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Essential tips to buying a second-hand two-wheeler

Two-wheelers are the most preferred travelling option for people from home to the workplace as they help your way through traffic smoothly. Moreover, as they have become daily support for middle-class families, many have dreamed of buying a two-wheeler, mainly since the pandemic emerged.

There are plenty of benefits to buying a second-hand two-wheeler. But before you purchase one, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind to ensure that you get the best value for money. For example, you don’t want to buy a vehicle that troubles you with additional money on maintenance or repair.

Below are a few tips to help you get the best deals for your second-hand two-wheeler.

1. Understanding the purpose of your vehicle:
If you need a vehicle for long trips, you will have to search for a high-performance touring bike to make your journey pleasant. Similarly, if you need a two-wheeler for your daily use, you may look for a comfortable motorcycle or scooter with a decent average.

2. Finding where you can purchase two-wheelers:
There are plenty of resellers available, both online and offline. You can directly approach offline showrooms of used two-wheelers or ask your friends for referrals. You can also check for resellers online to find a credible seller. It always helps if you connect with them in person and understand all the details.

3. Check the two-wheeler thoroughly:
Sometimes what you see online can be deceiving. Therefore, it is essential to check the vehicle personally. When you check the two-wheeler in person, you can observe the minor details such as any scratches, dents, and how well it is maintained. No matter where you buy the vehicle from, there are two necessary checks:

• Mechanical check

• Paperwork

In mechanical check, always look out for any rust, scratches, engine check, oil check, oil leakage (if any), dents, mileage, accident damage, brakes, air cleaners, gears, clutch, how many kilometres it has run already, and more.
Similarly, you need to check for a PUC certificate, RC book, service history, tax certificate, NOC, and more for paperwork.

4. Ask for a test drive:
The best way to know if the vehicle works appropriately and suits you the best is to take a test drive. Taking a test drive will help you understand if you are comfortable with the bike’s performance and power. Even if your bike looks perfect, it may not be a comfortable ride for you. Therefore, ensure that you do not miss out on the test drive.

5. Know the market value and negotiate well:
Once you are satisfied with the vehicle’s condition and the documents, you can do thorough research online about the current market value of the two-wheeler you are purchasing. You can talk to the seller and negotiate for the final price you are willing to pay. Once you and the seller come to a final price, you can sign the official paperwork and make the payment!

The tips mentioned above can help you pick the best two-wheeler and ensure that you are getting the best deals! But remember that buying a second-hand two-wheeler is just the first step. You need to ensure its safety by adding a layer of protection in the form of 2 wheeler insurance. You may opt for 2 wheeler insurance online and avail exciting deals and lower premium options offering the best value-to-your-money.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance online for your two-wheeler.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to keep your blood sugar under control

“Blood sugar” is termed as the amount of sugar present in the bloodstream of a body at a given time. Glucose is known to be the primary source of energy for a body. Therefore, having a stable blood sugar level is immensely important to carry a healthy lifestyle.

If the sugar level is disturbed, it can result in dullness in energy, anxiety, moodiness, fatigue, improper sleep, food cravings, brain fog, and diabetes if ignored for a longer time. Blood sugar can get out of control for two major reasons: either too much glucose or too little glucose for the body. In the first condition, your body gets more sugar than the body is habitual to, and in the second case, sugar is supplied in an inadequate amount. A balanced sugar level ensures sufficient quantity of glucose in the body.

Let’s understand 6 effective ways to keep your blood sugar level stabilized:

1. Daily exercise – Regular exercise helps maintain weight and improves insulin receptivity. An increase in the receptivity of insulin simply means better absorption of the sugar existing in the body. So remember, daily exercise is the most crucial aspect of the blood sugar management plan, and you should not skip it.

2. Tracking sugar levels – Monitor your blood sugar at regular intervals. It helps you track the sugar level and the changes you need to keep the levels managed.

3. Keep an eye on your diet – A well-planned diet is necessary for keeping blood sugar in control. The carbohydrates from foods are further broken down into sugars to provide a source of energy to the body. Hence, a low-carb and more fibre diet is ideal for balanced sugar levels. A rich fibre diet plays a preventative role and helps maintain your blood sugars.

4. Hydration – As a means to prevent your kidneys from flushing out the excess sugar in case of dehydration, drinking enough water throughout the day is very necessary. Water also ensures a lower risk of high blood sugar.

5. Quality sleep – Improper sleep or lack of adequate sleep can affect blood sugar and insulin receptivity. It releases growth hormones which may lead to weight gain and disturb the production and supply of sugars in the body. Avoiding caffeine before going to bed and sleeping in a cool and dark room helps you with a sound sleep.

6. Moderation – Maintaining moderation in daily activities will eventually lead to balanced blood sugar levels. Therefore, diet, weight, and proper exercise should be in a calculated proportion. Small steps to keep you active in the right direction can yield significant results in improving or preventing blood sugar.

Any diabetic person is not restricted from having health insurance and can get help for the care through a good health insurance policy. There is coverage of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in a diabetes health insurance policy. In addition, health insurance also provides features such as illness related to diabetes and all costs and expenses for the treatment. Health insurance with Medicare advantage plans will also cover the cost of insulin. Make sure to check the benefits of the health insurance before you buy a health insurance policy.



How can IDV and NCB benefit your two-wheeler

Understanding that two-wheeler insurance is as important as your health insurance because your vehicle needs coverage and security too, is very important. Not having insurance coverage leaves you vulnerable to financial damages during unfortunate accidents. But with insurance and its premium, there comes two more necessary factors, IDV and NCB.

If you are a first-time insurance buyer, then understanding IDV and NCB will help you decide on better insurance for your two-wheeler. Let's understand them and their benefits in detail.

Insured Declared Value (IDV) tells the actual market value of your two-wheeler. It's the highest sum of the amount insured that your insurance provider has promised to you. In case of theft, accident, or total loss of the vehicle, you will get compensation as per the IDV of your two-wheeler. Likewise, you can claim it in case of damage or replacement cost of your two-wheeler.

Two-wheeler is a tangible asset that doesn't always stay new. Hence, its value depreciates over the period, and as it becomes older, its premium amount also gets lesser. As a result, the IDV also reduces.

Never declare lower IDV than your bike's current market value to get a lower insurance premium. In case of any bike theft or total damage, your claim amount will be relatively much lower, thus making a significant loss to you.

No-Claim Bonus (NCB) is the total accumulated amount yearly. As its name suggests, it is a reward that the policyholder gets during insurance renewal for the two-wheeler. This bonus is offered in the form of a concession of the premium paid on insurance by you.

