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Try these effective ways to have a pimple-free and glowing face 25th February 2021

Our skin and face bear a lot due to oil production, sweat, dust, and weather effects. Maintaining a clear and glowing complexion in these harsh conditions is a difficult thing. With social media taking centre stage in our lives, unreasonable beauty standards have been a constant.

However, one thing to keep in mind is that using multiple products might not be the path to glowing skin. Thousands of brands in the market promote expensive products to tempt you into buying them. Today we will look at a few inexpensive yet effective ways to have pimple-free and glowing skin.

1. Wash your face:
Pollution is a leading cause of breakouts and uneven skin. Research says that people who washed their skin twice a day saw a significant reduction in acne. Washing your face with a mild cleanser and cold water is the best way to clean your face and remove impurities.

2. Moisturise:
People often neglect moisturising when talking about acne-prone skin. However, moisturising can be significantly beneficial in the long run, no matter your skin type. Choosing non-greasy, light products that suit your skin type will help you in achieving glowing skin

3. Exfoliate:
Exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin cells that may clog pores and lead to acne. However, exfoliating daily can be harmful to your skin, hence stick to only once a week.

4. Consume water:
It’s no secret that water is the best medicine that solves a lot of your skin and health-related problems. Drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water is highly recommended as it helps wash out toxins from your body and reduces acne and scarring.

5. Avoid sugar:
If you have an excess acne problem, it is advisable to reduce your sugar intake as much as possible. A high glycemic index is a leading cause of acne.

6. Eat healthy:
Your skincare is only as effective as your diet. Having a well-balanced diet is crucial for clear and glowing skin. Consuming food items rich in vitamins and minerals is not only good for your gut health but also the health of your skin and hair. Eating clean food can show drastic changes in your skin.

7. Healthy Lifestyle:
There are countless articles on how leading a healthy lifestyle can positively affect your overall health. Regular exercise, sleeping on time and staying away from alcohol and smoking should be considered if you are aiming for a healthy life and glowing skin.

These are a few ways to give primary care to your skin and avoid pimples and dull skin. However, if the problem persists, consider going to a dermatologist. Your dermatologist will inform you about the products best suited for your skin type and any dietary changes that you may need to make.

Sometimes, the dermatologist might suggest getting blood work done to recognise any deficiency or allergies causing persistent acne and dullness. These tests and checkups can be expensive. Therefore, consider looking at online health insurance companies and choosing the best that equips you with the best healthcare treatment without stressing the huge costs payable for medical bills.

Click HERE to learn about online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
