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Are you an older adult? Indulge in these sports to make you feel young again

Are you getting older and giving up on sports? This is a common phenomenon as the fear of injury increases with age and our fitness levels diminish. We hesitate to indulge in our favourite sport, badminton or cricket, with the fear of a muscle tear or a strained back.

But wait. Older adults should constantly engage in physical activities and sports to stay fit and active and enjoy a good social health score. Here are a few sports you should indulge in if you are an older adult and want to feel young again.

1. Golf
Golf is popular worldwide, and older adults can easily engage in it. It is a great stress reliever and improves your overall mental fitness. At the same time, it does not involve much running or physical effort, making it a great choice for older adults. Golf is known to improve blood circulation, which benefits your heart.

The older adults will also build a social circle while playing golf, which improves their emotional quotient. You should keep in mind that there is no pressure to perform well. Enjoy the time you spend outside in the sun in good company, and you will feel young again and light at heart.

2. Group exercises
Yes, group exercises are not just for the young ones but for older adults as well. Older adults can join group exercise classes, be it yoga, pilates, zumba, or some other dance form. They will start feeling young again even if they participate just a few times a week and not daily.

A group exercise will encourage older adults to match their pace with the group. It will keep them agile, fit, and active. These low-impact exercises can also benefit their respiratory system, muscle flexibility, and core balance. They are enjoyable and will also help them build a social circle.

3. Cycling
Cycling can be a great sport that can greatly benefit older adults. They don’t have to cycle at high speeds for long, as mild cycling can do the trick. Cycling improves cardiovascular functioning, immunity, and blood circulation and sharpens the mind. It can make you live longer and reduces the chances of hospital visits.

4. Doubles tennis/ badminton
Playing tennis or badminton in the singles format can be tough and draining for older adults. They can play doubles tennis or badminton to stay fit and agile at their own pace. These are fun sports, easy to play and practice. These sports will help strengthen their muscles, improve blood flow rate, and help them stay mentally fit. Older adults will feel young, active, and energetic once they start playing these sports in routine.

5. Billiards
Older adults can also engage in billiards as a sport. It is an indoor game; they need not sweat to play it. Also, it can be played with just 2-3 people. The sport requires moderate physical movement, sharpening the mind and improving concentration.

It is essential for older adults to engage in any of the above sports of their choice and feel young again. These sports will improve their muscle strength, blood circulation, balance, efficiency, and general mind and body fitness.

But sports also come with the risk of accidents. Hence, a personal accident policy is a must for everyone. It provides coverage and financial support for medical treatment due to an accident. You can easily browse several personal accident insurance online that the insurance companies offer, compare them, and choose the best among them conveniently at the click of a few buttons.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How embedded insurance is set to accelerate the pace of insurance penetration

There are numerous general insurance companies in India offering multiple insurance products. However, most of the population is opposed to purchasing these insurance safety instruments despite the dire need for long-term stability. Recognising the slack in demand for purchasing specific policies, general insurance companies in India have developed a new way to make insurance products more accessible.

Embedded insurance, also known as bundling insurance, is the latest method of partnering with a third-party brand and offering consumers complimentary insurance or with a nominal fee over the transition cost. It helps make insurance accessible by bundling it for customers.

However, if you wonder how embedded insurance can expand opportunities and build strong customer journeys, read on.

What is embedded insurance?
Embedded insurance enables a third-party provider to introduce innovative insurance products for customers. It provides consumers with more affordable, personalised, and relevant insurance. It also allows general insurance companies in India to access underserved and untapped markets.

How embedded insurance helps increase insurance penetration in India? Insurance penetration is calculated as a percentage of total premiums collected relative to the country's GDP. According to the IRDAI, the country's general insurance penetration is about 1%. India's insurance penetration is lower than in developed countries.
However, we anticipate an increase in insurance penetration due to embedded insurance.

Here's how embedded insurance transforms the insurance sector and increases insurance penetration.

1. Charging the untapped markets
This insurance allows insurers to access a new market. With embedded insurance, general insurance companies in India can provide microfinance companies with policies like personal accident insurance and more to target a specific audience. Insurers and third parties can expand the insurance sector's reach in India's underdeveloped markets with the help of embedded insurance. It allows them to reach the untapped rural market, increasing insurance penetration deeper in the country.

