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Here are the ways you can identify a broken nose and perform aftercare

With a significant emphasis on laborious work that yields marginal returns, there is no alternative to physical effort. As the intense nature of work causes accidents routinely, and the risk of mishaps continues, making personal accident insurance India is a necessary investment.

One of our body’s most overlooked and fragile parts is the nose. It directly impacts the facial structure and looks of a person. It is a very delicate structure made of two bones that can snap for multiple reasons, resulting in a broken nose. Identifying a broken nose is crucial at the earliest to providing proper medical attention and effectively performing aftercare.
Read on to learn about identifying a fractured nose, precautions, and best aftercare tips!

Causes for a broken nose:
It is essential to know its formation to understand the causes of a fractured nose. The two bones in your nose are located at the bridge where your sunglasses rest. They make the base of the structure and space for cartilage. Technically, the cartilage cannot break since it is flexible, which implies that a broken nose refers to a fractured nose bridge.

A broken nose bridge can be a result of various factors, including but not limited to the following:

● Sport injuries

● Automobile accidents

● Physical violence

● Slamming the face into inflexible objects

● Falling face first

Signs of a nasal fracture:

The nose has a significant impact on the look of your face. Therefore, a broken nose is quite easily identifiable. However, here are some signs that determine if your nose is broken:

● Shooting pain from the nose

● Bruising at the nose and under the eyes

● Slight crookedness of the nose when compared to its regular structure

● Sudden nosebleeds and mucus discharge

● Difficulty in breathing from either or both nostrils

It is best to get your nose checked, even if you do not notice any visible signs.

Can it be treated at home?
It is recommended to rush to the hospital to address the injury immediately. Waiting for the bleeding or discomfort to stop further complicates the issue. Do not consider solving the problem at home. Seek a medical professional’s attention immediately. Usually, personal accident insurance India covers the medical costs of the injury.

Medical procedure:
Depending on the severity of the issue, you may have to undergo a CT scan or an X-ray. A hairline fracture can be treated using some ice and painkillers. You may require surgery to realign the bones and antibiotics for severe issues. At the most, it should take two to three weeks for your nose to heal.

Once the medical professionals have assessed the situation and taken appropriate steps to stop the pain, bleeding, or discomfort, it is vital to follow proper steps to make the treatment effective and heal your nose.

● Icing is recommended to soothe the pain, especially immediately after the injury. A cold compress using ice wrapped up in cloth is the easiest way to tend to the pain.

● If prescribed, make use of painkillers. However, do not act without the doctor’s approval and ask for medicines instead of self-diagnosing painkillers.

● Keep your head tilted up as much as possible. Avoid pressure on the nose caused by sleeping sideways or on your stomach.

● Avoid strenuous activities that can break your nose again until your nose heals.

A broken nose can be a painful accident to deal with. While there are no ways to prevent accidents, buying personal accident insurance India can help reduce the burden on you. Avoid distractions while doing a task that requires more focus. Be cautious always and prioritise your safety.

Click HERE to purchase reliable personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How can you obtain a duplicate two-wheeler insurance in case you lost your original

Your insurance for a two-wheeler is an essential document without which you should not risk travelling. The Motor Vehicle Act mandates the importance of carrying your insurance papers. These documents provide information about the rider, including your two-wheeler's registration number and your purchased insurance policy.

The policy documents contain all the essential information required to identify your vehicle, its legality status, the rider's identity, the dealership, your insurance provider, and much more. This information portrays the rider as a responsible citizen who would abide by the safety protocols on the road and, therefore, can be entrusted to drive around without causing any trouble.

There is always a possibility for human error. In this case, what if you end up losing your insurance policy documents? So, how do you solve this problem, and how can you obtain a duplicate 2 wheeler insurance if you lost your original? This blog will answer all your questions and provide you with better information so that you can stay informed and know what to do in case you end up in a similar situation.

