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The best ways to financially manage your car

A car is usually the second most sought-after asset for any household in India after a home. Buying a car is not an expensive affair anymore as it is easy to get a car loan and repay it through a fixed monthly deduction from your account in the form of EMIs. But wait, there is more. You need to consider many other aspects than just the car's initial price.

You will incur many other expenses towards your car in the form of annual insurance renewal, fuel, maintenance, repairs, etc. You have to consider all these expenses while planning for a car.

Let us go through the best ways to manage your car financially.

1. How much to spend:
The first question that comes to mind while buying a car is how much to spend on it so that you are comfortable enough to meet the down payment, monthly EMIs, and other running expenses. You need to make a budget and jot down your monthly income on one side and current expenses, including other loan repayments, on the other side. It will give you a fair idea about how much spare money is left with you each month that you can spend on the car.
If the proposed EMI is more than the spare monthly money, you should go for a car of lower value. Understand that cars are meant to give us convenience rather than a financial burden each month.

2. Make a big down-payment:
Try to make a big down payment for your car, which will reduce your loan amount and ease the pressure on you to repay it in the following years. Also, you can bargain well for the interest rate when you seek a smaller loan.

3. EMI management:
Go for a shorter duration loan tenure. The longer the loan repayment period, the higher the interest you will pay on your car loan. By clearing your loan quickly, you will become the valid owner of your car much sooner and can sell it if you wish.
Once you have fixed the tenure, ensure you get all your EMIs. Missing an EMI will harm your credit rating. Poor credit rating makes it difficult for you to get a new loan from a bank or a financial institution for any purpose. Moreover, if you miss a few EMIs, the repossession agents will take away your car. This can be a major embarrassment for you and cause a lot of mental agony and pressure.
Your misery does not end here. If the lending institution auctions your car for a lesser amount than what you owe them, they will still come after you to get back this deficit.

4. Go for an extended warranty:
You often get an extended warranty with your car against some extra payment. This payment may pinch you initially, but it can be very useful if your car malfunctions during the warranty period. The warranty will cover the repairs and renewal expenses, and you will save a lot more than what you paid for the extended warranty.

5. Car refinancing:
After taking a loan while purchasing the car, you may find out that you are getting a better deal on repayment or interest from some other lender. In such cases, you can opt for a car refinancing facility. This will replace your existing car loan with a new one from another lender and help you save money.

6. Talk to your lender:
Sometimes it may become inevitable for you to repay EMIs due to financial constraints. In such cases, feel free to talk to your lender and modify your repayment schedule. After all, no lender wants to take the pain of repossessing your car and arranging its auction if an alternate payment schedule is available.

It is important to manage your car’s finance in the best possible way. You will enjoy a good credit rating from the agencies and save money by paying the lower interest on your car loan.

Car insurance is another way to manage your car financially. It will provide security and cover all expenses if your car gets stolen, has an accident, or gets damaged due to natural calamities such as a fire or an earthquake. Buy car insurance online India and save further on insurance costs right from the comfort of your home. It’s time to make the right investment to get the best returns.

Click HERE to purchase car insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you a woman traveller? Here are a few packing tips for your next road trip

Road trips are one of the best ways to rewind after a hectic work schedule. With the constant work-related stress of life, it's imperative to get out of your house once in a while to gain a fresh mindset and increase one's productivity. For women especially, such trips at least once a year are vital to set free and get rewarded for all the hard work. But whenever travel and women come together, emotions go out of bound. From planning the itinerary to packing up stuff, the excitement of the trip can be felt way before its commencement. However, packing can be quite a herculean task in itself.

Deciding which items are essential during a road trip can be confusing. Following are a few packing tips that can be a saviour for women travelling solo or in a group.

1. Luggage:
Handbags are a woman's best friend on a road trip. Lugging around your suitcase on a road trip does not sound ideal for anyone, especially on road trips where you're constantly on the move.
The primary concern with a handbag full of stuff is that they take a toll on your shoulder and hands, which is easily avoidable if you take a backpack that fits your body correctly. This helps the weight to get evenly distributed across your back.

