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Six financial goals you should target in the year 2022

The year 2022 is specifically crucial as the pandemic has caused individuals from all around the globe to pause and reconsider how they have handled their funds over the last couple of years. While the idea of plotting financial goals in the aftermath of the pandemic recession may seem daunting, it is an excellent time to participate in a different type of financial goal-setting.

As we are just getting started with 2022, remember, the sooner you begin, the better you will achieve your financial objectives. So, to help you start your journey to financial freedom, we have written this blog which points out 6 goals that you should meet. Let us take you through each of them briefly.

1. Build an emergency fund:
A liquidity backup set up for emergencies and unexpected bills is known as an emergency fund. You can use these savings for unanticipated costs or payments that are not part of your regular expenses. It can act as a financial cushion when you are looking for a job change, are unemployed, and support you during the uncertain times of Covid-19. It's just like an umbrella, not much of use most of the time but tremendously valuable when needed.

2. Savings for a home:
Owning a home is one of the most popular financial objectives people seek to fulfill. It is evident that people must work hard to achieve this goal. Planning for it may be difficult but not impossible if you start early. To appropriately fund this aim, you must first analyze your financial flow and requirements. Check your spending habits and invest in schemes that will earn you a good return in the future.

3. Adequately insure yourself, your family, and your assets:
You and your dependents can face numerous financial hazards if not adequately insured. Health insurance is crucial in today's times. We cannot deny the importance of general insurance in India for your other assets like a house, motor vehicle, etc. There are many good companies offering health and general insurance in India.

4. Invest for your retirement:
Saving for your retirement is a crucial financial long-term goal. Keeping a retirement fund to live comfortably and pay for medical expenses in your later years is essential. However, achieving this goal will be wholly dependent on your financial portfolio and spending habits over the years unless you have other forms of passive income.

5. Savings for your next generation:
With an average of two kids per household in our country, the university and upbringing cost is very high. You would indeed desire the best college and educational facilities for your offspring. However, paying for all the tuition fees and other costs of having kids is not that easy. After attaining your financial freedom, planning for your next generation is the most important goal you should look forward to.

6. Being debt-free:
Staying out of debt is a must for your financial wellness. This will ensure that you achieve your other financial objectives without any hurdles. Whether it's repayment of loans or clearing credit cards debts, make a strategy to get out of it as soon as possible.

Setting financial objectives will be one of the most important things you will have to do every successive year. If you're a married individual, you'll notice that many of these targets aren't purely personal and heavily involve your partner. Having communication with your partner and financial adviser can help you work together to get the most out of your resources and meet your financial targets. Happy New Year and happy financial planning!

You can check the most economical plans HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Buying a house? What you need to know about home insurance policy

Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration. –Charles Dickens

You’ve made the big decision to purchase a dream house: reality is finally sweeter than your dreams! Congratulations.

A house is a matter of pride and a big commitment for many many years. A house is probably one of the biggest investments you will ever make: a dream you would like to protect.

While there is little we can do against natural disasters, we can reduce some of the hardships by having home insurance, which protects against any damage to the house and valuables in it.

Home insurance is poorly sold in India; People are either not aware of home insurance or are reluctant to buy it. They don’t see the risk to their property—be it fire or an act of terrorism; and of course, it always happens to other people!

A lost life cannot be regained, but a lost house can be rebuilt and it doesn’t cost much.

Here is what our Truth lens tells us:

A good policy covers for financial loss arising out of various incidents such as fire, earthquake or burglary. It covers, not only for structural damage but also for all other assets and possessions you may have, right from a rug to a refrigerator.

Here are a few things to consider:

One, the Cover

At the basic level, a standard fire and special perils policy covers your structure and possessions from fire and other dangers such as earthquakes and storms. The second level of coverage protects against burglary or breakdown of mechanical and electrical appliances. The last one protects against minimal risks such as loss of rent, loss of important documents such as title deeds and passport, and provision for alternate accommodation.

Two, the Sum Insured

While the value of your house is based on three factors - land, cost of construction for the building and prevailing real estate prices – the insurance only covers for the building’s cost of construction. Most insurers will offer a standard rate per square foot multiplied by the carpet area of your house. The rate offered also considers depreciation. Therefore, it is important to go for a reinstatement cover. This covers for rebuilding your home from scratch, assuming the worst.

