

What should you consider before purchasing super top-up health insurance 8th February 2023

Ever since Covid brought the world to a halt, we have seen a rise in demand for healthcare assistance and services. We all remember the mass fear of getting trapped into health complications, even if people were not infected by the Covid virus strain. Every other day, you read headlines about the demise of highly fit people who had a proper workout regimen and cared for their health. However, life has its ways. While we might be powerless in front of our destinies, the least we can do is to stay fit. We need to take proper care of ourselves physically, mentally, and economically by making intelligent decisions like purchasing health insurance policies to safeguard ourselves during tough times.

We all have heard and read about health insurance and its benefits. But we are always on the lookout for something more. Something which can grant us more confidence and coverage to face unforeseeable circumstances with zero financial stress. Have you heard about super top-up health insurance? And, what should you consider before purchasing super top-up health insurance? You might have several doubts. This blog will discuss the answers to these vital questions.

1. Understanding super top-up health insurance in detail.
Just like the top-up plans we opt for while recharging our phones, a super top-up health insurance plan is the top-up for your policies. In addition, the term "super" brings many benefits, which take health insurance the extra mile beyond the limitations of a top-up insurance plan.
A super top-up insurance plan expands the coverage beyond your regular health insurance plan. It covers the medical expenditure after the limit of your primary health insurance policy is exhausted. In addition to expanding the coverage provided by your health insurance, a super top-up health insurance plan offers you coverage for more than one claim over your initial policy limit.

2. Who requires super top-up health insurance?
Senior citizens come first in the order of a super top-up health insurance plan requirement. Their frequent need for healthcare services suits this type of insurance plan, which would allow them to avail the benefits with no financial stress. People with severe health risks of hospitalisation can opt for super top-up health insurance to expand their coverage and avail successive medical benefits. To augment the benefits of group health insurance, a super top-up plan proves helpful and allows the policyholders to redeem the benefits beyond their insurance plan.

3. What should you consider before purchasing super top-up health insurance?
While the benefits of super top-up health insurance sound amazing and worth considering, you also need to be on the lookout for certain factors before buying a super top-up plan. Always choose the correct deductible limit, indicating the maximum extent of your primary health insurance policy.
You also need to cross-check the list of network hospitals that come under the super top-up health insurance so that you have complete clarity and verify whether the hospitals are serving your medical concerns, which is the primary reason for you expanding your coverage. A super top-up insurance plan can be customised. Therefore, you need to make sure that you read more about it and ask questions to be clear about its benefits and features before you insure a particular sum of money.

4. Other benefits of a super top-up insurance plan.
Some other benefits of a super top-up insurance plan include paying deductibles just once despite making multiple claims a year, accessibility to cashless payments at the network hospitals, eligibility for reimbursement post payment, coverage of Covid-19 treatment, tax benefits under section 80D of the Income Tax act on the premium paid for the super top-up health insurance policy, etc.

While we discuss expanding the coverage of your base policy through this top-up insurance plan, you need to understand the necessity of purchasing health insurance to combat medical emergencies and distress without worrying about the funds. Explore all available options and choose the best health insurance that caters to your needs optimally.

Click HERE to learn more about health insurance and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
