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How can acidity lead to bigger health issues

Ever felt discomfort in your gut followed by a burning sensation in your chest? This could be because of acidity. Very often, people neglect the symptoms of acidity and gulp down antacids for instant relief. But, what is essential to know is that acidity can lead to severe health issues. If you wonder how acidity has more significant health implications, this article is just for you. We will examine acidity, its symptoms, cure, and other side effects.

What is acidity?
The entrance of your stomach valve, or the lower esophagus, closes itself as soon as food passes through it. However, if, due to some reason, the valve remains open, the stomach acids can move up and cause a burning sensation or discomfort. This phenomenon is known as acidity.

What is acid reflux?
If you experience symptoms of acidity frequently or more than twice a week, then chances are that you might suffer from a gastric condition known as acid reflux. Burning pains and discomfort after eating a meal are symptoms of acid reflux.

Let's understand the common causes of acid reflux?
1. Eating heavy portions of food
2. Sleeping after consuming food
3. Overweight or obesity
4. Eating foods such as tomato, garlic, and onion in abundance
5. Eating too much spicy food
6. Eating fried food regularly
7. Habitual drinking of alcohol, caffeine, etc.
8. Smoking
9. Side effects of certain medications

What are the symptoms of acid reflux?
1. Heartburn: A burning sensation moving up your chest via the stomach
2. Regurgitation: Bitterness or foul taste in the mouth
3. Bloating
4. Blood in stool
5. Hiccups
6. Nausea

What are the long-term implications of acid reflux?

1. Esophageal stricture:
The tightening or narrowing of the esophagus is known as an esophageal stricture. Since the esophagus has restricted space, it becomes difficult for the food to pass down the esophageal tube.
These situations can aggravate quickly and result in cancerous and non-cancerous growths. People suffering from esophageal stricture experience severe pain in their throats and face difficulty when swallowing food.

2. Esophageal ulcer:
During acid reflux, the acids in the stomach traverse upward through the esophagus. The constant contact of the acid can burn the stomach's inner lining. It wears away the tissues and forms a sore. This can cause bleeding and pain while swallowing food or other drinks. People experiencing this are advised to have fibre-rich foods such as oats, legumes, nuts, fruits, etc.

3. Barrett's esophagus:
The swallowing tube connecting the mouth and the stomach experiences damage due to acid reflux and causes the lining to become red and thick. Barrett's esophagus increases the risk of esophageal cancer, which can sometimes be fatal.
Patients experience chest pain and irritation under these circumstances. There are chances of vomiting blood or passing bloody stool. Weight loss is another common side effect of Barrett's esophagus.

These are some of the bigger complications of acid reflux. Healthy eating and proper exercise are critical to a healthy future. Acid reflux is more commonly found among elders. This is because, as you grow older, your muscles become weaker. This puts the elderly members of your family at greater risk of acid reflux. A few ways to ensure a lower risk of acid reflux are by opting for healthier diets and eating habits, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and drinking.

If the problem persists, you should talk to your doctor and get an expert opinion. Medications can heal acid reflux to some extent. Ensure to go through regular health checkups to avoid problems in the future. Do not forget to invest in health insurance in India for parents to safeguard their health during the tough time of their age.

Click HERE to find out more about health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Practice these steps to best deal with motion sickness while driving

If you feel dizzy while driving where the roads are primarily like pins, you are not the only one. Many car drivers feel the sensation of wooziness and motion sickness during a long journey, and it can be a nightmare.

What if you end up crashing your car due to dizziness? This thought might have crossed your mind. It is natural to feel uneasy while driving, especially for long hours. Due to continuous motion, your brain might feel fatigued, and as a result, you may get distracted. These distractions can be fatal for you and your car.

Even if you buy car insurance online that will cover your damage, what about the injuries you will face? In this post, we'll give you some advice on reducing the effects of motion sickness while driving.

1. Keep an eye on your diet:
Be careful about what you eat before you drive because your food can greatly impact motion sickness. Avoid eating anything that makes you feel full. Eat light an hour before because you won't feel heavy while driving. The problem might worsen if you eat spicy foods. Therefore, be sure to eat small meals, and it's best to avoid any items that don't suit your taste. A proper food regimen can significantly reduce symptoms of motion sickness.

2. Check your driving position:
Sit comfortably and keep your eyes on the horizon while you are driving. By doing this, you divert your attention from moving items. Even though you need to be aware of your surroundings, try to avoid looking sideways while driving. It is because sudden and severe nausea might occasionally result from looking sideways. If you can, keep the windows open when operating a four-wheeler since a steady stream of fresh air can help with motion sickness.

3. Check the ventilation and cooling:
Many people avoid AC and prefer natural air. If your car's cooling system isn't sound, it can create driving problems. It could end up being one reason for dizziness or motion sickness. Similarly, poor ventilation in cars is another frequent cause of motion sickness while driving. It may result in some odors being trapped, which may make you nauseous.
It is therefore advised to keep your car well-ventilated by slightly lowering the windowpanes. A calming scent in your vehicle, like mint or lavender, is also a good idea because it can help boost your mood and prevent motion sickness symptoms.

4. Enjoy breaks:
Driving for long stretches can also cause motion sickness. So, if you are on a long-distance trip, it is a good idea to stop frequently. When you reach a restaurant or rest area, stop your car for a short while, get out, and stretch your legs. Taking regular breaks helps a lot with motion sickness symptoms. Also, if you feel sick while driving, stop immediately, splash some water on your face, and don't get back behind the wheel until the sickness is gone.

5. Drink tea:
If you are a tea lover, have it when taking a journey break. Tea can treat motion sickness by calming and relaxing the muscles in your stomach and can lower the amount of acid in your stomach.

6. Carry medicines:
There are over-the-counter medications that can give you immediate relief from motion sickness. However, always speak with your doctor before using such medication. You should only take these drugs as prescribed by your doctor.

Motion sickness is a common problem, but you must take appropriate steps to overcome the problem while driving. Bring the above tips into practice, and you will surely find a good solution. The effects of motion sickness can be adverse, and with time if you feel that the situation is worsening, you must see your doctor for further diagnosis.

If you are going on a long drive for the first time, ensure that you have already taken a good rest. Also, buy car insurance online as an excellent option to cover any damages that might occur during your trip. By purchasing online car insurance, you unlock features and benefits like instant coverage, better premium, and 24/7 customer support to safeguard your car from mishaps.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best anger management ways to tame your temper

We have been hearing for a long time that anger is human’s greatest enemy! Before going for the strategies of anger management, it is worth knowing more about anger. It is a mental state that makes a person say or do something unusual. Anger can be seen as an ego outburst and can also arise from a hormonal problem. It is even believed to be the aftermath of high body toxicity.

Extensive anger can lead to various medical complications, if not controlled in time. For example, it raises blood pressure; thus, it can be extremely dangerous if you have pre-existing heart disease or diabetes.

There are many reasons for getting angry, and so are the solutions. In this blog, we shall discuss the best and most effective ways of anger management.

Anger Management Techniques:

Different techniques work for different people. While some people adopt simple techniques, many must adopt complex anger management processes depending upon the severity of getting angry. Like any other psychological issue, anger is also complicated. As stated, these are some of the basic techniques that are suggested to be tried.

