The city, highways, and the sky above look much more beautiful at night. And, driving alongside the stars and the pleasant winds is a memorable experience. But apart from the nicer part, night time driving is also dangerous. One of the main reasons is the decreased visibility during the night due to the low contrast and the glare of the headlights of vehicles coming from the front.
The probability of a fatal car accident increases three times during the night. When we are exhausted and sleepy, our reaction time is slow, and we cannot think or make any decisions correctly. As a result, our overall spatial and environmental awareness decreases.
Due to the condition and unpredictability of Indian roads and traffic, driving at night is a challenge. Still, if you are planning to take a long road journey at night, follow these 09 safety practices.
1. Driving at a slower speed:
37% of night time road accidents are due to speeding compared to only 21% in the daytime. We advise you to drive at a speed lower than you typically do on the same road in daylight.
2. Drive with someone:
It is always better to drive with someone at night as the two of you can take turns driving every two hours. This way, both will receive some rest, and neither will be too exhausted while driving.
3. Take a nap:
Whenever you start feeling drowsy, pull over and take a nap. Even an hour’s rest will keep you going for the next three to four hours. Ensure that the place you pull over is safe; a restaurant’s parking lot or petrol pump is better than a random spot on the highway. Remember to lock doors and check your surroundings properly.
4. Maintain a safe distance:
It is an essential practice for driving. This becomes even more important during nights because our reaction time and judgment abilities are always lower than in the daytime.
5. Dim the lights:
Avoid using high beams on busy roads as you will only be blinding the other drivers. But in case the lights on the highways are dim, switch to using high beams.
6. Drunk driving:
Drunk driving is illegal; still, many drivers don’t consider it serious. So, even if you do not drink, you are likely to meet many other drunk drivers on your way. Therefore, drive with caution as drunk drivers are likely not to follow signals properly and abruptly stop or switch lanes. Even if it's not your fault, you may have to pay the price. Here, good car insurance can assist you with covering the financial losses.
7. Clean your car:
Focus more on the windscreens and windows as this will increase the visibility. Keep the wipers in proper working condition. Fix any cracks or scratches in the glass as they are likely to scatter light.
8. Be well rested:
If you know that you will be driving at night, it is advisable to rest appropriately the day before. Also, take care of your eyes, wear anti-reflecting glasses to avoid high beams.
9. Eat a light meal:
Having heavy meals will make you feel sleepy and bloated, therefore stick to fruits and vegetables, and stay away from fast food.
Driving at night is not the safest choice but by being alert, sober, and following the practices mentioned above, we can make night journeys safe and convenient for you and other commuters. Also, driving at night does not mean you remain in the dark when it comes to your car insurance. Purchasing ideal car insurance and adhering to traffic laws and driving ethics can assure vehicle safety under all circumstances.
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