1. Lodge a complaint:
For a policy which is bought offline, your first step in obtaining a duplicate two-wheeler insurance will be to file a complaint. Visit your nearest police station and ask them to file an FIR about your missing insurance documents.
You will need to give them essential information like your policy number, your insurance provider, description of the vehicle, the type of policy, details about add-on coverage options if you opted for any, and your personal information like name, job role, contact number, etc. This document will then be verified and attested saying that you lost your insurance and will be sent to your insurance provider claiming the same.

2. Apply for the duplicate insurance documents:
Now that you have a copy of the registered FIR supporting the loss of your insurance documents, you need to apply for a duplicate copy of your 2 wheeler insurance. You will be required to draft an application letter claiming your missing insurance documents and how you would like to request a duplicate set of the documents for future purposes.
Make sure you attach the FIR and your application to support your case. If your insurance policy is a joint one, both policyholders must sign the letter, which will be submitted to your insurance company.

3. For the formal request:
You must sign an indemnity bond stating that you would like to make a formal request to get a duplicate set of your insurance documents. The indemnity bond is to be signed on a non-judicial stamp paper.
Details like your name, the joint policyholder's name (in case of a joint policy), policy number, etc., are mentioned on the indemnity bond. Apart from this process, the bond requires signatures from two witnesses who should not be a part of your family. The insurance company might ask you for proof of your financial standing.

4. Newspaper advertisement:
Another step you can include (if required) in this process is publishing an advertisement in the newspapers mentioning the loss of your documents, the insurance provider's name, and other required details for identification. Make sure to submit the copy of advertisement to your insurance company. Submit all the supporting documents mentioned above, and the organisation will give you a duplicate set of your insurance documents after their verification process.

Obtain your car insurance copy online:
As against the tedious offline method, you can also get your duplicate car insurance policy online by sitting at home. This is possible only if the policy is bought online. To get this;
• Visit the website of your car insurance provider
• Login to your account by putting your account details, policy number, name, age, phone number, etc.
• Go to the policy download option
• You will receive the policy document through email to your registered email address
• Download the car insurance policy document and keep the digital or printed copy along with your other car documents.

Protecting your vehicles with a reliable insurance policy is paramount for their safety. Mishaps can sometimes severely impact your two-wheeler. Getting the best 2 wheeler insurance that suits your needs will help you stay stress-free regarding your financial worries in such emergencies. Your insurance provider will undertake the expenses required for your two-wheeler's repair and maintenance work.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do the motor insurance policies cover the damage to passengers not wearing seatbelts

Drivers and front-seat passengers must wear a seatbelt when the vehicle is running according to the Central Motor Vehicles Rules (CMVR). Not complying with this rule can lead to a fine of 1000 INR. Surpassing the fine should not be the motive for wearing a seatbelt. Other than the fine, it can be a big life saviour in times of an accident. There is also a rule that the passengers in the rear seat should wear a seatbelt. But, as per the reports, most passengers avoid wearing a seatbelt in a running car.

It is crucial to understand that it just takes a few seconds to buckle the seat belt, which can protect you and your passengers from severe bodily damage in case of an accident. Also, as per a poll, wearing a seatbelt by a co-passenger had shown a reduced risk of being heavily injured or killed by 25% and 75%, respectively. Not just this, did you know that your motor insurance company can reject your claim if it finds that you weren’t wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident?

Let us go through the details of the coverage of damages under motor insurance policies to passengers not wearing seatbelt.

1. Not wearing a seatbelt:
Technically speaking, if you are driving without wearing a seatbelt and you meet with an accident, the insurance company should not be liable to pay for any damages. One can argue that the person could have been saved or suffered much lesser damages during the accident if he had been wearing the seatbelt.

2. Lower compensation:
The main motive of all insurance companies is to make profits. Hence, if they find out that either the front-seat passenger or even the rear-seat passenger was not wearing a seatbelt, they may approach insurance tribunals and file a contributory negligence plea against the insured to lower the compensation or reject it fully.
The courts or the tribunal can lower the compensation claim to some extent. The claim is not rejected just because the insured was not wearing a seatbelt during the mishap. However, lowering the claims is possible since it is a form of non-compliance.