● Exercise:
Studies have shown that many people benefit from exercise to keep anger and stress at bay. Daily exercise, brisk walking, running, or bike rides can prevent anger. These exercises uplift your mood and make you calm down.

● Write down your problem:
Instead of showing rage toward others, you may write your thoughts on a piece of paper and vent out all your anger by peacefully transforming it into words. This method will surely help in effective anger management.

● Going for a walk: Going for a walk is one of the most effective strategies for anger management. The morning atmosphere remains calm and soothing due to lesser vehicles and noises. You will obtain excellent mental peace through morning walks and feel refreshed and energetic throughout the day. It is a proven fact that we become less angry when we are in a good mood.

● Counting breath:
When anger strikes, you should start counting your breaths. This is one of the most successful anger management ideas. Counting your breaths can help you reduce your anger, stabilise your breath, control your heartbeat and increase your concentration.

What makes you angry?

We have discussed a few of the best anger management ideas. But you must question yourself about what makes you angry or feel frustrated. You need to do a quick analysis and consider all possible reasons and situations. According to the research, people with frequent anger issues are vulnerable to heart-related diseases. So, in addition to considering all the factors to avoid anger, you should also procure health insurance from online health insurance companies.

Following are a few probable reasons that can trigger your temper:
● Insulting behaviour toward you
● Frequent noise
● Discussing mishaps or accidents
● Disagreement with you by anyone
● Workload
● Stress
● Mismanagement of tasks

Likewise, you must create a list of what you mostly do when you get angry. For example, some people tend to throw things away. Some people shout or scream when they get angry. For anger management, knowing these things is essential. You need to write down your plan for anger management. Writing a solution will help you make a fresh start toward peaceful well-being. By practicing it, you will be able to manage your boiling blood whenever you get angry.

Anger management is a systematic and time-consuming process that does not fetch results overnight. Build a routine to resolve anger issues and douse the fire before it damages your health and mental peace. As discussed, anger can adversely affect your health, especially your heart.

It is advised to find the best insurance by researching the different plans of online health insurance companies. If you feel your temper issues are slipping beyond your control, it is always a good idea to visit your doctor. Take the help of a professional and try to find a solution that suits you the best.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best first-aid tips to deal with kitchen accidents

No area in the house is immune to mishaps, and Kitchen accidents are undoubtedly the most common. There are several potential sources of injury in the kitchen, including sharp knives, hot appliances, and open flames. While it's impossible to eliminate risk, taking precautions can help mitigate it. Accidents can happen to anyone, whether they are awake or not.

When working in the kitchen, you need to be prepared for any emergency that may arise. If you plan beforehand for the worst, you can limit the damage. A personal accident insurance policy covers the costs if you get wounded in an accident and need medical care.

Moreover, you can avoid more serious injury by following these simple rules for kitchen safety and first aid.

First aid for knife cuts:

Accidents due to kitchen knives are common, but they require immediate first aid. If you cut or slice your finger, you should treat the wound using these tips:

● Clean the cut or slice area with soap and water. Apply pressure to it with a bandage or a clean cloth for a few minutes until the bleeding stops. If you bleed through the cloth, you can use another piece of cloth or use a cotton piece.

● Get the antibacterial ointment from your first aid kit and put it over the cut. Cover the wounded area with a gauze pad and adhesive tape.

● Get immediate medical help if the bleeding doesn't stop after a few minutes, the cut becomes inflamed or has jagged edges.

First aid for eye injuries:

Sometimes people accidentally shoot lemon juice or other substances straight into their eyes. If something gets in your eyes while cooking, you should follow these steps:

● Wash your eyes with lukewarm water for about 15 minutes. Protect your second eye by covering it.

● If you have a cut on your eye, don't apply pressure to it or wash it. Instead, call for medical help.

First aid for falls:

Water and oil can spill from the pot and make the floor slippery. Many people fall in the kitchen due to the slippery floor, so you should keep your kitchen floor clean and dry. However, if you still happen to fall in the kitchen, follow these tips:

● Try to get up in the right manner, or you could make your injury worse. Slowly rise to your hands and knees.

● Try to crawl to a nearby chair or preferably a wall and stand up.

● If you think you may have a broken bone or can't get up, don't move and call for help.

First aid for burns:

An accident due to boiling water or oil splashing while cooking is a severe accident. You should ensure that your children are away from the oven or stove when cooking. Turn the pot handles toward the back of the stove to prevent burns. However, if you have a burn, you must identify the type and follow the safety tips.

Different types of burns:

● First-degree burn:
If the top layer of your skin is injured, you can treat it by placing the burned area under cool, running water for five minutes.

● Second-degree burn:
If the deeper skin is injured, soak the injured area in cool water for 30 minutes and apply an antibiotic cream to it.

● Third-degree burn:
If all layers of skin are burned, apply a wet dressing and call for emergency medical help.

These first-aid tips will help you deal with kitchen accidents and prevent the condition from worsening. However, you should pay extra attention if you have children. Keep your children away from the oven, stove, microwave, knives, and anything that seems dangerous. Always wear an apron and gloves while handling sharp objects and hot utensils and working with boiling water or oil.

You can install smoke detectors in your kitchen to protect you from fire accidents. Also, purchase a personal accident insurance policy to recover from the major injuries faced in a kitchen accident to pay your medical expenses.

Click HERE to buy a personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few items that you must never leave in your car

Buying a car was seen as a status symbol in the past. However, it has become a necessity over time. Considering the growing population, increasing traffic, and demand for luxury and convenience, cars have improved commutation in urban landscapes.

Most people spend long hours in their cars due to long-distance commutes. After completing the ride, remember a few items you should never leave in your vehicle.

1. Edibles:
It is natural to feel snacky during the day. Keeping snacks in your car for emergencies is a good idea, as long as you take them out when you exit the vehicle. When left for long hours, the food or drinks are subjected to the changing temperature inside the car, which may result in the growth of bacteria. The same applies to soda cans that have pressure within and may explode due to the external pressure from the car's cabin.

2. Aerosols:
Aerosols like hairsprays, deodorants, air fresheners, etc., are essentials. Keeping one in the car for short periods is acceptable. However, since the cabin's temperature keeps changing without artificial air conditioning when the car is not in use, you may find that your aerosol can has exploded all over your seats.

3. Plastic bottles:
Plastic bottles are a fire hazard to your car. It magnifies the sun rays pouring in through the windows or windshield and may result in setting your seats on fire. Such incidents are considered the owner's negligence and not covered by car insurance as admissible claims.
Even if the sun rays are not strong enough to ignite a fire, they will alter the composition of the plastic bonds in the bottle, which may result in harmful BPA exposure.

4. Flammable items:
Items like lighters must never be stored in cars. The fuel within such containers can expand due to the heat and result in a fire. Again, such fires are not within the scope of admissible car insurance claims. Therefore, it is essential to remember to remove flammable items from your car cabin.

5. Valuable goods:
While the other items on this list risk the car, valuable goods are what carjackers look for while determining which car to steal from. Ensure you take out any valuable goods like phones, headphones, portable chargers, laptops, and purses from your vehicle. Leaving an expensive item in the car makes it vulnerable to drawing the attention of burglars.

6. Items with specific chemical formulations:
Items like sunscreen and medication are scientifically manufactured with a specific composition of ingredients involving chemicals to ensure efficiency. Leaving such things in the heat will alter their formulation, making the goods toxic or causing a loss of efficacy.

