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Cultural immersion: How to truly experience a destination

Are you someone who loves to travel to new destinations and locations? Then, we have something exciting to present to you. Travelling simply does not mean going from one place to another. If you truly want to experience a location and its surroundings, you need to dive deeper. Exploring a place does not only mean going to underrated places or trying the most interesting food combinations. It also means to immerse yourself in the culture of a place completely.

Engaging yourself in the culture of an unknown land can be an awakening experience for you. It is most commonly known as cultural immersion. With cultural immersion, you need to surround yourself with a particular culture. It requires interacting, spending time with the locals, and getting to know them better.

Cultural immersion can enhance your travel experience and help you get the real feel of a destination. It is also associated with volunteering in an ethnic group or spending some time away from home in a foreign land. Regardless, you should check out the general insurance online quote before you embark on your journey. It will keep you safe and secure.

We have curated a list of things you should keep in mind while you immerse yourself in a culture:

1. Study the customs
Before visiting any new land, you should research its history, culture, and customs in-depth. You should have a basic understanding of the way people meet and greet here. Try gathering more information about the languages spoken, the food, and the local lifestyle. Many cultures are very orthodox and hold their customs very dear to themselves. Knowing about them in advance is important to avoid any trouble later.

2. Try local food and drinks
Every destination has some authentic local delicacies that are worth trying. You will miss most part of your cultural immersion if you do not experience the cuisine of that area. You can dine with the locals or ask about the famous food joints to explore. You can also visit various places and try different food during your stay at the destination.

3. Learn the language
The native language of a place plays a crucial role in its culture. Learning the basics of the language before you embark on your journey is recommended. Although learning a new language is difficult, you can always try with a few words. You can start by memorising words like 'Thank you,' 'Sorry,' 'Please,' etc. Although they are little phrases, they can go a long way.

4. Take the local transportation
Instead of a posh taxi or cab, you should try public transport to experience a region's culture. You will save a lot of money and also be part of the local life. Travelling with locals provides you with an opportunity to interact with them. It helps you understand people and their lifestyles better.

5. Try underrated destinations
You should not restrict yourself to a set itinerary every day. They are monotonous and boring. You should seek advice from locals and ask them for unknown or hidden destinations. These places will not only be less crowded but also give you a chance to immerse yourself in the hidden beauty of a region.

These are some pointers that should be kept in mind by every traveller during cultural immersion. Don't constrain yourself to mundane and superficial exploration. Cultural immersion is one of the best ways to explore a destination and be a part of the everyday life of a particular place. However, travelling and exploring can sometimes be tricky and chaotic due to unexpected circumstances, flight delays, and overbooking at hotels. Before starting your journey, you should check the general insurance online quote, as it provides extra protection against financial loss.

Click HERE to get a general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understanding the use of reflectors for motor vehicles

Do you know that most vehicle accidents occur at night? As per research, it is found to be true that a large percentage of accidents occur after dark because of the reduced visibility on the roads. One of the primary factors contributing to this problem is that some people think light reflectors are unnecessary in the late evening and early morning.

While others do not show interest in installing reflectors, which can lead them into big trouble, in some countries, using reflectors in vehicles is also mandatory to receive complete motor insurance. Most countries have different rules stating the importance of installing reflective devices and rear marking tape to fulfill automotive standards.

What is a reflector for motor vehicles?
Reflective devices, although often confused with LED marker lights, operate differently. Rather than emitting light, reflectors shine the light back onto its source. Reflectors come in various colours and shapes, each designated for a specific location on a vehicle. Certain vehicles, like trailers, require specific reflector placement. Reflectors can be mounted by screwing or using a 3M adhesive strip. Retroreflectors are the types of reflectors that can be observed in traffic. These reflectors reflect light in the same direction from which it comes.

They are utilised to guarantee clear visibility in traffic. Safety reflectors aid in making vehicles visible while driving or parked on the street by reflecting light from the headlights of other vehicles. Reflectors prove to be extremely beneficial in areas without streetlights. They are installed near the vehicles' front and back (and on the sides), adjacent to the headlights and brake lights.

Is it necessary to install reflectors to receive motor insurance?
You do not have to install vehicle reflectors to receive motor insurance (for most cases). They are used to enhance visibility on the road to prevent accidents. However, it might be necessary for some countries or certain insurance companies. You might also get some extra discounts or incentives for doing so from some companies. Your insurance company might ask you to fit your vehicle's reflectors and other related components to increase safety.

Why is it important for motor vehicles to use reflectors?
The primary reason for installing reflectors in motor vehicles is to increase road safety, especially when parked on the roadside in the dark. You can prevent roadside accidents during nighttime and rough weather conditions by installing reflectors or glowing tape on the vehicles.

Reflectors possess several essential benefits that enhance road safety, including some benefits in motor insurance (as mentioned above). Initially, they boost the vehicle's visibility, making it visible to other drivers in low-light conditions. Furthermore, reflectors can prevent mishaps involving vehicles in such circumstances. By enhancing the vehicle's visibility, drivers can recognise its presence, providing adequate time to react and take necessary preventive measures.

Reflectors are a cost-effective way to increase the visibility of a vehicle. Unlike other pricey safety measures, such as blinking lights, reflectors are relatively inexpensive and easily accessible in many areas. They require a simple installation process, which can be achieved using premade affordable kits.

It is recommended to use reflectors as they can reduce road accidents to a great extent to ensure a safe driving experience. Equipping your motor vehicle with reflectors ensures it is visible during the dark. Thus, you can guarantee that your vehicle will stay safe, especially when parked on roadsides at night. In addition, they can also help you receive extra benefits with motor insurance.

Click HERE to buy the best motor insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


General insurance plans for high-risk activities: What you need to know

General insurance is any insurance other than life insurance. There are several types of general insurance, such as fire, marine, personal accident, travel insurance, etc. While defining their policy coverage, insurance companies often categorise a few activities as high-risk activities. They include car racing, bungee jumping, scuba diving, horse riding, construction work, mining, etc.

We usually don’t pay attention to insurance coverage when buying a new policy concerning such high-risk activities. We may get a costly treatment bill if we unknowingly engage in activities that make our insurance null and void. Let us know more about general insurance for high-risk activities.

1. Travel insurance
Travel insurance provides coverage against trip cancellation, baggage, and personal belonging protection, coverage for medical expenses, and accidental death. However, there are several high-risk activities that traditional travel insurance does not cover. They include risky adventure sports such as skydiving, hand-gliding, parachuting, cliff diving, mountain climbing and biking, scuba diving, racing, and base jumping. These activities may give us an adrenaline rush, but insurers usually do not cover them because of the high risk involved in conducting them.

Insurance companies may exclude coverage of accidents for the above high-risk activities and deny compensation when needed. However, a few insurance companies may provide due coverage for such accidents by adding a few riders, such as hazardous sports riders. They will look at several factors such as your age, frequency of indulging in such activity, level of experience, etc. They will calculate the premium accordingly, which will be higher than the regular policies. But it may be worth paying a higher premium for your policy in case you need it in the future.

2. Health insurance
Health insurance companies weigh the risk of providing you insurance coverage according to your occupation. Some occupations are considered highly risky, such as mining and construction. The probability of accidental death or injuries is very high in such professions. Hence, insurance companies may deny providing you coverage or may charge a high premium for issuing you a policy because of occupational hazards.

3. Workmen’s compensation insurance
Accidents at workplaces are inevitable and may result in bodily injuries, partial or permanent disability, or even the death of an employee. Some high-risk professions may cause dermatitis, respiratory illnesses, cancer, hearing or vision loss, stress, and mental disorders.

Employers have a legal liability to pay for the medical treatment expenses of their employees when workplace hazards have caused an illness or accident. Manufacturing, trading, and service setups can buy a workmen’s compensation policy that provides coverage against this liability. It covers the payment for legal compensation to the employees and their dependents when the employee suffers an injury or meets with an accident at the workplace.

Accidental death, permanent total disability, permanent partial disability, and temporary total disability are covered under such insurance policies. We can also buy several add-on covers such as medical extension, terrorism coverage, and subcontractor coverage.

General insurance plans are the solution to cover such risks. We should do thorough research about the general insurance plans that can provide us adequate coverage while we engage in any of the above high-risk activities and professions. Read all the terms and conditions properly, compare the various available options, and choose the general insurance plan that best suits your requirement.

Click HERE to browse different general insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is it safe to sleep in the car? And what measures to take for the safety and comfort

Getting ready for a long road trip? But the thought of continuous driving and exhaustion troubles you? During the long journey, you can pass out and nap briefly to reach your destination comfortably.

Taking a short nap demands you make a cozy bed inside your vehicle. However, it would help if you were sure your car offers enough comfort to sleep with the right air-conditioning system and ventilation.

As long as there are open windows, fresh oxygen will continue to enter the car, making it safe to sleep in a vehicle without the risk of feeling choked. If you're sleeping in a hotter or humid region, you should open a window just a little to let some cooler air in. Never leave the windows wide open while you sleep. Also, it is crucial to ensure that you halt at a well-lit place, preferably a parking area or in proximity to toll plazas on highways. Lock all your doors and keep the parking light on to signal passing vehicles.

While it may seem fascinating and unbelievable, comfort and safety are always concerns. This article presents some safety measures to take while planning to rest in the car.

1. Setting up the warm bed
The first thing is to convert your vehicle into a warm and cozy bed. One method to accomplish this is to flatten the front and back passenger seats and turn them into beds using a sleeping bag or a mattress. With this, you may sleep with your feet in the back of the vehicle and your head on the flattened front passenger seats. You can sleep across if you're tall.

2. Staying upright with a seatbelt
If you're a passenger and feel like sleeping in a moving car, then fasten your seatbelt and sleep in a straight posture for a better sleeping experience. If you're in the rear, it could be tempting to unbuckle your seatbelt and fall asleep on your side. Keep your seatbelt on and resist the urge to unbuckle it. In the same vein, don't let your seat recline. Keep it upright. In a collision, your seatbelt and airbags won't provide as much protection if you recline.

3. Turn off the engine
You might be tempted to leave the engine running on a chilly night to produce heat and keep you comfortable, but doing so could be harmful. The air will become contaminated with hazardous carbon monoxide if your car's engine is left running. Turning off the engine is very important for a safe sleeping experience.

4. Leave the window slightly open
People sleeping inside the car often face breathing problems due to a lack of ventilation. The solution is to keep the windows slightly open. Completely closing your window prevents airflow, which could make you feel uneasy the following morning.

5. Text your friends and family about your location
There are high chances of robbery or any misfortune you may face while sleeping in the car. When you plan to sleep in the car, send your location to your friends and family in an emergency. It will help them stay connected and receive updates.

Long road trips can result in fatigue and lethargy due to continuous driving. Above all, make sure your car has its insurance renewed. All these steps can help you enjoy a peaceful sleep in your car and allow your body to rest for a while before continuing the journey. After completing your sleep, you can do some basic body stretches and wash your face to feel fresher and more energetic. As we discussed, safety is paramount while driving a car, so it is advisable to invest in good car insurance. Also, a timely car insurance renewal can help avoid any claim rejection if there is any mishap in the car while you sleep.

Click HERE to get a car insurance renewal before leaving for a trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to take care of your car during floods?

Floods are one example of a disastrous natural calamity that can severely harm people's homes, businesses, and vehicles. A flood can damage your car's body, electrical system, or engine. Debris, rocks, and other things may be present in floodwater that might scratch, dent, or even smash the windows of your car.

As a car owner, taking precautions to safeguard your vehicle from floods is imperative. Precautions should be taken before, during, and after a flood because repairing or replacing your vehicle can be expensive.

We'll provide detailed tips in this article on shielding your automobile from harm during floods. In addition to it, online car insurance can safeguard your vehicle from water damage and offer financial support in an accident.

Understanding how to protect your car during floods is crucial, whether you reside in a flood-prone area or are visiting one. These suggestions can help you keep your vehicle in good working order for years to come while protecting it against water damage.

1. Place your car in a secure area
Moving your car to higher ground, ideally in a secure area, is one of the most important things to do when a flood is about to occur. This can shield your automobile from floodwater and reduce the likelihood of severe damage. If possible, park your vehicle on a raised surface or in a garage. Avoid parking your car under a tree since the branches could fall and harm it.

2. Unplug the battery
Combining water and electricity can be fatal. To avoid electrical harm, it is important to disconnect your car's battery. If you need help disconnecting the battery, ask a qualified mechanic for help.

3. Lock the doors and windows of your car
Another crucial action you should take during a flood is to seal the windows and doors of your car. Close any cracks using duct tape to stop water from entering your automobile. Allow a tiny opening for air circulation to avoid a moisture build-up inside the vehicle.

4. Steer clear of flooded roads
Driving through floodwater is extremely risky and can seriously harm your vehicle. Your car's electrical system, gearbox, and engine can all be damaged by floodwater. Stay off flooded roads and, if feasible, take a different route.

5. Verify the air filter in your car
Check your car's air filter if you're travelling through flooded areas. Debris can clog your air filter and stop airflow to your engine. Your engine may slow down due to a blocked air filter and even sustain lasting harm.

6. Dry the interior of your car
It's crucial to dry your car's interior as quickly as possible if it is exposed to floodwater. After removing any standing water with a wet/dry vacuum, remove any moisture with a dehumidifier. Mould and mildew can develop due to moisture, which could damage the interior.

7. Have an expert inspect your vehicle
Having your car checked up by a qualified mechanic after a flood is essential. They can examine your car's bodywork, electrical system, and engine for any damage. Any issues should be discovered immediately to stop them from worsening.