2. Clothing:
It is recommended to bring as few clothes as possible without running out of options of clothing to wear. Select the clothes in such a way that you can mix and match them to make different combinations.
It's always advisable to bring a higher number of undergarments, though, as there might not be a lot of opportunities to clean clothes along the way.

3. Toiletries:
Bring along your toiletries in a small, travel-friendly pack and keep it in an accessible place so that it is not a hassle every time you stop at a hotel for a night's stay.
Most hotels provide bare essentials, but it's always best to carry your own. Bring along minimal makeup for the trip in sample-sized containers to avoid it taking too much space in your luggage.

4. Entertainment:
Road trips can get a little boring at times, with endless roads to travel before reaching the destination. When looking out the window to see the scenery becomes too monotonous, you need a good book to read to pass the time.
So, get that book you meant to read for the longest time along with you in your backpack. If you're travelling with friends or family and looking for a group activity, blast your favourite playlist in the speakers to make a memorable ambiance in the car!

5. Safety products:
As a woman traveller, the top priority is safety. It can be unsafe for lone female travellers to travel on deserted roads to unknown places, especially at night. But that's no reason to stay holed up in your house all year. Getting a lock for all your belongings is essential to prevent them from getting stolen.
Also, for your personal safety, get a personal alarm that rings loudly if you press it. This is a better alternative to pepper spray as it is legal in all countries and is small and easy to carry around. Also, check up on your private car insurance India to have a backup in case your car breaks down in the middle of the trip.

Road trips can be an exhilarating experience for those who want to rejuvenate themselves after monotonous weeks of work. You can make packing less daunting and more enjoyable by bringing the above tips into practice. If you are travelling solo, then get your car serviced properly before setting off on the trip. Also, check the crucial documents like your driving licence, car's PUC, and insurance papers. Be up to date with your private car insurance India to stay stress-free during the trip. Happy travels!

Click HERE to know more about private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few basic hand gestures or signals commonly used by bikers

One adorable aspect of motorbikes is the sense of excitement that quickly emerges once you start riding. By sharing this passion for bikes, scooters, or both, you may instantly connect with other riders you've never met before from all walks of life.

Riding with a group of passionate bikers is a mesmerising experience, and it never fails to give you the kick you always expect from touring in a group. Staying connected and ensuring clear communication while riding is crucial to keep the entire group organised with proper coordination. Well, this can be achieved by a few basic hand gestures and signals that riders use to communicate their message to the group.

As we know, action speaks louder than words. Similarly, communicating through actions or gestures is the best way to interact with the group while on tour.

Here are some basic motorcycle hand signals commonly used by the bikers.

● Increase speed: Swinging your left arm up and out straight.

● Slow down: Swing your left arm to your side with the palm facing down, straight out in front of you.

● Right turn: Right arm extended, bent at a 90-degree angle, and clinched.

● Left turn: Left arm and hand extended, palm downward.

While not the most thrilling signs, it's important to understand these basic gestures and use them wisely.

Newest rider in the group:

You might have little riding experience if you recently bought a bike or scooter and joined a biker's community. It becomes daunting at first to create bonding and synergy with the group, but as time goes on and with every new trip, you start vibing with the gang.

But as a new two-wheeler owner, you may have little riding experience and fear the chance of accidents. Therefore, when you purchase a new bike or scooter, be careful to choose a comprehensive bike insurance policy to safeguard your asset. You can also select specific add-ons to strengthen the coverage, providing peace of mind while riding.

Easy-to-Use group ride signals:

● Follow me: Straight up from the shoulder, left arm, palm outward.

● Road hazard: Use your left hand to indicate the left side and your right foot to indicate the right side.

● Fuel: Left arm extended, pointing to tank with extended finger.

● Stop: Left arm down, and palm turned back.

● Comfort stop: Extending the left forearm, clenching the fist in a quick upward and downward motion.