7. Alcoholic drinks:
Heat leads to increased fermentation which ruins the flavour of alcohol. Additionally, alcoholic drinks are packaged with internal pressure to keep the liquor from altering while in transit before consumption. Excess heat is bound to make them explode.

While this list is not comprehensive, it is a general guideline for what you must not leave in the car. Generally, anything that may be affected due to high heat must not be kept inside the vehicle. Ensure that any important documents like your car insurance and registration are not left in the car. Take care of your valuables and avoid any considerable risks to your car.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few hacks to beat late-night snack cravings

How often have you heard someone advise you to brush your teeth to stop late-night cravings? Brushing your teeth will magically make you feel full and prevent you from wanting to eat something that will stain your sparkling whites. Although some people find this hypothesis true, it isn't true for everyone, especially if someone has bizarre cravings in the middle of the night.

Here are some tips for overcoming late-night cravings that can help you avoid having extreme cravings in the future.

1. Have good sleeping habits:
Although you may not be familiar with the term "sleep hygiene," it is crucial for getting a decent night's rest. Because of the numerous studies linking sleep deprivation to lowered metabolic function, hormonal abnormalities, and increased appetite, sleep plays a crucial role in increasing late-night cravings.
You'll have a better chance of getting a good night's sleep if you make your bedroom a calm, cosy place to sleep rather than staying up late yearning for junk food.

2. Eat a healthy breakfast:
A whole grain bagel or oatmeal are excellent first-step carbohydrates since they contain a lot of fibre. You'll feel full and satisfied for longer periods if you eat a breakfast rich in these nutrients. Preparing a few items in advance can be useful if you have a habit of rushing out the door in the morning to ensure you have a satisfying meal to start the day.
For meals to be enjoyed throughout the week, you may try eating hard-boiled eggs, baked oatmeal, overnight oats, or even a few veggies and nuts. These beneficial breakfast routines can help you stay full throughout the day and avoid late-night cravings.

3. Try something else:
According to research, cravings are nearly psychological and not physical needs. Although you don't need to eat, this does not mean that you should disregard it. The research also states that willpower is like a muscle that weakens throughout the day and becomes almost non-existent at night. Create a distraction to take your thoughts away from food. You can try chewing peppermint gum, as the studies suggest that menthol odours reduce hunger.

4. Enjoy a delicious supper:
Your body will feel satisfied and full for several hours after dinner with protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This will likely stop any late-night cravings you have.

5. Take warm liquids:
When you're rushing around making supper and getting the kids ready for bed, it's easy to confuse thirst for hunger and to forget to drink enough water. Try a cup of herbal tea without caffeine or warm water with lemon if you're still hungry after supper. These naturally calorie-free fluids are hydrating while also making you feel full.

6. Exercise your brain:
Put a mental barrier between yourself and the craving. Stop and give yourself a pep talk to control your emotions. As you picture "moving away" from your hunger, tell yourself that it is "only an idea."

7. Portion out your snack if you're hungry:
You've done everything you can to avoid feeling ravenously hungry at the end of the day, including eating filling meals, getting enough sleep, and paying attention to your body. This can occur occasionally! If it is late and you are still hungry, don't be too hard on yourself. Do yourself a favour and divide whatever you intend to eat. You may even try healthy snack suggestions if you want to feel satiated rather than hungry after eating.

These tips guide you to avoid disturbing your sound sleep due to the constant urge to eat something at night. Bring these tips into practice and adopt a healthy routine with lower bloating risks.

Also, consider investing in health insurance to keep yourself mentally and financially strong during medical emergencies. An all-inclusive health insurance plan will pay for hospitalisation, childcare operations, medical care received at home (domiciliary hospitalisation), and ambulance fees, among other things. Buy yours today without any delay!

Click HERE to buy health insurance for you and your family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What characteristics or ways are helpful in spotting fake spare parts

Repair and service of your vehicle can be daunting and more challenging if the damage is so severe that some parts might need replacement. But, the introduction of fake spare parts for automobiles is posing a threat to the longevity of the vehicles and depreciating their value over time. Recognising a fake spare component is challenging because the phoney industry is evolving quickly.

Companies are striving to enact severe punishments against the manufacturers of these counterfeit parts. Still, there is a large part that you might encounter. How can you distinguish a fake from a real one? The characteristics listed in this article can help you identify genuine or bogus spare parts.

1. Check the serial number and hologram: A specific serial number is linked to all OEM/OES authentic auto spare parts. It will be helpful to trace a piece back to its source, allowing the part's authenticity to be confirmed. In India, you can also find a unique hologram of the company that makes the auto parts, which makes them impossible to replace.

2. QR code:
Most spare parts have a QR code that a smartphone may read to verify that the part is authentic. This unique QR code helps maintain product tracking and get all the required details about that part right from its manufacturer, the manufacturing date, model number, and more.

3. Check brake pads:
These are crucial components of a car's brake system. A false brake pad typically deteriorates quickly and unevenly. Also, fake brake pads can quickly fall apart because the materials used are of poor quality and have less resistance factor. These bogus brake pads wear out too soon, causing the brakes to fail.

4. Electricity risks:
Electrical component failure is a significant cause of car fires. And when they are examined, it is typically discovered that these automobiles have electrical parts that are phony or counterfeit. Such components may be dangerous since they may not comply with industry standards and might turn risky due to the chances of a blowout at any time.

5. Uncommon packaging:
It is important to understand the packaging of parts before purchasing them. Stay alert regarding the regular packaging of that part and the one you receive. Fake parts are delivered in unusual packaging and boxes. You must be able to differentiate between them and look out for company branding, the model number, and other essential information imprinted on the auto part. Call the dealer immediately if you feel something fishy.

6. Huge price differences:
Finding a deal is one thing, but if you notice parts being offered at an outrageous discount, like 90%, there is a very strong likelihood that they are fakes. Always do a price comparison, ensuring you get the original product.

7. Always visit an authentic and authorised centre:
It is advised to visit only the company-authorised centres to purchase genuine spare parts. These centres are approved by that particular vehicle brand and get an exclusive dealership to provide genuine products and the best customer service. Also, you can always connect to the centre if you face any problem with the part. Don't forget to get the bill and other important documents like the warranty card, user manual, and more.

You are responsible for informing the manufacturer once you discover that spare parts are fake. The body that considers these complaints will take appropriate action against the seller. They take the counterfeit parts and ensure they don't reappear on the market.

Additionally, ignore anyone trying to sell you fraudulent parts by claiming they are identical and will save you money. This little bit of money you might be able to save right now could lead to something dangerous. Good quality and original spare parts will help you increase the life of your vehicle. Take your car to regular servicing, do proper maintenance, and buy the best car insurance in India to keep it in the best shape.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few clever ways you can avoid overspending on food when travelling

Travel is a favourite bucket list item for most people who aspire to discover new opportunities, savour offbeat experiences, introspect and grow holistically. With general insurance covering the financial burden of accidents that may happen while travelling, it has become easier and safer to travel than ever before.

Despite the ease of travel, most people end up postponing plans indefinitely or even cancelling due to budgeting issues. Overspending while travelling can have a significant impact on your finances. However, pinching every penny ruins the joy of the experience. Therefore, it is essential to find a balance, make careful estimates, and use tricks that save money on regular activities.