Below are the points why IDV and NCB play an essential part in determining your vehicle's insurance premium:

1. If you want to conserve your benefits of NCB, but unfortunately, meet with some mishaps, then you stand no chance to claim your bonus. A 'protection cover' can be helpful for such situations, which you can add to your NCB. It is nearly 10% of your premium amount. Though the number of claims are limited, this still helps to conserve your NCB bonus.

2. The main advantage of NCB is that it is more beneficial to the policyholder, not the vehicle. For example, if you opt a NCB for a new 2-wheeler, you can transfer it from your old two-wheeler to the new vehicle.

3. Your IDV mainly depends on the age of the vehicle. The other factor in deciding on IDV is the condition of your two-wheeler. So, it is crucial to evaluate IDV correctly, which further helps you with better insurance with a suitable premium.

4. When you opt for renewing your 2-wheeler insurance online, keep in mind that your premium depends on IDV. Lesser the age of the bike means higher IDV and higher premium.

As a final piece of advice, if you want to save more on insurance, then declare the correct IDV of your vehicle and get the benefit of your NCB. Both NCB and IDV balance your insurance premium and the cover to your two-wheeler.



Best tips on claiming a third-party two-wheeler insurance

In recent years, people often inquire about the mandatory two-wheeler insurance and the strict regulations and penalties if a vehicle doesn't comply with an insurance policy.

Third-party 2 wheeler insurance covers the loss incurred by the property of a third-party or third-party injury by your vehicle. The third-party plan also covers the compensation in case of the death of the third party person. This insurance does not provide you with the option of choosing add-ons, nor does it offer the cover for your own vehicle damage like in the Comprehensive Insurance Policy.

But, the premium here is comparatively lower than that of the Comprehensive Plan, which as the name itself suggests, is a wide range of overall insurance for your vehicle. Therefore, it is always advisable to opt for the Comprehensive Policy for more features and a wider coverage option, including the mandatory third-party 2 wheeler insurance.

Now, read below the stepwise guide on how to claim third-party 2 wheeler insurance. Consider a situation where damage to your two-wheeler is caused by another vehicle in an accident. To file a claim to your insurance agency towards the medical expenses and repair of the vehicle under third party insurance, you need to follow the given steps:

1. Take down the vehicle's details involved in the accident and of the vehicle owner

2. Try and click photographs of your damaged two-wheeler

3. Look around for any surveillance cameras or eye-witnesses and note down their contact details

4. File a First Investigation Report (FIR) at the nearest police station from the event site

5. Inform the insurance company about the incident and follow their instructions for further action

6. File a case with the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Court with the help of a lawyer. Attend the court proceedings, inform the court of the actual occurring and submit all the required documents and details

7. Share the court's order with the insurer, and you will receive compensation for the expenses of the damage

8. Always remain truthful and honest on your part without hiding anything from the insurance company. You may invite trouble by making a false claim or if the fault is on your part

Documents required at the time of making a third-party 2 wheeler Insurance Claim:

1. Driving License

2. Registration Certificate (RC) of the vehicle

3. Insurance Policy Documentation

4. Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate

5. First Investigation Report (FIR) of the incident

6. Receipt or bill of any vehicle repair

7. Duly filled and signed claim form

8. Duly signed Satisfaction Voucher (SV) or Discharge Voucher (DV)

Do not become aggressive or angry at any time and remain calm. It will help you think of the next step more efficiently. Trust the 2 wheeler insurance and be patient throughout the process. But, do not delay in taking action and starting the process. Avoid agreeing upon any monetary settlements as they qualify to be illegal.
It is always better to be cautious than to claim insurance for damages. So drive carefully and follow all the safety measures!



Guide for transferring your bike registration number while relocating to another state

Relocating to another state appears to be a daunting task if you’re experiencing it for the first time. There are multiple things to take care of while planning a relocation. From packing stuff and moving to another state to adjusting to the changing environment can irk you badly.

What worries you the most is the transfer of your bike registration that needs to be thoroughly examined during the entire relocation process. You need to acquaint yourself with the registration process of the new state and accordingly schedule your timelines for the same. This is indeed a cumbersome task, but we are here with our guide to make this process a swift one before it turns out to be a daunting task.

1. New state, fresh registration:
There are two scenarios that you need to understand. First, if you are relocating for less than a year, you don’t need to transfer the RC. But, if you’re planning to settle in the new state for more than a year, then you will have to go through a transfer process. Initially, you need to visit the RTO near your area and get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) as clearance for your bike. Then, after transferring to the new state, you will have to apply for fresh registration of RC of your motorcycle in the RTO of the new state.

2. What documents to carry?

Following is the list of documents required for the re-registration process.

• Original copy of Previous Registration Certificate.

• Three copies of Form 28 or the NOC issued by your local state’s RTO.

• NOC obtained from the local police station.

• NOC from Traffic police personnel.

• Form 20 as the application for the registration of the motor vehicle.

• Form 27 as the application for the assignment of a new registration mark to the motor vehicle.

• Attested copy of address proof.

• Attested copy of valid insurance.

• Attested copy of the Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUC).

• Copy of PAN Card or Form 60 and 61

3. Visit the RTO of the new state and complete the re-registration:
Visit the local RTO at your new location with all the above documents and fill your application for re-registration. Carefully provide all the essential information and verify all the documents thoroughly before submitting them to the officials. Once you fill the form and submit all your documents, you’re through your bike registration in the new state.

4. Fill the new road tax challan followed by vehicle inspection:
After completing the registration process at the new RTO, you will be asked to pay the required fees for that state’s new road tax challan issued by the RTO. Make the payment and collect your challan. The next step is the inspection of your bike. An RTO officer will conduct an assessment of your vehicle to check the condition of your bike and its parts. The primary purpose of the inspection is to ensure that your bike qualifies all the general safety requirements. All the collected data is stored for future reference along with the imprint of the chassis number.

5. The last step, and it’s done!
After completing verification, if your RC gets approved, you will be allotted a date to visit the RTO and collect your new RC.

To sum it up, make your relocation process manageable by following our guide. Follow all the steps mindfully and without any delays. Importantly, complete the entire registration process before your NOC expires. Considering all these factors, it is also essential to inform your bike insurance provider about your relocation. Provide all the details to the insurance company to verify your case and compute the insurance premium for your bike.

Click HERE to get the details about bike insurance to satisfy your requirements.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Guide to change the tyre of your vehicle on your own

Imagine you are on a road trip, and suddenly you encounter a “flat tyre” situation. While you may think you should let a mechanic handle it, sometimes giving it a try on your own can be a much easier job to do. Changing the tyre is not challenging, nor does it need you to be “strong.” Just a few tips, and you are sorted to fix the issue all by yourself. In this blog, we have broken down the steps to learn how to change your tyre quickly!

