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Planning your first cruise trip? Here's all you need to know

Watching the beautiful horizon from the open deck is a mesmerising experience. Cruise trips seem elite and sound exciting. It is a paradise for ocean lovers. From solo ventures to family getaways, the cruise journeys welcome travellers to enjoy an unforgettable maritime holiday opportunity. Sailing couldn't have been more fun with several recreational activities, games, and cuisine organised onboard. Every moment on the ship reflects a beautiful memory to cherish forever!

Planning your first cruise trip can seem daunting without proper information about bookings, the right time to travel, the expenses, and much more.

This blog is your guide to understanding all the information you need to know before you board the ship. Carefully go through the pointers and chart all the requirements to plan a hassle-free cruise trip. Here’s all you need to know.

1. Timing is everything:

You need to figure out the right time to sail. Finalise your destinations and understand their sailing season. Look up the details of the touchpoints and the locations you wish to visit on the cruise company’s website or reservation site and research their sailing calendar.

2. Choosing the right cruise:

Different cruise liners provide you with various amenities and a range of activities to do while you’re on your sea voyage. Carefully look at different packages and determine which one fits your vacation goals and budget. Choosing the right cruise is important as they will take you on a journey to foreign countries and continents. Multiple onboard activities will keep you engaged throughout your travel.

3. Intent of travel is important:

Determining how and why you wish to take a cruise trip would be best. It is essential to determine your travel purpose as you will be out in the sea longer than expected. And when there are fewer locations to step down and explore and more sea exploration, things can get a little challenging due to the feeling of stagnation. Hence it is essential to figure out how confident and strongly willing you are to take a sea voyage.

4. Book the cruise:

While planning your first-ever cruise trip, you should book with someone trustworthy. Or some of your close contacts have already experienced their services and recommend them. Given the time of the journey and the heavy expenditure, you must ensure to do research regarding the company before you go ahead and book your tickets.

5. What should your itinerary look like:

Foremost finalise your budget and the location before you head out in search of the best cruise trips and their itineraries. Fixing your budget will help you narrow down your list of options and help you efficiently choose the suitable itinerary that covers all your expectations.

6. Choosing the perfect cabin:

You will have several options to pick from when you are finalising your cabin for the cruise journey. But how to choose the right cabin? If you’re easily seasick, looking for cabins with a sea view will not be advisable. You can choose higher or lower cabins according to your preferences, which do not face the sea but open your doorway into the activity area, making you feel more alive!

Certain other pointers like checking on your travel documents: your passports, visa, identity proof, tickets, etc., are paramount. Keep your health as the priority. Make all necessary preparations regarding the medications you might need beforehand to avoid the stress of getting sick when onboard.

While planning your first cruise trip can be stressful yet exciting, it is always helpful to be prepared for any travel or medical emergencies in advance. Unprecedented circumstances can result in panic situations while travelling. Don’t let health emergencies spoil your excitement of enjoying your first cruise trip.

We advise you to browse through Magma HDI’s general insurance plans and purchase the one which would cover your travel insurance in the best way possible. Purchase the best general insurance plan and sail carefree. Bon voyage!

Click HERE to know more about how general insurance plans can make your travel experience risk-free.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Wallpapers or Texture paints: Which is the best for your home walls

If you are buying a new house or renovating the existing one, having the perfect and attractive walls should be your focus. The most prominent part of your home is the walls. They capture many memories and provide a lot of scopes to try out new styles and give your home a refreshing touch.

Investing thought, time, and money in decorating the walls will turn your home into a more welcoming space. But how do you finalise the look of your walls? Would they look better with wallpapers, or would texture paints achieve the finish you attempted?

We will try to cover all your wall decor questions. Let's get started!

1. Types of texture paints:

Various forms of texture paints, including emulsions, distempers, etc., are available in the market. They can either be water or oil-based and are used for different purposes. You can use solid colours and texture paints to give your walls a bold look. Apply other techniques to create patterns and textures on your walls to give them a zing.

2. Wallpapers:

Wallpapers come with a variety of patterns and textures. Using the right tools and proper measurements, you can stick them on your walls. They come with a solid adhesive and are easy to paste. You can pick the wallpaper's designs as per your taste and the look you want to achieve for the walls.

Wallpapers and texture paint – how are they similar?