Food is one such expense that adds to the joy of travel. However, it is easy to overspend on food while travelling. Here are some smart ways that can help you save on food.

1. Complimentary breakfasts:
Usually, breakfast is included in the cost of the room. It is an overlooked service that can save you a sizable sum throughout your stay. Most hotels provide good-quality breakfast spreads that give you a taste of the local cuisine and international foods.

2. All-you-can-eat buffets:
These buffets can save you a lot of money if you travel with large groups or have a voracious appetite. Instead of purchasing individual menu items in fancy restaurants, it is significantly cheaper to head to a buffet restaurant that specialises in a specific food type- meat, pasta, or pizza, for example. These restaurants can be easily found by a quick internet search.

3. Avoid tourist-catered restaurants:
Tourists often travel without prior research and pay exorbitant rates for items sold at prime locations. An example is the restaurants in tourist-centric areas like the city centre or nearby tourist attractions. These restaurants charge high prices and exploit tourists who don't know the actual cost. It is best to avoid such centrally located restaurants and instead research and find local restaurants to get a taste of authentic cuisine at reasonable prices.

4. Stash your snacks:
Have you ever experienced hunger outdoors without having a snack prepared, and the only available options are overpriced foods you would not otherwise purchase? Imagine that in a foreign place where you end up paying heavily.
In desperate times, we purchase unnecessary things at unreasonable prices that do not truly satisfy our needs. To avoid this, carry a few snacks with you. This helps tide over time between two activities and prevents you from wasting money on overpriced snacks.

5. Allocate one meal a day for dine-out:
It is tempting to dine out for all meals while on vacation. However, this leaves a massive dent in your wallet. The easiest way to overcome this obstacle is to define a meal to eat at a local restaurant each day. Preferably, this should be lunch to get the most value for your money. Complimentary breakfasts and grocery stores or cooking for dinner make it easy to follow this rule.

6. Opt to cook:
If you're booked into a hostel, or your hotel room provides the equipment you can use to cook, ensure that you make full use of them. This can help in cutting down food expenses substantially. In case neither of these options is available to you, choose to purchase freshly prepared sandwiches or similar quick fixes from grocery stores or local bakeries.
Ensure that the food is safe to eat by thoroughly checking the expiry dates to prevent any issues that may lead to illnesses, irrespective of whether or not your travel is covered under your general insurance.

With some planning and research, you can limit your food expenses without adversely affecting your travel experience and preventing you from travelling. Think like a local, and you can significantly reduce expenses. However, you must pay attention to purchasing comprehensive general insurance covering accidents while travelling.

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance policy before your next trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn About the Insurance Claims Process

Let’s address the big question, how to go about a claim?

The information on this page covers the part that you're most concerned about: Claims.

Our claim settlement ratio is something we're really proud of. Trust us, we are equally eager to settle your claims, should there be an untoward situation. Call us on 1800 266 3202 for seamless claim support.

Some important points related to the claims process:

For motor insurance claims, you can send us a video of the damaged vehicle taken from your smartphone, through the link that we share on your registered mobile number. You can also get in touch with your agent, visit our nearest branch or email us at for speedy assistance.

We promise you – we'll never leave you stranded. Our 24*7 Roadside Assistance add-on will help you with vehicle pick-up, repairs, and several other services (only if this service is opted for). For repairs, we urge you to choose our preferred workshops / network garages (where we'll settle the bill directly with the garage) or even if you don't, we'll settle the payment based on the relevant invoices and documentation (if only it is admissible under the terms of the policy).

To check the preferred garages near you, please click

For health insurance claims, in case of planned admission, we request you to inform us or your agent before the hospitalization, this will help us to process your claims quickly. Kindly intimate your claim within 30 days of hospitalization. You can avail yourself of the cashless facility at any of our Network hospitals.

To check the network hospitals near you, please click

You can also download our "Magma HDI" mobile app from the Google play store or Apple app store or visit our website for the following services:

1. Intimate and track claims
2. Avail wellness services
3. Download claim forms
4. Search hospital for a cashless
5. Access your policy facility features and health card, and more

For more clarity, we have summarized a few points to know why health claims get rejected, click here to view our blog.

We've reached the end of this page. See how quick that was!

To register your claim, click


Will the surge in cyber-attacks affect the premium rates of cyber insurance

Modern problems require advanced solutions. If you've been on the internet for a while, you've heard about cyber-attacks. With the increased dependence on digitalisation, cyber-attacks are an enormous threat to the growth of any business. Cyber-attacks affect the devices on the company's network and infringe on its data reserves. It puts the organisation at the mercy of hackers who can gain control over its valuable digital assets.

A conservative cover like a public liability insurance policy may not suffice in such instances. Commonly known to cover any physical injuries and third-party damages on owned property, a general liability insurance policy is necessary for every business. However, it does not cover cyber-attacks, making it essential to purchase an individual plan.

This blog discusses the correlation between rising cyber-attacks and the recent hikes in premium rates.

Understanding cyber insurance:

The recent Covid-19 pandemic highlighted a business's digital presence like never before. With many risks like malware attacks, compromised emails, and attacks on software and hardware devices, insuring a business is crucial. Cyber insurance is the perfect tool to combat such contingencies to prevent sudden operations interruptions from manufacturing up to the delivery stage. Cyber insurance is a rapidly growing segment of the Indian insurance sector.

Insurance premiums and assets covered under the policy:

The potential of digital assets is unimaginable. They are highly valued compared to physical assets like machinery. The insurance segment presently covers a small percentage of businesses, including banks, non-banks, and information technology services companies that comprehend the need for the cover. These organisations are heavily dependent on their pool of digital assets.

The high premium amount is a distinguishing factor that sets cyber insurance apart from most insurances. While common insurances like health, motor, or fire insurance are significantly low compared to the cover value, cyber insurance has a very high cover, up to 200 crores depending on the industry and the valuation of the business.

These high premium values are marginal compared to the asset valuations covered under the insurance. Typically, the assets covered under the policy are 50-100 times the value of the annual premium paid. The premium amount is determined after studying multiple factors like the company's turnover, cyber-attack risk, and availability of backup infrastructures.

Insurance premium trends:

As the demand for the product increases, so does its price. With reputed insurance providers stating that the Indian cyber insurance market has a projected growth of 35-50%, the rising trends in premium amounts do not come as a surprise. The high rate of uncertainty and dynamic environment with new cyber threats frequently emerging has caused a steep increase in premiums.

While some reports and insights by experts suggest that the increase is by 50%, there is reasonable evidence to believe that the growth may be closer to 100%. Despite the exponential increase in premium amounts backed by expansion in demand, the need for cyber insurance continues to grow. While the policy was taken by only big corporations earlier, smaller businesses of varying natures are assessing the risk of being unprotected in such volatile conditions and are willing to pay the high premium amounts, which do not seem to stabilise or decrease any time soon.

While the penetration rate of cyber insurance policies is not as high as any general public liability insurance policy, the need is bound to continue creating a demand for the insurance and fuel higher premium rates in proportion to the risk shouldered by the insurance providers.

