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Four Steps towards a Healthier Lifestyle

Over the past year, the importance of living a healthy lifestyle free of diseases and morbidities has become exigent. People have begun to understand that healthy practices improve longevity and help tackle threatening diseases more effectively. Let’s take a look at four different steps you can take towards a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family:

1. A Healthy Diet –

The first and perhaps the most important step towards a healthier lifestyle is to improve your diet. When our diet is significantly centered around junk and processed food, the intake of unhealthy fats and excess carbohydrates increases, leading to heart problems and problems such as high blood pressure and obesity. A well-balanced diet that includes appropriate proportions of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber can significantly reduce these risks. Include vegetables and fruits in your diets as often as possible, ideally every day, alongside pulses and grains. Even with these ingredients, you can have delicious meals all three times of the day that are also healthy for your body. Indian cuisine contains mainly these ingredients and offers immense variety as you go from the north to the south, alongside great nutritional value.

2. Exercise –

If you exercise about an hour every day, the impact of physical activity on your body will be visible and evident in about six to eight weeks. Exercise does more than just keep you in shape. It stimulates your body and, if you are involved in a vocation that requires sitting all day, then it provides the essential elements of physical work. Exercise also reinvigorates the flow of blood in your body and keeps the heart healthy by improving circulation. This improved circulation further helps reduce the risk of heart diseases. Regular exercise is also known to lower blood pressure as well as triglyceride levels. If you do not wish to exercise, simply taking a brisk walk every day can also help you maintain a healthy body weight and reduce body fat. It also strengthens your bones and improves blood circulation throughout the body.

3. Get Apt Sleep –

Sleep doesn’t just provide rest but also helps your body recover from a hard day’s work by repairing your muscle fibers. If you exercise regularly, the exercise results will be much more evident if you get an appropriate amount of sleep during the day. Sleeping for about eight hours a day also reduces the chance of depression and several other problems associated with mental health. It boosts your immune system and improves your cognitive abilities through better memory assimilation and retention.

4. Find Solace –

Along with physical health, mental health is something that cannot be neglected. One way to ensure a sound state of mind before starting your day, carve out 10 minutes and sit for meditation; check-in with yourself. Many yoga asanas provide similar benefits as meditation. If you find it difficult to meditate, you can always find solace in prayer. These practices help put your mind at ease. When you start your day with a calm, well-rested mind, it ensures a good day not only for yourself but also for those around you. And no doubt, being in a sound state of mind certainly has a positive impact on your physical health as well.

Adopting these steps can help you on your journey to living a healthy lifestyle and improve the quality of your life significantly. One practical way to tackle any unforeseen health issues is to buy Health Insurance Online . Insurance acts as an essential safety net to ensure that you don’t have to bear a large financial burden in an unexpected disease.


Fuel economy tips for summer

India has some of the harshest summers for any country in the world. Temperatures can routinely touch 50°C in several parts of the country, and the need for air conditioning or any form of cooling is fairly consistent throughout the year. But humans aren’t the only ones who suffer in these harsh summers. If you drive a car, the summers can be hard on your car as well. Driving in the summers often means having to turn the air conditioning (AC) on full blast for long periods, which can bring down your fuel economy considerably. Here, we cover some tips that will help you manage your fuel economy even in the summers.

Slow Down:

Regardless of the season, but especially in the summer, with the AC on, it is much better to drive within a certain range of speeds for optimized fuel economy. In general, the bracket between 40 km/h and 80 km/h will serve you best, irrespective of whether you’re driving in the city or on the highway. With fuel costs soaring by the day and the traffic on Indian roads only getting worse, it is wise to save fuel costs by driving at slower speeds. This also allows you to use the AC for longer durations.

Use the AC Intermittently:

The crippling summer of India often makes you want to use the AC for long periods without a break. However, the AC of your car is not as well equipped at handling long usage hours as your average domestic or industrial AC. Using the car AC for long periods can increase the load on the system and decrease its cooling efficacy. This can lead to damage in the long term and increases the chances for repair in the middle of the season. Hence, it is important to use your AC only intermittently, even on long trips. Make sure to turn it off when your car has cooled down sufficiently and turn it back up only when you feel the need for it again. Also, make sure that your AC is covered for damage when you buy your Car Insurance Online.

Turn Down the AC:

Apart from using it continuously, the summers are also when you are most likely to use the AC at its maximum capacity. There is hardly a standard flow rate at which your vehicle will blow air towards you, and hence the performance of different ACs at full blow will generally be different. Similarly, the performance of ACs will differ according to the age of the vehicles. The higher the level at which you operate your AC, the lower your mileage is likely to be. As enticing as it might be to get the most out of your AC in the summer, it is much more prudent with respect to mileage to slow down the AC.

Don’t Idle:

Depending on the model of the car you drive, it might be possible to leave the AC on while the engine is off. Even if your car has this feature, make sure to not idle your engine just so that you can leave your AC on. Idling the engine can reduce your mileage by several percentage points and generally wastes a huge amount of fuel. Instead of idling, if you get to your destination early, simply get out of the car and start walking to your destination. Similarly, if you are at a long signal, switch off your engine to save fuel and don’t worry about losing an extra few seconds of cool air.

Indian summers are perhaps when the greatest amount of fuel is lost due to the above factors. Following best practices associated with fuel mileage can help you save fuel and generally ensure a long life for your car. To add an extra layer of security, make sure that you buy car insurance online so you won’t need to pay out of your pocket if a summer breakdown occurs.