● Both are available with many options and shades

● Both have tailor-made options to match your usage and decor plans

● Both require some pre-preparation time to set things up

● Both help you achieve your decor goals

Wallpapers or texture paints: Which is the best for your home walls?

If you are starting from scratch (a blank wall), both wallpapers and texture paints require a similar time to set things up and get started. But removing any wallpaper or colour is a tedious job. After removing the previous coat, you must prepare the wall before pasting the wallpaper or starting with the primer for the texture paint.

Application of wallpaper takes less time as compared to texture paint. You need to apply at least two coats to achieve the texture and pattern you aim for, while it takes about twenty-four hours for the wallpaper to stick appropriately and achieve the best finish. Texture paints can take up to forty-eight hours or more.

Textured paints are your best bet in bathrooms and kitchens. High moisture does not gel well with adhesives. Hence, applying wallpaper in the bathroom and the kitchen would be a massive waste of resources, and there's a risk that it might come off or get wet and torn. Variations of textured paints can be used outdoors, while wallpapers are more appropriate for enriching the interiors.

You might need help from professionals during the application of wallpapers. Textured paints and wallpapers are both cost-effective, but wallpapers might get a bit expensive if you are looking for a specific design.

Now that we have discussed the significant aspects of the two options, you can make a decision. And while you are at it, consider protecting your home against unforeseen circumstances and tragedies. You would want your home to be safe from unexpected problems that take a massive toll on your finances and happiness.

Fret not! This is avoidable with the provision of purchasing home insurance. You can explore your options and buy the best home insurance in India which suits your needs. Carefully look at all the terms and conditions before finalising the deal. There are multiple home insurance options that can help you have the best premium and provide extended coverage.

Click HERE to know more about the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few ways you can use to make your balcony a cosy space

A cup of tea, a favourite book, and some music in the background while you feel the sprays of monsoon on your face. That’s what dreams are made for your casual & chic home. We all have unique ideas of our happy space and how we want to decorate them according to our tastes. Some of us are truly blessed with good aesthetic sense, while others have to depend heavily on the internet for ideas and inspiration.

After spending hours on various websites and choosing the best options, you create the perfect room for yourself. What about your balconies? This article will discuss some exciting and economical ways to revamp your balcony to make it the perfect cosy space for you to unwind.

1. Plants are the perfect backdrop:

Adding plants is one way to add colour and freshness to your balcony. You can opt for flowering or nonflowering plants depending on your choice. If you are a beginner, go for low-maintenance plants like the snake plant, money plant, spider grass, etc. You can also use different prints and colours on flowering pots to add more character to the balcony.
Artificial turf is a game-changer if you want more greens with minimum effort. Homeowners use these to give their balconies the feel of a miniature carpet garden that adds more comfort and cosiness to the entire space.

2. Sitting arrangements beyond ordinary:

Since your balcony is susceptible to rains and sun, one way to ensure the sitting area is not perishable by using metal chairs and tables. These bring a certain antique charm to your balcony without overbearing on your pocket. You can also add swings to make it more fun and quirkier. Adding rugs, floor pillows, and pouffes can make the space seem instantly cosy, and in the event of rain, you can quickly put them back inside.

3. Add lights for vibrant nights:

Adding tiny yellow lights and lanterns is probably the best way to make your balcony beautiful and warm for the evenings. You can further add scented candles if you have visitors, making it the perfect hangout spot for you and your guests. This way, you may even bring the romance right to your balconies and plan perfect dinner dates with your beloved or instead just indulge in your favourite pass time.

4. Textured wallpapers:

Using textured wallpapers can bring a new life to your balconies. Depending on the plants and other furniture used, you can either select a bright pop of colour or an understated neutral look. Wallpapers are a foolproof way to instantly elevate the interiors and add a certain elegance to the space.

5. Shade and privacy:

Most people do not spend time on their balconies because of a lack of privacy or unfavourable weather conditions. Use an awning or extended coverage to protect your balcony from direct sunlight or rains. Opting for a retractable or a folding roof is a choice that you must consider to change and alter the look of your balcony.

These are a few ways to turn your old balcony into a cosy living space. Remember to not go overboard with the decoration. A cluttered space kills the purpose of building a comfortable space for yourself. Talking to an interior designer or an architect can help you understand how you can modify the area without spending a lot of money.

