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Five exercises that keep you healthy

Exercise is a hobby for several people. Many people enjoy going to the gym every day, sweating it out, and keeping fit. For some people, a gym is just too intimidating or even not the most preferred choice. If you are one of those people and are only looking to stay fit without actually going to the gym, there are a few exercises that you can do. These exercises can be done by people of any age to stay fit.

An insurance policy for the elderly is essential. However, exercising is a must as it will help you in delaying using health insurance in India for parents. Staying fit is extremely important, but you need not go to a gym to do that. There are many other exercises that you can do. Following are five exercises that keep you healthy: -

1. The most simple and common exercise is walking. Walking requires no equipment or any fancy things other than a pair of good sports shoes. Walking will help you in many ways. It improves cholesterol levels, strengthens your bones and muscles, and regulates your blood pressure, enables you to stay in a happy mood, lowers your risk toward a considerable number of diseases like diabetes, etc. and, of course, helps you stay fit in general.

2. Swimming is another exercise that is extremely helpful to keep you healthy. Many health trainers say that swimming is the perfect workout. Swimming works all your body parts, and hence your entire body stays fit. Joint pain is a problem faced by many people, especially older people. Swimming is an excellent exercise to deal with joint pain as the water takes the extra strain off your joints and helps you move them fluidly. You may have to go slow and only start walking in a swimming pool. According to research, swimming also helps keep you in a good mood.

3. You must be familiar with the term strength training. Strength training is working out with the help of lightweights. This form of exercise doesn’t bulk up your muscles, but it does help in making them stronger. Not exercising your muscles will make them dormant and lose their function after a while. To delay this, you must give your muscles good exercise. Muscles also help burn calories, so the more muscles you gain, the more calories you will burn this helps in keeping your weight in check as well.

4. Another exercise to keep you healthy is ‘tai chi.’ Tai chi is a Chinese exercise or martial art that combines movement and relaxation – two crucial factors in life. Tai chi is also often referred to as meditation in motion. It is made up of some graceful movements and is all about moving from one movement to another.

5. Yoga is a very popular form of exercise all around the world. It is an exercise that is known to keep you fit. There are many positions and instructions on how to form those positions. Yoga is hugely beneficial to muscles and helps in weight reduction as well.

Staying fit is an integral part of human life. That can be done through exercise and hence you must do some exercise to keep fit. Not only yourself but encourage your parents also to engage in regular exercise. This, along with HEALTH INSURANCE IN INDIA FOR PARENTS , will ensure their well-being.


Quick Guide on Marine Insurance

Marine insurance companies offer a wide range of policies that cover any damage or loss to ships, cargo, terminals or transport by which products are transferred, held or acquired between the beginning and concluding points.

Marine insurance companiesin India cover offshore and onshore exposed property, (ports, container terminals, pipelines, oil platforms), marine casualty, and marine liability etc. It's an alternative to the general insurance specifically for those in the Marine industry or even in the trade industry.

All ship and yacht owners must have appropriate marine insurance keeping in mind the variety of risks at sea.

Importance of Marine Insurance

With India being known for its peculiar geography surrounded by water bodies on three sides and its fame for the earliest trade routes, we've only got better ever since. Marine Insurance is a must for getting easy grants and easy access ahead. It also makes a company more reliable as it has proper protection against different hazards and is legally ready to set off.

The marine industry today is a great source of imports, communication, influx and a means for people to travel to different parts of the world. We all know the stories of the uncertainty of the sea. Hence, it is important to be prepared for such unforeseen circumstances.

Benefits of Marine Insurance

Here are the following benefits insurance companies provide when you opt for Marine Insurance:

  • Personalized Insurance - It's very important to find insurance that suits your needs and your business. Are you only trading goods or do you also have travellers and are in the cruise business? Don't worry! Marine insurance companies are now personalizing these important details as they're basic to the kind of hazards you'd want to prepare yourself for and these build the base for your insurance cover.
  • All Risks Coverage - It's only foolish to choose risks and get protected by those when you're at sea and stranded, or your goods are not insured just because you didn't tick that option on your insurance form. While choosing Marine insurance, do look out for exclusions before you make a choice.
  • Worldwide Claims - You need to stop worrying if you feel your marine insurance won't help in international waters. Marine insurances come with worldwide claims as well.

Now that you know all that comes with the insurance, here's all that your insurance should cover. There are different types of Marine Insurances.

  • Liability Insurance - This insurance cover comes handy in case of any injury or damage due to unanticipated ship collisions and crashing even if it's due to persuaded attacks.
  • Marine Cargo Insurance – It pertains to the personal belongings in ship voyages. The cargo owner is protected from the loss due to a ship accident and in case of delays in unloading. This also comes with third-party liability coverage and includes damage to the port and docks.
  • Hull Insurance - This is chosen by the owner and caters to the hull and the body of the vessel along with other articles and furniture of the ship.
  • Machinery Insurance - This insurance covers the machinery breakdown and damage and is duly compensated for.

With this extensive range of marine insurance, a businessman or a ship or yacht owners can be safe and protected against damages like theft or hijack collisions and accidents. Hence it is vital to have appropriate marine insurance if your business requires trade via the sea.


What are affordable health insurance plans?

Health insurance is a type of policy that offers coverage for medical as well as surgical expenses incurred by the policyholder when they are hospitalized during the policy period. Most of the health insurances today provide coverage of daycare hospitalization, pre-hospitalization as well as post-hospitalization and the expenses incurred during these periods are either reimbursed to the insured individual or are paid to the healthcare provider directly.

There are many health insurance providers in India which provide numerous affordable health insurance plans for individuals and also for the whole family. Such health insurance plans have many different benefits, and each plan provides different types of coverage depending on the premium amount of the insurance.

