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How early immunisation can help your infant have a healthy life 28th February 2021

For more than five decades now, immunisation has saved billions of lives. It's a low-cost, high-impact strategy to safeguard your child's health against various diseases and infections. Immunisation builds the groundwork for a healthy future.

Vaccines are critical in protecting the most vulnerable, such as children and infants. However, one out of every five children in the world is still unvaccinated. Having the highest number of unvaccinated children, India has strengthened its efforts to enhance mass vaccine coverage with mission Indradanush 2.0.

Over the last few decades, healthcare has become increasingly expensive. A health insurance policy can come in handy during costly treatments and hospitalisations. So, look for online health insurance companies to buy a policy to secure your child's future and cover them under seamless benefits. To find out more about immunisation, continue reading this article.

What is immunisation?
Immunisation is the process that protects people against illness caused by microorganism infection (formally called pathogens) by increasing the immunity of the body to combat these infections. A vaccine is a biological substance used for immunisation.

How does immunisation work?
When immunised against a disease, your body treats it as a natural infection. A vaccine contains a microorganism that is introduced into the body in a dead or weakened form. However, your immune system has no way of knowing whether the virus is alive or dead, so it takes it as a red alert and treats it as a threat. As a result, the immune system produces antibodies to attack the virus and eliminate it from the body.
As a result, if you acquire a similar virus in the future, your immunity will be prepared to combat that virus and shield your body against its infection. According to a World Health Organization report, immunisation saves an estimated 2-3 million lives each year (majorly children) by protecting against diphtheria, pneumonia, pertussis (whooping cough), rotavirus, diarrhoea, rubella tetanus, smallpox, polio, mumps, and measles.
Immunisation has eradicated many terrible diseases that massacred people in clusters and tons. Despite this, an estimated 19.5 million infants have not received all immunisations. The need to adequately communicate the health advantages of vaccination and the risks of not immunising children cannot be overstated.

Importance of early immunisation:
Most health experts, researchers, and professional medical organisations strongly recommend immunisation. Vaccines are the most effective steps to prevent infectious diseases.
Vaccine-preventable diseases are known to induce childhood stunting, leading to poor growth, poor adult health, and lower learning ability in children. But, getting your infant vaccinated at the right time can prevent them from having to experience such situations.
Vaccinations are an essential factor in determining your children's health. Shots for children are only effective if they are given on time and according to schedule. They aid in developing children's immune systems, allowing them to grow up healthy and happy. The development of cognitive abilities is also observed after vaccination.

Alongside vaccination, it is essential to buy comprehensive health insurance for your child to secure their health and life further. You may look for online health insurance companies and browse through different plans, compare their premium, and then choose the one that fits all your requirements.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
