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A complete guide on hamstring injuries and the best ways to get relief

While YOLO (You Only Live Once) can be the mantra for many of us to enjoy and create beautiful memories, it is also important to remember that accidents come without warning. The slightest of injuries can make your life uncomfortable to an unimaginable extent. You can never be too cautious, and it does not harm to be careful and vigilant about the body against the potential dangers in the surroundings.

This blog is a complete guide on hamstring injuries and the best ways to get relief. If you are someone who has no information about hamstring injuries, their diagnosis, recommended treatments, symptoms, and causes, do not worry. Here we answer all your questions about hamstring injuries right from the meaning. So, without any further delay, let’s get started!

1. What is a hamstring injury:
Often, you might have noticed athletes and people who are into fitness and go to the gym regularly get their muscles pulled. A strain or a tear in the muscles or tendons in the backward portion of your thigh is described as a hamstring injury.
Athletes, gymnasts, and sportspeople who practice long jumps, high jumps, climbing, etc., are usually at risk of these hamstring injuries, which can make movement and daily chores and practice very difficult for them. In some cases, the severity of the damage and the induced pain can lead to getting disqualified from the competition or complete bed rest.

2. Let’s learn a little more about hamstring:
The hamstring joins the bone and the largest thigh muscle in your body and helps the leg bend and stretch easily. When you jump, climb a rope, jump, stretch, run or sprint, your hamstrings are used extensively.
The level of the injury is described by the extent of damage caused to the hamstring. A grade one injury involves a slight muscle pull, whereas a grade two injury indicates a partial muscle tear. The most severe grade three injury occurs when there is a complete muscle tear.

Note: if someone has suffered a hamstring injury, it makes them prone to it in the future if they do not take proper care.

3. How is the hamstring damaged:
The causes include overstretching, lack of rest combined with fatigue after a heavy workout session, a direct hit on your thigh, insufficient warm-up before athletic and sports activities or workouts, lack of a pre-conditioning program, and a history of hamstring injuries.

4. What are the symptoms:
You need to be aware of the symptoms of different grades of hamstring injuries (as discussed in the second point). If you have a grade one injury, you will experience sudden increasing pain in the backward portion of your thigh, leading to difficulty in movement. In this stage, your leg strength will remain unaffected.
If you have a grade two injury, you will experience some inflammation, redness, swelling, soreness, bruise patches, and a decrease in the strength of your leg. A grade three injury will worsen the pain, inflammation, swelling, bruise marks, and tenderness. A popping sensation occurs when you initially injure the hamstring.

5. Best ways to get relief:
The RICE method: rest, ice, compression, and elevation are essential to help you manage the injury and get relief from the pain and the soreness in your hamstring. Avoid excessive movement till the soreness goes away and the swelling goes down. Ice the area at fifteen-minute intervals for the next day or two.
A thigh sleeve (elastic, preferably) or a compression wrap is a wise choice to help support the area during the slightest movement. Subtle exercises like lifting your leg to a comfortable level while sitting on a chair or the edge of the bed help during the icing intervals. Crutches are advised if the movement is unbearably painful.

You must be careful and take the required measures to be watchful about your body. It is also wise to get personal accident insurance to avoid monetary stress in times of difficulty. You can explore all your options and purchase the best personal accident insurance online which suits your requirements.

Click HERE to learn more about buying personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Get rapid relief from sore throat with these natural remedies

Waking up with a sore throat can be worse than waking up from a nightmare. Every time you gulp your food or cough feels like sheer torture. On most days, the sore throat may vanish if you drink enough warm liquids, but sometimes it can take days to heal.

The pain and itch in the throat can be troublesome enough to distract you from your day’s routine and cause constant discomfort. There can be several causes for a sore throat like viral and bacterial infections, acid reflux, etc. While taking medicine for these illnesses is an effective way of getting rid of soreness, it may still take time to give you some comfort.