Add value to your home and memories by investing in home insurance. Home insurance is a safety net for you and your family that will help you in case of any damages or losses. Along with beautification, you need to ensure your happy place's safety from mishaps like theft, fire breakout, etc.

Click HERE to learn more about home insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best ways to clean the dashboard of the car along with its internal components

Owning a car promises exciting and thrilling adventures. Whether going on long road trips, making impromptu plans to meet up with your friends, or simply driving around the town while playing music, these are just a few of the benefits of owning a car. Every car owner wants to keep a well-maintained vehicle with glowing interiors and dashboard.

But how can you maintain a shiny car dashboard? The dashboard has nooks and corners that can quickly accumulate dust particles. Many of us eat inside the car, making it susceptible to spills and oil stains.

In this article, we will take a look at a few ways in which you can ensure the cleanliness of your dashboard.

1. Dusting:
One of the easiest yet most efficient ways of cleaning the dashboard is by dusting it regularly. Spare five minutes of your time to wipe down the entire dashboard with a dry cloth before leaving your vehicle. This will help reduce the build-up of dirt and dust and help in easy cleaning every time. You can also use a tiny brush with soft bristles to reach the crevices and folds that are not easily accessible by hand.

2. Vacuum:
Using vacuum cleaners once every month is another good way of ensuring clean dashboards. Vacuum cleaners help pick up tiny dust particles within the vents and buttons. This also increases the efficiency of ducts and helps with faster cooling when you turn on the air conditioner.

3. Cleaning solution:
Using a cleaning solution on the dashboard helps get rid of any greasiness. Spray some cleaning solution onto the surface of the dashboard and clean it thoroughly. Once done, use a damp cloth to wipe down the parts to avoid staining. Follow this up with a dry cloth to get rid of any residue. Remember to do this in small batches to ensure that the solution does not dry and leaves any patches on the surface.

4. Sanitise:
Since the dashboard is the most accessed part of the car, sanitising the drawers, buttons, steering, etc., is a good idea. Even if you are the only person using the vehicle, it is good to sanitise the area to prevent germs and bacteria.

5. Take special care of the infotainment unit:
Everyone inside the car often uses the infotainment unit. Use screen wipes and a microfiber cloth for best results. Microfiber can pull up dirt without causing any harm to the screen. Avoid using chemicals directly as you will constantly be touching the unit and are susceptible to being in contact with the same. Using harsh chemicals can also lead to damage to the anti-glare coatings on the console.

These are a few ways in which you can clean the dashboard. Proper cleanliness ensures good health for you and your co-passengers. Clean and stain-free interiors make a statement and provide credibility to the excellent maintenance of the vehicle.

If your interiors are neglected too often, you might need to change the unit entirely, which can be expensive. Add value to your car by investing in an insurance plan with a good motor insurance company. Getting the best deal on an insurance policy can be beneficial for you, in the long run, to stay stress-free regarding the expenses associated with your car.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's the list of seven surprisingly strange things that can be covered by home insurance

We all know the importance of investing in home insurance. It covers the cost of repair work and modifications in case of damages. However, there are various aspects of home insurance that you might not be aware of.

Let's look at some surprisingly strange things that might be covered under your home insurance.

1. Space debris:
Damage to your property caused by meteors, airplanes, rockets, satellites, etc., is covered under home insurance. The risk from these is listed as environmental hazards. Space debris includes both man-made things and naturally occurring objects.
Any damage caused by this debris to the structure and the homeowners' belongings is covered under home insurance. If you get injured on the premises of your house, the insurer is liable to provide you cover for all the medical expenses you incurred during your treatment.

2. Damage from plane and vehicle crash:
A plane crash in housing areas can lead to severe property damage and injuries. Other instances of crashes are when cars swerve off-road and crash into the house. Damages and injuries resulting from these crashes are also covered under the home insurance policy.
Under these circumstances, the party that caused the crash is liable to make monetary compensations for the damages incurred. If, however, their payout is limited, then your insurer steps in and pays for the rest of the expenses.

3. Damage due to civil disorder:
Any explosion, bombing, etc., arising from civil commotion can lead to property damage and vandalism. These situations lead to severe expenses and maintenance work due to heavy destruction. Property damage arising from fire, broken windows, etc., are also a few instances. If you are unable to reside inside your home due to these conditions, your insurer will cover additional living expenses such as hotel bills, meals, etc.