2. Innovating product offerings
Insurers can construct personalised and more relevant insurance policies using consumer data that was not recorded or digitised. Customers can also change the insurance policy's features, coverage, cost, etc., and discontinue them if they are no longer reasonable.

3. Enhanced customer experience
Embedded insurance boosts customer satisfaction, resulting in greater opportunities for general insurance companies in India to market their services and products. It also provides more customised coverage, allowing customers to change plans and premiums according to their needs. This way, it offers more significant benefits and value to the customers.

4. Low client acquisition costs
General insurance companies in India spend roughly 20% of their income on advertising to new clients. Embedded insurance decreases the churn rate by engaging policyholders at the right time in their journey. Also, the effective cost of customer acquisition is lower than other insurance.

5. Streamlined onboarding
Many people consider insurance an inconvenient procedure requiring a series of steps. Embedded insurance gives customers a streamlined issuing process, making insurance simple and inexpensive. This applies to the claim procedure too. The smooth operations of embedded insurance is a boon for Indians to invest in insurance massively.

Embedded insurance has much potential, but businesses must balance the efficiency and speed of business operations, regulatory compliance, and customer protection for this model to succeed.

Many general insurance companies in India are now integrating the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data analytics, and other technologies to transform the insurance industry and deliver a hassle-free customer experience. While it will require time for adoption, it is a welcome move to increase penetration rates. Insurers must use the momentum and improve their dependability to gain consumer trust.

Click HERE to invest in a reliable general insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are extreme sports covered under personal accident insurance

Insurance is a financial product like no other. Upon payment of a meagre premium amount, it protects the insured person or asset against a contingent event involving a risk to its present or future value. While general, health and life insurance are relatively common products with a higher penetration rate in India, personal accident insurance online lags far behind.

While this may be attributed to the lack of awareness, it is straightforward why the product is required. Accidents are uncertainties that can occur in any setting, whether travelling, commuting, or at work. Since you cannot eliminate the risk of accidents, purchasing personal accident insurance online is essential to protect yourself against hospitalisation costs and other expenses resulting from an accident.

The limited awareness regarding personal accident insurance is also only partially reliable due to the misconceptions surrounding the product. While its coverage to the extent of travel accidents is commonly known, there are several questions surrounding its scope of coverage for adventure sports.

Find out whether adventure sports are covered by personal accident insurance online.

Defining adventure sports.

Adventure sports are easy to define in lay terms but are described differently by every insurer. It includes sports that involve contact, extreme speed, technical gear, and extremely high levels of risk. As the name states, these sports have a considerably high-risk grade, making most insurers hesitant to cover them. Common extreme sports include skydiving, skiing, rappelling, mountaineering, etc.

Generally, irrespective of the type of insurance- general or non-general, most insurers do not offer coverage for adventure sports due to the intensity of the activities.

Why should you check for adventure sports inclusion before participating?

The thrill of adventure is second to none, and the addition of multiple uncontrollable factors only adds to the experience for those who seek an adrenaline rush. However, one must always ensure to protect themself from potential accidents before participating in such sports for the following reasons –

1. Hospitalisation coverage:
With medical inflation on the rise, covering any possible medical expenses, including those arising from adventure sports, is prudent. Considering the high-risk profile of these sports, it is always better to be ready for the worst and prepare a financial net that shoulders the burden of such costs.

2. Allied perks:
Personal accident insurance online offers related allowances such as a daily cash allowance, transportation, and more. This reduces the strain on your finances during your period of hospitalisation or any inactivity as an earning member.

3. Mental peace:
The most significant benefit of inclusion is the peace of mind to engage in activities of your choice. You don’t have to worry about the consequences due to the existence of a safety net for your finances.

Does personal accident insurance online cover extreme sports?

At face value, one may assume that personal accident insurance online would offer extreme sports coverage. Most insurers in India presently do not include accidents caused while engaging in such sports within the scope of the policy.

