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Implement these six tips for the maintenance of a car you don't drive often

We all know how much effort we have to put in to maintain a car that we drive daily. Now imagine the maintenance needed for one we do not drive that often. Of course, it is not essential to take care of an idle standing car in your garage, but it is vital to keep its maintenance top-notch irrespective of driving.

To help you get better at maintaining an idle car, we have mentioned some tips below that you can follow without going out of your way!

1. Change the oil frequently:
The engine is the heart of any vehicle. So even if you are not driving the vehicle, you must ensure that you are taking care of the engine and that the engine oil is changed frequently. This keeps the engine lubricated and improves the life of your vehicle. So you do not have to worry about its maintenance if you decide to use it in the future. Moreover, the engine is the most expensive part, so you might have to pay a hefty sum if it is damaged.

2. Go for a short drive:
When the manufacturers make a car, they keep it running throughout. So your vehicle's engine oil often circulates to the different parts of your engine and provides lubrication. When you leave your car idle for a long time, the engine parts tend to lose their lubrication and face damage. Also, if it is not used for a long time, your vehicle's battery will drain eventually.

3. Clean your car:
If you know that your vehicle will be idle for a long time without being touched, then you must have a routine to clean its interior and exterior regularly. You can cover your vehicle with a car body cover; this will protect it from all the dust, leaves, moisture that otherwise can ruin its texture. A car's paint undergoes severe damage due to factors like moisture, weather or climatic conditions, substance damage, etc. Schedule a bubble bath for your less operational vehicle at least once every month to maintain the glaze of its exterior.

4. Check for rodents and pests:
An idle car is the perfect breeding home for pests and rodents. The vehicle being untouched will make it an ideal environment for infestation. Rodents can put down the electrical circuits, seat cushions, wires and severely damage the interiors. All of these things will make your car of no use later on. So while cleaning your vehicle, make sure that you are also getting it checked for rodents and pests to keep them away.

5. Disconnect the batteries:
While your car is idle, it is best to unplug the battery terminals to avoid corrosion. Ensure that you wear gloves and keep the ignition turned off. While unplugging the battery terminals, you must unplug the negative one first and then the positive one.

6. Maintain your car insurance renewal:
Keeping your vehicle idle and unused will land you in trouble later. These problems can be anything from the engine to corrosion of parts too. So to ensure that you do not have to pay for the damages, you must also ensure your car insurance renewal.

Car maintenance can be challenging and time-consuming, but your work will be less complicated with the tips mentioned above. They will ensure your car doesn't get damaged or face any trouble. Whether you are operating it or not, your car is your responsibility, and looking after its maintenance should be your priority as an owner.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance plan.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten tips to follow before attempting bungee jumping

Bungee jumping is a growing obsession for thrill-seekers. It is one of the terrifying and exhilarating moments of your life when hanging with an elastic rope and throwing yourself off a great height. There are no signs of decline in its popularity, with the gen-z and millennials becoming the trendsetters.

It is a mental hurdle, and by overcoming it, you will experience the freedom which is unparalleled to anything. And once you have experienced your first jump, you won't be able to wait for the second. You want to face the fear and get a craving for jumping into the unknown. So, here are ten tips for you to follow before attempting bungee jumping.

1. Do not visualize:
Though your thoughts suggest otherwise, why expose yourself to the risk of overthinking and psyching yourself out? Avoid thinking about how anything could go wrong. Dwelling on things beforehand never helps.

2. Get ready to face your fear:
Yes, the events that lead to the final moment will scare you. Climbing to that height, wearing the safety equipment will panic you. Just before the jump, the adrenaline will numb your senses. And once the instructors say 'jump', you dare to leap.

3. Choose your location:
It is true; the scenic surroundings will be the great background of your experience. Pick a place you genuinely like and are comfortable with. It is not just about the jump but the whole experience. Choose to jump over a forest or river, whatever feels serene to you.

