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Two Wheeler Insurance- Types of Cover you need, Exclusions, Benefits

Two-wheeler insurance provides coverage to two-wheeler vehicles and bikes. It primarily covers any losses incurred from road accidents, natural disasters, or theft. The motor vehicle act of 1988 also makes it mandatory for owners of vehicles to have valid motor insurance. You are liable to pay hefty penalties otherwise.

But what type of covers should you choose? Are there any exclusions? What benefits do these covers entail? All of these are recurring questions that will annoy you before you settle for a plan of your choice. So, read along to have these queries answered.

What are the types of two-wheeler insurance policy?

The two variants of two-wheeler insurance policies available in the market are third party and comprehensive cover. But before you choose from these two, you need your insurance expectations fulfilled without having to exceed your budget.

  • A third party cover is the cheapest option you can avail as of yet. This cover will save you from any legal liabilities if and when your vehicle is involved in accidents or has caused third-party damage. However, this doesn’t entail cover for damages incurred to your vehicle.
  • A comprehensive cover has a broader spread of coverage which includes damages to your vehicle along with third-party damages. This, perhaps, is reliably the best option for those who have bought a new bike.

Inclusion and Exclusions

Third-Party Two-Wheeler Insurance

The 2018 Supreme Court order mandates that it is compulsory to have a 5-year Third-Party Policy for two-wheeler owners. The cover will save you from liabilities associated with any third-party claim as well as personal injuries. However, there is no coverage provided for damage incurring on the vehicle or theft of the same.

Inclusions of Third Party Two-Wheeler Insurance

  • If your vehicle has caused bodily injuries to any third-party, the legal liabilities concerning the cost of treatment will be covered under this policy.
  • Similarly, damages incurred to any third party property will be fulfilled, and you will be compensated for the victim’s claim.
  • The compensation amount forwarded to the victim will be subjective and settled by the Motor Tribunal Court.

Exclusions of Third Party Two-Wheeler Insurance

  • Damage incurred due to non-collision is not covered under third-party bike insurance, for which the expenses are to be carried by you.
  • Damages on your vehicle won’t be covered as well
  • Damages impacting your bike due to any natural disaster or theft won’t be covered under this policy.

Note: Be thorough while going through your policy documents.

Comprehensive Bike Insurance

This insurance policy provides comprehensive coverage to your own and third-party damages. Comprehensive bike insurance makes it more bearable for the owners to recover from an accident.

Inclusions of Comprehensive Bike Insurance

  • Includes damages caused to your vehicle due to lightning, explosion, fire.
  • Includes damages caused due to any natural disaster, including storms, floods, inundations, earthquakes.
  • Includes recovery for vehicles stolen or damaged during strikes, or any malicious acts.
  • Includes cover for accidents due to accidents by external elements like, for instance, terror activity.
  • Includes cover for damages done during vehicle transit by waterway, lift, elevators, road and rail.

Exclusions of Comprehensive Bike Insurance

  • Damages occurring when the policy has expired won’t be covered.
  • Vehicular ageing causing vehicular wear and tear won’t be included.
  • Damages due to any electrical or mechanical breakdown are not covered.
  • If your vehicle is damaged when you are driving under the influence of any substance, no coverage is offered.
  • Two-wheelers used for any commercial activity won’t benefit any coverage from this policy when damaged.


Now since you are well aware of the nuances of these policy variants, all you need to do is check up on a Two-Wheeler Insurance Rate , read through the policy documents, compare insurance service products across insurers and choose a plan that fits your insurance requirement.


5 Ways To Fight Depression With Health Insurance

Depression is a mood disorder, synonymously known as “depressive disorder.” It makes you feel deprived of essential happiness, a sense of endless sadness, and loss of interest in daily life.
The pandemic situation triggered a rise in depression and other mental health issues. The Supreme Court motivated the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India to allow all insurers with health insurance on mental health issues.
Magma insurance makes it seamless for insurers to buy health insurance online in a few steps. Due to the combined efforts, mental health ailments are inclusive in health insurance. Buy health insurance online to cover significant illnesses related to mental health. It also covers other adverse effects, which are consequences of any mental health issue.
Although it is difficult to cope and be active, positivity seems far-fetched. Instead of feeling helpless, try to take control of your situation by following these measures only with your doctor’s approval. Buy health insurance online to secure yourself from the expenses that private hospitals and therapies incur.