Before you learn how to change the tyre, here’s something you should note:

Remember to keep a spare tyre in your car for emergencies. Moreover, pull over to a safe place and avoid parking on a slope or a dangerous road.

Furthermore, whenever you park, keep your parking lights on. This is crucial when it is dark so that the passing vehicles on the road will be aware of your car which reduces the chances of accident.

What are the tools you will need?

Before we begin with the steps, these are the tools you will need to change your vehicle’s tyre on your own.

● A spare tyre

● Carjack

● Lug wrench

● Wheel nut key

● Reflective jacket

● Car owner’s manual/handbook

Additional things you may need:

● Torch

● Gloves

● Warning triangle

● Wheel wedges

● Short plank of wood (optional)

Step-By-Step Guide to change your vehicle’s tyre on your own:

If you learn how to change your vehicle’s tyre once, you can easily do it whenever you need it next time.

Step 1: Pull over to a safe place and prepare for your tyre change. Pull the hand brakes and keep your vehicle in the first gear. Now, take out all the essential tools mentioned above. If you have an automatic car, put it in the “park” mode.

Note: If you have people sitting in your car, ask everyone to stand in a safe place. Avoid people sitting in your car until the tyre has been changed.

Step 2: Now, loosen all the nuts from the wheel by rotating them anti-clockwise. Note that you only need to loosen the nuts to a point where they are rotatable with your hand and NOT remove them altogether.

Step 3: If you are unaware of your car’s jack point, check out your car’s manual. Now, use your jack to uplift the vehicle. You can use the small wood of plank to keep the vehicle stable; this is crucial when the road is uneven. Raise the car 10-15 cms above the ground.

Step 4: Next step is to remove the loosened wheel nuts and remove the tyre using a cross-wrench.

Step 5: You can remove the dirt or rust in the vehicle hub and start placing your new tyre.

Step 6: Fit all the nuts into the tyre and tighten them with your hands.

Step 7: Use the jack to lower your car to the ground level again.

Step 8: Now, tighten the screws fully with the cross-wrench. Give a final check to the tightness and if needed, go to the nearby gas station to get the pressure level checked.

Take your punctured tyre for repair and later replace it with the spare one.

Since you know how to change the tyre of your vehicle, next time, you won't have to wait on a street for a mechanic or a passerby to come for your help. Besides learning the essential maintenance tips, it is also important to invest in the vehicle’s safety against heavy damages caused due to uninvited accidents. Buy motor insurance online and get useful coverage add-ons for your vehicle’s servicing and repair works.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are few essential life lessons that bike trips can teach us

If you get to have a conversation with a motorhead, you'll probably hear them say that the joy of riding a motorbike comes second to none. A feast for the senses, riding is exhilarating and comforting to motorcyclists. It fosters joy, excitement, thrill, and pleasure. When you ride, you feel liberated, and there is always something new to discover and learn when you're on the roads.

Life throws a lot of experiences at you while on a motorbike trip. You can learn a lot about yourself and others while you are steering your way through the places and covering distances. Bike trips are much more than fun. Such trips can be a great way to connect to your deeper self and unravel fresh experiences and valuable lessons that may change your perspective towards life.

Here are a few life lessons that you can learn when you set out for a bike trip.

1. You’re a tiny but important part of this world:
As a motorcyclist, you share the road with fellow riders. It’s important to respect each vehicle on the road. So, consider yourself important as your discipline makes a significant contribution on the road.

2. Life is too short:
We all have witnessed reckless drivers—cutting into lanes without proper signals, speeding in single lanes, and whatnot. Viewing any mishap or accident is a terrible experience during your long riding trip, but you realize how suddenly things can change. It makes you more careful and appreciative of everything as they are here and now.

3. Focus on your goal:
While driving a car, drivers often engage in distracting activities like adjusting the AC knob and tuning to a radio station. But when you're riding, it's just you, your bike, and the road. There are no distractions, and you just concentrate on the road in front. Likewise, we must focus on what is essential in life. Concentrate on the future and don’t allow minor inconveniences to detract you from your ambitions in life.

4. You learn to let go your ego:
As we said, we've all seen our fair share of terrible drivers. Sometimes you are triggered and obliged to accept the situation because you cannot confront every other vehicle on the road. You learn to swallow your ego and remain patient to handle things maturely. Staying calm and tackling problems with patience is not less than any winning formula to live happily.

5. Practice makes an individual perfect:
No one is born perfect, but we can ace any talent with positive intent and dedicated practice. Every ride you take fills you with new experiences and learnings that you can ponder and do better on your next ride. Consistency and a positive mindset are vital to master your fears and weaknesses.

When you are riding, relax your soul and enjoy the present moment. There's plenty to experience even in the most unlikely locations. Hop on the motorbike and discover life like never before. Like life, the roads are uncertain; but something certain is ensuring safety. This is yet another lesson that bike trips teach us; to be responsible for your safety and possessions. So, be responsible and purchase bike insurance for the additional protection of your bike. You may surf through multiple bike insurance online and buy the one that assures value for money.

Click HERE to get bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best home-workout equipment for you in 2021

People's concern over their health and fitness has increased since the outbreak of Covid-19. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we have all been practicing social distancing. It has become evident that we don't need a gym membership to keep ourselves fit. Instead, health from home has become just as popular as work from home.

There are multiple applications, websites, and tutorial videos available online to guide you through a proper workout regime. Whether you have registered for a virtual fitness class or have decided to go solo in your home gym, many types of equipment will help you maintain a healthy body and hopefully relieve your stress.

So, here are a few recommendations for home-workout equipment helpful to achieve your fitness goals.

1. TRX GO All-in-One Suspension Training:

This set is perfect for a full-body workout. It's lightweight, affordable, convenient, and portable. The seven-piece set includes full-body training tools for exercises at home, outdoor, or on the go. It should be a part of your house to feel like you have a private gym.

2. Yoga Mat:

A mat isn't just for yoga. It is helpful for bodyweight exercises like stretching and core work out since it makes them comfortable and easier to do. Mats are affordable, long-lasting, and require no maintenance. In addition, they have a good endurance ability to withstand pressure and give total comfort even while doing difficult yoga asanas.

3. Resistance Bands:

The main use of a resistance band is stretching and strength training. It can be used to work on every muscle group in your body. There are even more exercise options when it is fastened to a post or a door and helps you improve your posture while building muscles. Easy to use, it can be your on-the-go fitness aid.

4. Treadmill:

Walking is the most efficient exercise for any age group. But, many of us, with our busy schedules, have limited space and time for our daily physical activity. So that makes the treadmill a relatively easy piece of workout equipment to use.