Click HERE to buy the best public liability insurance for your business.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Minimise the risk of your car getting hacked with these smart tips

For most Indians, purchasing a car is a significant milestone. It is an asset that requires heavy investment, offers convenience, and doubles as a status symbol. Over time, alternate mechanisms of protecting your car against uncertainties have emerged. These mechanisms provide owners with greater security features. One such upgradation is that of smart vehicles. While advanced tech-powered features make the driving experience safer and smoother, they also raise cybersecurity concerns.

For a vehicle that holds such significance, it is necessary to buy car insurance policy online to protect it against accidents and financial worries.

Here are some tips to prevent your smart car from getting hacked:

1. Regular updates
Cars are getting smarter by the day as manufacturers race toward developing the best systems for their automobiles. With such rapid developments, installing those updates in your vehicle becomes necessary. This can be done during your vehicle's servicing at an authorised service centre at no additional cost.

2. Secure your fob
A key fob, also known as a fob, is a common feature in the latest car models. It replaces a traditional key and facilitates keyless access to your car through electronic signals by pressing a button. While this makes opening your vehicle easier, hackers have found ways to unlock your car even when the fob is not nearby by cloning the signal using an e-signal amplifier.

Consider using a specific fob holder that protects it against hackers to prevent such signal-altering tactics. Additionally, consider purchasing an add-on key protection cover. This ensures greater protection of your vehicle and allied tools. Also, remember to buy car insurance policy online as an additional layer of protection for your car.

3. Keep an eye on Bluetooth connectivity
Bluetooth connectivity has been around for a long while, and its scope of use has expanded to other electronics than just personal communication devices. While connecting your phone to your vehicle can make drives entertaining with music or navigating easier, turn off your vehicle's Bluetooth to ward off hackers' prying eyes when not in use. Not only can they access valuable data, but re-alter routes and pose a threat to your safety.

4. Embedded firewalls
With connectivity gaining significance, car manufacturers offer multiple mechanisms to transmit data directly between owners' devices and vehicles. Do not allow communication or connectivity access to any unauthorised devices. You can install a firewall that eliminates communication attempts from unknown vehicles or devices.

5. Smartphone connectivity
As we become increasingly dependent on your smartphones, they are also doubling as an alternative to keyless entry to your car. Ensure your smartphone is secure before connecting to your vehicle using the manufacturer's authorised app. Any existing malware may prove to be an issue in the long run. Therefore, for the security of your vehicle and personal data, check for any signs of malicious intent, unauthorised apps, and data packages on your phone before you connect it to your car.

6. Avoid third-party updates
You must only install or modify your car's software approved by the manufacturer. If you install any new updates through a third party, you may encounter issues with your car's functioning and create loopholes that hackers can use to manipulate your vehicle's processing.

With smart features rolling out daily, it is inevitable to eliminate cybersecurity threats, even when it comes to cars. Consider this when comparing options to buy car insurance policy online to find the best one that offers comprehensive protection against hackers, accidents, and more. Feel free to contact a cyber expert if you feel that the situation might get critical. Stay alert and try to gain fundamental knowledge about the potential risks to your car's safety due to hacking attempts.

Click HERE to buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Not responsible for the accident? Here's what you should do

The numbers of road accidents in India are astonishingly increasing every year for many reasons, including drunken driving, being careless at the wheel, driving without attention, not following traffic rules, etc. Regardless of the reasons surrounding the road accident, you need to be extremely cautious on the road. You should also buy car insurance policy online, not as a mandate but as a comprehensive protection for your vehicle.

A lot of times, challenging situations may occur regarding road accidents, even if you are not at fault. Sometimes you may be accused of an accident you have no connection with. If you're not responsible for the accident and wondering what to do? You need not panic. We have curated this article to help you determine your next steps if you're not responsible for an accident.

What are the immediate steps?

Your immediate action plan should be:

● Try to stay calm before taking over the situation

● Call an ambulance if you or anyone involved in the accident is hurt

● If the cars are damaged, you should also call the police

● Make the drivers aware of the insurance coverage

● Take pictures of the vehicles involved in the accident

● Wait for the officials and car insurance companies to decide the next steps

● Do not panic and blame others

What to do if you are not responsible?

A car accident can be extremely stressful and anxious situation, so you must maintain your composure and pick your battles wisely. Some tips to help you deal with it are

1. Gather information:
You need to get important information like the name and address of the other driver. You should also take pictures at the accident scene. Collect photos of the damage to the involved cars, the number plate of the at-fault car, and then the driver's driving licence. Try to note down the statement of the passengers and witnesses.

2. Inform your insurance company:
Your insurance company should get involved in such a situation. But you must be very quick in submitting your details and proofs to your insurer (probably in the first 24 hours of the accident). The insurer of the at-fault driver may hold you guilty of the situation. Fret not! You should just state the facts, statements, and pictures for them to decide. You should also inform your insurer as it will establish your reputation as a good-faith citizen. They can also protect you if the other insurance company denies your claim.

3. File a legal claim if necessary:
Legal claims can be tedious. You need to choose that very wisely. You must only go for a legal claim if the extent of damage is massive. You are eligible for a legal claim when the other person's insurance company denies your claim and does not give you compensation. You can fight this with the other insurance company for rightful compensation.
However, if you are seriously hurt, you need a lawyer to fight your claim. Things can get pretty intense, and you need to choose everything with caution.

If you get into a car accident that you weren't responsible for, you should collect information on-site as much as you can. This will give you an upper hand. You can also claim their liability insurance. If you buy car insurance policy online, you will be covered against all the losses you encounter after a car accident. But, all of this should happen swiftly without any delays. You can win the situation only if you act fast and present your case strongly.

Click HERE to buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Nails: An overlooked indicator of good health

Good health is considered to be our greatest gift. It results from practising healthy habits, including eating nutritious and well-balanced meals, sleeping on time, and exercising daily. These contribute towards a balanced and wellness-focused lifestyle that is exceptionally significant in the long run.

While your habits can help minimise the risk of illnesses and facilitate overall wellness, there is no practical way to prevent diseases. However, prudent mechanisms like buying health insurance online in India and conducting regular health checks can help maintain your well-being.

As astounding as it may sound, your nails can say much about your body's health in no time. You may not believe it at first, but this article on various parameters of nail health and what they may indicate is all you need to learn more about the topic!

1. Yellow nails:
Yellow nails indicate various things, including wearing nail paint frequently. In such a case, you need to take a break from the salon. Your nails may also turn pale yellow as a result of old age. Another significant cause may be excessive smoking.
Additionally, it could also be an indicator of yellow nail syndrome. It is a rare genetic disorder that causes thick yellow nails. If you notice that your nails are yellow for an extended period, consider getting them checked immediately.

2. White spots:
White spots are extremely common in nails. You can find these white spots scattered across your nails. Contrary to popular belief, it does not indicate a calcium deficiency. Instead, it could be the result of a minor nail accident. It could also be a symptom of leukonychia. It is harmless but may indicate other health problems, including liver or kidney issues. If you notice such white spots regularly, the best action plan is to consult a doctor soon.

3. Brittle, cracked, or dry nails:
Dry and cracked nails are extremely common in recent times. A dry nail plate causes dry nails. It can result from swimming, dishwashing, or excessive use of nail polish remover. Reduce the frequency of these activities to prevent dry nails. Low humidity could be another cause of this condition. It can also occur due to old age.
However, brittle nails can also be an indicator of hypothyroidism. Since it is difficult to gauge the root cause of the problem without medical intervention, we encourage you to consult a medical professional who can help diagnose the problem. To reduce the burden of hospitalisation expenses on yourself, you must buy online health insurance. If your tests do not indicate a significant problem, using lotions to keep your nails moisturised may suffice to correct the issue.

