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How mice threaten your bike and how you can prevent it

Indoor rodent infestations may have significantly reduced over the years; however, they still pose a threat outdoors. While we hear several stories about the damage caused by rodents and insect infestations in cars, we rarely hear about how badly they can damage two-wheelers.

Rodents, particularly mice and rats, are primarily attracted to areas where they can find ample warmth and hide. For them, bikes that have been stored away in garages for the long term make a perfect home. Although these mice usually take shelter in cars, bikes are a perfect warm spot for them, specifically in the winter months.

What are the threats caused to your bike by mice?
If you think rust is the worst thing that can harm your bike, you may be wrong. Mice and other such rodents can be far more damaging to your two-wheeler. From chewing on bike parts and wiring to building nests inside your engine, mice can cause terrible damage.
Mice are quick to chew into various parts of the bike, especially wiring. This can cause the engine and other parts to fail and is very difficult to fix. These damages incur high costs for the maintenance of your bike. In addition, it can be challenging to reach and repair the internal parts of the bike that have been damaged, causing unfavourable wear and tear in the process.
The nests created in internal parts of the bike are another major issue. Mice store food and other materials in the nests, which can clog the engine. They carry diseases and germs that can be detrimental to your health. If the nest is built near the air filter, there is a considerable danger of expelling rodent excrement every time you start the bike, leading to the spread of airborne viruses.

How to keep mice away?
Whether you are trying to get rid of the mice or are simply taking preventive measures to protect your vehicle, these few tips will go a long way in avoiding any more damage caused by rodents:

1. Mice try to find places that humans or other animals don’t regularly use. A stored bike in the garage or outdoors is one such place. The easiest thing to prevent this is to take the bike out for a ride frequently.

2. A simple mouse trap can help catch the ones that may be inside your vehicle. Keep the bike in a shed or enclosed area, set enough mouse traps around and underneath the bike, and check after a couple of days.

3. You can find many mice or rodent repellent sprays and medicines in local stores or online. Spraying these all over the bike will help chase away all the mice dwelling in and around the two-wheeler and prevent any more rodents from coming near it.

4. Block all mouse holes or hiding places in the garage where you store your bike. Making it a rodent-free zone is crucial. Avoid parking the bike in forested areas or lands with tall grass to avoid any future infestation.

5. Mice have a strong sense of smell and can be highly affected by it. Applying peppermint oil on tiny buds of cotton and placing them in various corners of the vehicle can help drive them away.

These tips may not undo all the damage caused to your vehicle, but it’s always good to be aware. So, be wise enough to have bike insurance so that you can recover the damage caused by mice. Also, if your bike insurance plan covers non-collision damages, you can easily file a claim.

Click HERE to get the best deals on bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Plan to enrol your kids in these exciting activities and make the monsoon season enjoyable

The onset of monsoon is a gift for humans, animals, and plants. The lush greenery, the sweet smell of moist soil and the cold winds are a much-needed respite from the scorching summer months. But with all the monsoon goodness comes a set of challenges as well.

Children end up locked inside their houses, hoping for the pouring rain to go away. If you are a parent and you notice your kids growing increasingly impatient, this article is just for you. This article will look at all the activities you can enrol your kids in for a productive and fun monsoon season.

1. Take up a painting class:

Painting is an expressive art form. It is visually stimulating and allows your child to explore different colours and expression mediums. It gives your kids the opportunities to develop creatively and imaginatively.
This gives them the freedom to visualise and metaphorically paint the picture they want. You can help your children navigate the different types of famous artworks for inspiration. Later you can encourage them to join a painting class or workshops and learn to paint their imagination with passion.

2. Sports are always a yes:

In these distressing times of fast-paced technological advancement, we all have fallen sick and are easily prone to multiple health issues. Our bodies have become glued to the smart phones, and all you want is readily available with just one touch and tap of your phone. Rain can put a damper on your kid's physical activities.
Since being outdoors is a complete no-no, kids end up glued to screens. Indoor sport is your solution. Games such as table tennis, carrom, and chess are a few sports kids can play in the comfort of being indoors. Do not let rain be the reason your kids stay away from the fun.

3. Never say no to learning music:

Music, like painting, is again an expressive art form. The sounds stimulate your brain, which can then interpret different versions of tunes and rhythms. They help your child distinguish between various moods and emotions, thus enabling them to create their music. Notice how your kids pick up different notes from the song. Understand and encourage them to pursue various music skills and may also enrol in a music class.

4. We have all heard of abacus:

Abacus and mental maths tips and tricks will always be everyone's favourites. It doesn't harm learning quick tricks to help your child academically in the future. This enables the brain to enhance its analytical and logical power. Abacus classes can help your child improve their logical reasoning and make brisk calculations.

Ask your child if these activities interest them, and let them take the lead while staying indoors during the monsoon season. Parents must always focus on planning experiences to help their children be independent and happy. Don't let the rain wash out the excitement of your children. Monsoon can be fun, too, if activities are planned rightly.

Apart from the skills development, you should consider the plans for keeping the kids protected under any unforeseen circumstances which might arise during different walks of life. One of the best gifts your child can get is insurance benefits. As a parent, you must discuss your options and purchase the best general insurance for catering to your children's needs in the best ways possible.

Refrain from taking drastic decisions while buying general insurance. Take your time, do the best research, understand your child's requirements, and accordingly select the plan that is the best!