5. Ankle Weights:

Ankle weights help you diversify your at-home workouts. They make your lower body workout more effective and are highly recommended if you aim to increase your speed.

Choose your at-home workout equipment based on these three criteria:

1. Cost - Figure out the amount you are willing to spend on your home gym and look for items that fit your budget.

2. Use - Determine your personal goals; if you intend to work out to lose weight, build a muscular body, or straight-up gain strength and maintain overall fitness. Then select gears that provide you functions related to your personal goals.

3. Space - If you live in a city apartment, sharing it with other flatmates, you may only have your bedroom for a home gym. So pick wisely, considering the actual storage space you have.

While choosing the best home workout equipment, remember to decide on a smart health insurance plan for you, too. Physical activity and a healthy lifestyle prevent diseases, whereas health insurance provides financial security against these diseases.

Start planning your home gym today, and once you start working out, be regular and never miss a day.



Important things to know while disposing off a two-wheeler

There is no denying that many outdated vehicles are still plying on Indian roads, causing massive pollution. Therefore, the Government of India has unveiled the Nation's new Vehicle Scrapping Policy. The main object of this updated policy is to get rid of old and unfit automobiles that produce pollution. The government aims to clean up the air, and the efforts are commendable.

If you have an outdated two-wheeler at home and are considering scrapping it, here are some things you should know prior.

1. Mandatory fitness examination:
The procedure of obtaining a fitness certificate would become significantly strict under the updated scrappage Policy. If your two-wheeler is more than 20 years old, you will have to take a fitness test for your vehicle.
Automobiles registered for business use are subject to the fitness standards once they go beyond the 15 years mark. Computerized workshops will be set up around the Nation. This will result in pinpoint accuracy and faster tests.

2. Compulsory end of life vehicle certification:
If your bike fails the fitness test, you will be required to get an ‘End of Life Vehicle certificate’. This is because used automobiles contain dangerous compounds such as lead-acid batteries, lubricating oil, coolant, braking fluid, and catalytic converters. If not disposed of properly, these compounds can contaminate the environment and risk human health and wildlife.

Benefits of scrapping your old bike:
If you're purchasing a new vehicle under the scrappage program, you will receive a 4 to 6% refund off the total price. In addition, state governments can recommend a road-tax credit of up to 25% for personal automobiles and up to 15% for commercial automobiles. In some cases, automobile manufacturers also offer a 5% discount to those who present the 'Scrapping Certificate,' and registration expenses will be waived when purchasing a new vehicle.

Additional pointers to know:

• The policy will not apply to vintage bikes.

• Hybrid and electric bikes are exempted.

• A bike that runs on alternative fuels like CNG is exempted.

When will the policy come into action?
The updated policy will come to force starting with large commercial automobiles, requiring mandatory fitness testing beginning April 1st, 2023. In a phased approach, all other vehicles will be subject to the fitness test starting June 1st, 2024.

Final Say:

The policy is set to come into action in the year 2022; the most crucial stage for the proposed program to succeed is to construct the necessary infrastructure across the nation immediately. As things stand, India has seven computerized fitness test facilities and two official scrappage sites. To meet the market demand, more such facilities are provisioned in coming years.

This policy will encourage the bike sale, benefit the environment, and a step towards a greener future. While benefiting from all the incentives when you dispose of your 2 wheeler, add an extra benefit of insurance to the bundle of happiness. Buy a 2 wheeler insurance online, customize your plan according to your needs, and include the add-ons that can help you when you plan to buy a new two-wheeler after disposing of the old one.

Click HERE to get 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Benefits of usage-based insurance for your car insurance

Insurance for your car is as important as your health insurance because your vehicle also needs a safety shield. It protects your vehicle against incidents like accidents, theft, or damages. You might be aware of the conventional way of car insurance. But here, we provide you with information about usage-based car insurance and its benefits.

The very first question that arises in your mind is, "What is usage-based car insurance?" User-based insurance or UBI combines the expertise from telecommunication and informatics sectors to serve the auto industry. The traditional car insurance policy's premium is based on the car's model and not the driving abilities. So even if you use your vehicle less frequently and have good driving skills, you have to pay a particular premium according to the standard calculation.

Whereas, UBI is a new concept in the Indian car insurance segment that usually collects the available information from the vehicle with the help of Telematics. The accurate data helps insurers to get a better estimation of mileage and driving habits of the driver. Then, the insurer decides on the premium amount based on your driving skills, basic vehicle information, and driving data.

When you opt for UBI, you have to install a tracker on your car, which will collect your driving data, and it will be used on a large stage. It will create your driving risk profile for your welfare and your insurance company. It stores the following data:

1. Frequency of usage of your car

2. Average speed of your car

3. Accelerating and braking pattern of your car while you drive

4. Based on your driving, you are rated if a safe driver or harsh driver

This information is used to charge the appropriate premium for your car insurance. So if you have a low-risk profile with an excellent driving score, you have to pay less premium than a reckless driver.

Also, this UBI comes in variants like:

1. Pay as You Drive (PAYD): Premium charged based on the amount of driving

2. Pay How You Drive (PHYD): Premium is decided based on driving skills

3. Distance-based Insurance: This is miles-based insurance; in this, the total number of miles covered by the car during the policy period will decide the premium

Let us share some of the advantages of UBI:

1. Having a personalized car insurance plan can save your pocket to a reasonable extent

2. It's a rewarding system for safe and skilled drivers

3. In critical times like accidents, your location is easily tracked and rescued on time with medical aids

4. Insurance companies get closer conversations and better relations with customers

5. This information or data analysis helps in identifying and reducing accidents or rash driving

6. Increases customer's interest as well as reduces claim cost. This further results in low-risk driving and safe drivers

Lastly, the UBI concept is still a new segment in the insurance industry but transforming digitally with more accurate information and benefits. So, get the advantages from UBI when you buy your online car insurance.



Interesting facts to know about FASTag before installing it

The Indian government has recently stated that installing FASTag is mandatory for every vehicle. Various toll plazas in the country have already adopted it for toll collection. This initiative helps to make the cashless tax collection and reduce waiting time at the toll plazas.

FASTag comes in the form of a sticker or a tag that you need to stick on your car’s windscreen. You can recharge FASTag as per your requirement. When your car passes through a toll plaza, it automatically deducts a certain amount from your bank account or a prepaid wallet. FASTags are a step forward in making India digital. Following are some interesting facts and benefits of FASTag if you are still sceptical about installing it.

Interesting facts to know about FASTag.

1. Without FASTag, you pay double:
Although the authorities have made the use of FASTags compulsory for all vehicles, they are more than just mandatory. If a vehicle does not have it installed, they have to pay double what is paid through FASTag. This rule has been imposed to promote the use of the electronic chip and reduce waiting time and fuel consumption at the tolls.

