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Know more about the types of fires and the ways to tackle them 14th December 2021

In residential complexes or workplaces, fire situations are severe risks to the safety of people and assets. Understanding fires and putting best preventive policies are crucial for the administrative unit of the buildings. Knowing the different fire classifications will make selecting the best fire solutions much easier.

Water, carbon dioxide, foam, vaporizing liquid, and dry powder are the six primary varieties of fire extinguishers available in India. Remember that not all fires are the same, and not an extinguisher can put off all types of fires; therefore, it’s critical to know about their classes. In this space, we'll take you through the types of fire and the correct type of extinguisher needed to tackle them.

1. Class A (General Fires):
These fires are caused by common flammable materials such as wood, plastics, textiles, paper, and rubbish used in homes, workplaces, enterprises, and industrial settings. Class A fire flames are less damaging and can be put out quite quickly.

How to put out class A fire: The best way is to use a water or foam fire extinguisher. You may simply use tap water to put out this type of fire since it removes the fire's heat source.

2. Class B (Liquid Fires):
Combustible liquids and gases such as gasoline, oil, kerosene, paints, and gases such as propane and methane are the most common sources of class B fire. Typically, these fires occur in industrial settings that deal with petroleum and gas products.

How to put out class B fire: You need to cut off the fire’s oxygen supply to prevent the fire from spreading rapidly. Carbon dioxide, Powder, and Foam based extinguishers work best to combat Class B fires.

3. Class C (Electric Fires):
The primary source for class C flames is electric components. Short circuits are frequently the cause. Industrial buildings with heavy electrical equipment that consumes a lot of electricity are prone to these hazards. They can occur in households and small businesses as well.

How to put out class C fire: Class C flames demand prompt power shutoff and the usage of non-conductive chemical fire extinguishers such as CO2-based. You can even opt for powder-based fire extinguishers.

4. Class D (Metal Fires):
Combustible metals such as aluminium, magnesium, potassium, and titanium are the principal source of Class D flames. The majority of Class D fires occur in laboratories. On the other hand, combustible metals are employed in various industrial manufacturing and production processes, which raises the risks of class D fires in those industrial premises.

How to put out class D fire: Powder-based extinguishers that absorb heat and suppress the flames are the most effective tools to put out the fire under this class.

5. Class K (Cooking Fires):
Class K fires are often confused with the class B fires. This is because they share the same fuel source, which is combustible liquids. However, class K fires are significantly distinct. These fires typically occur in kitchens during food preparation. Cooking ingredients such as cooking oils and vegetable/animal fats trigger and fuel the flames. Class K flames are deadly and may wreak havoc in a short amount of time. They are commonly seen in restaurants and houses but can occur anywhere there is cooking involved.

How to put out class K fire: foam-based, wet chemical extinguishers work best on class K fires.

Now that you completely understand the origins of all these different types of fires and how to put them off. You should determine which fire extinguisher to keep at your disposal at all times. And don't forget only to purchase an ISI-certified extinguisher.

As the famous saying goes, “hope for the best and prepare for the worst,” while you’re out there searching for the ideal extinguisher, protect yourself and your assets with general insurance. Get a general insurance online quote today and add value to your assets.

To get general insurance online quote, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