4. Do not stress-eat:
Especially people with a fear of heights tend to overeat. To remain active, consume energy drinks, fruit juices, or bland food. Overeating leads to vomiting, and that will spoil your mood.

5. Choose a reputed company:
Do some research to find a company that has expertise in this business. Find whether they have adequately trained instructors and follow all the safety measures. Check online reviews, costs, and experience before coming to a decision.

6. Safety must come first:
Remember that, apart from choosing a trustworthy and reputed instructor, you also need personal accident insurance to cover any mishap. Many adventure companies even ask you the same at the time of registration. So, if you don't have one, you can still buy personal accident insurance online.

7. Comfortable clothing:
Go for comfortable clothes such as t-shirts, shorts, and pants. The goal is to feel free and light, so avoid dresses, skirts, or extra accessories.

8. Do not look down:
The instructor asks you to always look straight. Do not look down, as it will only give you more anxiety. Instead, viewing straight helps you relax and be in the moment.

9. Trust the process:
Thousands of people have successfully tried bungee jumping before you, so do not worry. Also, have faith in the instructors; they are professionally trained and probably do this a dozen times a day!

10. Bring someone along:
Sharing this extraordinary experience with a friend is the best way to feel less tense. Thus, if you have a partner, you will make a memory with them for a lifetime.

Once you float in the air, enjoy every single second of this gentle swing. A reputed instructor makes you feel safe in the air and have the experience of a lifetime. Stick to these guidelines, follow all safety precautions, and have personal accident insurance online before you take your first jump and feel accomplished, feel unstoppable.

Thought about getting a personal accident insurance policy yet? Click HERE to know more.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to taking cross country trips

Road trips with your closest friends promise many fun memories and thrilling experiences. But have you thought of taking a cross-country road trip with your travel friends? Cross-country road trips are a fun way to explore the country's diverse and local landscapes. It also leaves space for new additions to the itinerary as you can make pit stops whenever you want to and travel at your own pace.

Planning a cross-country trip involves lots of thought and readiness in all aspects. Physical and mental preparedness is paramount when deciding to plan such extensive journeys. From budgeting to making the itinerary and ensuring the excellent condition of your bike to taking care of your health, the complete road map of your trip should be ready in advance.

In this article, we will take note of a few things to keep in mind before you take that much-awaited road trip with your friends on your bike.

1. Calculate the duration of your trip:

It is essential to calculate how much time you will need to spend on the road to the chosen destination. Depending upon the duration, you will have to decide the number of pit stops you will take and the lodging facility if you plan on halting for the night. Driving non-stop can be tiring, so chalking out the timelines for driving and resting would be an excellent way to give your body some rest.

2. Choose your stops before beginning the trip:

Doing thorough research on the entire route and marking important places to visit is an intelligent way to undertake long road trips. While choosing the places of significance, note other important things such as fuel pumps, public toilets, hygienic restaurants, etc.

3. Booking and lodging:

Booking your lodging well in advance can help you avoid the last-minute panic of finding a place to find good shelter. If you are working with a flexible schedule, look for options on the go. This will give you space for exploring newer routes, and you might stumble upon some hidden gems on the way.

4. Packing and checklist:

It is best to pack light while travelling on a two-wheeler. Since the weather can be pretty unpredictable, choosing bags with rain covers is a clever idea. Add first aid, emergency medicines, sunscreen, and snacks to your travel kit.
Another way to avoid bulky packing is to opt for vacuum packing. Vacuum packing helps in the compression of all your clothes and other essentials. This way, you save space and cut down on the number of bags you need to carry.

5. Preparing your two-wheeler:

Before taking a cross-country road trip, you must take your bike to the service centre. Check for tyre pressure, wheel alignment, brakes, engine performance, etc. Change engine oil if required. Before setting out on the journey, ensure that all your paperwork is in place. Remember to check the batteries and fill the fuel tank before you leave. Another essential thing to note is to insure your bike with 2 wheeler insurance. If you already have, consider getting add-ons such as breakdown assistance, damages due to floods, accidents etc.