In conclusion, caring for your car during floods is essential to prevent damage and keep it safe. Park your vehicle in a secure location, disconnect the battery, seal your car doors and windows, avoid driving through floodwater, check your car's air filter, dry your car's interior, inspect your vehicle with a professional, and consider online car insurance. These tips can help protect your vehicle from flood damage and keep it running smoothly for years.

Finally, it's crucial to have car insurance, especially during natural disasters like floods. Online car insurance can help you protect your car from damage and provide financial assistance in case of any mishaps. Make sure to choose an insurance policy that covers flood damage to your vehicle.

Click HERE to learn more about online car insurance and its advantages.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's talk about CT scans

CT stands for computed tomography, a category of medical imaging. A variety of medical disorders are frequently diagnosed and monitored using CT scans. It is a diagnostic imaging process that creates images of the body's interior using a combination of X-rays and computer technologies. Any aspect of the body, including the bones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels, are shown in great detail.

CT scans may be carried out to assist in diagnosing tumours, look into internal bleeding, or look for other internal injuries or damage. Online health insurance frequently covers CT scans because they are a standard diagnostic procedure. However, coverage may differ based on the particular plan and the purpose of the CT scan.

Uses of CT scans
Many different medical problems are diagnosed and monitored with CT scans, including:

1. Cancer diagnosis and treatment
The progression of various cancer types is detected and tracked using CT scans. They can spot tumours, determine their size, and demonstrate whether cancer has migrated to other bodily regions.

2. Trauma
Internal bleeding, organ damage, and other forms of injuries that would not be seen with other imaging techniques are all detected with CT scans. 3. Cardiovascular disease
CT scans can be used to detect cardiac disease and evaluate the health of the heart and blood arteries.

4. Brain and spinal cord disorders
CT scans can identify brain and spinal cord diseases, such as infections, tumours, and strokes.

5. Muscle and bone injuries
Bone and joint injuries, such as fractures or dislocations, can be found with a CT scan. Additionally, they can assess the spine, find tumours, and assist with orthopaedic surgery.

6. Lung diseases
Lung conditions, including pneumonia, lung cancer, or pulmonary embolism, can all be found with CT scans. Additionally, they can assess lung health and detect the severity of lung disorders.

7. Abdominal pain
A CT scan can diagnose several conditions, including appendicitis, diverticulitis, and pancreatitis, to pinpoint the cause of stomach pain.

How CT scans work
CT scans use X-rays to create highly detailed images of the body. A CT scan is performed while the patient is lying on a table that is moved through a vast, doughnut-shaped device called a CT scanner. As the table moves, the scanner rotates around the body, and various X-ray images are taken from multiple angles. The computer subsequently transforms the bodily component being scanned into a 3D image by combining these images.

CT scans offer incredibly detailed images that can display internal body systems. Minor abnormalities that would not be seen with other imaging techniques can now be seen by specialists.

Risks of CT scans
CT scans expose the patient to a small amount of radiation, although they are mostly harmless. It could be dangerous if the patient is exposed to too much radiation over time. Due to this, medical professionals typically advise CT scans when they are required for diagnosis or therapy.

In addition, there is a slight possibility of developing an allergy to the contrast dye that may occasionally be used during a CT scan. This risk can be minimised by informing the medical staff of any allergies or previous reactions to contrast dye.

Benefits of CT scans
● Speed: CT scans are quick, finishing in just a few minutes
● Non-invasive: Any equipment or surgery is not required for CT scans because they are non-invasive
● High-resolution pictures: High-resolution images from CT scans enable medical professionals to spot even subtle abnormalities.
● Comprehensive pictures: Comprehensive images that provide a close-up of the bodily part being scanned can be produced via CT scans.

CT scans are helpful medical imaging tools that provide precise images of the inside organs and structures of the body using X-rays and computer technology. They offer a more accurate view of inside organs, bones, and tissues than typical X-rays. If a CT scan is deemed medically necessary, health insurance ought to pay for it. It's essential to review the specifications of your online health insurance plan to understand the types of diagnostic tests covered in it.

Click HERE to purchase an online health insurance plan.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understanding attention deficit disorder in detail

Attention deficit disorder is a serious mental disorder in children and young teenagers. A study shows that almost 17% of Indian youngsters have ADHD or attention deficit disorder. Furthermore, almost ten million children are diagnosed with ADHD annually in India. Therefore, to avoid the possibility of ADHD, you must learn everything about it.

What is ADHD?
ADHD is the abbreviation for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This disorder is a chronic mental condition that affects children, and if untreated, it may continue into adulthood. However, the symptoms may reduce with age as adults learn to cope with ADHD independently. But chronic ADHD can affect your children's regular and academic performances.

Types There are three types of ADHD:
● Predominantly inattentive
● Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive
● Combined (both inattentive and hyperactive)
Scientists are still not sure about the root cause of ADHD. However, modern studies say that genetics plays a vital role in developing attention deficit disorder among children. Furthermore, the following factors have the potential to cause ADHD:
● Alcohol or tobacco intake during pregnancy
● Early pregnancy
● Premature birth
● Brain injury
● Problems in the Central Nervous System
● Low birth weight
● Childhood trauma
● Other environmental issues
Common symptoms of ADHD are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsive behaviour. However, boys and girls may show different symptoms. While your boy child can become hyperactive, you can spot young girls being quietly inattentive.
Children begin to show symptoms of ADHD as early as 3 years of age. Scientists have categorised the symptoms according to different types of ADHD:
● Predominantly inattentive
1. Lack of attention in any work
2. Failing to focus on school
3. Lack of focus on constructive chores
4. Avoid doing a chore like homework that demands mental effort
5. Repeated loss of focus and attention while talking to people
6. Forgetting important tasks
7. Not paying attention to elders
● Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive
1. Difficulty in being quiet
2. Constant talking
3. Interrupting others while talking
4. Always in motion
5. Signs of restlessness while sitting in a place
6. Fail to concentrate on one thing for a long time
7. Always doing something that does not seem normal in a child
● Combined (both inattentive and hyperactive)
1. Being inattentive and interrupting others
2. Too much energy but a lack of interest in doing anything constructive
3. All the symptoms of the two types mentioned above
When should you consult a doctor?
Many parents confuse normal high energy and inattentiveness in their children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and rush to their paediatrician. However, it is normal for a healthy child or inquisitive teenager to exhibit high energy and restlessness to learn new things.

Again, some parents confuse ADHD with normal activities and neglect their child's problems. If you ever sense anything unusual in your children and feel that certain behaviours are abnormal, you should consult your healthcare professional immediately. Your children cannot tell you their problems. It is your job to pay close attention to every activity of your children. Your children may be attentive and quiet at home but behave otherwise in school and vice versa. All these symptoms can be an alarm for ADHD.

ADHD does not lead to any serious complications. However, children with ADHD can develop certain complications.
● Oppositional Defiant Disorder
● Autism Spectrum Disorder
● Mood Disorder
● Learning Disabilities
● Anxiety Disorder
● Conduct Disorder
Since there is no definite proven cause of ADHD, no specific method is known to prevent ADHD. However, it would be best if you stopped consuming caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco during your pregnancy. Furthermore, you can limit the screen time of your teenagers.

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a chronic medical condition that you should handle carefully under the proper instruction of your paediatrician and psychiatrist. Insure yourself and your loved ones with the right medical coverage. Offline and online health insurance companies will cover your children's medication expenses. Invest in reliable health insurance and cover your medical expenses for hospitalisation, illness, accidents, etc.

Click HERE to browse online health insurance policies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are PCOD & PCOS interchangeable terms? Here's all you need to know

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) are commonly considered the same without a second thought. However, as they have their distinct characteristics, it is essential to understand the difference between PCOS and PCOD to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.

PCOS and PCOD affect many women worldwide, with an estimated 1 in 10 women of childbearing age affected by PCOS. PCOD is often considered a less severe form of PCOS, but it can also have significant health consequences if left untreated. Both conditions are hormonal imbalances that affect the ovaries, leading to symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, acne, and excessive hair growth.

It is essential to have a basic understanding of these conditions, especially if you are a woman of reproductive age, to ensure early diagnosis and timely treatment. So, without any further delay, let's delve into the details and clear up any confusion regarding these two commonly used terms.

1. Understanding PCOD and PCOS
Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) is a hormonal disorder characterised by multiple cysts in the ovaries. On the other hand, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that affects the ovaries' ability to release eggs. PCOD is a milder form of PCOS, but it can develop into PCOS if left untreated.

2. Symptoms of PCOD and PCOS
PCOD and PCOS share similar symptoms, such as irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, excessive hair growth, and acne. However, PCOS may cause complications like infertility, insulin resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes.

3. Diagnosis of PCOD and PCOS
Diagnosing PCOD and PCOS involves several tests like ultrasound, hormonal tests, and physical exams. However, PCOD and PCOS can sometimes be challenging to diagnose, requiring multiple tests and medical consultations to detect the disease.

4. Treatment of PCOD and PCOS
The treatment for PCOD and PCOS varies depending on the severity of the condition and the patient's symptoms. A combination of lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery may be recommended to treat these conditions. Weight management, exercise, and a balanced diet can help control the symptoms of PCOD and PCOS.

5. Risks and complications associated with PCOD and PCOS
PCOS is a more severe condition than PCOD and is associated with various health risks and complications, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, endometrial cancer, and sleep apnea. Women with PCOS also have a higher risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders. On the other hand, PCOD is primarily associated with irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, and fertility issues.

6. Psychological impact of PCOD and PCOS
PCOD and PCOS can also have a significant psychological impact on women. Physical symptoms like excessive hair growth and weight gain can affect a woman's self-esteem and confidence. The fear of infertility and difficulty conceiving can lead to anxiety and depression. Counselling and support groups can help women cope with the emotional challenges of PCOD and PCOS.

In conclusion, PCOD and PCOS are two hormonal conditions affecting women and have different implications, diagnoses, and treatments. Consulting a medical professional for the correct diagnosis and treatment plan is essential.

Renewing health insurance online is a crucial step toward managing your health effectively. With the increasing medical expenses, it is necessary to have adequate health insurance coverage to meet the costs of treatment for PCOD and PCOS. The process to renew health insurance online is hassle-free, saves time and effort, and introduces you to several exciting offers. Lastly, PCOD and PCOS can be effectively controlled with proper care and management. A little awareness, alertness, and early diagnosis can help women to lead healthy and fulfilling lives by successfully tackling PCOD and PCOS.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's the guide to sustainable farming, promising a greener future

As we move towards a greener future, sustainable farming practices are gaining more importance. Not only do these practices help to protect our planet, but they also benefit farmers and their businesses. Here, we will explore the guide to sustainable farming and how it promises a greener future.

Sustainable farming is the practice of producing food and fibre using methods that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare. It is a holistic approach to farming that considers the long-term impacts of agricultural practices on natural resources, biodiversity, and the climate. These practices are not only good for the farmers but also encouraged by a general insurance company, which faces fewer risks and liabilities when insuring sustainable farms.

The benefits of sustainable farming practices
By adopting sustainable practices such as crop rotation, cover crops, conservation tillage, and integrated pest management, farmers can regulate their environmental footprint and promote biodiversity. These practices can also reduce risks and liabilities, leading to lower premiums from a general insurance company.

Here are some promising sustainable agriculture practices every farmer should know to create a greener future.

1. Crop rotation
Crop rotation is the practice of planting different crops in the same field each year. This helps to reduce soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and the build-up of pests and diseases in the soil.

2. Composting
Composting is the process of turning organic waste into nutrient-rich fertiliser for crops. It's an eco-friendly and cost-effective method of soil enrichment.

3. Cover crops
Cover crops are planted to cover the soil during the off-season to prevent erosion and nutrient depletion. These crops also help to fix nitrogen in the soil, making it more fertile for the next season.

4. Conservation tillage
Conservation tillage is the practice of leaving crop residues on the soil surface after harvest. This helps to reduce soil erosion, increase soil organic matter, and conserve moisture.

5. Integrated pest management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to pest management that combines biological, cultural, and chemical methods. IPM helps to reduce the use of pesticides and promotes the natural balance of the ecosystem.

6. Agroforestry
Agroforestry is the practice of integrating trees and crops on the same land to create a sustainable and diverse farming system. This system promotes biodiversity, reduces soil erosion, and enhances the soil's fertility.

7. Precision agriculture
Precision agriculture is the use of technology and data to optimise crop production and reduce waste. This approach helps farmers to make informed decisions about the use of fertilisers, pesticides, and water resources.

8. Organic farming
Organic farming is a method of agriculture that avoids the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms. Organic farming promotes soil health and biodiversity and reduces the negative impact of agriculture on the environment.

9. Water conservation
Water conservation is a critical aspect of sustainable farming. Farmers can use various techniques such as drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and water-efficient crops to reduce water waste and preserve this precious resource.

10. Green manure
Green manure is a cover crop that's grown specifically to be turned into the soil to improve its fertility. This practice helps to reduce soil erosion, increase organic matter, and improve soil structure.

In conclusion, sustainable farming is the way forward for a greener, more equitable, and more resilient food system. By adopting sustainable agriculture practices, farmers can contribute to society and the country, promote biodiversity, improve their profitability and resilience, and be the torchbearer of a more sustainable and equitable future for all. These practices also reduce risks and liabilities for a general insurance company, leading to lower premiums and a more stable and sustainable insurance market. By working together, farmers and a general insurance company can create a more sustainable and equitable food system that benefits everyone.