Three, Compliance

If you are living in an urban high-rise, your flat alone cannot be rebuilt in case a big calamity hits the locality. It is the housing society’s responsibility to insure the entire premise. Talk to the society management and figure the kind of insurance availed of and what supplementation you need. The insurer will not cover for poor or unauthorized construction and you don’t want to be left high and dry in the event something goes wrong. Taking 2 insurance policies for the same asset will not result in double benefits! [This is based on the principle of indemnity, and the more technical oriented amongst us can click here to read more about it]

Time period: Home insurance can be bought for a minimum of one year to a maximum of five years. Do remember to renew.

Fine print: Home insurance policies are worded differently. For example, structure insurance may only be for building and not land, or only jewelry kept in the locker may be covered.

Tenants: If you are living in a rented house, you can insure only the contents and not the structure as you don’t own it.


Complete guide to installing central AC at your home

A central air conditioner cools the air in one area, then uses the furnace's air handling skills to circulate the cool air throughout the house. This sets it apart from mini-split systems, window or wall air conditioners, or any other cooling system that needs many units to chill the entire house adequately. The compressor is outside, and the evaporator coil is inside the residence, dividing the device into two main parts.

The central AC installation process.

Now that the fundamentals have been addressed let's go over the detailed procedure for installing central air.

STEP 1: Get a quote.
Find nearby Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) contractors by conducting an online search. The committed residential HVAC technicians may also come to your house to offer you a quote. This procedure includes inspecting any existing air conditioners and the areas of your house where the air ducts will be placed.

STEP 2: Choosing the appropriate central AC unit.
Your HVAC contractor will suggest an AC unit. This depends on elements like your home's size and the climate where you live. The following are the key elements that will help you choose the best AC unit for your house:

Unit size: Because homes come in various sizes and climates, HVAC manufacturers offer systems in multiple sizes. Most of the time, your contractor will assist in determining the ideal size for your property.

Ranking SEER: The performance of an AC system is based on its seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER). For instance, high-SEER equipment will benefit from lower operating expenses, decreased energy usage, increased safety, and quieter operation. High-SEER units frequently cost more upfront. However, they lead to more savings over time and can provide a better return on your investment.

Productivity of the unit: The two main types of AC units that manufacturers provide are package systems and split systems. Since all components are contained in a single housing, the general package systems perform well for an "all-in-one" experience.

STEP 3: The unit is placed on your property.
Proper location is important while installing central AC as they have two drawbacks: they take up room and are noisy. So, where should your unit be placed for the best results? You should put the unit out of sight and away from beds. The side yard, a location near the kitchen, or the laundry room are frequently chosen by consumers. By doing this, you can lessen the noise in the vicinity of the rooms in your house where you sleep, rest, and work.

Step 4A: Check the existing ductwork in step.
Ask your contractor to look over the ductwork if it already exists in your home. Before setting up the new system, they can find any structural damage and replace or fix it.

STEP 5: Installation.
As previously indicated, if a split system is installed, a portion of it will be stored indoors, most frequently in the attic. If new ductwork is necessary for your home, it will be installed by your contractor.

The value of your property can be increased while keeping you and your family comfortable by installing a central air conditioner. To ensure the most seamless installation of your central air conditioner, don't be afraid to ask your installer questions about the process.

Also note that the best home insurance in India will safeguard your home against unforeseeable catastrophes, such as calamities caused by both nature and humans. Some insurance covers the house's structure, while others cover the building and the home's contents. Buy the best home insurance in India and reward your home with seamless protection.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the advantages of marble flooring done at home

Due to its inherent beauty and opulent appeal, marble has long been the preferred material for flooring in custom houses and structures. Although there are now more flooring options than ever, marble continues to rule as the king of expensive flooring.

The majority of people are familiar with marble as a material. Still, many are unaware of its characteristics or how it may be used for customised floors. The beauty and allure of marble have solidified its position as the preferred flooring for upscale residences, hotels, and even some companies.

Home insurance India is a comprehensive policy that covers losses against private residences. Buy a comprehensive home insurance India policy and protect your home and its structures from losses due to accidents or mishaps like theft.

Here are some benefits of marble flooring:

Since ancient times, marble has been used as flooring. Although marble flooring has many advantages, its timeless appeal speaks volumes about its excellence.

1. Natural grace:
Marble is frequently utilised to give rooms a classy, opulent natural appearance. The patterns present in tiles give each piece a unique appearance. A floor that will elevate your space has a bespoke appearance combined with an original installation and design.

2. Greater durability:
With marble flooring, you can stop worrying about dirt. These floorings are robust and unmarred by scratches. The marble flooring is tough for all types of damage because it can resist practically anything you throw at it.