Click HERE to learn more about how purchasing general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the difference between strength training and weight training

If you have recently started your fitness journey or are planning to do it soon, you will come across words like “strength training” and “weight training”. But, what do these terms mean, and how much of it should you inculcate in your daily fitness regimen? More often, people primarily focus on weight loss or bodybuilding. However, an important thing to remember is to lose fat healthily. Overdoing your exercises and following unreasonable diets can have the opposite effect on your body.

This article will look at a few key differences between “weight training” and “strength training” to help you understand them better. Always remember to use weights under the guidance of a professional. Improper postures and overestimating your ability can lead to muscular and joint injuries. Let’s get started!

What is weight training?

Weight training indicates exercises that require the use of weights. Weights can be of various types; dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, etc. Weight training is not limited to using gym equipment for your exercises. You can also make use of your body weight to practice weight training. Exercises such as push-ups, planks, and pull-ups are a few examples of using your body weight to see similar results to gym training.

Do not exert too much with excessive weights while doing weight training. Focus on how long it takes to fatigue your muscle with the most basic weight. Build your way up from there. Adding weights and gradually increasing the number of sets is a highly efficient way of building strength. If you experience pain while doing an exercise, it is best to leave that exercise. Take that up later with fewer weights.

Benefits of weight training:

● Increases strength of muscles and tissues

● Improves bone density

● Improves heart health

● It prevents aches in joints and back

● Aids in weight loss

● Defines and sculpts your body

What is strength training?

Strength training focuses on building strength and resistance. The basic purpose of doing strength training is to develop a strong core. It takes advantage of muscle contraction to build endurance and overall body strength. Strength training involves parts of weight training such as push-ups, lunges, etc. Equipment can vary from ropes and sleds to balance balls, and tyres. Strength training involves customised plans to stimulate and emphasise a particular area.

It is highly beneficial for people looking to improve their flexibility. Sportspersons undergo this training to enhance their skills and understand the chain of movement they will require in the game. Strength training plays a crucial role in helping people manoeuvre through these routines and gain optimal body functionality.

Benefits of strength training:

● Strengthens your body

● Boosts your metabolism

● Reduces fat

● Lowers risk of injury

● Helps in managing blood sugar levels

● Makes you more flexible

These are a few key differences between strength and weight training. One thing to remember while starting weight or strength training is to consult a trainer or a professional. Proper guidance is important for first-timers. Professionals can aid you in understanding the requirements of your body and customise a plan accordingly.

Irrespective of what kind of exercise you are doing, do not underestimate the power of a proper warm-up. Warm-ups prepare your muscles and tissues to prepare your body for an intense workout and decrease the chances of injuries. Putting in ten minutes of your time to do cardio or walking makes a good warm-up.

People join a gym or a yoga class to remain fit and healthy. However, investing in health insurance is another good habit of remaining aware of health. Health expenses can severely drain your finances, and reliable health insurance will help you avoid them. Take a step toward a healthier lifestyle and buy health insurance online in India. Enjoy the perks of purchasing a heal insurance policy online and get rewarded with an attractive premium.

Click HERE to find out how to buy health insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Should you opt for a second-hand car insurance policy

Buying a second-hand car is a quick and easy way to get into the world of driving. Second-hand cars are a boon for families that dream of having their own car but find it difficult due to financial reasons. Research states that of the total car transactions made in India, around 55% are used cars purchases.

However, buying a used car doesn't mean you won't need insurance. Without insurance, you may find yourself paying even more for accidental damages and other repair or maintenance costs. You can save considerably on garage costs by investing in the right car insurance policy and capitalise on its benefits to gain healthy returns on your investment.

What is second-hand car insurance?
When you're buying a used car, the insurance history is essential — it shows you how much the owners took care of their vehicle and whether or not they were honest with their insurance claims.
After buying a used car, immediately call your insurance company. Registration is the first step in purchasing a vehicle. After you are registered, you have 14 days to transfer the insurance policy into your name.

Why is it essential to insure your second-hand car?
In India, car insurance is mandatory by law. However, third-party policies (also called liability car insurance) aren't sufficient to cover all damages. On the other hand, comprehensive policies provide more in-depth coverage.
As for your car insurance, choose a policy that includes comprehensive coverage. It will protect you against losses due to damages caused by human or natural calamities or the loss of your vehicle itself. Suppose a third party's death or injury occurs during an accident. In that case, their family will not be able to claim from you directly if you have paid the policy premium timely.

Pros of getting your second-hand car insured – The insurance policies cover you against the following problems:

• Natural disasters – Comprehensive car insurance covers your losses against damages caused by natural disasters like storms, floods, earthquakes, and other events beyond human control.

• Car accidents – Insurance protects you against the financial risks of injury or death due to car accidents, as well as damage or destruction of your vehicle.

• Robbery – As long as you have an accurate insured declared value, comprehensive car insurance will cover theft, vandalism, and other accidents resulting in total loss.

• Man-made catastrophes – You never know what could happen, but if someone else's actions cause your car to catch fire, you'll be covered. Likewise, artificial catastrophes such as vandalism, fire, self-ignition, and acts of terrorism will be covered under this policy.

Ignorance is never bliss when it comes to the safety of your car. In many cases, owners do not qualify for insurance claims due to a lack of awareness. Individuals must transfer the insurance policy to their name if buying or selling a second-hand car. The previous owner should also follow the procedure to ensure that legal problems don't arise in the future.

While owning an uninsured vehicle comes with several risks, one should also keep in mind that Indian law mandates that all vehicles must be covered under proper insurance.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.