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are a few signs that you must change your eyeglasses

Eyeglasses are an essential tool for people with vision problems. They enable us to see clearly and carry out daily activities with ease. However, as time passes, your vision can change. Also, your eyeglasses may no longer suit your needs. Wearing outdated glasses can cause eye strain and headaches, affecting our overall health. Therefore, it is crucial to recognise the signs that it's time to change your eyeglasses.

If you're experiencing vision problems or are wearing eyeglasses over two years old, it may be time to visit an eye doctor for a comprehensive checkup. In this blog post, we will discuss signs that indicate it's time to change your eyeglasses. By being aware of these signs, you can take steps to ensure that your vision is always clear and healthy. Additionally, remember the importance of affordable health insurance plans in helping you cover the costs of eye tests and eyeglasses.

1. Difficulty seeing clearly
If you face difficulty seeing once-clear objects, it's a sign to update your eyeglasses. This can happen if your prescription needs to be updated or your eyeglasses are scratched or damaged.

2. Squinting or eye strain
Squinting or eye strain can indicate that your eyeglasses are no longer effective. Squinting and straining your eyes to see can cause discomfort and frequent headaches, leading to further vision problems over time.

3. Double vision
The double vision indicates that you need an eyeglass update. This can be caused by an outdated prescription or eyeglasses that are scratched or damaged.
4. Pain in eyes and headaches
One of the most common signs you need to change your eyeglasses is regular eye pain and headaches. If you experience these issues, especially after long periods of reading or working on the computer, it may be time for a new prescription.

5. Blurry vision
Blurry vision is another sign that it's time to update your eyeglasses. This can occur if you have an outdated prescription or wear damaged or scratched lenses. You might find it difficult to focus on objects, which can be a long-term problem if not corrected.

6. Safety concerns
If you work in a profession that requires you to wear safety glasses, it's essential to ensure that your prescription is up-to-date. Wearing outdated or incorrect safety glasses can put you at risk of injury, as they may not provide adequate protection.

7. Faded or discoloured lenses
Over time, the lenses in your eyeglasses may become faded or discoloured. This can affect your vision and make it more difficult to see clearly. Ensure your glasses are checked for quality after 5 to 6 months of constant use.

8. Broken or bent frames
If your eyeglasses frames are broken or bent, it's time to replace them. Wearing broken or bent frames can be uncomfortable and cause further damage to your vision.

9. Ageing eyeglasses
As eyeglasses age, they may become less effective at correcting vision problems. It's essential to update your eyeglasses regularly to ensure they are still effective.

10. Lifestyle changes
If your lifestyle changes, your eyeglasses may no longer suit your needs. For example, if you have started a new job that requires you to spend more time in front of a computer, you may need eyeglasses with a different prescription. You must opt for glasses offering UV protection and coverage from harmful blue rays from your computer screen.

Updating your eyeglasses and ensuring regular servicing is essential for maintaining good eye health and clear vision. If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, you must schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to determine the need for a new prescription or eyeglasses.

Additionally, affordable health insurance plans can provide financial support for vision care and eyewear, making it easier to access the care you need to keep your eyes healthy.

Click HERE to learn more about how to list the most affordable health insurance plans that will optimally cater to your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The benefits of nature for health: How spending time outdoors improves your well-being

We frequently think about things like food, rest, exercise, and self-care when we consider what it means to be healthy. All these are essential components of a healthy lifestyle, but we neglect one critical element: spending time in nature. There are several benefits of nature for our physical and mental wellness. Spending time outdoors, whether walking in the park, trekking in the mountains, or just relaxing in a garden, can benefit our general health.

Benefits of spending time in nature Spending time outdoors can improve your mood and help you focus more clearly on your overall well-being. Here are some advantages you can get by going out for a while.

1. Boosts mood
Your mood can be positively uplifted by time spent in nature, which can result in emotions of joy and contentment. Studies have shown that serotonin, a brain chemical that controls mood, can be increased by exposure to natural light.

2. Reduces stress
Being in nature has been proven to relax the body and mind. Outdoor time can assist in lowering stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. It may result in calmness and relaxation, which helps reduce stress and anxiety.

3. Improves cognitive performance
It has been demonstrated that being in nature enhances cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and creativity. Exposure to natural environments can promote cognitive performance by lowering mental tiredness and increasing focus.

4. Enhances sleep
Spending time outside can improve the quality of your sleep by regulating your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. Your circadian clock can be reset by exposure to natural light, which will result in better sleep habits.

5. Enhances physical health
Outdoor exercises like running, cycling, and hiking can strengthen bones and muscles. It will lower the risk of developing chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. The body can manufacture vitamin D with sunlight, which is necessary for strong bones.

6. Improves social bonds
Time spent outside can strengthen relationships and offer chances for valuable social contacts. Spending time outdoors with friends or family can deepen bonds, enhancing happiness and well-being.

7. Boost creativity
A little sunshine can spark our imaginations and enable us to engage with nature. Our minds can become more active because of the vibrant colours, which can inspire innovation. Being surrounded by nature's sounds can be highly relaxing and therapeutic.

8. Improves your immunity
Numerous plants release molecules into the air, including organic substances known as phytoncides, that appear to enhance immunity. Additionally, sunlight seems to stimulate T cells, immune system-specific cells that aid in the battle against infection.

9. Maintains a healthy weight
Spending time outside will make you more active and improve your sleep. Both of these activities help in burning calories. Also, being out in the morning can help you maintain weight and lose extra kilos by taking regular nature walks.

10. Increases self-esteem
Outdoor activities like hiking and rock climbing can increase self-worth by fostering a sense of success. It can boost your well-being overall by increasing your confidence.

Humans are becoming disconnected from nature due to working in cosmopolitan city culture. Any time spent in nature can help you experience the many advantages to your mental and physical well-being. We can maximise the health benefits of spending time in nature by adding outdoor activities into our daily schedules and looking into the rewards provided by health insurance companies. The benefits of nature and outdoor activities should be considered when you buy health insurance online India.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Staying safe during cyclone season: Tips for protecting your property and your family

A cyclone is a storm that rotates viciously around a centre of low atmospheric pressure. It advances at high speeds and causes heavy torrential rains, forcing havoc and a lot of destruction. The peak season of cyclone formation in India ranges from May to November and primarily affects the coastal states.

Cyclones are known to cause heavy damage to property and lives. They can destroy houses and buildings, wash away entire villages and towns, damage agricultural cultivation, and cause loss of lives.

Here are some useful tips for protecting your property and family during the cyclone season.

1. Secure your house
Make your house safe and sound before the arrival of the cyclone season. Doors and windows with broken hinges and latches can fall off during cyclonic weather and hurt you and your family. Fix them, and secure loose tiles in your house to make them safe and sturdy. Arrange for a few wooden boards that can be used to secure your windows and prevent them from breaking during torrential winds. Do not leave loose bricks, garbage cans, signboards, broken furniture, etc., outside your house, as they can be swept off in the storm and cause damage during a cyclone.

2. Vacate your house
If you feel your house or building has become too old and dilapidated, do not stay in it during the cyclone season. A cyclone has the power to bring your old building down. Apart from causing you a lot of financial loss, it can cost your lives too in such a case.

Also, if your house is near a beach and can be swept away by a high tide or stormy waves, vacate it if you hear a cyclone warning from a credible source. Do not rely upon social media forwards in such a situation. Look out for cyclone warnings in local newspapers, on the television, or confirm with the local administration. Low-lying areas get flooded in no time in such storms. Leave early to high-lying areas, or you might get stuck in a flooded region.

3. Stock up
A cyclone often brings an extended power blackout and floods, and you might get stuck in your house for an unexpectedly long time. Hence, stock up on essential food and grocery items used in emergencies. You can store packaged and canned food at your home. Stock up on snacks that need no or little preparation for consumption and have a shelf life of several months.
Along with food, stock up on essential medicines you regularly take or may need in emergencies. Try to keep a spare filled gas cylinder at home as the supply of your piped natural gas line will be shut down for a long time. Also, keep spare batteries and power banks at home, as they may be handy in long power blackouts.

4. Electrical wiring
Make sure your house wiring is up-to-date and covered, especially on the outside. Loose wires hanging outside your house can cause a serious electric shock hazard in times of cyclonic weather. If you see broken wires hanging outside your house, such as from a lamp post, do not touch them or step in flooded water. It may have a running current and cause shock and or threat to life.

5. Car and bike safety
If you hear a credible warning about an upcoming cyclone, rush to park your car or bike on some high ground. A strong flood can destroy your car or two-wheeler by damaging its engine or even sweeping it away.

Being cautious and alert beforehand is always better than facing a natural disaster without any preparation. The above tips can help you minimise damage to your life and property in case of a cyclone and help you deal with it bravely. Along with the other preparations, you should buy insurance from the best general insurance companies in India to secure you financially in such disasters. Opt for good health insurance, house and property, auto, and asset insurance policies, and stay safe and secure.

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Digital rearview mirrors are here to make driving simpler!

Technology is rapidly changing with each passing day. Every invention caters to the needs of people. One such innovation is the digital rearview mirror. Nowadays, people have installed these new-age camera-based devices in their cars to enhance their overall driving experience.

Most rearview mirrors have a camera fitted at the car's backside to give a clear road view. The new Camera Monitor System is one of the latest technologies incorporated with the regular rearview mirrors to display the digitised camera seized images of the objects behind the car. Installing digital rearview mirrors in the car may be costly, but nothing is more important than your and your family's safety.

If you are still deciding whether to install and use digital rearview mirrors, here are some advantages that may simplify your decision-making.

1. Clearer vision
Unlike regular rearview mirrors, digital ones provide a broad road view through high-definition cameras and advanced systems. Digital rearview mirrors have better functionalities when compared with conventional rearview mirrors. Moreover, these digitised rearview mirrors capture the lower part of the car, which gives the driver a better sense of the objects behind the car when they are in reverse mode.

Besides this, these mirrors also work well in low light and help you to park the car properly. You can be assured of a clear vision of the approaching vehicles and obstacles. This way, you can be prepared to take desired actions in advance to avoid hitting anything on your way.

2. Greater stability
These digital rearview mirrors have been rated under the ADAS Level 2 functional category. Thus, they offer better stability than traditional rearview mirrors. However, digital rearview mirrors are expensive. Therefore, many prefer to purchase car insurance policies covering damage to these digitised mirrors.

3. Flexibility
The rearview mirrors encounter fog, rain, or snow, which can affect their vision quality. However, digitised mirrors work effectively under any weather condition. They can easily give clear images of the road as fitted outside the vehicle. You can rely on your digital rearview for an unobstructed road view during all weather conditions. Remember to take the necessary steps to insure your car against mishaps or accidents by getting reliable car insurance. Research more to get clarity about such car insurance price in India and make an informed decision.

4. Improved safety
As mentioned above, the digital rearview mirrors give clear vision and offer excellent stability, ensuring a safe ride. Using these new-age mirrors, you can easily see what is happening at the rear side of your car. These mirrors also ensure your safety by measuring the distance between the vehicles and estimating the distance to maintain.

Besides this, you can easily control these digitised mirrors by adjusting the camera as per your needs. Also, you can reduce glare, change contrast detection, and use autofocus functions to get better visibility.

5. Better design
The digital rearview mirrors have many clearly defined functionalities that suit all driving conditions. These digitised rearview mirrors give better visibility regardless of obstructions blocking the view. They give you a clear vision inside your car, minimising the chances of collisions.

The new technology of digital rearview mirrors is here to stay, as they are the future of commercial and personal vehicles. But remember to purchase car insurance to financially covers this new technology and expensive components. Check the car insurance price in India and choose the one that suits your needs and requirements the best.

Click HERE to check the car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


SUVs are the smart choice over sedans & hatchbacks in 2023!

Buying a car is often a challenging decision. One must decide between several car categories, brands, shapes and sizes, power, variants, and colour before making the final decision. Before determining the final vehicle, you must also consider your budget constraints, use, and available parking space.

Since you buy a car with a long-term perspective, choosing between buying an SUV (Sports utility vehicle), sedan, or hatchback is a big decision you must make wisely.

Out of the given variants, SUVs are gaining more demand in recent times. Let us see why SUVs are the smart choice over sedans and hatchbacks in 2023.

1. Spacious
SUVs are undoubtedly more spacious than most of the sedans and hatchbacks available. They offer more legroom and headroom for everyone, including passengers with a heavy or very tall build. SUVs provide a comfortable and spacious ride for the drivers with a good view of the road ahead because of their height. These vehicles also come with a huge boot space and enough storage options.

2. Off-roading
Rising incomes and higher spending capacity have sharply increased youngsters making frequent weekend trips and getaways. Gone are the days when we used to book train tickets for our pre-planned vacations. Taking your car for weekend holidays and short unplanned vacations is common these days.

This significant change in holiday mindset makes SUVs a smart choice over sedans and hatchbacks. They are perfect for off-roading and tough terrains.

3. Huge variety
The SUVs offer buyers a wide range of options, including interior and exterior features and transmission power. They provide customisable colour combinations, matching tyre rims, different grill and roof designs, etc. You can also buy a particular SUV model with a 5-seater or a 7-seater option depending on the seat configuration and model variant you are buying. Adding third-row seating can be convenient and advantageous for bigger families. High-end SUVs also come with huge sunroofs, which are missing in a sedan or a hatchback. This adds to their aesthetic appeal.

As far as transmission power is concerned, SUVs are clear winners. These SUVs are power-packed with big engines that provide a thrilling driving experience. Some of them come with 4x4 capability that can give you great control and power in rough terrains, especially during off-roading.