3. Home value growth:
You probably consider how marble flooring will enhance the appearance and functionality of your home whenever you undertake one. However, you might also consider how it might raise your house's worth. Your home is a significant investment, so whenever improvements you make, you want to be sure that you will eventually recoup your costs. Marble floors can assure you of this.

4. Simple to clean:
Marble floors are resistant to liquids and other chemicals as long as their seal is properly maintained. You can easily clean the marble surface if it gets dirty or wet. Irrespective of the shade, you can remove dirt and dust reflecting from the shiny surface of the marble.

5. Using elegant finishes:
Whether in a vast doorway or a small restroom, the flooring provides a polished glow that brightens the light and makes the place grand. Most homeowners adore the elegance that marble can add to a home.

6. Reducing allergies:
Marble flooring is ideal if you or anyone in your home has allergies. It's warm enough for barefoot use yet doesn't attract dust, pet dander, or pollen. When the dust first appears, you can easily spot and clean it.

7. A wide variety of colours:
The word "natural" doesn't limit your selections regarding the advantages of marble flooring. There is a huge variety of hues and patterns for marble floors. You can decide on a particular type of flooring and then plan the rest of the space around it.

8. Outstanding heat conduction:
Although marble floors are meant to be cold, this is not always the case. Due to its excellent thermal conductivity, marble is a fantastic material for radiant-heated homes. Even on the chilliest mornings, radiant in-floor heating combined with marble floors will keep you feeling cosy.

So, we are clear that marble flooring provides your property with a traditional, timeless appearance. It can make your home shine with the premium texture and feel of overall luxury. Do not forget to give your home reliable protection with the best home insurance India. Therefore, you must weigh the pros and downsides before making a purchase.

Click HERE to buy home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ways to choose the best home security system to protect it from potential threats

Buying a house is a significant milestone in most people’s lives. It is not just an investment but also a status symbol that displays your wealth. In India, purchasing a home is seen as an achievement that most young adults wish to fulfil to get stable in their lives. However, there are several risks to consider before making this purchase. Since it is a high-value investment, you must be prepared to protect it against mishaps. There is a constant threat to your home due to natural calamities, break-ins, or third-party damages, to name a few.

A home security system installation not only secures your home from multiple threats, it also gives those with a pre-installed security system an advantage. Since the chances of damage are relatively lower for secure homes, your home insurance claims are proportionately lower. Therefore, you must consider purchasing a well-suited home security system irrespective of the cost.

This blog discusses some factors to consider the best home security system to protect it from potential threats.

1. Assess entry and exit points:
While you cannot prevent uncontrollable events like natural disasters, it is possible to monitor your home for suspicious activities around your home. Thoroughly assess the layout of your house and identify entry points. Ensure that a sensor is attached to every door or window, or install cameras nearby that can capture the entire view.

2. Technologically integrated devices:
Once you secure your entry locations, all that is left is to secure the inside of the house. Several single-purpose tools like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fuel gas sensors, and accessories like remote monitors and controllers allow you to control your home remotely. Through these, you can detect issues at the earliest and handle the situation before it gets out of hand and call the required authorities if needed.

3. External monitoring devices:
Keeping a monitoring device like a camera facing outside with a live feed is a method to keep intruders away. While this may be expensive, it guarantees that everything is safe at your home. The same can be applied to cameras inside the house, but since it can violate your privacy, we recommend limiting it to personal supervision. Ensure that your cameras are placed at a well-lit location and cover all entry points and any external attached area like garden space or shared spaces with neighbours.

4. Emergency buttons:
You need a handy emergency or panic button in case there is an escalation that requires the intervention of emergency services. These devices are designed to immediately call for emergency service providers by clicking the button. Ensure that they are placed at a height that kids cannot reach but are accessible easily in an emergency.

Home security systems are crucial features in keeping your home safe. With the increasing risk and crime rates, its requirement is only increasing. While it is an excellent addition, it should be coupled with a comprehensive home insurance policy to keep your home safe and cover any incidental costs incurred. If you wish to buy home insurance online India, the process is simplified to take minimal time and maximum benefit.

Click HERE to buy home insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top Indian heritage train rides you shouldn't miss

The train rides offer you to experience India's great culture and heritage as you cross stations and states. The Indian Railways has always been working at the forefront to bring the best of incredible India to citizens and visitors by connecting the nation's glory and heritage landmarks. And all this is achieved with the strong network of railways, which is indeed the lifeline of India. The Railways operates special heritage trains and tours to bring people and experiences together.

