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Is the fire brigade taking too long to reach? Here are some tips to get a grip on the situation

You must have heard about several heart-breaking incidents that have destroyed human life and properties to the point of no repair. We surround ourselves with many things that can be considered to add fuel to the fire in case there is one. Although one never hopes to be in such a situation, have you ever considered the possibility of what if you are in a potentially dangerous circumstance caused due to fire? Is the fire brigade taking time to reach? What steps should you take initially? Here are some tips to get a grip on the situation. Let’s begin!

Also, consider purchasing fire insurance to safeguard your home from damages due to a fire outbreak.

1. Find an escape:
If you see a potential fire about to spread, your first instinct should be to exit that area without thinking about anything else. Just take your family and get out of that particular zone. Once you are out, try to breathe and calm down a little. Dial the emergency contacts and fire brigade’s number for help. Avoid stressing out about contacting someone while staying inside the property. Doing so might not give you a window to get out and can have severe consequences.

2. Always have a fire ladder:
You must ensure that you always have a fire ladder in a place that is easily accessible to anyone in the house. The fire ladders can be made of metal or some rope ladder that will help you get out of the window. They are readily available online or in stores selling home repair items. Educate every member of your family about using fire ladders by proper demonstration.

3. Never attempt to go back inside a burning property (house, office space, etc.):
Once you are out of the place which has caught fire, never attempt to re-enter the premises, no matter how important your reason might be. The fire always tends to blow out of proportion, and getting out again might be impossible with or without professional intervention. There are several items in our day-to-day life which can catch fire quickly. They serve as an aid for the fire to scale beyond our imagination and cause severe damage to humans in the nearby area. So, always ensure that you vacate the property on fire and go to a safe spot.

4. Use the fire extinguisher without fail:
Researchers and experts might debate the minimum age of children who should learn to operate fire extinguishers. Still, teenagers must know about the importance and the process of using it. You should have a multipurpose fire extinguisher to help you control any liquid or electrical fire. Handling these multipurpose fire extinguishers is comparatively easy as they are small in size and can delay the fire before the arrival of the fire brigade to ensure complete safety.

5. Follow the exit strategy:
One must always have an exit strategy to escape the property if a fire breaks out. The fire exit plan must be created according to the details and features of the house and the estimated time window one gets before the fire breaks. Always ensure to familiarise the family members and guests with this exit strategy and make them follow it strictly.

Other tips to get a grip on the situation are installing smoke detectors and fire alarms, especially outside the room doors, kitchen, fireplace and hallways, so you can get the signal in advance if there is a potential fire hazard. This would allow you to retain the fire before it gets out of control. Avoid sleeping with space heaters on all the time and close to items which can catch fire quickly.

Such situations have the potential to wreak havoc on your home or prised properties and possessions, causing severe consequences and threatening human life. You need the best fire insurance to safeguard your home and owned spaces and items. This can help you protect yourself and your family against the monetary stress of such unprecedented situations. Explore the market and get fire insurance that can provide the best coverage for your home and belongings.

Click HERE to learn more about purchasing fire insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Millets are the superfood ruling in 2023!

The Indian diet has long included millet as mainstream food in many households. Because of its remarkable nutritious value, millets have recently become more well-liked in India and the rest of the world.

This family of small-seeded grasses is widely farmed worldwide. Millets come in several kinds, such as barnyard, finger, foxtail, and pearl. They are a great supplement to any diet because each type has its flavour, texture, and nutritional profile.

The desire to increase our intake of nutritious meals has grown in recent years. Millets are one such meal that has significantly risen in popularity. Since old times, millet has been a staple food for millions. They are anticipated to maintain their status as a superfood in 2023 thanks to their excellent nutritional profile and adaptability in the kitchen. Let's understand better why millets are the superfood ruling in 2023!

1. Good nutritional value
One of the main factors contributing to millets' increasing popularity is their excellent nutritious content. Protein, dietary fibre, and essential micronutrients, including iron, magnesium, and zinc, are all abundant in millet. They also include a variety of antioxidants that work to prevent cellular damage and lower the risk of developing chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

2. Efficient in the kitchen
Millets are not only highly nutritious but also incredibly flexible in cooking. They are a great alternative to rice, quinoa, and other grains and may be used in various meals, from savoury to sweet. In addition to being a common component in gluten-free baking, millet flour may be used to make various baked goods, including bread and muffins.