Antibiotics can take days to help, and if you have an important meeting to attend, you may be in for some trouble. Worry not; here are a few helpful natural remedies that can give you instant relief from a prolonged sore throat!

1. Saltwater gargles:
Gargling with salt mixed in warm water is one of the best and quickest remedies to relieve a sore throat. If an infection or inflammation causes your sore throat, warm salt water can help kill the bacteria present in the throat and reduce any inflammation.
Mix half a spoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for at least 10 minutes. This will instantly kill any germs present, soothe irritation and calm swelling or inflammation.

2. Honey and Lemon:
Honey has antibacterial properties, which significantly reduces inflammation and soothes your throat. Lemon juice contains vitamin C to boost your immunity, break down the mucus and help you fight your infection. Add one spoon of lemon juice and two spoons of honey to warm water or tea and sip on it as a soothing concoction to get pain relief in a matter of minutes.

3. Chamomile or herbal tea:
Our ancestors have used herbal teas for ages knowing their medicinal properties. Chamomile or herbal tea has antioxidant properties that instantly calm inflammation and kill germs. Drink a cup of hot chamomile tea to soothe your throat from itching. You can add ingredients like turmeric to the tea to boost your immune system.

4. Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation is the best way to relieve your blocked sinuses, kill germs present in your nasal and throat cavity and clear the throat. It also helps you expel all the phlegm that may be causing congestion or soreness in your throat. Boil a pot of water and inhale through your nose and mouth to instantly relieve your sinuses. Continue this for a good 15 minutes to calm your irritable throat.

5. Cough syrup and lozenges:
While doctors usually prescribe cough syrups to fight infections, you can also use them to soothe your throat. Cough syrups have soothing anti-inflammatory properties that act not only on the infection but also on the inflammation in the throat.

You can also chew on lozenges containing ingredients like gingers, honey, lemon and peppermint to produce enough saliva that prevents your throat from drying out. This ultimately soothes your sore throat.

While you can simply buy online health insurance and ensure a safe future for you and your family, dealing with constant health ailments can be vexing. These few quick home remedies can give you rapid relief from a common cold or sore throat to make your daily life simpler! Try practising mindful activities like yoga, meditation, and pranayam to keep your body in the best shape possible and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips for uphill bicycle riding

Cycling has seen an increased number of enthusiasts over the past couple of years. Fitness lovers found a new way to keep themselves fit by cycling to the public parks as an alternative to the gyms. Cycling is an activity that does not require a lot of skill and techniques. Still, if you want to learn more about cycling as a sport or wish to venture into various terrains on your bicycle, there are a few things that you should keep in mind to make the process easier and more enjoyable.

One of the most challenging parts of cycling is traversing uphill roads. It is both exhausting and time taking. But with the proper techniques, you can easily manoeuvre this route.

Today we will discuss a few ways to make your uphill journey on the bicycle easier.

1. Do not start fast:
Many riders make the mistake of starting fast, right at the bottom of the uphill journey. This can be the first mistake that you make while riding uphill. Depending on the ascend and the steepness of the slope, it is best to distribute your energy and utilise it on the last leg of the peak. The final portion of the rise requires the maximum energy as it is the steepest part of the ascend.

2. Alternate between sitting and standing position:
Alternating between these two positions can help you significantly in manoeuvring the climb. Cover the distance while being seated and as you reach the final climb, stand up to increase the energy and to acquire the desired push. Activate your muscles, lift your body, and apply pressure using your legs to pedal heavily.

3. Finding a rhythm:
For longer climbs, it is best to set a riding pattern. As mentioned above, switching between speeds, positions etc., can help you form a rhythm and help you focus your energy more on riding instead of ascending.
Find a rhythm that works for you. Gasping is a sign of wrong techniques and wasted energy. For more extended periods of time on the ascend, your breathing should be deep constant.