● Refreshment stop: thumb to mouth, fingers closed. Particularly during long-distance trips, where frequent rest stops are necessary.

A few less common hand signals used by the riders:

● Pull off: Pull off with the left arm set up for a right turn and the forearm angled toward the shoulder.

● Come: Swing in an arc from the back to the front with the left arm extended 45 degrees upward, palm forward pointing with the index finger.

● Single file: Straight up the index finger and left arm.

● Double file: Left arm with the index and middle fingers extended straight up.

If you want extra points, use these signals to organise your group or to impress your fellow riders. Although these signals aren't quite as amazing as the "wave," which make your group rides more entertaining and safer. Please heed the following advice and don't worry.

But before you head out on a bike trip, it is important to thoroughly get your bike serviced and fix the problems, if any. Validate all your essential documents like driving licence, PUC, and bike insurance. If your bike insurance has expired, immediately renew it to get reliable coverage for your bike throughout your trip.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance for your new bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to ensure good health during the season transition phase

It’s the time of the year when the weather is most unpredictable. You might wake up to scorching heat, and the moment you decide to head out for your grocery run, it’s raining. The uncertain weather is not the only annoying part of the season, but the hoard of illnesses that it brings with itself is more frustrating. Runny nose, body temperature and shivers, sore throat, and the list goes on.

This article will look at a few ways to ensure good health and boost your immune system during the climate transition phase.

1. Increase your probiotic intake:
Probiotics are microorganisms that promote the better health of your gut. Since almost eighty percent of your immune system is based on your gut, it is essential to keep your gut healthy. Probiotics improve the digestive health and the immune system of your body.
Your gut comprises millions of bacteria, and probiotics are responsible for finding the balance between good and bad bacteria. Certain strains of probiotics can also help mitigate the effect of allergies and inflammations. Fermented foods such as yogurt, idli, paneer, etc., are excellent probiotic sources and must be part of your daily routine.

2. Sunlight is important:
Natural sunlight is the best antidote to everything. Fifteen minutes of direct sunlight changes your mood instantly and makes you feel healthier and more refreshed. It helps maintain the biorhythm of your body. Vitamin D, commonly known as nature’s flu shot, is found abundantly in sunlight and is crucial for the immune system. Not only you but your rooms should also be subjected to sunlight.
Sunlight acts as a natural purifier and kills germs and bacteria. Keeping your windows and doors closed makes you breathe stale and humid air. Fresh air and abundant oxygen supply are imperative for the good health of everyone inside the house. Research also suggests that one can sleep better if exposed to the sun for at least ten minutes daily.

3. Eat as many vegetables as you can:
Green vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin B, which is important for cell regeneration and DNA synthesis. They contain low calories and a high fibre content that is considered extremely healthy for your overall gut and bowel health. Vegetables are full of minerals vital for your body to work properly for a long time. You may try out a few interesting recipes for vegetable soups and salads to add flavour to your diet.

4. Regular exercise is the key to fitness:
The benefit of exercising regularly is a piece of common knowledge for everyone. If you do not wish to spend hours at the gym working out, you can opt for moderate exercise.
Walking, cycling, climbing stairs, etc., are some simpler ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily life. Ideally, achieving ten thousand steps is considered best for your body. But you can start with two thousand steps and gradually work your way up to ten thousand.

5. Steam:
Since most of the diseases during this season are either colds or flu, steaming is an excellent way to clear your respiratory passages of bacteria or viruses. Climate change also tends to dry out the mucous membranes that can affect the air and blood flow. Steaming can help loosen the mucus lining inside your lungs and nose.

These are some ways to ensure the health of yourself and your loved ones. These tips are helpful for everyone, irrespective of their age or gender. Encourage the elders at your home to walk outside for their better health. Aged members of the family suffer the most during the season transition phase. Another effective way to ensure the good health of your parents is to buy health insurance. Invest in the best health insurance in India for parents and give them the confidence to stay fit without any worries about finances.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Neck injury: How do you know if it is serious

Accidents are the most common cause of neck injuries. If your neck hurts after a car accident or other event, it could signify a serious problem. It's essential to observe for signs of a severe injury that will take more time to heal.