Some of the common benefits that are given in most of the healthcare plans are: -

  • One of the biggest benefits of a healthcare plan is the cashless settlement of claims. Most of the times the insurance provider will directly transfer the claim amount to the healthcare provider instead of reimbursing the amount to the insured individual.
  • Most of the insurance providers cover almost all the major hospitals of the country, and you can use your health card to claim the benefits of your insurance at the hospitals covered by your insurance. There is almost 50% to 75% coverage of the major hospitals in the country with all the big names included in the list.
  • You get the premium amount of the insurance tailored according to your needs. You can get the plan for an individual or for all the members of your family, and the premium will be decided based on the age group of all the members of the family. You can also get different insurances for all of your family members if you require.
  • Once you buy an affordable health insurance plan, you also get the benefit of free medical checkup for every claim-free year. You can use this benefit to get a complete body checkup.
  • In case of a medical emergency that arises suddenly, it can take away all your financial savings for the treatment of the individual very quickly. If you have health insurance, you will have a peace of mind because you will be able to provide financially for the treatment of the particular disease or problem.
  • There are many different insurance plans available depending on the maximum entry age of the individual they allow for the insurance. Many insurance providers set a maximum entry age limit of 80 years while there are some insurance providers that have plans with no upper limit on the maximum entry age.
  • Nowadays, you can buy an affordable health insurance plan online and pay the premiums online as well. You don’t need to visit the office of the insurance provider to buy the insurance, just compare all the available health insurance plans and buy the one that suits your needs the best. The healthcare plans are active for 1 year, and after that period, you need to renew it. This renewal can be easily done online as well.
  • The health care plans are available with a range of coverage that starts from 5 lakhs and can reach to crores of rupees. Choose the one that is most affordable for you and you will have to pay the premium for the plan accordingly.

You need to consider some things before you decide on buying a particular healthcare plan of which financial comes at first. You have to pay the premium yearly, and that premium should be such that it does not cause a problem to you financially so proper care should be taken while buying a healthcare plan.


Seven ways to lower your cancer risks

As everyone knows, cancer is quite dangerous and can lead to death. This is the reason that many individuals specifically opt for a cancer cover with their health insurance policy. But it is pertinent to mention here that merely subscribing for a cancer cover is not adequate. You also need to pay attention to timely health insurance policy renewal for continued coverage. Cancer prevention tips can be quite misleading at times. You may have noticed that different people and websites have different approaches and opinions towards cancer prevention. But, it is quite evident that the kind of lifestyle you lead has a very high impact on cancer prevention. So, just a few changes in how you lead your life can prevent cancer by a lot. Following are a few straightforward ways to prevent cancer: -

1. The fact that chewing tobacco makes you highly prone to cancer is not new to people. Using tobacco in any way, like chewing it or smoking it, etc. is highly hazardous to your life. Consumption of tobacco in any form can cause several cancers like lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, cancer of the larynx, cancer of the pancreas, etc. chewing tobacco can cause cancer of the mouth and pancreas. Secondhand smoke that you can get by even staying in the vicinity of smokers can also cause lung cancer.

2. Obese people are also quite prone to cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight also reduces your risk of cancer. Physical activity is essential and can help keep your weight in check. Try getting at least 50 minutes of exercise to gain healthy weight. There are other ways in which you can maintain a healthy weight, and that is by maintaining a healthy diet.

3. A healthy diet is vital. It can help prevent cancer. A healthy diet includes different types of fruits and vegetables - eat green vegetables, eat nuts, eat light foods. Drink moderate amounts of alcohol if you have to, limit processed meats in your diet, also food with olive oil decreases your chances of breast cancer.

4. Too much sun can also make you vulnerable to the risk of cancer. To avoid these risks, avoid the midday sun, try staying in the shade, try covering all your body parts, and use a good sunscreen.

5. Your dose of vaccines must be completed. Protection against viral diseases like hepatitis B or human papillomavirus (HPV), is also considered prevention against cancer.

6. Some things must be done for general health. These things also act as preventive measures of cancer. Other than maintaining general health protocols, you must make sure that you practice safe sex and don’t share needles for any reason.

7. Make sure to get yourself checked from time to time. These checkups give you a rundown on your general health and can point out even the minutest problems. You should get this exam done at regular intervals, especially after the age of 30.

Cancer is a deadly ailment. Mentioned above are a few effortless ways in which you can become less prone to cancer. Some cancers cannot be avoided, but taking precautions to prevent the ones that you can is essential. Make sure that you pay attention to your HEALTH INSURANCE policy


Consider These 5 Points When You Want to Sell Your Car!

Cars are a great means of making your daily commute easier since they allow you to travel at any point in the day, according to your schedule and not that of the metro or the public bus. So, it is no surprise that most people prefer to have a car. However, they are quite expensive and are a major investment. In such a case, many choose to buy a used car, also known as a second-hand car and then buy a car insurance policy online. If you are the one selling your car to someone, there are a few things you must consider, and they are as follows: -

Get All the Paperwork in Order: Since it is a vehicle that you are selling, it is important that you organise all the paperwork that came with it, which includes the registration certificate, pollution certificate, documents pertaining to its servicing, Regional Transport Office (RTO) tax receipts or files, etc. since the new owner would need them for various legal purposes such as paying taxes.

Update Your Insurance Company: As a car owner, you most probably have car insurance to protect you from any unwanted expenses or damages. When you are planning on selling your car, contact the insurance company to inform them of the same, and to try to transfer the policy onto your new vehicle or to claim the credit in the event that your car was well-maintained. Your insurance policy shall not transfer to the new owner unless you wish for it too.

Evaluate the Cost: You do not wish to lose money when you sell your car, even if the chances of earning a profit are low. Make sure to check the price of the car in the showroom and to do thorough research on the mean price of the same car but in a used condition. It is best to consult a car trader since they would be able to quote the best prices for your car.

Keep it Clean: Just because you have decided to give it away does not mean you should no longer take care of it. The new owners would be paying a decent amount for the car, and it is only fair that they receive it in good condition. Get it cleaned or even serviced before you finally sell it since seeing the car in poor condition could discourage the potential buyer from going through with the transaction.

Decide Who You Want to Sell the Car: One of the most important decisions to make is regarding the car’s buyer. You need to evaluate the various options and decide whether you want to sell the car to a complete stranger, an independent car dealer or to the original car dealership. Once you do make the decision, do not forget to conduct a thorough background check before you actually hand it over.

Selling your car or buying a second-hand car is a major decision, one which must be made after proper consideration. No matter what the case it, make sure to buy a car insurance policy online or offline to minimise the effects of any damages that may occur in the future. Also, make sure that you renew the policy on time to enjoy continued protection.


Common bike insurance terms that you should know

Owning a bike may be a necessity for someone and a status symbol or merely a pleasure deriving activity for some other one. Owning a motorcycle is not a pleasure gaining fun, but some technical and financial terms protect the bike and the owner from some unwanted conditions or accidents. Taking care of your motorcycle by maintaining regular servicing and inflated tyres are just not the only deal to be done.

