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5 Things Your Parents Taught You About Fire Safety

Right from childhood apart from studies we are taught about being safe in general, there are numerous ways in which you could hurt yourself, and thus, it is essential to know the dos and don’ts in your daily life. Something quite likely to cause a lot of damage is fire; no wonder today people have become more concerned about finding the best fire insurance policy in India so that any costs incurred due to fire damage are covered.

Here are five things your parents would have surely taught you about fire safety:

  • Know the Emergency Number: Regardless of whether you are a child or not, it is highly necessary always to remember the fire emergency helpline number, which happens to be 101 in India. While there are some steps you can take if there is a fire, it is always better to call the fire department to ensure that there is no trace of the fire left. Moreover, as a child, if there is no one around, you were most likely not able to do much, and calling them would be the only option.
  • To leave immediately: If you see a fire, especially one which is growing, you should leave the premises immediately. There is no saying how the situation might escalate, and you might end up getting hurt or severely injured if you stay indoors or hide somewhere.
  • Electrical fires: One of the most common reasons for a fire is electrical. Often, there is a shortage of power, or the wires might break, causing a fire. You must know never to try to put it out with water since you might get a shock.
  • Don’t play with flammable objects: Every household has objects such as lighters, matchboxes, candles, and other flammable ones, which could potentially cause a fire. It is essential to explain to children what these objects are for, and what damage they could cause if played with, like fire can be harmful and how these objects make use of fire, instead of merely keeping them away, especially since children are curious by nature. Also, when cooking, children should not be allowed near a burning gas and should not be left alone in the kitchen.
  • Keep heaters and other appliances away: Most people use heaters during the winters to keep warm, and they must take precautions to keep such appliances away from the reach of children. You must ensure that their toys are nowhere near the heater or that they don’t play around such appliances since there is always the possibility of knocking it over and causing a fire.

While it is very crucial to take all the precautions when it comes to fire and to teach children about its possible threats, it is also essential to have a fire insurance policy in place to cover any costs due to fire. You must make sure to choose only the best fire insurance policy in India to ensure that you would not have to pay a considerable amount to repair any damages.


What are the best practices to be followed in a corporate office?

Motivated employees are the biggest asset of any company or organisation. They not only increase the overall productivity of the company but also generate better output. But the question arises, how to keep the employees motivated?

By implementing and following certain practices in the workplace, you can ensure that your employees give their best and develop both as a staff member as well as an individual. Given is a detailed explanation of the best practices to be followed in a corporate office:

  • State your expectations clearly - Many times, bottom level workers feel crushed under the expectations of the middle-level managers or employees. Therefore, as an executive, is utmost important for you to be very clear about what you expect from your employees. You should elaborate on the quality of work you expect from them, timelines, personnel role is in a certain project, and so on. This way, they do not feel the burden of work or meeting deadlines at the very last moment. Build a strong foundation of communication and mutual support.
  • Involve the employees - A surefire way to make any employee feel important is by involving him/her in the important decisions of the company. By taking their advice or opinions, you establish a feeling of trust and authority. For example, managers can ask their subordinates for their views on marketing strategies. This is bound to be successful as the employee gets motivated to work harder thinking of your company as his own!
  • Encourage feedback - Employers tend to establish dominance over their staff members. If that is the case in your organization, it needs to be changed! As an employee, you wouldn't want your superior to ignore all the suggestions and feedback you provide, then why should you neglect those of your team? A great way of building strong relationships with your employees is encouraging them to provide feedback after every meeting and respond to any issues or queries they have.
  • Fulfil their individual goals If you wish that your employees work for the betterment of your business, you must think of their personal goals. In many ways, you can add to their individual growth - for example, you can give regular bonuses, you can periodically increase their salaries. This way, they develop a stronger relationship with you as well as your company.
  • Use their talent : Any employee can develop a feeling of boredom or monotony if they work in an area which doesn't utilize their skills or talent. This not only results in dissatisfaction amongst the employees but also leads to a counterproductive routine in the organization. It is best to recognize the specialization of an employee and hire him on a suitable designation as well as assign him to work accordingly. This way, the tasks allocated to him will be done in the best possible manner and reduces the chances of that employee leaving your company.
  • Be open to errors: Humans tend to commit errors. Your employees too might make some of the other mistakes at some point in time. In such situations, it is best to take necessary corrective measures and guide them to not commit such mistakes in the future. Rather than   scolding them or making them feel bad about what happened, you must accept the mistake and be open towards it.

You can also make them aware of beneficial insurance policies and can help them in buying home insurance online if they moved to the city for working in your company. This way you can earn their trust as an employer and can expect the same from them.


A Beginner's Guide to Accident Insurance

With so many options in the market today, it is no longer a difficult task finding the best personal accident insurance policy in India still, before you buy one it's essential to know a few things.

First and foremost, what is accident insurance? It is a type of insurance that provides the insurance holder with compensation, in the event of an accident, death, dismemberment, loss of sight or other senses, medical expenses, etc. It is important to understand that it is not the same as health insurance but is complementary to it. Since choosing accident insurance is a significant decision, here are some points to consider: -