4. Lower fuel consumption at reasonable prices
Gone are the days when SUVs used to cost a bomb and were diesel-guzzlers. To tap the new-aged market for SUVs, car manufacturers have done their homework well and improved the fuel efficiency of present-day cars. Also, they have trimmed their pricing because of increasing demand, facilitating mass production and economies of scale. This has made the SUVs fairly priced in comparison to sedans and hatchbacks.

SUVs are the smart choice over sedans & hatchbacks in 2023. They offer a complete package of luxury, power, speed, fuel economy, and competitive pricing, making them a step ahead of the other car categories.

However, it is essential to remember that owning a car also comes with a responsibility to have a best car insurance in India. An active car insurance policy is mandatory by law. Also, it provides financial protection in the unfortunate event of an accident with your car, any damage to it, or even if it gets stolen. Always choose the best car insurance in India after doing adequate research.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Electric Vehicle Insurance: Ensuring Safety and Coverage

As the world steers towards sustainable mobility solutions, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising answer to the environmental concerns associated with traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. India, too, is making significant strides in the EV market, with the government's commitment to promote electric mobility.
India's ambition to electrify its transportation system is evident in its National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) and Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) schemes. These initiatives aim to encourage EV adoption by offering incentives, tax breaks, and promoting charging infrastructure development.
As more consumers switch to EVs, the focus on battery technology and its maintenance becomes pivotal after all the battery is at the heart of this technology revolution. And with the growth in this market, there arises a need for a tailored insurance solution as well.
However, many motor insurance companies still do not provide any specialized coverage for EV and HEV batteries, resulting in a void in this fast-developing sector. However, forward-thinking insurance companies are recognizing the opportunity and starting to offer specialized coverage for batteries.
In response to this demand, Magma HDI General Insurance has taken a proactive step by introducing a product: "Battery Secure Add On" This specialized insurance offering is designed to address the unique requirements of electric and hybrid vehicles.
What sets "Battery Secure Add On" apart is its comprehensive coverage of critical EV/HEV components, with a primary focus on the battery. This coverage extends to repair and replacement costs arising from various scenarios. For instance,

• If the battery is damaged as a result of an unexpected power surge while charging or Experiences consequential harm from a short circuit or water ingress, "Battery Secure Add-on” has it covered.

• Moreover, " Battery Secure Add On" goes beyond battery coverage alone. It recognizes that electric vehicles encompass a range of specialized components that differ from traditional combustion-engine vehicles.

• This insurance product also safeguards other electric-specific elements, such as the electric motor, ensuring holistic protection for the entire EV system.

Click HERE to learn more about the product.


The weather seems to be perfect for a car drive, but your vehicle is refraining from starting, ever ben in such a situation?

Yes, we understand your problems, and the struggle is real when it comes to cars that stop suddenly, giving no hints of starting.
It can be a real deal when your lovely ride stops in the middle of a road and deny your orders to start. Having a car that stops suddenly can lead you to grave danger, especially when you are outside and need to go somewhere.
Interestingly, as easy as it is for your car not to start, similarly, there might be a principal reason behind the same. Therefore, let’s have a look at four common reasons why your car is not starting.

● Your timing belt is the real problem:

For those of you who don’t know what a timing belt is, it is an essential part of the car that is responsible for its effective running and performance. Your timing belt inside the vehicle is the primary reason why it keeps running and adapts to speed. Yes, gears do play a significant role, but the timing belt is what ensures that the engine’s valves open and close at the proper interval.
Therefore, your timing belt can be one of the most common reasons why your car has become idle and fails to start. A significant reason behind the same can be that the valves inside the timing belt and the pistons are not meeting each other at a said interval, failing to give you efficient results and movement.
Moreover, your timing belt is the major part that you should look after whenever you go for servicing. Having a timing belt that fails to keep up with the systematic opening and closing of the valves can lead to harmful damage to the engine. It is always advisable for you to change your timing belt at a regular interval of every 60,000 miles or five years (whichever is earlier).

● Your alternator might be the cause:

An alternator is that essential part of your car that is responsible for the effective functioning of all the electrical pieces of equipment that function inside your car. Its most significant function is to start the spark plug and essentially provide it with the spark that is responsible for the running of your engine.
Besides the successful starting of your engine, a failed alternator can also be the cause behind the failure of other necessary parts of your car. It is also linked with the plugs that power the headlight and therefore, you need to keep a check on your alternator as well, in case your car fails to start.

● Your battery might be corroded:

It is no hidden fact that cars perform majorly due to the presence of a battery inside it. The battery is responsible for running all the electric-based components of your vehicle and also plays a significant role in igniting your engine.
Corrosion on your battery can be serious trouble for you as it is like rust and will ultimately end up waiting away your car’s battery beside the other significant parts that are developed out of iron. We suggest you always keep a check on the health of your battery and its corrosion, every time you take it to a service centre.

● Are you sure your air filter isn’t clogged?

Similar to the other necessary elements of your car, the air filter might also be the cause that is failing your vehicle to start. An air filter plays a significant role in keeping up with the excellent health of the drivetrain of the car. It filters out all the harmful elements like dust particles to keep up with the smooth functioning of your vehicle.
An air filter is essential for your car to your car 'breathe'. A clogged air filter might also pose serious damage to the blockage of the exhaust pipe, leaving your vehicle to fail from the start.


How to take care of your car during the winter season?

With the onset of the winter months, the mercury drops, and so does the efficiency of your car if you do not maintain it well. Considering, you have invested a lot of money in buying your car and have chosen the best company to buy private car insurance in India and what not? So why neglect it during the chilly time of the year?

Cars require year-round maintenance to provide a smooth driving experience to the owner. After all, who wouldn't want that, right? Therefore, the following guidelines are prepared to guide you on how to take care of your car during the winter season:

Heaters - Although a major part of India does not witness extreme cold weather during the winters, occasional chilly winds and low temperatures can tempt people to use the heaters in their car. What would be better than getting a good amount of heat after being outside in the cold for too long? That's why keeping a check on the heating system inside the car is essential.

Starting the car - There is a general belief that the engine takes longer to warm up in the winter due to the surrounding low temperatures. Up to a certain extent, this is true. That's why people leave their car engine running for a while before driving. But that does not help much. The engine warms up after you drive, so it is best to take it out at regular intervals. As a result, you can make sure that the fluids are moving around efficiently, and the condition of the car does not take a hit in the cold weather.

Fuel tank - If you live in extremely cold areas like those in the North which tend to receive snowfall, you must always keep your fuel tank full. If petrol or diesel is filled enough, the accumulated water can be prevented from freezing inside the tank, thereby saving your car from potential fuel damage.

Engine oil - Engine failure is a common problem during the cold months. For the enhanced performance of your car, check the manuals that came along with it and use the mentioned engine oil so that the chances of any mishaps decrease. Also, maintain a certain minimum limit of oil and ensure that oil does not reduce past that limit.

Windshield wipers - Apart from engine oil, windscreen fluid is something you need to keep full. Due to fog or light snow, the visibility of the road ahead of your car decreases. If your windshield is not clear either, you will face a tough time driving. That is why we recommend maintaining the cleaning fluid as well as the proper working condition of the wipers.

Tyre checking - A lot of people might be unaware of this fact, but tires need to be changed with the weather. Especially in the northern parts where temperatures tend to drop to an extreme. Winter tires are built in such a way that they remain firm to the ground and maintain stability even in low temperatures. Even if there is no snow, these tires provide ease and smoothness in situations like applying brakes and taking a turn on the road. Also, ensuring the air pressure of the tires is a wise decision as driving around with less pressure can lead to premature wearing out and chances of accidents or collisions increase.

Servicing - If you have little or no knowledge of how to maintain your car during the winter, just contact the authorized service centres of the company or other trusted service providers that can take away your burden and ensure the good condition of your vehicle. This way you can attain a feeling of satisfaction that any problems existing already would be taken care of and further possible damage can be avoided. While a lot can be done, sometimes the breakdown of a car is inevitable. In such cases, availing private car insurance in India will help in keeping the expenses in control.


Getting your health insurance is as easy as just a few clicks online

For today’s generation, long working hours, irregular sleep schedules, take-out meals, and an unhealthy lifestyle are becoming the new normal, impacting their everyday lives. An evident proof is an increased need for medical attention, which makes health insurance an obvious necessity.

With the 5G advancement of the mobile network, we trust the internet to provide us with faster and accurate information about everything, including health. Fortunately, so do the majority of health insurers. They rely upon the internet to offer a convenient, cost-effective, fast, and secure platform for their customers to buy online health insurance.

Why is online health insurance better? People still hesitate with the idea of online money transactions due to the possibility of fraud. But, this doubt holds no good if you are transacting on official websites of reputed insurance companies. Plus, the multitude of benefits that online policy portals bring is impressive. You get a better level of transparency than what any agent can provide you. You can also compare many websites for online health insurance before you finalise one.

The internet takes the whole idea of saving time to the next level. A few minutes spent online comparing different policies and their features is more convenient than visiting agents.

Health insurance companies are offering online buyers with exciting incentives to encourage more online health insurance purchases. As you buy directly with the insurance company, they save on intermediary costs and commissions to the agents. Therefore, online health insurance works out to be significantly lower.

Things to consider while buying an online health insurance. The most popular insurance isn’t necessarily the most appropriate one. The requirements and expectations of every person from their health insurance differ. To find the best plan for you and your family, consider the following factors:

• The number of members in your family that you want to insure

• Their age, diseases they suffer from, or if they frequently require medical attention

• The place you live, and the health factors associated with that place

• Your average medical expense

• The expected amount of cover

Note – The premium you pay is based on your current financial situation and family income.

How to buy health insurance online?

1. Visit the website of the desired insurance company.

2. Enter your requirements and the personal information of you and your family.

3. You will receive multiple quotes. Select the most suitable for you.

4. Enter your account details and make the payments of the required amount.

5. You will receive confirmation and the details of your policy via email.

6. Congratulations, you are now insured.

The best insurance agencies provide complete transparency so that customers make informed purchases. In addition, insurers strive to facilitate the best plans, give a shedload of options and a hassle-free experience by integrating the latest technology.

Often people make the mistake of buying the same policies as recommended by their friends and families. This may create financial stress on your family. Always have the right due diligence because your lack of knowledge might prevent you from enjoying all the features of the said policy.

With several promising technologies to enhance consumers' use and experience, take advantage of picking out perfect online health insurance for you and your family.

Know more about the Health Insurances available, click here…


If you are a travel enthusiast, you must buy personal accident insurance

Travel is like hitting a reset on the mundane flow of life. It is a breath of fresh air a amid hectic schedule involving tedious work. Refocusing efforts on personal growth rather than material success to prevent burnout and enhance productivity has allowed young professionals to take holiday breaks, explore the world to develop new perspectives, and take on new challenges.

While travel opens up a new world of possibilities, cultures, and experiences, one should never neglect uncertainties. Accidents are an uncertainty in life that one must always prepare for. Often forsaken since they are rare occurrences, irrespective of scale, they leave the victim with pain, financial burdens, and sometimes, lifetime disabilities.

Although you can't prevent accidents, you can be prepared and protect yourself against allied financial losses by buying personal accident insurance India. If you are an avid traveller, here's why you should consider purchasing personal accident insurance India before setting on your next journey.

What is personal accident insurance India?

The severity of accidents is often undermined due to their infrequency. However, irrespective of the cause of the accident, they may lead to accidental deaths, bodily injuries, or disabilities. Personal accident insurance India seeks to insure the policyholder against the financial losses arising from specific accidents that health and life insurance exclude.

Why should travellers purchase personal accident insurance India?

1. Stress-free travel: Exploring new lands and getting a taste of new experiences is best enjoyed without additional stress. Personal accident insurance India protects against accidents you may encounter while on your globe-trotting adventure. Check the fine print of your policy to ensure that your insurer covers accidents occurring abroad. If not, make sure you buy additional specific coverage for the same.

2. Medical compensation:
With medical inflation reaching record heights, healthcare services are costly across the globe. Depending on your preferred destination, you may have to shell out more if you need medical attention due to an accident. Personal accident insurance India covers hospitalisation and allied medical expenses, lifting the financial burden from your shoulders.

3. Additional benefits:
Apart from the medical compensation offered to the policyholder, their family can avail of family transportation allowance, children's education allowance, loan protection services, etc., to shift the burden from the policyholder.

Types of personal accident policy coverage.

1. Accidental death cover:
In case of the insured's accidental death, the nominee receives 100% of the total insured sum stated in the policy.

2. Permanent partial disability cover:
This insurance plan acknowledges disabilities that limit the functioning of the person. For partial disabilities like the loss of specific senses or body parts, you can claim up to 100% of the insured sum.

3. Permanent total disability cover:
Accidents that lead to the loss of essential body parts like limbs that directly impact the insured's ability to return to normal activities make the nominee/policyholder eligible to claim the assured sum.

4. Temporary total disability cover:
Where accidents impair the policyholder's ability to return to regular activities temporarily, the insurer pays a specified sum during the rehabilitation period in the form of a daily or weekly allowance to meet EMI payments, general living expenses, etc.

Exclusions of personal accident insurance.

Before purchasing personal accident insurance India, you must be aware of some of the main exclusions not covered by the policy:

● Natural death

● Pre-existing disability or injury

● Suicide or self-injuries

● Influence of intoxicants

● Acts of terrorism

● Engaging in criminal activities

Encountering an accident is not predictable. Purchasing personal accident insurance protects the policyholder against many accidents, including travel accidents. To protect yourself and your loved ones from unknown risks and travel stress-free, buy personal accident insurance India at the earliest from your preferred insurer!

