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How to recover from short-term memory loss after an accident

Short-term memory loss following an accident can drastically impact a person's life. People are left feeling disoriented, estranged from their families, and unable to carry on as they did before the catastrophe. Additionally, it can indicate that the person has experienced a severe brain injury, which necessitates rapid medical care.

Consult your doctor immediately if you're losing memories after being hurt in an accident. The sooner you establish whether your memory loss is an independent ailment or a sign of a brain injury, the better you can start receiving the treatment to heal it.

You must invest in a personal accident insurance policy to get protected from such eventualities. Personal accident insurance can be purchased regardless of age, profession, or health.

Memory loss causes:

We all deal with memory issues at some point in life, and a little reduction in other cognitive abilities often accompanies ageing. More research should be done on short-term memory loss because it should not be taken lightly.

Reversible memory loss may have a variety of causes, such as:

● A vitamin or thyroid shortage

● Disturbances of emotions, such as stress, anxiety, or sadness

● Alcoholism

● Sleep issues like sleep apnea

● Concussion, a minor head injury or damage

● Adverse effects of some drugs

● An infection or tumour that affects the brain

● Disordered functioning of the brain (FCD)

● Smoking

● Chronic stress disorder after trauma (PTSD)

Tips for recovering from short-term memory loss:

The unorthodox methods listed below will help you to improve your short-term memory loss mentally.

1. Put it on paper:
Generally used as a coping mechanism, writing down important information can do wonders. Putting something down on paper makes your brain focus harder, which enhances memory. Writing notes by hand is more productive for learning than typing on a laptop.

2. Rest:
The brain can't focus on doing tasks with precision if it is too exhausted. Thus, it won't be able to remember anything. Resting after a brain injury is crucial for this reason. Rest offers your brain the strength it needs to remember things. Studies have also revealed that your brain consolidates memories while you sleep. Therefore, be sure to obtain enough sleep each night and throughout the day.

3. Use vivid pictures:
We always do not require mnemonic techniques. These aren't particularly useful when remembering things like appointments. However, a connection can still be beneficial if you associate a fact with a real or vivid memory, according to a memory study.

4. Music:
Music therapy provides various cognitive advantages, but arguably the most significant advantage is how listening to music improves memory. In addition to aiding in the recovery of lost memories, music also aids in the retention of new information. So, try singing something significant that you want to remember to the melody of your favourite song. You'll be astonished by how much more you can memorise.

5. Exercise:
A regular, easy exercise is one of the best things you can do after a brain injury to restore short-term memory. Numerous studies have shown that aerobic exercise enhances memory and cognition by promoting the development of new brain cells.
Additionally, it improves cerebral blood flow, which promotes the oxygenation of the memory-related brain regions.

6. Separate your repeats:
Learning practically everything requires repetition. But just saying something a few times won't guarantee you'll remember it. Instead, you must increase the repetitions to rehearse the information you want to retain before you forget it.

Testing is usually the first step in the treatment of short-term memory loss following an accident. Therapy and medicine may be part of the overall course of treatment. Keep the patient away from pressure and stressful situations.

A dependent or damaged individual is intended to receive some relief from the personal accident insurance plans. From partial to total disability and medical costs involved in hospitalisation will be covered under this comprehensive plan.

Click HERE to purchase efficient personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six popular myths about health insurance debunked

In recent years, the necessity of health insurance has become unavoidable. We have found a cure to many of the earlier incurable diseases with the advancement of medical technology.

However, most of the major surgeries in India cost several lakhs. This is where a health insurance policy shows its magic. Investing in reliable health insurance can give you the confidence and strength to focus on your health without worrying about expenses. But there are several misconceptions about health insurance policies that discourage people who are forced to have a second thought before buying them.

But, what's the reality? Let us look at six major myths about health insurance and debunk them.

1. Health insurance is expensive:
No, it is not! Many think paying a few thousand rupees as a premium every year for a health insurance policy makes it expensive. Have you ever imagined how much major medical treatments cost in India? The average cost of cancer treatment has shot up to INR 10 lakhs. The cost of angioplasty or bypass surgery in case of heart diseases ranges between 2-4 lakh rupees. Similarly, other major surgeries such as hip replacement, knee replacement, or kidney transplant also cost over 4 lakh rupees. Hence, it is wise to pay a few thousand rupees as a premium every year and get a health insurance policy that will cover all your above medical costs than to pay such hefty amounts upfront in one go.

2. Rejection of claims:
Often, the insured does not read the complete terms and conditions of the policy and faces rejection. They may omit necessary information or fill incomplete information in the application form. Some hide information about their pre-existing diseases. Also, a few claims before the waiting period is over and therefore face rejection. You need to understand that claims do not get rejected on baseless grounds. But, it is crucial to investigate the true reasons for rejecting your claim.

3. Processing of claims is time-taking:
The processing of claims does not take much time if a proper system is followed. Cashless settlement is very fast. The bill is settled right at the authorised hospitals at the time of discharge as per the terms and conditions of the insurance provider. Even the reimbursement facility does not take much time for repayment nowadays. The insured must submit proper bills and support documents, and the claims are processed in a few days.

4. Health insurance does not cover pregnancy or day procedures:
A myth is that health insurance policies do not cover pregnancies, maternity care, or day procedures such as chemotherapy. There are specific policies with some terms and conditions to cover such medical treatments. There may be a waiting period before the policy provides cover. Some policies allow the patient to avail the policy benefits even if they are not hospitalised for 24 hours or more.

