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How can you prevent third-party data breaches

Outsourcing some of your important work to dedicated vendors is becoming increasingly frequent. These third parties are often not under your control and may not provide complete insight into their information security processes. Some vendors have strong security standards and risk management procedures, while others may not.

When your vendor's or business partner's computer system is hacked and sensitive data is exposed, this is known as a third-party data breach. Cybercriminals can target any vendor in your company ecosystem, and industry experts estimate that third-party companies are responsible for over 60% of all data breaches.

Data breaches are not only disruptive but also expensive. A breach can be challenging to recover from, especially for small businesses that cannot absorb the expenditure. However, public liability insurance can help enterprises survive. So, if you're a business owner, get a quote online to reduce your risk.

Avoiding a data breach can seem challenging as the volume of information grows and the threat landscape changes. However, this is not the case. Here are four helpful suggestions for preventing data breaches in your company.

1. Audit third-party vendors' cybersecurity:
It's critical to assess the risk of collaborating with a third party thoroughly. Neglecting this can create an alarming situation for your organisation. You can regulate the security assessment by incorporating questionnaires that inspect the security policies of the third party.
Thoroughly analyse all the security touchpoints to obtain a clear picture of vendor cyber risk. Companies should automate assessments to make them swift and scalable.

2. Incorporate a security policy into your contract:
Every organisation should have a written information security policy that covers all aspects of managing data on their network. This includes what data can be collected, how to manage it, how long each type of data should be retained for, the level of security controls required for each data type, etc.

3. Limit access to data:
There is a considerable risk of a breach if sensitive data is accessible to all vendors without limits. Therefore, limiting and regulating the data access to vendors must be practiced to protect your company against data compromise.
With so many distinct departments and vendors associated, it can get complicated. As a result, knowing all the risks pertaining to the organisation becomes critical.

4. Continuous monitoring:
The online world is fluid, and cyber threats are always changing. Furthermore, businesses constantly release new software and technologies that may expose them to attacks. Because of the ever-changing world, performing periodic cyber risk assessments of your third parties is no longer sufficient.
Instead, to avoid third-party data breaches, it's critical to keep an eye on your suppliers for new cyber vulnerabilities and receive real-time notifications about any changes in their procedures.

Following these four practices will lessen the chance of a data breach in your company. You can substantially improve cybersecurity by prioritising data protection and selecting the proper tools to assist you. Also, it's essential to have public liability insurance to pay for expenses related to a breach. Choose the right plan for your business by comparing public liability insurance prices online and adding a strong layer of financial security.

Click HERE to know more about public liability insurance prices.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Insurance renewal: Verify these checkboxes before your buy bike insurance

Owning a two-wheeler not only makes the commute between two places easy, it also becomes a convenient option when you want to skip the traffic.

And, as you notice the several other benefits of using a two-wheeler, you choose the best services for your bike. A well-maintained motorcycle gives the best performance and comfort. Be it the service centre or the insurance provider; you do not want to take either of these lightly. However, owing to the fast-paced life that we are leading, it can become challenging to keep note of the next bike servicing or the renewal of your bike insurance.

Choosing the best insurance provider can be a daunting task, but you can find the best options and renew bike insurance online with little research and time.

This article will look at a few things you need to keep before renewing bike insurance online.

1. No Claim Bonus:
No claim bonus or NCB is a reward that your insurer provides when you have not made any claims in the previous year. An NCB is a testimonial of responsible driving. The benefit is in the form of concessions or discounts for future renewals. Even if you switch or sell your previous bike, your NCB stays with you and is applicable on the next purchase.

2. Coverage:
You don’t need to continue with your previous policy. You can opt for insurance policies that provide better coverage at lower premiums. Over your last term, you must have realised what other services you require. Hence, choose increased coverage or make changes as per your requirements.

3. Setting the IDV:
During every renewal period, it is advisable to change your IDV. You can decrease or increase the insured declared value that the insurance provider is bound to pay you in case of a total loss of your bike. Understanding IDV is crucial to assessing the correct value for your vehicle. Opting for lower IDV means you are underinsuring your motorcycle while choosing higher IDV means a higher premium.

4. Add on covers:
While renewing your policy, you can opt for various add-ons on your insurance cover. This is an intelligent way of reaping more benefits for a slightly higher premium. These add-ons are worth the extra premium. Zero depreciation, passenger assistance, roadside assistance, NCB protection are a few options you can choose.

5. Choose in advance:
It is illegal to drive a bike without valid insurance papers. So instead of waiting for the last minute to change or renew your insurance, it is best to start looking for options before the end of the policy period. This way, you can have ample time to consider various options before you make the final decision.

These are the few things you need to keep in mind before renewing your bike insurance. Do not forget to miss out on the renewal dates, as it can affect the continuity of your policy and other benefits.

Choosing the right insurance can be a challenging task, but do not be afraid to ask questions to your insurance provider to clear your doubts. Their job is to help you figure out the best options for you. Read reviews online, as they can help you assess the credibility of the company you are opting for. You can renew bike insurance online quickly and efficiently with these things in mind.

