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These should be roles of a good co-passenger during long road trips

What is your job as a co-passenger in a vehicle? It is to retain a responsibility to safeguard yourself. While a co-passenger is not expected or required to anticipate every action made by the driver, they must be attentive to their environment. A co-passenger must not wholly rely on the driver for their safety and should remain alert for harmful situations. Long trips are exhausting and can be frustrating, and good company plays a vital role in making the journey not just bearable but exciting.

However, neither the driver nor a passenger can predict unfortunate events that may come their way. Hence, the most prominent role for anyone travelling is to be sensible and ensure that the vehicle carries all the necessary papers, including a fitness certificate, RC and car insurance.

Now, let's look at the following tips on being a good co-passenger throughout your journey.

1. A good entertainer:
Engaging the driver in a dialogue is the most efficient approach to keep them alert. This reduces the chances of them falling asleep behind the wheel while fostering a closer bond between the driver and passenger. You may play music or read amusing tweets and posts to lift their spirits, but remember not to be too loud. You should also leave them in isolation at times to let them focus on the road.

2. Be a navigator:
Choosing a restaurant or hotel for the night may require more study regarding pricing and accessibility. As a result, a competent passenger will find these locations and lead the driver with the appropriate route.
Earlier, drivers required one more person to read the massive printed maps and guide them. These days, we can just enter an address and let our smartphones handle the rest. But, the assistance of a good co-passenger helps in hunting the best route and accommodation to stay at.

3. Co-driver:
Sharing driving duties, particularly on long trips, make travel less stressful. It also reduces the possibility of the driver falling asleep behind the wheel due to boredom or tiredness. So avoid drinking alcohol or doing anything that can impair your judgment while driving if the driver needs you to take over.

4. Specialist in interaction:
As previously mentioned, distracted driving causes a considerable number of accidents. Texting or calling while driving is the worst of all distractions. Hence, a good passenger may be required to read important messages to the driver and write back. Also, try to keep the conversation going so that neither of you gets bored.

5. Serving:
There are various additional activities that can distract drivers on the road. Take away at least one of them by providing food and drinks to the driver as needed. When they've finished, be sure to put everything away as well.

Most of us like visiting new places, but few enjoy the prolonged travel time required to get there. However, if you play any or all of these roles to make things easier for the driver, you may be able to transform a dull journey into a trip to remember.

Another thing we should all remember is not to drive or get into a vehicle without car insurance. Safety is paramount, and you should never overlook it. Having ideal car insurance offers several benefits to protect your finances against various eventualities.

Click HERE to get car insurance for your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's all you need to know about dry eye syndrome and the way to prevent it

Do you ever feel like your eyes are burning, have redness, sting, or blurred vision, especially when reading? You might have dry eye syndrome.

A healthy tear film for the human eye is extremely important to retain good vision. People with dry eyes are unable to maintain a healthy coating of tears. This medical condition can hinder your day-to-day activities if not addressed in time. Here, you can learn about dry eyes, including symptoms, causes, prevention, and more.

What is dry eye syndrome?

Human eyes require a tear film to coat them, as it keeps the eye's surface clear and smooth and maintains good vision. When the eyes hardly produce tears, they are more likely to develop dry eyes. People suffering from dry eye syndrome cannot maintain a normal layer of tears to coat their eyes. This syndrome can also cause bacterial infections and a scar on the cornea.

Symptoms of dry eyes syndrome.

The most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome include pain, redness, and burning in the eyes. However, some people may experience other symptoms such as blurry vision, water tearing, eyes getting tired more quickly than usual, stringy mucus, and the feeling of having sand in their eyes. People with this syndrome often have difficulty sitting at a computer or reading a book for a long period.

Learning the signs of dry eye syndrome allows you to check whether you or someone around you has this medical condition. Get medical treatment if you find any symptoms of dry eyes syndrome.

What causes dry eyes syndrome?