5. People with pre-existing diseases or senior citizens cannot get a health insurance policy:
Insurers nowadays cover most diseases after some waiting period, usually four years. The insured should tailor specific policies for their situation in such cases. Also, insurers offer health insurance coverage even to senior citizens over 65 years of age. As per IRDAI, health insurance policies can be renewed lifelong. Insurers cannot deny renewing the policy on the grounds of the policyholder's age if the premium is paid in time.

6. Health insurance policies are not "portable":
It is possible for an insured to "port" or change his insurance service provider in case he is dissatisfied with it. Also, he can change from one plan to another with the same insurance provider if he meets the required terms and conditions.

A health insurance policy is necessary for individuals in fast, modern life. If you have a family, you can get a cover for all of your family members under one policy. There are many more myths associated with health insurance policies. But like the above myths we just debunked above, we need to debunk them rather than outrightly shunning these policies. After all, it's your life, and you must take care of it, right? Make health insurance policy a part of it.

Click HERE to buy health insurance to secure your health with the best protection.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


5 Strangest Insurances Ever!

Buying insurance is not uncommon, one wants to secure the money involved in an asset and thus he gets it insured. But here is the funny part: people have insured things which are weird if not downright hilarious! So, without further ado, let’s jump on to 5 Most Strangest Insurance Policies Ever.

  • Body Parts
    Insuring body parts has become a trend among celebrities. It started quite a while back and once the trend began, there was no turning back, Heidi Klum’s legs were insured for a whopping $2.2 million.
  • Absconding Spouse
    Getting cold feet right before the wedding is a common occurrence. So, what happens to all the hard-earned money spent by your parents for the fancy wedding you wanted? To your relief, you can buy an Insurance Policy to recover the money spent if your partner decides to take off!
  • Cigar
    Skansen museum in Stockholm exhibits a record-breaking cigar which is fully insured, for all the right reasons!
  • Death By Laughter
    In the 1900’s, people were overly confident of their sense of humor. So much so that an insurer, Lloyd’s of London, had issued a $1m policy for film-goers, just in case they lose their life by laughing so hard.
  • Alien Abduction
    Apparently, a lot of people have a huge fear of getting abducted by aliens. If you are one of those people, you can get an insurance from Lloyd’s of London,More than 20,000 Alien Abduction Policies have been sold till date.

Last but definitely not the least, if you planned for one child and got a surprise of multiple, you can get an insurance to pay for the expenses.


Take these measures to protect yourself if your bike catches fire

Motorcycle fires are horrific sites to bear. With the recent rise in the usage of electric vehicles, there is a greater possibility of fires leading to vehicle damage and burn injuries. Electric vehicles use renewable energy sources, making them sustainable, but they come with the drawback of being more flammable.

Electric vehicles use a lightweight lithium battery that has a longer lifespan than regular lead-acid batteries. However, a lithium battery consists of two electrodes and an electrolytic fluid running between them. The electrolytic fluid is highly flammable and causes fires when the battery is overheated or damaged.

Even combustion motorcycles are at risk of catching fire if something goes wrong in the bike's engine or fuel tank, or there is a sudden short circuit.

Bikes are the love of their owners' lives. Although it might be horrific to think of even a situation when this happens, it's always better to keep knowledge handy when you need it.

This blog aims to give you an insight into what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones in the unfortunate case of your bike catching fire.

1. Turn off the ignition and get away from your bike:
Imagine that you're cruising down the highway at a comfortable speed when your bike suddenly shows signs that it might catch on fire. If you notice a spark or a fire, immediately kill the ignition and park at the side of the road. Avoid places with many people and other vehicles, electric poles, etc.
Dismount and get away from the bike as quickly as possible using the stop-drop-roll method. If you've left something vital on the bike, avoid going near it unless it is worth dying for. This is to ensure you're least affected if your motorcycle explodes.

2. If it's a small fire or just smoke, try to extinguish it:
If you absolutely have to go and try to save the vehicle and your items with it, do it smartly. If there's a fire extinguisher around you, or you can arrange it, try putting out the fire yourself. Also, you can use drinking water you might have bought along with you on the ride or soil you pick up off the side of the road to stop the fire from spreading immediately after you first sense it. Ensure a safe distance between you and the vehicle to protect yourself.

3. Contact emergency services:
If it's a busy road, ask for help from experienced people in the traffic. If you're stuck in an isolated place, immediately call fire control and tell them about your situation. Your instinct might tell you that you can put out the fire on your own, but it's best to leave it to the professionals to avoid risking your own life.

4. Alert people in advance:
This is not a scene from a movie where you'll barely escape a fire without a scratch. So if the fire seems big, steer clear of it. Raise an alert to help other vehicles and pedestrians get out of the way.
Be sure to put a device named an Emergency Warning Device (EWD). This puts out an alarm that helps inform other pedestrians or vehicle owners to get out of the way in case of a fire. If the fire becomes too overwhelming, all you can do is get out of the way and wait for emergency services.

A motorcycle fire is a traumatic experience to go through. But as long as you are safe, there's no harm done. Having the basic knowledge of fire safety and about the different parts of the bike can be helpful for you during such emergencies.

In such unfortunate incidents, you are responsible for protecting yourself and others, but for protecting your bike, you need special coverage. Here's when insurance comes into the picture. Buy motor insurance online and avail various benefits if your bike faces severe damage due to fire. All the repair and maintenance of the bike will be covered under your insurance cover, and you won't have to worry about the finances.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.