4. Blue nails:
If your nails turn blue frequently, it can mean that your body is not getting enough oxygen. This severe problem could also result from underlying heart and lung problems, requiring immediate medical attention.

5. Nail clubbing:
Frequent swelling and curving of the nails can result from serious issues like lung disorders and kidney issues, for which you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Many diseases and abnormalities can change your nails' colours or cause them to grow abnormally. All these are indicative of other ailments that may prevail in your body. You must consult a doctor immediately if you notice such signs and symptoms. Do not overlook these signs. Be responsible and ensure regular check-ups to keep your body in the best shape. You should also buy online health insurance to stay ahead and protect your health with comprehensive coverage.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


If you’re struggling with productivity, a morning routine may be what you need

With the advent of the hustle culture and technology moving at an incredible pace, our lifestyles have been affected dramatically towards the unhealthy side. Our diets, sleep schedules, and working hours have seen a massive shift that has negatively impacted our health and relationships with ourselves and others. And this unhealthy switch has a massive effect on our work and productivity. While self-care has become an enormous part of our lives, it is now a must-do activity instead of just a habit we are supposed to inculcate in our daily routine.

Have you been feeling down and unfocused lately? Do you need help concentrating to carry out the menial tasks of the day? Well, mental health is a massive part of our lives today. You should contact trained professionals if you feel severe anxiety and other issues. But if you're struggling with productivity, a morning routine may be what you need!

This blog discusses how you can reform your lifestyle with a proper morning schedule and observe significant changes in your spirit and health.

1. Plan your day in advance:
Figuring out your day's schedule helps prepare you mentally and physically for getting all the work done. Monitoring the time to accomplish a particular task enables you to keep track and improve your efficiency and make space for other personal and professional things. A to-do list is a right way to go about structuring your day. You can allot time for these things according to your estimation and roughly note down the hours you will dedicate to a particular task from your list. This will help you stay on top of your productivity game.

2. A sound sleep:
A good night's sleep is essential. While several other pieces of research every day indicate different hours of sleep required by a certain age group, seven to eight hours is the fundamental need for a human body to function correctly. Ensuring a good night's sleep makes you feel fresh and ready for the next day. It helps you to be productive and complete all the tasks for the day.

3. Meditation and reading:
Meditation helps you connect with your inner self and calms your body. It enables you to strengthen your focus. Meditating every morning will help you calm your nerves and prepare for the day. It is very effective in dealing with anxiety and stress. Mental health professionals and physical trainers always recommend it as a part of your exercise and self-care regimen.
You can also set a target for reading which is a nourishment for your brain. You can either commit to reading ten pages daily and slowly increase. Or you can set a time limit, beginning with reading for ten to twenty minutes and then working your way up. This will help you improve your reading speed and boost your concentration, and eventually, you can develop a habit.

4. Move your body:
Any form of physical activity in the morning like stretching, yoga, and exercise will improve the blood circulation in your body and regulate hormone levels. Physical activities also help you structure your day, improve your metabolism and enhance your well-being. Your fitness journey would eventually lead you to healthier diet choices, thus making an enormous contribution to your lifestyle.

Some other elements you can introduce in building productivity include drinking one glass of water in the morning, eating a nutritional breakfast, breathing exercises, cleaning and organising your personal space and work desk, spending some time in nature without any gadgets, positive self-talk and affirmations, etc. The key is to formulate all these things into a routine and take it one day at a time.

Health is the most crucial aspect of our life. While we try our best to take care of our health, some unforeseeable circumstances can create an imbalance and adversely affect our health. To combat such incidents, you must explore different insurance options from multiple companies and choose the best health insurance policy for family.

Click HERE to learn more about the best health insurance policy for family and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Planning to relocate to India as an NRI? Consider purchasing health insurance

Relocating to a new country is a thrilling and challenging experience that requires careful planning to ensure a smooth transition. If you're moving to India as a Non-Resident Indian (NRI), one of the most critical aspects to consider is your healthcare needs. While India has made significant strides in healthcare, medical costs can still be quite expensive. Having adequate health insurance coverage is essential to protect yourself and your family.

Here we'll discuss why purchasing health insurance is essential for NRIs planning to relocate to India.

1. Access to quality healthcare
One of the most significant advantages of purchasing health insurance is having access to quality healthcare. India has an excellent healthcare facilities system and skilled healthcare professionals, but these can be expensive. With health insurance, you can access the best hospitals and doctors without worrying about the high cost of medical treatment.

2. Comprehensive coverage
Health insurance offers comprehensive coverage for medical expenditures. It covers hospitalisation expenses, doctor's fees, diagnostic tests, and medication costs. NRIs can opt for individual or family floater policies to protect themselves and their dependents, ensuring everyone can access quality healthcare when needed.

3. Protection against medical emergencies

Medical emergencies come without warning, and they can be financially draining. With health insurance, you can protect yourself against such emergencies. Most health insurance policies cover critical illnesses and accidents, providing financial security and peace of mind.

4. Cost-effective

Health insurance is a cost-effective way to protect your health and your finances. Paying a small premium regularly ensures that you are covered for medical expenses that may arise in the future after relocating to India. Additionally, some health insurance policies offer tax benefits, which can help you save money on taxes.

5. Pre-existing conditions
If you have a pre-existing medical condition, it's essential to have health insurance coverage. Most health insurance policies cover pre-existing conditions, ensuring you have access to quality healthcare when needed. Declaring your pre-existing conditions when purchasing health insurance is crucial to avoid future disputes.

6. Cashless hospitalisation
One of the advantages of health insurance is cashless hospitalisation. In a medical emergency, you can access cashless treatment at any network hospital, ensuring that you receive the best possible care without worrying about the high cost of treatment. This feature especially benefits NRIs who may need access to more cash in India.

7. Tax benefits
Health insurance policies offer tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, making it an excellent investment for NRIs. You can claim deductions for the premium paid towards health insurance for yourself, your spouse, and your dependent children. This deduction can lower your overall tax liability, making it a wise financial decision.

8. Flexible coverage options
Health insurance policies offer flexible coverage options to suit your individual needs. You can choose the sum you want to insure based on your age, health condition, and family size. Many policies also offer additional coverage options such as critical illness, maternity, and overseas coverage, making it a versatile investment for NRIs.

9. Peace of mind
Purchasing health insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that you and your family are protected against any unforeseen medical expenses. With health insurance, you can focus on settling into your new life in India without worrying about the high cost of healthcare.

Moving to India as an NRI can be an exciting experience, but it's crucial to have adequate health insurance coverage to protect yourself and your family. Health insurance provides access to quality healthcare, comprehensive coverage, protection against medical emergencies, and peace of mind. Consider purchasing health insurance when relocating to India to ensure you have access to quality healthcare when needed.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are ten easy tips to reduce bloating

Bloating can be a common but painful condition for some. We all know the feeling, the tender abdomen, and the stomach that looks a lot larger than usual. Bloating is a disorder that usually happens after overeating, eating something you are intolerant towards, or having too many fizzy drinks that result in a gas build-up.