A road trip can be enjoyable and one of the most exhilarating experiences if appropriately planned. Keeping a few things in mind and being responsible will add value to your experience.

As mentioned above, your health and bike are essential for your road trip to succeed. Keep a first-aid kit for common medical emergencies during your travel. Also, remember to have a comprehensive 2 wheeler insurance to ensure that your bike is covered and safeguarded against any unprecedented expense you might incur during your trip.

Click HERE to know more about 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten useful tips for finding your passion after retirement

You worked your entire life to become financially happy. But, what about your passions and dreams? Somewhere at the bottom of your heart, you wanted to pursue your passion but had to give up the dream due to the challenges of the earning days. What you were passionate about in your 20s or 30s may not be the same when you grow old.

Most adults question how they can find their passion again in their 60s or 70s. They feel that retirement is the “final point” of their life. But, as someone rightly said, “Retirement is not the end of the road; it is the beautiful start of a new journey”. Finding your passion after your retirement can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Therefore, we created a list of ten valuable tips that will make this process more accessible.

1. Avoid severe injuries:
We might think that sitting on the rear seat is safe, but that's not true. During accidents, the rear seat passenger might get badly injured. Injuries on prime parts of the body like the spine, head, abdominal can be life-threatening. To save yourself from this, make sure that you wear the seat belt correctly. Unfortunately, some cars have installed only lap seat belts, which are not entirely secure. Three-point seat belts are a better option, which have shoulder and lap belts to support the passengers' chest, shoulder, and pelvis.

2. Learning has no expiry:
Sometimes you may feel that you are not talented enough to follow your passion. However, the truth is, it is never too late to learn something new. Education has no age limit, and therefore, you can explore and learn various things through a medium that keeps you engaged and motivated.

3. Find what makes you happy:
Sometimes passion is all about things that make you happier than anything else. So, question yourself about the activities that make you truly happy or what will you regret not doing in life? Having answers to these questions can guide you towards pursuing your passion.

4. Step out of your comfort zone:
After their retirement, people feel like their lives now require a slower pace. Especially considering their age factor, people tend to think that it’s “too late” to follow their passion. Although age can play a role in physical capabilities, it does not limit your potential. You may not be as active as you were in your teenage years, but finding your passion can bring the lost joy back in your life. So, just give it a shot.

5. Recall your childhood:
Go back to the years when you were in your school or college. Put a spotlight on what you were passionate about, and then note down all the things you did as a “hobby”.

6. Take inspiration from online resources:
The Internet is a pool of free resources. Explore your options by checking out free courses online, books, shows, podcasts to keep you entertained and sane at all times.

7. Discuss with your dear ones:
Talking to your loved ones about finding your passion can help you find what’s the best for you. Your family and friends are the best advisors as they know what you love, and they can guide you on what you need to do ahead.

8. Pay attention to your thoughts:
Our mind usually dwells in our thoughts about the things we love. Pay close attention to what you think and what activities make you feel excited. Chase the feeling that inspires you to do more!

9. Take advice from a life coach:
Life coaches are experts in the field and know how to work the best in your interest. Consult the best life coach to guide you towards the next steps.

10. Prepare a list of all the activities and get working:
Lastly, prepare a to-do list to start experimenting and working on each option. You may include activities such as travel plans, world tours, settling in a farmhouse, or just a game of golf with your old mates on your bucket list.

Retirement is the start of the golden era in your life, and while it is essential to explore all the possible options, you should always prioritize your and your family’s health. Being healthy improves your overall quality of life and inspires you to pursue your passion. But, on the other hand, you won’t want your savings to blow away with all the hefty medical bills you may encounter in any unwanted situation. Therefore, make sure that you get a health insurance policy for family to live a peaceful and passionate retirement life!