Among the excitement and thrill of heritage train riding that you may undertake soon, let's not forget the importance of insurance. As an individual, you never know when uncertainties can kick in, so better always to stay prepared! And general insurance is the best and safest way to make your experience less stressful and more enjoyable, knowing that your travel is safeguarded by reliable insurance coverage.

Here are a few top heritage trains in India that one shouldn't miss.

1. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR):
One of India's best-known and most popular trains is the toy train, which runs between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling. The journey takes you through hills and dense forests, with views of Mt. Kanchenjunga on clear days. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railways (DHR) toy train trip is akin to a soothing lullaby in the middle of a fantastical environment.
A cheerful train ride over the foggy lines from Darjeeling to New Jalpaiguri would undoubtedly restore the romance in a person. If you didn't already know, UNESCO designated and recognised this Toy Train as a World Heritage Site on December 5, 1999.

2. Deccan Odyssey:
Modelled after the royal carriages of ancient India, the iconic and luxurious Deccan Odyssey offers top-of-the-line amenities and services. It features a library, Ayurvedic massage centre, beauty salon, gym, business centre, and a conference room.
A Deccan Odyssey train journey is a wonderful way to learn more about the ancient folklore of civilisations and the reigns of dynasties that made their remarkable imprint in India's history. It offers comfortable and spacious cabins, dining and sightseeing facilities. You'll stop at cities such as Mumbai, Badami, Hospet, Bijapur and Hyderabad. Upon arrival in each of these destinations, you'll have a chance to explore the places.

3. Golden Chariot:
The Golden Chariot is a luxury train that offers its passengers the best immersive experience of South India. It features a lounge bar, LCD television, DVD player, Wi-Fi, and central air conditioning. It also features a variety of therapeutic massages onboard. From the cultural extravaganza of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to the adventure hotspots of Goa, Golden Chariot travels down the enchanting routes of Southern India. The cabins reflect the rich heritage of the erstwhile Dravidian era and are furnished in a modern manner. Don't miss the opportunity to witness cultural and heritage magnificence with the taste of luxury with the Golden Chariot.

4. Ramayana Express:
Under the excellent initiative of "Dekho Apna Desh" of the Indian government, the Ramayana Express is not just a train but a treasure trove of knowledge and heartful experiences that will take you back to the mythological era.
This divine train originates from Delhi Safdarjung and covers all the major destinations related to Ramayan and Lord Rama, like Varanasi, Nasik, Chitrakoot, Rameswaram, and more. The entire tour duration is 17 days, and it is a fantastic opportunity to discover more about the colourful culture and the influence of the many miracles of Ramayana.

Heritage trains in India are not just tourist attractions but also an immersive way to experience the history and culture of the region. Though many of these trains have undergone changes over the years for the safety of travellers and technical advancements, they still maintain the charm and nostalgic feel of bygone eras. Still, for your safety and assurance, you may always opt for general insurance as a backup to cover your finances in case any damages are incurred during your trip.

Click HERE to buy general insurance to make your travel safer than the rest.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s the guide to help you design your “work-from-home” office or personal workspace at home

The “work-from-home” culture has gained prominence in India since the beginning of Covid-19 in 2020. Now, this culture is picking up pace, and many companies are urging their employees to work from home, knowing its advantages for both employers and employees. However, there are endless distractions at home in the form of answering doorbells, chaos due to daily household chores, and the absence of a proper working environment. Kids can also take up much of your time at home and distract you from your important office work.

So, how can you set up your personal workspace at your home amidst all these problems? Here is a guide to help you design your “work-from-home” office with minimal distractions and more productivity.

1. Create a separate corner:
Create a separate corner for yourself at home for your personal workspace. It can be a separate room, if available, a corner of a room, or any other space that can be distraction-free. Do not hesitate to tell everyone in the household that this is your personal area for office work, and no one should encroach upon it, especially when you are busy.
Try to put a partition in your working area, such as a glass door, as it will help you keep it noise-free. Other house members will think twice before entering it while you are working, and you can concentrate on your work.

2. Whiteboard / Pin-up area:
Get a whiteboard or a pinboard that you can hang on a wall in your working area. Develop the habit of regularly making a to-do list and jotting down small notes. You can note down what you intend to do the entire day. Setting up small goals inspires you to work harder and achieve them. Also, by doing this, you will never miss any task or forget important things.