Immediately get in touch with a doctor if you experience persistent and excruciating pain at regular intervals, even after taking adequate rest and medications. You may even contact a personal injury lawyer if another party is to blame for your accident. Your medical bills and other expenses could be covered by cash compensation.

Identification of a severe neck injury.

Minor neck pain is a common health condition. It can be caused by awkward sitting positions at work, physical strain, and other factors. This ache, though, quickly fades away with time or relaxation. Pain that is strong or persistent may indicate something more serious. A serious neck injury could lead to the following:

• Pain that shoots through your arms or legs, followed by numbness

• Pain that is severe or doesn't go away

• Difficulty in breathing

Severe neck injuries mainly result from slip-and-fall incidents. Avoid severe complications and get immediate medical attention, as it could be life-threatening.

Neck injury diagnosis.

Your doctor will assess the damage and pain following an accident. It frequently consists of these exams:

● MRIs

● X-rays

● The CT scan

● A blood test

Serious neck injuries and their types.

The following injuries can result from trauma to the head, neck, or shoulders:

● Herniated discs: After an unexpected accident, spinal discs may tear, bulge, or leak.

● Pinched nerves: During an accident, bones or tissue may push up against nerves, and excruciating pain may result.

● Neck fractures: While uncommon, broken necks can occur. A neck or spine fracture requires prompt medical attention.

● Spinal cord injuries: Damage to any part of the spinal cord can result in paralysis and other serious bodily alterations, including paralysis.

A sudden backward or forward force on the head can result in whiplash during an accident. Whiplash can be more serious, but it typically gets better with time and rest. More serious neck injuries from an accident may be hidden by whiplash. You could think your pain isn't that severe. The discomfort and signs could, however, worsen over time.

Following a neck injury: What to do.

You might be entitled to compensation if someone else has caused you a neck injury. By taking the following actions, you can defend your legal rights and create an injury claim:

● Inform the police or the owner of the property about your accident

● Document the accident site and any visible injuries with photographs

● If your injuries worsen, get in touch with your doctor

● Save all your medical bills and other proof of your injuries

● Contact a personal injury attorney to ensure you know your rights

Time can make neck injuries worse. Get admitted if your neck pain worsens and you start to feel numb, weak, dizzy, or like you can't control your bowels or bladder. When it comes to your neck's health, it is better to be safe. Accidents are unpredictable, and they occasionally pose a more significant threat. In India, many people are still conservative about purchasing accident insurance, even though it is just as important as other health insurance.

Don't forget that accident insurance can protect your family financially if you get into an accident that significantly impacts your life or leaves you permanently disabled. It would help if you looked for the best personal accident policy in India to keep yourself financially covered and focus more on recovering from the injury.

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is a list of deficiencies you need to be aware of

Today's youth have an unhealthy obsession with eating junk and processed food. Call it convenience or lack of time; people often prefer to eat readily available food. But what everyone seems to forget is that, unless you do not have a well-balanced diet, your body fails to produce the required energy, and you end up feeling lethargic and tired.

Food from cafes and restaurants sound mouth-watering and delicious, but they significantly lack the right amount of nutrients, minerals, and proteins, leading to various deficiencies in your body. These can cause multiple health issues and have irreversible implications for your body.

This article will look at all the common deficiencies and how to take care of them.

1. Vitamin D:
If you experience fatigue, muscle pain, and brittle bones, your body is deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is extremely important for keeping your bones strong. The calcium and phosphorus in your body can be absorbed by your bones only if your body has ample Vitamin D.
Weak bones can lead to low bone density and frequent fractures and injuries. An adult needs at least thirty minutes of direct sunlight daily. It is best to catch morning or evening sunlight for the best results. The afternoon sun is harsh and can cause dehydration, allergies, and fatigue.

