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Got a salary hike? Four things you must do after getting an increment!

Ever imagined what the three magical words for people with jobs are? It has to be, “Salary got credited”. But the actual happiness comes in when you get an increment in your current salary. Getting a salary raise after years of hard work is a significant milestone in life. After constantly working towards achieving your goals, earning a salary hike is a moment to celebrate, even if it’s small.

Once your source of income increases, your expenses also go up simultaneously. In addition to this, your taxes inflate too. Unless you have a proper financial plan, things might take a toll. But, not to worry, here are a few essential steps that you can implement after getting a salary increment.

1. Clear all your debts – no more instalment reminders:
Before you start spending more, it is important to clear the outstanding dues. If you plan to purchase something new on credit card or instalment, you must clear your loans or ongoing EMI. This will ensure that you don’t end up in any financial burden or unnecessary late payment on your existing loans. Once your dues are paid, your financial responsibility will automatically lower down, meaning you can spend extra on your next vacation or upgrade of your car!

2. Review your general insurance plans – improve the quality of life:
Life is unpredictable; you never know what another day may bring. The previous insurance might not be enough to fulfil your current financial needs. As your salary increases, you want to make sure that you secure the future of your loved ones by saving adequate funds. Insurances could be multiple such as your life insurance plans, motor insurance, general insurance plans, or your health insurance. Make sure you increase the budget of your coverage with more features for the better financial security of your family.

3. Make effective tax planning – be a super saver:
No one can neglect the taxes. As a responsible citizen, you are obligated to pay a certain amount of income tax on your earnings, depending on your income. After an increment, your taxes will also increase. Unless there’s proper planning, you might end up paying heavy taxes, which you could avoid by investing in financial instruments. For example, you can invest in life insurance plans, mutual funds, stocks, etc. Under the law, the taxes will not consider the fees you will pay for your insurance.

4. Work towards increasing your net worth – get ready to grow more:
Securing your money for long-term benefits is one of the wisest decisions. As your source of income increases, your standard of living improves. Your hobbies will change as you want to travel, learn new courses, or provide all the facilities to your kids. However, this cannot happen if you simply earn and spend. You can decide to invest in properties, gold or SIPs. Depending on the risk you can bear, ensure to invest in balanced funds, equity, or other market-linked funds.

After years of hard work, you feel more motivated at work when you finally get recognition. Always hold on to this motivation and work with dedication to justify respect and financial security. Since maintaining a sensible lifestyle should be your priority, ensure you get protected with a robust general insurance plan to gain extra benefits for you and your family. As it is rightly said that hard work has no substitute, you need to sweat and exploit your capabilities to conquer the milestones you’ve set for yourselves.

Click HERE to know more about the general insurance plans available.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Insure Yourself With Exercise: Stay Active Amidst Coronavirus

The process of self-quarantining must be wearing you off with an increase in social distancing. The new normal routine comprises a couple of video calls, work from home, binge watch-eat sessions, and peace of mind.

Benefits Of Working Out During COVID-19

No wonder that COVID-19 changed our way of normalcy. Be it the transition into virtual conversations over weekend plans. The real issue arises when it comes to motivation; pushing yourself the extra mile isn’t as simple as before. In the comfort of home, possibly, you feel you need to recreate your mini gym experience. Don’t worry, even if your experiences are not as vivid as swimming or hiking with friends; nevertheless, it is appropriate for your overall health.

The next issue is regarding the time slot, as the decision weighs more on “should” instead of “want.” Setting up a workout schedule is a simple priority task. It isn’t as important as global hunger or youth unemployment but positively impacts your physical and mental health. Even half an hour of workout motivates you to stay energetic throughout the day and lets you focus on other elements.

Daily workout sessions help curb depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and provide a stress-free life approach. During these uncertain times, take charge of your life by investing time to workout. For your empowerment, Magma Insurance brings in the best general insurance plans. Compare and choose among the policies relevant to you. General insurance includes insurance for different coverage such as fire, marine, accident, travel, and other related non-life insurance.

Exercise Plan To Stay Motivated

Amidst the chaos of being laid back yet managing it all from home, diving straight into an intense workout regime isn’t typically what you need. Make a workout plan based on your energy level, existing health issues, and available time in your schedule. Start small, gradually build-up on successes. Magma Insurance general insurance plans help you stay motivated while covering up for you against calamities.

Prioritize Your Workout

Maintain your workout routines just as you would stick to your appointments. Instead of feeling out of time, keep a separate schedule for workout. So you instead finish off your workout session and move on to other important work. A burst of exercise stimulates your mind and pushes you through the rest of the pending tasks.

Do It At Your Own Time

Perhaps, setting a time for your workout schedule doesn’t seem much of a task but following it is. Some people find it immensely energizing to set up a long term exercise routine in the morning. As after finishing off, it sets a positive tone for the day. Others prefer evenings to get charged and end the day by shedding off kilos of worries. Magma Insurance general insurance plans are here to wipe out your concerns about any mishap during these unprecedented times.

Track Your Specific Workout Goals

Set in goals to hit your overall target, rather than merely aiming for a better shape. For instance, 30 minutes cardio session every day can not only boost positivity but also help you attain your desired body image. Keep track of activities via one of the many fitness applications that measure factors such as duration of your workout, distance covered, efforts to aim daily goal of steps, and heart rate.
Workout sessions include proper usage of equipment. Even at home, wear good shoes, tight clothes to ease you through your adaptive phase. Consult a doctor if your health issues interfere with your workout session or if you witness any other effects due to work out. Give your body an adequate amount of time to adjust and improve. To avoid any hassle and stay secure, try Magma Insurance general insurance plans.
Instead of sitting idle all day, binge-watching your favorite show, or on meeting calls, try walking around the home. Clean your pod, scrub a sink, or water your plants. Do squats or lunges or jumping jacks in between breaks.
Magma Insurance general insurance plans are the new age insurance plans which cut down the excess paperwork, seamless communication, easy investment, and claim process.