  • What Does the Policy Cover: One of the most important factors to take into consideration when choosing accident insurance is what all does it cover. It must include all the daily activities(mode of commute, work environment, residential locality, cause of calamity such as fire, water, etc.) which could lead to an accident, at home or elsewhere. The more it covers, the better.
  • What are the Benefits of the Policy: Accidents or injuries is a broad category, and it is imperative to know what the benefits are that come with the insurance policy. It would be best if you found out whether it includes permanent/temporary and total/partial disablement, loss of senses (eyesight, hearing, etc.,), accidental death, and others, along with whether there is an ambulance facility and it covers hospital bills. The nature of your daily activities will largely determine the benefits that come under the policy.
  • What are the Benefits to the Family: It is not enough to find out about the benefits that are provided to the insurance holder; you also need to know about the benefits being offered to the family. In case, there is a death, permanent disablement or loss of income, the policy which provides the maximum benefits to the family and promises to cover major costs is the one to buy.
  • Find Out About the Company: Something vital that you need to take into consideration is the insurance company's reputation. Make sure to go with one which has managed to build its standing in the market for years and has a solid background. Since accident insurance has a lot to do with your life and health, you must do all the necessary research and take the time to choose a well-reputed company.
  • The Premium that Needs to be Paid: A very crucial aspect of any insurance is the premium that you need to pay, and it is the same with accident insurance. Premium is the amount that needs to be paid regularly to maintain the insurance's validity. You must select a plan wherein the premium is well within your budget, and there is a balance between the premium being paid and the benefits provided.

When it comes to a matter of life and health, there is no room for complacency. You need to make sure to choose only the best personal accident insurance policy in India if you want expenses to be covered and relief to be provided in the event of an accident or calamity.


Why people are purchasing insurance policies online?

Carrying out activities such as phone recharges, bill payments, grocery shopping, clothes shopping, etc. has become very common. All the activities are getting digitalized now, and so is the case with general insurance policies. There are various platforms where you can generate an instant general insurance online quote as well as purchase a new policy.

In present times, a lot of people prefer to buy insurance policy online. Although the online purchase of insurance policies may not be everyone’s cup of tea, yet there are some significant advantages of buying an insurance policy online after generating a general insurance online quote.

In case you are wondering why people buy insurance policy online, here are the reasons which encourage them to do so: -

Time-saving: - You do not have to go through the hectic processes of going to the company’s office and get the process completed. The offline process lasts several days whereas, through the online process, everything is just a few clicks away.

Lower premiums: - The premiums to be paid are quite higher for the insurance policies purchased offline than the policies that are purchased online. Thus, the online method is pocket-friendly as well.

Easy comparison: - When looking for an insurance policy online, comparing becomes easier. You can compare general insurance online quote from all the companies at once without having to go through any trouble. You can look for yourself and choose the company that suits you the most.

Freedom to decide: - Everything is done on your own, so you are the one making the decisions. There is no manipulation or pressure from the company when you purchase an insurance policy online. You are the sole decision-maker without any external influence.

Less paperwork: -Purchasing an insurance policy online reduces the amount of paperwork to be completed. The offline method involves a lot of paperwork which can be quite troublesome. The online saves you from it, and the entire experience becomes hassle-free.

Informed decision making: - You can also view the customer reviews for the policy that you are going to buy. Before finally buying the policy, you can search for the reviews of other customers to check if you can trust the company and the policy.

Fewer chances of rejection: - The chance of rejection due to incorrect or incomplete details becomes negligible under the online mode. This is probably where the offline method becomes troublesome, where the forms can be rejected multiple times for some trivial issues.

Easy and convenient: - The processes of purchasing a new policy and paying the premiums can be completed with just a few clicks in case of the online mode. In the older times, buying policies was all about personal interaction and a buildup of trust following the interaction. The customer was convinced by the representative of the insurance

Informed decision making: - You can also view the customer reviews for the policy that you are going to buy. Before finally buying the policy, you can search for the reviews of other customers to check if you can trust the company and the policy.

company and after various processes, the final buying of the insurance policy took place. However, in the online purchase procedure, everything is digitalized and available on your device with an internet connection.

Though, the digitalized ways of selling and buying insurances policies online lack the old ways of building up a sense of trust in the customer. The customers do everything on their own in such cases through the online portals of insurance companies, based on their brand image and terms and conditions.

The new method is not appreciated by all sections of the public, and many of them still prefer traditional methods. So, if you are looking to buy insurance policy then you should weigh all the pros and cons of both the methods and choose the one which suits you and your ideas the most.


Five Common Mistakes Everyone Makes While Buying Car Insurance

Almost everyone today owns a car, which means they would most probably either already have a car insurance policy or would be looking to buy one soon.

For those who plan to buy one, there are many things to consider. Since the policy would provide financial cover in the event of an accident, either for the repairs/ any bodily harm, or both, hence, you must do all the necessary research. One should choose an insurance policy that not only suits your needs the best but also offers maximum coverage.

Here are five mistakes that most people tend to make when buying car insurance: -

  • Opting for a low premium: The premium is the amount you regularly pay to the insurance company towards the policy, and often, many people choose a policy that comes with a lower premium.
  • Comparing policies only based on price: Car insurance prices in India vary from company to company, and while paying a low premium might seem easy on the pocket, but you may not get a lot of benefits or the needed coverage out of it. Before you pay any amount, make sure to go over different policies, compare them, and then choose the one which offers maximum coverage.
  • Not registering the vehicle: As a car owner, you must register the car or transfer the ownership to yourself since that is the only way to make the insurance claims when needed. While many forget to do so, others purposefully avoid it, to not pay the taxes, and end up not benefiting from the insurance policy.
  • Not doing enough research: While asking friends and family or the car dealership about suitable car insurance is always a good idea, it would be stupid not to do the research yourself. You must make sure to go over different car insurance policies and compare their terms and benefits before you choose the one that suits you best. If you do not do so, you might end up paying higher than necessary or might opt for a policy that does not offer optimum coverage.
  • Not reading the policy: Whether you are yet to select a car insurance policy or are about to sign on one, one of the worst mistake that you can commit is not reading the terms, conditions, and coverage of the policy. Unless you read it thoroughly, you will not know what it does and doesn’t cover, how much you need to pay, when and how much you would need to pay out of your pocket in some cases, etc.
  • Not updating the policy: There are always changes in your everyday life, which in turn influence the kind of car insurance you would need (it could be related to where you live or work, where you drive most often, the rate of theft around your area, etc.). When you choose an insurance policy, you will go with the one whose terms and coverage align with your lifestyle, and thus, it makes sense to update your policy if there are any changes in your everyday life.