Additionally, you must have a comprehensive insurance policy to safeguard yourself and your bike against any unwanted losses. These situations can be damage to the vehicle by a third party when it was parked or in use or if it goes missing because of an act of theft. It becomes a necessary and essential decision in India to take bike insurance while buying a new bike.

While subscribing to bike insurance online in India or through traditional channels, there are specific important terms that the owner or the first party must keep in mind so that there are no chances of any future confusion and disputes.

Some standard terms related to bike insurance that you must be aware of are –

Premium - It is the amount that is paid by the first party to the second party for providing the insurance policy until the valid policy duration. This amount depends on multiple factors like the age, condition, model, actual price, area of registration of the vehicle. This amount is paid before or during the period of buying the policy.

Claim - It is the maximum monetary liability of the insurance company in case if the policyholder files a claim.

Insured declared value (IDV) - This is the maximum sum assured fixed by the insurer, which is provided on theft or total loss of the vehicle. IDV is the current market value of the vehicle.

No Claim Bonus (NCB) - It is a discount offered to the policyholder for not making any claim during the entire policy duration.

  • First Party - This is the owner of the policy and the vehicle that buys the insurance policy and needs to pay the premium of the insurance.
  • Second Party - This is the insurance company that provides the insurance policy to the first party.
  • Third-Party - The third party represents the person or property involved in the accident between the first party and itself.

Bike insurance is nothing less than a healthcare plan for your bike, and many insurance companies provide BIKE INSURANCE ONLINE IN INDIA . These companies make it easier for the user to buy an insurance policy from home and pay the premium online with the help of online cash transfer. Various covers that are available under a bike insurance policy are accident, fire, theft, natural calamities, third party losses, and bike owner cover.

When you purchase bike insurance online in India, you have the option of subscribing for additional policy riders for better protection. Buying a bike insurance policy is essential in today’s world as there is no guarantee of a mishappening that may occur at any point in time. It may sound harsh, but it is unpredictable that when and where there may occur a loss of life and property.


What documents are required for buying a used car from a private seller?

Buying a car, be it new or used, is a big event for any family because who doesn’t want to enjoy the perks that come with your car. However, while investing in a second-hand car, it is essential to make sure that there a specific set of documents that are always there with you. Here are all the documents that are required for buying a used car from a private seller: -

Insurance Documents you intend to continue the existing insurance policy, it is important to check the private car insurance documents thoroughly for the vehicle. Once you are satisfied, then the insurance policy must be transferred to your name. This process must be completed before the sale takes place. You must make sure if the previous premium was paid regularly or not and the claim history of the seller, along with the expiry date of the policy. There should be a clear concept about the terms and conditions that have been mentioned in the documentation.

  • Registration certificate is an important document since the engine number, and the chassis number is mentioned in this. The buyer should check the state in which the vehicle was initially registered since you might move to another state, and such details are crucial.
  • Invoice and service book should be an invoice for the car purchase that must be handed over to you as a buyer. While this may be tough if you are buying it from an individual buyer, since only established companies provide that, you can always ask for a formal receipt to state the same. The service books are yet another important component that must be passed on since it provides the servicing history of the car and gives a better idea about the condition it was purchased in. A car that has been serviced at regular intervals has a better chance of being in a better condition.
  • Road tax receipts is paid only once, that is, at the time of registration of the car by the first owner; however, if this hasn’t been paid, then it can accumulate into significant penalty over the years wherein it can occur on the latest owner too. The road tax in various states varies a lot and usually oscillates between 2 to 18 per cent, and it is the primary responsibility of the seller to provide with the receipt.
  • Bi-fuel kit certification the vehicle has been retrofitted with a CNG or LPG kit. You must ask for a registration certification wherein both the fuel-types have been endorsed along with the no-objection certificate provided by the RTO, stating the same. These documents are required mandatorily when you subscribe to Private Car Insurance In India . This fuel kit usually has a guarantee of 5 years from the time it was fitted to the vehicle, and you must ensure to ask the seller about the purchase receipt of the kit too.

These are some of the vital documents that must be secured when buying a car from a private seller as they help in preserving buyers rights. Moreover, having original copies of these documents comes handy in the future as well.


Health Insurance Marketplace Explained

Health insurance marketplaces in India have been created to reach out to customers with different insurance schemes, which are customized to cover the needs of people with various needs. These health insurance marketplaces are also referred to as aggregators of insurance products as they bring together different insurance companies and their offers. There are different insurance companies and insurance providers that provide the audience with various schemes that they can choose suiting their needs. These marketplaces are designed in such a way that people can compare multiple plans extremely easily and hence select the best one for them. Many people find these marketplaces to be extremely convenient as they can help you find the best insurance policy for yourself.

  • How These Marketplaces FunctionAs mentioned
  • How These Marketplaces FunctionAs mentioned above, these marketplaces are insurance product aggregators and bring together different insurance companies and providers who bring forth their various insurance offers.
  • They then tie-up with different insurance brokers who provide them with information about the price, benefits, etc. The marketplaces then display this information on their websites.
  • People can refer to this information and see the different offers and finally decide on which health insurance plan they want to opt.
  • Usually, such marketplaces don’t charge anything for the information and offers that are provided on their websites.
  • Benefits Of Health Insurance Marketplaces
  • The main aim of health insurance marketplaces is to provide their audience with the kind of health insurance plan that best suits them. They do their best by bringing in multiple insurance companies and hence numerous insurance plans. This gives customers different plans to choose from as per their requirements.
  • A significant benefit is being able to compare various insurance plans and then choosing the right one, so you don’t miss out on anyone.
  • Usually, these marketplaces are found online; this enables you to analyze a specific insurance company over the online reviews and ratings it has received as well.
  • Marketplaces being online has another benefit as you can renew health insurance online as well.
  • Also, the procedure included is swift and quick, and you don’t need to spend too much time doing it.
  • As the feedback that these health insurance marketplaces got was excellent, several prominent insurance companies have started providing marketplace customers better offers.
  • If you have any doubt, almost all insurance aggregators have 24 into seven customer service where you can get all your questions cleared and then move ahead with a clear head.
  • You can be assured that if you choose a renowned insurance marketplace and a good insurance company, you will have nothing to worry about in terms of the policy. These insurance marketplaces are incredibly safe and can provide you with all the assistance you need in terms of health insurance.

With the fast-developing technology and world, we need to move fast and smart as well. Health insurance is essential and can be of enormous help if required. Medical bills are not easy to cover, but health insurance can help you. The benefits that you can avail through a marketplace are proof that health insurance marketplaces can help you find the right insurance for you and your family and allow you to renew health insurance online as well.