Always Consult Your Doctor Before Any Step

Depression is one of the acute ailments that you shouldn’t take for granted for a low phase. If you are facing recurring negative thoughts, immediately consult an expert. Don’t take medications less or more than the prescribed amount as it aggravates. While you fight against depression, choose to buy health insurance online as a cover shield to your process.

Be Open To New Experiences And Paths

As you embark on a depression-free life journey, make sure you are open to trying out new ways. Redefine the traditional aspects of treatment for your well-being. For instance, the reason to buy health insurance online is that it has multifaceted benefits such as comprehensive cover on medical bills.

Make Lifestyle Improvement To Stay Strong

Lifestyle changes include many elements combined, such as a balanced diet and good night’s sleep are crucial. Follow a routine and maintain a weekly pillbox to help you remember your dosage. Try to stay active during the day, such as go out for walks with neighbors and friends. Go on frequent getaways into nature, away from the urban jungle.

Reduce Stress Triggers At Home And Workplace Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your family and friends regarding household matters. At work, during a certain amount of pressure, reach out to your colleagues, and let them support you to regulate your stress levels. Another way to live stress-free is to buy health insurance online with the help of Magma Insurance.

Daily Reminder: Don’t Give Up Yet

Depression feels hopeless, a sign of despair that seems never to end. That is how the ailment manifests, try not to fall trap into the negative thoughts. Soon, it will be all the better with time, patience, and therapy. Remember, if you buy health insurance online, you will secure your family’s future along with yours.
To avoid depression entirely, you may choose to eliminate the factors leading up to excessive complications. Follow a routine, take medications, and therapy on time. It takes small efforts to make a positive impact on mental health. Start with self-love.
Creativity outflow helps to overcome the intensities and further emerges as a form of expression. Write a journal or paint your heart out. Try to stay active using any form of work out, such as yoga, cardio, and dance. Keeping yourself busy yet staying on top of your thoughts is one way to combat depression and live life.
Magma Insurance brings insurance policies to your fingertips for a convenient, hassle-free online process. All you have to do is get on the website and fill up your details. Choose a relevant plan after proper comparison. Once done, fill in the declaration form and make the payment. Due to Magma Insurance, to Buy Health Insurance Online is as simple as a cakewalk. Make a decision to secure your future, live stress-free, and be ahead of depression.


Healthcare tips: How to keep yourself safe during Diwali in COVID-19

The festival of lights seems to be around the corner and preparations seem to be at the same pace as the previous years. Considering the fact at how the other festivals have been celebrated around the year with a different twist, courtesy of the Novel coronavirus, even the festival of lights will be something different.
Diwali 2020 is here, but so is the global pandemic. Thankfully, there are ways where we can have a vibe and energy of the festival, but with precautions at a limit. The good news is you can keep your excitements intact besides still enjoying them and cherishing the moments with your family with these few guidelines.

Healthcare Tips For Diwali 2020 To ensure proper safety and security and an environment where people can enjoy the festivities, the government has laid out essential guidelines to help the common public enjoy the festivities with ease. While the large gatherings and events are crucial, here are the other procedures to help you enjoy a safe and prosperous Diwali amidst the COVID-19 outbreak and social distancing norms.

● Refrain from using sanitisers before lighting Diya/candles

Refrain It is always advisable that you don’t use sanitiser before lighting up crackers. The nature of hand sanitiser makes them based on alcohol; therefore, it might risk exposure to burns when you decide to burn a cracker or light diyas due to its explosive nature.
However, to enjoy a safe Diwali while saving yourself from the virus, we recommend you wash your hands with soap and water before doing anything which involves lighting fire.

● Keep sanitiser away from fire

Just like you should keep crackers away from gas stoves, similar is the situation with sanitiser bottles.
While they are essential, it is crucial to understand the hazards that might come involved with the same. Their flammable nature might lead to an explosion when it comes in contact with a spark. Therefore, it is always advisable to keep your sanitiser bottles away from the scene where crackers are being lit.