Keep in mind that the car insurance prices in India will differ everywhere, as will the terms, thus making it very important to research thoroughly before buying such a policy.


A look at how far we've come and where we're headed.

When truth and transparency are the core of a general insurance company, you know you are in trustworthy hands. This is the way of life at Magma HDI, and the fundamental reason it has been able to sell 1 million policies in FY19, as on February 21, 2019.

Having started operations only in 2012, Magma HDI has managed to build a strong reputation as a key player in the Indian insurance industry in a short span of time. It has steadily climbed growth charts with close to 1,000 employees, 135+ branches and 5,000-plus partners from about 180 employees, 46 branches and 500 partners back in the year of its commencement.

So, what have been the key differentiators responsible for this success?

The foremost reason is the company's utmost focus on honesty and transparency. When you choose Magma HDI, you get exactly what you have signed up for.

What's more, your struggle with endless, incomprehensible TnCs is over. Magma HDI believes in minimal TnCs that have important clauses highlighted. There are no hidden charges, and all costs are revealed to you upfront.

The company has a wide range of retail and commercial products on offer that suit requirements of all kinds of buyers. It has over 50 products across categories to choose from and has issued more than 24 lakh general insurance policies till date.

The foundation on which Magma HDI has been able to build its standing is its high claim- settlement ratio. Magma HDI has settled 94.1% of claims generated in FY 17-18 compared to the industry average of 87.2%. Owing to this, Magma HDI has successfully settled more than 1.25 lakh general insurance claims till date.

Additionally, the claim settlement process is absolutely hassle-free. Almost 87.17% claims made in FY 17-18 were settled in less than 30 days compared to the industry average of 62.1%.

A good insurance provider must not only assure you and your loved ones of a safety net in times of need, but also offer you the much-needed peace of mind that the promises made to you will be kept. To check both these parameters off your list, go ahead with a trusted partner such as Magma HDI.


Five Reliable Sources to Learn About Health Insurance

Health insurance is something that every single person should have at all times, so they are protected from any unnecessary or substantial expenses in case there is any harm to life or threat to health. However, before you go with a particular health insurance policy, you need to have all the necessary information about it, such as the premium to be paid, the coverage, the validity, exceptions, etc.

You need to make sure to choose only the best health insurance policy in India, not just for yourself but also your family. Here are five reliable sources to learn about health insurance; you end up making the right choice: -

  • A Health Insurance Agent: One of the best sources to learn about health insurance is an agent. A health insurance agent is well aware of all the terms and conditions of the different policies and can provide you with all the information you need. Whether it is about the premium you need to pay, find out about all that it covers, and doesn’t, what fees you need to pay, what some other benefits are, etc. Agents know about the policies of their own company and can also give you some vital information about health insurance in general.
  • Your doctor: Your general physician, or the doctor you have been going to for years and who has all your health records, is another excellent source of information when it comes to health insurance. Since they are quite involved in the health industry, they would be able to advise you on what the insurance policy must cover depending upon the condition of your health.
  • Your place of work: It might not seem as if your employer would have information about health insurance, but that is not true. Many companies provide their employees with health insurance or pay for a significant part of it, and thus have a lot of information about health insurance in general. If you are seeking information about health insurance, your employer might be able to help, especially since companies keep detailed records of such policies. If you work in the healthcare industry, you have an added advantage.
  • The Internet: With almost everything available on the internet, it is not difficult to find the best health insurance policy in India online, given the number of insurance company websites as well as general websites that compare different policies. You have the option of going through the websites of different health insurance companies and collecting information about the various policies, or you can read different articles that compare health insurance policies, and then find out more about some particular ones. The internet is an excellent source of information for everything, including health insurance.
  • Your Family: Believe it or not, your family members can help you choose the best policy for you and your family. Since they have been through the process of finding a good insurance policy numerous times, they can help you understand the terms and conditions and can help you find one which suits your needs the best. However, be sure to verify it with an agent.

Having Health insurance is extremely important, and so, you must only consult with the most reliable sources when finding out about it; having inadequate or incorrect information can prove to be detrimental in the future.


Buying insurance? We’ve removed the fear factors.

We understand your fears and apprehensions and here’s what we have done to put an end to them, Magma HDI General Insurance’s range of policies for your health and assets:

1. Insurance is no longer tedious

It’s as easy as shopping online. Get a quick quote for general insurance policies CLICK HERE

2. Claims settlement is now transparent

We ensure a fair, transparent, and convenient claim settlement process.

In FY 18-19, Magma HDI has maintained a claim settlement ratio of 91.85% as compared to the industry average of 87.2%.

Our customer service wing works round the clock to have your queries addressed irrespective of the time of the day.

3. Perplexing T&Cs demystified

We believe in highlighting the important clauses of the Terms & Conditions,

You deserve simple hassle free claims!

At Magma HDI, ”Truth must be told” is the foundation of everything we do. Magma HDI has always attempted to change the game through significant efforts in making the claiming process simpler and less tedious. Securing the things most precious to you has never been this stress-free.