Heart Diseases

Many times it is when we have come across a mourning family who have lost their near and dear one due to heart disease. The question of what will happen next to the grieving family immediately turns up. Any heart disease is a fatal health crisis that must be tackled the right way through the correct information. Subscribing to a HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY FOR A FAMILY is a must in today’s world, but even more important is to analyze and avoid the factors that lead to heart diseases and hence, must be treated at all costs. Here are some of the most common factors that lead to heart diseases include: -

  • High and low HDL (cholesterol)
  • Uncontrolled high pressure
  • Physical stagnancy
  • No control over diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Inadequate diet
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Obesity (especially with a BMI greater than 25)
  • Presence of high C-protein

How can one treat these components?

Following are some of the most common ways in which you can quickly get a grip over the health of your heart and get a better understanding of its importance: -

  • Say no to smoking Smokers are always at a risk of heart attack and usually twice at the risk of suffering from heart disease compared to non-smokers. They are most likely to die from it, too, since they are exposed to a high level of tobacco.
  • Fight cholesterol The total amount of cholesterol is directly proportional to the risk of facing heart disease. The ideal total cholesterol goal should be around 200mg/dl. The interpretation and understanding of cholesterol levels must be considered along with the various risk factors that persist for heart disease. An ideal diet is the one which is low in cholesterol and has saturated or trans fat, along with high complex carbohydrates since it automatically reduces the risk for heart disease.
  • Keep a tab on the blood pressure High blood pressure is one of the most common ways of suffering from a heart attack. Most adults say about one in every three suffers from systolic blood pressure. Like cholesterol, even blood pressure must be individualized as a unique component in analyzing the risk factors. Blood pressure can be controlled through regular exercise, weight management, and checking on the consumption of salt.
  • Fight diabetes Diabetes is one of the fatal factors that can lead to intense damage to your heart. A sedentary lifestyle must be given up for a more active one, where exercise is one of the most integral parts of your daily routine. Even activities like gardening and morning walks are extremely helpful in keeping diseases at bay. More vigorous activities are associated with higher benefits such as aerobics and swimming, but it is always good to keep an advisor in the loop.
  • Eat right and sleep well Increase your intake of nutrient-rich food, especially content which has a high number of antioxidants and has proven themselves to lower the risk of heart disease. Nuts, fruits, and vegetables are also essential to maintain your diet. Indulge in some anger management techniques and practice yoga or mediation to experience the benefits. Give your body at least 7-8 hours of proper sleep.

All these steps are important, but it is also essential to buy a health insurance policy for family, which will always safeguard them in the direst of situations.


How to keep your home safe from fire

You always try to do a lot for the happiness and wellbeing of your family. A house does not become a home without family members. Taking care of the house and the family members is a prior concern, and there are a lot of measures that can be taken to ensure the safeguarding of precious assets and the house as well.

There are some necessary measures that a normal person takes to safeguard his/her house from unwanted calamities. But an uncontrollable fire that is caused by some internal reasons like any electrical faults due to poor wiring or due to cooking gas leakage is not much predictable. Similarly, some external factors like spreading of fire from outside (mainly locality), or fire caused by lightning can’t be controlled and are also unpredictable.

To ensure the backup against any such accidents, you must opt for a relevant insurance cover from a fire Insurance Company. Different fire insurance companies offer policies to cover several types of losses caused by accidents related to fire.

Role of fire insurance companies and the coverage they provide

A fire insurance company provides fire insurance that is a kind of property insurance that covers damages and losses caused by fire. This fire insurance helps the homeowner cover the cost of replacement, repair, or reconstruction. This insurance provides coverage against loss or damage to any structure damaged by fire. It is important to note that the insurance company’s liability is limited by the policy value and not by the extent of damage sustained by the property owner.

Most policies provide coverage even though the fire originated from inside or outside the house. The policy will reimburse the policy owner on either a replacement cost basis or an actual cost value (ACV) basis for damages. The policy owners must document the property and its contents to simplify the assessment of items lost or damaged during a fire.

Losses not covered by the fire policy

Any loss due to fire caused by earthquakes or by any invasion acts of any foreign enemy, civil strife, war, riots, military rising or rebellion, or nuclear risks. The fire must be accidental and not intentional.

Other preventive measures to avoid house fires.

The inspection of the heating sources in the house, especially in the kitchen, must be done correctly. The gas stoves and the gas source or supply pipe must be turned off safely after every use.

In case of low or high voltage supply in the house, high power-consuming devices such as washing machines, water geysers, air conditioners, and irons must be switched off immediately as any electrical fault may lead to unwanted spark and eventually a fire. Maintenance of electrical devices must be done regularly, and any old bulky power-consuming device must be taken care of.

Storing flammable products safely is another critical point. Cosmetic products like shaving creams or gels, perfumes, deodorants must be stored properly so that they don’t become potential fire spreading agents.

Making candlelight dinner at home brings a beautiful feeling, but, care must be taken that the candles are adequately fixed over a strong base, and they don’t cause any unwanted accidents. Also, in situations of load-shedding, the use of candles must be done correctly and with the utmost care. Installing fire extinguishers at home is a good practice; it will surely be helpful to suppress any small fires which may become huge if not controlled.


How to claim your bike insurance?

Having a bike insurance policy is essential as it safeguards the bike owner from many unwanted losses that may otherwise disturb the mental peace of the owner. It could be a case of theft, third party losses, or even any natural calamity. These situations may compel the policyholder to file a claim with the insurance company. As the Government of India has made it mandatory to have insurance against your vehicle, it becomes essential to know the process of claiming it, which is also crucial if the government wouldn’t have made it mandatory.

In some unforeseen conditions like that of an accident or a natural calamity like cyclone or floods, the insurance owner would surely want to claim the benefits under the policy. It is also important to renew bike insurance online or offline on time to enjoy continued policy coverage.

Renewal of bike insurance online

Bike insurance renewal could be done quickly by logging into your company’s website and choosing the insurance renewal option available over there. There are specific important fields to be filled at the website, which may be your unique verification or identification code, policy number, and any proof. Next, select the duration until when you want to renew your policy and select an appropriate payment method.

This is the natural method of renewing your policy. The process to Renew Bike Insurance Onlineis comparatively easier than manually visiting the company’s office and carrying out the procedure. Sit home and do the needful, that’s best and comfortable.

What to do in case of an accident?