4. Floods and other natural disasters:
Due to increasing global warming, there has been a severe increase in natural disasters. Any damage incurred during these disasters is also covered under home insurance. Note that most insurers do not cover these, so look for insurance policies that include these factors.

5. Upgrades:
Any upgrades or modifications made due to new regulations from the local government are covered under home insurance. Opting for ordinance coverage is an excellent way to ensure that your insurer handles these expenses. Under this feature, the insurance company is liable to pay you the cost of overhauling a home or building to comply with the up-to-date building codes.

6. Identity theft:
Identity theft is a massive problem across the globe, and many fraudulent activities occur because of this. Insurance providers cover the cost of all the expenses, from legal fees to the reapplication of loans.

Insurance providers are there to help and support you in case of emergencies and other mishaps. Spending ample time on research and reading through the policy papers to ensure that you are choosing the best home insurance will help you in the long run.

Click HERE to know more about home insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about different ways to handle the weird mood swings of kids while travelling

Although travelling with kids is fun, it can also be challenging at times. Children are difficult to control and have to be constantly looked after no matter where you are. While parenting is blissful, it can be stressful during travel.

You need to ensure that you carry enough supplies for the trip, pack your essentials, and anticipate everything your kids might require during the journey. It also depends on their age, as younger kids need more attention than those old enough to carry their bags and take care of themselves.

Kids can get iffy while traveling for multiple reasons, including an unfamiliar atmosphere, too many people, deviation from the routine, and much more. But how to handle it when they get all worked up? This blog will answer that for you. By the end, you will know more about the different ways to handle your kid's mood swings while travelling.

1. Keep small toys handy:
You can distract your kids with their favourite portable toys. This will give them a sense of familiarity and allow them to have fun and stay unaffected by the crowd or the unfamiliar surroundings around them.

2. Food breaks:
Try to give your child quick snacks on the go like chocolates, biscuits, chips, or other food items they like. Giving them food and water breaks keeps their stomach full and can even help them drift off to sleep for the rest of the journey. This would keep the kids stress-free during the trip and be helpful for the parents.

3. Cartoons and shows:
Entertainment is always a saviour when it comes to calming kids during travelling. You can download their favourite shows and cartoons before heading for the trip. This will keep them occupied, and they won't be much bothered about their surroundings.

4. Activities can help:
Parents can pack different supplies for some exciting activities that the kids can indulge in. This will serve as a learning purpose while also keeping them busy. You can carry crayons, pencils, papers, board games, tokens and dice, comics, storybooks, etc., for the children to keep themselves occupied with. These pastime pursuits will engage them and enrich their knowledge while keeping their mood swings at bay.

Another easy way is to give your kids a gaming console to keep them occupied and have a relaxing trip. Next, carry travelling essentials for kids, pack their backpacks, and give them the responsibility to handle them if they are old enough. If you are travelling with a newborn, carry their diapers, warm water, milk, and a sipper.

These are some tips and tricks that parents can use to help their kids stay calm while travelling. Often children might get sick on trips, bringing you and your children into unprecedented situations. It is crucial to invest in an insurance plan to stay stress-free and protect yourself and your kids against any health-related emergencies or other unforeseen mishaps. You can check out all the available options and easily buy an insurance policy online.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A guide to change the old wiring in your house

Upgrading electrical wiring makes an old home more secure, modernised, and habitable. This kind of renovation is easier in a recently acquired property than in an older one. Unless you have prior expertise with electrical construction, do not try to change wires on your own.

Most people instantly think of the costs and clutter involving the job. Your strategy is determined by your budget, capacity to reach the walls, ceiling, crawlspace, and the amount of rework permitted.

To clear the confusion, below are the typical steps involved in changing the wiring of a house.

1. Planning:
The better you prepare for the rewiring, the easier the procedure will be. A precise design will assist you in locating and projecting the circuits in a manner that will retain the drywall in place. A thorough layout of the existing circuitry and a precise sketch of the internal components may minimise chaos and disturbance.

2. Working prep:
This step prepares the space for the new wiring. It marks a clear route for supplying the new wire to the outlets. If you opt to undertake the prep work, clearing debris around your house's electrical outlets is crucial to ensure quick access.