5 Reasons why you should have an Individual Personal Accident Policy

Accidents are always unfortunate, and you can never foresee when you might face such a circumstance, but it is always better to protect yourself from such unfortunate situations by getting a Personal Accident Insurance. You can easily buy personal accident insurance online by visiting the website of the insurance provider under which you want to get insured. If you have a Personal Accident Insurance, you will be able to protect yourself from huge inpatient hospitalization expenses and corresponding medical bills that can spend all your life savings in case you are met with an accident. You need to keep in mind certain things when you buy a Personal Accident Insurance: -

  • Buy personal accident insurance online with a premium amount that covers your needs while not putting heavy stress on your financial stability.
  • Compare the different Personal Accident Policies provided by different insurance companies and choose the one that fits your requirements the best.
  • Select a policy that can be renewed online easily without having to visit the insurance company’s office.
  • Personal Accident Insurance policies can provide you safety from sudden financial mishaps that can occur if you face an accident. Along with this, some of the reasons you should consider buying a Personal Accident Insurance are:
  • You have any disability taken care of - If you have a Personal Accident Cover, you will be able to claim compensation for any kind of disability that you may face in the aftermath of an accident. The insurer will get appropriate compensation from the insurance provider if they suffer the loss of income due to their disability. You can avail compensation for Permanent Total Disability as well as Permanent Partial Disability.
  • Accidental Death Benefit - This is one of the major advantages and the most important reason why you should get a Personal Accident Insurance. In case of accidental death of the insured, the insurance company is liable to 100% of the insured amount to the nominee which are generally Class I legal heirs such as a spouse, son, daughter, mother or father.
  • Medical Expenses are taken care of - If you suffer an accident, medical expenses cost can be very high and can finish up all your life savings in a very short span of time. A Personal Accident Insurance will provide you protection from such expenses as the insurance company will take care of the medical expenses of the insured. In case of demise of the insured, the company will also take care of the funeral expenses of the deceased.
  • Family Security - In case the accident leads to the death or permanent disability of the person and that person is the sole earner for the whole family, a Personal Accident Insurance will provide security to the insured’s family. This will not only provide the family with funds to support them but also shield them from any hospital expenses that will be incurred if the person is hospitalized.
  • Child Education Benefit - Some insurance companies also cover the educational expenses of children under child education cover in case of death or total disablement of the person insured. Under this cover, the company will be liable to pay some amount per child, to a maximum of two children for their educational expenses.

Buying personal accident insurance online not only protects the insured but also guarantees protection and security to the family of the insured in case the person is faced with permanent disability leading to loss of income. It is always a good idea to get a Personal Accident Cover, whether individually or along with your other insurance policies for your car or bike.


5 Things Nobody Told You About Car Insurance Quotes

A lot of people around the world work hard and save their income to one day purchase a car. A car provides you with much more freedom and mobility than local transport. Having your vehicle allows you to do things according to your schedule. You will not have to schedule your entire day according to local transport timings, nor will you be stuck in long lines and crowded transportation services. You can be wherever you want, whenever you want to be. It is beneficial for family trips and casual outgoings. Having your car will also provide you with much more feasibility during an emergency.

Getting your car insured is very important after purchasing it. The Government has made it mandatory for vehicles to be insured. If you are caught by an official and are not able to produce a hard copy of your car insurance, then you will be fined and may even have to serve a prison sentence. If your car is not yet insured, you can get it insured online. You can obtain car insurance quotes online from different insurance providers and choose whatever works best for you. Before finalizing the deal here are five things you must know that nobody might have told you about car insurance quotes:-

  • You will get different car insurance quotes from different companies. All companies have their algorithm to reach the amount they are going to charge you. These algorithms use various factors and are developed by top actuaries.
  • You can get discounts on your quotation. Before signing the contract, you must make sure you are getting all possible discounts for your car insurance. There are various discounts offered by insurance providers, and they differ from one institution to another.
  • You must make sure that the current quotation will cover all third party liabilities as well as damages to your car. Some insurance companies may try to lure you by sending you low quotes while not providing complete coverage. Before signing the contract, you must always make sure that you are getting comprehensive coverage from the insurance.
  • You must enquire whether the quotation amount will decrease if you pay the amount in a lump sum. Most of the companies give attractive discounts if you pay an annual or semi-annual lump sum amount. This discount adds up over a long time and will save you a considerable amount of money over time
  • You will get higher quotes from branded insurance providers. You can find right insurance providers that are not branded that provide sufficient coverage and have cheaper quotes. This does not stand to mean that branded insurance providers are bad. They sometimes have needless coverage amounts to justify their quotations. Often when involved in an accident, you will not require that much coverage. Non-branded insurance providers will work well for you. Before signing a contract, make sure everything is in order and that your coverage is enough to cover for most damages.

Knowing these five facts will help you get the best insurance policy for your car. Having insurance is not a license to drive recklessly. Some people put themselves and their surroundings in danger as they know they will get coverage if they get into an accident. It is your responsibility as a good citizen to drive safely and within proper guidelines.


Here is how Magma HDI is revolutionizing claim settlement.

Thanks to the technology, computers or the smart phone in your hand filing a claim has never been easier.

For instance in case your vehicle meets with an accident and when you make a claim, Magma HDI trusts you and lets you take charge of the process . You don’t have to fill lengthy forms, attach documents of proof, or undergo a tedious process in getting your claim registered. All you need to do is attach a soft copy of your request and documentation and email us, or better yet! Fill your claim form online.

You can simply conduct a quick self-survey by clicking pictures of the damage vehicle with your smartphone, send it to Magma HDI’s online ‘Claim Updation’, and before you get home, the customer support ninjas at Magma HDI would have begun actioning your request.