If your bike has met an accident and needs repair work, you must first contact the insurance company. Some authorized professionals will be sent to examine the extent of damage that has occurred. The representative will then have your claim over policy registered, and you will be provided with a claim registration number. You will then be asked to take the vehicle to the nearest garage for the repair work, and is the company has settlements with any of their garages; then the vehicle will be repaired over there. Else you will be asked to keep all the bills safe for the company to verify and pay the amount if you are asked to take the vehicle to a garage of your choice.

What must be done in case of theft or third-party losses?

In case of theft or accident in which a third party has suffered, or any damages are done to the vehicle of the third party, the first thing to be one is to lodge an FIR at the nearest police station where the accident took place. In case if the bike is stolen, you must lodge an FIR to the nearest police station and give the keys of the stolen vehicle at the police station. Contact your insurance company. Inform the RTO they will prepare an RTO transfer paper. Also, get the no-trace report from the police station.

Submit a copy of the FIR, bike registration copy, driving license, no trace papers from the police station, RTO transfer papers, and importantly the insurance claim form. The insurance company will generate an Insured declared value (IDV) if the vehicle is not found in 90 days. So, there is no financial burden over you, and patience is the only key to solve any problems and handle such situations.


You Must Know These Things While Driving!

With a constant need to go from one place to another and on a fairly regular basis, there is a necessity for a suitable means of transport. Many opt for public transport like the bus or the metro/ local train to move around while others look for something which will ensure ease of movement at any given point of the day, such as cars or motorbikes. If you go with the second option and decide to buy your own a bike, make sure to buy two-wheeler insurance online so that you are covered financially in case of any accidents or damages. When it comes to driving, there are certain things you must know of, which are as follows: -

  • Understand Your Car Well: Whether you have had cars before or have just bought one for the first time, take the time to figure out everything in and about your car; how to fill gas, where the clutch is, where the blinkers turn on from, etc., so when you do go out on the roads, you aren’t at a loss regarding what to do if met with a problem.
  • Be Aware: No matter how careful a driver you are, there is always the possibility of suffering from an accident, solely because of somebody else. The only way to avoid getting into such a situation is to always keep your eyes on the road and to be well aware of everything around your vehicle. Know where the other cars are, what the drivers are doing, how fast someone is going etc.
  • How to Park: Many find it quite difficult to park properly, but that is no reason to avoid learning how to. You could be required to park your vehicle at any given point of time and in any kind of space. Whether it is a mall parking lot or your garage, you must know how to do it, so you don’t run into a wall or worse, someone else’s car. Also, when you park or come out of parking on the street, keep an eye on the traffic so you don’t mistakenly cause an accident.
  • Know What You Need to Do: An important aspect of driving is to know when to press which button. You must be clear when you need to turn on the blinkers, honk, take a turn, shine your headlights, etc. Doing any of this for no real reason could end up confusing others around you and could cause traffic problems or an accident.
  • Keep Calm During a Problem: You are at some point, likely to have a flat tire as you are driving or slightly lose control. While it is very scary, remember to keep calm, so you don’t make the wrong decisions. Know how or where to steer if you lose control or if the car slides, know how to change your tires or pull your car over in such a case so you can call for help.
  • Driving is a major responsibility and must be done with absolute care. Inexperienced drivers should be allowed to take the vehicle in heavy traffic, and as a vehicle owner,you must have an insurance that would protect you from damages; you can easily buy two-wheeler insurance online as well as car insurance.

Personal Accident Cover In A Car Insurance Explained

Accidents are dangerous and can cause immense physical harm to the individuals involved in them. While it might be not under your control to avoid a collision but most certainly you should have a safety net to protect you if any such mishaps occur in the form of the Best Personal Accident Insurance Policy In India.

A personal accident cover is something that can act as your safety net. An own accident cover in a ‘car insurance’ is included for extra security if you ever find yourself involved in an accident. A car mishap can cause harm not only to your car but also the physical and mental wellbeing of the people travelling in the vehicle at the time of the accident.

You can protect yourself from financial stress after an accident with the help of car insurance. But, car insurance only looks after your car; hence you must include a personal accident cover in your car insurance to ensure the protection of you and your loved ones as well.

What Does Personal Accident Cover Mean?

  • Personal accident cover is usually an add-on in a car or vehicle insurance. This add-on offers protection to the person driving, may it be the owner or a hired driver. In case the concerned person suffers a permanent loss, like the loss of a leg or an arm, they can claim the entire 100% of the sum that is included in the insurance. The amount is handed to the nominee in case of a death. Remember, if the person driving does not have a valid driving license, the insurance policy will not cover any damage caused thereon. In the case of the owner having multiple vehicles, the car with the valid insurance cover is the only one that is considered for a cover.

Standard Features of a PA Cover

  • Permanent partial or total disability cover: The percentage claimed by the driver depends on the extent of the disability. In the case of total disability, the entire sum is payable.
  • Temporary total disability cover: In this case, the concerned person gets a weekly benefit for a specific period.
  • Accident hospitalization cover: The policyholder can also opt for a PA cover that looks after hospitalization. This is usually only included in the best personal accident insurance policy in India.
  • Death cover: In case of a death, the entire sum is claimed by the nominee.
  • Transportation of mortal remains: At times, the nominee is also paid a certain amount for transportation of human remains.
  • Education grant: In case of death, in some insurance policies, the education expense of the children dependent on the policyholder is also covered.
  • Advantages of a PA Cover
  • It offers financial assistance in case of an accident.
  • It provides compensation for minor injuries as well.
  • Some policies also have additional cover for temporary and partial disability or loss of livelihood, etc.

Car insurance is essential. It covers a significant part of your costs in an accident. A personal accident cover

 is also a handy and necessary add-on in car insurance, as it offers financial cover for injuries and other such unexpected costs. It also works as additional security against possible losses due to the accident.


Motorcyclists, here’s why you must invest in high-visibility clothing

The highway road accident rates in India are extremely concerning. Considering the majority of motorcyclists on roads makes this issue more serious. While 2 wheeler insurance online is an excellent safeguard, one must also consider active preventive actions. High-visibility clothing for motorcyclists is a game-changer. These specially designed clothing come in bright colours, making the rider stand out from the crowd even from a distance.

Motorcyclists may wear a half-jacket of colours, such as neon green or orange, with luminescent reflective strips on their torso. They may also wear a full jacket with reflective strips and cool design patterns.

High-visibility clothing is practical protective gear as one cannot miss the motorcyclist from a distance, and he becomes visible to others even in the dark.