4. Set small milestones:
Conquering the peak in one go can be a daunting task. Instead of looking at it as a mammoth assignment, it is best to set smaller goals instead. While making the climb, take note of the small details on the road. Like a post box, garbage bin or a tree. Setting these small goals can be an incentive for you.
You can associate these goals with rewards, such as after you reach a goal, you can change your pace, try a new method or just stop for a bit. This way, the road becomes a journey and not a task.

5. Don’t fight the wind:
Fighting the wind is probably the worst thing a rider can do. Your overall speed and energy levels are massively affected by the wind and its direction. Fighting against the wind always means using up all your energy which you can use later for your ascend. Instead, go slow if the wind is against your riding direction.

Sparing sometime of your day for such physical activities can help you in the long run. However, excessive cycling can lead to injuries and a weaker immune system. Uphill riding is never an easy venture, and acing it requires fitness and determination.

In the process, you might even face injuries and mishaps. This is why it is essential to strike a balance. In case of an injury, doctors suggest various physiotherapy sessions and other medications. These treatments can burn a hole in your pocket; hence you should consider buying an individual personal accident insurance policy. Individual personal accident insurance policy safeguards you in case of accidents and injuries, and the cost incurred during your treatment.

So, keep your passion for cycling alive, and ride your way to fitness!

Click HERE to know more about individual personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understand these signs that show newborn illness and immediately act on them

Bringing home your newborn from the hospital is a wonderful yet challenging experience as a parent. The fear of the infant getting sick is a big worry. It takes time to understand typical infant behaviour and gauge abnormalities, which can be challenging.

Detecting initial signs of illness is crucial as it gets difficult for infants to fight off diseases that spread swiftly due to weak immune systems. Comparing family floater plans offered by online health insurance companies is an equally important step to consider to protect your baby.

Additionally, here are some symptoms of newborn illnesses to be aware of.

1. Consistent crying or irritability:
A baby can only communicate its needs by crying, be it hunger, tiredness, loneliness, a change of diaper, or discomfort. At first, you might not understand your baby's cries, but cancel out reasons to identify the cause. Consistent irritability and cries are signs of sickness.

2. Fever:
Bacterial and viral infections, including pneumonia, ear infections, stomach bugs, and urine infections, can cause a fever. Use a digital or mercury-free glass rectal thermometer to take your child's temperature. A temperature of up to 100 degrees is considered normal. For children younger than three months, a temperature of 100 degrees or more, and 101 degrees for children between 3 and 6 months is the threshold, after which you must immediately contact the doctor.

3. Apathy or laziness:
Being tired, dizzy, listless, or excessively sleepy without responding to sounds and sights or reduced appetite are gradual changes you may notice. Lethargy may be a symptom of an infection or other illnesses, like low blood sugar. If your infant shows fatigue or isn't as active as before, consult the doctor.

4. Little appetite:
Most babies eat every three to four hours after the first day, and they will typically express their hunger by sucking on their hands or fingers, screaming, or making yelling gestures with their hands or fingers. Contact your paediatrician if your infant refuses to eat and skips multiple feedings.

5. Vomiting and diarrhoea:
Intestinal, bacterial, or viral infections and obstructions can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Regular examination of your baby's poop can help the doctor identify bacterial infections. The symptoms of viral infections generally go away after about a week without medication.

6. Inconsistent stools:
Your infant may lose excess fluids due to a fever, illness, or heat and have extremely dry stools. Once your baby begins eating solids, excessive consumption may cause constipation and the formation of firm stools due to difficulty in digestion.

7. Urination:
Typically, babies soil a minimum of four diapers daily. Excessive urination could be due to an infection or other urinary tract issues, such as distress while peeing. A pinkish stain on your baby's diaper indicates concentrated urine and is not worrisome—however, blood in its diaper or persisting discomfort requires a doctor's intervention.

Immediate steps of actions:

Caring for an infant is a significant responsibility that requires prior planning. We encourage to-be and new parents to compare infant insurance offered by online health insurance companies and prioritise their child's health.