Click HERE to renew bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Take care of these things related to your car's headlights before setting off on a road trip

The thought of a road trip gets us all excited. It sure becomes very energetic, fun, and memorable with all our close family members and friends. As a thumb rule, you always double-check everything on your “packing list” to ensure you don't miss out on any essential item.

If you do this for yourself and your family members, how about double-checking your car before starting a road trip? Your car’s headlights also play a vital role in ensuring a safe journey during the night and avoiding any mishaps on the road.

In this blog, we will be discussing the checklist for the headlights of your vehicle that you need to take care of before starting your trip.

1. Got a fuse problem:
Check and see if you gather all information regarding the fuse blowout of your headlights. If you are sure of the damage, examine for loose wires. If you find any issues, fix them at the earliest. And if nothing works, replace the headlights (especially if there is a high beam bulb problem).

2. Do not delay replacement:
Examine the light emitted from your car’s headlights. Do you suspect that they have dimmed? If you conclude that your lights have dimmed (called burnout), you must replace the headlights with new ones to avoid risking your safety on the road, especially during the night time. Uneven terrains and night driving can be risky when you have burnt-out headlights. It poses threats of accidents and compromises the car's safety, the driver, the passengers, and other vehicles on the road.

3. Make smart changes:
Whenever you feel that there is a need to replace the light bulbs of your car's headlights, always make sure that you do so in pairs. If the light has dimmed, exchange the old bulbs for the new ones in twos. That way, it would make the headlights consistent instead of one old and one new light bulb, which would create a difference in the intensity of the light beam. It would make it difficult for other drivers to understand the indication and affect your visibility on the road.

4. Align the beams of light:
Turn on the headlights of your car and check the light beams closely. Make sure that the light is aligned and aimed at the road. If the light is directed towards the vehicle approaching your direction, it may cause an accident as the other person would find it difficult to see what is in front of them. This would result in a fatal crash endangering car occupants and other vehicles on the road.

These were some tips you could take care of related to your car’s headlights. Few other pointers include upgrading the versions of headlights compatible with your vehicle and other DIY hacks for which you wouldn’t always need a professional mechanic to help you with minor replacements, etc.

And while you ensure the checklist of your car’s headlight before heading on a trip, it is also essential to verify that your car insurance is updated. Keep track of your car insurance renewal dates to avoid interruption in the benefits and save your policy from lapsing.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know about these ten tips to deal with hand numbness while riding

Hand numbness affects all bikers, from beginners to professionals. A few hours into riding a bike, you may begin to feel tingling in your palms and fingers. The stinging sensation is caused by compressed nerves in the shoulder, elbow, or wrist and might last several hours.

You shake it off in the hopes of alleviating the dull ache, but it doesn't seem to work. So, what is the solution? Even if these techniques do not eliminate the condition, they can at least assist in easing or lessening the numbness while riding.

1. Wear protective gloves:
Vibration stresses the nerves and forces you to hold more tightly than usual. Wearing padded gloves might assist but make sure they're not too tight since this can complicate the issue.

2. Alter your arm position:
Keep changing your grip on the handlebar throughout the journey to prevent exerting the same persistent strain on your wrists.

3. Loosen up the elbows:
Relaxing your elbows engages your torso muscles, relieving strain from your hands. Let your elbows rest in all situations to allow you to soak vibrations from the road.

4. Maintain body balance:
Don't forget about your core. Maintaining your body's balance while riding may dramatically reduce the amount of pressure on your hands.

5. Tune-up your bike:
Ensure that the bike's suspension is correctly tuned and the tyre pressure is perfect before every ride. Decreasing the vibration is crucial to experience a smooth ride.

6. Get your bike altered to fit:
Bike fitting suggests moving the seat rearward, lowering it, adjusting the tilt, and elevating the bar. This will distribute your weight back and away from your hands.

7. Have a hold:
Consider adopting thicker, softer, and sticky grips so you don't have to grasp the handlebars as tightly. Another alternative is to use ergonomic grips. They're designed to assist you in positioning your hands correctly and relieving pressure spots.

8. Utilize your core:
Take note of your general position and the amount of involvement of your back and core muscles when riding. By focusing your conscious attention on your body's mechanics, you'll be able to make real-time modifications to ease the pressure on your arms and hands.

9. Physiotherapy:
If the numbness in your hands worsens or persists, you should seek medical advice from a physical therapist. They will determine the treatment by assessing the problem's root cause.

10. Stretching:
A few minutes of full body stretching before each trip will also reduce your muscles' numbness and strain. Basic stretching and strengthening exercises for your hands, wrists, and forearms will help prevent hand numbness.

It's common to exert strain on your arms and shoulders while biking. This usually happens unintentionally when you are in an unwanted environment, such as a traffic jam. Even if we take it easy and try to let go of the pressure, our hands and shoulders still tense up. As a result, discomfort and continuing difficulties in the muscles of the upper back result from this circumstance.

It's not just you who faces problems due to excessive riding, your bike also suffers through wear and tear and may eventually get damaged. Be prepared for this by looking up appropriate 2 wheeler insurance online that offers you the best-suited benefits for your needs and ensures the safety of your possession.

To get 2 wheeler insurance online, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.