3. Calculating the number of circuits:
Many times, outdated wiring may not have enough circuits to meet the energy needs of contemporary appliances, lights, and electronics. Before you begin, you must first plan your trajectories. Conduct a study on housing circuits to aid in layout planning, or contact an electrician as a consultant.

4. Remove the drywall and rewire:
The removal step consists of ripping out and taking off the old wire. Because old wiring is often stapled to the structure, it is impossible to simply take the cables out of the wall. After ensuring that the electricity has been turned off, you may cut the wire and remove the visible portion, leaving the buried cable within the division.
Some wires are placed in more accessible areas and can be taken out quickly. You can tape the new wire to the old ones, pull the old wiring out, and let the new line fall into its spot and take effect.

5. Replace:
Replacement of main and sub-panels is one of the essential steps to changing the old wiring in your house. Also, ensure that you check the condition of the panel. If it's old or does not have circuit breakers in place of fuses, it is better to replace them to prevent further damage. Replacing the panels would also require changing the wiring of your entire house. Try to find a professional electrician to accomplish this task.

Some other steps to change the old wiring in your house include:

• Taking permits from the local authorities (even if you are a homeowner).

• Hiring a good electrician.

• Identifying the access points.

• Having the right tools to complete the work and taking stringent measures to ensure everyone's safety.

It is essential that the rewiring be done correctly and by skilled specialists. If not done properly, the wires might get nicked and lead to short circuits. Furthermore, if the panel and junction boxes are not connected, it might create radiation, negatively affecting your health and even hampering the condition of your house.

Your house is your safe space. It is where you and your family live and create memories. Hence, it is essential to safeguard your home. Invest in a robust home insurance plan and protect your home from unexpected hazards. You can review the available insurance plans and purchase the best home insurance policy in India that offers you great benefits at a reasonable premium.

To get the best home insurance policy in India, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Lost your phone in the crowd? Here's what you need to do

Smartphones are rapidly becoming an integral and inseparable part of our lives. These devices contain a mini virtual world within them that engrosses us with extensive features and seamless specifications. It has everything from the type of cuisine you like to what skincare serum you last purchased. Your social media account details, bank details, countless passwords, contacts and information are all stored in it.

But, what do you do if you lose your phone? In today's world, losing your phone can have significant consequences. Your details can get leaked or erased. Your money can be stolen if your account gets hacked, or you can lose important information.

The majority of phone lost cases are observed in overcrowded places, and, in some cases, the smartphone users forget their phone at public places like restaurants or shopping malls.

So, what if you have just lost your phone somewhere? Here's what you need to do to minimise the damage.

1. Keep trying your number:
It would be best to text or call your phone. The ringing would help you track it. And if your phone is lost (and not stolen), somebody would be able to answer your call and return your phone upon further communication.

2. Report:
Report the loss of your phone to your cell phone carrier. They can help you determine your phone's current location using your number. This could make it easy to retrieve your phone if it's lost in a vast crowd.
You can also deactivate your sim card to ensure that nobody can make threats and illegal fraud calls from your number.

3. Lock:
Try to lock your phone remotely. This will secure your device and restrict others from accessing your personal information. You'll get notified if someone resets it.
You can try deactivating your device too. In the case of iOS devices, you can activate "Mark as Lost", which disables your phone and send a confirmation mail to your email address.

4. Track:
You can track your phone using the GPS if you have the option active on your phone. In the case of an android device, you can log into your Google account (the one you use on your phone) and track your phone's current location using Google location history. This feature is beneficial sometimes, especially if your phone is nearby.

5. Clean:
To ensure that nobody gets access to your social media accounts and other personal information, try to wipe your phone clean if it goes missing in the crowd and you cannot retrieve it. You can use iCloud or Android device manager to erase your data from your device. Also change the passwords of all your bank accounts, social media handlers etc.

6. Monitor:
Try to monitor the activities of your phone. Keep track of any malicious and suspicious activities performed using your phone or number. Get in touch with authorities (police and phone carriers) and inform them if you find something fishy.

When you lose your phone in a crowd, contact your card companies and ask them to lock your cards and unlink your accounts so that nobody gains access to them.

The loss of your smartphone is worrisome. Insure your valuables to add an extra layer of security in case of unavoidable circumstances. You can purchase online general insurance by browsing through several options and purchasing the one that offers maximum benefits.

Click HERE to know more about how you can purchase online general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.