Consider the positive side; investing in a good health insurance policy for family can boost your mood to experience a whole new kind of life ahead!

To know more about the health insurance policy for family, Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five effective benefits of implementing the Pomodoro Technique

There are several techniques for time management out there, but as tasks pile up and burdensome thoughts loom, sustaining momentum is critical. If you're concerned about the time factor, the Pomodoro Technique might assist you in completing your to-do list.

Francesco Cirillo, a university student in the 1980s, developed a practice of utilising a tomato-shaped kitchen timer to keep himself motivated while studying. As a result, the Pomodoro technique was developed – Pomodoro in Italian means a Tomato!

Individuals from different walks of life have used this strategy to overcome procrastination. Today, we will see how it works and how it can benefit you in five ways. Let's begin, shall we?

Steps to practice the technique:
Before we begin, let us tell you, here, one Pomodoro is equivalent to 25 minutes.

• Create a to-do list for the day

• Determine the number of Pomodoros you will devote to each activity

• Set the timer to one Pomodoro

• Concentrate entirely on that activity until the timer goes off

• Take a break of 5 minutes

• Proceed to the next Pomodoro after the break

• Take a longer rest after every fourth Pomodoro

Five benefits of the Pomodoro Technique.

1. Helps you break the habit of procrastination:
This technique will help you battle procrastination and stay focused. You know when and how long you have to work using this strategy, so you don't have to convince yourself into working since it's already planned for you.
The Pomodoro method has helped many persistent procrastinators get free of their habit and genuinely enjoy their job throughout the years.

2. Fights distractions:
The Pomodoro technique helps you create a habit of pushing the distracting tasks such as scrolling your social media feed, checking emails, and other stuff by moving them to the 5-minute window you get after each Pomodoro. You will struggle initially, but once you are hooked to it, say goodbye to the distractions.

3. Work seems like a game:
The timer serves as a countdown for the job at hand, and you'll feel as though you're racing against time to "complete a level." With such an approach, the Pomodoro method improves your productivity by providing fun and breaking up dull periods with a challenge.

4. Keeps your motivation going:
It's an exhilarating race to complete tasks before you run out of time. This thrill drives you to work quicker, even when you typically slow down. These minor surges of inspiration help you stay motivated and keep you focused. You are your competition.

5. Decreases physical and mental discomfort:
One of the huge pros of the Pomodoro Technique is the frequent breaks. After each Pomodoro, you can get up to stretch your legs/back, hydrate, or just stroll around. These short activities help you reduce the onset of physical discomfort caused by sitting at a desk for a prolonged period. Similarly, allowing your mind to wander momentarily throughout the day decreases daytime fatigue, and when you feel physically and mentally well, you get more done.

The Pomodoro Technique allows you to immediately get in the zone and give your best in the shortest amount of time. A considerable number of people have implemented this strategy to date; many have even mentioned this technique being the key to establishing work/life balance in their books.

Apart from maintaining a perfect time management regimen, checking your health and fitness is equally essential. Focus on consuming a healthy diet, following a regular exercise routine, and adopting practices that further safeguard your health and mental fitness. Invest in a good health insurance cover and post purchasing, never miss out on the health insurance policy renewal. Keep it up-to-date to enjoy the benefits without interruption.
So, start today. Make your to-do list now and bring a positive change in your life.

Click HERE for your health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Running a food delivery business? Here are some important tips you must follow

Technology is paving the way for convenience in all businesses, and even food delivery businesses are taking advantage of it. In today’s fast-paced life, people find online food services most helpful. They love it when their favourite dish is ordered and delivered through online food delivery apps.

According to studies, the food delivery business is rapidly growing in India at a 25 to 30% rate. This opens yet another stream for entrepreneurs to dive in to cater to the expectations of urban middle-class Indians. If you are thinking about running a food delivery business, here are a few essential tips you should consider.