However, bloating can also occur due to too much stress in your day-to-day life, which causes indigestion. This blog gives you some tips and tricks to get relief from bloating.

1. Try massaging the belly:
Bloating is usually a build-up of gas, which you can control by giving a gentle massage to your abdomen. This helps move the gas to the lower belly and relieve it. It’s best to follow the path of the large intestine for optimal results.

2. Drink that bottle of water:
Hydration is vital to most of the body’s functions. Drinking less water not only affects the kidneys but it has a significant impact on digestion too. Drinking water will make it much easier to pass stool, which will, in turn, help with your bloating. Also, the mucous lining of your stomach significantly improves from more hydration, so keep finishing that water bottle!

3. Reduce the consumption of fizzy drinks:
The consumption of fizzy drinks has increased drastically worldwide, which also brings digestive issues. Fizzy drinks are pumped with carbon dioxide, which gives the stomach a tough time. People have also replaced water in their households, which makes them even more dangerous.

4. Exercise:
In this technologically advanced world, sedentary lifestyles have become the norm making significant negative impacts on our overall health. Exercise relieves fluid retention as we sweat out sodium and helps move stool and gas out of our system. So, no matter how busy your schedule is, take time to indulge in some physical activity to relieve your abdomen.

5. Check for lactose intolerance, cut down on the dairy:
Approximately 65 percent of the world has a reduced tolerance to dairy products after infancy. So, it is no surprise that dairy products cause bloating in many people due to their inability to digest milk and milk products.

6. Drink your coffee:
Coffee can help make bowel movements regular and is therefore regarded as suitable for people who suffer from chronic bloating.

7. Avoid alcohol and other spirits:
Alcohol is fermented and is bad for your gut health. This might make you blow up like a balloon and cause severe discomfort. Using fizzy drinks to the mix makes the situation even worse.

8. Pop a peppermint capsule:
Peppermint is excellent for people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) but can also be used for indigestion and other gas–related issues. It is great for the gut as it helps relax the intestinal muscles, allowing stool to pass more easily. However, one should be careful and take these capsules only after reading the instructions. People with heartburn should skip this one.

9. Take a relaxing bath:
A warm bath or a shower can melt away all the stress of the day and make you feel light and breezy. This can reduce stress levels, which are a significant cause of indigestion. The warmth will also be relieving for a tender stomach.

10. Try to reduce your salt consumption:
Salt is a major cause of fluid retention and can cause bloating after an incredibly salty meal. Try cooking at home instead of dining out, and avoid fast food with salt and oils.

Bloating is highly uncomfortable and can ruin a day that otherwise was full of promises. Bloating can also be due to other medical reasons. If you notice regular bloating, contact a medical professional at the earliest to diagnose the issue. Additionally, consider purchasing health insurance that provides coverage against various illnesses to protect your health and look after your medical expenses. The right research and knowledge can help you find affordable health insurance plans that are soft on your pockets but best for your financial security.

Click HERE to learn more about affordable health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The importance of regular health check-ups for seniors in your house

Regular health check-ups are essential for everyone but become critical for seniors. People over 50 are more likely to develop chronic diseases because of unhealthy lifestyles, diets, genetics, and other reasons. The most common conditions in seniors include heart disease, cancer, COPD, arthritis, pulmonary disease, and memory loss. Buying health insurance in India for parents is a necessity you must pay attention to. Not only does it protect your finances from rising medical inflation, but it also offers preventive health checks.

A good health check for senior citizens covers various tests such as a kidney profile check-up, complete blood count test, fasting blood glucose test, thyroid profile check-up, abdomen and chest X-ray, and an ECG test. If you have senior parents or grandparents at your home, it is wise to provide regular check-ups to keep them healthy.

Here you can find more reasons to give your parents regular health check-ups.

1. Detect health problems early
Healthcare professionals are trained to detect different symptoms and suggest treatments accordingly. Doctors can help you identify health problems in seniors at the earliest. They can also refer them for requisite tests and send them to the right specialist. Most conditions, like diabetes and high blood pressure, don't result in symptoms at an early stage. However, doctors can identify these conditions by checking the senior's weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

2. Learn the risk of disease in seniors
During a prevention check, the doctor can find problems that may put your seniors at greater disease risk. Doctors also check the family's health history for inherited conditions like diabetes or cancer. If your seniors are more at risk of disease, doctors recommend a healthy diet, sleep, and fitness habits. Adopting these healthy habits prevents many diseases and ensures an enhanced quality of life.

3. Gain more control over chronic conditions
If your parents have long-term conditions like heart disease, diabetes, asthma, or arthritis, they will need regular care from the doctor. The healthcare provider will check in with your parents at each visit to ensure their condition is under control. They can also provide preventive measures like diet or medication to control the seniors' chronic conditions.

4. Treatment and cure chances increase
Besides preventing chronic disease, regular check-ups also help increase the effectiveness of treatment and recovery in seniors. With regular check-ups, doctors can provide better medication and lifestyle changes to manage symptoms and reduce risk factors for chronic diseases.

5. Save money by preventing costly medical services
People often spend lots of money on expensive medical treatments that can be avoided by developing healthy habits. If you don't want to spend money on costly medical services, you should take your parents to a clinic for regular health check-ups. Ensure they follow the doctor's advice regarding a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight by paying attention to nutrition.

6. Build a relationship with a doctor
You and your parents can get to know your doctor better with each check-up. Building trust between doctor and patient is essential. It makes it easier for seniors to talk about personal subjects like drug or alcohol use, urinary tract health, etc., without any hesitation. Regular check-ups also help your doctor learn more about your seniors and advise the best health plan for them.

Regular health check-ups are a great way to assess your senior's health condition and detect any issues early. Also, getting health insurance in India for parents is essential, as it covers all medical expenses such as annual preventive health check-ups, domiciliary treatment, hospitalisation, and the costs of medicines.

Click HERE to buy health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why are boxy car designs trending among Indian car buyers?

In today's car market, you can find many models in different sizes, styles, and shapes. With each design, manufacturers are rolling out additional features to enhance safety, aesthetic appeal, functionality, etc. While you may choose designs and functions as per your preferences, safety is a non-negotiable feature. The best car insurance company in India offers comprehensive coverage, ensuring passenger safety at all times.

As per the latest auto trends, boxy car designs are becoming popular in India. These cars can be likened to passenger cars with features of off-road vehicles. Indians show a great interest in SUVs and hatchbacks, which has caused automakers to launch over 35 models in the last five years. Additionally, the most popular boxy car models are still flowing in.

Reasons why boxy car designs are in vogue
A significant reason driving demand for boxy car designs in India is the need for premium features. Car buyers are willing to spend more on their mode of travel and top-end vehicles with advanced features like connected technologies, sunroofs, and more space.

1. Seating capacity
Indian families usually have many members that need cars with more seating capacity. Boxy vehicles are more popular among large families. Small SUVs are 5-seaters, whereas most SUVs are 7-seaters. There are options to fit the requirements of different families. This makes boxy cars perceived more as family cars.

2. Sturdy build
The boxy car has rugged styling that gives it a glamorous on-road appearance. It’s tough nature also provides a bold stance on the street. Also, the driver can enjoy good handling, high-speed reliability, and riding quality.