Have a beautiful smile with five tips for healthy teeth

Oral health is not only important to keep cavity and gum disease at bay, but it also plays an important role in keeping you fit. With the mouth being the entrance to what you eat and drink, there is a strong correlation between your oral hygiene and overall health. Gum issues and tooth decay can cause pain, tooth loss, and reduced appetite and might affect your self-confidence if not treated on time. This can further lead to undernourishment and speech issues, causing strain on your personal and professional life.

It’s never too late to start taking care of your teeth. Below are 5 tips you should regularly follow to keep your teeth healthy:

● Avoid sugary food and drinks –

Do you find your teeth unclear and uneven? This could be due to dental plaque on the surface of your teeth. Plaque is caused by the sugary substances we eat, producing cavity-causing acid. So, whenever you eat sugary foods, a layer of plaque might get coated on the teeth. To reduce the occurrence of plaque, limit your consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Additionally, always check the labels and ingredients of packaged foods for sugar content before buying. For e.g., many yogurt flavors and sports drinks contain a high quantity of sugar, which might affect oral health.

● Brush your teeth twice daily –

Brushing your teeth two times a day helps in removing plaque and germs. This becomes more effective if done with the appropriate technique. Always brush the front, back, and top properly in small round movements. This process would take around 2-3 minutes; avoid moving the brush backward and forward. Hard brushing can cause damage to tooth enamel and gums that affect tooth sensitivity. If you see blood in your gums while brushing, then try gentler movements. It has been recommended by dentists to use a soft-bristle brush and change it every 3 months.

● Floss your teeth once a day –

Flossing helps to get rid of plaque and food stuck in the teeth, which cannot be removed while brushing. These stuck food particles, if not removed, get disintegrated by bacteria, leading to bad breath. The stuck debris can also affect your teeth, which might require treatment, such as a root canal to be fixed. Push the floss into the gum line before embracing the side tooth. There would be no pain while moving it up and down and removing the plaque effectively.

● Use mouthwash –

Always use mouthwashes recommended by dentists for good oral health. Mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, which is an antibacterial ingredient, helps in preventing plaque and gingivitis. It also contains essential oils that aid in oral health. Mouthwash cannot be a replacement for brush and floss but can enhance your teeth-cleaning practice.

● Visit the dentist regularly –

You should go to see the dentist for a regular check-up once in 6 months. They will examine your teeth to remove plaque, germs, and hardened tartar. The dentist will do a visual check for oral health problems, cavities, disease in gums, and mouth cancer. Cavities can be checked through dental x-rays. If adults take care of dental hygiene daily, then the frequency of visiting the dentist for oral health problems could be lesser.

Dental treatments are often not covered by your Health Insurance. Thus, various medical procedures performed by a dentist can be an expensive affair. Hence, it’s recommended to follow good oral habits for a healthy body and less medical expenditure.

Following good dental care from childhood helps keep the mouth healthy, even till later stages of life. Healthy oral habits protect you from various diseases and keep you fit throughout life. Follow the steps mentioned above as part of your routine to improve your smile and oral health.

If any pain or discomfort presents and persists, always consult with your dentist.


All you need to check before buying a new car

So you are just a few steps away from owning your dream car. But have you thought of the insurance process yet? Insurance is something that must be planned in advance as it cannot be purchased in a rush. One must research thoroughly before buying any car, whether it is a new one or an old one. This article will take you through everything you need to consider before purchasing a new car.

Insurance Types

Before purchasing a private car insurance, you need to be aware of all the available policies and what cover they offer. Car insurance policies vary between private and commercial vehicles, so you will need to buy insurance that suits your vehicle usage.

There are two basic types of insurance policies. They are:

1. Third-party Insurance –

Third-party insurance is compulsory for all vehicles on the road. In case of an accident, it covers any damage to the third party. But it doesn’t cover any damage that occurred to your car. To cover damage to your car, you will need to buy comprehensive insurance (explained below). The third-party policy is a relatively more affordable kind of insurance.

2. Comprehensive Insurance –

In case of an accident, a comprehensive insurance policy covers the damage to your car as well as to a third-party car. It can also cover any accidental damage or theft of the car. This policy also covers damage caused by natural disasters. This is the highest form of insurance policy you can get for your car.

Buy Add-ons based on your risk profile

Based on your risk profile, you can opt for some add-ons like roadside assistance, engine replacement, etc. For example, if you enjoy riding at odd hours or for long distances, then opting for roadside assistance as an add-on can be useful. In case of a vehicle breakdown, you will get assistance, and the vehicle will be moved to the service center.

Compare the dealers

Most car dealers offer insurance policies at the time of buying the car. But those policies may not meet your requirements. Make sure to compare the policy prices among different dealers and then make an informed decision. It is tempting to buy the cheapest policy, but choosing a suitable policy after thorough research of the dealers will help you in the long run.

Don’t neglect the policy terms

Most car owners read only what is included in the insurance policy and ignore the part that talks about what is not included. This is a very common mistake among most insurance buyers. Ensure that you go through the policy carefully and understand both inclusions and exclusions in your policy before finalizing.

Know about the claim procedure

Inquire about the claims procedure before purchasing a motor insurance policy. The process should be simple and reliable. Test the insurer's claim payment percentage as well. The claim payout ratio of a corporation indicates how many policies are settled per year by settling back claimants. You can use the claim payout ratio to gauge the reliability of the insurer.

Understand Insured Declared Value (IDV)

The Insured Declared Value or IDV, vehicle size and other variables are used to determine the premium of a private Car Insurance . As a result, knowing a car's IDV is important. In case of complete loss or burglary, the IDV is the highest amount you can collect on insurance. The IDV of a vehicle decreases as it gets older because a relatively new car has a higher IDV than a car of the same type that is a year older. In easy terms, we can say IDV is the current market value of your car.