1. Get a targeted audience:
Before setting your food delivery business, you need to spot your potential customers, their buying behaviour and eating habits to give you better insights about

• What do they like to order, which cuisine attracts them more?

• When do they place orders the most, lunchtime, evening snacks, or dinnertime?

• Where is the maximum order coming from? Is it their homes or the workplace?

2. Be discoverable online:
Since the large urban population places online food orders, having a mobile application makes your businesses discoverable and accessible to potential customers. But, to get an edge over your competitors, you need to carefully address the frustrations and expectations of customers in the food business. Have an impactful website or app and add it with high-quality images and a variety of food and restaurant menus. Keep the user-friendly interface right from searching for restaurants to selecting the dish and finally making the payment and getting the food delivered. Regularly update your app and website to fix the bugs and add security patches to provide uninterrupted services.


3. Delivery network:
Hire delivery staff that are experienced and reliable. Verify all the documents such as the valid driving licence or previous work experiences before appointing them. Remember that the delivery vehicles should also have valid registrations papers and 2 wheeler insurance. In haste to deliver the order, don't allow staff to break the laws. So, if you don't have an insurance policy, you can quickly buy 2 wheeler insurance online to save time and keep running your business uninterrupted.

4. Legal license and documentation:
To run any business, you need to have proper licenses and government approvals. Get all the government-authorized documents such as shop act license, health trade license, NOC from the municipality, GST registration, trademark registration, business permit, and E-commerce agreement.

5. Marketing and promotions:
You must have a perfect brand name and a tagline to ensure that it catches the eyes immediately. Then, design a brand guideline, specify all the important details like logo, colours, and highlight your business’ USPs that make you better than competitions.

Consider implementing launch ads marketing campaigns with some discount to draw traffic to your website. You can also flash exclusive festive offers or weekend bonanzas to attract more customers. Discuss these offers and terms with your partner food joints to collaborate and promote these offers on your official social media pages.

With every repeat order and a new customer, you taste the success of the business. Remember to impart adequate training to your delivery staff on hygiene, personal care, healthy customer interactions with other drivers and food joint owners as they represent your brand all the time. Also, consider their well-being, ensure they drive safely, and your vehicles are insured. In case you haven't thought yet on these lines, consider taking a 2 wheeler insurance online.

The food delivery business has made it easier for everyone to buy from the local restaurants without going out. The growth of the 'cashless economy' has also contributed significantly to the digital food ordering business. So, capitalize your food delivery business, bring small restaurant owners, deliverymen, and technology together and turn it into a big cloud kitchen to reach every home and win every heart!

Click HERE to buy a 2 wheeler insurance online with a few clicks.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five reasons why campervans are becoming popular among travellers

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page". If you also relate with Saint Augustine's words, then why not consider travelling? And, road trips on campervans are the best way to explore places at your pace and comfort.

Campervans are new travel trends gaining popularity in recent years. So, if you own a campervan or rent one to travel in it, then your vacation is already a highlight. Let's have a look at the top five reasons why campervan is becoming an ideal travel partner!

1. Freedom and comfort:
Campervans are the new trendsetters in the tourism sector. They ensure complete freedom and flexibility, making no compromise to ease and comfort. With a campervan, you have flexibility over your schedule. Now, say NO to the last-minute hassles about searching hotel rooms or check-in and check-out restrictions that may kill the excitement of the trip.

2. Home on wheels:
Instead of carrying luggage, how about taking the entire home on four wheels? That's possible! The motorhomes can take everything you need on your journey. Be it your coffee maker, music system, board games, stove for cooking, grocery, a favourite blanket, or even your PlayStation game. And you feel at home doubling your fun on the move!

3. Easy and efficient:
As driving and maintaining a campervan is not that tedious task, large families or a bunch of friends may use it frequently for short trips too. It efficiently accommodates everybody on board, from your crazy travel gang to a budget-friendly family with kids for the summer holidays.

