

Did you know that you can be charged a fine if found driving a car without mandatory accessories 31st October 2022

Cars are almost our second home as we spend 2-3 hours daily commuting in them. Most of us love to go for different types of fancy car accessories available in the market. Accessories make our car ride comfortable and convenient. Also, they add style to the car and make it look sportier and cooler.

But, do you know that a few accessories are mandatory by law, without which you cannot drive on Indian roads and can be fined. Let us explain them to you:

1. High-security number plate:
High-security registration plate or HSRP is mandatory to be used on your car along with the colour-coded sticker that comes with it. We cannot install fancy number plates with fashionable fonts just to make our car look stylish and unique. HSRP has been made mandatory in India from 1st April 2019.
This number plate is made of aluminium and cannot be removed from a vehicle once installed. It also has a unique 10-digit permanent identification number (PIN), so it cannot be cloned or copied. If you do not have an HSRP on your car, you can be fined anywhere between INR 5000 to INR 10000, depending on your state. Also, repeat offenders can be charged a compounding fine of INR 5500.

2. Lights:
You will be surprised to know that there are rules regarding the various types of lights you use in your car. These lights include car headlights, sidelights, tail lights, and registration plate lights. According to the Motor Vehicles Act, functional headlights, sidelights, taillights, and registration plate lights are mandatory.
Non-functioning lights can make you go blind at night, or vehicles approaching from the other side may not see you. In either of the cases, you may meet with an accident. You can be fined if any of these lights are not working properly, as this can be hazardous for you and other vehicles on the road. .

3. Rear and side-view mirrors:
Rear-view mirrors are a mandatory accessory for your car as per sections 5 and 7 of the Central Motor Vehicles Act. You can be fined for not driving with a rear-view mirror. Similarly, police can penalise you if you drive around without side-view mirrors or if they are folded!

4. Horn:
Cars must have an electric horn that can warn other vehicles around them that they are approaching. Driving your car with a faulty horn can attract a fine of INR 500 for the first time and INR 1500 for every subsequent offense. However, the fine amount can vary from one state to another.

5. Wipers:
Wipers are essential because they are the key tools for visibility during heavy rains. Driving without wipers is illegal, and you can be fined for that. If you get stuck in heavy rain without a wiper, you will not be able to see anything in front of you clearly, and there will be a high chance of an accident.

You can have a long list of fancy accessories to make your car stand out from the crowd, however, you should not neglect the above list of mandatory accessories required by law. Travelling without them can attract fines and penalties.

Renewal of motor insurance timely is also mandatory by law. Driving your car for a day after your motor insurance expires is also illegal. Do not delay the renewal, as you can conveniently get online motor insurance renewal without visiting the insurance office. Be safe, be protected.

Click HERE to get the online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