The support staff operates 24x7, 365 days a year, ensuring your insurance claims are processed faster and these minor mishaps don’t create roadblocks in your life’s plans.

Apart from your faith and testimonial, we also have numbers backing us, higher percentages just don’t make for an excellent report card! They also account for credible insurance providers., Magma HDI has been able to outclass general insurance industry average in claim settlements. While the general insurance industry averages 87.2%, Magma HDI notched ahead at 91.8% in FY 18-19, with only 8.15% outstanding claims. The extremely convenient and efficient claim settlement procedure at Magma HDI has ensured less than 30-day claim settlement for almost 87.17% of the total claims made in the year.

We believe that you should be in control when it comes to making a claim or registering a service. Insurance is built on trust, if there is a one-stop general insurance partner who understands your needs and empowers you with total transparency, look no further than Magma HDI.


5 Doubts You Should Clarify About Motor Insurance Quotes

A personal vehicle is a huge blessing. It provides you with much more freedom and mobility that you will have otherwise. Having your vehicle means that you can go around the area without any restrictions on time. It’s also beneficial to have your vehicle in case of emergencies. If you are in an emergency that requires you to visit someplace else, you can straightaway set out for the destination. Otherwise, you would have to book and wait for the cab service, which will take precious time. A personal vehicle also enhances your freedom as you will not have to depend upon local transport for going from one place to another.

Purchasing a motor vehicle is an expensive decision. A personal vehicle can cost you many times your monthly salary. It is essential to take excellent care of it. Even though you are taking good care of your motor vehicle, accidents do happen. An accident can leave you in a precarious situation as you would have to spend a considerable amount to get your vehicle repaired. This can be a substantial financial burden. The possibility of running into such a scenario makes motor insurance extremely important. If you have motor insurance, you will not have to worry at every turn for a minuscule possibility of an accident. Before signing up for motor insurance, you should obtain motor insurance online quotes from different insurance providers to see which policy best suits you. Here are five doubts that you should clarify about motor insurance quotes: -

  • You should ask your insurance provider about the coverage under the present quotation. Some insurance providers may try to lure you with cheap quotations that do not provide complete coverage for your vehicle. This insurance policy will leave you helpless in case you have an accident.
  • You should clarify how often you will have to pay the premium. A cheap quote loses its meaning if the insurance provider makes you pay it more often.
  • You should ask your insurance provider if he has provided you with all the discounts and savings available. There are many different discounts in an agency depending upon age, gender, insurance score, etc. Many factors are calculated while arriving at the premium amount. You must make sure your insurance provider gives you the best rate possible.
  • You must ask if your premium amount will remain the same or if it will decrease over time. Many factors are used to arrive at the quotation change as time passes. Also, there is a no-claim bonus that will give you a discount on premium if you do not claim insurance in the period. You must have full disclosure on present and future premiums.
  • You must enquire if paying your premiums in a lump sum may reduce the quotation. Often companies give discounts if you pay the premiums annually or semi-annually. This can save you a lot of money over time.

Obtaining motor insurance online quotes will save you a lot of time. This will give you a rough estimate of what you can expect from the insurance provider. It does not beat sitting down and clarifying everything with an insurance agent. Still, it provides you with some information so that you are not going in blindly.


This Raksha Bandhan, do it differently!

Someone has rightly said that siblings are your only enemies you can’t live without.

As you know, Raksha Bandhan is round the corner! And for the brothers who can’t figure what to gift your beloved sister, we suggest you do something different, something that guarantees long term happiness. We’ve thought of the following ideas that will help her achieve financial's.

If she has a financial liability pay it off!

What better gift can you give than to pay off someone’s financial liability (that is if she has one), so reduce her financial stress she will thank you for it.

Buy her an insurance plan

Look out for your sibling by gifting them the protection of our comprehensive motor and health policies.

Buying her health insurance will make sure her hospitalization expenses are taken care of. Buy a plan with adequate coverage and secure her health. In return for inexpensive annual premiums that you can pay on her behalf every Raksha Bandhan, she will stay protected from the unexpected hospital bills and medical treatments. To get a HEALTH INSURANCE QUOTE CLICK HERE.

Start a Systematic investment plan

A systematic investment plan will inculcate the habit of saving in her for her future goals.

Apart from that, money can also be invested in fixed deposits, public provident funds, pension funds to name a few. As a financial advisor to your sister, you can guide her about the market and towards resources so that she can start taking these decisions on her own. 

Help her plan for  taxes

Guide your sister through tax planning and take advantage of the investment options that reduce tax or help her complete the IT filing formalities.


Quick guide for Add on Covers that you can opt for with Two Wheeler Insurance

Whether you buy a four-wheeler or a two-wheeler, you can easily buy bike insurance or private car insurance in India. All such insurances come with certain add-ons offered by insurers to supplement the comprehensive insurance policy and make it more valuable for the buyer. Some of the Add-ons provided are the basic add-ons while some other add-ons can be purchased by the insured at a higher premium. Each Additional Cover will cost some extra and that cost will be adjusted in the premium. Some of the basic and most common Add-ons that are available for two-wheelers and must be taken while buying insurance are: -

