illness and are likely to make more claims than normal policyholders.

But obesity can be brought under control with the help of dieting, daily exercise, weight loss, and many other disciplines in our everyday routine.

In this article, we give you some handy tips that are useful to control obesity.

How to know if you are obese? If your Body Mass Index (BMI), which is commonly used to determine obesity, turns out to be higher than or equal to 30, it classifies you as an obese person.

There is a thin line between being overweight and obese; if your BMI measures between 25 to 29, you are overweight and not obese. Therefore, the formula to calculate Body Mass Index is the weight (kg) divided by Sq. of height (m).

Practical health tips to control obesity.

Here are five tips weight-loss experts recommend to assist in keeping obesity under control.

1. Personalized diet plans:

You must have read a lot that a few minutes of daily exercise are the key to controlling your weight. But, cutting calories and reducing junk food intake is better than increasing your exercise time to achieve weight loss. Overeating and consumption of more calories than needed is one of the primary reasons that cause obesity. Customize your diet plan to ensure calorie intake and the proper nutrients that your body demands.

2. Exercise can help you to stay fit:

Daily exercise and fitness schedule is vital for controlling your weight, and physically inactive people are more likely to gain extra kilos. If you are already maintaining a healthy diet, plan a perfect workout routine or join a gym. Regular exercising helps you burn calories and lose fats.

3. Set up a strong will for an active routine:

You have to work harder than many other people – possibly for a long time if you are overweight. For instance, taking the stairs instead of the elevator will make a significant difference. By changing your detrimental habits, you will cultivate an active and fit lifestyle. Remember, losing weight requires patience and discipline, which does not occur overnight.

4. Eat more healthy snacks between main meals:

You read it right, eat more – just not at your mealtimes. Diet experts recommend keeping many healthy snacks like sunflower seeds, almonds, whole wheat crackers, sliced apples, and other fruits and eating small portions every couple of hours. If you wait until you're starving, you generally tend to eat more.

5. Maintaining a sleep hygiene:

The importance of good sleep in overall well-being cannot be ignored. It works wonders for your goal of preventing obesity, too. There are studies confirming that people who get too little sleep have a greater risk of weight gain and obesity than people who practice seven to eight hours of sleep per day. Sleep hygiene includes a proper sleep schedule and a bedtime routine like reading or listening to some good music.

Obesity, if it gets serious, can take a toll on your pocket. Although there are no policies especially for obesity yet, insurance companies protect obesity in exchange for higher premiums. Therefore, it is always advisable to secure your health insurance at an early stage of life to save you from that extra premium.



Nine reasons why minimalist lifestyle is crucial for mothers

There could be no greater pleasure in the world than becoming a parent, but we have heard tales of how being a mom is no picnic. Motherhood is stressful despite all the help provided to you. After all, there can never be enough assistance for a mom. Especially for new mothers, mom-stuff can be overwhelming and chaotic. And in the case of working women, situations can get more complicated and out of hand in no time. One unique option to reduce the load of stress and anxiety from your schedule is to adopt minimalism.

If you are new to the idea of the minimalist lifestyle, let us take you through the concept briefly.

What exactly is a minimalist lifestyle?
Minimalism is a method of living that focuses on reducing waste and concentrate on what genuinely matters. This involves reflecting on what is most important to you as an individual and focusing on those things only.

Why shifting to a minimalist lifestyle is crucial for moms?

• You will have less stress. When you start reducing clutter, you permit yourself to spend your time and attention on only the most important stuff.

• Raising responsible kids. Kids may be considerably more independent when there isn’t as much for organising toys and belongings.

• Never caught up in tidying the home. Naturally, if your kids have access to fewer things, you will have only minor things to clear out.

• Cleaning requires less time than usual. With fewer items and goods, cleaning doesn’t keep you engaged throughout the day.

• More savings. Once you follow minimalism and minimize your buying habits, you can save substantially. Meaning you can invest in worthy things that make your life more comfortable.

• Me-time. You can finally afford to look after yourself and spend quality time doing things that keep you happy. This is crucial for embracing your well-being.

• Quality time with the kids. Spending time with kids apart from games is equally necessary for every parent. Cherish the moments you have always dreamt of, like first steps, words, and the feelings they express through their actions.

• Having a peaceful environment for the children. Too many activities can distract your children and prevent them from developing their own thoughts.

• Less room for distractions. In this way, there is enough time for you to catch up on hobbies and interests you have been neglecting.