Let us see the reasons why you should invest in high-visibility clothing.

1. Safety
Investing in high-visibility clothing increases your safety and may even save your life by preventing fatal accidents. Most bike accidents happen because the motorcyclist is not visible from a distance in the dark. Also, motorcyclists ride at high speeds on the highways, which makes them more susceptible to deadly accidents at sharp turns or on dark patches of the road.

High-visibility jackets have reflective patches, strips, or piping on shoulders and arms, which shines when the beaming headlight of vehicles coming from the front falls on it. This is extremely helpful when the streets are dark, making the rider visible and preventing untoward incidents.

2. Style
High-visibility clothing is not just important for the motorcyclist’s safety, but it looks cool and trendy as well. Bikers can make a style statement by investing in bright and fancy high-visibility clothing. Such clothes come in attractive colours. Some may contain intricate designing with the help of reflective patches, strips, or piping. This can make your jacket or vest look very stylish.

3. Ease of use
High-visibility clothing can come in several formats. The simplest and easiest clothing to use will be in the form of a vest. You just have to wear it over your shirt or t-shirt and take it off after you reach your destination. They are usually light and can be folded and packed easily.

4. Protection against harsh weather conditions
You can invest in high-visibility jackets that protect you from the harsh winter chill while riding. Such jackets can also be waterproof and protect you from the rain. Similarly, buy high-visibility gloves that protect your hands from the chilly weather and avoid direct impact on your hands during mishaps.

5. Durable
High-visibility clothing differs from the material you use to make your regular apparel. They can be made from polyester, spandex, retroreflective, and fluorescent-dyed materials. These materials are lightweight and stretchable, making them very comfortable for motorcyclists. They do not get spoiled or torn easily.

You should always invest in high-visibility clothing if you are a motorcycling enthusiast. They uplift your style quotient and act as information providers on the streets that you are approaching.

Apart from investing in high-visibility clothing, research for comprehensive 2 wheeler insurance online for your bike. It will protect you from financial suffering in theft, damage, or accident. Consider purchasing 2 wheeler insurance online in just a few clicks without visiting any insurance office.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Simplifying commonly used insurance jargon

While checking any insurance plan, you most likely come across terms like deductibles, premiums, adjuster, etc. If you're unfamiliar with them, you may be confused and make wrong financial decisions.

It is now a given that everyone needs to have basic knowledge of terms relevant to general insurance. If not, you will find it daunting to buy insurance or apply for one. In such a case, it is extremely easy to get tricked. You will likely fall into the trap of fraudsters who can get more money from your lack of awareness and appropriate knowledge. Not knowing things can make the job easier for them.

If you need help understanding a few commonly used insurance jargon, this article is for you. This article will walk you through the various essential terms related to insurance. Prepare to dive into the world of simplified general insurance jargon that aids in making better financial decisions and equips you to help your peers and share your knowledge!

1. Claim:
This is one of the most important terms related to insurance used in all policies, including non-general and general insurance. A claim refers to the compensation or coverage of an incurred loss. It is a request to the insurance company to compensate you in cash or in kind for the loss you have encountered. It can be filed in case of a road accident, robbery, or even a natural disaster.

2. Adjuster:
An insurance company employs an adjuster to settle various claims. They investigate, examine, and evaluate before finalising any claim. The adjuster investigates all the crucial concerns. Be it the cause of loss, insurance coverage, the value of the loss, the amount of loss, and so on. Only after the adjuster adequately investigates everything the insurance company settles the claim.

3. Peril:
As the name suggests, this refers to a potential threat or danger that puts the insured at risk. It can also put an insured item or property at risk. It can be due to any irreversible causes and out of control. For instance, theft, fire, floods, and so on.

4. Deductibles:
This refers to the money to be paid by the insured for insurance coverage before the insurance company starts paying for the insurance policy. This amount is generally deducted from the claim before it is handed over to the insured.

5. Premium:
This refers to the amount paid to the insurance company to secure you against any damages or losses. It is a variable amount that depends on many factors while buying insurance.

6. Liability coverage:
As the name suggests, it protects the insured against any claim raised towards the damages and injuries caused to third parties or property.

7. Nominee:
This refers to a person entitled to receive the insurance claim if the insured dies. The insurance company redirects the claim to the rightful nominee declared by the insured as per the terms and conditions of the policy. They are generally the dependent, your spouse, child, parents, etc.

8. Waiting period:
This is the time that a policyholder has to wait before applying for a claim. Depending on various factors, the policy's terms & conditions, it can range from a few months to a few years.

With general insurance becoming necessary to protect your highly-valued assets and your finances, everyone must understand basic insurance jargon before evaluating and comparing policies. Only when you are aware of the basic terms can you buy the best insurance for yourself! Keep yourself aligned with the advancements of the insurance sector and buy general insurance online to get better offers and attractive premiums that account for efficient coverage.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


All you need to know about worn-out tyre treads

Tyres are crucial to forming a bond between the ground and the vehicle. They bear the brunt of weather conditions such as rain, heat, snow, etc. However, taking care of your vehicle's tyres is crucial for your safety and high performance. While purchasing motor insurance India provides a safety net in case of accidents, one must always prudently pay attention to the proper maintenance of essential components.

All you have to do is thoroughly check the physical conditions of the tyres to identify the issues. This comprehensive guide will help you examine your tyre treads and offer care tips.

What are tyre treads?
Tyre treads are a collection of grooves that run around the exterior. They help maintain a good grip on the road and to maximise traction on wet roads by dispersing water out of the way. Tyre grooves are essential for vehicle performance and safety.

Why do tyre treads wear out?
A tyre is made of rubber compounds that wear down with time. These include temperature, climate, the vehicle's mechanical condition, the road surface's roughness, tyre pressure, maintenance, etc. When the tyre wears down, it reduces the tread depth, resulting in a lack of grip. Thus, worn-out impressions are unsafe for driving, and you must replace them to reduce the risk of accidents.

Why are worn-out tyre treads dangerous?
Vehicle tyres wear out over time and with regular usage, resulting in losing tyre traction. However, nothing is riskier than driving with worn-out tyres. Here are some reasons to help you understand the risk associated with worn tyres.

1. High probability of puncture
When a tyre is half worn out, it can easily be eroded and cause a puncture anytime. This is a high-risk factor, especially when running your car over sharp-edged debris. An unexpected flat tyre in the middle of a journey can cause a single-vehicle collision. As a precaution and to avoid financial worries related to accidents, always purchase motor insurance India.