Anyone, regardless of gender and race, can develop dry eye syndrome. However, older people are more prone to this eye condition. Also, women who have gone through menopause are at higher risk for this condition. Other causes include:

● Using contact lenses for a long time

● Being in the wind

● Breathing smoke

● Being in a very dry environment

Some medical conditions include rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disease can also cause dry eye. You may also develop dry eye syndrome if you take sleeping pills, cold medicines, diuretics, heartburn medicines, antidepressants, or beta-blockers. Get your eye tested to avoid dry eye syndrome. It would also help you renew your health insurance online and enjoy no-claim benefits.

How to prevent dry eye syndrome?

You can prevent this eye condition by following these tips:

● Stay away from warm or dry rooms. If you use a heater or radiator in winter, ensure the required moisture in the room

● Avoid using hair dryers as much as possible

● Use artificial tear ointment before bed if you have dry, scratchy eyes in the morning

● Wear glasses to protect your eyes from the drying wind

● Consult your eye doctor about adding omega-3 fatty acids from foods like seafood to your diet

● Renew health insurance online to save money on doctor consultations and eye treatment expenses

What are the treatments available for dry eye syndrome?

Generally, people visit an ophthalmologist to diagnose their eyes for dry eye syndrome. They conduct various tests and provide different treatments. Some treatments include lacrimal plugs, artificial tears, medication, LipiFlow, surgery, and home care.

Dry eyes don't cause permanent vision loss. However, you should see a doctor if you suspect you are developing dry eyes, which can impair your vision. Follow prevention tips to reduce the risk of dry eyes. Make it a habit to wash your eyes regularly and indulge in quick exercise sessions to offer relief to the eyes. Renew your health insurance online to cover the expense of your other medical bills.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Treat honeybee bite at home with these natural remedies

We've all been chased by honey bees at some point, or even worse, been stung by them. This situation can be severe and traumatic if not treated immediately. A honey bee sting causes a painful, swollen bump. While the pain can subside in a couple of days with the proper medication, there are a couple of home remedies that can provide immediate relief by reducing pain in the infected area.

Although honey bee bites can cause severe reactions in the body and be a huge risk for people with allergies, natural treatments are helpful to a great extent in mild cases.

In this blog, we will discuss methods that can help reduce the effects of honey bee stings. Without further ado, let's see how you can treat honey bee bites at home with these natural treatments!

1. Ice water should be the immediate reflex:
After getting stung, the first thing you are supposed to do is remove the stinger from the bitten area. Apply ice water immediately (for almost 20 minutes) to help treat the burning sensation and avoid excessive inflammation. Take an edgy object (for example, a card) and try to ooze the sting. Avoid scratching the area as it can cause the sting to spread and increase the swelling.

2. Essential oils are also a solution:
Lavender oils are potent neutralisers and one of the best remedies against the bee sting. It has proven anti-inflammatory properties and helps in reducing swelling. Applying a dab or two of lavender oil is sufficient to relieve the sting. You can also choose to mix the lavender essential oil with coconut oil. Apply an antibiotic cream at the end for improved and faster healing.

3. Say yes to honey:
Honey is proven to have several medicinal properties. Thanks to the compounds that can reduce inflammation and lessen swelling. It also helps avoid the risk of infection and fastens the healing due to its antibacterial properties. Ensure that the person stung by the bee is not allergic to honey, as the usage can unnecessarily worsen the situation.

4. Use aloe vera gel:
We are all aware of the numerous purpose aloe vera gel serves. It is excellent for your skin and hair and also helpful for gut issues. But in this case, this plant-based gel has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities that effectively calm the burning area and bring down the inflammation.

5. Toothpaste as a remedy:
Besides brushing, toothpaste is an active remedy for bee bites. We all know the acid-base neutralisation process. The bee sting is acidic, and toothpaste (basic) can help neutralise the burning sensation of the sting. You can also use baking soda by mixing it with water and applying it to the sting site. But if you see any reverse reaction signs or any discomfort, make sure to rinse it off immediately.