2. Vitamin A:
Dry skin, dry eyes, compromised vision, and infections are some Vitamin A deficiency symptoms. Vitamin A is vital in maintaining your body's growth, immune system, and reproductive health. It keeps your heart and lungs working properly.
Vitamin A is also responsible for various daily replacements of skin cells and ensures that enough mucus is produced as a barrier to infections. Foods such as fish, egg, carrots, mangoes, papayas, spinach, etc., are high in Vitamin A and should be taken regularly to ensure proper body health.

3. Vitamin B12:
Extreme lethargy, pale skin, breathlessness, headaches, etc., are symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency. Your body needs vitamin B12 for several processes, including DNA construction, energy production, and the functioning of the central nervous system. Chicken, fish, milk, and other dairy products are excellent sources of Vitamin B12. In some cases, the deficiency is caused by improper absorption of the nutrients by the body. In such cases, the doctor might suggest an alternative dosage of injections to balance the B12 levels in your body.

4. Protein:
Hunger, weakness, fatigue, skin and hair problems and weak immune systems are symptoms of protein deficiency. Every basic cell structure requires protein for survival, which is why protein is considered the building block of life.
Protein is vital to help your body repair and regenerate new cells. Eggs, poultry, milk, and dairy are some common and readily available dietary options.

5. Iron:
Pale skin, weakness, inflammation of the tongue, weak nails, and chest pain are some symptoms of iron deficiency. Iron is essential for the overall growth and development of your body. It is responsible for maintaining the hemoglobin levels in RBCs or red blood cells.
Seventy percent of the irons found in your body are found inside the red blood cells. Some examples of food with high iron content are spinach, chickpeas, quinoa, and broccoli.

These were a list of the common deficiencies in humans worldwide. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are imperative for everyone, regardless of gender and age. Another habit that can keep you in the pink of your health is purchasing insurance. Buy a health insurance policy for family and have an added protection to help yourself against any expenses you might incur regarding medications, tests, or consultations.

Health issues can significantly drain your finances and leave you stressed physically and emotionally. By keeping insurance handy, you can positively deal with these issues and make your move towards a healthy life.

Click HERE to buy a health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best honeymoon destinations in India that should be on your bucket list

The honeymoon is one of the most important and beautiful periods of marital life. It gives the couple a chance to enjoy each other's company, spend time in beautiful destinations, and make the most of marital bliss. Choosing one of the best destinations for your honeymoon is important so that you enjoy a good time and understand each other well as a married couple.

Many romantic destinations in India can cast a spell over you. They are synonymous with romance, love, and bliss. Since India is such a diverse country, there is no lack of such travel destinations. Whether it is Udaipur's royal palaces or Shimla's snow-covered mountains, there is beauty in every nook and corner of India.

Whenever you take these journeys, you must have an estimate about the general insurance online quote so that you have everything under control and enjoy a safe trip.

If you're looking for the best honeymoon destinations in India, you're at the right place. Following is the list of places that bloom love and entice feelings.

1. Shimla:
If you and your partner want to spend a memorable time on the snow-clad roads of Himachal Pradesh, then Shimla is the ideal destination. It speaks of beauty in every possible way. You can visit the popular Mall Road here and enjoy the aesthetic appeal of this beautiful town.
Shimla is the capital city of Himachal Pradesh and is easily accessible by road from Kalka and Chandigarh. To make the journey more exciting, you can opt to travel from Kalka to Shimla through the scenic route on a toy train.

2. Andaman and Nicobar Islands:
Andaman and Nicobar Islands are one of India's most popular tourist destinations for adventure enthusiasts looking for an island paradise. It provides an enthralling experience that will leave you asking for more.
You can relax with your partner on the golden sands of the beaches or watch the mesmerising sunrise sipping hot coffee together. If you're interested in water sports, you will love this place. From scuba diving to parasailing, there's a lot to explore here. You can easily reach here by air to Port Blair airport.