However, if you want coverage against such risks, some insurance companies offer comprehensive accidental coverage across all terrains and destinations. It may take additional effort to discover such insurers amid all those that exclude such accidents. Here are a few factors you should consider before purchasing a policy from such a provider:
1. The extent of sports covered- land, air, water, etc.
2. Provision of immediate medical assistance
3. Customisation of a plan as per your adventure needs
4. Active policy period

Despite the exclusion of extreme sports by most insurers, personal accident insurance online is an essential requirement that provides financial assistance when you are only partially covered by your term or health insurance policy alone. We encourage you to consider purchasing personal accident insurance online to cover the other form of accidents and your risk exposure.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to adjust the driver’s seat properly to ensure optimal posture and visibility

Driving is a highly responsible task that requires a lot of attention and focus. Even the slightest distraction can lead to an accident which could be extremely dangerous and fatal.

So, it is recommended to be familiar with all the functions of the vehicle and drive sensibly. But did you know that the position of your seat and posture also play a significant role in your driving? You should always adjust your driver's seat for the best driving visibility. It should also ensure a good posture to avoid fatigue later. A good posture also ensures you are saved from injuries in an accident.

If you are wondering how to get optimal driving posture, we have you covered. This article will list all the ways to help you achieve the best driving posture.

Also, you should get the online motor insurance renewal on time to have additional protection and avoid trouble for your vehicle later. It can save you time, energy, effort, and hassles

How to maintain the best posture while driving?
Whenever you start driving a car, you should adjust the driver's seat according to your comfort and convenience. If you're driving someone else's car, it becomes more important to adjust your seat. If you fail to do so, you can get musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to bad posture. A good posture also ensures that you don't get exhausted while driving. To adjust the driver's seat, consider the following:

1. Adjust the height of the seat
The height of the driver's seat needs to be appropriately adjusted to increase visibility while you drive. You need to adjust the seat according to your height so that you do not bend over to get the view properly. Moreover, there should be a minimum gap of about five fingers between the head of the seat and the roof of the car.

2. Maintain seat distance
The distance between the seat and the steering wheel is of prime importance. You cannot see the view correctly if it is too far away and requires bending over to reach the steering wheel. The seat should be positioned in a way that you can reach the steering wheel and the pedals effortlessly. This reduces the reaction time and helps you navigate the road well.

3. Maintain the backrest of the seat
Although it may not seem important, the backrest plays an important role while adjusting your driver's seat. The backrest ensures optimal comfort while driving. The backrest should be as vertical as possible.

4. Adjust the headrest of the seat
The headrest can serve as a great safety tool while dealing with accidents. It provides more protection to the head and saves it from injuries. You need to adjust the position of the headrest in a way that it protects your head in case of a sudden impact. You can also position a bit above your head for more protection.

These are only some suggestions by which you can get the best out of your driving experience. Lack of proper road visibility while driving can make it difficult for the driver to get judgement while making turns. These small measures will help you maintain a good posture and see clearly on the road. Make these adjustments in your driver's seat and savour the joy of a comfortable car journey. You should also get online motor insurance renewal done regularly for added protection.

Click HERE to get online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's how you can treat cracked heels at home

Cracked heels are one of the most frequent and concerning foot problems, especially during the winters. It can happen to adults and children, although it tends to impact women more frequently than men.

Most individuals don't take broken heels seriously. Going barefoot may be uncomfortable as heel cracks occasionally go quite deep and hurt. Read on to find out the best home remedies and ways to keep your heels from getting cracked.

You can use home ingredients in simple cures for cracked heels:

We constantly take care of our faces, hands, and nails, but for some reason, we frequently overlook our feet. Additionally, they are more likely to get dry and cracked when wearing slippers or other footwear that exposes the feet.

Here are a few home-based cures for cracked heels that work quickly

1. Rose and milk for a deep conditioner:
This treatment will work like magic for people with painful, cracked heels. Take a small tub and fill it with warm water before adding half a cup of milk. Include a few rose petals and three to four neem leaves. Add a teaspoon of seed oil to the tub. If you have any essential oils, add a couple of drops. Spend 20 minutes soaking your feet, then gently scrub them to clear off the dead cells.

2. Oil massage:
Take one teaspoon of castor, olive, and almond oils and massage your heels with the mixture of these healing oils. Try moisturising your heels to help the oil soak properly. Wear socks and complete this technique right before bed. Your cracked heels will be healed and soft by overnight dampness.