2. RFID technology:
FASTag uses the RFID or Radio Frequency Identification technology for making payments directly when the vehicle is still in motion. The FASTag sticker is affixed on the vehicle’s windscreen and lets you make direct payments from your bank account or wallet.

3. FASTags are bank-neutral:
FASTags are available in most of the certified banks. They are also available at various toll plazas, digital wallets, and unified payment networks. Vehicle owners can simply visit any of these locations or visit these apps with the required documents to open their FASTag account and recharge it.

4. FASTags have validity:
FASTags have a validity of five years from the day of issuance. This means you will have to renew your FASTag account every 5 years. However, there is no expiry date on your recharge money, and you can use it as per your requirements. To check the validity of your FASTag, you can log in to the bank’s FASTag portal or mobile app.

5. Recharge as per your requirements:
There are two ways you can pay tolls using FASTag- by linking FASTag to your bank account where the money is directly deducted or by recharging your online wallet. If you choose to recharge, the minimum amount is Rs. 100. The recharge can only be done through online mode.

6. FASTags send you SMS alerts:
When you open your FASTag account and link your mobile number to it, you will be notified via SMS whenever there is a deduction from your account. You will also receive details regarding available balance, recharge confirmations, and alerts if you have a low balance.

Technological advancements have been shaping the future of India in various dimensions, and road transport has been receiving the optimum results. Severe commutation issues like long traffic jams, chaos at the toll plazas, and road accidents, have been brought under control with the wise use of technology.

FASTag has been a significant contributor to this movement, and it will show a massive positive impact in the coming years. Be a responsible driver and install FASTag in your vehicle to play your role in the initiative. Use these technology initiatives in your favour to have a comfortable and safe driving standard. And when safety is concerned, think of car insurance. Reduce dependencies on additional unwanted expenses and cover your car under the benefits of a comprehensive car insurance policy. Always look after your car insurance renewal to enjoy uninterrupted services for a long time.

Click HERE to know more about the best car insurance renewal options.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best car accessories and gadgets to buy

Cars are the most comfortable mode of commuting and road trips. Their design and features provide convenience to you both on a daily basis and also for a longer drive. Is your car your second home? If yes, then why not think of personalizing it with certain accessories or gadgets. If you choose the right accessories or gadgets, then they can make your time on the road more joyful.

This article shares some of the best accessories and gadgets that we recommend for your car.

1. Dash cams:

Dash cams are designed to capture astonishing, and bewildering moments during a car ride. Are you aware that Dash cams can save lives? Dash cams record your entire journey, covering the footage of the road as well as inside of your car. They are helpful at the time of accident investigation. Several advanced versions of Dash cams provide car protection that is one step ahead. In addition, they come with GPS that stands crucial to locate the car in case of severe accidents.

2. USB charger:

These days, there is nowhere you can go without a charged cell phone because your life depends on it! From work calls to booking hotels, travel tickets to even paying for food, you need your smartphone for it all. Therefore, it is advisable to own a USB charger capable of charging multiple devices at a time. In addition, car charges are handy products and provide immediate battery backup for your electronic devices during the journey.

3. Bluetooth speakers for music:

Even a short ride home is incomplete without some music. You wouldn't want to miss your favourite song playing on the radio during a drive. So it would be entirely ignorant if you do not have a good Bluetooth speaker. In the age of wireless technology, accessories like Bluetooth speakers are doing wonders. They come with specifications like better sound quality, on-the-go wireless connectivity, and hands-free operation. So get yourself one to enjoy the uninterrupted music during your drive.

4. Head-Up Display (HUD):

This gadget will make people fawn over your whole car as it gives futuristic and ultra-modern vibes. It projects the GPS on a transparent screen in front of you. Head-up displays are positioned on the dashboards so that the driver gets a clear view of vital data to see without disturbing the usual view angle. HUDs come with a navigation facility as well and make your car complete with satisfactory cruise control.

5. Rooftop Cargo:

While travelling, fitting all your luggage in your car's trunk can, at times, be difficult for you. Suddenly you realize that the insufficient boot space is a major issue as it cannot accomodate all your luggage. However, a cargo box for your vehicle will surely help you fit in your whole family's baggage for the next trip.

On a conclusive note, the modern and futuristic accessories make your driving experience more personalized and comfortable. You can also keep updating your old gadgets with newly added features.

Having said that, keep in mind your car insurance renewal remains an important priority. Always renew your car insurance to enjoy the benefits that it comes with, continuously.



Know about these seven driving habits that might be damaging your car

We all want our cars to stay forever sparkling and perfect, and we do everything in our capacity to keep them brand-new. Still, we cause some damage to the vehicles. It doesn't matter if you are an experienced driver or a learner; we all sometimes make mistakes as a result of particular bad habits.

These incorrect driving habits lead to unnecessary wear and tear to the vehicles and spending more money on repairs in the garage. To avoid it, we have shared 07 driving habits that you might need to look into immediately.

1. Not slowing down at potholes and speed breakers:
At least one-third of the damage to your cars occurs due to not slowing down over potholes and bumpers. It is not practically possible to avoid potholes everywhere you drive, so the least you can do is slow down.
Not slowing down on potholes can cause buckled wheels, lumps in the tyres, and even cracked alloys. The same goes for speed breakers; if you slow down on a speed breaker, you can avoid severe damage to the underside of your car and the exhaust system.

2. Continuing to drive your car at a low fuel level:
People fill up the tank when it reaches the 1/4 mark. At the same time, others push their cars to their limits. If you're the second type, you may be causing damage to your vehicle. When your fuel tank is nearly empty, the car will draw petrol from the very bottom. This may appear harmless, but the base is usually where all the toxins settle and concentrate, and if there is a significant build-up of impurities, it may clog your filters which might enter the engine.

3. Overloading your car:
We all have a habit of leaving something behind in the car, thinking it does not make a big difference. But all this extra load brings strain on your car’s brakes and suspension. Therefore, think twice before loading unnecessary luggage in the trailer next time. Plus, you will also form a habit of keeping your car clutter-free.

4. Smoking in the car:
Smoke from the cigarette makes your car stink. But the problem does not stop there. Over time, the particles from the smoke will mix with the car's material, leading to bad odour and discolouration of surfaces. This becomes tough to get rid of and will eventually deplete the value of your vehicle.

5. Revving your engine too soon in cold weather:
Revving your engine too soon will damage the engine's parts which are not yet lubricated with engine oil. Therefore, allow the engine to warm up properly before revving.