Exploring minimalism with children might be challenging at first. You will require time to get accustomed to it. It starts when you begin to analyse your values and find what you may or may not need in your life. But as you grow into it, the advantages and impacts on your state of being are miraculous. Every mother in the world has things to deal with which one can never figure out, and we believe every mother deserves peace in her daily routine.

As you are inspired right now to take up a new pattern of consciousness, let investing in general insurance be your next step towards it. Including minimalism in making crucial decisions like taking care of your and your family’s health, covering for accidents, protecting your home against natural calamities and managing your finances can improve the quality of your life. General insurance can be your key to a stress-free life!

To look for general insurance policies, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Steps to claim your health insurance policy

The Covid-19 pandemic shook the world's medical infrastructure from the ground. As a result, the cost of medical services and its subsequent operations is now more than ever. With the huge inflation in the expenses of medical bills, investing in health insurance coverage is no longer an option but a necessity.

To live carefree in these uncertain times without worrying about medical expenses, a trustworthy health insurance cover for every family is a must. And, if you're someone who is already holding a health insurance policy, you should be familiar with the claim settlement process as well.

In this space, we help you to understand steps to claim your health insurance policy so that in the future, if need be, you're prepared beforehand.

There are mainly two types of claim settlements.

1. Cashless settlement:

The cashless claim facility relieves you of concern during a medical emergency when receiving treatment at any of the networked hospitals. According to the policy features, the health insurance company will pay the hospital bills directly. Therefore, it frees you of the burden of making direct financial payments to the hospital.

Steps to claim a cashless facility:

• Select a hospital from the list of network hospitals provided by the insurance company

• Then, notify the third-party administrator (TPA) and provide them with your membership number

• At the hospital, fill out a cashless request form. However, remember that a valid certification by a doctor with proper stamps and signatures is a must

• Next, mail the form along with the medical records physically or digitally to TPA

• TPA will then inspect all the documents submitted by you, and if the settlement is approved, the charges will be paid by the insurance company directly to the hospital

If in case of disapproval, you should apply for reimbursement. We cover this in the following category of claim settling.

2. Reimbursement settlement:

If you choose a non-network hospital for treatment, you must first pay the medical expenditures out of pocket. Then, following the submission of relevant papers, the health insurance company will reimburse the charges according to the terms and conditions of the policy.

Steps to claim the reimbursement facility:

• Contact your health insurance provider using the toll-free number and give them your membership number

• Settle all your medical bills with the hospital

• Then, download and complete the reimbursement form that is available on the health insurance company's website

• When requesting reimbursement, attach the downloaded form, include the invoices, medical bills along with reports, discharge summary, and any other relevant papers

• Then, submit everything to the claim office in your vicinity. You can even digitally mail the documents to the insurance company

• After the approval of your claim, a cheque will be sent to your registered bank account by the insurance company. The whole procedure takes 20-30 working days from the day all papers are presented

Additional tips to speed up your claim settlements:

• Fill the reimbursement form correctly. Make sure all of the medical records and subsequent documents have stamps and signatures of the concerned authority

• Register for a claim as soon as possible after admission to the hospital

• Take regular updates from the insurance company after the submission of all the documents

• Always go for cashless claims whenever possible



Know about zero depreciation car insurance policy

Does the depreciation value of your car scare you? Do you feel that you will have to empty your pockets for your car's damages once it gets old? Now, there is a one-stop solution for these queries – a zero depreciation policy. In a zero depreciation policy, the insurance company covers the expenses of physical damage caused to the vehicle in the unfortunate event of an accident without considering any kind of depreciation.

Vehicles are naturally depreciating assets, meaning, with every new car, there will only be a devaluation in the price over time. The parts like mirrors, metal, rubber, plastic and other car accessories are subjected to depreciation.

Zero depreciation car insurance vs regular car insurance:

Let us quickly compare the benefits of zero depreciation insurance to regular insurance.

Premium: The premium cost payable for zero depreciation insurance is slightly higher than that of regular car insurance. The depreciation policy premium varies with attributes like your address, the model, and your car's age.

Claim settlement value: In zero depreciation cover, the claim settlement amount is higher since the calculation of depreciation is not done, whereas, in regular car insurance, the claim settlement amount is received with a deduction of depreciation.

Repairing amount: In zero depreciation insurance, the repairing cost of parts like rubber, glass, plastic is paid by the insurance company, whereas these costs are borne by the insurance holder in regular car insurance.

Usage duration of the car: This factor does not make a difference in zero depreciation insurance because any depreciation is considered nil. However, in regular insurance, the depreciation rate of your vehicle keeps increasing day-to-day.