Other ways to treat honey bee stings at home include apple cider vinegar, garlic juice, raw onion, raw potato, etc. Now that we have discussed how you can treat honey bee bites at home, we should also keep in mind the unfortunate circumstances one might face regarding their health. Irregularities in diet, poor eating habits, sleeping schedules, and lack of exercise significantly impact health quality and invite diseases.

It is essential to have active health insurance to include a safety net for all health-related problems. Keep the policy up-to-date and always ensure to renew it. You can easily purchase a policy or renew health insurance online to avoid the hassle and continue enjoying the benefits without any interruptions.

Click HERE to know more about how you can renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the top tips for buying the cheapest two wheeler insurance in 2023

In 2023, one must gather basic information before getting a two wheeler insurance plan. Various two wheeler insurance options are now available from numerous insurance firms. But they aren't all the same, so you should compare them carefully before spending your hard-earned money on insurance. Selecting the best two wheeler insurance plan offers financial protection from potential losses.

Which two-wheeler insurance policies are offered in India?

For owners of two-wheelers, insurance companies provide third-party and comprehensive insurance coverage. You should carefully consider the distinction between them. It will help buyers choose the right plan that best meets their needs.

In 2023, there are five things to think about when purchasing a two-wheeler insurance policy.

1. The necessity for coverage:
Before buying a two-wheeler insurance policy, it is crucial to understand the coverage requirements. With the right coverage, people who own two-wheelers can get the best protection against third-party liability and other losses.

2. Knowing the Insurance Declared Value (IDV):
You should be aware of the market value of a vehicle at the time of the insurance declaration (IDV). Customers should evaluate the same and not overestimate or underestimate it because it will affect an insurance plan's premium.

3. Examining add-ons to the insurance policy:
Additional features that serve to improve protection are referred to as "add-ons." One should consider these things to get the most out of a two-wheeler insurance policy.

4. Selecting an established insurer:
Choose a reputable insurer to buy the two-wheeler insurance policy, the best customer and service experience. It is because not all insurers are the same, and reputable insurance companies have higher claim settlement ratios.

5. Renewables:
When purchasing two-wheeler insurance coverage from an insurer, you should consider renewability. It's undoubtedly helpful to have a simple and efficient renewal procedure. The best way to get a two-wheeler insurance policy is online.

The following procedures should be followed by anyone looking to purchase a two-wheeler insurance plan online.

1. Talking to other people:
When purchasing a 2 wheeler insurance policy, you should speak with peers. It will help determine if you need a third-party or full-coverage insurance plan and decide whether a plan would work for you.

2. Looking at online reviews:
Customers should study online reviews before purchasing a 2 wheeler insurance policy. You should examine the reviews of many plans before choosing the one that best fits your needs and budget, rather than just looking for the cheapest 2 wheeler insurance option with no accurate benefits.

3. Analysing the terms and conditions:
Two-wheeler owners should carefully read legal documents to avoid disputes and other problems after buying the policies.

4. Having a conversation with a company representative:
Owners of two-wheelers should speak with a company representative to get more information before choosing the least expensive 2 wheeler insurance in India. Concentrating more on one's goals allows one to understand the best plans that give protection against potential threats.

5. Buying online insurance:
Buying 2 wheeler insurance online is more structured and easy to operate. It allows you cheaper premium options and makes online payments instant and convenient. The entire online process is fast and hassle-free for the users.

A 2 wheeler insurance plan purchase entails several steps to get the right advice. Many insurance providers offer free quotations when customers wish to buy a 2 wheeler insurance plan. A plan with an expected cost is helpful when choosing one.

With the help of experienced staff and individual research, customers can easily buy 2 wheeler insurance online and get better protection against risk. Customisations are also an added advantage that allows insurers to bring down the cost of the policy they wish to buy.

Click HERE to buy the best 2 wheeler insurance for your bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.