● Keep water handy

Rather than carrying sanitisers with you everywhere, consider keeping water in close contact with the place where you are celebrating Diwali or merely lighting up the Diyas.
This way, you not only save yourself from the chances of spreading infection but also prevent injuries that can happen while you are opting for fireworks. Instead of carrying sanitisers everywhere, you can consider bringing water and paper soap instead. Since they are safer and you can easily wash your hands anywhere without the danger of catching fire.

● Maintain physical distancing

We understand the festivities need you to come closer to your family and spend quality time around. Remember, even Covid is around us, and we need to keep a note of the same.
We suggest you follow the government norms even while enjoying Diwali with your family and maintain the norms of social distancing. This way, you can not only enjoy the festivities at peace but also be sure that your close ones are safe. Besides trying to stay indoors, we also suggest that you prefer greeting your loved ones over video calls rather than meeting them. However, even if you meet them, do not opt for shaking hands and try welcoming the Indian way of namaste.

● Don't forget your mask

Mask is a must, while it is okay to celebrate all your festivities at your pace. Remember, there’s a reason that masks are suggested to you.
Do not forget to put on your mask even when you are stepping out or, better; you can also put it on while you are bursting crackers as this way, it will not only save you from the virus but also help you stay away from the pollution caused by the same.

● Follow all precautions

While it has been a familiar scene for people to be not following precautions and taking the pandemic lightly, we advise you to keep an account of all the precautions that are suggested and try to keep yourself and your family safe.


Guide to Buy a Used Car

Owning a brand new car is a dream that most of us have had when growing up. But with age, the practicality of finance dawned upon us. While it’s not something we wish to go for, buying a used car is often ruled out of the possibilities. The most common conception surrounding buying used cars is that they are old and have lost the charm of the new car, especially the already used engine, the brand new parts and the quality assurance from the car company is lost. We tend to miss out on the most important thing, used cars are themselves a proof of how good they are. They have undergone the trial and tests of time.
Still unsure of what to look for when thinking about buying a used car?

● The budget-

Before every large expenditure, one needs to keep aside a budget. The budget helps in cutting the corners and ensures we do not go overboard when spending our valuable and hard earned money. Do your research and homework on how to buy a used car and read all the important things that come as a procedure for the same.

● Car insurance-

Before buying a used car, always make sure to check the Car Insurance that covers the car. The reason behind it is tricky yet very simple. The history of car insurance claims shows you a brief data of how much repair it went through in the span of its running. The more the claims, the more did the car go through repairing and availed maintenance.

Always remember you can buy the best insurance online, if your car ever needs one.

● Any required changes or modifications after checking the car’s condition

Make sure to take a test drive before you buy any car- whether new or used. Taking a test ride makes you sure about the working condition of the major parts of the car. Whilst taking the ride you can ensure whether the lights work fine or have problems when lighting up, whether the stereo system is faulty. Also make sure you do a proper inspection of the car before finalising it. Check out for how old the car is, usually the prices of the cars depreciate after the first three years and also keep an eye for the wear and tear, if any that might cost you a bomb if gone unnoticed.

● Make required documentation-

Before buying a car, the first thing to keep in mind is the paperwork. Important documents like road tax receipt, the certificate of registration, insurance, pollution certificate, to name some, needs to be done carefully. If the aforesaid documents are not maintained in proper order, you would land yourself in a gruelling battle when transferring ownership.
Apart from these important pointers, as a buyer you need to do a thorough homework on whom to approach and when to buy. There are two types of sellers- the dealer and the direct seller. It is often advisable to go for the latter which removes any chances of you keeping yourself out from any kind of theft and fraud. There are many times when the middlemen tamper with the odometers of the cars and sell you the false information, which the direct owner would not. The direct owner would provide you with detailed and honest information of the service history, the original RC and the usage of the car.
Not only are the sellers important for understanding and getting an idea how the car was used, they also help you remove any kind of communication gaps that usually occur in the presence of a middleman.