6. Applying brakes too late:
If you are habitual of harshly applying breaks at the last moment, it creates strain on the brake and makes the discs and pads wear out fast. Instead, maintain a steady speed and oversee the obstacles to avoid sudden and harsh braking.

7. Resting your hands on the gear stick:
Keeping your hand on the gear stick can be bad for the transmission because the constant pressure will cause it to wear out much faster.

Take a note of these driving habits that you might be doing unknowingly and keep your car safe from unnecessary damages. Another bad habit that may affect your car’s safety is neglecting your car insurance renewal. It is important to keep your car insurance renewal up-to-date and follow the above tips to keep your car looking and running great.

Click HERE to know more about the car insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Advantages of buying health insurance at an early age

There is a myth that young and healthy people do not need health insurance. An unhealthy lifestyle, irregular eating habits, and no time for exercising are the main reasons for premature illnesses even at a very young age. So, it has become necessary for everyone to have health insurance irrespective of age or income to cover themselves against lifestyle-related diseases. Getting health insurance at an early age brings many benefits and features. We explain a few of them here.

Low premiums:

The main benefit of getting health insurance at an early age is low premium costs since premiums are calculated based on risks. When a person is young, the risks involved regarding their health are lower; therefore, the premium will be low. It is advised to get health insurance as soon as a person turns 18. A child below the age of 18 can get coverage in the parent’s insurance policy.

Wide range of medical coverage options:

Another advantage of availing of health insurance at an early age is the comprehensive coverage options for diseases. Fortunately, treatments and medications are available for all diseases. Some of these diseases can cost a fortune if the expenses are not covered by health insurance. Health insurance policies provide a lot of financial support in case of any emergency. Also, there are lifetime renewal options if the policy is purchased in an early stage.

No-claim bonuses:

Every year, if a no-claim is made for the health insurance policy, the policyholder is rewarded with a bonus. Thus, for a policy purchased at a young age, it is very likely that you make no claim during the policy tenure and can get benefits of cumulative bonuses.

Income Tax advance:

Purchasing health insurance brings income tax benefits to you. Under 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, you can get a tax refund on the yearly premiums you pay for the insurance. It helps you in your financial planning from a very early age of earnings.

Low rejection rate:

Getting a health policy, adding the top-ups and other features is much easier for the young people than the elders. As mentioned earlier, getting the higher coverage or additional feature will cost you relatively less with a low rejection rate. You can enjoy more benefits of comprehensive and holistic coverage than the policies and coverage applied at a later age.

Avail more discount for online health insurance:

During pandemic times, visiting an insurance company and purchasing health insurance is not feasible. Most of the companies now offer discounts and other advantages if applying online. Online health insurance saves you money by recommending the best deals and well-suited policies depending on your requirements. Some websites even have the expertise to suggest plans that match your exact needs.

Like the other mandatory official documents such as driving license and PAN card, it should be your responsibility to purchase health insurance once you turn 18. Negligence in the matter of health is the worst mistake to make. Wisely choose the plan that can cover all your medical expenses for the long term.



Top six camping destinations around Mumbai to spend a happening weekend

Surviving the heat of the hectic work schedules throughout the week and managing the balance between work and personal life is challenging. Mumbai’s fast-paced lifestyle can turn overwhelming as the weekend arrives. But there is a cure for this; Planning a weekend getaway to someplace away from the city chaos. This time think something different for the weekend besides the long drive trips to Lonavala and Mahabaleshwar or jetty rides to Alibaugh. We suggest a full-fledged camping experience to surrender in the arms of nature.

Don't miss out on the escape to the perfect experience of reviving your connection with nature. This article presents a cumulated list of camping sites in a radius of about 200 km from Mumbai.

1. Bhandardara, Ahmednagar:
Known for its patent Fireflies festival, Bhandardara is one of the top places for camping, especially for Mumbaikars. Located 165 kilometres from Mumbai, the destination allows you to have a comfortable long drive on NH3. This camping site also offers you amazing activities such as stargazing, constellation watching, and boating in the lake. Spend some peaceful time in serenity and flush out all the stress of the week during your stay at this beautiful campsite.

2. Malshej Ghat, Kalyan–Ahmednagar Road:
Tucked in the Western Ghats and home to a diverse range of biota is another lush spot for night camping named Malshej ghat. This could be your go-to place if you’re seeking a camping experience all by yourself. The mild air can soothe even the most restless hearts, and the mist and rain create the perfect environment for solitude.

3. Karnala, Mumbai-Goa highway:
Mumbaikars are no strangers to the name Karnala. The fort and sanctuary located here are famous all around the Raigad district. What makes it one of the most extraordinary monsoon retreats is its blanketed hillocks with verdant forests, grass, and foliage throughout the season.

4. Uttan, Mumbai:
Despite being located in Mumbai, this place is cuddled in a beautiful natural setting, far from the usual concrete jungle that we see. Situated at the city’s northern fringes, this is a laid-back fishers town. Visit it to live underneath the stars, eat fresh and delicious seafood, watch live music, and participate in thrilling adventure sports. What makes it even more exciting is that you don’t have to travel more than 50 km to reach the destination.

5. Kolad, Roha:
Residing on the banks of the river Kundalika, Kolad is one of the most serene camping spots around Mumbai. It is also known for being the favourite river rafting destination for Mumbaikars. It is left untouched by wannabe tourists, and hence the only thing that breaks the peaceful stillness is the chirps of birds and babbles of the river.

6. Pawna Lake, Pune:
This lake is an ideal weekend getaway for people who want to absorb the wonderful natural environs. As it rests in the woods, it provides the campers with a great deal of peace and contentment. This site has views that satisfy your exact image of lakeside camping.

Having tons to offer in connection with adventure, nature, relaxation, and breathtaking vistas, these camping sites will undoubtedly provide you with lifelong memories. However, the true essence of any trip can be experienced when it is crafted with security assured at all stages. You won’t like to carry the stress of the safety of your belongings and valuables when you’re out to enjoy your holidays. So, protect your travel with Magma HDI’s online general insurance plan that will ensure your assets’ security throughout your trip.

To look for online general insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These useful hacks can help you remove rust from your two-wheeler

There is no question that motorcyclists are crazy about their bikes and want to keep them glowing all the time. Most of the time, even seasonal changes won’t derail their desire to have a shining bike. Seasonal changes like wet and humid weather harm the two-wheelers most, mainly the rusting. Rust is an awful deal to handle when the bike has seen mud, water, ice, and road salt.

But there are DIY hacks that help you combat rust and preserve the life of your two-wheeled companion. In today’s article, we’ll discuss some clever, useful hacks that will help you handle rust efficiently.

1. Lemon Juice to remove rust:

The acidic nature of lemon helps eliminate rust in its early stages before it affects the inside metal. Here’s how to use it:

• Collect ample lemon juice in a cup.