Once you notice any symptoms persisting for long periods and deviations from typical behaviour, rush to the doctor. Ensure you follow the doctor's advice to nursing your child back to health. Additional preventive measures include:

● Introducing easy-to-digest foods

● Keeping a constant watch on your newborn

● Maintaining a clean environment

Dealing with kids is always a challenging task, especially when it comes to infants. Since they have weaker immune systems and cannot do things for themselves, it is the parent’s responsibility to make prior arrangements to provide the best possible environment for the infant to thrive in. You can start by including your infant in your family insurance plan after carefully considering the alternatives online health insurance companies offer.

Click HERE to buy insurance for infants from online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about the long term effects of using cosmetics

Cosmetics have become an integral part of our daily lifestyle. Facial makeup, perfumes, nail polishes, eye makeup, hair colours, etc., all enhance our physical attributes and appearances. The cosmetics market has developed various products for different cultures, skin tones, types, and seasons.

While these products may accentuate your physical features and give you a sense of confidence, they can be harmful in the long run. The high chemical contents present in cosmetics can be toxic to your skin. Often, the side effects of these chemical ingredients are not mentioned on the packaging.

The harsh chemicals in cosmetic products can affect the functioning of your skin's protective barrier, making it significantly easier for pathogens to enter your skin. Regular usage of makeup can hurt your skin's glow.

This article will discuss the long-term side effects of using cosmetics. You need to be aware of these consequences to be vigilant about the ingredients and the usage of cosmetic products.

1. Ageing:
One of the worst things you can do to your skin is to apply makeup without sunscreen. When you expose your skin to the sun, it damages your skin and leads to premature ageing signs like wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines. Also, make sure that you remove your makeup before calling it a night; otherwise, it can get into your pores and break the elastin, thus causing wrinkles.

2. Cancer:
Many cosmetic products like waterproof mascaras, foundations and long-lasting liquid lipsticks contain polyfluoroalkyl substances. These toxic chemicals are proven to cause cancer. When added, they change the properties of surfaces to make them resistant. PFAS are usually not mentioned on the packaging and labels of cosmetic products, making it difficult for consumers to detect their presence.

3. Allergy issues:
Cosmetic products are made with different ingredients. Some are formulated with mild components that don't affect your skin's health. However, products with strong and harsh elements like parabens and SLS-Sodium Laureth Sulfates can trigger your allergies, severely damaging your skin.

4. Acute risks:
Several cosmetic products have ingredients that pose the risk of burns and infections. Hair-straightening products (keratin treatments) contain formaldehyde. Frequent usage of such products can cause blisters, extreme hair fall, rashes, etc.

5. Behavioural issues:
Makeup products consist of eyeliners and lipsticks. Lead (heavy metal) is a component of these makeup essentials. If ingested in small amounts over time, it can have severe consequences like behaviour and cognitive problems, which can be concerning and can disturb your everyday lifestyle.

Now that we have discussed the long-term side effects of using cosmetics, it would be wise of you to consider safeguarding your health in case of unforeseeable circumstances.

Health emergencies bring in a lot of monetary pressure, causing additional stress. You can buy health insurance online to save yourself and your family from the financial load of unprecedented situations. Lastly, act wise, never overuse cosmetics, and use natural products free from harmful chemicals.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five best two-wheeler renting tips to enhance your riding experience

Various fitness trends have come and gone since the 2000s, but people are still looking for new ways to get fit. With the global pandemic hitting us, people now prefer to work out in their homes because of the government’s orders to close gyms. As a result, online gym classes are also on the rise. Let us look at the upcoming fitness trends in 2022.

Riding a two-wheeler is the perfect way to beat traffic on busy roads. Every bike enthusiast who desires to ride their choice of a two-wheeler can rent a bike to explore unexplored destinations. You can rent them as long as you want without worrying about maintenance or other concerning factors.