3. Sustainable option adds to the nutritional value
However, millet's sustainability may be crucial to its rising appeal. Unlike other grains, millets require extremely little water and fertiliser to thrive, making them a sustainable option for farmers and consumers. Compared to other crops, they are more resistant to pests and diseases, making them a reliable food source in areas with erratic rainfall.

4. Influence on blood sugar levels
Millets positively affect blood sugar levels, which is one of its most important advantages. Because millets have a low glycemic index, they release sugar into the bloodstream more gradually than other carbs. This makes them a perfect food for people who have diabetes or want to control their blood sugar.

5. Affects gut health
Millets' positive effects on gut health are another advantage of consuming them. Dietary fibre, crucial for sustaining a healthy digestive system and avoiding constipation, is abundant in millet. They also contain prebiotics, which supports a healthy microbiome by feeding the good bacteria in our gut.

6. Increases immunity
Antioxidants, which help defend the body against free radicals that can harm cells, are abundant in millet and are a great source of health benefits. Also, they include several vital vitamins and minerals that support immunity. Millets can help us build a more robust immune system and defend ourselves against sickness.

There is a legitimate reason why millets are the superfood ruling in 2023! They are an excellent option for anyone trying to make healthy adjustments to their diet and way of life because they are nutrient-dense, adaptable, and sustainable.

Online health insurance companies understand how crucial making intelligent dietary choices is to fostering overall health. Many of these businesses reward clients who choose healthy lifestyles, such as eating a balanced diet. Some companies encourage customers to adopt good dietary and lifestyle changes by providing lower premiums or cash-back incentives for buying healthy items.

Click HERE to learn more about online health insurance companies and the benefits they provide.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's learn the facts about electric two-wheelers and what makes them a popular choice

Electric two-wheelers are one of the fastest-growing segments in the Indian automobile industry. Manufacturers are putting effort into increasing efficiency, power and affordable pricing to attract Indian consumers. What makes electric two-wheelers a popular choice in India? Let us go through some of the facts to understand it better.

1. Zero emission:
Most of the big metropolitan cities, as well as smaller Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities, are reeling under the problem of air pollution. The fast pace of growth of industries, along with the number of vehicles plying on the roads, is putting tremendous pressure on the Air Quality Index (AQI). Electric two-wheelers have become a big saviour amidst the gloomy air pollution scene. They produce zero-emission and have no contribution to environmental pollution.

2. Silent operation:
Electric two-wheelers hardly make any sound, unlike other two-wheelers that make heavy and disturbing noise while running. Hence, they offer complete peace of mind and are a pleasure to ride.

3. Pocket-friendly:
Electric two-wheelers have a very low running cost. This is one of their most important and unique benefits that regular two-wheelers can never match. Since they run on batteries, we do not need to fuel them with petrol. The constantly increasing fuel prices rarely bother electric two-wheelers owners.
They do require charging, but that cost is also minimal. A regular electric two-wheeler usually consumes around 10-15 units of electricity to charge fully. We can drive upwards of 100 kilometres on a full charge. Hence, in layman’s terms, an electric two-wheeler will cost only about Re.1 per kilometre.
On the other hand, the running cost of your two-wheeler, which operates on petrol, is upwards of Rs.3/- per kilometre. Unarguably, the running cost of electric two-wheelers is very low compared to conventional two-wheelers.

4. Easy manoeuvrability:
Electric two-wheelers are very lightweight since they do not have heavy engines. Their heart is just the lightweight motor. Due to this reason, they are excellent at handling and manoeuvre in daily city traffic.
They are comfortable and easy to handle, even for girls and kids. Nowadays, bikes are also available in the electric format. They are powerful with good pick-up and speed. This makes them a very popular choice among both genders and all age groups.