Full-face vs. Modular. Which helmet provides the best safety and convenience?

A motorcycle helmet is one of the essential pieces of a rider’s protective equipment. Helmets reduce the risk of death by protecting the rider from the severity of head injuries. When purchasing a motorbike helmet, giving safety priority over looks is the best approach.

While there are a variety of helmets available, we'll talk about the two specific ones, i.e., Full face & Modular. In this article, we share the plus and minus of each to help you decide which one to go for.

1. Full Face Helmet: A full-face helmet entirely covers the head. It has two openings: one at eye level and one at the neck. It is shielded by a movable, clear visor. The chin bar is the band that wraps around the bottom of the visor. The part of the shell covers over the lower portion of the rider's head.


● The chin bar integrates with the rest of the helmet's body. This makes the full-face helmet stronger than the modular type.

● Riding with a full-face helmet gives you the best shot at escaping severe injuries.

● Modern-day full-face helmets include a visor that can be lifted to clean it or get some ventilation.

● These helmets don't have visor lifting mechanisms, thus making them lighter.


● They lack ventilation. In hot conditions, riders can find this a significant minus point as it can make them sweat extensively and cause itching.

● Some riders, especially claustrophobic ones, find the full-face helmet inconvenient.

● Full-face helmets have visor fogging problems during cold or humid conditions. As the lower part of the full-face helmet cannot move, it’s difficult to wipe the fog.

● Riders with glasses can have difficulty finding a full-face helmet that fits properly around the face.

2. Modular Helmet: A modular helmet is a kind of similar to a full-face helmet at first glance. But upon looking closer, you will spot a movable chin bar. This is useful when riders want the protection of a full-face helmet when riding but prefer the flexibility of opening the helmet up at any time without taking it off completely.


● It protects like a full-face helmet and has the breathability of an open-face helmet.

● Riders get the option to open the front portion of the helmet to enhance ventilation, especially if they ride in hot conditions.

● Very helpful for those whose job requires communicating at frequent stops, like food delivery and courier people.

● Riders who use glasses find modular helmets more comfortable.


● As the chin bar is not part of the body, it’s not very sturdy. A modular helmet will not provide the same facial protection as a full-face helmet in an accident.

● They are heavier and bigger due to a visor lifting mechanism.

● If your visor is lifted, strong winds while riding can take off your helmet if you haven’t buckled it tightly. This can cause catastrophic scenarios for you and others around you.

Now that you understand the pros & cons of each type, consider the safest two-wheeler helmet that protects you from possible impact. Choose the one that fits your needs and go for it. Just relying on helmets and safety gears for protection is not sufficient. Buying bike insurance further protects you from financial worries during a fall or collision. Buying bike insurance online is most convenient as the process involves minimal paperwork and gets you a lower premium.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online today!

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is your car ready for a safe spin post lockdown?  

Life has been kind of different in the past two months, with minimal exposure to the outside world. Indeed, one crucial part of everyday life that we all miss is going to our offices. As work from home became the norm, meetings that happened in client’s conference rooms were replaced with e-meetings. The lunchtime chatter was substituted with a discussion of pending daily chores. While few may feel that work from home had perks like hot home-cooked meals for lunch (cooking at home became a compulsion for our safety), and the casual Friday clothing all days of the week but nobody will disagree that economy is suffering.

While COVID-19 may have altered our lives, but, it is crucial to get back to business. We must try and become better than earlier so that business of business, living and fighting Corona Virus can go on together. Pre-caution, vigilance and immunity/preparedness are the key operating sentiment. Some of these skills that we acquired as part of evolutionary growth will become sharper.

As we plan to get back, we will need to re-establish our routines. Your travel companion, your vehicle deserves your attention It is “it” that will run and literally carry you for business. After months of being out of focus, it is time we brought back the lights. Before you go out, here is a mandatory checklist for you to perform at least a couple of days before you start - Check whether your insurance policy is still valid. In case your policy has expired during the lockdown, do not worry. Just click on the link below to renew your Motor policy. (Provide renewal link)

Give a nice look to your vehicle form all the sides and see if there is any accidental damage. In case you find one immediately reach out to us. Also check for leaks, corroded fittings, rotten hoses or compromised seals. In case you find any immediately contact the car service centre for remediation.

- Ascertain whether your vehicle battery is charged or not. You will not be able to self-start the vehicle if the battery is dead. In case it is do not worry, our road side assistance program is there to help the customers.

-Check tyre air pressure and avoid ride disturbance that could happen due to inadequate tyre pressure. Do you see flat spot the spots that come on the tyre, if a vehicle sits for too long. Weight of the vehicle causes flat spots on the tyre where the rubber meets the road. While it may not be a cause if immediate concern but it does impact the tyre in the long run.

Agree that you couldn’t clean your car and dirt has piled up on the surface but hold. Don’t wipe the surface directly with a damp cloth. Ideally we should remove the dust sing a dry cloth or with an air pump otherwise using the damp cloth will cause swirl marks.

Clean the wipers with a damp cloth and avoid damage to wiper and windscreen

Check your running lights. Activate turn signals, headlights, brake lights, and high beams to ensure they are functional.

Now that you have reached a stage where everything mentioned above checks a tick on your list it is time to go for a quick spin. Take your car out for 20-minute drive close to home. It will loosen everything up and evaporate the moisture in the exhaust and in the engine. It will also give you a chance to listen for any rattles and engine misses while keeping an eye on the vehicle's gauges for abnormal engine temperatures, battery charging, and oil pressure.