3. Dalhousie:
Known as the "Little Switzerland" of India, Dalhousie is a beauty in itself. With its lush green valleys and serene surroundings, this town will urge you to stay a little more. The surroundings are so beautiful that you will click many pictures with your loved one here. You can also indulge in hiking, trekking, and camping while you are here.

4. Darjeeling:
Located in West Bengal, Darjeeling caters to the largest tea plantations in the country. It is also home to the largest toy train service in India. Newlyweds can enjoy a blissful evening with their partners in the lush green valleys of Darjeeling. There are also many monasteries to add to the serenity of this town.

5. Udaipur:
If you're a history, royalty, and culture fan, you should visit Udaipur on your honeymoon. It is bestowed with the beauty of several lakes, forts, and palaces. The architecture of the palaces here is not only magnificent but rooted in culture. You can watch the sunset from Fateh Sagar Lake as you spend quality time together.

India offers a lot of options in terms of honeymoon destinations. Couples can never get enough of these breath-taking locations. They have beauty, culture, history, nature, and above all, love. They are perfect for newly married couples who want to experience marital bliss.

Safety is the most crucial aspect, especially when travelling with your partner. Ensure you have a good idea about the general insurance online quote in India and invest in a plan that provides an all-around travel insurance for you.

Click HERE to get the best general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These yoga poses can help you instantly burn your belly fat

Indians love having a high-calorie diet without balancing it with an equal workout regime. The direct result is the building up of belly fat. Inadequate sleep, hormonal imbalances, and our family history can also add to this problem. Most of us suffer from it and would surely want to get rid of that extra fat bulging out around our belly. The big question is how?
Yoga is the most straightforward answer to this problem, which is also great for your mind and soul.

Let us go through some yoga poses to help you instantly burn your belly fat.

1. Chakrasana:
Also known as the yoga wheel pose, it is a strong back-bending yoga asana in which your body takes the shape of a wheel. There are several advantages of this asana. It tones the abdomen by stretching the stomach muscles and helps lose belly fat. It strengthens and increases the elasticity of the spine. Also, it boosts your appetite and cures digestive problems. This yoga pose ensures that all your body organs function correctly and you become fit and healthy.

2. Baddha Konasana:
This asana is also known as the cobbler’s pose and is one of the simplest to perform. It stimulates your abdominal muscles, improves digestion, and burns belly fat while strengthening your knees and thighs. It helps open up the lower back area and relieves sciatica. This pose improves the overall health of the ovaries, prostate gland, kidneys and bladder.

3. Naukasana:
We also call this asana the boat pose. This asana can strengthen abdominal muscles, cure constipation and improve digestion. This helps to take care of belly fat while strengthening the arms, thighs, and shoulders. It improves blood circulation and is excellent for the back muscles. This pose stimulates the pancreas, kidneys and liver and is good for the prostate and thyroid glands.

4. Padahastasana:
A great asana to begin with, you simply need to stand straight and bend forwards to achieve the proper posture. This simple asana is excellent for the heart while burning your belly fat by putting pressure on it. It massages your digestive organs and cures constipation and indigestion. This pose stimulates the spinal nerves and tones them. It is also helpful for nasal and throat diseases. It is an excellent asana for increasing vitality and metabolism and boosting concentration.

5. Uttanpadasana:
This asana is good for taking away excess accumulated fat from your belly and hips region and toning it. It is beneficial in curing your back pain and improves the flexibility of your spine. It also strengthens your abdominal muscles and organs and improves the functioning of your reproductive organs.

Yoga is the perfect answer to help you burn belly fat. Moreover, yoga keeps your mind alert and fresh and has several other advantages for your entire body.

While practising yoga is an excellent way of keeping medical issues at bay, it may not completely prevent such occurrences. Therefore, buying a health insurance policy becomes necessary to take good care of yourself and your family during medical emergencies. It acts as a cushion and gives you comfort and backup when you or your family members need any expensive medical treatments. Choose the best health insurance company in India upon which you can rely blindly in times of need and stay safe.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best health insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.