  • Zero Depreciation Cover - Depreciation occurs due to the reduction in the price of the vehicle over time due to natural wear and tear while using the vehicle. The rate of depreciation depends on the age of the respective parts of the bike. Generally, this depreciation is required to be paid by the customer as deductible during the claim process. However, if you buy a Zero Depreciation Cover, the insurer will not deduct this amount from the claim, and you will receive a comparatively higher percentage of the claim. You should opt for this cover if your bike is new and ideally less than 3 years old. If you have this cover, you will be able to make a maximum of two claims in a policy period but if your vehicle is damaged beyond repair, you won’t be eligible for this cover.
  • Accessories Cover - If you are someone who likes to have additional accessories attached to your bike and have your bike studded with additional high-end electrical and non-electrical accessories, you should buy an Accessories cover to insure those accessories as well from damages in case of accidents. To get this cover, you need to submit the total cost of these accessories while buying an insurance policy for your bike.
  • Return to Invoice - With an increased premium, this cover will protect your bike from theft or irreparable damage, and the insurer will compensate you by providing the Insured Declared Value of the vehicle to you. The Insured Declared Value or IDV is less than the invoice value of the bike because it is calculated by taking into account the depreciation rate of the bike, the road tax, registration charges, etc. The IDV of a two-wheeler can reduce to 80% of its value in a span of only 2 years and if you have this cover, you won’t have to spend too much extra money to get a new bike in case of theft or irreparable damage.
  • Medical Cover - This cover will provide you coverage from medical expenses that can be very high in case your two-wheeler meets an accident because there is no protection for the driver driving the two-wheeler. Taking this Add-on will help you cover the costs related to medical treatments in case you meet an accident.
  • Pillion Rider Cover - There is no protection for the pillion rider on the bike as well if the vehicle meets an accident. It can be argued that in most cases, the pillion rider is at more risk of getting hurt than the driver of the bike. In most insurance policies, the rider will be covered against death or any resultant disability in case of an accident, but there is no cover for the passenger. This Add-on will provide cover to the pillion rider in case of an accident resulting in the death or disability of the passenger.
  • NCB Protect - Most of the insurance companies provide a No-claim Bonus to the insured in case they raise no claims during the policy period. But, if a claim is raised the NCB is reset to zero, and to prevent that from happening you can buy the NCB Protect Cover. This will protect the NCB from resetting to zero and your accumulated bonus won’t lapse in case you raise a claim..

These were some of the Add-ons that you must consider while buying a new insurance policy for your two-wheeler as well as private car insurance in India.


How to Control Fire Loss Due to External Cladding?

Buildings and houses are constructed very carefully; they are correctly planned and are built in a way that they can withstand any calamities or damages to the maximum extent possible. One common form of protecting houses from excessive heating or the weather is external cladding, which is the method of covering one material with another under high pressure and temperature. There are different kinds of materials that can be used for cladding, such as vinyl, aluminium, wood, etc. Still, these materials run the risk of catching fire and causing harm to people as well as the environment. Just like you would need to go with the best car insurance company in India for your car, you would need to choose the best fire insurance to protect your house.

Here are ways to control fire loss due to external cladding: -

  • To Avoid Flammable Material: While almost any cladding material runs the risk of causing a fire, there are some which are more flammable than the others, such as APCs or Aluminium Composite Panels since they have a plastic-based core. When getting the house constructed, always make sure to use a material that is less likely to cause a fire or is less likely to help the fire spread; some materials are certified as being safe, and those are the ones to use.
  • Check the Material Used: If you are not getting a house constructed but are buying an already built one, make sure to check the Material used for external cladding. Ask for the blueprints to the house, fire engineering reports, and also other details about the external materials, so you know how likely the cladding is to cause a fire. While it is expensive to change it, if you ever get your house renovated, do not forget to use a non-flammable material.
  • An Effective Sprinkler System: Every house or building comes with a sprinkler system that automatically goes off when there is fire. You must ensure that the system works effectively and can detect fire or smoke since many sprinklers stop working after a while. Also, ensure that sprinklers are located everywhere in the house so that one outlet does not have to bear the burden of putting out the fire.
  • Assess Other Connections: When constructing a house, numerous connections are going all around the house, whether they are water pipes, electrical wires, or other panels or boards. If there is a fire due to external cladding, these connections might be affected and can aid the spread of fire. You must be well aware of where all the connections are so that when needed, you would be able to determine the most dangerous spots and can try and control the fire.
  • Handle Hot Objects with Care: Many residents have access to a terrace or balcony space, which they use for barbeques or even merely to smoke. If these objects are not handled carefully, then that can be disastrous. For example, a barbeque left on or is too close to the structure, chances of catching fire are very high.

There are numerous measures which are taken when there is a fire, but it is even more important to do everything you can to avoid getting such a situation in the first place. Since the whole purpose behind external cladding is to protect the house, make sure to use the right material and to assess the structure to avoid any risks.


Mistakes to avoid while buying a health insurance policy

Given the rising healthcare cost, a sudden medical emergency can put a significantly hole in your pocket. A health insurance policy, therefore, is an absolute must to get timely and expert medical help for yourself and your family. Plus, the added tax benefits help you save money.

Despite its popularity, there are certain common mistakes that people still make while taking health insurance. We list a few of those.

Depending solely on employer’s cover

Health insurance is a valuable form of compensation for companies, which is why a lot of organizations offer it to their employees. While it is convenient, it may not be enough to cover your entire family’s needs. Plus, the risk of losing insurance in case of quitting or termination is another reason why should also consider an independent medical cover.

Lowering premium by underinsuring yourself

While it’s prudent to look for practical ways to lower premium, it shouldn’t come at the cost of impacting the coverage. Decide on the right amount as insufficient coverage may force you to shell out more money in case of a medical procedure that’s not covered under your insurance policy.

Getting influenced by other’s policy choices

Different insurance providers offer different coverage, benefits, and premium amounts. While a certain plan may work well for your friends and relatives, your lifestyle, as well as your requirements, could differ from theirs. It’s, therefore, best to compare the various plans available and choose one suiting your needs.

