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The truth about theft insurance 1st November 2019
With gated communities and technologically superior security systems, theft has significantly reduced in our country; however, as with any other type of risk – it can only be minimised, not eliminated. Its consequences also are not limited to your financial losses but also includes trips to the police station, affidavits, reams of paperwork, fear and trauma, leaving you depleted in all senses of the word.
This is where theft insurance comes in. Getting financial protection for your loss sure does take a load off your mind if an unfortunate incident does take place. Read on to find out more about theft insurance and how it works.
Theft insurance is essentially a plan that will cover you for any losses arising from burglary, robbery, etc. Not only does the policy cover you for the loss of valuables but also for any damage to premises, furniture, fixtures and physical assault during the attempt. Insurance providers such as Magma HDI also cover temporary security expenses so that you and your loved ones can feel safe again. Thus, you can rest assured that your insurance plan will take care of all your needs.
Important points to remember
- It is imperative to carefully go through your policy documents to understand the coverage, terms and conditions, exclusions etc. provided to you. For example, when looking to travel extensively, some insurance companies will ask you to intimate them if the premises will remain unattended for an extended period of time.
- The claims process for any insurance policy holds immense significance for all of us. Under a theft insurance policy though, theft and burglary are two separate events while filing your claim. While theft is a non-violent and unforceful entry into your premises, a burglary involves a forceful or violent attempt by breaking in/ tampering in order to rob you. Usually, you would need a separate cover for either peril, but nowadays insurance companies in India provide coverage for both through a single policy.
Ideal coverage
A common dilemma while opting for a Theft Insurance Policy is determining how much coverage you need. An important point to remember while making this decision is that your coverage will be limited to the sum assured by you. So, if you have assets worth 20 lakh in your home and have a coverage of 5 lakh, the insurance will only cover the loss till the extent of the sum assured. To avoid getting inadequate coverage, it is important to assess the worth of all your insurable assets and look for an insurance plan that gives you coverage based on your needs.
There will inevitably be a few exclusions to your cover. For example, some theft insurance policies do not cover cash or cash equivalents, stocks and share certificates, agreements and title deeds. Similarly, you may need to purchase a rider to cover for precious metals such as gold, silver, etc., precious stones such as diamonds, and other art and antiquities. Thefts committed by family members, house help or employees, loss arising due to riots, terrorism and war are excluded as well.
A final tip for you is staying on top of your policy. Reassessing your coverage needs periodically, especially when adding new inventory, expensive machinery or valuables will ensure that your financial risk is minimised in case of any unforeseen incidents.