3. Personal accident cover:
Under the motor vehicle act, an individual must take a personal accident cover along with vehicle insurance. It also applies to third-party insurance. Even if the passenger is not wearing a seatbelt, the personal accident cover will pay for the compensation in case of death, injury, or permanent disability due to the accident.
By buying a passenger add-on cover, you can buy similar coverage for up to three co-passengers sitting in your car. This will cost you some extra premium but will provide effective cover to all the passengers in the vehicle.

Driving your vehicle without wearing the seatbelt puts a lot of lives in danger, be it you, your co-passengers, or the vehicle or person with which you have met with the accident. Passengers in the front seat and the rear seat must follow the rule of wearing seatbelts and save penalties and lives.

This is why even the Government of India has announced that it will soon be mandatory for passengers sitting in the back seat to wear the seatbelt when the vehicle is in motion. Even the motor insurance company cannot reduce your insurance claims if you start following this.

There are no shortcuts to safety, and negligence can cost you not just money but even life! Press the accelerator only when your seatbelts are on, drive under the speed limit, follow traffic rules, avoid lane cutting, and make optimum use of all safety equipment installed in your car.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the easy and effective ways to master clutch control of a car

Mastering the clutch can be challenging for somebody who has just started learning to drive a car. When to press the clutch, when to let go, and what to do on a slope are only some of the many clutch-related questions we face every day as a beginner. But as somebody rightfully said, practice makes it perfect.

The more you practice, the better you handle the accelerator and learn to sync with the vehicle's clutch. However, you can do a few things to improve your driving experience and better understand your car's clutch system.

This article will look at all the simple tips and tricks you can follow to master the clutch and become an expert driver in no time.

1. Adjust your driving environment:
When practising your driving skills, it is essential to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Choose an empty field or road to practice your driving manoeuvres. Ensure that nobody is around you and your car for a considerable distance.
Wear your seat belt tightly and adjust your seat to get a comfortable driving posture. Your seat adjustment is key to good driving. If you have to strain your legs to reach the pedals or if you have to cramp your legs into position, then it will affect your driving adversely.

2. When you start the engine:
One of the main issues faced by new learners is starting the car. It is natural for the car to sputter or jerk when starting as a beginner. Talk to an instructor and learn how to manoeuvre the clutch and the accelerator. Once you turn on the ignition, depress the clutch fully and put your car in the first gear.
Now, slowly release the clutch and accelerate the pedals. A rule of thumb is that the accelerator and clutch are complimentary pedals. The more stress you put on the clutch, the lesser power you give to the accelerator. Repeat this step for few times to get a command over bite point of clutch.

3. Manoeuvring the slopes and hills:
One of the new drivers' biggest fears is taking the car up a hill. While it might seem like an intimidating task, with practice, you can master conquering any hill. While climbing a steep slope ridden with traffic, you must keep two things in mind. First, your car needs maximum energy to climb the hill.
Second, you cannot accelerate the car because you always risk crashing into another vehicle. In a situation like this, you must constantly alternate between controlling the clutch and handling the speed. Dip the clutch constantly to keep the car moving slowly, but if you feel like your vehicle is going to stop and recede, raise the pedal to give it some speed.

4. Conquer the fear:
While this is seemingly obvious, most people quit driving because of fear. Improper clutch handling brings the fear of accidents due to wrong coordination. It may also result in quicker wear and tear and might need replacement before time. But if you are covered by good car insurance, you can rest assured that all the expenses will be taken care of by your insurance provider.
Give yourself and your car as much time as needed to understand the vehicle's functionalities better. Most importantly, do not compare your learning speed with others because what matters is that you are keeping yourself and others on the road safe.

These are a list of a few things that you need to remember when handling clutch. As mentioned above, insure cars with affordable yet efficient insurance companies. With the new car insurance rates in the market, there are many options to choose from.

Click HERE to know new car insurance rates in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.