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


All You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines strengthen our immune system, and help it recognize and combat the coronavirus. The type and frequency of doses vary for different vaccines, however, beneficiaries are advised to take two shots of vaccines currently available in the country. Post vaccination, it generally takes a minimum of two weeks for anyone to build immunity against the virus.

Key Information and COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory:

  • From 1st April 2021, all individuals over the age of 45 (irrespective of co-morbidities or pre-medical conditions) are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Beneficiaries are requested to complete all prescribed doses of the vaccine.
  • As per medical experts, post-vaccination effects (nausea, mild fever being the most common) are normal.
  • Even after vaccination, all safety measures for COVID-19 are to be strictly followed at all times, including social distancing and wearing masks.
  • The duration for which the COVID-19 vaccines are effective and its efficacy against the new strains of the virus is still unknown. Hence, it is absolutely essential to not let our guards down.
  • We urge you to not be misled by fake vaccine marketing / promotions, as it is not available in open markets yet.
  • Do not attend a vaccination appointment if you are self-isolating, or awaiting COVID-19 test results, or are unwell.
  • Research efforts are ongoing for knowing how many people should get vaccinated to attain herd immunity (which means enough people being vaccinated making it tough for coronavirus to spread from person to person). Hence, rumors about herd immunity being already attained, should strictly be ignored.
  • To know more about the vaccines, please download the CoWIN App, or log on to You can also visit the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) website ( for regular updates about COVID-19.
  • For any queries, call the Government helpline number 1075 or +91 11-23978046.

Cost and Availability of COVID-19 Vaccine:

  • Vaccines are available at different government hospitals for free and at private hospitals at a price of INR 250 per dose.
  • The COVID-19 vaccination providers cannot deny any individual above the age of 45 to get themselves vaccinated, except for reasons best known to medical practitioners.
  • The government is currently working on making the vaccines widely available for everyone at no cost in the coming months.

Got a salary hike? Four things you must do after getting an increment!

Ever imagined what the three magical words for people with jobs are? It has to be, “Salary got credited”. But the actual happiness comes in when you get an increment in your current salary. Getting a salary raise after years of hard work is a significant milestone in life. After constantly working towards achieving your goals, earning a salary hike is a moment to celebrate, even if it’s small.

Once your source of income increases, your expenses also go up simultaneously. In addition to this, your taxes inflate too. Unless you have a proper financial plan, things might take a toll. But, not to worry, here are a few essential steps that you can implement after getting a salary increment.

1. Clear all your debts – no more instalment reminders:
Before you start spending more, it is important to clear the outstanding dues. If you plan to purchase something new on credit card or instalment, you must clear your loans or ongoing EMI. This will ensure that you don’t end up in any financial burden or unnecessary late payment on your existing loans. Once your dues are paid, your financial responsibility will automatically lower down, meaning you can spend extra on your next vacation or upgrade of your car!

2. Review your general insurance plans – improve the quality of life:
Life is unpredictable; you never know what another day may bring. The previous insurance might not be enough to fulfil your current financial needs. As your salary increases, you want to make sure that you secure the future of your loved ones by saving adequate funds. Insurances could be multiple such as your life insurance plans, motor insurance, general insurance plans, or your health insurance. Make sure you increase the budget of your coverage with more features for the better financial security of your family.

3. Make effective tax planning – be a super saver:
No one can neglect the taxes. As a responsible citizen, you are obligated to pay a certain amount of income tax on your earnings, depending on your income. After an increment, your taxes will also increase. Unless there’s proper planning, you might end up paying heavy taxes, which you could avoid by investing in financial instruments. For example, you can invest in life insurance plans, mutual funds, stocks, etc. Under the law, the taxes will not consider the fees you will pay for your insurance.

4. Work towards increasing your net worth – get ready to grow more:
Securing your money for long-term benefits is one of the wisest decisions. As your source of income increases, your standard of living improves. Your hobbies will change as you want to travel, learn new courses, or provide all the facilities to your kids. However, this cannot happen if you simply earn and spend. You can decide to invest in properties, gold or SIPs. Depending on the risk you can bear, ensure to invest in balanced funds, equity, or other market-linked funds.

After years of hard work, you feel more motivated at work when you finally get recognition. Always hold on to this motivation and work with dedication to justify respect and financial security. Since maintaining a sensible lifestyle should be your priority, ensure you get protected with a robust general insurance plan to gain extra benefits for you and your family. As it is rightly said that hard work has no substitute, you need to sweat and exploit your capabilities to conquer the milestones you’ve set for yourselves.

Click HERE to know more about the general insurance plans available.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Insure Yourself With Exercise: Stay Active Amidst Coronavirus

The process of self-quarantining must be wearing you off with an increase in social distancing. The new normal routine comprises a couple of video calls, work from home, binge watch-eat sessions, and peace of mind.

Benefits Of Working Out During COVID-19

No wonder that COVID-19 changed our way of normalcy. Be it the transition into virtual conversations over weekend plans. The real issue arises when it comes to motivation; pushing yourself the extra mile isn’t as simple as before. In the comfort of home, possibly, you feel you need to recreate your mini gym experience. Don’t worry, even if your experiences are not as vivid as swimming or hiking with friends; nevertheless, it is appropriate for your overall health.

The next issue is regarding the time slot, as the decision weighs more on “should” instead of “want.” Setting up a workout schedule is a simple priority task. It isn’t as important as global hunger or youth unemployment but positively impacts your physical and mental health. Even half an hour of workout motivates you to stay energetic throughout the day and lets you focus on other elements.

Daily workout sessions help curb depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and provide a stress-free life approach. During these uncertain times, take charge of your life by investing time to workout. For your empowerment, Magma Insurance brings in the best general insurance plans. Compare and choose among the policies relevant to you. General insurance includes insurance for different coverage such as fire, marine, accident, travel, and other related non-life insurance.

Exercise Plan To Stay Motivated

Amidst the chaos of being laid back yet managing it all from home, diving straight into an intense workout regime isn’t typically what you need. Make a workout plan based on your energy level, existing health issues, and available time in your schedule. Start small, gradually build-up on successes. Magma Insurance general insurance plans help you stay motivated while covering up for you against calamities.

Prioritize Your Workout

Maintain your workout routines just as you would stick to your appointments. Instead of feeling out of time, keep a separate schedule for workout. So you instead finish off your workout session and move on to other important work. A burst of exercise stimulates your mind and pushes you through the rest of the pending tasks.

Do It At Your Own Time

Perhaps, setting a time for your workout schedule doesn’t seem much of a task but following it is. Some people find it immensely energizing to set up a long term exercise routine in the morning. As after finishing off, it sets a positive tone for the day. Others prefer evenings to get charged and end the day by shedding off kilos of worries. Magma Insurance general insurance plans are here to wipe out your concerns about any mishap during these unprecedented times.

Track Your Specific Workout Goals

Set in goals to hit your overall target, rather than merely aiming for a better shape. For instance, 30 minutes cardio session every day can not only boost positivity but also help you attain your desired body image. Keep track of activities via one of the many fitness applications that measure factors such as duration of your workout, distance covered, efforts to aim daily goal of steps, and heart rate.
Workout sessions include proper usage of equipment. Even at home, wear good shoes, tight clothes to ease you through your adaptive phase. Consult a doctor if your health issues interfere with your workout session or if you witness any other effects due to work out. Give your body an adequate amount of time to adjust and improve. To avoid any hassle and stay secure, try Magma Insurance general insurance plans.
Instead of sitting idle all day, binge-watching your favorite show, or on meeting calls, try walking around the home. Clean your pod, scrub a sink, or water your plants. Do squats or lunges or jumping jacks in between breaks.
Magma Insurance general insurance plans are the new age insurance plans which cut down the excess paperwork, seamless communication, easy investment, and claim process.


Full-face vs. Modular. Which helmet provides the best safety and convenience?

A motorcycle helmet is one of the essential pieces of a rider’s protective equipment. Helmets reduce the risk of death by protecting the rider from the severity of head injuries. When purchasing a motorbike helmet, giving safety priority over looks is the best approach.

While there are a variety of helmets available, we'll talk about the two specific ones, i.e., Full face & Modular. In this article, we share the plus and minus of each to help you decide which one to go for.

1. Full Face Helmet: A full-face helmet entirely covers the head. It has two openings: one at eye level and one at the neck. It is shielded by a movable, clear visor. The chin bar is the band that wraps around the bottom of the visor. The part of the shell covers over the lower portion of the rider's head.


● The chin bar integrates with the rest of the helmet's body. This makes the full-face helmet stronger than the modular type.

● Riding with a full-face helmet gives you the best shot at escaping severe injuries.

● Modern-day full-face helmets include a visor that can be lifted to clean it or get some ventilation.

● These helmets don't have visor lifting mechanisms, thus making them lighter.


● They lack ventilation. In hot conditions, riders can find this a significant minus point as it can make them sweat extensively and cause itching.

● Some riders, especially claustrophobic ones, find the full-face helmet inconvenient.

● Full-face helmets have visor fogging problems during cold or humid conditions. As the lower part of the full-face helmet cannot move, it’s difficult to wipe the fog.

● Riders with glasses can have difficulty finding a full-face helmet that fits properly around the face.

2. Modular Helmet: A modular helmet is a kind of similar to a full-face helmet at first glance. But upon looking closer, you will spot a movable chin bar. This is useful when riders want the protection of a full-face helmet when riding but prefer the flexibility of opening the helmet up at any time without taking it off completely.


● It protects like a full-face helmet and has the breathability of an open-face helmet.

● Riders get the option to open the front portion of the helmet to enhance ventilation, especially if they ride in hot conditions.

● Very helpful for those whose job requires communicating at frequent stops, like food delivery and courier people.

● Riders who use glasses find modular helmets more comfortable.


● As the chin bar is not part of the body, it’s not very sturdy. A modular helmet will not provide the same facial protection as a full-face helmet in an accident.

● They are heavier and bigger due to a visor lifting mechanism.

● If your visor is lifted, strong winds while riding can take off your helmet if you haven’t buckled it tightly. This can cause catastrophic scenarios for you and others around you.

Now that you understand the pros & cons of each type, consider the safest two-wheeler helmet that protects you from possible impact. Choose the one that fits your needs and go for it. Just relying on helmets and safety gears for protection is not sufficient. Buying bike insurance further protects you from financial worries during a fall or collision. Buying bike insurance online is most convenient as the process involves minimal paperwork and gets you a lower premium.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online today!

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is your car ready for a safe spin post lockdown?  

Life has been kind of different in the past two months, with minimal exposure to the outside world. Indeed, one crucial part of everyday life that we all miss is going to our offices. As work from home became the norm, meetings that happened in client’s conference rooms were replaced with e-meetings. The lunchtime chatter was substituted with a discussion of pending daily chores. While few may feel that work from home had perks like hot home-cooked meals for lunch (cooking at home became a compulsion for our safety), and the casual Friday clothing all days of the week but nobody will disagree that economy is suffering.

While COVID-19 may have altered our lives, but, it is crucial to get back to business. We must try and become better than earlier so that business of business, living and fighting Corona Virus can go on together. Pre-caution, vigilance and immunity/preparedness are the key operating sentiment. Some of these skills that we acquired as part of evolutionary growth will become sharper.

As we plan to get back, we will need to re-establish our routines. Your travel companion, your vehicle deserves your attention It is “it” that will run and literally carry you for business. After months of being out of focus, it is time we brought back the lights. Before you go out, here is a mandatory checklist for you to perform at least a couple of days before you start - Check whether your insurance policy is still valid. In case your policy has expired during the lockdown, do not worry. Just click on the link below to renew your Motor policy. (Provide renewal link)

Give a nice look to your vehicle form all the sides and see if there is any accidental damage. In case you find one immediately reach out to us. Also check for leaks, corroded fittings, rotten hoses or compromised seals. In case you find any immediately contact the car service centre for remediation.

- Ascertain whether your vehicle battery is charged or not. You will not be able to self-start the vehicle if the battery is dead. In case it is do not worry, our road side assistance program is there to help the customers.

-Check tyre air pressure and avoid ride disturbance that could happen due to inadequate tyre pressure. Do you see flat spot the spots that come on the tyre, if a vehicle sits for too long. Weight of the vehicle causes flat spots on the tyre where the rubber meets the road. While it may not be a cause if immediate concern but it does impact the tyre in the long run.

Agree that you couldn’t clean your car and dirt has piled up on the surface but hold. Don’t wipe the surface directly with a damp cloth. Ideally we should remove the dust sing a dry cloth or with an air pump otherwise using the damp cloth will cause swirl marks.

Clean the wipers with a damp cloth and avoid damage to wiper and windscreen

Check your running lights. Activate turn signals, headlights, brake lights, and high beams to ensure they are functional.

Now that you have reached a stage where everything mentioned above checks a tick on your list it is time to go for a quick spin. Take your car out for 20-minute drive close to home. It will loosen everything up and evaporate the moisture in the exhaust and in the engine. It will also give you a chance to listen for any rattles and engine misses while keeping an eye on the vehicle's gauges for abnormal engine temperatures, battery charging, and oil pressure.


Boost Your Immunity To Combat Health Risk

Immunity is your utmost strength which makes your body work properly daily. However, along with age and time, the immunity system starts getting weaker depending on your lifestyle and many other factors.