5. Low maintenance cost:
Conventional two-wheelers require service once every 3-4 months. We need to change their engine oil with each service. Also, some or the other components need replacement every time we get our two wheeler serviced.
This is not the case with an electric two-wheeler. As they require minimal servicing, their daily maintenance cost doesn't upset the owner. Also, they hardly need replacements of components, which further lowers their maintenance cost.

Electric two-wheelers are the buzz of the moment, and every automobile manufacturer wants to enter this segment. They have more advantages than disadvantages over conventional two-wheelers, making them a popular choice.

It's time to go the modern way in the case of two-wheeler insurance as well. Buying a two wheeler insurance online India is the current trend. It gives you the ease of choice amongst hundreds of available insurance options without stepping out from the comfort of your home or office. It is fast, reliable, and 100% secure.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's know the reasons why walking in the sunshine is good for your health

Ageing is an inevitable part of life. Despite scientific advancements and multiple procedures that help reduce the visible effects of growing old, there is no way to prevent it. While making oneself appear younger is an option with costly and extensive surgeries, the internal effects of ageing cannot be reduced or eliminated. However, with the help of scientifically proven natural remedies, you can significantly slow the signs of ageing.

One such activity is sunshine exposure. Often taken for granted due to busy schedules consisting of being cooped up in dark rooms under artificial lighting, the benefits of getting some sunshine are unparalleled. Especially for senior citizens, who are susceptible to pain and diseases, getting sunlight daily is known to have immense benefits.

The pleasant environment and warmth of the sun make for the perfect conditions to go for a short morning walk. You cannot derive the physical and mental benefits of soaking in the sunshine from any other source.

If you are still sceptical about taking in your daily dose of sun, here are some of its benefits for your health.

1. Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is a unique vitamin not naturally produced by our bodies. It is vital in facilitating bone growth and strengthening the skeletal system. Therefore, we are dependent on external sources to get it. It can be sourced from sunlight exposure or consuming Vitamin D supplements prescribed by medical professionals in severe deficiency cases. However, to prevent such deficiency, it is necessary to expose yourself to sunlight daily for 10-15 minutes.

2. Serotonin release:
Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, a hormone that boosts your mood. While serotonin is also released by engaging in activities you enjoy, a quick walk in the sunlight can provide the same results in a short duration and helps keep mental illnesses at bay and prevent mood swings. It also helps start the day with positivity.

3. Lower blood pressure:
Research conducted at the University of Edinburgh provided conclusive evidence that nitric oxide is released into the bloodstream when sunlight touches the skin. The oxide pushes blood vessels to widen and helps reduce blood pressure.

4. Improved brain functioning:
The cognitive function of the brain begins to reduce with age. A casual stroll in the sunshine can help your parents or elders in the family retain and improve their memory and reduce the risk of illnesses while ensuring physical activity. In such cases, it is also advisable to buy health insurance in India for parents.

5. Improved sleep quality:
The sun plays an essential role in signalling to your brain that it is time to rest at night by producing melatonin which induces sleep. This helps maintain your natural body clock and derive adequate rest, which ensures rejuvenation to take on the tasks for the next day.

6. Facilitates growth in children:
Applicable for infants and children, studies have shown that the amount of sunshine exposure directly impacts the child's height. It also helps boost the child's immune system and ensure physical and mental well-being.

While there are several benefits of daily walks in the sunshine, it is necessary to maintain a balance. It is highly beneficial for people of all ages, having particular benefits for the young and the elderly, as we discussed in the blog. However, you must always consider the risk of skin cancer, and exposure should not exceed 30 minutes a day under any circumstances (preferably in the morning).

We recommend purchasing insurance to protect you and your loved ones against unexpected health situations. Buy the best health insurance in India for parents, your spouse, children and direct dependents and keep yourself away from financial distress during emergencies.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Sleep syncing is the permanent solution for poor sleep habits

Quality sleep immensely affects your daily life and good health. Your sleep cycle determines everything from your mind to your physical well-being. If you lack adequate sleep, you can experience stress, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, headaches, and even depression. Things can sometimes get out of hand for you.

Lack of sleep can affect your personal as well as professional life. In a fast-paced world, getting sound sleep has become challenging. Adhering to a sleep schedule that works for you is even more difficult. There are many ways to get your sleep cycle back. From playing serene music to meditation and reading, anything can work out for you.

