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Are you downsizing to a smaller space? Here are five tips to know 28th December 2021

Moving to a new house can be an exciting change. And downsizing to a smaller place is beneficial for many reasons, including saving money and getting rid of unused space. However, it can be a challenge to decide which things to take with you and which to give away. If you get emotionally attached to your possessions, this kind of a move may be difficult for you. It's good to have a few tips up your sleeve for an efficient and clutter-free move.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while downsizing your house.

1. Give away or throw away:
One of the effective ways to make room in your new smaller house is by giving or throwing away the items that are no longer in use. For example, if you still have your primary school books or old clothes, you could donate them to the needy. For things that you cannot give away, you can recycle or simply throw them away.

2. Avoid renting storage units:
Storage units can be a great place for storing items when you do not have enough space in your house. They allow you to keep things you no longer use or need. However, before renting one, ask yourself whether you really need it and if you are willing to pay its rent for the next ten years. Remember one rule: if you have not used the item in the last year, you do not require it anymore.

3. Measure out your new space:
It is advisable to measure the dimensions of each room and other vital spaces of your new home. Make sure to get accurate measurements to eliminate any unnecessary furniture that won't fit. Try to manage and utilize the available space smartly to avoid any issues in adjusting to the new environment.

4. Make money for your move:
If you have numerous items that you do not need but can still be used by other people, you can set up a neighbourhood garage sale or resell them online. Create advertisements to generate awareness about your shop.

5. Avoid additional costs:
When you downsize to a smaller house, it can be tempting to buy new furniture that would go with your new place. However, this can cost a hefty amount of money. Think of how you can make the best use of your current furniture, and if you must purchase new things, aim to buy used ones whenever possible.

Setting up a few rules and focusing on what you need and do not need can make your move easier. While you're at it, it might be wise to re-evaluate your home insurance policy. Investing in the best home insurance policy in India will provide you with protection and safety in your new place. If you already have an insurance plan, don't forget to inform the firm about the change in your address to ensure you continue to receive the benefits.

Click HERE to protect your new home with a layer of best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