But the only way to have a long life expectancy is by staying fit, and for that, you need to have the ability to combat all types of health risks. According to research, almost 21% of the population of India have low immunity.

Keeping the present scenario in mind, it is always better to buy health insurance online India as at some point in your life; you are going to need it for sure. And it is better to stay prepared for all types of tough situations beforehand.

The only way to maintain strong immunity is by leading a healthy lifestyle and having a balanced diet every day. However, here comes a small list of tips which might help to strengthen your immune system to combat health risks:

Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to stay fit. It will control your body weight and blood pressure. The thyroid is quite common these days, and low immunity is a significant reason behind that.

Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to stay fit. It will control your body weight and blood pressure. The thyroid is quite common these days, and low immunity is a significant reason behind that.

Doing some cardio exercise or yoga just for 20-30 minutes a day will improve the blood circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluid. Besides keeping you active throughout the day, exercise, yoga or a small jog will help you to reduce stress too.

Eat fruits, green and leafy vegetables.

Most of us have a terrible lifestyle in the present condition. We are dependent the most on fast foods and junk foods, and that works enough to ruin our health. Green vegetables are enriched in antioxidants, minerals and proteins. And besides that, leafy vegetables provide a healthy gut which strengthens the immunity and regulates it accordingly. Also, the citrus fruits play a significant role here as it is rich in Vitamin C, which keeps the immune system strong.

Minimize your stress

Your body can combat all types of health risks if you do not force it to fight with stress at the same moment. Stress is a primary reason behind heart problems, high blood pressure and depression. Just stop overthinking right at this moment and start practising meditation for at least 20-30 minutes every day. Exercise at least 5 days a week, go for a walk either in the early morning or in the evening, read books, listen to music and spend some quality time with yourself. Combat stress first as that is the crucial step to stay healthy.

Get adequate sleep

Insufficient sleep causes inflammation and lowers your immunity power to fight diseases. If you are facing trouble to stay asleep or to fall asleep, consult with a doctor immediately as there can be an ample number of reasons behind it except stress. Try to sleep at least for 7-8 eight hours every night. Avoid smoking or using any electronic device before going to bed. Keep aside your mobile at least 30 minutes before falling asleep as it helps to maintain the peace of your mind.

It depends entirely on you, whether you are willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle or not. But it is still better to buy health insurance online India to stay on the safe side.

Having a robust immune system will let you avoid most of the deadly diseases and the health issues which arise in all of our lives due to ageing. And besides that, being slightly careful can offer you several health benefits and can help your body to stay healthy for a long time too.


What are the benefits of renewing two-wheeler insurance online?

Not only buying insurance online but renewing it online as well is also possible and is very important at the same time. You can renew two-wheeler insurance online and the whole process is hassle-free along with being very less time-consuming. Renewing your insurance online will help you in continuing the coverage and benefits you receive under your current bike insurance policy.

Some of the benefits that you get when buying two-wheeler insurance are: -

● The insurance will save you from heavy expenses that occur due to natural disasters like fire, earthquake, landslide, flood, storm etc.

● The policy will also protect you from theft, burglary or accidents that are caused by humans.

● Third-party insurance which is mandatory as per the Motor Vehicle Act ensures the owner that the insured vehicle is free from any third-party liability that may arise if the insured vehicle is involved in an accident.

● Insurance Cover in Foreign Land will make the insurance company liable to pay for damages that occur to the insured vehicle outside the Indian territory as well.

● Having your vehicle insured will also save you from any penalties that you may face if you do not have two-wheeler insurance that is mandatory by law.

Once you buy insurance for your bike or any other two-wheelers, it is necessary to keep a check on when the insurance expires. It is always good to get your insurance renewed before it expires so that you may not face any difficulties in case you are travelling.

Benefits of renewing two-wheeler insurance online.

You can go to the office of the insurance company from where you purchase your insurance from, or there is a much simpler and better method to get your insurance renewed. Insurance policies are renewed online as well and there are many benefits of renewing your two-wheeler insurance online. some of them are: -

● NCB or No Claim Bonus is another benefit that the insurers are entitled to if they go throughout the year without any claim for the year. The benefit of NCB is available in various percentages, and even if you switch your insurance provider, you get an outstanding benefit which is that you can get your NCB transferred to the other insurer.

● Renewing your insurance is not only money-saving due to a lot of deals present online but also time-saving because you do not have to go through an exhaustive process of researching where to get your insurance renewed.

● Setting up an online insurance renewal system for your two-wheeler will save your efforts in future because next time you won’t even have to step out of your office or home to get the insurance renewed for your bike or any other two-wheeler.

● Along with all these benefits, you also get timely reminders to get you insurance renewed through the portals, and you won’t miss the deadline to get your insurance renewed. You also get to receive reminders of different discounts or offers available with online insurance renewal plans.

Online insurance renewal for your two-wheelers simplifies much of your effort and you can carry out the complete procedure of renewing your insurance from home only. The transactions for the renewal process can be carried out through credit cards, debit cards, net banking which are very safe methods of payments and you can rest assured that your confidential information will not be misused in any manner.


KNOW ABOUT CORONAVIRUS     – By Dr Sunilkumar Bura

Coronaviruses are a large group of RNA viruses. It comes under the sub-family Orthocoronavirinae. Coronavirus virions are spherical to pleomorphic enveloped particles. The envelope is studded with projecting glycoproteins and surrounds a core consisting of matrix protein enclosed within which is a single strand of positive-sense RNA (Mr 6 × 106) associated with nucleoprotein. The envelope glycoproteins are responsible for attachment to the host cell and also carry the main antigenic epitopes, particularly the epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies. OC43 also possesses a haemagglutinin. The size of coronaviruses ranges from 26 to 32 kilobases. Most human coronaviruses fall into one of two serotypes: OC43-like and 229E-like. Coronaviruses cause acute, mild upper respiratory infection(Common cold) to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS).

Discovery of coronaviruses

The very first discovery of the coronavirus took place in 1960, the name of this virus comes from the crown-like spikes that it has its surface. The word corona came from the Latin word "Crown." The early discovered was an infectious bronchitis virus which was found in chicken's respiratory tract and then later in 1963 two more cases were discovered from the nasal cavity of humans named As Human Corona Virus 229E and Human Corona Virus OC43 as a result of zoonotic transmission (transmission of disease from animals to humans). Since then the cases have occurred in several other forms in minimal numbers. Many shreds of evidence in history state that corona has always spread from an animal to a human, for instance, SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was transmitted from bat to a human being in china in November 2002 and caused severe acute respiratory syndrome(Infected-8,098 and Killed 774). That virus disappeared by 2004. Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS) is caused by the MERS Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) which is also called camel flu was transmitted from camel to human in Saudi Arabia in September 2012(Infected-2,056 People and killed 862 people worldwide). But this time the scientist are having difficulty in identifying the animal responsible for COVID-19.


Covid 19 means : CO = corona, VI= virus ,D= disease 2019.

A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as an illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV), which was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, China in December 2019, which has a well-known seafood wholesale market, were a large number of people come to sell or buy live seafood; this market is also known for its wide variety of seafood. This strain of coronavirus was named COVID-19 on February 11 by the World Health Organization. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director of WHO, mentioned that they had to find a name that didn't point out any animal, geographical location, a person, or a group of people. The name should be easily pronounceable and had a clear relation to the disease. It's essential to have an impartial name so that other names don't get stigmatized. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such designation since declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009.

How does infection happen?

COVID-19 appears to be spread via respiratory secretions when infected people cough or sneeze, similar to how influenza (flu) spreads. Currently, people at risk for COVID-19 include those who have been in close contact with infected people within 14 days before their symptoms began. The average time from when persons are exposed to signs of illness is about 5 days and can range from 2 to 14 days.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

People with COVID-19 have a fever, cough, muscle aches, headache, and diarrhoea, which are all symptoms similar to other viral infections, such as the flu. People who need hospitalization usually have severe pneumonia.

What are the prevention methods that we should follow?

1. Washing your hands with soap - every time you come from outside.

2. Social distancing of around 6 feet - so you do not get the infection.

3. Wearing a mask - this prevents the droplets from entering.

4. Living in a hotter environment - do not turn on your AC - the virus does not survive in hot conditions. Drink hot water/tea.

5. Cleaning and disinfecting the environment around you.

6. Take your medication for your illness - as COVID generally clings to your already existing illnesses and escalates it - this causes most deaths in diabetics, heart patients etc.


Car insurance background check in India: Why & How

Insurance is proof of verifying your track record, living and financial status, assets, etc. And if you own a car, having car insurance in India is mandatory. The main reason is to fulfil the interests of your vehicle and how you can safeguard it in case of any accidents or damages. But while this is a consumer-oriented measure that provides financial protection against car damages, the motor insurance company takes stringent background checks before allowing the customer to proceed with the process.

Are you looking for answers as to why and how these insurers perform such checks on potential customers? This blog will answer all your queries and decode the details one by one.

• Insurance companies want to be aware of their customers, their identities, and mandatory details about them to serve their consumers in the best way possible. This also helps them improve their services, which is why they conduct background checks on their customers when required.

• Confirming the consumer’s identity is essential to ensure they are claiming their real identification. This will assure the insurance providers that they are not creating a profile and selling the car insurance to a fake name.

• We all see how scammers these days are getting ahead of the intelligence agencies and finding their way out to fraud people and steal their money, identities, etc. This is why background checks of consumers are essential to verify all their information through government-attested documents. Insurance companies have reported that they receive fake claims for third-party insurance and background checks provide a solution to this issue.

• One of the reasons for conducting background checks is to ensure that their policyholders’ identities have not been stolen through other means such as phone insurance, where the consumers have been scammed into revealing their identities to third parties, which eventually use the information to accomplish malicious tasks and activities.

• The insurance companies must abide by the “know your customer” and local and international anti-money laundering rules and regulations as per government standards. To follow these rules, they need factual information about no criminal activities and involvement, financial scams, money laundering, etc., associated with their customers.

• The background check also involves checking your credit score reports. A good score reflects that you have a good financial status and can repay your bills on time. This acts as proof of your spending habits, money-saving capabilities, etc.

• While issuing car insurance, your motor insurance company looks at your driving history and evaluate your driving record and its details. This assures them that you are a responsible driver and avoid any brazen or rash activities on the road. Such activities might endanger other people’s lives and vehicles on the road and put the road safety protocols at risk.

We hope these factors will help you understand car insurance and insurance companies’ protocols in a better way. Speaking of car insurance, have you considered getting online car insurance? Buying online is the smartest way of investing in insurance. Purchasing a policy from a reputed motor insurance company promises several benefits that protect your car against any damages and prevent you from venting your pockets.

Click HERE to know more about online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Common mistakes beginners must avoid while changing a flat tyre 21

If you don't drive often, you could believe you don't need the competence to change a tyre and may leave it to the mechanic. However, the "flat tyre" problem can happen to anyone at any moment, whether you're driving your car around the block or through highways. The process of changing a tyre is more straightforward than you may imagine. It is better to fix the flat tyre issue immediately before it results in an accident.

Also, remember another best practice to follow is to buy new car insurance. This will provide a considerable financial benefit if your vehicle meets with an accident and causes loss or damage to any third party's property.

Here are some of the most frequent problems encountered while changing a tyre are listed below.

1. Shifting while on an incline:
Get to level ground before pulling the jack out of the car and changing the tyre. If you try to replace the tyre while on a slope, the car can slide off the jack. Before you jack up the car and steady it, set the emergency brake. To prevent rolling, put wheel wedges in front or behind the tyres.

2. Lacking the required tools:
Most individuals don't examine the vehicle jack kit when they acquire a car and undermine the importance of a complete kit. Ensure you check the jack kit thoroughly before driving.

3. Having passengers in the car:
Consider the situation when you have to repair a flat tyre quickly, and you have located a suitable location to do it. Before the tyre-changing procedure begins, ensure all passengers, including pets, exit the car. This can help change the tyres easily as you remove obstructive weight from the vehicle.

4. Stuck alloy wheel rims:
Even seasoned drivers can get caught off guard by this one. Due to rust, alloy wheel rims that haven't been removed for a while may end up attached to the hub immediately behind where the tyre is located. You might need a hammer in the car, which you can use to hit the centre of the wheel covering the tyre. However, it is recommended to take the help of a professional mechanic.

5. Incorrect use of jacking points:
Every car has a few places on the underside that are intended to be used with a jack. Neglecting this part of a flat tyre replacement could cause damage to the automobile or cause it to fall off the jack. The owner's manual for your particular car model will include the proper jacking points. Always use those points to secure the jack.

6. Forgetting about your spare tyre:
Some vehicle owners heed it. An easy maintenance task is to check the spare tyre's condition every few months. If you need to put the spare tyre, do ensure that it is adequately filled and in good condition. If it's flat, weak, rotten, or fractured, it is of no help.

7. Impossible to unscrew wheel nuts or studs:
Even people with well-developed biceps may struggle with this. It might be relatively easy to manually free wheel nuts if they were excessively tight the last time you visited the workshop. Additionally, overtightening has the potential to harm threads permanently.

A flat tyre is a common occurrence that causes stress levels to soar. Take a deep breath and ensure you exit the road safely to prevent the risk of accidents. While there is no way to avoid a flat tyre, you can prepare for such situations by knowing basic car know-how. We also urge you to buy new car insurance since it covers the costs of an accident and financially protects your vehicle against the damages.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to hosting a party at your home

The world only recently started reeling from the pandemic that took almost two years of our lives. Malls, cinema halls, and amusement parks have begun functioning at full capacity. This is the perfect time to meet people and renew old friendships.