One such method is: sleep syncing. It is a comparatively new concept that has come in. It has been derived from sleep experts who have studied sleep patterns for decades now. With sleep syncing, you regain your regular sleep cycle. Let's learn more about sleep syncing here:

What is sleep syncing?
Sleep syncing refers to keeping your circadian cycle in check. The circadian cycle is the sleep-wake cycle of your body that takes place across the span of 24 hours. It is affected by various factors, including hormones like melatonin and even sunlight.

With sleep syncing, you give your sleep-wake cycle a gentle nudge. This way, your body will sleep when it's meant to. It will ensure better sleep, more energy, a good mood, and a healthy body.

How to practice sleep syncing?
There are many ways and means by which you can practice sleep syncing. They are as follows:

1. Fix a schedule
Having a timetable is necessary. You must set a designated time for sleeping and waking up daily. You can then align all your activities around the same. You can use a sleep tracker to find out your sleep length initially. Once you are sure, work out a schedule and set your alarm accordingly. You can also set a bedtime routine. It can include skincare, reading, meditation, light yoga, or even journaling.

2. Get sunlight
Sunlight plays a pivotal role in establishing your circadian cycle. When you wake up, ensure you get enough sunlight for your body. You can gently walk or stand in the sunlight after waking up. Pulling off your curtains and waking up to sunlight can be effective too. It helps fix your sleep cycle and even boost productivity.

3. Consume less caffeine
Do not incorporate a lot of caffeine in your daily routine. Caffeine can throw you off your circadian cycle and cause immense harm. Although caffeine effectively boosts energy, it can keep you up at night. If you consume tea or coffee late in the evening, it will keep you awake till late. You need to switch to decaf if you are addicted to caffeine.

4. Avoid gadgets
If you use your phone or laptop excessively before bed, you can find it difficult to fall asleep. It can disturb the production of sleep hormones in your body. It is advised not to use phones an hour before your sleep time.

Sleep syncing is one of the most effective tools to fix your sleep cycle. It has been proven effective for many people across the globe. You can try the aforementioned pointers for yourself to get the desired results. Also, remember you should always have online health insurance to keep you covered.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The future of the Indian healthcare industry: Challenges and opportunities

The Indian healthcare industry is one of the biggest sectors of the Indian economy in terms of revenue and employment. Investment in the public, as well as the private healthcare sector, has shot up multiple times in recent years. This sector comprises hospitals, medical instruments, research and development, outsourcing, and health insurance.

Let us look at the possible future of the Indian healthcare system, industry growth, and the major challenges.

Let us first assess the opportunities in the Indian healthcare industry.

1. Excellent growth rate
The Indian healthcare industry is witnessing a buoyant growth rate in recent years because of the increase in consciousness of the Indians towards health upkeep, especially after Covid-19. Also, a rise in income levels, increasing health awareness, and growing government support in the healthcare sector contribute to a double-digit growth rate. Since 2016, the Indian healthcare industry has grown at a staggering CAGR of 22%.

2. Increase in health insurance
Health insurance in India has seen an increased penetration in recent years. After the advent of Covid -19, even the population living in Tier-II and Tier-III cities, as well as rural areas, are rushing to get health insurance policies. More youngsters are joining the workforce, boosting their disposable income and spending power. This has helped in increasing healthcare spending and is only set to grow at a higher pace.

This presents tremendous opportunities to existing health insurance companies and new entrants. They can develop new and unique policies to capture the untapped health insurance market.

3. Self-sufficiency and export
The Indian pharmaceuticals sector has also witnessed a tremendous pace in research and development and production of crucial medicines. India has accomplished administering over 170 crores of Covid-19 vaccine doses. Moreover, it also exported over 5 crore vaccine doses to around 70 countries.

India has made a mark for itself by achieving this feat in so little time. Vast opportunities lay ahead for Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers to take their production to global levels and cater to the world’s growing demand for medicines and healthcare equipment.

Make in India is becoming a reality. Indian companies have also started manufacturing CT scanners, ultrasound machines, ventilators, and MRI machines, which were fully imported until some time ago.