2. Tyres can overheat
Worn-out tyres have minimal tread left, causing relatively more heat build-up than a tyre with a good tread depth.

3. Increased risk of tyre burst
The risk of sudden blow-out increases while driving without adequate tread depth. Insufficient treads accumulate heat due to constant friction, causing them to burst.

4. Risk of hydroplaning
Tyre treads are well-developed to prevent hydroplaning. However, half-worn grooves make water shifting from under the tyre difficult. This can result in the vehicle sliding through water and losing its traction.

Ways to check the tyre treads
Checking your vehicle's tyres can eliminate road accidents. Here are some steps to inspect your tyres:

1. Examine tread depth
Every vehicle tyre has a certain amount of tread depth after regular usage. Over time, imprints wear down to a minimum acceptable level. When you lose that depth of the tread, its stability and grip get compromised. You must ensure the tread depth is above 1.6 mm for safe driving.

2. Examine sidewall
The sidewall of the tyre is adjacent to the treads. Bend down to check the cracks and cuts at the sidewalls. Check for any bulges. They can be a sign of internal damage, and if you find any, replace your tyre immediately.

3. Examine for uneven wear
Uneven tyres can occur for various reasons, including careless driving, imbalanced wheels, problematic suspensions, etc. You can prevent uneven wear by routinely checking the tyres. Do not overlook any signs. If you feel something off while driving, visit your car's service centre or a local garage.

Besides daily car use, adverse and harsh weather conditions can degrade the tyre's quality, affecting its safety and performance. You must repair or replace your tyre immediately if you spot any issues. Remember to buy the best motor insurance India policy to shield you from damages caused to the car if it encounters any accident.

Click HERE to buy the best motor insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Confused about purchasing health insurance for a rare condition? Here’s a quick guide

Health is one of the best gifts that one can have. You need to safeguard and protect your health at all times. You might always wish to avoid diseases and adapt to a healthy lifestyle. But unfortunately, you might be diagnosed with illnesses beyond your control. One such disease refers to a rare condition.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states few people suffer from this condition. It affects one person per 1000 individuals in the world. These rare diseases are usually genetic. They are mostly innate and present right from childhood.

Rare diseases can be fatal. They can get worse if the treatment is not provided on time. Usually, treating such rare diseases is expensive and possible only at limited hospitals. Having health insurance will aid you in covering all the costs. But does it cover your rare condition? To find out, read on!

Also, remember you should always renew health insurance online on time before it expires. If you do not, you can lose access to the basic facilities of your health insurance.

What are some common rare conditions? You may find it difficult to understand if your disease comes under a rare disease or not. To help you, we have listed some of the most common rare conditions. They are as follows:

● Sickle Cell Anemia

● Gaucher Disease

● Hurler Syndrome

● Cystic Fibrosis

● Maple Syrup Urine Disease

● Haemangioma

● Tyrosinemia

● Haemophilia

● Osteopetrosis

● Wolman Disease

Are rare conditions covered under health insurance in India?
Yes, many insurance companies in India do cover rare conditions. Regardless of the disease's cause, symptoms, and status, these rare conditions are covered by health insurance companies. The treatment expenses are thoroughly covered under the insurance policies. The right policy will provide you compensation for all the medical expenses. Be it surgery costs, medicines, diagnostic tests, hospitalisation fees, therapy, and post-surgery care, among others. It also covers daycare treatments if they are valid.

However, all this can be done only if you apply and opt for the best insurance policy for yourself. They should cover all the costs. It generally depends upon your budget. Mostly these insurance covers come with a high premium to make up for the costs.

The coverage of rare health conditions can vary from one insurance company to another. You must thoroughly check the list of rare conditions before signing up for any of this insurance. Visit the websites of different companies and check for online reviews before buying. You should also check the premium before investing.

What is the waiting period for health insurance coverage for rare conditions?
Generally, you need to wait for at least 30 days for any health insurance plan to provide adequate coverage. But the scenario is completely different in terms of rare conditions. You may need to wait at least 2 years to get the benefits of the health insurance you have opted for. It is because the coverage is mostly larger than other insurance. This also means the insurance will be renewed twice before you get any compensation. You should renew health insurance online and prepare in advance to get the compensation.

You must develop a habit of getting regular full-body check-ups to detect any abnormalities in advance. Do not ignore persistent symptoms. Consult your doctor if you feel sick. Dealing with a rare condition is already tough. Without proper health insurance, the battle can be extremely difficult. You should opt for the most suitable insurance to get adequate benefits when required. This way, you can avoid financial stress and focus on your health, treatment, and recovery.

Click HERE to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know if it is worth buying used wheels or not

The tyres and wheels of your car are one of the most used external parts. They sometimes outperform their original capacity resulting in wear and tear due to rough surfaces. If left unnoticed, this can risk the safety of the passengers. So, you must ensure that your tyres are up to the standards as per the regulations set by the manufacturer, the road safety department, and the respective car company.

But what happens if you are facing issues with just one wheel? Do you have to go through the process of replacing all your wheels with new ones? What factors should you be watchful about, and how can you procure used wheels? Don't worry. At the end of this blog, you will know if it is worth buying used wheels or not. So, let's get started.

1. Why do we think it can be worth buying used wheels:
Purchasing used wheels is a good option if your four-wheelers have damaged wheels. This is a significantly cheaper and temporary option than buying a new set of wheels. You can comfortably use those used wheels without burning a hole in your pocket.

2. Understanding the quality of used wheels:
It would be best if you examined the used wheels closely. Be aware of all the cracks, dents, bends, or if any parts and pieces are missing. Surficial damages which are not causing any defects internally can be ignored. There might be issues with the structure of the wheels and rims, which can risk a puncture or blowout on uneven roads and at high speeds.
You can go to a junkyard where they sell used parts. But if you want to avoid the hassle and get quality used wheels and other components, visit an auto parts store that can provide you with top-quality used wheels.

3. Examining the used wheels for damages and defects:
A thorough visual examination is one of the best ways to determine the quality of the used wheels. The second solution is to take a test drive with those wheels. But there are situations where you might not be able to take a test drive, miss out on certain damages, or fail to understand the gravity of what might seem to be surficial damages. You should know other ways to inspect those used wheels in such cases.
If the wheel's outer rim has visible cracks, bends, or dents, it is more likely to get damaged, which might eventually cause a flat tyre. Examine the wheel for corrosion, rust, chipped paint, etc. Used wheels with improper or defective bolt holes should be immediately rejected. Test the wheel by rolling them on an even surface and avoid using them if you see any wobble, misaligned or sideways movement. This usually happens when the wheel is bent but could be difficult to notice during a visual examination.