3. Feature-rich
Most small SUVs have a wide range of features, such as a sunroof, a two-zone HVAC system, a turbocharged petrol engine, an automatic gearbox, and more top-notch features. SUVs also have other features like seven airbags and dual-zone climate control. The best advantage of owning a boxy car is the greater storage space for luggage.

4. Driver's high seating seat
India is known for its busy and narrow roads. SUVs have excellent visibility of the road ahead and have a high seating position. This feature lets the driver handle the vehicle more adequately through traffic jams and narrow streets.

5. High ground clearance
Boxy cars are equipped with high ground clearance, which makes them more suitable for operating on full-of-pothole roads. This feature also allows drivers to drive on waterlogged roads more easily than sedans.

6. More safety
Boxy cars have a high seating position and airbag features that provide safety to the driver and passenger physically and mentally. However, when a collision occurs, the driver and passenger must wear seat belts so that the airbag can work properly.

7. Reasonable price
A few years ago, boxy cars like SUVs were limited to the higher affluent class. However, now SUVs are perfect for all Indian car drivers' needs. Another thing that makes these boxy cars famous is their attractive price, discounts, and bank EMI options.

Boxy car suits large families and is a top choice for planning adventures like camping and road trips. If you are also interested in boxy car design, consider factors like capability, safety, performance, practicality, and reliability.

Also, consider choosing an insurance policy issued by the best car insurance company in India to ensure optimal coverage for your car. You can also get third-party liability and personal accident coverage with the right car insurance plan.

Click HERE to get insurance from the best car insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Budgeting fundamentals young adults must understand

Young adults are at a nascent stage of life, beginning to understand and bear life's responsibilities. It becomes important for them to understand budgeting fundamentals to adequately control their expenditure against what they earn. It will help them avoid suffering a money crunch situation or a deficit by spending more than they can earn during the budgeting period.

A life without budgeting is similar to a rudderless ship in the middle of an ocean. A budget is a perfect plan to structure our investments and ensure financial stability by estimating our probable income and expenditure. Let's understand a few budgeting fundamentals that can encourage young adults to become financially independent individuals capable of making fruitful investment decisions. When we talk about investments, insurance plays a vital role. Investing in a reliable general insurance company can be a good kick-start for young adults.

1. Know your income:
Young salaried adults should know their net income after considering several deductions and taxes. They should not focus on their total salary but on what they will get in hand during the budgeting period. This will help them not to overspend.
A young adult with an irregular income stream, such as a freelancer, a contractor, or a self-employed, should plan and chart his probable earnings over the budgeting period. They should also consider income from other sources, such as interest and dividend earnings, rental income, etc.

2. Know your expenditure:
Young adults should then divide their expenses into two parts- fixed and variable. They cannot avoid fixed expenses such as rent, telephone and electricity bills, EMIs, etc. However, they can control and trim their variable costs according to their income. They need to track and categorise such expenditures so that they know which expenditures to curtail and which to completely avoid.

3. Setting goals:
The next step in budgeting is to set realistic short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are the ones that will take a year or two to fulfill. Young adults may budget to set up an emergency fund. Long-term goals will take a longer time to accomplish. They may budget to invest a certain amount monthly in a mutual fund through the SIP route to secure their future or plan for their children's future education. They may also budget to buy insurance policies such as term, health, or life insurance.

4. Plan effectively:
Effective planning is the key to implementing any budget. Young adults should plan how to increase their income in the coming time and set spending limits for the expense category that can be controlled. They should understand the difference between necessities, comforts, and luxuries. While necessities are a must and cannot be curtailed, spending on comforts and luxuries can be controlled through proper planning.

5. Review regularly:
Young adults should review their budgets regularly. Income and expenditure may go up or down due to several reasons such as a salary raise, fulfillment of some goal, new ambition, change in taste and preferences, etc. They should adjust their budget accordingly so that it stays relevant.

Young adults must understand budgeting fundamentals and their importance in their lives. This will help them to stay aligned with their budget goals. They can switch to using cash as the preferred mode of payment in case they cannot control their spending when using plastic money.

Young adults are at a stage of life in which general insurance policies also start gaining importance. They should divert some portion of their income towards buying insurance policies, be it health insurance, home insurance, or any other type of insurance per their specific needs. Insurance will ensure their secure and financially stable future and cover their entire family in emergencies. The right general insurance company can benefit young adults by streamlining their finances with protection.

Click HERE to explore different insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why do different number plates have different colours?

Have you ever been stuck in traffic without recourse to pass your time? Most of the Indian population has experienced the same due to the ever-increasing number of cars on roads, poor driving etiquette, and ill-maintained roads. In such situations, looking around often helps find temporary things of interest.

In such situations, even mundane things can catch your eye. Have you noticed that some vehicles have different coloured number plates? However, if you have wondered why some vehicles have other coloured number plates and their significance, read on.

Understanding the layout of number plates
In FY 2019, India had 295 million registered vehicles. With a CAGR of 10% between 2007 and 2019, it is safe to assume that the pace of growth of registration has sustained, if not grown. Legal mandates have made it compulsory to buy motor insurance online and getting a vehicle registration number even before your car hits the road. To adhere to the process, knowing the layout of number plates is essential.
● The first two letters indicate the Union Territory or State where the vehicle is registered
● The following two digits denote the district RTO's sequential number
● The next section of up to 2 digits or letters reflects the series of numbers presently being allotted
● The last four digits are your car's unique registration number

You can find IND lasered under the Ashok Chakra emblem on the left. Underneath the number is a unique pin code for the number plate. The text is usually in black or white, depending on the plate's colour. This is the general format commonly used until the introduction of the BH series number plates.

Different number plate types and their meaning

1. White
This is the most prevalent type of number plate. You will be allotted a white number plate if you purchase a car for personal commute purposes. The numbers are lasered in black.

2. Yellow
Another common number plate colour is yellow, with the registration number etched in black. This indicates a commercial vehicle that may transport goods or ferry passengers. The regular documents required to be carried by drivers include motor insurance papers, a driver's licence, and a PUC certificate. Additionally, commercial drivers must have a permit that states their eligibility to carry out the same.

3. Green
The emergence of green number plates is a sign of shifting toward sustainability. These are assigned to electric vehicles of all kinds- two-wheelers, cars, buses, etc. The registration number is etched in white on these number plates. Unlike the distinction mentioned above regarding purpose, all-electric vehicles have green number plates irrespective of use.

4. Black
A black number plate indicates a vehicle has been registered for rental. Drivers do not require a commercial driving licence for these rented commercial vehicles.

5. Blue
Blue number plates with white lettering are rarely seen. They are used to indicate vehicles that belong to a foreign embassy or consulate. These are reserved for foreign diplomats and have unique registration numbers. Instead of the state code shown in the first two letters, the diplomat's country is displayed.

6. Red
Red number plates are for vehicles owned by the President or Governors of India. These number plates have a gold emblem of India instead of a registration number.

Vehicle registration is a mandatory process in India. Before you purchase a new vehicle, knowing what type of number plate to apply for is ideal. You may research more to get deeper insights and understand the colour system. Also, buy motor insurance online to keep your car safe from accidents. A comprehensive motor insurance acts as a safety net to avoid venting your pockets if your car demands repair and replacements.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.