4. FDI and PPP model
India is inviting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to develop hospitals, healthcare centres, and medical equipment manufacturing. The foreign community is witnessing India as the next big investment destination because of the mix of skills and cost-efficiency of the Indian workforce.

To boost this sector, the government is also actively launching programs such as credit incentives, aggressive expansion through the PPP model (Public-Private partnership), setting up of new medical colleges, etc.

Let us now look at some of the challenges in the Indian healthcare industry.

1. Doctor-patient ratio
A wide gap still exists in the doctor-patient ratio in India. Only 01 doctor is available for every 834 patients in India, which poses a huge challenge in providing medical services in a cost-effective manner.

2. Innovation and implementation of AI
The Indian healthcare industry is in a nascent stage. Innovating and producing high-quality medical equipment and medicines in India at low prices is a challenge. Also, AI-based software in various processes must be implemented as fast as possible as in other developed nations. Covering smaller cities and towns with such software can be a daunting task.

The future of the Indian healthcare industry is bright and shining, with more opportunities in view than challenges. Much is still needed to bring world-class medical services and products to India, especially in smaller cities and towns.

The Indian healthcare industry is growing rapidly, which is excellent news for health insurance as well. With increased awareness of health and fitness in the Indian population after the pandemic, health insurance in India is going through its golden phase. It is penetrating its reach across the length and breadth of the country at a rapid pace, providing ample opportunities for growth in the sector.

Click HERE to buy health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Magma HDI launches “OneHealth Senior” Health Insurance

There is no denying that a good lifestyle depends on an individual's health. Especially after the post-Covid era, this situation has been more alarming, which has left us all forced to believe that there is no substitute for good health and mental well-being. Besides the periodic outburst of viral infections, ageing can significantly affect our health. With increasing age, our body becomes more fragile and vulnerable to health problems.

The body's ageing hampers the quality and functionality of internal organs, muscles, bones, and the immune system. This is when illnesses make their way into the lives of the elderly and compromise their health to a large extent. The upkeep of health can get challenging, and with inflation on the rise, health expenses for seniors can cost them a fortune. From diagnosis to treatment and aftercare, these activities can be costly, derailing your financial health.

What's the solution?

Investing in a comprehensive health insurance plan for seniors is the optimum solution to ensure their well-being while having less financial distress regarding expenses.

We at Magma HDI, worked hard to introduce the exclusive OneHealth Senior insurance policy to address seniors' health challenges and promise them a healthy retired life.

What are the base covers of this health insurance policy?

This health insurance policy covers the following medical treatment and activity expenses:

● Pre and post-hospitalisation expenses

● In-patient care, such as hospitalisation due to injury or illness

● Modern treatment procedures

● Annual health check-ups

● Wellness services like doctor on call, specialist’s e-opinion, nutritional e-counselling

● Coverage for ambulance, day-care treatment, shared daily room cash, organ donor, and domiciliary hospitalisation

What are the eligibility criteria for health insurance?

The minimum entry age for senior citizens is 56 years, and there is no maximum upper cap. However, proposer should be of age 18 or above. The renewal term for this health insurance is lifelong.

Types of plans available.

Magma HDI OneHealth Senior insurance policy offers various sum insured options. They are 3L, 4L, 5L, 7.5L, 10L, 15L, 20L and 25L. You can choose from two different plans viz. Gold and Platinum.

You can also customize your plans by adding optional covers like non-payable expense cover, decrease in co-payment, etc.

Benefits of buying health insurance.

● Tax-saving benefit:
You can claim a tax deduction under Section 80D on the premium paid toward this policy.

● Cashless facility:
The insurance policy deals with hospital bills, saving your time and additional paperwork.

● Better savings:
Health insurance reduces the financial pressure on you and your family during the stressful time of a medical emergency.

● Sum assured:
Health insurance provides money for paying a range of health-related expenses.

● Cumulative bonus:
You can get a bonus if you haven't claimed your health insurance in the past.