Ignoring sub-limits

Most people don’t give sub-limits enough thought, but overlooking this could blow up your medical cost later despite having insurance. For instance, you may not be aware of the room tariff sub-limit under inpatient hospitalization coverage and may be presented with a much higher-than-anticipated bill.

Not considering the riders you can take on your plan

Opting for different riders hikes up the security coverage of your existing health insurance plan. Plus, it comes at a comparatively lower cost. Be mindful of all the riders that you can add on to the plan before signing the dotted line.

It may be tedious and boring to scan the entire insurance policy document carefully, but it's strongly recommended to read through all the details. Right from the exclusions to the terms and conditions, you should be aware of all the relevant aspects of your policy.

Not revealing correct information (Tell the Truth, always!)

Your policy premium amount heavily depends upon certain factors, such as your medical history and lifestyle choices. Smoking, for instance, can drastically affect the premium amount. Some people shy away from disclosing such information to lower the premium. Not only is it unethical, but it can also severely jeopardize your chances of claim approval. Always be honest and upfront about all the information requested for in the policy document.

Insurance is a subject matter of smart choice hence choose wisely!


What Makes Car Insurance So Popular?

When buying a car, you would take your time when it comes to choosing the right model, the right colour, the best safety features, the latest entertainment system, etc. This means that you should take the time to buy car insurance online since you would need to take proper care of your car. But what exactly is car insurance? It is a policy that covers the costs of any damages or injuries caused (to the owner or others) in the event of a car accident.

Here are some reasons why car insurance is so popular and why you need to get it: -

  • It Covers the Cost of Repairing: When driving, there is a possibility that you might get into an accident or your car might break down. In such cases, you would most probably need to go to the garage to get the car fixed, and this costs a lot of money, mainly depending upon the kind of car you own. Having car insurance means that most of the costs of repairing the damages are covered by the policy; the insurance company would pay for any costs incurred, so you don’t have to spend a lot out of your own pocket.
  • Could Pay for Others’ Damages: Again, when driving, you could collide with another car and not only damage yours, but also that car. If it happens to be your fault, not only would you have to pay for your own damages, you would also be required to pay for their repairs, which would cost a lot. Depending on the kind of insurance policy you have, it might also cover the costs of repairing the other person’s car as well, so you don’t have to pay for it yourself.
  • Takes Care of Medical Expenses: Since car accidents occur quite frequently, car insurance policies also cover any medical expenses incurred due to any bodily damage. When you get into an accident, having to worry about paying your medical bills as well as fixing your car can be quite worrisome, which is why car insurance is necessary. Not only would you have the means to get your vehicle repaired, but a specific proportion of your medical expenses shall also be covered under the policy, as well as that of the other person involved.
  • Compensation: Unfortunately, many car accidents end in death. When it is someone who was the sole earning member of the family or someone that had financial engagements, the death could have a negative impact on their family. By having car insurance, you can ensure that your family would be provided compensation if something of this sort were to happen.
  • Supplements Health Insurance: Depending upon the kind of car insurance policy you have in place, you might have the means to cover medical expenses that your health insurance won’t cover. If you get into a major accident, there are chances that your health insurance might not cover all the costs, but your car insurance might help pay for those; you just need to choose the right one.

When you buy car insurance online, make sure to take the time to assess its positives and negatives. Compare it to others as well, so that you can be assured of the fact that you and your family would be financially protected in case of a car accident.


Quick Guide on Liability Insurance!

Liability insurance provides the insured party protection against claims resulting from damage or harm to people or property. Intentional damage and contractual liabilities are not covered, but legal costs and payouts are generally attended to and paid. This type of insurance is also called third party insurance.

If an insured party damages someone else's property or harms someone else by mistake, liability insurance comes to place. These policies can be taken by anyone who drives a car, owns a business, practices law or medicine or just anyone who can be sued for damages or injuries. Following is a brief guide on the public liability insurance policy and all that it covers.

Due to various kinds of liability insurance available, almost anybody can get liability insurance for products, employees etc. below are the main types of liability insurance-

  • Employer’s liability and workers’ compensation- This is a mandatory coverage in case employees are harmed or injured in the process of work, and this protects business accordingly.
  • Product liability insurance- This insurance is for businesses that manufacture products that are sold in the market. In this case, business is protected against any lawsuit arising from an injury or death resulting from their products.
  • Indemnity insurance- This insurance protects the company from negligence claims due to financial harm resulting from failure to perform.
  • Umbrella Liability Policies - These usually come handy when liability limits of other insurances are reached. These liabilities are designed to protect against catastrophic events.
  • Commercial General Liability- Also known as commercial liability insurance, it provides an insurance cover against various kinds of lawsuits including those that may arise from an unforeseen event with an employee, any public property damage or injuries caused by the negligence of an employee.
  • Comprehensive General Liability- These kinds of Liability insurances are tailor-made for small and large businesses, typically include bodily injury, property damage, personal and advertising injury, medical payments, and operations liability. In this, compensatory and general damages on losses are paid, but punitive damages are not paid usually. However, it covers the charges of investigation or defending a lawsuit.
  • The premium amount for these public liability insurance policies is based on the needs of your company and your company's priorities. For example, a real estate company or a makeup company may have more risks than an organic grain company. This is also because the bigger the size of the company, the greater is the risk. A good public liability insurance policy will take into consideration these factors.

Here are a few rights and duties of the insurer:

  • The insurer investigates an event that has resulted in a liability claim.
  • The injured can defend the insured in any lawsuit related to a covered type of injury.
  • The insurer may settle a lawsuit at his discretion.
  • Cost of providing defense is handled by the insurer.