4. Pocket saver:
Frankly, who doesn't want to save extra money? Campervans are cheaper than your whole travel expenses. Moreover, staying at campsites is rewarding; it's affordable than the hotel rooms, and you get to spend your nights amidst the mesmerizing interiors of nature. It saves your money on food too as you can cook for yourself while enjoying the changing landscapes.
However, while travelling with your campervan, don’t look for every cheap option to save money. For example, don't park your vehicle in unsafe areas, compromise with security features or proper motor insurance. Remember, in the event of an accident, your motor insurance company becomes the best assistance for you.

5. Harmless to the environment:
Is it good for the environment? Yes! Concerning climate change and environmental awareness, campervans are fuel-efficient too. The latest Hybrid and Eco campervans variants are less harmless to the environment than cars, producing significantly lower carbon compounds.

Sounds like a fair idea to add up a road trip with a campervan to your bucket list? That's the kind of flexibility provided by campervan, and hence becoming popular among travellers. However, with the best of plans, things outside of your control can derail your trip and also your budget. Since campervan safety should be your primary priority, doubly sure to get it protected by the motor insurance company. Take advantage of the flexibility, travel slow and deep in your moving home!

Are you looking for motor insurance that meets your requirements? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these best tips to ace your batting skills in cricket

"The bat is not a toy, it's a weapon. It gives me everything in life, which helps me to do everything on the field." These wise words of the Indian skipper Virat Kohli are enough to inspire any young batsman.

The feeling of striking the ball in solid defense or in a swing that deposits the ball whizzing away to the fence is unforgettable. But it requires sweating on the ground to be the ‘best batsman’.

Remember that there is no hack to ace your batting performance without working with immense training. To achieve your dream, you will have to undergo strenuous training sessions. We’ve some essential tips that will guide you in developing, improving, and maintaining your striking abilities.

Gripping your bat:
Grip variations can do wonders when you know what shots you want to play. Let us explain how correctly holding the bat can help you play the best shot.

● Rounding the grip: With this grip, you can open the entire face of the bat. It's beneficial for playing square drives with a full face. If you’re someone who loves striking more towards the offside, then this shot can do wonders.

● Gripping the bat closer to the bottom: This will offer you more control and allow you to generate more bat speed. The bottom hand is dominant to play more intricate strokes.

● Gripping the bat closer to the top: This type of grip extends the batsman's reach; it's more convenient to hit strokes on the front foot. However, this grip does not create much power, so pick the short deliveries smartly.

Grill in the Drills:
Drills help improve your muscle memory, eventually improving your reflexes. Drilling for at least half an hour will improve your actions and make you a better hitter. Below, we've listed a few drills which will be critical for your batting. You'll find video tutorials of each mentioned drill online. Look them up and start practicing.

● Shadow batting (pretend to strike an imaginary ball with your bat to train your mind before facing the actual ball)

● One hand batting (making those arms stronger)

● Hanging ball drill (learn to coordinate your bat and body depending on the movement of the ball)

Perfect stance for the best shot:
When you take a stance, attempt to bend your knee, and get into a comfortable position to shoot the ball. If you shorten the distance between your knees, you may find it challenging to perform the perfect shot in cricket.

If you have difficulty playing shots on the leg side, you are said to have a "closed off" stance. This means that you're too sideways in your approach. To overcome this, you need to maintain an open posture. It puts you in a balanced position from which you may make room for yourself and play the shot comfortably.

Remember, cricket is rated as a dangerous sport, and if enough protective gear is not used, it could lead to severe injuries. Tiring hours of regular practice on the pitch and the gruelling net sessions also make you vulnerable to many injuries; some of those can be even life-threatening. In addition to protective gear, always protect yourself for overall safety with ideal personal accident insurance to avoid financial worries. It can make you feel protected so you can enjoy your sport with complete peace of mind. Follow your passion and put in your best techniques and stroke play to mastering the art of batting!

Click HERE to know about the best personal accident insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.