Let's look at the exclusions where you won't be able to claim your insurance:

• Substance abuse

• Hazardous or adventure sports

• External congenital anomaly

• Cosmetic treatment

• Treatment not supported by prescription

Key features of the OneHealth Senior Insurance:

● The waiting period for pre-existing diseases is just 1 year

● No co-pay application for accident-related claims

● 30% co-pay applicable for non-accident-related claims

How to claim OneHealth Insurance?

You can claim this health insurance using the following tips:

● Download the "Magma HDI" mobile app and track claims

● Avail wellness services

● Download forms

● Look for a hospital for a cashless facility

● Access policy facility features and health cards using the app

It's that simple!

Just as we say that childhood is the best phase of our lives, understand that old age is the phase to cherish all the armchair memories and give yourself extra time to do things you always wanted to. All this can be possible only if you stay fit. Investing in the right health insurance can help you plan for a financially and emotionally stable old age.

Magma HDI's OneHealth Senior insurance policy is your ticket to happiness. Click here to learn more about the policy. You may also contact us at for the latest updates and information on different insurance policies..

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The top places to visit in India to enjoy rappelling

Rock climbing and rappelling offer some of the most thrilling encounters with nature and adventure. It's a hands-on journey that requires all of your focus. Although rappelling hasn't gained widespread popularity like paragliding or river rafting, it is gradually doing so. Many locations across the nation have established themselves as adventure centres with a dedicated focus on rappelling.

An unforgettable experience, scaling a steep rock is exciting and leaves a lasting impression. The adventure sport of rappelling is very taxing and requires mental and physical stamina. While you still have the chance, you must at least once experience it. Rappelling puts your resolve to the test of your limits.

Here is a list of the top rappelling spots in India.

1. The charming city of Rishikesh:
Rishikesh is not only a pilgrimage destination. Travellers from all over the world come to the "yoga capital" in huge numbers. Rishikesh, the paradise for all adventure activities and tours, has the perfect terrain for rappelling. The dotted hills, flora and fauna, rivers, and streams help adventure sports flourish here.

2. A haven for adventurers, Odisha:
Odisha is another retreat for adrenaline seekers. Lord Jagannath's native state is steadily establishing a reputation as a centre for adventure. If you are physically healthy and desire to use that stored energy well, consider rappelling in the Pandav Bakhara Caves and the Chandaka Wildlife Sanctuary. Pushing your stamina to a real test is a wholesome experience in Odisha, where you can enjoy rappelling with a professional staff trained at the Indian Mountaineering Foundation.

3. A foggy affair in Himachal Pradesh:
Stand a chance to touch the clouds when you go rappelling in Himachal Pradesh or cherish the top-of-the-world feeling. There are several rocky hotspots where you can do adventure sports in this land of mountains. The pleasant weather and breathtaking views will double your excitement and promise you a wholesome experience. One of the most exciting waterfall rappelling adventures at Tirthan Valley has no parallel.

4. Rappelling down south with a mystic charm:
If hot adventure tours are what you're after, come down to the south. From Coorg to Dandeli, there are many thrilling and adventurous things to do. You can go to Karnataka to fully understand what it's like to conquer a cliff and absorb the breathtaking views. Enjoy your serenity amidst the wild and unbridled splendour of nature.

5. Maharashtra's penchant for adventure:
Maharashtra offers many options for a weekend break if you're seeking something discreet and unexplored. In Maharashtra, you can go trekking or even kiteboarding. The Sahyadri mountain range is the best playground for rappellers to enjoy their favourite sport. Some of the state's most well-known rappelling locations include the Kundalika Waterfalls in Kolad, the Ashoka Waterfalls in Kasara, Sandhan Valley, and the Kondana Caves in Karjat.

Everyone may have a different definition of adventure, however, the adrenaline and thrill that rappelling provides cannot be disputed. Climbing a steep rock is heart-thumping but risky at the same time. You can stay reasonably safe if you consistently practise good behaviours like double-checking knots and tying backups.

Being prepared for any situation and knowing what may go wrong will help you stay safe and avoid accidents. It would be wise to purchase personal accident insurance online (PA insurance), an annual policy that pays benefits in the event of injuries, disabling conditions, or fatalities entirely brought on by violent, accidental, external, and obvious events.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online before planning your next rappelling trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.