The following are advantages of a public liability insurance policy:

  • Protected against unexpected circumstances- Even after taking precautions and managing operations, there are unexpected circumstances that may cause more harm than imagined. Having public liability insurance ensures that you've selected a liability to cover for such unexpected inconveniences.
  • You could get more deals - It is easier for large businesses and firms to trust your company and find it reliable if they are aware of the liability insurances in place. This gives you an edge over other competitors and could also be your saving grace.
  • You may be covered against a data breach - With which data like important information about employees, products, deals, social security data, etc. data security becomes increasingly important. It is a must for every company to have a liability to cover hacking and other data breaches.

Having considered the above factors, your public liability insurance policy will not be complete if you do not personally understand the needs of your company and find public liability insurance according to that.


5 Common Misconceptions About Health Insurance

Almost everyone gets health insurance to make sure that their medical expenses are taken care of when needed; so that that they don’t have to pay a huge amount from their own pockets. Before you renew health insurance online or buy a new policy, you need to go over the terms and conditions and understand its provisions properly. However, there are many that either doesn’t opt for health insurance or choose one which does not provide optimum coverage, thinking that it will not come in handy when needed. Here are five common misconceptions people have when it comes to health insurance: -

  • It Isn’t Necessary When You Are Healthy: This is as far from the truth as can be since health insurance covers not just illnesses or medical conditions but also injuries. With there being so many changes in the environment and lifestyle, it is not easy to predict any illness, and moreover, you cannot predict an accident. So, it is absolutely necessary to have a health insurance policy and to not avoid getting one simply because you think you are healthy.
  • Does Not Cover Pregnancy: A widespread misconception is that your health insurance will not include a maternity program, but that is not true. Of course, some policies don’t, but most of them do. You need to do proper research since many insurance policies include pregnancy, as well as most maternity healthcare requirements.
  • Cashless coverage is the Best: Many people believe that a cashless coverage insurance policy is the best way to go, but in such cases, you can only go to a hospital that comes under the network of the insurance company. If you want your medical bills to be paid entirely and directly by the company to the hospital, you cannot go to just about any hospital; you must go to one which is within the company’s network, or it will not work.
  • Would-Be Paid Only If Hospitalised: It is a very common misconception that you would be paid only if you get hospitalised, and not otherwise. However, that is not true since your insurance policy also covers dental or optical services that do not require you to be hospitalised. When you buy a health insurance policy, you need to understand what is covered and what is not, and what the terms of payment are, so you do not end up getting into a financial problem when seeking medical assistance.
  • The policy Cannot be Updated: The fact that your health insurance cannot be updated is not true at all. In fact, since these policies span over a while, there are small changes made to the terms and conditions. Moreover, if you want to make any kind of change to an aspect of the policy, consult with an insurance agent, and you would most probably be allowed to do so since situations and requirements change quite frequently.

No matter what you hear, if you wish to buy or renew health insurance online, go ahead with it. You must have such a policy for yourself and your family, so you are protected when the time comes; it is merely a matter of properly going over the terms and conditions of the policy to understand what it does and does not provide. Also, if you have any queries, you can seek help from an insurance agent.


7 Reasons Why Tourists Love Health Insurance

Health insurance is an absolute necessity, and everyone must have a policy in place to be financially covered if there are health issues or injuries. To ensure proper treatment and to be able to pay the medical bills, you would most definitely choose the best health insurance in India for parents, yourself, and other family members. However, it is vital to keep in mind that you need health insurance when you travel as well since there is always the possibility of something going wrong. Here are seven reasons why tourists love health insurance: -

  • Cover the Costs of Medical Bills: When you are in a foreign country, you would need to get a separate health insurance policy since your previous one will only protect you in your home country. By getting travel health insurance, you would rest assured that you have the means to pay for any medical expenses if there is any injury or illness since it can cost a lot.
  • Covers Your Family Members Too: If you are travelling with your family, you need to get an insurance policy that includes not just your medical bills, but also your family’s. If required, as many people requiring medical care in a foreign country can be costly.
  • Any ailments or severe health issues: If you suffer from a critical health condition, you might have to pay higher medical bills given the nature of complications. In such situations, it is best to opt for a higher sum insured so that you are protected from higher expenses.
  • Connect to Healthcare Providers: Often, when you are in another country, you might not speak the local language, and it may become difficult to communicate with a doctor. Your health insurance policy will help you connect to a doctor and would ensure that it someone that understands you well to eliminate confusion.
  • Post Hospitalisation Costs are Taken Care Of: If you have an accident or fall ill, you might need medical attention once discharged from the hospital. In such cases, your insurance will also pay for the costs incurred post-hospitalisation, so you don’t have to worry about paying a huge amount.
  • Cover the Costs of Essentials: If it so happens that the airline you were travelling with loses your baggage permanently, the medical insurance may help you pay for any essentials you need. It happens quite often that your luggage gets lost somewhere, and you are left without essential items, especially if you have a medical condition, and so the policy will help you pay for such things.
  • Sudden Change of Plans: In case if required for you to leave immediately and cut your visit short. Due to an emergency at home such as a fire, water damage, someone falls ill, etc., depending upon the kind of insurance policy you have, you might be able to book last minute tickets and get out without any additional expenses.
  • Compensation in Case of Death: Unfortunately, if you were to pass away while travelling, due to an accident or an illness, your medical insurance provides the facility to transport your mortal remains to your family members or any contacts mentioned. Also, your medical insurance may financially provide for your family for a certain amount of time, especially if you are the sole earning member.

Medical insurance is, without a doubt, one of the most important policies you must-have, whether you are in your home country or travelling abroad since you might face medical problems at any given point of time. Make sure to only choose the best health insurance in India for parents, yourself, and other members of your family.