Benefits of a zero depreciation insurance: Let us now understand the benefits of zero depreciation insurance.

Easy claim: It ensures the timely and straightforward settlement of all expenses providing the insured with easy claim settlement.

Covers all expenses: The insurance company gives you total coverage of the costs that are heavy on your pocket, as well as any other miscellaneous charges during the time of settlement.

Profit while claiming: Zero depreciation policy adds more value to the basic coverage at the time of claim, making your expenses amount almost nil, hence leaving you with a profit.

Assurance: Since the vehicle has a zero depreciation insurance cover, so you have the satisfaction of being safe under a protective layer of the insurance policy.

What is not a part of a zero depreciation policy? Following are the factors that will restrict your complete claim on the advantages of a zero depreciation car insurance policy.

No driver's license: If the driver or owner of the vehicle does not have a valid driver's license, they are not eligible to claim the benefits of this policy.

Drunk driving: Immediate rejection of claim benefits happens if the driver happens to be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxication.

Maintenance of engine oil: Unfortunately, this policy does not cover your regular maintenance such as engine oil, coolants, etc.

Compulsory deductibles: Compulsory deductible is a mandatory amount set by the IRDAI depending on the engine capacity of a vehicle. This amount is not a part of the zero depreciation policy.

For cars more than five years old: If the insured vehicle is aged more than five years, it cannot opt for a zero depreciation policy.

Mechanical expenses: Occasional breakdowns and arbitrary wear and tear of the vehicle will not be covered in the policy.

To sum it up, zero depreciation benefits a wide array of car owners considering the cost-effective claim settlement and boosting their regular insurance plans in the form of a worthy add-on.



How to find bike insurance details with the help of the registration number

Did you know that you only need the unique registration number of your vehicle to get the details of your bike insurance online? In this article, we'll provide you with all the information on the registration number.

When you buy a bike insurance policy, details of it get linked with your bike's registration number. Therefore, you can quickly check the information of your bike insurance through your bike's registration number.

As per the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), it is mandatory to carry insurance documents of the bike whenever you are on the road. If one fails to do so, there is a possibility that the claim settlement may be invalid in case of any mishap. Even though policy documents are essential papers, misplacing them is a pretty common occurrence among policyholders.

However, fret not! It is pretty simple to find the details of your insurance with the help of the registration number. Let's understand this here:

What is a Registration Number?

A bike registration number is a unique number issued by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) of your district. Every vehicle owner must obtain a registration number within 30 days of purchase of the vehicle.

The registration number is helpful to identify the owner of the vehicle in multiple scenarios. Apart from identification, the registration number is a must for a bike insurance policy, renewal of it, or insurance claim.

Your vehicle's registration number is displayed on a metal number plate and affixed at the front and back of the two-wheeler. The registration number has an accredited structure for different types of vehicles. Let's understand this further here.
Consider this, your vehicle is registered in Delhi and is granted the number DL 0X BX XXXX. The first two alphabets indicate the state code, and the next two digits are the unique district code. The following two alphabets are the current series of the RTO and the classification of vehicles. And, the last four digits are your vehicle's unique number.

How to derive two-wheeler insurance details by your vehicle's registration number?

When buying bike insurance online, the details of your policy are automatically synced with the registration number. RTO, Central, or State Government can use details for official purposes. You can enter your registration number on any of the following websites to get details on your bike insurance online:

● Official website of the Regional Transport Office RTO where the bike is registered

● Website of the state transport department

● Website of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (

● Website of the Insurance Information Bureau ( of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)

Further, you can even renew your existing insurance policy using your two-wheeler's registration number. There is a facility for tracking the details of your policy online and renewing it before it expires.

The registration number links your vehicle directly to RTO's and Government's databases, so this stands out to be an advantage to maintain a record of your two-wheeler's insurance.



Let's understand the difference between regular and synthetic motor oil

Routine oil change ensures that your vehicle’s engine is in good shape. Moreover, it guarantees that the machine operates on high-quality motor oil thus improving its performance and the engine’s life. But which oil is suitable for vehicles - regular or synthetic?

Most people believe that oil does not make a significant difference in the performance of your car, but that isn’t the case. The type of oil used for your motor impacts its well-being and durability. So, to secure your car’s engine, be attentive to the requirements regarding its oil.

Let's quickly look at the aspects that differentiate these two types of oils before you pick a side.

What exactly is Regular oil?
Regular oil or conventional oil is a blend of crude oils and additives that meets the minimum requirements for engines and is commonly used in older or low-mileage vehicles. Depending on the manufacturer and pricing, these oils can range from mediocre to excellent grade.