• Apply the juice thoroughly onto a ball of steel wool with the help of a spoon, or simply dip the steel wool in the cup.

• Rub the rusted areas gently with steel wool.

• Wipe away the extra lemon juice and rust particles using tissue paper, done!

*keep the juice away from your eyes and any open wounds as it may cause burns due to its acidic nature. Wear gloves and glasses for precaution.

2. Get rid of rust using potatoes and salt:

When it comes to organic cleaning, this small technique is fantastic to have on hand. Here’s how you can use this duo to get rid of that adamant rust;

• Cut a potato in half.

• Rub the sliced portion of the potato on salt, thoroughly coating it.

• Rub the salted potato over the rusted parts vigorously. Slice the salted end of the potato off and dip it in extra salt as needed.

• Thoroughly rinse afterwards.

The oxalic acid present in potatoes naturally helps dissolve rust, while the salt works as an abrasive.

3. Sandpaper to scrape off the rust:
Use sandpaper to get rid of rust from parts such as engine and transmission, as these parts require precise attention. A slight deviation can throw everything off if not done correctly.

4. Baking soda to remove rust:
Make a thick mixture of water and baking soda and rub it all over the rusted surface. Let the paste settle on the bike's surface for about an hour. Rub the surface with steel wool. Rinse thoroughly with water & dry it using a paper towel.

5. Scrubbing – the good old way:
Simply scrubbing using a wire brush is also effective in getting rid of rust from larger bike parts. This technique, however, is not suggested for chrome parts of your bike since you may wind up scratching them.

Although these organic rust removing techniques are excellent, most of them are acid-based, and they have the potential to damage your bike, particularly in areas with mixed materials such as steel + rubber or steel + plastic.

It's best to hand over your motorcycle to experts for rust removals if it is heavily covered in rust. They make sure you get the best results while assuring the perseverance of your bike. A good 2 wheeler insurance provides the security covers with these aspects as well, including rust remover. So if you have 2 wheeler insurance, you can claim the rust repairs under it. Be a responsible owner and make investments that can yield you considerable profits. After all, your two-wheeler is a prized possession, and maintaining it in good shape should be your priority.

Click HERE to know more about 2 wheeler know more about 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these simple steps to renew your expired driver's licence

Whether you are driving a motorbike or car, having a valid licence is mandatory. Most driving licences are issued for approximately 20 years or until the driver turns 50 years (whichever is earlier). Therefore, you need to renew your licence once it expires. Note that your driving experience and capabilities during your previous licence will not be considered for the renewal of it. Additionally, if you do not renew your licence until a year after the licence’s expiration, you will have to go through the entire process of getting a licence again.

Moreover, your driving licence is valid up to 30 days from expiration. Gone are the days when you had to stand in a long queue at the RTO’s office for the renewal of your licence. Due to covid’s second wave, the government issued a hassle-free way to apply for the renewal online in just a few simple steps.

No matter which state you reside in, you can easily apply for renewal from the comfort of your home. Continue reading the blog to discover all the vital steps you can take to get your licence renewed.

Steps to renew your driving licence online:

Step 1: Visit the official website of Parivahan Sewa Portal of MoRTH (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways) by clicking HERE

Step 2: Next, enter your state’s name on your screen.

Step 3: You will now be redirected to the page with various options. Select “apply for DL renewal.”

Step 4: Now, a page with instructions will appear. Carefully read each instruction to avoid committing any mistake.

Step 5: Click on “continue” at the bottom of page and proceed further to the application form.

Step 6: Now, fill your application. Enter your previous driving licence’s number and date of birth and click on “continue.” Fill all the details and provide information as asked on your screen.

Step 7: Depending on your state, you may also require to upload your signature and photo.

Note: If you need to make changes to your medical certificates, you may have to book a time slot to undergo the RTO test.

Step 8: Now, the site will take you to the acknowledgement page, where you can see your application ID. Additionally, all the application details will be sent to you through SMS on your registered mobile number. Make sure you print out the acknowledgement for future reference.

Step 9: The final step is to make the payment and verify your payment status. You can pay through a debit or credit card. Usually, the fees may vary from one state to another.

Simply follow the above steps to renew your existing licence in a fast, convenient, and hassle-free way. Never drive a vehicle without a proper licence. If you are caught driving without a licence and valid insurance papers, you will be fined with penalties. Be a responsible driver; keep all your essential documents ready with you at all times, including your car’s insurance papers. If the insurance is due, make an online motor insurance renewal to ensure the benefits of your policy and protect you against any mishaps.

Click HERE to get the best quotes for online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is it possible to install CNG kits in two-wheelers?

Following year-long debate and discussions, the Indian government finally allowed CNG kits for two-wheelers as well. Interestingly, CNG kits can efficiently be installed even in mopeds with about 81.75 cc to 136.25 cc capacity. However, there are some restrictions on the installation of CNG kits in two-wheelers. ICAT and Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) respectively approve only Euro-III-type automobiles to install these CNG kits.

CNG costs much cheaper than petrol or diesel and gives clean fuel to two-wheelers. This suggests that converting your two-wheeler into CNG will prove to be economically practical.

Advantages of installing CNG conversion kits:

• Natural gas is a cheaper alternative to petroleum as it costs almost one-third of petrol in some states of India. Natural gas is as cheap as 49.40 rupees per Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (GGE).

• CNG is less harmful to the environment than petrol. Compared to petrol and diesel, natural gas emits much less hazardous pollutants and hydrocarbons, thereby reducing the adverse effects of harmful emissions on the environment and human health.

• When compared to gasoline, CNG produces fewer toxic carbon deposits when burned. As a result, the engine is cleaner and more efficient. It removes the carbon deposits that taint the oil, reducing the need for oil changes.

• India has a well-developed pipeline network and abundant natural gas reserves. Switching to CNG fuel can help our nation to be less reliant on the import of oil.

• CNG can save your bike from getting green taxes. Vehicles that pass the automated fitness centres test are given a green tax at the time of registration. However, vehicles with CNG kits are exempted.

Disadvantages of installing CNG conversion kits:

• CNG tanks require more space. As a result, you may have to give up some room off your two-wheeler. In addition, a CNG cylinder can be a little heavier, which can be a difficulty in the handling of the two-wheeler.

• There are a limited number of CNG filling stations. Therefore, people who live in places with no easy access to CNG filling stations won't find CNG conversion the most efficient option.

• The cost of a CNG kit and the initial installation is high that refrains a decent population from installing these kits on their two-wheelers.

Experts believe air pollution will substantially decrease if more two-wheelers owners decide to switch to the CNG option. With global environmental issues bringing new challenges time and again, finding greener solutions and implementing them is a need of the hour.