If you're excited to plan a reunion with your college gang, peer groups, or family, then why not host a party at your home. This article is just for you if you want to host a simple yet fun party at your home.

1. Sort your guest list:

Creating the guest list is challenging. With limited seating inside your house, hosting a huge crowd becomes difficult. Prioritise the people that you want at the party. Try not to mix your personal and professional groups at the same party. Focus on choosing people who are capable of leaving their work behind.

2. Order food in:

Hosting a party can be stressful only if you decide to handle every aspect of the party. Everything can become overwhelming quickly. Ordering food is a smart way to eliminate the preparation time and effort that goes into making the food.
One thing you can do before the party is to ask the guests about their food allergies or preferences. Be creative with the starters. Most people fill up on the starters and barely try the main course. Opting for fun and unique starters is sure to set a benchmark.

3. Use paper cups and glasses:

It might not sound classy or elegant, but tons of fancy and quirky cutlery is available in the market. Opting for disposable plates and cutleries helps eliminate the whole washing and cleaning routine.
You can also rest assured that none of your bowls or plates is broken. Also, you allow yourself the time to focus on enjoying the party rather than killing the excitement under the stress of washing the utensils later.

4. Keep the bathroom clean:

We end up fussing about the decor, the cushions, the sofa, and that one corner behind the TV stand that nobody notices. But we often forget the essentials such as bathrooms and kitchen. A dirty bathroom or a kitchen is sure to leave a mark, and no matter how dolled up your living space is, a dirty bathroom will be the talk of the town.
Throw in a couple of extra towels and set up multiple tissue boxes around the house so that people have easy access. Use room fresheners and other fragrances to keep everything smelling fresh and fabulous.

5. Let others help you:

Being a good host essentially means letting everyone enjoy a party. If people offer to help you with food or decorations, accept it. This way, you are sharing the load and enjoying a mix of different ideas and options. This will help you tremendously at the last minute as you know that there are fewer things that you need to be worrying about.

6. Account for kids:

If you are hosting a party and the kids are also invited, then you might want to set up a room just for them. A few games, puzzles, or a TV running in the background can help keep the kids occupied. If possible, make a dining set up exclusively for the kids as it's not fair to expect them to hold the plates in their hands while eating.
Also, customise some of the food items for the little ones. Almost every kid loves food items such as pizza, nuggets and juices.

Follow the above tips, and you're all set to host the perfect house party. Making all the arrangements, decorating the house, and creating a positive ambiance before planning a party is fun.

We put so much thought into making our home the best place to live. Why not take some time to ensure its safety? After all, our home is our responsibility, and safeguarding it should be our priority. The best way to do this is house insurance. Magma HDI offers the best house insurance India with several benefits for the homeowners. Buy your house insurance today and be assured of comprehensive coverage against unexpected circumstances.

Click HERE to know more about house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dealing with accident trauma and overcoming fears to drive again confidently

Road accidents can be dangerous, not just physically but mentally as well. The trauma of post-accident can be devastating and scare a person for life. Since an accident can involve a lot of gore, and even casualties, sensitive and weak-hearted people can take years to get over post-accident trauma.

Witnessing or even hearing of a road accident involving the loss of life or even injury to a close one is a disturbing experience. One can be too scared to drive again and may develop a phobia of sitting at the wheel. Vehophobia is the fear of driving that can take place after a road accident. It can significantly affect a person mentally and physically.

Knowing the effects on your life and vehicle, you should always buy motor insurance online to avoid problems later. While such measures are modern introductions, you can now seek help to overcome your fear of driving after an accident. You must take baby steps toward recovery and gradually return to the steering wheel.

This article will help you do that at the earliest with the following steps to overcome fears to drive again confidently.

1. Therapy:
Psychotherapy can help you a lot if you are dealing with accident trauma. Accident trauma can manifest itself as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It can prevent you from driving again. Your therapist can help you get to the root of your problems. They will also use coping mechanisms to help you drive again. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is the most effective tool to help with your recovery. It can help you move past your trauma and anxiety.

2. Be a passenger:
To help you get used to driving again, start as a passenger first. You must get in a vehicle first. It will help you adapt to the look and feel of a moving car again. Ask a trusted friend or family member to take you along for a ride. You can also play some music to keep the ambiance lively and help keep your mind away from negative emotions.

3. Don't drive solo:
Do not go solo as soon as you think you are ready to return to the wheel again. Start diligently from a quiet area with no traffic. You can start in a parking lot or open ground before getting ready for the road again. You should also ask a trusted friend to accompany you at all times. If anything goes wrong, they can take charge.

4. Employ a driving instructor:
A driving instructor can do wonders in a situation like this. They not only teach you to drive but also help you get over your fears. The instructors will help you take the much-needed baby steps in overcoming your fear of driving. They can also help you with defensive and more careful driving tactics. By this, you can avoid accidents in the future.

5. Be kind to yourself:
The whole process of recovery can be frustrating. You will feel like giving up many times, but you must fight the urge to do so. As recovery is a long process, you should be kind to yourself. Let yourself heal at your own pace.

You need to remember these things before returning to the road after an accident. Recovering from a road accident is difficult but not impossible. Give yourself ample time to heal and grow out of it. During this chaotic time, you can stay financially secure. Buy motor insurance online to protect your vehicle from unexpected expenses due to damages.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the benefits and risks of keto diet

Over the last few years, we have seen an increasing number of people making various lifestyle changes. People are exploring different diet options like intermittent fasting, keto, veganism, low-fat diet, etc. Today we will look at the keto diet and its benefits and risks.

The ketogenic diet is an extremely low-carb diet with a high fat intake. It aids in faster weight loss and has thus, become a favourite in recent times. Keto drastically reduces carbohydrates and replaces them with fat. This dramatic reduction of carbs puts the body in a metabolic state known as ketosis. During ketosis, the body's tendency to burn fat for energy increases rapidly, promoting faster weight loss.

Now, let's look at the benefits of a ketogenic diet.

1. Reduced appetite:
Binge eating is a concerning habit that contributes to weight gain. Studies show that people who concentrate on protein and fat intake eat fewer calories than those who intake carbs. Low carb eating helps you with reducing food cravings.

2. Abdominal fat loss:
It's a piece of common knowledge that abdominal fat or more commonly known as tummy fat, is the most rigid kind of fat. Keto is effective in reducing abdominal fat and getting into a perfect shape.

3. Increased level of good cholesterol:
High-density lipoprotein is commonly known as "good" cholesterol. A keto diet improves HDL cholesterol. It further helps lower total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Lower cholesterol levels mean a reduced risk of heart attacks and improved immunity. These are just a few of the many benefits that keto provides. However, since Keto is instrumental in faster weight loss, it also comes with its own set of risks and disadvantages. Let's look at a few of those.

4. Muscle loss:
Protein is the key ingredient in gaining muscle. However, it is heavily dependent on carbohydrates for muscle development. Depriving your body of carbohydrates means that the protein is incapable of building the muscles. Which therefore results in significant muscle loss.

5. Kidney stress:
A high meat intake makes urine acidic, which increases calcium and uric acid levels. This is a potential cause of kidney stones and other health problems.

6. Dehydration and Discomfort:
Your brain is heavily dependent on glucose provided by carbohydrates for energy. In a ketogenic diet, the brain depends more on ketones. And the kidneys release electrolytes when insulin levels fall. These drastic changes in bodily functions can cause various symptoms such as constipation, nausea, headache, fatigue, etc.

These are some of the benefits and risks of following a keto diet. Although there are ways to research various kinds of diet trends. It is best to visit a dietician who can give you a detailed diet chart that is suitable for your lifestyle and body type.

Adapting to a new diet can come with various challenges and frequent visits to your dietician's office. While you are working on modifying your lifestyle, it is the wisest move to look up the best health insurance in India. By choosing the best health insurance in India, you safeguard yourself against unnecessary medical expenditure during medical emergencies.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips to fix the speedometer condensation

A regular motorcycle rider is aware of the everyday challenges of engine overheating, the exhaust getting clogged due to high pollution levels, and the electric wiring cracks after consistent usage. Besides these technical maintenance issues, you may face several obstructions to a smooth riding experience. While you can buy two wheeler insurance online and get immediate assistance for major problems, fixing the more minor issues can be confusing.

One of the most typical issues that two-wheeler riders face is extreme condensation of their speedometer and tachometer. While the majority of today’s advanced vehicles are equipped with premium instruments sealed much better against humidity and moisture, several models still face this issue.

Why does condensation occur in motorcycle instruments?

If you reside in a coastal town or a location with high humidity levels, you must face condensation problems with your bike. While four-wheelers have air conditioning to control the heat and humidity levels, two-wheelers still face significant concerns with condensation. The instruments in the two-wheelers are highly exposed to humidity and other weather conditions like rain, hail, snow, etc. The bikes often overheat due to prolonged hours of travel which can quickly cause condensation as the moisture from the environment can settle on the loosely sealed speedometer or tachometer.
Additionally, careless maintenance like washing the motorcycle with a high-pressure washer can lead to water entering several parts of the vehicle causing numerous complications.

Why is condensation on motorcycle instruments harmful?

If the covering on the speedometer or tachometer is not sealed tight enough, moisture can seep in, which can cause a blurred view of the dials. This condensation can be highly risky when on the road, as your knowledge of the speed and other technicalities about the motorcycle get compromised. This can confuse any rider as they need to know the appropriate pace to ride at and maintain it through their journey. While this issue can often occur, there is no need to panic as it can be fixed using some simple remedies.

How to avoid or get rid of the condensation on the motorcycle instruments?

1. If you spray water with a high-pressure pipe or washer to clean your bike, steer clear of the front area of the motorcycle that consists of the instruments.
2. If you choose to use water around the instruments while cleaning your bike, tape the meters with plastic or use a damp cloth to wipe the areas. Immediately wipe the vehicle dry to avoid water seeping into the electric system or engine.
3. If you are riding the bike during the monsoon and are caught amidst a shower, keep a dry cloth to dry off the vehicle.
4. Try to wipe the cover of the meters with a rag soaked with a bit of 90% rubbing alcohol. This is not a fool-proof method but may work for specific bikes.
5. Use a hairdryer at a moderate temperature to dry out the water droplets. Use the hairdryer from a distance to avoid any overheating.
6. Avoid opening or drilling any parts of the instruments as they can get further damaged. Ask for technical assistance from a trusted mechanic.
7. Go for a long, breezy ride. This ensures that enough wind passes through the instruments to dry off the moisture automatically.

On a conclusive note, it’s important to remember that condensation on the vehicle’s instruments is expected, and it is difficult to avoid. However, you must ensure you fix it using these few methods and prevent having a blurred view of the meters. Also, don’t forget to invest in two wheeler insurance online to protect your bike from unforeseen circumstances.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips to avoid the theft of petrol in a two-wheeler

The fuel prices have been skyrocketing and severely hitting consumers' pockets. With that, we see an increase in alleged fuel theft cases from the two-wheelers, making it even worse for riders. Petrol theft is a common problem faced by two-wheeler owners. Fuel theft is generally carried out by siphoning the petrol. The thief siphons the petrol from the fuel tank using a hosepipe attached to another vehicle or a storage container.

In this space, we will look at a few ways to avoid fuel theft from your two-wheeler.

1. Put a petrol lock:
An inexpensive yet efficient remedy to this problem is using a petrol lock. You can get this fitted onto your bike with the help of a local mechanic. The lock lasts for about 2 to 3 years, and getting it fixed barely takes five minutes. The cost ranges anywhere between a hundred rupees to two hundred rupees.
This lock adds security to your bike by avoiding any petrol theft. The petrol lock comes with a set of keys used to regulate the fuel flow. Once locked, the petrol flow is stopped, and you cannot move about unless it is unlocked.

2. Defensive parking:
Park your bikes close to a wall so that the fuel pipe is towards the wall. This makes it difficult to have access to the fuel pipe hence preventing the siphoning of the petrol. Although it’s difficult to always practice this method, one can be mindful of the placement of their vehicles in such a way that it hinders direct access to the fuel pipe.

3. Parking and garage facilities:
If you plan on leaving the bike for long durations, it is advisable to park your vehicles in proper garages or paid parking facilities. If you are someone who usually parks the vehicle outside the house, you must consider parking it in a more secure location that is away from trespassers. However, if you have to park outside, do so in a publicly accessible area. Thieves find it challenging to carry out these activities while under the public eye.

These are a few ways to prevent petrol theft from your vehicle. There isn’t much one can do to protect their vehicles from thieves, but taking note of the points mentioned above will prove helpful if you find yourself in a shady locality.

Another thing to note is that if you are someone who parks in a fixed spot in your office, gym, or other localities, then it becomes easy for the thieves to have access to your vehicle as they will be aware of your routine. So, switching up your parking spots can also help prevent theft. To ensure that your bike is not being subjected to petrol theft, keep track of your fuel level before parking the vehicle and look for scratches or damage in your fuel pipe.

If you notice any change in the fuel pipe or the fuel levels, it is best to take your vehicle to a mechanic and get the required changes done to ensure the safety of your two-wheeler. Before visiting the mechanic, look for two wheeler insurance India to safeguard your two-wheeler against incidents like theft, accidents, or damages due to natural calamities.

Click HERE to find out more about two wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few probable causes of poor gear shifting in bikes

No matter how convenient it is to own and ride a bike around the busy city streets, it comes with its own set of challenges. Even though two-wheelers are highly in demand today, before you decide to purchase one, it is essential to know about the issues you might encounter with them. Out of all the problems that motorcycle riders face, the gear not shifting properly while riding is the most common one.