What is Synthetic oil?
Synthetic motor oil combines high-quality additives that provide the finest engine protection. It can help with engine cleanliness, heat prevention, and engine endurance. It is usually suggested for all current and new-age automobiles due to its benefits of providing the highest engine protection.

How to determine which oil is better for your vehicle?
The ultimate way to choose which oil to go for is by reading your vehicle’s user manual, which states the correct oil for your motor. However, other minor factors contribute to decision-making, such as the age of the vehicle, usage, way of driving, and so on.

Advantages of Regular vs. Synthetic oil

1. Regular (Conventional) oil:
• The most obvious advantage of choosing conventional oil is that it won’t burn a hole in your pocket.
• It is readily available and a good choice for drivers and mechanics to get their hands on.
• Well suited for older motors.
• Many motor companies and mechanics advise using traditional oil for older vehicles and low-mileage vehicles.

2. Synthetic oil:
• Synthetic oil is composed of homogeneous molecules that reduce friction in the engine.
• Synthetic oil is also more refined, resulting in fewer deposits in the engine. It is purer and has fewer contaminants.
• It is improbable to break down and hence has higher durability.
• It lasts longer; thus, your motor won’t need frequent trips to the mechanic for an oil change.

The decision between conventional and synthetic motor oil depends on where and how your vehicle is used. Consult the owner’s handbook to ensure you’re using the recommended oil for your car. It will also inform you of the proper distance periods between oil changes.

You should timely replace your motor oil, whether you use regular or synthetic motor oil. Like the oil for your engine, investing in good motor insurance is always the right thing for your vehicle. Using motor insurance with limited features will not provide you complete protection to your car against financial emergencies during any breakdown. Therefore, make sure to browse through the options before purchasing the best one for your vehicle.

Are you looking for a suitable motor insurance? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five reasons why parents should not give in children's demands for bikes

Bike riding by teens is becoming one of the most common sights nowadays. Many teenagers feel independence and pride as they no longer depend on their guardians to drive them to places. As a result, adolescents have the irresistible urge to flaunt their expensive bikes and lethal driving skills in front of their peers.

You will come across many road accidents reported on the news channels every day. According to research, a person travelling in a commercial plane is less likely to die than riding a motorcycle on Indian roads.

Unfortunately, minors don't take into consideration the consequences of mindless driving. Even some parents allow their kids to drive because they think the worst that could happen is receiving fines from traffic police. However, outcomes can be much severe. Also, your bike insurance won't help you in case of death due to underage driving.

In this article, we share five reasons why parents should not give in to children's demand for bikes.

1. Legal consequences:

The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act of 2019 states that the guardian or the vehicle owner shall be held liable for the infringement and shall be punished accordingly. Imposition of a fine of Rs. 25000 with three years of imprisonment will be made if your ward drives in an illegal driving age. The minor may have to go to court as well and face trials under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act resulting in the cancellation of the vehicle's registration.

2. They are not yet matured:

An individual needs to be cognitively mature to drive fast cars and bikes. For example, adolescents may feel the thrill of getting an adrenaline rush when riding a motorcycle at high speed. But, what they don't understand is that their brains are not yet mature enough to handle it.

3. Road accidents:

According to International research, the possibility of underage drivers being involved in a road accident is four times more than adult drivers. Road accidents are among the top causes of death and injury for people between the age of 16 to 20. Reasons are inexperience, distraction, poor driving judgment and decision making, alcohol consumption, and lack of adequate driving skills.

4. Financial drain:

Financial drain is not seen as a problem by many. But believe it, accidents can take a toll on your life savings. In some cases, insurance does not cover the cost of the damage or third party insurance. Plus, if the crash leads to any chronic health problems, then you will keep drowning in the hospitalization bills for the rest of your life.

5. Physiological trauma:

We often overlook the matters of mental health. But unfortunate events like this can be very traumatic. If you or your dear ones have been in an accident, you will likely have anxiety and panic attacks in the future. The memories of tragic accidents can cause mental health problems to the young, and the memories are enough to last you a lifetime.

Prepare yourself for your teen to take the wheel:

If you have a teenager in your family who will be of legal age to drive soon, distance your kids from any such bad experience. Being a good driver and role model, you can instil safe driving habits in your teen. For example, you can re-familiarize yourself with your vehicle's safety features and discourage phone use while driving.

Safe driving has an immediate payoff to you and your teenager by keeping accidents and violations off a teen's driving record.