Installing a CNG kit in your two-wheeler is not enough to improve the mileage and save additional expenses. Another thing to consider about CNG fitted two-wheelers is the expensive repair cost in case of an accident. Therefore, you require extra protection of a 2 wheeler insurance. Check out Magma HDI’s 2 wheeler insurance online and make your journeys stress-free and financially safe against adverse situations.

Environment-friendly and sustainable practices can be our first step towards a secure future. If you’re ready to compromise with the minor discomforts and consider pollution as a bigger threat, then switching to natural alternatives is the best choice that you can make!

Click HERE to get your 2 wheeler insurance online with us.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Planning a long road journey at night? Follow these nine safety practices

The city, highways, and the sky above look much more beautiful at night. And, driving alongside the stars and the pleasant winds is a memorable experience. But apart from the nicer part, night time driving is also dangerous. One of the main reasons is the decreased visibility during the night due to the low contrast and the glare of the headlights of vehicles coming from the front.

The probability of a fatal car accident increases three times during the night. When we are exhausted and sleepy, our reaction time is slow, and we cannot think or make any decisions correctly. As a result, our overall spatial and environmental awareness decreases.

Due to the condition and unpredictability of Indian roads and traffic, driving at night is a challenge. Still, if you are planning to take a long road journey at night, follow these 09 safety practices.

1. Driving at a slower speed:
37% of night time road accidents are due to speeding compared to only 21% in the daytime. We advise you to drive at a speed lower than you typically do on the same road in daylight.

2. Drive with someone:
It is always better to drive with someone at night as the two of you can take turns driving every two hours. This way, both will receive some rest, and neither will be too exhausted while driving.

3. Take a nap:
Whenever you start feeling drowsy, pull over and take a nap. Even an hour’s rest will keep you going for the next three to four hours. Ensure that the place you pull over is safe; a restaurant’s parking lot or petrol pump is better than a random spot on the highway. Remember to lock doors and check your surroundings properly.

4. Maintain a safe distance:
It is an essential practice for driving. This becomes even more important during nights because our reaction time and judgment abilities are always lower than in the daytime.

5. Dim the lights:
Avoid using high beams on busy roads as you will only be blinding the other drivers. But in case the lights on the highways are dim, switch to using high beams.

6. Drunk driving:
Drunk driving is illegal; still, many drivers don’t consider it serious. So, even if you do not drink, you are likely to meet many other drunk drivers on your way. Therefore, drive with caution as drunk drivers are likely not to follow signals properly and abruptly stop or switch lanes. Even if it's not your fault, you may have to pay the price. Here, good car insurance can assist you with covering the financial losses.

7. Clean your car:
Focus more on the windscreens and windows as this will increase the visibility. Keep the wipers in proper working condition. Fix any cracks or scratches in the glass as they are likely to scatter light.

8. Be well rested:
If you know that you will be driving at night, it is advisable to rest appropriately the day before. Also, take care of your eyes, wear anti-reflecting glasses to avoid high beams.

9. Eat a light meal:
Having heavy meals will make you feel sleepy and bloated, therefore stick to fruits and vegetables, and stay away from fast food.

Driving at night is not the safest choice but by being alert, sober, and following the practices mentioned above, we can make night journeys safe and convenient for you and other commuters. Also, driving at night does not mean you remain in the dark when it comes to your car insurance. Purchasing ideal car insurance and adhering to traffic laws and driving ethics can assure vehicle safety under all circumstances.

Looking for car insurance? Click HERE to get the best quotes.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Take a look at the seasonal maintenance checklist for your home

Buying a home is probably the most significant investment that someone makes in their life. But how often do we cherish and maintain it? The idea of climbing over roofs and crawling in small spaces to clean and check things does not excite anyone, but it certainly is necessary.

Few things need to be done more regularly than others, such as weekly cleaning your windows and wardrobes. Cleaning the drainage pipes, washrooms, and bathrooms can be done once or twice a month.

If thinking about home maintenance gives you a headache, do not worry. We have created the seasonal maintenance checklist for your home to make things easier for you.

But what are the main things you need to focus on?

• The exterior of your house

• Plumbing and drainage systems

• Electricals

• Security system

• Heating and cooling systems

1. Spring:

'Spring cleaning' is crucial as this is the humid transition period between winter's cold temperatures and upcoming summer heat.

• Check the overall condition of the roof.

• Pour water into floor drains; this will help prevent sewage odours and clean the gutters.

• Schedule your AC for service and replacement of its filter.

2. Summer:

Summer is all about spending time with your friends and family. So, this checklist suggests what you would require to do to prepare for a fun summer holiday.

• Remove dead grasses, lay flower beds, ensure everything looks fresh, and water your garden or house plants regularly.

• Check all the hoses for any wear and tear or leaking issues and fix them immediately if you find any.

• Deep clean the interiors and exteriors of your house, including the driveways and sideways.

• Pest Control during this season is crucial, mainly to prevent mites from damaging your furniture.

3. Monsoon:

Monsoons dominate India’s climate. Indeed, they bring the much-needed water for our crops, but they are also accompanied by strong winds, floods, and power cuts.

• Ensure no stagnant water accumulation as it is the breeding ground for mosquitoes and many other insects.

• Install an effective ventilator to prevent the musty odour from the damp walls and things.

• The constant dampness can cause bugs and fungus on your carpet and rugs so take measures to prevent that.

• A complete waterproofing of walls and ceiling is necessary.

4. Autumn:

The autumn season is the best time to run an overall maintenance check of your home as it is dry, and the temperature is often comfortable.

• Inspect your doors and windows for any cracks, and if there are, get them fixed.

• Check the paint, and if you are planning to paint your house, autumn is the best time.

• To remove the accumulated sediments, clean your water taps, showerheads and water heaters. This will prolong their life and their efficiency.

5. Winter:

Most of us love to be cosy and stay indoors during winters, so it makes sense to focus more on the indoors during this chilly time of the year. But, winter is a season of a few marquee festivals of India, so take this opportunity to keep your home shining. This will even keep you engaged during the cold season.

• A thorough inspection of plumbing is essential. The pipes will likely develop cracks and leaks when the water gets cold.

• Check the heating and air ventilation systems of all appliances.

If you follow this easily doable checklist, you will considerably save your time in maintaining your home in the long run. Not just the maintenance but also the security of your home is equally important. Include a point of home insurance in your checklist for additional protection from unexpected mishaps. Buy home insurance online to get the best deals on your plan. You may even stand a chance to get lower premiums if you have worked upon the security of your home by installing safety equipment and systems.

Click HERE to buy home insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.