3. Honey and banana moisturiser:
You should mix a teaspoon of honey and a small banana in a bowl. Achieve a liquid-like consistency before applying the paste to your heels. Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. After patting your feet dry, apply your moisturiser. Vitamins A, C, and B6 are abundant in bananas, making them a natural moisturiser. Honey helps hydrate your skin and provides moisture to the skin's outer layers

4. Using a pumice stone and salt:
Pumice stone is used in this cure. Just add a few drops of olive oil to a spoonful of salt. Apply this scrub to your cracked heels, then scrub them gently with a pumice stone. Rub for another 20 to 30 seconds before washing with soap and water.


If a medical disease is the cause of your cracked heels, do not attempt to treat it on your own. It could be necessary to receive specialised care from a podiatrist (foot doctor). No matter your medical history, a podiatrist should also look at cracked heels that are very bad. The doctor will recommend the appropriate course of action for your circumstances.

In the end, it can be hard to take care of heels, especially if you live in a dry area where they tend to crack. A lack of nutrients, diabetes, or atopic dermatitis may also cause cracked heels. The borders and soles of your feet may feel flaky and crusty when they become dry. These cracked skin symptoms can quickly disappear if you take good care of them by washing, moisturising, and wearing socks. Shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and honey are a few natural solutions for cracked heels. If these self-care solutions do not work for you, you must visit a doctor.

It is crucial to prioritise your health and ensure your well-being. Healthcare costs associated with sickness or accidents are covered by medical insurance. Your health insurance covers the costs of paying for your hospital bills or medical care directly. You can make online health insurance purchases conveniently with a hassle-free process.

Click HERE to buy an online health insurance plan.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five best tips to deal with auto mechanics

Buying a vehicle is a significant milestone in the lives of most people. However, it is a depreciating asset that requires much care to maintain. Irrespective of how well you drive, your car is bound to need some repair and maintenance at regular intervals by an expert and professional auto mechanic.

Most people get intimidated by a trip to the auto mechanic from the fear of the high prices and a lack of general understanding of the auto mechanics. Purchasing car insurance India is the first step to ensuring your vehicle is always protected.

When it comes to dealing with auto mechanics, following these five simple tips will ensure that you have a stress-free visit where you understand the costs and advice of the professionals.

1. Be prepared to communicate:
Communication is the most crucial aspect of any problem-resolution situation. You must be aware of any problems you wish to get checked. You don't need fancy jargon to explain the issue; as experts, a general idea is enough to give them an understanding of the underlying issue. You must be prepared to express what you expect- a regular maintenance check or component-specific troubleshooting.

2. Ask relevant questions:
Another major mistake is not asking questions. They may use jargon and quote estimates that you may not understand. Do not shy away from asking for clarifications. We do not recommend hovering around the mechanics. Still, it is justifiable to ask for estimates relating to costs, tips to prevent the problem from recurring, and help for other allied issues.

3. Read up on your car:
Knowing your car's make, features, and performing abilities allow you to understand the standard performance of the vehicle. Only then can you identify any variance that may require the inspection of a professional mechanic.
We recommend reading the car manual thoroughly and keeping information related to its identification number and component-related specifications handy in case it is required when scheduling a servicing appointment.

4. Request for original components from the manufacturers:
Buying a car is expensive, and any allied costs are just as expensive. Repairs and replacements can be pocket draining and are periodically required to keep your vehicle in its best shape. However, don't settle for replacing original components with copies made of inferior quality materials to minimise the bill.
Since regular repair costs are not included in car insurance India, the price of original components will inevitably have to be paid from your pocket.
However, using inferior substitutes will adversely impact your vehicle's performance and safety, putting your life at risk. Therefore, it is essential to request the mechanic to use original components to maintain the safety of your car.

5. Be available to approve further repairs:
In most cases, as mechanics work on the vehicle, they find other issues relatively more minor than the issue they are resolving presently. In such situations, they contact the owner to inform and ask for approval of comprehensive repairs. If you are unavailable at such times, the issue will magnify and cause concern.
If your car is at the garage and you get a call from the mechanic, it is suggested to respond at the earliest to get further updates that can improve the functioning of your vehicle.

Interacting with auto mechanics can be challenging, but it is a routine check you cannot skip, which is as crucial as purchasing car insurance India. However, dealing with auto mechanics can be simplified using our easy steps to get insight and the most value for your money.

Click HERE to buy car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.