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How do self-driving cars work, and how will they impact in shaping the future? 29th November 2021

Self-driving automobiles, previously thought to be a sci-fi fantasy, are now cruising the streets in some parts of the world, but there's a catch. They are not yet capable of reaching the benchmark of human drivers. Using the most sophisticated 3D imagery and Artificial Intelligence, car manufacturers want to provide users with a hands-free experience without jeopardizing personal safety. In today's post, we speak about the technology behind these cars and how they influence the future of mobility.

How exactly Self-driving automobiles work?
When the driver selects a destination into the car's navigation system, the software determines a route and drives the car towards it by tracing the route map. A revolving sensor mounted on the roof monitors a 60-meter radius surrounding the vehicle and generates a dynamic 3-D representation of the surroundings.

A sensor on the left rear tyre detects lateral movement to determine the vehicle's position to the 3-D map. Another couple of radar sensors in the front and rear bumpers calculate obstacle distances. The car's AI software is linked to all sensors and receives data from Google's Street View and integrated video cameras. Artificial Intelligence then mimics human perception and handles driving systems like steering and braking.

The vehicle's software constantly checks Google Maps & built-in GPS to be aware of landmarks, road signs, and lights. An override feature allows the drivers to take over the control of the vehicle whenever they want.

Now that you know how a self-driven car works. Let's look at its possible impact on our future.

1. Settlements:
People generally settle near their workplaces to avoid spending the time commuting daily. However, with self-driven cars, people will have extra time for other activities and personal leisure time as they won't have to drive, which means that they will no longer need to settle as close to the workplaces as before.

2. Fewer Accidents:
We know most accidents occur due to human errors. With no humans behind the wheels, there's no possibility of human error resulting in fewer accidents.

3. Mobility for disabled and elderly:
Differently abled people and the elderly will no longer have to depend on others to drive for them. They can just hop in and start navigating.

4. Fewer traffic jams:
Most traffic jams occur due to the congestion of the vehicles on the roads. Everyone wants to get ahead and, in the process, disrupts a free flow of traffic. Self-driving cars can cut down traffic by multiple folds. Sophisticated software and radars will have a sophisticated driving pattern.

5. Less human touch:
A self-driven car is all about software and sensors. They can never be 100% accurate and lack emotions and feelings. The inability to adapt quickly combined with a lack of emotions can have adverse impacts.

The possibilities for driverless cars are endless, and the imagination is at the top among car manufacturers. However, self-driving technology is not yet fully developed. It will take up a significant amount of time, and legal obligations before autonomous vehicles dominate the roads.

Till then, it's time to focus on what we have at hand. May it be a self-driven car or a non-autonomous car, safety always remains an important aspect for both the categories. And, when the safety of assets is concerned, insurance is the solution. So, as we talk about future technologies, why not consider purchasing online car insurance by making the best use of the internet and online resources for a hassle-free buying experience.

Click HERE to know more about online car insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