3. Make your work-area aesthetic:
Make your workspace at home aesthetic. Get the area painted with vibrant and bright colours that appeal to your senses and help you stay jovial. Decorate the area with small and beautiful showpieces. Make sure your space is well-lit and properly ventilated to give you a fresh feeling throughout the day. All this will help you stay active, sharp, and in a joyous mood, and you can concentrate more on your work.

4. Get a good ergonomic chair:
Working from home can mean sitting in one place for long hours at a stretch. Also, the chair present at your house will most probably not be suitable for work. Go and buy an ergonomic chair that can support your natural posture and help you to reduce the strain on your lower back. Get a good desk along with a chair. A good sitting setup can greatly help increase your productivity and motivation levels.

5. Buy the necessary equipment:
If you intend to create a “work-from-home” office and use it for a long time, you will have to invest in good technological equipment. This may require a high-speed wi-fi network, a good professional laptop, a printer, etc. Also, place shelves and drawers that you will need for keeping your necessary files, folders, and papers. This will make you more organised, oriented, and focused.

Creating a “work-from-home” office at home may appear to be challenging, but it is more fun to do if managed correctly. You need to dedicate your complete focus and concentration to your work. Hence, each family member should cooperate fully and not disturb you while working.

You must secure a separate space at home for your work if you want to continue it for a long time. A home is where you spend most of your time and make memories. While making your home a dedicated workspace, it is also crucial to plan and invest in its safety. Purchase reliable home insurance to protect it against any possible mishap or damage caused by fire, theft, and even natural calamities.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance to safeguard your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Which one to choose: Single-trip or multi-trip travel insurance policy

veryone enjoys travelling and exploring new places, both domestic and overseas. You may be an occasional or frequent traveller; however, irrespective of your travel frequency, it is crucial to get travel insurance to enjoy your trip and put your mind at ease.

Choosing which travel insurance to purchase is never easy for anyone planning a trip overseas. While some travellers prefer purchasing single-trip coverage, others favour purchasing a multi-trip annual protection policy. Generally, those who travel abroad for extended periods (more than 90 days) and those who aren't likely to do so more than once a year should opt for a single-trip policy.

On the other hand, the yearly policy is intended for those who visit foreign countries more than once each year or plan frequent trips within the country. Inconveniences to your travel plans, such as flight delays, trip cancellations, and medical crises, are, nevertheless, covered by these travel protection policies.

Selecting appropriate travel insurance can be tricky for you. Here's how to pick a suitable policy to get the best benefits for your travel needs.

What is the difference between a single trip and a multi-trip travel insurance policy?
The single-trip travel insurance policy offers financial protection against exigencies for only one trip, whether it is domestic or international. This plan provides coverage for only up to 180 days. You can buy this travel insurance for multiple destinations by considering it a single trip. The validity of this plan begins once you board a flight to leave your home country and ends when you return to your home country or when the policy period ends. You can buy general insurance online with different duration of coverage according to your travel needs.

Ask the insurer about the single-trip policy's coverage duration and the benefits you might get. Generally, single-trip travel insurance provides financial support for passport loss, robbery or baggage loss, home burglary protection, hospitalisation expenses, flight delays, and loss of travel documents and personal items.

On the other hand, multi-trip travel insurance plans offer coverage for a specified period, usually for a year. This travel insurance policy provides money to support multiple trips you make under the same plan. It offers coverage for the loss of a passport, emergency medical expenses, and trip cancellation. However, some policies have different coverage periods varying from 30 to 70 days.

What to consider when buying a travel insurance policy?
Both travel insurance policies have similar coverage but differ in duration. It would be best if you chose a general insurance policy depending on the number of trips you want to take in a year. Moreover, consider some factors, like where you go on your trip. Some insurance companies offer separate coverage for some countries and exclude others.

Also, consider what you are going to do abroad. If you do activities like snorkelling or playing football, you will need a particular type of cover. Your travel insurance should also consider your pre-existing medical condition to get coverage for all medical emergencies.

You should also consider the cancellation coverage in your travel insurance plan. It helps you pay for the pre-paid cost of your trip. Consider if the plan offers coverage for lost bags, personal items, and other possessions by your airline. It is crucial to note all the factors before finalising which travel insurance to purchase.

Buy general insurance online as it will help you efficiently deal with the duration of the vacation, medical expenses, insurance plan exclusions, period and limits, and trip cancellations to get all-around coverage for your next trip.

When you invest in a travel insurance policy, you have 14 days to ensure that the policy purchased is the right one. Do your best research, compare different options online, and then make the final purchase.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.