The way you handle the gears can largely affect the quality of shifting in your bike. Some of the main reasons for poor shifting of gears in motorcycles are mentioned below.

1. Adjusting the shift pedal:
Factors outside of the engine can cause severe shifting problems. If you adjust the height of the shift pedal to your ankles, the linkage can be cramped against itself. As a result, the gear won’t fully engage on the final shift because the shift claw prevents it from pushing far enough.

2. Adjust the clutch cable:
There may be issues with the smooth shifting of the gear because the shift lever might become too stiff and changing the motorcycle's speed becomes challenging. This mainly occurs when the bike is cold and is caused due to the clutch cable. The locking adjustment needs to be readjusted, and pull the clutch lever a few times. You will notice a significant difference after.

3. Check the engine oil level:
Low engine oil levels can result in overheating of the motor, wear and tear of the mechanism, and a considerable amount of carbon deposits that can cause significant damage to your two-wheeler. These things damage various parts of the bike like its pistons, clutch plates, engine valves, and cylinder lining. Just as important as it is to buy bike insurance online, it is equally vital for you to check and renew the bike’s oil levels.

4. Inspect your motorcycle’s chain:
After years of riding the bike, the chain can become loose. It may have become loose for many reasons, such as rusting, etc. You need to clean the chain of your two-wheeler frequently using a cleaning agent or maintenance spray. Ensure you do this specifically after every ride you take along a muddy path or under extreme weather conditions.

5. Trouble with the transmission:
Another prominent reason for issues with shifting your gear could be caused due to a seized transmission gear. The presence of a foreign object between the gears may have resulted in a blocked gear. Some other possible causes for a seized gear are bent shift shafts or incorrect assembling of the transmission gears.
This issue will create resistance, and you won’t be able to change gears while riding or starting your bike easily. Get your two-wheeler examined by a mechanic to eliminate this resistance.

To sum it up, these are the few probable causes of poor gear shifting in your bike that you should inspect as soon as possible. Never delay or skip your two-wheeler’s servicing. Scheduled maintenance of your two-wheeler can protect it against internal damages and breakdowns. Get the servicing done at a trusted garage to examine all parts thoroughly and detect and fix if any flaws exist. Also, ensure that you invest in a reliable insurance policy for your bike. You may buy bike insurance online and avoid the unwanted involvement of intermediaries.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


COVID-19 Second Wave_ Can We All Stay Safe Indoor

The breakthrough of the corona virus has led us to these challenging times. And staying healthy and disease free to prevent yourself from the virus is one crucial task. To prevent yourself from corona, it is advised to stay indoors. While staying indoors is the first step, you can’t be completely safe indoors without taking the safety measures that are needed to keep the virus away. Here are the safety measures that you must follow while staying indoors.

Maintain Social Distancing

One of the first steps to staying safe is maintaining social distancing. Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people facing issues like cough, sneeze, fever. However, it is advisable to maintain a distance from everyone, whether they show problematic symptoms or not. When you cough or sneeze, the virus travels to your body in the form of droplets from the other person. It is advised to stay at a distance and connect with your friends, family, and colleagues through technology like video calls, phone calls, and social media.

Disinfect your Belongings

The coronavirus's effect is widespread and can be infected not only from people around you but also in the presence of air. You are acquainted with using things that might be the cause of being infected with the virus. It is found that cardboard can hold the virus for 24 hours and on steel and plastic for 72 hours. This means everything you come in contact with, whether an order from amazon, zomato, or your belongings like phone, tablets, laptop, earphones, etc., need to be disinfected. Cleaning and disinfecting all your belongings from time to time is an eff

Boost Immune System

If you have a healthy immune system, you can combat the virus on the right level. For this, you need to boost your immunity. But how can you do it? You can easily do it by eating green and healthy vegetables and fruits. With this, ensure the intake of Vitamin C in your diet. If you are a tea freak, you should take ginger or lemon tea.

Hydrate Yourself

Drinking the required amount of water is always helpful in removing all the toxic substances that are present in your body. Make sure to hydrate yourself and drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Say no to flavored drinks and caffeinated drinks like coffee and increase water and smoothies' intake .that keeps you healthy and hydrated.

Practice Respiratory Hygiene

You already know the coronavirus If it is spread through coughing and sneezing. When you cough or sneeze, the respiratory droplets infected by the virus are released. This is why you must cover your mouth and nose while sneezing with a tissue or handkerchief. If you don't have a tissue in place, use your hands, and wash your hands quickly.

Wash your hands frequently

Not only cleaning the surfaces around you but cleaning yourself is a must-follow preventive measure for the coronavirus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventive Measures, you must wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap or liquid sanitizer in small intervals throughout the day. It is advised to use liquid sanitizers with 60% alcohol that effectively kills the coronavirus. Besides handwashing, keeping your face covered with a mask or any fabric is a must to prevent the virus from entering your body.

Seek medical help

Cough, cold, flu, and fever are the main symptoms for someone infected with the coronavirus. All the treatments for the coronavirus are conducted focusing on these symptoms. If you think you have been infected with coronavirus, observe these symptoms for 3-4 days and if not improved, seek medical help to get the right treatment at the right time.
We hope you are following all these preventive measures to keep the virus away. With the risk of coronavirus, it is important for you to have health insurance in India that keeps you at a safer place with the coronavirus and its treatment.


The New age insurance is changing the game.

The New Age Insurance is evolving and we are seeing a lot of new age insurers entering the game alongside the traditional players


Traditional – Expensive as you pay for the operational costs
New age – Cost effective when the company is going paperless
Ease of Dealing


Traditional - As complicated as buying a house
New age – As easy as placing an order online


Traditional - As complicated as reading a report
New Age - As simple as reading an article


Traditional - Hurdles and bottlenecks throughout the process
New Age - Smooth sailing


Traditional - Maximum paperwork, more hassle
New Age - Minimum paperwork, maximum ease and convenience


Here are a few best ways to detect oil leakage in bikes

Motorcycles require more maintenance than anticipated to stay up and running. Over a period, your bike tends to undergo severe wear and tear. One way to keep it functioning is by regular maintenance.

Oil leakage is a strong indicator of your bike being internally damaged. Figuring out the point of the leakage can seem like a difficult task, but there are a few methods that you can keep in mind to ensure your bike is not susceptible to oil leakage. The leading cause of oil leakage is worn-out oil filters. Broken seals in the oil filters allow the oil to escape, thus causing leakage.

In this article, we will discuss a few ways you can detect if your bike is leaking oil.

1. Filter cup:
A filter cup that is worn out or has misaligned fibres can cause the oil to spill out. The misalignment in the filter cup can be caused by improper tightening of fixing screws. Check for leakage around the cup, and if it is leaking from the bottom, tighten the hose clamp.

2. Carburetor:
A carburetor is an essential part of the engine. It controls the flow of air and fuel and assists in combustion. The bowl that holds the carburetor can cause leakage if it gets old and is incapable of sealing the carburetor properly.

3. Checking fuel levels:
Another foolproof method of figuring out oil leaks is checking the fuel level of your bike with a dipstick. After the bike has cooled down, take note of the dipstick levels. If you notice a change in the levels over time, there is a loss of fuel.

4. Clean the areas:
The most susceptible areas to oil leaks are oil filters, oil pans, filter cups, valves, and hoses. Detecting an oil leak is convenient by inspecting these parts. If you observe changes in these areas, there is a chance of spillage or oil leakage.

5. Use a cloth or a paper:
Putting a dry cloth or a piece of paper under the bike is another smart way to check for oil leakages. Leave these under the bike overnight, and if you notice any spots or stains, your bike's fuel is leaking.

6. Smoke from exhaust:
Sometimes you can tell about oil leakage by checking the smoke from the exhaust. While riding the bike, if you feel that the smoke coming out from the exhaust smells like burning oil, it is probably an indicator of oil leakage.

These are a few ways to detect oil leakage from your bikes. Leakage is usually an indication of improper maintenance and extreme wear and tear of your bike. To combat these problems and increase your bike's longevity, you must ensure your motorcycle undergoes proper care and regular servicing.

Problems like oil leaks can cause severe internal damage to your bike if left untreated for too long. If you miss out on these simple steps, you may have to replace various bike parts, which can be expensive. It is advisable to invest in a comprehensive bike insurance plan to avoid these extra expenses. By buying bike insurance, you ensure that your bike gets complete financial protection against any costs that will follow if it gets damaged due to an accident.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips on how to keep your car insured while relocating

Packing up and moving out can be a real chore. Uprooting your life from a place you call home and trying to fit into a new environment is also quite emotionally draining. Sometimes we do it for love, sometimes for a better future. Whatever the reason, relocating is always a challenge. Among the million things that have you at your wit's end, managing car insurance in India generally takes a backseat. However, just as you would tend to any other asset, taking care of your car insurance needs will hold you in good stead. Here are some tips to consider before you hit the road!

Notify your insurer about the move

We live in a digitally connected world. All it takes is a couple of minutes for you to shoot an email, drop a text or even call the insurer’s helpline number and give the details of your new address. It also makes it easier for your insurer to communicate with you regarding things such as renewal, processing a claim and most importantly, providing the service you’ve paid for!

Re-register your car

If you are moving across state lines, you must get your vehicle re-registered with the Regional Transport Office (RTO) of your new domiciliary residence. However, prior to your relocation, remember to get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the RTO of your previous residence for a smooth transition. Once you get your new registration number, intimate your insurance company immediately so that the records are updated.

Re-evaluate your insurance needs

Depending on where you are moving, you may face a change in your insurance needs. If you’re moving to a metropolis like Delhi, brace yourself for never-ending traffic and possible nicks and bumps. In such a scenario, you may want to enhance your coverage. Similarly, if you are moving to a city like Mumbai, floods during monsoons are almost inevitable, where opting for add-on coverage like engine protection becomes a necessity. Consider all variables such as traffic, average drive time, safety, natural calamities, etc. and see if you need better coverage.

Implications of the move

Your relocation in all probability will affect the terms of endearment with your insurer. For example, ‘zonal risk’ is a variable insurance companies consider for premium calculations, and your move will have a direct impact on your annual premium. At the same time, the service quality may differ too. Do all the previous benefits carry over? Does your insurer have a strong presence at the new location? Do they have a robust network of garages? Get answers to all your questions before the move.

Look at your best interest

Insurance is all about your financial security and peace of mind. So if you have even the slightest doubt, don’t hesitate to look for another option. If you’re worried about losing out on your No Claim Bonus, fret not. You could easily carry over your NCB to an insurer like Magma HDI and continue to avail of all the benefits you previously enjoyed and more. A policy like Magma HDI's car insurance also provides safety against third party liability, damage, theft and natural calamities, making it a reliable choice wherever you go.


Let's understand the health benefits of cycling for elders

The end of the monsoon season is in sight, and even before we know it, we'll be ready for the winter days. The monsoon can be visually stunning, but it's not necessarily ideal for your bike. Post-monsoon brings a completely different downpour of problems for riders. This season demands a keen and prompt response to ensure your bike is in the best possible condition.

Now that the monsoon season is ending, you should give your bike its due attention. In light of the foregoing, we have compiled a post-monsoon maintenance checklist to get your bike road-ready. In that case, why delay any longer? Let's get this article rolling and prepare yourself for a thorough maintenance regime of your bike.

1. Tyres are important:
Don't let the air pressure in your tyres drop below the levels suggested by the bike's manufacturer. Inspect them for minor cuts that usually occur due to poor road conditions and potholes which might lead to more serious problems, such as a blowout. Make sure you inspect the tread depth of your tyres weekly. Make that the wheels are properly aligned and balanced.

2. Maintain battery:
If you want the bike's battery to last long with few problems, you should have it serviced right after the monsoon. Put some distilled water into the battery if needed. Look into the possible battery leakages. The bike must be in proper working condition and devoid of battery leaks. You should keep the motorcycle's battery fully charged if you haven't used it in a while.

3. Inspect the air filter and the exhaust:
Maintaining the air filter clean during the monsoon season is essential when airborne dust can quickly accumulate and clog the filter. Maintain regular air filter replacement schedules and increase cleaning frequency, especially during the monsoon days, since dust levels may grow in the winter. Check the exhaust for any residue or dirt accumulation due to flooding roads.

4. Don't forget to check the brakes:
Wet weather increases the likelihood that your bike's brakes will become more resistant to pushing, making riding in wet conditions dangerous. Therefore, it is essential to maintain an appropriate distance between the brake and the tyre.
Brakes that are either too stiff or too slack present a significant risk. If you experience screeching noise, it may be due to an oil shortage, or the front brake pads you’re your attention.

5. Remember the engine oil:
After the rainy season, keeping your bike's engine well-oiled is crucial for optimal performance and reliability. Before setting out on a long trip, ensure you monitor the oil level and keep it at the recommended level. Keep an eye out for any oil leaks that may have occurred because of the wet weather.
When carbon deposits are present, oil thickens, making it harder for engine parts to move. You should know that unclean oil will cause your motorcycle to use more gas and dramatically shorten the engine life.

This checklist of post-monsoon maintenance will be your go-to guide to having a fully operational bike ready to take you for your desired exploration.

Getting your bike serviced and having appropriate bike insurance will ensure your bike is maintained properly. Buying or renewing your bike insurance isn't as time-consuming or expensive as it was. Modern methods have made it possible to buy bike insurance online in minutes. Get yours now!

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance online in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.