Additionally, travelling on a two-wheeler is best to explore a new city or destination. It’s fascinating to see new sights and meet locals to spend quality time. This blog has highlighted some of the most practical tips to ensure a safe and memorable riding experience when you rent a bike. So, let’s dive into the details!

1. Take your time and inspect your vehicle:
Don’t get carried away and end up choosing a bike based on its appearance rather than its performance. Ensure that the brakes, engine, lights, side mirrors, and other essential features are working properly. Take a test ride of the bike you’ve chosen so that you can identify the minor to major problems. If you happen to find any damage or visible dents, take a picture of them so that you’re not accused of harming the bike.

2. Choose a bike based on your ability:
Do not go for a bike that is not suited for you. It will help if you do not opt for expensive bikes unless you have the money to pay (in case of damages) or put a dent in them. Similarly, stay away from bikes providing you with cheap rental rates. There are chances that the “cheap” rented bikes are either damaged or have issues that may land you in a problematic situation. Instead, choose according to the vehicle’s weight, acceleration, and the purpose of your renting. Ensure that the selected vehicle is well suited for the roads you intend to ride, providing you with a safe, less risky, and smoother experience.

3. Go through the reviews of the rental company:
Most bike rental companies tend to attract customers with low rental rates. Do not fall for the trap and choose bikes that have travelled many kilometers. Always check that the bike rental service has a good reputation and customer reviews.

4. Keep your license and bike papers handy:
Always check the validity of your licence before renting a vehicle. Carry your licence and the bike papers wherever you go. Ensure that your bike rental service company provides you with insurance, bike registration number, and pollution under control certificate.

5. Carry essentials:
Keep essential spares like a spare tube, spark plugs, brake, and accelerator cables. Prioritise your safety by always wearing protective gear while riding. Ensure the safety gears and helmet are in good condition and of the best quality. There’s a brilliant range of motorcycle luggage saddlebags available in the market. You can keep the saddlebags on the back or side of your bike or tanks that can carry light stuff. Furthermore, put your health and safety first and carry first aid kits with all the needed tools and medicines.

Two-wheeler renting can be made hassle-free by following these handy tips. Self-riding bike rentals offer you the freedom to choose and travel at your convenience and pace at reasonable rates. Make your daily commute comfortable by using a rented bike. But, you shouldn't neglect safety at any point. Ride with proper safety gear and ensure that you collect all the required documents like the PUC and even the insurance papers to verify that the vehicle is insured by the best two wheeler insurance in India. Thoroughly conduct these practices before renting the two-wheeler to have a flawless experience.

Click HERE to browse through the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is your car making unusual noises? Know what they could mean

People are emotionally attached to their car so much that even a small scratch or dent woes their heart. What bothers them more is when the car makes strange noises. This situation sometimes leads to trouble. So instead of panicking, you need to understand the underlying cause and take your vehicle to a mechanic if required.

We've created a list of seven common car noises to listen out so that you identify and then fix them at the early stage itself.

1. Squealing sound:
One of the most frequent noises is a screeching sound from under the hood. It hints that the rubber belts that drive accessories such as AC compressor or power steering pump have either slipped off or worn out. If the screeching originates from the wheels when you use the brakes, it might indicate that your brake pads are weary or have faults with the braking system. On the other hand, if the squealing comes from your tyres, it may be due to a loose wheel cap or rims.

2. Hissing sound:
This sound underneath the hood indicates a fluid leak onto a hot engine component—for instance, radiator coolant seeping onto the engine block or exhaust manifold. If the hissing occurs while you accelerate, it might result from a vacuum leak from one of the small hoses around the engine's air intake.

3. Rattling sound:
Rattles suggest that something is loose or has stuck itself in an inappropriate place. For example, a component of the exhaust or suspension might have been broken loose. Mind it; this one needs attention as soon as possible. Remember, if you need an expert mechanic to ensure preventative maintenance, suitable car insurance helps you with your costly repair bills.