4. Check the material:
Steel works quite well but affects the car's speed and acceleration since the material is heavy. People often use alloy rims as they are considered a good combination. It upgrades the look of your vehicle to give it a more sporty vibe, gives you a better driving experience, and eventually, helps you save fuel and money. You need to check the tyres' material and immediately reject used wheels with slight damage, corrosion, or rust.

Now you know if it is worth buying used wheels or not. And while we are considering wheels and their alternatives, a sudden accident or ending up in unfortunate circumstances can cause severe damage to your car. Getting those defects fixed can cause a substantial financial burden in times of distress. You need to purchase car insurance which would help you cover the massive costs of fixing and repairing in complex cases. You must explore all your options and buy reliable car insurance India with a reasonable premium and the best benefits.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dealing with a car breakdown? Here’s what you should do

Imagine going on an outstation vacation in your car with your spouse and kids, and your car breaks down midway. You come to an abrupt halt, worried and looking for immediate help to safely get you back to your home or desired destination. Things can be worse when your car breaks down in an emergency.

A car breakdown is always a stressful and harrowing experience. It can be disturbing, especially when you are on a highway. It can leave you helpless and stranded, with usually no assistance in sight for a long distance.

Does this thought scare you? Fret not! Let us go through a few steps you must follow while dealing with a car breakdown. By implementing them, you can rescue yourself from the chaotic situation safely.

1. Pull off the road
If you feel that your car is taking jerks, or is not responding to acceleration or braking, immediately try to pull your vehicle to the side of the road, away from the running traffic. Do the same if you see smoke from the bonnet or inside your car.

Pulling on the side will ensure you are not stuck in the middle of the road with a broken car. It will provide you with some space to look into the breakdown and get it repaired. Also, it is the best action for your safety and your co-passengers.

2. Put on the emergency brakes
Put on the parking or emergency brake when your car is stationary on the side of the road. This will prevent your vehicle from moving forward or backward while repairing it. Be extra careful while parking your car on a hill or a slope. You should turn the steering, so the wheels turn away from the road. Place some bricks or a similar barrier to prevent your car from rolling forward or backward.

3. Switch on your hazard lights
As soon as you have pulled up on the sides, switch on your car's hazard lights. The vehicles approaching the road will know you are stationary and will not line up behind you.

Turning on the hazard lights is extremely important if your car has broken down on a highway. There may not be proper streetlights, and the other vehicles on highways move at high speed, causing a risky situation for you. The hazard lights will announce your stationary position on the road.

4. Use reflective triangles
Your car has reflective triangles in the back for such emergency use. Take them out and keep them at the back or sides of your vehicle. This will make your car visible in the dark and alert the moving traffic.

5. Look for an assistance
After ensuring that you and your car are safe, call the Roadside Assistance number. If you have bought an RSA membership plan, the company will send help to you immediately. You can contact any paid RSA service providers who will also tow your car to the nearest service station for some charges. You can also look for a good car mechanic nearby, ask for his help and get your car started if the glitch is minor. This can be a time-saving and simple solution.

A car breakdown can happen anywhere, anytime, and with anyone. Hence, we should always be mentally prepared for it and take action accordingly. Getting nervous and making hasty decisions can worsen your situation rather than improve it.

You can buy a roadside assistance top-up along with your motor insurance policy which can be immensely helpful in such situations. Choose the motor insurance company that can provide reliable services at the most economical cost and stay tension-free on your drives. Lastly, thoroughly service your car before planning a long-distance journey.

Click HERE to buy coverage from the best motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Single mother: A health insurance can secure your and your child’s future

Women have surpassed their traditional gender roles and are now leading huge organisations, establishing their start-ups, investing for their future, taking care of their families, and when they decide to become mothers according to their own choices. While we all know how society functions and several stereotypes have been crumbled to the ground by women, we are still far from creating a safer space. But there is no second thought about how the position of women in society has improved over time.

Due to unfortunate circumstances or by choice of living a stress-free life, several women are single mothers today. And most of them hold sole custody of their kid(s). Again, the stigma against single parenting is quite challenging to go through. There are several aspects to ensuring you create a happy life for yourself and your kid. This blog aims to make single mothers understand the importance of health insurance and how it can secure their future and their child’s upbringing. Here’s a guide to achieving that and all you need to know about the topic.

1. Explore all your options.
There are several insurance options in the market. You will see a herd of insurance providers. It would be best to thoroughly research every health insurance- the merits and demerits, terms and conditions, renewal policy, sum insured, service quality, hospitals in the network, trust, and ratings. After all these detailings, if you still feel the process is overwhelming and you cannot differentiate amongst the integral factors, you can consult a financial expert who will help you prioritise your needs and put forth the best options for you.

2. How do you prioritise your requirements?
Health insurance should be at the top of your priority list. And while the details of various types of insurance available in the market can be overwhelming, you need to prioritise your requirements. How can you do that? You need to figure out your insurance coverage, keeping in mind the range of medical expenditures in your location, as geographical factors influence hospital expenses.
While determining the amount for coverage for your health insurance, you need to be careful about the limitations like the hospital expenses, the settlement for the claims regarding the ailments, etc. Health insurance with these restrictions tends to cost you lower than those who endorse full coverage. Listing your needs will help you find the perfect insurance for your necessities.

3. Plan ahead of time.
As a single mother, you have a massive load of responsibilities on your shoulders. It would be best if you secure your future and your child’s/children’s and family’s future from an early stage. Also, you will see a significant increase in medical inflation, impacting health insurance premiums, hospitalisation costs, prices of medical aids and equipment, etc. To combat the unpredictability of this journey called life, you will need to gear up.
You need to look for the additional benefits provided by the various insurance providers and the type of features these benefits carry, for example, daycare, expenditure of an attendant/caretaker, etc. You can explore and analyse the benefits you can get through different added features or insurance for critical illness.

We discussed the perks of health insurance for single mothers. But in no way is it limited to just single parents. Everyone out there requires health insurance to stay monetarily stress-free during difficult phases of life involving health troubles. And with technology, the hassle of buying and renewing insurance is just a matter of a few clicks now! You can purchase or renew health insurance online and be the master of your ship to choose what’s best for you and your family.

Click HERE to learn more about how to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.