4. Whistling sound:
Whistling sounds are disturbing and might indicate a vacuum leak in one of the hoses around the air filter, which can be challenging to locate but is typically straightforward to fix.

5. Clunking sound:
If you hear a clunking sound when you apply the brakes, it might reflect that the braking discs or pads have severe wear or damage. If the clunk occurs when driving over bumps, your car's suspension may be faulty, or an exhaust section may be loose. If your automobile clunks when turning corners, it might be due to a problem with the steering or a worn-out wheel bearing.

6. Roaring sound:
When you accelerate, a roaring or noisy exhaust indicates that the existing exhaust system has eroded to the point that the silencer is no longer keeping the car quiet. Although an exhaust problem is unlikely to cause your automobile to stop or cause more damage, it may be allowing carbon monoxide fumes into the cabin, which is hazardous. Get it fixed ASAP!

Next time when you're out for a drive, apart from listening to the music, make it a point that you hear your vehicle first. You won't want to experience an awful drive with crazy noises that result in the breakdown of your car midway.

Few noises may indicate possibilities of damages. It is, therefore, important to get your car inspected at a service station to address the issue. Additionally, with time, the repair cost will also keep on increasing. So, reduce dependencies on the additional expenses, and consider purchasing car insurance to add value to the life of your car. With the best car insurance protection, give your four-wheeled companion the strength to drive more miles together.

Click HERE to know about the best car insurance plans in the market in 2021.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Keep these essentials in your two-wheeler riding kit at all times

In a busy and constantly moving country like India, most of the population uses two-wheelers as the daily mode of transportation. Regardless of whether you ride your two-wheeler every day or just a short trip to a grocery store, it is a good idea to carry some essential items in your two-wheeler riding kit. This includes everything from motorcycle replacement parts, first aid kit to important documents and 2 wheeler insurance.

In this article, we'll tell you exactly how to put together a riding kit that will be an excellent aid in chaotic situations.

1. Keep the basic spare parts:
You should always have some vehicle spare parts and equipment handy so that you can be the mechanic of your two-wheeler during an emergency. A few extras to have in your tool kit are a screwdriver, a headlight bulb, and battery fuses.

2. First-aid kit:
First-aid kits have always been prioritized when driving vehicles, but how many of us religiously carry them? If NO, then pack one today and take it the next time you leave your home on your two-wheeler. Some fundamental essentials must be an antiseptic solution, bandages, pain relief sprays, and painkillers. However, this kit is to be used only on minor injuries like cuts and scratches. In case of significant damages from accidents, approach for assistance and go to the hospital right away.

3. Accessories for personal protection:
Riding on a bike is not a fun game each time. It can get tougher with distance and situations. It is dangerous to ride a two-wheeler without wearing a proper helmet. A full-face helmet should always be part of your riding kit. Also, ensure to kit up appropriately with something that is breathable and will keep you at ease. Hence, have a decent quality sunscreen or scarf to protect your skin from exposure to the sun, dirt, and pollution.
Besides, staying hydrated throughout the day is important and neglecting it while riding isn't an option. So, having a water bottle on your bike is always a good idea.

4. Necessary documents and paperwork:
Traffic police regularly drive campaigns of checking the legal papers. If found riding without legitimate documents, you can face the consequences by the authorities. Therefore, when travelling on your bike, it is mandatory to have a Rider's Driving Licence, Registration Certificate, PUC Certificate, Fitness Certificate and a valid 2 wheeler insurance policy.

It is believed that 'life is always better on two wheels'. However, in a country full of turns, traffic congestion, narrow lanes and potholes, the possibility of vehicle breakdown is a prime concern among two-wheeler riders. So, if you think that you're a pro rider, you're also not completely safe on the roads. The above essential items are for your convenience on the road and quick-fix minor issues when they arise. Keeping these points in mind, put together your necessary bike riding equipment, ensure your bike papers, including valid 2 wheeler insurance before you kick-start the bike next time.

Want to know more about our best two-wheeler insurance policy? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.